.. a, Barcelona La segunda renovation ^§- .. r y i ^^.. ^`^ __ ` ;: S '^ r ..: v^ ;^^ ^t ^^: ^;' Ajuntament ^ ^; de Barcelona Barcelona La segunda renovaci^n Ajuntament ', ; deBarcelona Sector d'Urbanisme BIBLIOTECA Ajuntament <4I j; de Barcelona 1 l i i i i 1• • 1. La continuidad de los proyectos anteriores Fit planeamiento del periodo 91-95, a pesar de comprender la face final de la preparation de los acontecimientos olfinpicos, podrfa decirse que poco tiene que ver con estos. La actividad urbanfstica que fij6 la urdcnacion de ]as grandes operaciones del 92, se habfa desarrollado en periodos anteriores y en Los tiltimos afios fue ]a ejecucion de obra de estas actuaciones la que ccntrn la ocupacion de ]os organismos responsables de las misinas. Especialmente es en el pcriodo 83-87, cuando se produce la nomination de Barcelona, el munrento en quc Sc inician Lin numero importance de planes. Hoy, con los proyectos ya heclios rcalidad, se puede valorar su imporrancia, tanto por el acierto en la translormation coma por cl hccho de }saber cstablecido una filosoffa v una forma de e.ntender la actuacinn sobre Ia ciudad, quc csti todavfa vigente en los planes que se redactar actualmente. Las ideas sobre crmo ban de ser las caller de la ciudad estan, de hecho, rcflcjadas en el Plan de Vfas. Allf se rechazaban conceptos cxcesivamentc funcionalistas de etapas anteriores que tuvieron una incidencia in portantc en la ejecucion de los grandes proyectos viarios del 92. Planes que contplcnrentaban el proyecto olfmpico, con vision de futurn y con anticipacinn a los prohlcmas do la ciudad que hoy conocenlns, coma la propuesta de las areas do nucva ccntralidad que planter ima lfnea de actuacinn fundanicutal Para lograr cl recquilibrio do los usos y las din imicas urbanas. El inicio de [a niejora de ]a ciudad de cada dfa, ]a ciudad de los barrios, a travel de la redaction Cie los planes do cscala do barrio Con isms paulaS cOlllunes Clue hall perlnilido en Jos ultimos anos actuaciones de mcjora con Lill been conociniientu Cie los problcmas y fijacion de prioridades. La actividad planeadora de aquel pcriodo Jul dctcrntinado en gran mantra la capacidad actual de actuacinn y algunas Cie las hncas do trahajo do planeamiento cn el prtsente que repICSentan Lin prinks conjultto de planes clue podriamos denonlinar de continuidad y Clue C011CILlyell proyectos iniciados ell periodos anteriores. P.s ('I cast) del desarrollo Cie las areas tic nueva ccntralidad (hasicanuntc Diagonal- Mar, Renfe-Meridiana y plaza Cerda). Tambien estan dentro de estc grupo las tareas de ajuste y actualization de planes de barrio, necesarios por el tiempo transcurrido, conlo es el caso do Jos barrios de El Raval, Santa Catelina y La Barceloneta, en los quc se han mejorado y hecho mas viables ]as propuestas de ordenacion. La prolongation de la avcnida Diagonal con e] Plan Diagonal-Poblenou, del clue hablamos nlas adelante en estc libro, tarrtbien es un proyecto desarrollado en su mayor parse en periodos anteriores, pero que hasta hacc poco no ha sido aprobado definitivamente, despues de ligeras modificaciones quc han acabado de hacerlo viable en cuanto a so trarnite y aprobacion por parse de la Comisinn do Urhanismo de Cataluna. Actuahnente se encuentran en fase de desarrollo algunas dc sus unidades do actuacinn. 2. Complementar las operaciones del 92 Aparte de este primer grupo, quc concluyc o ajusta propuestas ya iniciados, se puede definir Lill Segundo conjunto de nuevos planes que derivan directamente de actuaciones anteriores y que Sc plantcan su cunrplemcntacion. La tema[ica de estos planes es preferentenlcnte viaria, o par to menos gira en torno de la vialidad. Es el caso del denuniinado Plan de los Mirgenes de las Rondas que opera sobre Jos terrenos nlunicipales calificados conic) red viaria por el Plan General Metropolilano (PGM) y no utilizados en su ejecucion. Tambien el Plan de Esteve Terrades que ajusta el planeamiento a ]a realidad cjccutada en el tranlo de enlace entre el I Cinturon en el nude de Lesseps y et de Penitents en ]as Rondas. El caso del Plan do Via Augusta-Porta de Sarnia, aunque incluye aspectos de ordenaci611 local, es tambien Lin proyecto que afmonia el desajuste entre to planeado y to ejectuado en Cl tramo de acccso at tune] de Vallvidriera. Este COUjunlu de planes evidencian cii pruner ]agar [a SobrcestinlaCi61I del PGM en cuanto a [a reserva de suclo para ]a gran vialidad. Todas [as obras llevadas a Cabo para resolver Las Rondas y sus enlaces lean dada coma resultado Lin CxcesO importante de suelos reservados Para Cl sistema viario. Es cicrto quc esta sobrecstiniacion sc justilica por la escala Cie trabajo del PGM, y el hecho es quc csta generosidad en las rescrvas ha permitido trazar con comodidad ]as nuevas vias. No es tan claro, en cambio, que los mecanismos establecidos por el PGM Para destinar los sobrantes de vias a otros usos cohcrentes con el proyecto hayan sido acertados. En efecto, la obligatoriedad do dcstinar solo a espacios libres el exceso de la reserva viaria, en algunos casos, ha sido adecuado con el proyecto de estas infraestructuras (Jos enlaces de Penitents, el nudo viario de La Trinitat, Esteve Terrades, etc.) e inapropiado en otros, especialmente en los margenes de las Rondas, para las que se ha tcnido que redactar una serie de modificaciones del PGM de tramitacion y aprobacion muy complejas. A paste de estas dificultades en los proccdimientos de tramite, la reflexion importante que han planteado estos planes ha sido el dcstino adecuado de estos suelos, reservados en on principio para la vialidad. En esta discusicn ha sido importante el emplazamiento de estos suelos, pero tambien su propicdad. En el caso de la titularidad privada la propuesta de urns y su intensidad han sido siempre los previstos por el PGM en Las areas confrontantes y con sujecion a la edificabilidad existente, sin que en ning6n caso representara ninguna plusvalia. En el caso de los suelos ptiblicos, se han fijado incrementos nloderados de la edificabilidad prevista, admiticndo usos de vivienda en regimen de protection pt blica, equipamientos, scrvicios y espacios libres, con la voluntad de reconstruir los tejidos existentes en las areas vecinas y con mecanismos que gaiantizan la continuidad de la propiedad publica del suelo. 3. Nuevas propuestas sobre vialidad Un tercer grupo de planes trabaja tambien sobre la vialidad basica , con los objetivos do reducir el impacto sobre los barrios por los que pasa y de mantener, a la vez, su cficacia fluxional. Son planes inspirados en los principios del Plan de Vfas, Cu. Cl quc SC formulaba la ncccsidad de reconsiderar el papel de algunas vias bisicas en el PGM, reduciendo el valor de conlunicacion rapida entre dos puntos de la ciudad, por entender que estas vias eras elcnlentos vcrtebradores de los difcrcntcs barrios. Irste es el caso do los planes sobre el I Cinturon a su paso por los barrios de El Guinardo y La Sagrera, y tambien el del sisterna viario de Hostafrancs, donde la redimcnsion de ]a anchura de las vias previstas ha permitido la desafectacion de Lill importante ntimero de viviendas y actividades, y a ]a vez organizar unas vfas integradas con los tcjidos que cruzan con una voluntad claramente distribuidora. El deshloqueo do la actividad de edification particular en estas areas ha sido notable. Las afectaciones vigentcs desde 1976 (o mucho antes en el caso del I Cinturon) habfan inmovilizado la dinamica privada y en algun caso los signos de degradation, ocasionado por las afectaciones no llevadas a cabo, habfan empezado a aparecer. En todos Los taros Los suelos no estrictamente necesarios para la abertura viaria han sido incluidos en unidades de actuacinn de gestion privada, con pequenas obligaciones do cesion Para espacios libres o equipamientos, y se ha reconocido su aprovechamiento. El mecanismo pretende dar participation a la iniciativa particular en los procesos do renovation, a la vez que no dcsvirtila el dcstino publico de los suelos afectados por la vialidad. 4. Los grandes proyectos para la segunda transformation Las lfneas que definen actualmente el urhanismo de gran escala se trazan sobre una realidad urbana que es en gran pane producto del periodo inmediatamente anterior. En aquel periodo, las operaciones de infraestructura viaria y las que contemplaban ]a transformation radical de Las actividades existentes han reconlpuesto la cstructura general de la ciudad at variar sustancialmente el sistema de accesihilidad, han suprinlido barreras urbanas y han abierto a tin futuro desarrollo sectores nlarginados desde hacfa mas de Lin siglo de la dinamica normal dc la ciudad. Aunque a primera vista puede parecer quc la ciudad "ya csta practicamcntc acabada", esta nueva realidad urbana ha exigido la action del planeamiento que ha tcnido que canalizar las dinanlicas generadas conlpletando Las operaciones ejecutadas, reajustando sus areas tie influencia y definiendo las pautas para tin I desarrollo cquilibrado do los sectores gut la nucva acccsibilidad ha pucsto en jucgo, Sobre esta base se pueden definir los objctivos urhanos dc transformation del actual periodo giie pretenden, en primer lugar, potcnciar Los efectus de Las nuevos infraestructuras de circulation, con vialidad cornplementaria, coil el fin de mejorar la movilidad de superficie y el equilibrio dc la tuna; tambien desarrollar las zonas no utilizadas en la ejecucicin do las grandes operacioncs viarias y las areas que han ganado posici6n urbana, tic manera equilibrada y coherence con las dinamicas actuates. El sector este tie la ciudad, en los distritos do Sant Marti y Sant Andrea, ha sido el mas afectado por esta transformation. La desaparicicin de las barreras ferroviarias que rodcahan estos barrios ha perritido la C4)rllLlrliC,)CiOll Coil el reslo do la ciudad y con el mar. La crcaci6n do aria nucva lfnca de accesibilidad de anos sicte quil6metros por la construcci6n de la Ronda del Litoral, la creacinn de la Villa Olfmpica y el sistcma do parques y playas litorales, cl proyecto de llegada a la ciudad clef tren de alta velocidad (TAV) en la zona do La Sagrcra, todo ello, ell conjunto, ha dada tin girt) definitivo y ha permitido libcrar el potential de tin area marginada de Las dinamicas urbanas. Operaciones privadas, de gran interes ptiblico por la importantc aportaci6n de urbanization y cesion de suelo, como es el caso del cenuo directional de Diagonal- Mar, tienden a localizarse en el sector. A la vez, proyectos ya iniciados, como el de Diagonal-Poblenuu para la prolongation de la avenida Diagonal, adquicren mas sentido, at quedar conectadas todas las estructuras de] sector en tin sistcma urbano. A parse del gran centro dircccional, cl gran proyecto de Sant Marti y del litoral de la ciudad es la reordenacicin del frente marftimo de Poblenuu. El plan se desarrolla sobre los que fueron terrenos de ]a Maquinista y Catalana de Gas, actualmente en sit mayorfa de propiedad pi.iblica per efecto de Las operaciones de la consolidation de la Linea costera y tambien por Las cesiones obtenidas del mencionado Plan de Diagonal-Mar. El proyecto tiene tin valor doble. Por tin lado, la posihilidad de impulsar una importance operation en materia de vivienda con objetivus sociales, que introducer clcmentus de equilibrio en un distrito afcctado por Iucrtes transformaciones. Por o1ro, ]a voluntad do extender L'Eixarnplc hasta el mar en tin frente de cinco manzanas de longitud. Ultima ocasi6n que le qucda a ]a ciudad Para revalorizar el proyecto de Cerda en tin espacio saliciemcrne'nte importance. En una pequena partc sobre Sant Marti y rnayoritarianiente sabre Sant Andrea Sc desarrolla la reordenacicin del area lerroviaria do Sant Andreu- La Sagrera, que con sus 230 hcctareas constituye el proyecto de mas superficie de todos los dcsarrollados en ]a ciudad. EI plan queda ampliamente explicado mas adclante, y solo cabe destacar la fuerte incidencia que so desarrollo supondra en el sistema urbano. Los aspectos nias d i In ridit]os del proyecto han sido los referentes at TAV por la nc)vedad que. representa en nuestra ciudad abrir tin moderno sisterna de COHILlificaci6ii coil Europa y el resto del Estado. Pero la gran capacidad interniodal de la nueva estacibn propuesta en La Sagrera, y en consecuencia la mejora de la calidad del scrvicio de transporte de tercanfas, es sin duda la incidencia mas notable en el sistema mctropolitano. Desde el punto de vista estrictamentc urbanistico, es preciso destacar la recalificaci6n urbana que supondra la creacinn (let parque lineal entre los nudos viarios do Les Glbrics y La TrinitaL, rodeados por tin doble eje de distribution entre barrios, y sobre todo el sisterna viario transversal que pondra en relation los barrios do Sant Andrcu y La Sagrera con his de Sant Marti, y asi superara ]a fractura hist6rica ocasionada por las instalaciones ferroviarias. El conjunto de Sant Andrea-La Sagrera/Diagonallfrente maritimo con sit geonictria en "S" y sus scis quil6metros y medio de nuevos ejes cfvicos y espacios fibres, constituye sin duda el gran proyecto Para la segunda transformation de Barcelona despues do los Juegos. 