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Learn More- BCNROC. Repositori Obert de Coneixement de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona
Communities in DSpace
- 17622 Gri Espinagosa, Josep
- 7923 Ajuntament de Barcelona
- 6652 Universitat de Barcelona. Centre ...
- 5898 Cunill, Julio
- 4772 Direcció Tècnica d'Urbanisme
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- 18640 Urban renewal
- 18268 Regional planning
- 9532 Sculptures and monuments
- 7852 Streets
- 4446 Local government
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Date Created
- 53326 2000 - 2923
- 28926 1008 - 1999
Type of document
- 2232 Statistics and indicators
- 1924 Other reports
- 1577 Memories
- 1564 Agreements
- 1492 Opinions
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Municipal Institution type
- 3518 Consortiums
- 3210 Districts
- 2080 Companies
- 2049 Autonomous bodies
- 2009 Public business entities
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Type of content
- 42037 image
- 40903 text
- 874 movingImage
- 773 dataset
- 2 interactive Resource
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