5. La actuacion sobre los barrios Desde el inicio de ]a action municipal democratica, los barrios de la ciudad han tenido una presencia importante en los programas de planeamiento. La actitud de eniender tambien la ciudad desde sus parses y afrontar los problemas de rehabilitaci6n y renovaci6n desde la l6gica de estas unidades morfolc gicas y sociales, ya forma parte de la manera de actuar del urbanismo municipal. EI interes por el trabajo de escala interrnedia ha sido dentostrado en etapas anteriores e incluso se ha establecido Como mctodo de analisis y de regulaci6n de los procesos de mejora de los barrios. Quizas la aportaci6n del presente periodo en este campo ha sido la rnaduraci6n de los instrumentos de gesti6n desde el plancamiento, quc ha podido disponer del balance de unos diet anos de experiencia en la ejccuci6n del primer grupo del Plan Especial de Reforma Interior (PERI) aprohado a to largo de los anos ochenta. Esta experiencia es la que ha Ilevado, como se comentaba at principio, a la actualizaci6n de algunos planes, principalmente los de Ciutat Vella. Una scrie de planes han sido iniciados en este periodo con la aportaci6n de estas experiencias y se encuentran en cstos momentos en face de ajuste, despues de la aprohacion de los criterios y do la aprobaci6n inicial; planes como los de Porta, La Trinitat Vella, La Clota, que cteberfan aprobarse definitivamente en la siguiente legislatura. Por otro ]ado, el proceso tie obsolescencia do algunas barrios se ha acelerado de forma repentina at descubrirse, hate pocos anos, en sus edificios patologfas estructurales de caracter grave. La utilization de determinados materiales, especialmente el cemcnto aluminoso, en algunos conjuntos residenciales edificados entre los anos cincuenta y setenta, ha obligado en machos casos a prever la reforma de la totalidad del barrio, como en los barrios tie El Tur6 de la Peira, El Polvori, Via Trajana, El Governador, etc. En muchos de estos casos ]a decision de una actuacion tan drastica ha estado motivada, adeinas, por la baja calidad de construction de los edificios y por insuficiencias en los estandares de las viviendas en to relacionado con sus servicios domesticos y su superficie. Los planes que han abordado esta reforma han tenido on doble objetivo. En primer lugar solucionar on Importante problema social, basandose en una actuacion por cases que permitiera permanecer a los afectaclos en el mismo sector. En segtmdo Lugar organizar tin nuevo conjunto residential con reservas de nuevos espacios libres y equipamientos, con mejora do la calidad de ]a ordcnaci6ii y do Las tipologfas de las viviendas. Los dos planes redactados y aprobados en este periodo, en los barrios de El Polvori y Via Trajana, son ejemplares cn este sentido. La actuacion sobre L'Eixample, aunquc se puede extender como on intento de mejorar los equilibrios cn el sector central de la ciudad, es tambien una actuacion de barrio. La rcpoblacion de L'Eixample, mediante el impulao de la residencia y la penalizaci6n o limitaci6n de Las actividades terciarias o no deseablcs at lado cie la vivienda; ]a disposici6n de instrumentos Para la creacinn de espacios fibres, en el interior de las manzanas, el incremento tie la capacidad de aparcanrientos para residentes, son algunas de Las medidas que persigue la Ordenanza aprobada a tal efecto y que muestran c6nio se continua entendiendo L'Eixample como no barrio mas do la ciudad. 6. Actuaciones estrategicas Los cinco grupos de planes comentados son, en sti mayorfa c independientemente de su tematica, proyectos que operan en tin determinado ambito, con iiistrLI111CIltOS Clue Sc aplican de manera homogenea sobre el conjunto del tejido urbano quc incluyen. Un ntetodo bier diferente to constituye la actuacion sobre una determinada pieza Urbana do caracteristicas singulares, a la que se confia till proceso inducido en on determinado amhito. En este periodo se ha desarrollado tin grupo de operaciones con caracterfsticas propias, como cl desarrollo dc grandes equipamientos, en machos casos universitarios, quc podrian calificarse como cstratcgicos. En primer lugar esta el caso tie Las actuacioncs en Ciutat Vella proyectadas y algunas ya ilevadas a caho por las universidadcs: el centro universitario de la Pompeu Fabra en La Ranilila, que con la aportaci6n de nuevos usuarios de esta parse de ]a ciudad ha neutralizado Las actividades marginales anteriores; el proyectado centro de la Universidad Central en la Casa tic la Caritas; la Facultad de Audiovisuales en el 2 antigun mercado del Born, en una zona infrautilizada; la residencia de estudiantes en el entorno de la avenida dc Les Drassancs_ Estas actuaciones hall de conseguir, sin dada, procesos do reca]ificacion similares a] logrado en La Rambla. Otras actuaciones de este tipo persiguen tamhidn la introduction de actividadcs en Jos sectores de transformaci6n reciente. Es el caso del conjunto de facultades, rectorado y biblioteca de la Pompeu Fabra en la calle de Wellington, que debe resolver la discontinuidad entrc ]a Villa Olfmpica y el ccntro de ]a citidad. Tambien la ubicaci6n de las facultades dc Psicologfa, Pedagogfa y dc la Esco]a Universitt ria de Mestres, en cl recinto de Jos Hogares Mundet, a] ]ado del Vcl6dromo de la Val] d'Hebron, en Lill sector de nueva accesibilidad tras la ahertura de la Ronda de Dalt, y donde acabara estructurandose el mayor conjunto de cquiparnientos de la Ciudad. Estas actuaciones estrategicas, a las que SC pucden anadir otras de tetnatica deportiva y sanitaria, se superponen a los planes de sector, complementandolos y, en ocasiones, dotandoles de contenidos urbanos. 7. La orientation del planeamiento hacia la vivienda En gran parse cl contenido del planeamiento de este periodo se ita orientado hacia la creacibn de suelo para viviendas y ]a vincutaci6n de una parse de estc a ]a protection publica o a ]a promotion publica. El peso runs importante do esta tematica se ha puesto en los sectores de transformacion del levante de [a ciudad, en los planes de Sant Andrea-La Sagrera, Diagonal-Poblcnou y frente marftimo de Poblenou donde se programa suelo para unas 17.511 viviendas de las que 4.540 seran en regimen de protection. La importancia de estos planes no viene dada solo por su notable dimensi6n, sino, principalmente, porque es la primera operation de ciudad en la que se proyecta un tejido residential integral, con equilibrio entre los elementos que ]a componen, especial mente en to relacionado con et sistema de verdes y cquipamientos. Los tres planes mencionados formalizan y disponen las piczas destinadas a cspacios libres y equipamientos en varias escalas conformando de esta manera un sistema do dotaciones complejo y rico. El conjunto de estos planes no renuncia a una 16gica mis global y los tres planes Con una geomctrfa en forma de "S" vertebran Ia reorganization del distrito de levante, que ha de representar en el futuro proximo la segunda transfortnacion dc Barcelona. 1. La transformaci6n de los grandes sectores 1.1. Reordenaci6n urbanistica del corredor ferroviario de Clot/ Sant Andreu / La Sagrera Sant Andreu/La Sagrera ModificaciMn del PGM en el sector de Sant Andreuu -La Sagrera La transformacion ferroviaria impulsa la reordenaci6n urbanistica La modification del PGM para la reordenaci6n del corredor ferroviario del Clot, La Sagrera y Sant Andreu establece las bases para la transformacion y reestructuracion de una importante pieza del cuadrante norte de la ciudad. Debido a la gran ocupaci6n ferroviaria, ]a formulation de un proyecto obliga necesariamente a la definition del modelo ferroviario y ]a localizacibn definitiva de la estacion del TAV. Lo clue ya es posible, despues del acuerdo en materia ferroviaria entre los Gobiernos espanol y frances, en el que se da prioridad a la lfnea Montpellier- Barcelona. El terra central que unifica toda la pieza es la creacibn de on corredor verde entre la plaza de Les Glories y el nudo viario do La Trinitat, aprovechando el vacfo urbano generado por el use ferroviario. Objetivos Parque lineal La conversion de 28 ha de use ferroviario en zona verde permitird ]a creacibn de un parque lineal de 5 km de longitud y de 51 ha de superficie total, con una anchura que oscila entre 120 y 350 metros. Este nuevo clemento verde relacionara el area norte de ]a ciudad en los alrededores de La Trinitat, con el area de Les Glories, situada practicamente dentro dc L'Eixample. La urbanization del parque supondra, adcmas, la superaci6n del aspecto intersticial de la actual area ferroviaria para constituirsc en eje estructurador de los barrios que definen su pcrfinetro. Este hecho pcrmitira, a medio plazo, la reconversi6n en fachada urbana de In que hasta aliora cran ]as espaldas de Jos barrios de Sant Andreu, La Sagrera, El Clot, Bon Pastor y La Vcrneda. El largo recorrido del parque no presupone un tratamiento homogeneo, ya que, por ]a diversidad de lejidos que to rodean y por las distintas actividades que se prevcn, no resultarfa adecuado. El area de la estacion Sc propone como un sistema de plazas y de areas verdes, donde sera necesario organizar el acceso del transports de superficie y los itinerarios y las areas para peatones. El area norte de la estacion, especialmente el extretno de La Trinitat, dcbido a sus dimensiones y la contiguidad a sectores de viviendas, se podra entender como area verde con total predominio de arboles y vegetation. Ejes viarios de estructura urbana El sistema viario que se propone tiene la doble funci6n de eje de distribucion urbana y de nexo entre los barrios clue ell este momento se presentan segregados por el area ferroviaria. El concepto de eje de distribucion abandona ]a idea del PGM de trazar un vial segregado con modelo de autovfa, desde el nudo de La Trinitat hasta el encuentro de Prim con el I Cinturon. Se propone, en cambio, on dohle eje viario con una capacidad de trafico importante, pero con una conception integrada que defina los dos mdrgenes del parque lineal y, a] mismo tiempo, recomponga ]as redes locales de los barrios que cruza. Las dos nuevas vfas tendran continuidad directa hacia L'Eixample a traves de ]as calles de Valencia y Mallorca, con la finalidad de asegurar la accesibilidad at centro de la ciudad. Cinco elementos viarios que cruzan la directriz del parque establecen las conexiones necesarias entre [as calles principales de los barrios situados a lado y ]ado: la articulation entre ]as calles de Palmar-Potosi, Sant Andreu-Riera de Sant Andrcu, Cantabria-Garcilaso, Prim-Onze de Setembre y un nuevo eje en el area de Sant Andrcu aseguran la distribucion de flujos en el interior de los tejidos residenciales y ]a correcta relaci6n de estos. l.a integration del sistema descrito en la red general de la Ciudad se basa en la accesibilidad a partir dc ]a Ronda del Litoral y del I Cinturon, desde los que se consiguc facilmente el acceso dirccto a varios pantos del sistema lineal, y se evita una concentraci6n exclusiva del acceso a partir del nudo de La Trinitat, aunque se pueda establecer a]gun enlace que no dane el huen funcionamiento del nudo viario. Nueva estacidn ferroviaria none El proyecto ferroviario que desarrollan el Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Transportes y Medio Antbiente (MOPTMA) y Renfe preve la Ilegada a La Sagrera del tren de alta velocidad de ancho de via europea. El emplazamiento permite organizar un centro de gran intermodalidad, deride se puedan hater intercambios entre trenes de largo recorrido y de cercanias, y de estos con las ilneas de autobuses urbanos e interurbanos, el metro y el resto de transportes publicos o colectivos. Se ha previsto que la nueva estacion se convierta en el mayor centro de intercambio de viajeros de la ciudad, para to cual sera necesario transformar las instalaciones ferroviarias existentes, comp el traslado del centro de mercancfas situado en La Sagrera o, en una segunda lase, el traslado de las dreas de mantenimiento y de los talleres de los trenes de cercanias y del Talgo. Tambien sera preciso cambiar los trazados y las rasantes de ]as vfas ferreas para concentrar los pantos de llegada de Codas las lfneas en una unica estacion, incluidas las que ahora Ilegan a Fabra i Puig. La estacion estara organizada en dos niveles de andenes sobrepuestos y soterrados; el superior destinado al ancho europeo y el inferior, a trenes de cercanias. El vestibulo de la estacion sera el unico volumen edificado que sobresaldra por encima de la rasante del parque, que sera sensiblemente el mismo que el actual Puente de El Treball. El entorno cercano o quizas el mismo edificio de la estacion acogera una estacion de autobuses interurbanos. 3 La parada de metro de Sagrera sirve ]as lincas transversales I y 5, que conrunican sin necesidad do transbordos Santa Coloma y L'Hospitalet. Area de nueva ceniralidad de La Sagrera Se concrete el area de nueva centralidad prevista en La Sagrera . FI planeamiento previsto en el area concentra un gran numero de flujos urbanos , que se anaden a Ins que se deriven de [a concentracidn ferroviaria. For no ]ado , el nueva doble eje de distribuciun que se preve a lado y [ado del parque con continuidad desde el area de Sant Andreu pasta L'Fixamplc central. For otro [ado, la pro[ongacidn prevista del I Cinturdn , aunque como vial de distension local, desde el Hospital de Sant Pan hasta el pucnte del Molinet y Santa Coloina. FI entorno do la nueva estacidn cc proyccta coino tin Centro terciario, con concentracion de oficinas, comerciales y de equipamientos , v servicios , que gcncrara la intermodalidad prevista en la estaci6n. El conjunto tie edificios se articula sobre la plaza y los jardines que rodean la estaci6n, la coal , por su actividad y significaci6n , contribuira en gran parse a la definicidn de ] a centralidad (lei conjuntn. Continuidad entre barrios Con la ejecucion de [as infraestructuras, las vias y Jos parques previstos en la modificaci6n del PGM, se romperan las barreras histdricas que pan mantcnido segregados los barrios de La Sagrera, Sant Andreu, Bon Pastor, BarO de Vivcr, La Trinitat Vella y ]a parts none de Sant Marti. El proyecto de transformacion actua sobre la red viaria y cstablece conexiones entre los principales ejes cfvicos y funcionales de cada sector; tambien complementa sus tejidos urbanos con nuevas piezas que dehen generar la continuidad fisica y funcional entre los barrios y la fachada clue da al nuevo sistema lineal constituido por el parque y el doble eje viario. Nueva industria El area de Buen Pastor se consolida como sector industrial con una nueva normative que pcrmite desarrollar lo clue se podrfa denominar industria urbana. La ciudad necesita rnantener ciertos cquilibrios en los que la actividad productiva es importante, siempre que retina condiciones de salubridad y de compatibilidad con las areas residenciales cercanas. Por otra parte, ciertos usos industriales, de servicios y de coniplementos pars la industria, precisan una centralidad que en este sector estara garantizada por la excclcnte accesibilidad de los diversos sistemas de transporte. Equilibria de intensidades El proyecto distribuye dc manera bastante uniforme las intensidades dc use y de edificabilidad entre los diversos sectores que annponen el conjunto. EI objetivo es conseguir, por Un [ado, Lin equilibrio urbano basado en tipologfas de edificaci6n similares a las dc Jos barrios existcntcs y, por otro, la distribuci6n unilorme de los aprovcchamienins que lacilita Ia asignaci6n de cargas urbanfsticas proporcionadas por una cjccuci6n de ]as inlraestructuras. llenle participa en cuatro de Jos sectores dc desarrollo de la propuesta con responsabilidades de urbanizaci6n que exceden el propio proyccto ferroviario. Las principales ob]igaciones se centran en ]a integracion de ]as nuevas infraestructuras lerroviarias en cl contexto urbano como, por ejentplo, el cubrir con bras del trazado ferroviario, el desplazamiento de servicios, ]a conexion de caller, etc. Descripcion de la propuesta La reordenacidn urbanfstica del sector establece ]as lfneas de desarrollo y rcestructuracidn de] ambito. En este caso, y a diferencia del recto de propuestas realizadas sobre of sector durante los ultimos anos, se parse de la definicidn prcvia de ciertos aspectos que son fundamentalcs para el luturo del area especialmente en inateria ferroviaria. Aunque, en el campo operativo, muchos de estos proyectos serfan irrealizablcs con los datos actuales, se ha de reconocer sit valor como activadores del debate sobre el sector y, tambien, por su capacidad de sugerir nuevas ideas Para la ciudad. Entre los e[ementos de confirmaci6n recicnte y de mas valor estructural para e] sector Cabe destacar los siguientes: • La decision del MOPTMA y de Renfe de poner en marcha la programaci6n de Jos trabajo para ]a ]legada a Barcelona desde la frontera francesa del tren de alta velocidad, segdn el acucrdo hispano-franccs do finales de 1993. • La elecci6n de Lin modelo de cstaci6n a dos niveles de gran capacidad de integraciOn urbana, con objetivos de alta intcrnwdalidad entre los diferentes tipos de transporte: trencs de cercanias, de largo recorrido y de alta velocidad y autobuses de cercanias y transportes urbanos. • El proyecto de la cochera-taller en diferentes niveles del metro y de los autobuses urbanos en cl "triangulo lerroviario". • La actitud dinamica de los grander propietarios de las industrias que antes habian estado en el sector (Maquinista, Colorants), aparte de la Renfe, que se manifiestan a favor de la rcordenaci6n del area y aceptan las cargas urbanfsticas de la transformaci6n. La definici6n del proyecto ferroviario, en dialogo con la ordenaci6n urbanfstica, ha permitido realizar un proyecto integral de la estructura basica de la zona, compuesta por el sistema parque-vial basico-estaci6n- vfas fdrrcas. No se trataba solo do escoger el emplazarniento de ]a estaci6n del TAV entre Sant Andreu o La Sagrera, quizas la cuesti6n. rnas popular de la discusi6n, sino, en realidad, de reorganizar todos los accesos fcrroviarios del norte de la ciudad y conseguir crear una estacidn con capacidad de rotula hacia las Ifneas interiores que cruzan la ciudad y con una alta intermodalidad de sistemas de transporte. La reorganizaci6n dc las lineal de cercanias entre El Valles y El Barcelones permitira obtener un unico pasillo ferroviario de acceso hacia el centro urbano, con una doble ventaja: por un lado, ]a coincidencia en la nueva estaci6n de los trenes de cercanias, de largo y de medio recorrido y de alta velocidad, con lo que se consigue un panto de gran capacidad de intercambio de viajeros; por otro, el gran ahorro de suelo que supone la concentraci6n en un solo haz de vias de todas las lineas, ademas de la liberaci6n del tunel de la Meridiana (que podra aprovecharse como linea de metro de Torre Barb-Vallbona-Ciutat Meridiana) y la posibilidad de utilizar indistintamente los dos tuneles que cruzan la ciudad. La capacidad de intercambio de la estacidn viene reforzada por la ubicacion de una estacidn de autobuses interurbanos, la conexi6n con la red de metro, el aparcamicnto para vehicular particulares, el area de taxis, y tambien por Si] posici6n urbana, en el panto de encucntro de la calle de Garcilaso con el doble sistema dc vias que acompanan al nuevo parque. El edificio de la esracidn resuelve todos estos requerimicntos de una manera que Sc puede calificar de discreta, a diferencia de otros ejemplos en Jos que se ha centrado el interes en la espectacularidad do la solucidn. Aquf se propone la superposicidn de los andenes de alta velocidad y do cercanias en plantar subterraneas (-I y -2), la conexion con el metro en planta subterranea (-3) y la estacidn de autobuses interurbanos sobre la cubierta del vestibulo principal, situada cii el nivel de la via pdblica. El edificio mantiene soterrado la mayor parse de Si] voluinen, unicamentc emerge el vestfbulo, que pasa a intcgrarse facilmente con el macrocquipamiento ciudadano del parque lineal. Otro aspecto importante ha sido la definicidn del programa del denominado "triangulo ferroviario", destinacfo en realidad al estacionainiento y mantcnimiento de metros y autobuses urbanos asi como a oficinas y servicios de los mismos. La redacci6n del anteproyecto del triangulo, coordinada con las entidades de transporte, ha permitido encajar esta importante instalaci6n en la ordenaci6n general. El parque lineal ha sido puesto de relieve en mochas ocasiones como el terra central del proyecto, pero, sin negar sit capacidad vertebradora, quizas sea mas iniportante, desde la l6gica de la Ciudad y de los barrios colindantes el sistema viario que se propone. El doble sistema longitudinal supondra la creaci6n de un nuevo eje de distribucion hacia el Centro urbano y sus vfas transversales superaran Ia fractura hist6rica existente entre los dos lados del actual pasillo ferroviario. La conexi6n entre los barrios cste y ocstc del area se ha de contemplar tambien dentro del contexto de transforniaci6n del levante de la Ciudad, Clue involucra a todo el distrito de Sant Marti: la transformaci6n del frente maritimo v las areas de nueva centralidad de Diagonal-Prim y de Les Glories, la prolongaci6n de la Diagonal- Poblenou y la consolidaci6n del extremo superior de Prim. La puesta en marcha y cl buen funcionamiento de esta amplia area de Barcelona ha exigido contemplar el sector de Sant Andreu-La Sagrera desde una 4 optica que transcicnde su propio ambito. En este sentido, ]as vfas transversales antes mencionactas ban lido disetadas tambicn para establecer una buena conexi6n con la red viaria existentc, tanto en relacion con cl sistema de las Rondas conto con ]a malla de L'Eixantple de Sant Marti. Todo to dicho pasta ahora muestra que la elaboraci6n de ]a propuesta ha sido ftuidamentalmente tin ejercicio de trazado. No solo del trazado tradicionalmente urhano de ]as calles, sino, adcmas, del parque y, sobrc todo, de los hates ferroviarios que han condicionado en gran medida el resultado final. La idea de sectorizaci611 tamhicn esta prescntc en c] provecto. Es cierlo que la continuidad de trazado y do section de ]as dos vfas do los margenes o ]a propia suavidad de la curvatura del parque permiten una lectnra unitaria del sistema. Pero la formation dc los margenes, a difercncia de cast Codas las propuestas anteriores, I[ICLLISO do la primera Ease municipal, obedece a una voluntad de acercar a] parquc cada Lino de Jos barrios o sectores, sin attimo de cnnlascararlos con una fachada que simule uniforinidad. Esta voluntad no solo proviene de la necesaria contpartimentacion en sectores do desarrollo y gesti6n, sino del couvencinticnto de quc la e1ecucion de una propuesta de esla dimension requerira definir a to largo del tiempo los elementos programaticos y formates que tenderan a configurar el conjunio. Serin Ins planes especiales de cada sector Jos que pcrntitiran introducir en cada momenta los datos actualizados v concretar cl resultado final. En CLtanto a la asignaci6n de Llsos, esta claraniente condicionada por la parse residencial de Sant Audreu, mienuras que la parse industrial tic este sector se dcbera reforntar para perinitir una buena transici611 con alguna Iransfurmacicrn concreta para use residencial, y Con la comunicacion entre esie sector residencial traditional y El Boil Pastor. La propuesta mantienc basicanicute las tcndcncias actuates: salvo en Cl area de nueva ceniralidad del entorno de [a estacion, dottde se proponcn can bios importances respecto a los usos actuates. Es preciso suhrayar la especial regulation de ids usos industrial's para coilseguir lo quc sc podri denontinar como indusiria linipia. Los criterios de ordenacion se caracterizan pun la gran exiensi6ii longitudinal de ]a zona afectada por el [jarquc y ]a gran diversidact Lie las tramas urhanas que confluycn a su alrededor y que corresponden, en algtmos casos, a unos use nniy divcrsos. Actualmente estos tejidos, que responden a diferentes momentos y morfologlas urhanas, dan la espalda a] vaclo ferroviario. La propuesta de ordenaci6n de este vacfo no pasa por on inodelo finico de edificacion (sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta la variedad de los nuevas usos), ni por Lin frente continuo de fachada a todo to largo, sino por Lin control mas estructural que garantice una lectura unitaria del sector, que recoja continuidades con los tejidos existentes y que permita, a la vcz, cncajar la variecad de Las nuevas tipologfas de edificacion. Los plantcamientos de ordenaci6n teas generates se forntulan desde los vacfos pitblicos y la singularidad de edificacion, eniendiendo en todo mornento cl parque como tin bien comtin donde la mejor solution de ordenacion pasa por que puedan disfrutar del parque el mayor niimero posible de los actuates y nuevos vecinos de la zona. La ordenacion do la edificacion no trata, por to tanto, de resolver el frente que da at parque, sino los lados do anchura variable que configuran sus margenes. Los vacfos priblicos Los vacfos ptiblicos constituidos por tin vial rodado y tin espacio verde asimctrico se caracterizan por definir una vfas verdes que cruzan el parque. Estas vfas corresponden a las de mayor continuidad urbana. Su importancia en la escala do ambito general radica en que abren ]as perspectivas de acceso a] parque. A escala mas sectorial, se definer Liras vfas verdes paralelas al parque que favorecen ]as continuidades con el tejido existents. Estas vfas son, a] mismo tiempo, Linos corredores soleados (eje norte-sur) quc pueden actuar en cicrtos ambitos coma area de aparcamiento del parque. La sinqularidad de la edifcachin La continuicad de la pieza edificada no se realiza a travcs de Lill tinier frente de lachada. sino con edificios concrctos quc focalizan Las entradas o los margenes del parquc Al mismm tiempo, se deja quc cada Lino de los diferentes tejidos Ilegue a los nargenes del parque, Pero cosiendolos a saves de cstos hitos visuales definidos por sit altura, morfologfa o utilization. Entre estos destacarfan: a T.os margenes do ]a calle de Garcilaso en el sector cercano a la estacion del TAV. • EI final de Ia Rarnbla dc Prim situado en el sector de Can Portahella. • La actual parroquia de Sant Andrea de Palomar en relacion a ]a calle de Sant Adria. • El nuevo frente edificado del paseo de Santa Coloma como entrada at parque. Se ha controlado constants y gradualmente ]a integration de ]as nuevas piezas en el actual tejido urbano, tanto en to refercnte a la iocalizacion de los vacfos- verdes y Los equipamientos corno en to relacionado con el grado de edificacion. El nuevo tanrario y la tipologia de edijicacidn El problema del tamano y la tipologia de (:dificacion quc se debe aplicar en la zona no es Lin problema resuelto. No obstantc, se ha hecho una primera aproximacion atendiendo a Los usos; a) El tejido urhano residencial en su mayorfa de viviendas plurifamitiares pesadas con una profundidad de crujfa edificada dc unos 14 m, que configuran manzanas semicerradas de una tnedida pr6xima a la Casa Bloc, que garantiza una mayor frecuencia de [iasos de peatones frente a las vfas rodadas. El interior de ]a manzana se prevd, en la mayorfa de los casos, ajarcfittado. La altura edificada con tin galibo maxirno de pianta baja mas 6 plantas dentro de las areas proximas at tejido existence, por una ordenacion de calles de 30 m de anchura, admite una variation de altura dentro de una ntisma manzana para favorecer la relacion con el parque. b) El tejido urbano terciario basicamentc localizado en Los tres grandes triangulos pr6xirnos a ]a estacion del TAV, respondcrfa a unas tipologfas mas Libres, comhinando tanto to ocupacion extensiva de planta baja y edificaciones en torre, con una ordenaci6n en hiloque aislado cercana en forma al tejido residencial antes descrito. c) El tejido urhano industrial de tercera generation es el tiltimo de Los trey grander paquetes de LISOS. Se trata posiblemente de la ordenaci6n con mends referencias tipologicas dada SLI cambiante y reciente historic. Se opta por grandes piczas tipo contenedor con Lin desarrollo en altura en el que el valor dc imagen es 'lave. Como resumen y conclusion, la propuesta afecta a tin ierritorio de 229,77 ha que se repartcn en 134,87 ha para sistemas y 94,90 ha para zonas, aunque el dato mas significativo es el incremento respecto a] PGM de 30,69 ha de espacios de ocio para use poblico (21,14 ha para propiamente zonas verdes) y 8,04 ha de incremento para equiparientos. Otro aspecto importante que da idea de la magnitud de la propuesta es la edificabilidad total para nuevos usos, resultants de ]a modification, que acabaran transformando y potenciando toda el area. En los sectores de desarrollo se preve on total de 1.420.138 m' de techo, de los que 756.839 se preve quc scan destinados preferentemente a viviendas, to que supone mas de 7.500 vivicndas nuevas que se sustentan dotacionalmente en las 12,10 ha de equipamientos totales y los parques de 52,50 hectareas. Comparacidn de zonas entre PGM y propuesta PGM ,Nod. PGM sisremas 1?07.938 (52,72%) 1.348.712 (58,70%) Zoaas 1.089.739 (47,48%) 948. 945 (41, 3 0%) Total 2.297.677 (100%) 2.297.677 (100% ) 1.2. Prolongation de la avenida Diagonal Diagonal -Poblenou Platt Especial de Reforina Interior Las actuaciones en materia de infraestructura realizadas con motivo de los Juegos Olfmpicos ltan supuesto para la ciudad y especiahnente para el barrio de Sant Marti Lill carnbio importante en su situation urbanfstica. La mejora de ]as condiciones de accesihilidad como consecuencia de la desaparici6n de las harreras ferroviarias y de actuaciones como el nudo viario de Les Glories, el puente de Felip 11, la Ronda del Litoral, y et efecto dinaatizador de la Villa Olfmpica, de los equipamientos culIurales Nord-Gullies o la misma transformation de la antigua fahrica Hispano Olivetti han definido till nuevo marco en el que se puecfe plantear el proyecto de prolongation de ]a avenida Diagonal, aplazado desde que to formul6 Ccrda en 1859, y la transformation del amplio sector de Sant Marti que liene coma ejc este importante eletnento viario. 5 I.sta 0peraci6n dc rclornri ilccta a Lin ameito de 64 ha y supondra, de acuerdo con las previsiones del PGM de 1976, ]a creaci6n de Lin nuevo barrio basicamenic residencial en cl que Lill imporlante porcerntaje de suelo (73%) sera destinado a use publico (viales, zonas verdes y equipamiento). El barrio de Sant Marti es uno do los pocos sectores, situados en on area relativarnente central de Barcelona, que ntantiene su caracter fundamentalmente industrial. Las actividades industriales, las de transportes y ]as de ahnacenamiento son sus usos predominantes. Los nuclcos residenciales tradicionales existentes en el area, que lienen on origen anterior al de to expansion industrial cfe mediados del siglo pasado, han quedado aislados del resto de la ciudad. El hecho de que el Plan Cerda y su Orden ortogonal no Ilegara a aplicarse dccididamentc en Sant Marti hasta finales del siglo pasado, cuando el crecimiento industrial ya se hahia ido consolidando sobre la antigua parcelaciun agrfcola, siguiendo los ejcs Iradicionales del barrio, ha sido uno de nos motivos que explica las irregularidadcs del tC1ido y la falta dc continuidad de mochas calles, que se manifiesta aun boy en este sector. El aislamiento que ha sufrido durante muchos ands to ha marginado de la dinamica de ]a ciudad y ha provocado que [as escasas iniciativas de transformaci6n quc se han planteado a to largo de los anos no prosperaran. El Plan Parcial "Levant(! Sur" de 1966 solo lleg6 a materializarse en los frentes de nos ejes viarios ya abiertos (Gran Via, Rambla de Prim, tramo final de la Diagonal). Por otro ]ado, la situacion de precariedad de muchas de las actividades presentes en cl sector de reforma denotan el largo periodo de afectacion que ha pesado sobre esta area. Dos cuestiones basicas inciden en la ordenacion adoptada por el Plan Especial. En primer lugar, la idea de la Diagonal, expresada por primera vez por el Plan Cerda y recogida, a to largo de los ultimos ciento veinte anos, por practicamente todas las propuestas urbanfsticas que han tenido como marco la ciudad entera, entendida como la avenida que cruza el piano de Barcelona de poniente a levante y que constituye el elemento viario de mas longitud y el mas emblematico de la ciudad. till scgundo lugar, la cxistencia de la malla Cerda, quc ha pautado cl crecimiento del area industrial de Sant Marti de Provcncals y que time una prescncia importante incluso cn algunas de las panes urbanizaclas interiores en el sector de reforma. El Plan Especial la adopta de forma sisternatica en toda su superlicie, la rompe solo para mantener los ejes hist6ricos de Sant Joan de Malta y clef camino antiguo do Valencia. Desde el puffin de vista funcional, la Diagonal, en su paso por Poblenou, sc contempla con on caracter diferente. TI tipo de nudo viario con el que finalmente se ha concretado su conexi6n con la plaza de Les Glories, su final que se diluye en el cruce con Josep Pla y ct papel de la Ronda del Litoral, hacen que no se pueda pensar en una via importante de circulacion sino mas bier en una via de distribuci6n del trafico interno. El Plan, en ]a lfnea de to que prcveia eI PGM, le da el tratamiento de gran via civica y garantiza su continuidad circulatoria desde la zona universitaria pasta el futuro centro directional. La refiexi6n sobre la forma que debc tenor la avenida Diagonal a su paso por el area de Sant Martf hace necesario observar previamente sus trarnos consolidados en relacion con el conjunto de la ciudad. La avenida presenta tres tramos muy diferenciados que quedan definidos por espacios urbanos de dimensiones importantes, como son ]a plaza de Francesc Macia y la plaza de Les Glories. En el tramo de poniente, entre la zona universitaria y Francesc Macia, la avenida cruza tejidos de caracterfsticas muy diversas y de tamano muy diferente. Las mallas de nos barrios vecinos se organizan sobrc la Diagonal tomando dircctrices paralelas o perpendiculares respecto a aquella. La edificacion de la avenida en este tramo adquierc autonomfa formal debido, entre otras razones, a la generosa secci6n transversal de la avenida. y tambien por no disponer de referencias potentes en los tejidos cercanos, que presentan tipologfas muy variadas, desdc las casas de cuerpo traditional de los barrios de Les Corts hasta las organizaciones en bloque abierto de gran densidad de las operaciones del entorno. En el tramo central entre Francesc Macia y Les Glories, el trazado de la avenida corta en diagonal L'Eixample Cerda, que aquf si que presenta un tejido de grano totalmente homogeneo. De la misma manera, aunque la malla ortogonal establece una logica ajena a la avenida, produce con ella unas intersecciones constantes que le clan una gran uniformidad. Finalmentc la edificacion de L'Eixample central presenta unas constantes tipol6gicas que se imponen y Sc repiten incluso en la fachada de las manzanas con frente a la Diagonal. En la inevitable comparaci6n del terser tramo que nos ocupa con los otros dos existentes, Sc dcducen algunos clcmentos quc In tracen mss similar al die I_'Eixample central que at de poniente. La anchura de la caja de la via, quc en los dos casos es de 50 m, y la rclaci6n con el tejido que cruza, que en los dos casos es el mismo, y, en consecucncia, produce una geontetria identica, son quizas los was destacables. Sin embargo, la situacion actual de los frentes de la Diagonal en este tercer tramo es bastante diferente. En la fachada norte se observa cierta consolidaci6n de fachadas a medio construir que siguen un modelo de edificacion alineada at vial y de alturas constantes de planta Baja y scis pisos. En este lado el Plan Especial (PE) completa este tipo de edificacion e introduce algunos ajustes deterininados que permiten resolver las entregas con edificios existentes de mayor altura. En camhio, la fachada sur se presenta con un unico caso de edificio consolidado, por to que es posible plantear nn modelo do manzana diferente. La reflexi6n sobrc las posibles soluciones para las manzanas de la fachada sur llevo a plantearse una consulta de ideas entre seis equipos de arquitectos con expericncia en realizacion de vivicndas y buenos conocedores de las caracteristicas del sector. El conjunto de opciones planteadas pucdc agruparse, en on primer analisis, segun dos modelos muy distintos: las soluciones que apostaban por la edificacion discontinua, a base de torres con basamento indcpcndiente (Armesto y Martf) o secuencia de torres sobre z6calo continuo (Castineira, Coromines, Ragues y Sahatd) y las propuestas de otros cuatro equipos que se decidian por la continuidad edificatoria del frente de la Diagonal. Estas presentaban tambidn notables diferencias en cuanto a las tipologfas empleadas, la concepci6n de los espacios libres, la relaci6n con la trama Cerda y la utilizaci6n de las volumetrfas singulares. Los equipos Chico, Marco y Theilacker, por un lado, y Godia, M. Martinez La pena, por otro, optaban por el doble bloquc Como soluci6n para dar respuesta at doble requcrimiento que supone la fachada a la Diagonal y la del interior de la manzana como zona privada. Las propuestas de Ferrater y de J. A. Martinez Lapena-Torres tienen en comun la utilizacion de elementos singulares de mayor altura situados en las esquinas. El resultado de estos trabajos do escala arquitect6nica ha resultado de gran valor para la redacci6n del planeamiento ya que ha permitido verilicar ]as posibilidades de difercntes hip6tesis de proyecto sobre una manzana tipo tic forma trapezoidal quc sc repite a to largo del frente sur. El Plan Especial adopta finalntcnte una ordenacion caracterizada por la continuidad de la fachada edificada en la Diagonal y la construcci6n perimctral de la manzana en la linea do la propuesta de Caries Ferrater. Esta alternativa no es solo la que. mejor asegura la continuidad de la Diagonal, sino la quc permite apoyar estc importante eje civico con Lin frente continuo de actividades y es, a la vez, la que mejor consigue la integration con el tejido de L'Eixample. Asf pees la manzana tipo esta constituida por cuatro cuerpos edificados que siguen la alineaci6n de ]as cuatro calles que definen su perfmctro. El galibo que regula la edificacion ohliga a una altura y alineaci6n fija del hloque con frente a la Diagonal, con el objeto de dcfinir Lin elemento constante a todo to largo de la avcnida. En los cuerpos laterales, en camhio, se permite una mayor altura y Lill margen de formalizaci6n mas amplio que posihilita que se destaquen las csquinas, tat como sucede en los mejores ejemplos de to ciudad, de edificios en altura y que permite la significaci6n de la avenida. En cl cuerpo de detras es obligatoria una altura mas baja para permitir el solcamicnto. En algunas manzanas incluso se permite su desaparici6n nncdiantc la acumulaci6n dc la edificabilidad en el resto de los galibos laterales. Los espacios interiores son jardines de use publico. El resto del tejido residencial se organiza, para toda aquclla area donde se ha adoptado la malla Cerda, segue una ordenacion en manzana ccrrada, similar a la existente en L'Eixample construido, con cspacios Iihres privados en el patio do manzana. 6 El sistcma do espacios litres esta constituido por una scric dc piezas de escala y caractcr ntuy diversas. Una opci6n basica es la creaci611 de ten gran parque en el Centro del sector, que acumula cl 30% do ]a superficie total de verde a] servicio de todo el barrio y que representa el equivalence a casi cuatro manzanas de L'Eixamplc (4,4 ha). La dimensi6n y cl emplazamiento de este espacio responden al modelo prcvisto por e.l PGM. Tambidn es producto do este modelo ]a ubicaci611 de un jardin de dimcnsiones importantes (1,5 ha) en torno a las caller de Llacuna y Tanger. El terser clcmento basico de la estructura de espacios fibres es el paseo central dc ]a Diagonal que. por sus caracteristicas de anchura, continuidad y exclusividad para peatones, constituye un parque lineal apto para pasar el rato, pascar, circular en bicicleta y tarnbicn como espacio de relaci6n. El resto de espacios fibres cuntplen distintas funciones segun su dimensi6n y la posicion que ocupan; jardincs, plazas de dimensicin mcdiana, jardines publicos vinculados a la residencia o a Jos equipamientos de barrio. La iniplantaci6n del nuevo tejido residencial va acompariada de una nueva y estructurada oferia de equilia ntieuLos. El programa concreto do los servicios -docente s, sanitarios, asistenciales, CUhurales, etc.- y SU ubicaci6n se hall determinado segun [as uccesidades de la futura poblacion y de ]as carencias de los sectores cercanos. Ademas dc estas dotaciones de barrio se propose ten equiparniento de ambito ciudadano, que se ubicara en el principio de Ia aveinda. La operaci6n de reforma supone ten total de techo de nueva construccicin do 819.474 m' de los que 546.331, ten 67%, se destinan a viviendas. Est) Supone nornrtiivamente 5.700 viviendas, de las que 910 tienen la calificaci6n de viviendas do proteccidn pdblica. La voluntad do Ilevar adelantc una politica do vivienda social hizo que sc incrcntentara cl Cahn previslo por el PGM con este dcstino cxclusivo, ntediautc una niodificaci6n del Plan General que prevcia al uiistuo ticnipo cl aunicnto proporcional tic espacios vcrdes. El resin de teclio sc dcstitia a uses comerciales, ierciarios e indusiriales compatibles con et entorno residencial. La realidad sobre la que• inside la nueva ordenacion cs hcterogenca y contpleja: gran extension de suelo urbano (63,6 ha), ocupado por multitud de implantacioncs industriales (500) y residcnciales (700), parcelaci6n excesivamente fragmentada cn algunos lugares, desigual intcres por parte de los propietarios del suelo en lo relativo a la reforma del barrio. Estes factures, asf Coro ]a voluntad del Ayuntamiento de prever ten desarrollo que haga compatible la actuacidn privada con el diseno do una politica de vivicnda social, han determinado cl modelo de gestion adoptado. A partir de la divisi6n del territorio en distintas unidades de gestion, de superficie y complejidad controlables, el Plan define dos nivelcs de actuaciones. Se delimitan, en primer lugar, siete unidades do actuacidn por el sistcma do compensacion en las quc la iniciativa privada dcbcra set- protagonista de ]a transformaci6n plantcada por el Plan Especial. Las otras leis unidades son de gestion pdblica. El sistema aplicado es de expropiacion, segdn este sistema es la Administraci6n ]a que adquiere el suelo para actuar despues, ya sea directamente ya sea mediante on beneficiario o concesionario de la expropiacion. Este sistema ha sido asignado a aquellas unidades que tienen parte de la edificabilidad destinada a vivicnda social y a las que, dcbido a la excesiva fragmentaci6n de la propiedad, no serfan ejecutablcs por otro sistema. Ademas, se preven trcs actuaciones aisladas, ejecutables tambien por expropiacion, que incluyen exclusivamente operaciones de vivienda de proteccion. El Plan establece normativamente los mecanismos para garantizar la relocalizacidn de la pobilacion residente afectada por la reforma. Este Plan Especial fue aprohado definilivamenie el 28 de abril de 1993 y actualrnente esta en fase de gestion. Los procesos que se han iniciado, Canto privadanuentc corno por parse del Ayuntamiento, se centran en el area situada cntre la plaza do Les Glories y el parque central. El desarrollo de estas prinheras unidades de actuacidn permitira abrir la Diagonal desde la Cade de Llacuna (el primer iramo de Les Glories ya esta urbanizado) pasta la cane de Bilbao, y la Rambla de Poblenou desde Pere IV hasta la Diagonal. Datos basicos Superfine del dmbito de reforma 636.377 m- Viviendas afecradas par in reforma 731 Actividades afectadas por in reforuna 509 Superficies segun calificaciones urbanisticas 13d/18d residential/terciaria 112.280 in' 1 3 ha vivienda social 17?02 nt' 22 industrial 31.914 )it-' 8d. verde privada 12.140 nt' Total suelo privado 173.536 m' 27% Wales 232.763 m' i/erde 149.696 nr Equipantientos 80.962 m= Total suelo p0bllcn 462.741 in' 73% Techos segun uses Residential 455.314 nn' Corercial terciario 134.844 m' Vivienda social 91.017 nt' Industrial terciario 138.299 nr= Total techo 819.474 in' Estudio de edificios singulares de Barcelona Despues de empezar los programas de ntejora urbana on aplicaci6n de las directrices de los PERI y de desarrollar el programa tie nueva centralidad, es necesario recuperar grandes areas -reservas de suelo- para vivicnda on el levante de la Ciudad, a Craves de proyectos vertebradores del territorio. Una de estas propuestas es el PERI Diagonal-Poblenou. En el desarrollo de la idea de que ]a Diagonal ha de Ilegar al mar, on el tramo de Les Glories hasta la calle de Selva de Mar, se preve en los alrededores de [a nueva via la reforma dc ten gran sector dedicado basicamente a los uses residenciales. La aplicaci6n de la normativa propuesta y los resultados do una consulta de ideas sobre ]a ordenaci6n de las manzanas de] PERI hacen prover la aparici6n de edificios singulares on el sector. Barcelona tiene una gran densidad de edificios y ten perfil de Ciudad definido y hontogeneo solantentc rote por etementos concretos y singulares situados esencialmente en los ejes principales y en las nucvas areas do centralidad. Los nuevos proyectos, como la Villa Olfutpica, Diagonal-Sarria, la calle de Tarragona o la plaza de Cerda y ]as nucvas areas de reforma del noreste do la ciudad pueden modificar sustancialmente la lorrna de Barcelona. Por eso se plantea ]a ncccsidad de estudiar los tipos y los caracteres de edificacion en altttra existentes para extraer conclusiones y aplicarlas a los nuevos sectores programados_ Ediftcias estudiados 38 Localizaciones priacipales L'Eixarple Diagonal Areas de nueva centralidad Usas 5% Equiparnienics 20% Viviendas 75% Terciario Pardnienros de Mini. de plantas.:22 edificias medios Sup. de in platua: 700 nn- Eornia de in planta: geontctrica, con predorinio recranqular a cuadrada Ocupacidn de la torre respecto de, la parcela: 50"" Estudio urbanistico de la plaza de Les Glories La plaza de Les Glories ha side tin enclave urbano cstrategieo para todos los planeamientos a partir del Plan Cerda. A pesar de eso y hasta hace muy poco, ha sido on espacio escasamente caracterizado formalmente y perifdrico respecto a los usos do ]a ciudad. La reordenaci6n, en 1992, de los trazados de las infraestructuras viarias -en ]a superficie y soterradas, fundainentalmente el ferrocarril- que hahfan hipotecado hasta ese momento ]a urbanizacion de ]a plaza, permite en la actualidad abordar la definitiva transformacion del sector de Les Glories en una de las areas de nueva centralidad de to Ciudad. El eje cultural parque de La Ciutadella- Les Glories-Estacion del Norte, Auditoria y Teatro Nacional de Cataluna, el eje Diagonal-Poblenou hace inexcusable la definitiva ordenaci6n de la plaza de Les Glories con vistas al futuro. Las nuevas actividades terciarias en los terrenos de ]a Hispano Olivetti y la adquisicidn por parte del Ayuntamiento de la antigua Farinera Son on printer paso en el proceso de la transformacidn puesta en marcha. El Plan General Metropolitano preve destinar a zona verde la plaza de Les 7 Glories, un cspacica cquiValcn IC a dUle manzanas de L'Eixamplc y hoy ocupado en su mayorfa por diferentes actividades, Como el popular mercado de Els Encants, almaccnes, pequenas industrias, tallercs y viviendas_ El estudio realizado tiene no caricicr cxclusivantcntc analitico. Su objetivo es conocer detalladamente datos relativos a las actividades afectadas por la prcvisi6n del PGM: titularidad ptiblica o privada dc[ suelo, lipo y nunicro de actividades, tamano de las instalaciones, consolidation fisica, etc. Los datos obtenidos, junto con otros estudios econ61nicos elahorados posteriormente, han servido Para valorar el grado de dcpcndencia funciona] y econwinica del incrcado de Els Encants con Las actividades de Sti entorno hiincdialo y pr6ximo. El traslado del mercado es nccesarianicnle inevitable Para el futuro urhanislico del Lugar. Las distintas hipotesis del traslado ffsico y Las repercusiones economicas han lido analizadas en tin estudio especffico, fundamentalmente econoniico, encargado a tin cquipo extern o. El estudio analiza tambien otro aspecto imporlante que se debe resolver, el de ]as viviendas existentes -539- en cl 5mbito de la plaza, situadas en suclo calificado dc zona verde por c] PGM. Su dilerente consolidation y enliclad fisica es Lino de los datos que se han de tenet en cucnta para valorar Sn posible permanencia. La valoraciOn de los datos del estudio permitira abordar el definitivo proceso de transformaci6n y. si es preciso, de planeamicnto para conseguir que la plaza de Les Glories se convierta en una referencia Urbana, ciudadana y metropolitana. 1.3. Ordenaci6n del frente maritimo de Poblenou Frente maritimo Modification del Plan General Metropolitano El frente marftimo de Poblenou no ha tenido nunca, historicamente, on proyecto de desarrollo claro. El Plan General Metropolitano, coma docurnento urbanfstico de base y marco de cualquier desirrollo tie la ciudad, presentaba muchas inc6gnitas. La ordenacion aprohada Cu Sn momento era mas on rechazo de la que planicaba el Plan do La Ribera quc una propucsta altcrnaliva. Sobrc csta propuesta p[aneaban machos interrogantes, no solo en cuanto a inodelo urbanfstico, sino tambien de c6mo habian de set ]as infraestructuras de cotnunicaci6n Clue Se tcnian que desarrollar, El Plan de Costas, redaciado con las infraestructuras litorales ya ejecutadas (las Rondas, obras do defensa de costas y la eliminaci6n del trazado ferroviario), tampoco prosperO. A principios de la decada de Los noventa ya se planted ]a necesidad de reajustar la ordenacion del frente marftinto de Poblenou, hasicainente por tres razones: En printer Lugar, porquC ]a conso]idaciOn de ]a costa habfa aportado tin amplio crcciniicnto del suelo disponible Para la ciudad. En Segundo Lugar, porque la decision de eliminar el trazado ferroviario dc la Linea del trcn de la costa hacia innecesaria la reserva lerroviaria del PGM y aarfa la posihilidad do nuevos usos. Finalniente, las iniciativas privadas y ptiblicas cri distintos subambitos del sector ponian de manificsto la necesidad de una actualization de las propucstas de planteamiento quc, apoyandose en las infraestructuras nuevas, perniitiera definir unos nuevas paramelros mas ajustados a la realidad de hoy. Breve historia de la ocupaci6n y desarrollo del frente marftimo El crecimiento dc Barcelona hacia el sector de ]cvante se vio condicionado hasta ]a mitad del siglo XIX por las servidumbres militares impuestas por la presencia del Fort Pius y de La Ciutadella. Anteriormente el territorio estaba ocupado por casas de cameo dispersas, cultivos genera]izados y arenales prOximos a la lnnea do mar, cruzado por una minima red de caminos de la Salida norte de Barcelona c interconexiones entrc pequenas agrupaciones de pohlacion y ocupaciones agrfcolas. El suelo pcrtenecfa al municipio de Sant Marti de Provencals y ocupaba la dcpresi6n deltaica del BesOs. Estaha regado por Las aguas del Rec Comtal, que se habfa situado en ]a inflcxi6n de la terraza aluvial con el delta -traza que posteriorinente serfa compartida con el ferrocarril del interior. Poco antes do la deniolici6n de La Ciutadclla se empezui a configurar el n6cleo de pohlaci6n original de Poblenou, detras del cementerio y fuera cie la dclimitaci6n militar. Esta podria ser la explicaci6n de on asentantiento configurado con una dircctriz mar-montana, paralelamente al arco de tiro de canon que dibujaba la "servidumbre estrategica". Cuando se adopt6 para Barcelona el Plan Cerda, el embrion de Poblenou estaba bastante consolidado, aunque la red de Cerda se supcrpuso geom6tricainente Sill atender a lo preexistente. Durance machos anos el crecimiento de Poblenou seguirfa dircctrices de ordenacion propias, to que conlorn-io un tejido que ha resistido las imposiciones reguladoras del Plan de L'Eixamplc de Barcelona y que atin se mantiene con claridad. Diferentes documentos cartograficos permiten conocer la evoluci6n de la colonization del Llano de Poblenou. La fiabilidad de estos documentos es incuestionable, porque se producen en momentos nasty importantes para ]a Ciudad en los que se necesitaba una gran rigurosidad. El levantamiento de Cermeno Para la construcci6n do las defensas do la ciudad, los pianos base (independientemente dc su exactitud topografica) do las propuestas de Cerda y Jaussely, el piano de Garcia Faria para la propuesta de saneamiento de ]a ciudad o el piano de Martorell utilizado hasta hace porn por los servicios tecnicos municipales, son bucnos ejemplos de ello. Cada uno de estos documentos tiene on valor "notarial" del estado de la ciudad en el momento en que iba a producirse una importante decision para la historia urbanfstica de Barcelona. La nueva estructura del sector y la actualization del PGM-76 A pesar de que el PGM no afront6 claramente la integration del frente marftimo de Poblenou, si que propuso superar la barrera del fcrrocarril insertandola en el sistema viario principal, que utilizaba los terrenos ferroviarios para sit emplazamiento. Por otra parte, se hacia una deliniitaci6n hipotetica de la costa, ganando tcrreno al mar, y calificaba de parques urbanos los suelos do use ferroviario Clue no ocupaba el Cintur6n. El frente edificado respetaha la traza lerroviaria y la situaba totalmente autononia respecto a las grandcs infraestructuras que preveia y a la lfnca de costa. Parece Clue el PGM intcncionadamente dojo por resolver las Judas que ha planteado la extension tie la ciudad hacia ievante, igual que habian hecho los planeamicntos anteriores. Hist6ricamente, cl frente de mar es uno de Los pocos sectores en los Clue la propuesta do Ccrdl rcnunci6 a la ortogonalidad de la red, para acomodarse a la traza del ferrocarril; el Plan do Enlaces do Jausscly no forinul6 una estructura alternativa; y el Plan Coniarcal de 1953 aeept6 la situacicin sin dibujar ninguna propuesta. El PGM, sin proponer tin gran cambio, apuesta por la reforma, si nos atenemos a quc las calificacioncs previstas soil diferentes a Las preexistentes; pero, por el debil encaje niorfologico que hate, parece proponer sit real transformation. El Plan de Costas plante6 importantes ntodificaciones al PGM y prcvi6 unas obras de infraestructuras quc despues se han ejecutado de forma dilerente. Del Plan de Costas se ha rccogido la idea de construir las defensas del litoral y el Cintur6n siguiendo una dircctriz paralela a la trama de Cerda, y la de agrupar los espacios lihres quc aparecen fragmcntados en el PGM. La propucsta ha actuado sobre la estructura general viaria, los espacios libres y equipaniicntos y la ordenacion basica de la edification, y remite a un desarroilo sectorial indepcndicnte. El nucvo planteamiento de la estructura de cinturones de Barcelona el del Litoral tiene una conccpcion Como cjc intcrrclacionador de diferentes barrios, y por ello se han multiplicado Los accesos y salidas en cl tronco central. Esto perniite diversificar los ejes dc distribucion de transito desde el Cintur6n por una red may homogenea, coincidence con Los puentes que cruzan la Gran Via. Estos e1es soil los que permiten conectar todo el barrio con el resto de la ciudad, salvando la traditional falta de estructura que ha caracterizado hasta ahora esta zona urbana. La disponibilidad do diversas altcrnativas viarias favorece la distrihuci6n del transito interoo, sin cargar innecesarianiente deterniinados canales. Tambien siguc esta logica la propuesta de conectar con Los laterales del Cintur6n la red de tres en tres calles, entre Prim y Cartes 1. Entre aquella y 8 Bach de Roda, cl PGM ya preveia su conexi6n, reforzada adentas por ins pesos sobre la Gran Via. Tan solo false conoctar la calle de Bilbao con el late ral del Ciniuron. La prolongation do ]a cane de Bilbao haste cl Cintur6n supondra una mcjora notable para la distribution del transit,, del sector. Este modelo permite replantear e] papel de la calle de Taulat Como un paseo de use local do Poblenou, relacionado con una futura utilizaciun conlo eje de actividad cfvica. Los espacios libres presentan una gradacidn entre el frente do mar propiamente dicho y los nlas relacionados con el use residential de Poblenou. Parse do la configuration de los espacios libres ya esta definida por las ,,bras ejecutadas: por Lin lado el parque de mar entre la Ronda del Litoral y el paseo Maritim, clue Va incorporando equipanlientos de la Ciudad y el futuro parque do actividades relacionacias con el near; entre el futuro frente edificado v la Ronda del Litoral deprintida, unas importances rescrvas para el futuro boulevard lineal, y cn el interior, una estructura de piezas libres nlenores, a escala de barrio; y el gran parque central, con mas de 10 ha de superficie, ahierto en mas de 100 nl al frente de mar. En cuanio a los cquipamientos, la franja Litoral se entiende en conjunto coluo un parque equipado, en sintonfa con Las concesiones en el dominio terrestre. El extreme del Bests se reserve pare la futura ubicaciun del zookigico marino, to que condiciona la reserve de equipanlientos del Centro direccional pare un use coherence con Este y de caracter ntetropohtano. En ones pantos cfe desarrollo urbanfstico posterior se preve la creation de cquipamientos de cscata mas local, relacionados con la principal utilization residential y do barrio. La ordenacicin se pretende apoyar en la alineanon de bente marittlno colt edification, do mantra que sc pueda const]nlir en la nuevc facltada de mar. For el interior, sc tree una esu'uctura lineal potence de ('species publicos que soportan Los moves frentes edificables y que contendran ins usos donlinantes: residential en el area ntas cercana al nticlco antigun de Poblenou, cntre el cementerio y el parque del Centro direccional, y crnnercial y terciario en este tiltbun. Para ci desarrollo posterior se h nuevc sectores autonotnos de gestion y de diferente procedimiento de concretion. La modificiondel PGM regula directanlente los sectores siguientes: • Torte carcs {2) • Caile de Perello (5) • t.ado mr de la cane de Taulata consolidado (6) • Zona maritimo terrestre, entre Selva de Mar y cl cementerio (8) • Zona IllaIltinio-tcrreStre, Marino (9 Quedan pendientes de planeamiento ca parglle interior del frente especial: • El sector de reforma tnaritilno do Poblenou (I) PERI nzanas• Tres ma (anteriormente industrialos) en la cane de Llull (3) PE • Abertura de la calk de Bilbao (4) PE • Centro direccional Diagonal Mar (7) PP En conjunta, esta modificacion del PGM suponen 708,901 m', nucvo potential que se distribuye en 420.918 m2 pare usos donlinantes residenciales {4 .200 viviendas) y 287.983 In' Para usos terciarios y conlerciales. Estos usos se corresponden globalmente e1 PGMcon Jos previstos por , aunque la propuesta de modificaci6n alteraba la especializaciun dentro del territorio. Se mantenfan comp zones residenciales Las was cercanas a Los sectores de viviendas actualntente consolidadas en Poblenou, fijando incluso el use preference residential en Las zones de reforma. For el contrario, al Centro direccional se dirigen Los usos hacia actividades dominantemente tertiaries y conlerciales. En este ultimo sector, la modificacion del PGM hate concretar unas condiciones que garantizaban Los tcrminos de la cesion al nlunicipio del 10% del aprovechantiento urbanistico, sal y Como preve la Ley de] snob, pare Los suelos urbanizablcs programados. Este caracterfstica es realmente excepeional dentro de Las previsiones del PGM de Barcelona. Sin embargo, se fijo que, en Los sectores de reforma interior que se desarrollarian posteriormente por planes especiales, se reservarfa tut 25% del tech,, Para to consn'uccion cfe viviendas sontetidas a regimen de protection, condition que en el sector cfe reforma interior (SRI) del frente maritimo serfs ampliada nolablemente. Balance de zonificacion en suelo urbane Calificacion PGM MPGM Incrcmento 16 665 3 43?36 5 126.416 128.221 9 19443 12.231 189760. 140.452 -49.308 6a - 68.247 66 - 28.042 Sc 85.005 49.400 17-6 41. 587 18.733 126.592 164 . 422 +37.830 7a 2.493 9.482 71' - 29.298 7c - 3.058 17-7 26.829 29.322 41.838 +12.516 12 36.606 28.017 136 6.771 141' 119.390 148.892 15 11.138 18 6.657 22a 46.517 202.513 201 .475 -1.038 Total 548. 189 543. 189 0 Balance de zonificacion dentro de la delimitacidn ZMT Calificacion PGM 76 MPGM Incrcmento Ib 161.894 - 3 450 - 5 73.172 45.4.10 Sc 63.300 178.053 7a 108.615(') 76 4.050 9 3.220 9.558 mar (11') 35.580 - 341.666 341.666 Sfntesis global comparative PGM MPGM Increment,, Slstemas i,rfraey/ro ctntales (1,3.5,9) 543.043 235.433 -307.610 Zones verdes (6,17-6) 331.091 522.658 +191.567 Equipanuenras (7,17-7) 83.372 200.453 +117.081 Zones 274.330 273.292 -1.038 1,231 . 836 1 . 231.836 0 Centro direccional Diagonal Mar Plan Parclal Se trata del primer sector que fun desarrollado a partir de la aprobaci6n definitive de la lnodificacian del PGM del frente maritimo de Poblenou. Es un plan de iniciativa privada, redactado por un importantc cquipo de profesionales a instancias de Diagonal Mar SA, coma propietar]a, y cl Institute Municipal de Promotion Urbanfstica SA. El hccho de que su formulation avanzara cast simultaneamente a la modificacion del PGM permitio incorporar en dsta alguna do -161.894 sus previsiones de futuro. -450 El PGM-76 calific6 este Centro -27.732 direccional Como suelo urbanizable + 114.753 programado y posteriormente Se + 108.615 constituyo en un area de nuevc 4.050 centralidad, de Las previstas por el +6.338 Ayuntamiento en ]a segunda mitad de la -35580 decade de Los ochenta. El sector se ha visto o beneficiado por la ejecuci6n de grander brchrye el parque rcmlrico yet zoologico marina. Balance de zonificacion en suP (Centro direccionaq Calificacion PGM MPGM Incrcmento 4.859 - -4.859 5 57.060 3 9.983 -17.077 9 17.048 - -17.048 141.199 150.000 +8.801 50.000 +50.000 17-7 50.000 - -50.000 11 71.817• 102.ono{- +30.183 Total 341.983 341.983 0 ' Area de referenda : 10.2 ha " 3 ha use litre pi 'rblico infraestructuras urbanas, que son un buen incentive pare el desarrollo del sector. Su perfntetro, rodeado por la Ronda del Litoral, Selva de Mar, Llull, Diagonal y Priill, constituyo una garantfa pars la accesibilidad del Centro, con una superficie de 34,2 hectareas. La estructura viar]a fundamental sc complements con el vial mar-montane de Josep Play con ono de nuevc creation, continuation de la cane de Taulat y que sigue sensiblemente la antigua traza del ferrocarril haste la plaza de Prim-Diagonal. Este estructura crea cuatro cuadrantes con usos may diferentcs: en el none una plaza triangular de unas 4 ha pars usos conlerciales y residenciales; en el oeste, al lade de Prim, zone verde, un gran equipatniento de Ciudad y oficinas; en el sun la mayor concentration de oficinas; y 9 en cl cslc Cl gran parque del Futuro, do 10 hcctarcas. Scgtin consaa en ]a mcmuria, "la ordenacicin general que se properne es la yuxtaposicion de la supertrama Cerda con una disposition en "Z" de ]a cdificaci6n, Cie manera que tin cxtrcrno de la misnla pueda pacer ]a conexi6n hacia l'ublenou y la otra, hacia los bloques residenciales situados en Cl norte de ]a avcnida Diagonal. Se hate hincapie en la variedad y en ]a interconexic n de ins espacios que varfan en dimension, use y tratamiento, que con Las calles son Los focus de la vida del sector. En estos espacios se crean rtes plazas principalcs. La situada en la manzana delimilada por las calles Cie Selva de Mar, Taulat, Josep Pla y el paseo del Litoral tiene his caracterfsticas de una explanada o de una piazza italiana. La situada en el punto do intercone xion del centro comercial con el area do oficinas y abierta a la calle de Josep Pla liene un cariz mils popular. La ultima, situada entre el area de oficinas y el equipamicnto representative de caracter cultural, es mils recogida y tranquila". En el sector se prove una edificabilidad total de 341.983 m2, to que SUpOI1C Lill coeficicnte de edificabilidad de 1 m hu-' bruto. Los usos se distribuyen en 220.983 m2 para use terciario, 54.000 m2 para use residential y 67.000 m' para use comercial concentrado. Por el contrario, Las obligaciones de dcsarrollo conllevan ]a cesion y urbanizaci6n de 170.000 m' de parques y jardines, 39.983 m2 de viales, asf como la cesion de suelo de 30.000 in! para equipamientos. La consolidacion de seek urbanizable, junto con La modification do algunos usos que han pasado de use residential a use destinado a oficinas -modification pedida por la propiedad-, permitio asegurar el compromiso, por parte de la propicdad, de ceder casi 65.000 111' de edi[icabilidad en el SRI vecino, desarrollado recientementc por el PERT del frente marftimo de Poblenou. La cesiun se ha efectuado a principios de 1995. Parque marino Estudio de detalle La franja litoral, entre la Ronda y la linea de mar y ]as calles dc Prim y Selva de Mar, constituye una reserva de la modification del PGM de 10,2 ha de suelo para ci dcsarrollo de actividades recreativas rclaciouadas con cI mar y el zool6gico marino. La propuesta la formula ]a empresa Barcelona Aiguamar SA , a insiancias municipaIes , sobre unos terrenos objeto do dcsarrollo por la empresa rnencionada dentro de Los ambitos de concesi6n del l4OPTMA en ]a Iranja cosiera. Es una pieza dc equipamientos de baja ocupaci6n , regulada especificamente e integrada como espacios abiertas para garantizar su destino fundamentahnente ludico. La ordenaci6n integra dos subsectores a partir del acceso central sobre la prolongaci d n dc la calle de Josep Pla. Estas piczas incorporan el zoologico marino en el ]ado de Prim y un parque recreativo en el ]ado de Selva de Mar, y se irite rrelacionan a Craves de un area de servicios. El esudio de detallc intenta integrar de mancra hotnogenea Las diferentes instalaciones y reducir cl impacto de his mismas en un medio urbano como esle. La ordenaci6n garanliza Los rccorridos peritnetrales , asf como cl tratamiento como paseo marftimo para pealones de una franja do 15 m y esco]lera , al lado del mar, que da continuidad al rccorrido Litoral ya consolidado. Frente marftimo Catalana-Can Girona Plan Especial de Reforma Interior Esta zona urbana prescnta unas caracterfsticas de una nlareada hctcrogeneidad de usos propia de amplias balsas de Poblcnou, donde han ido apareciendo edificios residenciales en medio de sectores dominantemente industriales. Estos grupos prescntan Itluestras de regresi6n debido a su inadccuado emplazamiento, a la situation urbanfstica contraria al use actual y a la falta de scrvicios e, incluso, a cierta marginaci6n, en algun caso, debida a su precariedad. Por otra parte, salvo algunas piezas centrales en las que se mantiene el use industrial activo, Las grandcs labricas Clue en otra epoca caracterizaron el sector (Macosa, Catalans, Renfe) han sido desmanteladas. Estas grandes piezas se reconoccn actualmente en los ambitos de titularidad mils grande que corresponden al Ayuntamiento, Catalana de Gas, Mancomunidad de Municipios e IMPUSA, mientras que tan solo el 15,70% del suelo del SRI esta ocupado por Las parcelas menores, que son precisamentc Las que preferentemente contienen edificaciones en uSO. Actualmente hay 33 locales industrialcs activos, 146 viviendas y 22 locales de distintas actividadcs que la propuesta prove desplazar o reubicar en el dcsarrollo futuro. Por otra parte, quedan elementos concretos de alto valor patrimonial que se conservaran de manera emblematica c incluso scran reutilizados: Sc trata de dos infraestructuras asociadas a la originaria Can Girona (Macosa), y mils concretamente el edificio de la calle de Els Ferrers (posiblemente reutilizado como equipamiento), la chinienea de las calles de Provcn4als y Llull y la torre del agua. En cuanto.a las caracterfsticas ffsicas del Lugar, se trata de on sector que ha visto rnodificada su pcndiente natural hacia el mar per la interposition del lateral de la Ronda del Litoral, con el alzamiento de unos 3 metros respecto a la rasante de la calle Cie Taulat. A pesar de que el drenaje y el saneamicnto del sector esta asegurado por las rccientes actuaciones troncales ya ejecutadas o, en algun caso, pendientes de obras complementarias, queda por resolver con ]a ordenacion la inflexion forzada del perfil de las calles. A partir de la estructura configurada por la modification del PGM del frente marftimo, la propuesta se ccntra en la creation de un order local que recupera la red viaria derivada de ]a propuesta de Cerda, aunque adaptada a Las caracterfsticas propias del sector. De esta manera se configura un sistcma concordance con el principal, con una red cada 3 manzanas en sentido mar-montana -Bac de Roda y Selva de Mar-, que configura 5 manzanas en el frente de near y 3 cn el frente del parque del Maresrne, una de ellas de esquina. El modelo de espacios libres presenta tres tipologias diferentes: el paso central, Las plazas y los patios de manzana. El paseo de Taulat tiene caracter de "salon" con dos tramos de pasco central, sin cortes que distorsionen esta via cfvica, que conectara la zona verde del lado del casco antiguo de Poblenou y el futuro parque del Maresme (en el centro direccional). Las plazas se situan estrategicamente en dos polos opuestos: una como nexo do transition con el Poblenou traditional, la otra, delante del parque del Maresme, de nueva creation, pcrmite incorporar y conservar ]a torre del agua como referencia distintiva de la actividad fabril anterior. Los espacios interiores de manzana se rclacionan con las calles pcrifericas y abiertas hacia el mar de manera controlada, con comunicacion entre ellas. Estos espacios tienen un caracter muy local y domestico. Los equipamientos busCan principalmentc para so emplazamiento la fachada del lado montana del eje del pasco de Taulat, accrcando estos servicios dotacionales locales al barrio consolidado actualmente. La ordenacicin de la edification ocupa preferentemente Las manzanas del frente de mar sobre el paseo de Garcia Faria y el futuro parque de nueva creation en el centro directional. Se trata do 7 manzanas con un tamano aproximado al de la trama de L'Eixample, que acabaran de formalizar la llegada de la estructura propuesta por Cerda hasta el mar. Dadas las especiales caracterfsticas del sector, el Ayuntamiento promovio una consulta sobre la base do la manzana tipo y la agregaci6tt en el frente de mar, cuyos resultados han permitido contar con una importante herramicnta de discusion para buscar la ordenacion mils adecuada. A partir tie la consuita, se ha adoptado uno de los modelos presentados, respetando esenciabnente Las directrices del mismo aunque se han flexibilizado algunos de sus paramctros. For to demas, se han fijado Los elementos mils claramcnte definidores de la propuesta: perfinetro, volmnetrfas, relation entre interior y exterior de las manzanas, etc. Aunque la tipologfa de ordenacicin corresponde a la volumetrica, la disposition que se ha previsto para la misma responde a la alineacic n de vial, en corona de manzana. Las manzanas se fijan normalmente abiertas hacia espacios de intcres, o relacionadas a till equipamicnto de barrio que se desarrolla en su interior. La ordenacicin busca la conformation de on frente marftimo claro, configurado con la horizontalidad de on cuerpo de 2 plantas conirapuesto con bloques de 1 1 plantas por encima del primero. Estos bloques tienen una dimension que permite obtener una serie de 5 cuadrados de 30 por 30 metros do fachada principal, independizado del z6calo nlediante una planta de transiciou. Las profundidades do edificacidn en altura olrecen cierta flexibilidad para pernlilir 10 ventilaciones cruzadas o sistemas de mayor rendimiento de viviendas por escala. En el subterraneo se ha previsto una anchura de 32 m, de manera que se pucdan construir aparcamientos do dohle lfnea, que evitan profundidades excesivas en un sector con problentas de nivcl freatico. Los usos corresponderan a Los entinentemcnte residenciales, atendicndo a la distrihucidn normativa do la modificacion del PGM y la propia de este PER1_ No obstante, se destina el edificio bajo del frente de mar y parse de Los bajos de los hloques a usos diferentes del de vivienda. La cdificabilidad total prevista en ci sector de reforma interior es de 243.600 (ii de tCCho, Con Lin 75% destinado a viviendas. Se reserva el 15% de este para vivicndas sometidas it regimen general de viviendas de proteccie n oficia] (VPO) y on 4511% a otros regimenes de proteccion ptibiica. El ninnero potencial de viviendas cs dc 2.434 como maximo. Para la gesti611 del plan se han delimitado 5 unidades de actuaci6n, por el sistenia de coopcracicin, que han buscado cl equilibrio entre ellas a parlir de una concrecion por manzanas cnteras, y e] reparto C(ILlilibracto de Car, aprovechamientos. Buena partc de Las industries en activo podran mantener esta condicinn mientras no se lransformen a incitativa propia, ya que han estado desvinculadas de las acntaciones sabre suelos libres, que tienen Lill ritnio do intervencion mas inmediato. Consulta sobre las cinco manzanas del frente marftimo En relacion con la ordenacion de has nanzanas, el Ayuntainienlo do Barcelona promovin una consulta a siege equipos de arquitectos, Los resultados do esta consulta han permitido contar con una importance herranticnta do discusicni para buscar la ordenacion etas adecuada en el nuevo frente de mar. Los trabajos han silo clahorados por equipos do alguna manera relacionados prol'esionaiincnte con somas relativos it frente de mar. L'Lixantpie y trabajos sobre lipologias de ncupacinn residencial. La sintesis do la iornutlaci6n en cada caso, de diffcil recension por el volunten de ideas que se ten Ian en Cuenca, podria concretarse en: • Rafael de Caceres: modelo de manzana como unidad do referencia basica. Se ha do llcvar esta unidad hasta el extremo de romper el pasco de Taulat con este ritmo. Para que todas las vivicndas participen del frente, es preciso abrir la manzana hacia el mar, con el que sc relaciona a traves del espacio puhlico. La utilizaci6n de bloques doblados (IL) permite participar a las callcs del espacio interior. • Lluis Cantallops: para que today Las viviendas gocen de la Linea de mar, es preciso huscar modelos perpendiculares a la tmisma. lntcgraci6n de las tipologfas de vivienda, sin segregaciones. El espacio interhloqucs, que se alza a la altura del pasco de Garcia Feria, ha do toner una escala dorncstica. La intervencion no debe romper el riuno urbano, a pesar de que se puedan utilizar tipologfas diversas y rotas- * Emili Donato: la propuesta ha de huscar sit espacio natural, que es el frente de mar entrc Poblenou y Prim, y dar una tratamienio de fachada unitaria, potente, y para la ciudad y desde la ciudad. Se ha de recuperar una tipologfa urbana tfpicamente barcelonesa. La modificacion de la estructura urbana con ]a introducci6n de tin boulevard a ]a ahura de ]a callc de Wad Ras. La incorporaciOn de tipologfas variadas, con agregaciones do supermanzanas. Los espacios interiores domesticos y a ]a altura del lateral del frente de mar. • Cartes Ferrater: se acepta ]a trama de Cerda como soporte de la manzana unidad. La fachada Urbana se obtiene par repeticion del modelo basico, que incorpora elementos que resahan (el z6calo contrapuesto a Ia torre). Modelo de manzana en "U" abierta at mar, que rodea Lin espacio de Lisa publico con accesos controlados. Sistema mixto (concentrado y en his bajos de los bloques) Para el emplazaniiento de Las actividades no residenciales. • Josep Martorell: es preciso modificar to estructura viaria general, para pacer Cue Los laterales dcl Cintur6n den servicio at frente de mar y salvar la Ronda deprimida. La calle de Taulat ha de quedar con una seccion de 20 nt, con Lill use muy local. Sc crearia una nueva Celle por et medio de ]as manzanas conio apoyo funcional de la urdcnaci6n v Los sectores vecinos. Ordcnaci6n en "L" con la incorporacion de tipologfas en torre y alturas diferentes, coil bucnas vistas al mar. Espacios interiores relacionados per el nuevo vial. Transicion volumetrica progresiva hacia el sector del Centro dircccional. • Joan Pascual: modelo a partir de una propucsta de ordenamiento para la manzana tipo, con una gran flexibilidad. La manzana es el elemento generico del sector que da ]a escala do ]a estructura local. El patio cs cl elernento de formalizaci6n hasico de manzana ccrrada, con accesos por las esquinas. Cierto direccionarniento mar- montaiia en la ordenacion, creando espacios dc interes entre las nanzanas. • Enric Serra: recreacion de to ordenacion a partir de modelos del Plan Macia. Complementariedad entre manzana unidad y ritmos de agregaci6n por supermanzanas, sill romper la trama de Cerda; las alincaciones son elementos de orden. Integraci6n de los espacios [ibres propios de la ordenacion con el sistema de cspacios puhlicos. Las viviendas participan del frente de mar a traves del propio espacio ahierto. Tratamiento del conjunto a escala del frente do mar, haciendo fachada. Tipologfas residenciales integradas en bloques y torres. Los trabajos presentados abordahan el esquema de estructura de sistemas generales del sector, el modelo hasico de manzana y su relacion con el territorio, la implantaci6n fisica, la fachada resultante, las tipologfas de viviendas diferentes y alternativas, con una documentaci6n que incorporaba representaciones espaciales (perspectivas, maquetas) que permiten tenor tin claro modelo de cada propuesta concre ta. El rcsultado de esta consulta, por su interes, se ofrece como documento de reflexion, queva foe incorporado en el PERT del frente marftiro de Poblenou y que ha sido objeto de tin cuidadoso analisis, que ha llevado a las conclusioncs que se transcriben a continuation: Aportaciones de las propuestas sobre temas de ordenacion 1, Negacion del frente maritime como elemento edifcado • Se niega, en general, la identificaci6n habitual entrc frente marftimo y plan de fachada de una primera Imnea de edificacion. • Todas las propuestas excepto una evitan ]a disposicion de edificacion en altura sobrc la alineacion ciel pasco marftimo. • De esta manera se podria entendcr Clue c] nuevo frente de mar no es una unica Linea, sino que este ocupa todo el ]ado constituido por las 5 manzanas. Todos los edificios y las viviendas disponen de vistas at mar, y el ambito del nuevo barrio se integra de una manera mas rica en ]a zona costera. 2. La malla Cerda llega al mar • Todas ]as propuestas excepto una plantean la continuidad hasta el paseo marftimo de la red viaria de la retfcula de L'Eixample con varias formulaciones de use (peatones, transito rodado, etc.). • La traza de las callcs actuates se prolonga hasta el mar consiguiendo la permeahilidad visual desde cl interior de la ciudad. A ]a vez, se logra una gran flexibilidad en )a organizacion viaria rodada o de peatones. Se puede mantcner ]a retfcula 1 x 3 en la relacion de escala de ciudad y, a] mismo tiempo, obtcner una organizaci6n 1 x 1 de escala local. 3. La dimension de la manzana de Cerda coma unidad bdsica de la ordenacion • A partir de morfologfas muy diferentes, cinco de las propuestas toman la dimension de las intcrvfas de la malla de Cerda como unidad que por agregacidn genera el conjunto. En algon caso, como base do una composici6n par seriaci6n y, en otros, simplemente como pieza de ejecucicin autonoma. • Se manifiesta ]a intenci6n de mostrar en el frente de mar el ritmo que da el tejido en L'Eixample. • Se ha evitado claramente la creaci6n de supermanzanas y, por el contrario, hay dos proyectos que proponen ]a subdivision de la unidad Cerda, buscando on tamano mas pequerio. • A pesar del interes de estos dos proyectos, la solucion de reducci6n del grand del tejido urbano demuestra cierta dificultad de integraci6n en el contexto dcl frente de ciudad. 4. Potenciacidn del salon de la clle de Taulat • Cinco de las propuestas mantienen, con diversas formulaciones, el espacio libre de la calle de Taulat, que pone en relacion Los futuros jardines de la calle de Bilbao con el parque de Can Girona. 11 • A pesar dc no ser el objeto do discusion Cie la consulta y de que los proyectos no requieren en muchos casos este cspacio para su dcfinicion, estos denniestran el irtteres de este salon, situado en la segunda Ifnea de mar, como transici611 entre el barrio antigun y el nucvo, y como cspacio que puede acogcr ]as actividadcs colectivas do escala de barrio. 5. l.os espacios interiores de la nranzana se articulan con la estructura urbana del sector • Los patios de manzana, con independencia de su grado de intimidad y de su rasante, manifiestan una Clara voluntad de articulaciOn espacial con el sistema de espacios libres del sector. • Solo en un caso se plantea cl interior de manzana como tin espacio cerrado. En el resto, con diversas formulacioucs funcionalcs y compositivas, el conjunto do los patios se integra en la estructura Urbana del sector. 6. Varias hipotesis sobre el perfil urbana • Las propuestas ofrccen Tres caminos muy distintos en cuanto al g5libo de in ordenacicin: a. Aceptaci6n de [as alturas predominantes en la ciudad de planta baja mas 5 o 6 plantas. Se defiende to convcniencia de conservar Lill perfil dc ciudad muy homogeneo que s6lo se rompe en puntos significativos (]as tones de in Villa Olimpica o el mismo centro direccional). b. Asociacicin a las volumctrfas proximas al centro direccional, con ordenaciones abiertas y edificios en torre, cntendiendo quc cl frente maritimo de la ciudad sc define par tramos de una determinada dimension. Se crec que el tramo quc integra las 5 manzanas tambien deberfa incluir el centro direccional a efectos de composici6n del perfil de In ciudad. Una variante dc la primera opci6n In constituyen los proyectos que plantean un concepto volumetrico mixto y con altura constants o progresiva, se combina la semimanzana de planta Baja mas 5 o 6 plantas con volumetrfas abiertas de mas altura. 7. Las ordenaciones admiten una gran flexibilidad tipol6gica de viviendas • Las propuestas plantean una gran diversidad tipol6gica de viviendas, aunque con la constants Lie modelos de ventilacic n cruzada. • El plan dcberia permitir cicrta flexibilidad para dar cabida a varias alternativas tipologicas. 8. Los usos no residenciales han de encontrar una escala adecuada a! sector de emplazarniento • Las propuestas hacen on planteamiento del espacio comercial en planta baja muy variado, tanto en lo referente a la dimension de los locales resultantes como por su emplazamiento en relaci6n a la estructura urbana. • Es mds recomendable on sisterna que combine distintas escalas do dotaci6n comercial, situando el pequeno comercio en relaci6n al modelo tradicional de t;Eixamplc. • Tambien es recomendable la disposicion do la actividad comercial sobre la linea del frente maritimo. 9. Es preciso establecer sistenras de gesti6n coordinada en el desarrollo posterior • La consecuci6n de una cohercncia global del conjunto no se puede garantizar sin tin sistema de gestion coordinada como nifnimo por unidades de proyecto. Hay propuestas en las quc, por su configuracion, csta coordinacic n es indispensable, e incluso serfa necesario asegurar su ejrcuci6n unitaria. • Por las caracterfsticas del sector de emplazamiento, se ha de facilitar el posible desarrollo fragmentario. 12 La vivienda actuaciones mej ora en 1 barrio s Paralclamcnte a ]as grandes operacioncs de transformacion se prosiguc la potftica de mejora cn ]os barrios con on conjunto do actuaciones de escala internicdia, que incidcn de inancra pormenorizada en los problemas especfficos de fragnrentos de Ciudad quc corresponden, en determinados casos, a on barrio entero v, en otros, a una parse do on barrio con entidad diferenciada. La intervencion en Los barrios agrupa un conjunto de planes de ambito y cardcter muy diferentes. Una primera Linea de actuaci6n csta rcpresentada por los que denominamos nuevos planes de mejora y rchabilitacion quc sc enmarcan en el proceso iniciaco a finales de los anos seteuta en el que se ha ido desarroliando, mediante instrumentos muy diversos, una politica do recalificacion Urbana. Frulo de este proceso fuerou la compra Lie suclo Para espacios verdes y dotacioncs comunitarias, Las actuaciones do urbanizacion de espacios publicos, conic elementos intpulsadores de Ia rccalificaci6n do su cntorno, y las grandes operaciones de rcfornra interior, Ins planes especiales de rclorma interior (PER]), rcdactados en los anos ochenta. Los nuevos planes cotupartcn con aquclios los objetivos gencricos do mejora Urbana, si him Las diferencias existentes, tanto en to relcrentc a las caracteristicas cle Las areas sobre his quc Sc actua Como por Los prohlcmas urbanisticos por resolver, se iraducen en anos nnevas pautas tic intervencion urbanistica. Olra linea de trabajo se contra cn cl terra Lie la vivienda. La prescncia do patologias estructurales, en una pane importante del parque de viviendas coustruidas alrcdedor do los anos sescnta, ha ni01ivado la iutervenci6n de la Adntinist acion con actuaciones do rcparaciun a Corso plaza y con Id prograniacinn de operacioncs Lie reforma que suponen, en muchos casos, la sustilucinU total de Las viviendas. Los planes do rclornia dclincn Ia nueva ordenacion y cl tuarco urhanistieo quc posibilitara la rcconstruccn)ii dcl barrio, luiscando no tan silo la reposiciuu do Las viviendas lino adorns la mejora de Las condicioncs do habiI'll ilidad y Lie calidad urbana. Eiuahnentr, se exponc till conjunto de actuaciones en Ciutat Vella que tienen por objcto la actualizacit)n de las propuestas de los PERI reclactados en los anos ochenta. Fl tiernpo transcurrido desde su aprobaci6n y el proceso de gesti6n Ilcvado a cabo han hecho ncccsario el ajuste o la reconsideracion de algunos aspcctos dc su orderiaci6n. Nuevos planes de mejora rehahilitacion y Los planes que aquf se presentan, agrupados bajo la idea generica de mejora y rehahilitacion, son la concreci6n reciente de una de aquellas ]Incas basicas con que a menudo hemos caracterizado el Plan General de 1976, en tanto que instrurnento dc una politica urbanistica global de recalificaci6n y rccquilibrio de sectores y areas urbanas. Linea o tipo do tratamiento de areas urbanas consolidadas que en la Ciudad de Barcelona ciudad cngloba, desde 1979, on conjunto muy variado de planes. Planes grandes y pcqucnos, scgun su escala, sabre areas de muy distintos cstatus urbano, nxtrfologico y social, que son explicables en ternlinos de historia urbana, y mas concretamente de historia de lormacion de periferias a lo largo do la reciente cvolucion de la Ciudad, desde Cerda pasta boy. Planes tanibicn diversos por ]a propia cvoluci611 de Los paradigmas de la tecnica urbanfstica a lo largo de tilt pcriodo do cxccpcional intensidad. Gencticantente, planes desarrollados al arrparo de aquellas voluntades genericas clue cl PGM, el plan maestro quc Los generaba, bautizaba Como "rehahilitacion" y "reforma" -o si se preficre, do mejora urbana y/o de reforma interior, seg(tn la atitodenominaci6n utilizada por los planes-. Cronologicarnente, planes que componilriait una segunda (^o tercera?) gencracion de planes especiales, aquella quc sucedc a la de los grandes PERI de 1980-1985, los Lie los nucleos historicos del XVIIi-XIX y Los do los asentantientos perifcricos-nrarginales Lie la Barcelona eontc•inporattca. 'l"enraticanrenle, planes title, a veces, busk-an la simple nornializacion del mercado del suelo en lugares singulares de fraetura urbana, pert) title IlliS frecuentemente buscan soluciones de revitalizacion urbana Para zonal en Las que la conservaci6n solo tiene sentido mediante una rccalificaciOn que por su parte dcbc venir de la mano del cambio profundo, de la reforma de partes del tejido. Tambien, planes que tienen que resolver barrios -o simplemente fragmentos urbanas- cuyo escenario geografico ha quedado alterado por la gran obra urbana del 92, y con ello las expectativas, y a vcces pasta las solucioncs, quc cl planeamiento anterior hahia imaginado. Por ultimo, y no por scr menos importante, planes que metoclol6gicamentc y propositivamente denotan la prcocupacion por internalizar la experiencia acurnulada en las anteriores oleadas del planeamiento municipal; y no s6lo en los aspectos ya t6picos dc la viabilidad y la gesti6n de Las actuaciones, sino tarnbien en la discusi6n de los diferentes grados de predeterminacion ffsica y formal de Las propuestas de construccion urbana en el tiempo. Planes de reforma El peso mas importante del planeamiento redactado a escala dc barrio lo tienen los planes dirigidos a resolver el probtema del deterioro que, por varios motivos, ha sufrido la vivienda. Este probilenta afecta espccialmcnte a muchos de los denominados poligonos de vivienda, tanto de promocion publica coma privada, que fueron construidos entre los anos 1950-1970 durance el pcriodo de gran crecimiento de Barcelona. Las deficiencias constructivas que muchos de estos conjunLos residenciales presentan y la falta de las minimas condiciones de habitabilidad hahfan hecho necesario en los Oltintos anos emprender sucesivas actuaciones de rehahilitacion y de reparation. Esta situacidn se ha visto agravada por ]a aparicion de patologias estructurales derivadas de la uti]izaci6n de cemento aluntinoso, que se pusieron tragicannente do manifiesto con el hundimiento parcial de Una fincaell el Turdde la Peira,y posteriornrentc se detectaron cn los grupos de viviendas de El Governador, El Polvori, Via Trajana y Scat. El proceso quc se inici6 en cada ono de estos nucleus residenciales a partir de Los estudios tecnicos para evaluar el alcance de Las patologias y Las diferentes alternativas de intervencion, y en los que se valoro tarnbien muy especialmente el problema de ]a escasa superficie de las viviendas, concluy6 en la necesidad de proceder a operaciones de reforma que afectan, en la mayoria de Los casos, a ]a totalidad de las viviendas del barrio. E1 conjunto de planes que aquf se presentan coma "Planes de reforma" tienen el objetivo de establecer ]a nueva ordenacion y el marco urhanfstico que posihilite la sustituci6n de Las viviendas y la nueva construccion en cl propio barrio. Si bien el caracter de estas intervenciones se inscribe plenamente dentro do Los objetivos propugnados por el Plan General Metropolitano Para las zonal de reforma pdblicas, estas, salvo en el caso de Las viviendas de El Governador, no son actuaciones previstas por el PGM. El tratamiento que el PGM da a estas areas supone el reconocirniento de la ordenacion y ]as volumetrfas existentes en el ntontento de su aprobacion, no se prevefa, por tanto, su sustitucion. Los poligonos o grupos de viviendas que se reformarin se caracterizan por ser pietas morfologicamente difcrenciadas del tejido en el que se ubican y que, a menudo, tienen una posicion urbana inadecuada: enclaves residenciales dentro de zona industrial (Via Trajana, Eduard Aun6s) o dentro de parque urbano (El Polvori). Este factor que, en otras circunstancias hubiera iniciado un proceso de reflexion mas general en terminos de Ciudad, no Ira podido scr cucstionado debido al marco en que se ha desarrollado e] proceso: urgencia y envergadura de Las actuaciones (500 a 700 relocalizaciones) falta de suelo ptiblico disponible, compromisos entre Las administraciones y ]a firme voluntad de los vecinos alectados de permanecer en el barrio. La opcion de reconstruir los nuevos barrios en el mismo emplazamicnto ha sido, pues, on dato de partida. Otros elementos han tenido tin peso importante en ]as propuestas de ordenacion. La riecesidad de reporter el mist-no ntimero de viviendas, pero con la previa adecuacion de su superfine a Las condiciones actuales de habitabilidad, ha supuesto en muchos casos duplicar el techo edificable del barrio y ha llcvado a plantear modelos de ordenacion de mayor intensidad dc edificaciun. 13 Son. por otro lade, planes nniy comprometidos con la gesti6n. La facilidad de gcsticin y la posibilidad de acntar por rases para rninimizar el traslado de vecinos fucra cfel barrio ha lido, Cu machos casos, on condicionante importante de la ordenaci6n. Finalmente, son planes que ticnen corno hcrramienta imprescindiblc de Irahajo el censo do pohlaci6n. Centrariamente a to que es habitual en Ias actuaciones urhanisticas, eslas operaciones de reforma ticnen destinatarios conocidos. EI conocimiento preciso de los datos de poblacion (grado de ocupaciun de las vivicndas, edad y composition familiar de los alectados) es importante, no tan solo para mediar la operation sing tambien para dcfinir Ias tipelogias cie edificacion segue ins diferentes programas funcionales. Planes de Ciutat Vella Ahora que Sc cumplen dicz anon desde la aprobacion delinitiva de Los PER! de Ciutat Vella (Raval, Sector Oriental y Barccloneta), podemos constatar el gran csfucrzo cie gesti6n y, por tan to, de inversiones ptiblicas que se ha producido y que tiene por finalidad lograr los objetivos marcados en los respectivos planes. Esta gran actividad ha dcsencadenado, en estos ultimos anon, una serie de actuaciones, algunas ya prcvistas, para adecuar y mejorar Los PERT aprobados y dar respuesta a los problemas y nccesidades que ]a gesti6n dinimica de los planes provoca. Las distintas actuaciones, situadas en Los diferentes barrios de Ciutat Vella, y que podemos dcfinir por su escala de intervention como microurbanisino, hall pennitido resolver sectores que en Cl momento de La redacci6n del PERT, a principios de los ochenta, aiin no estaban suficientcmente definidos o, por otro ]ado, mejorar propuestas concretes aprovechando la experiencia acumulada. En el caso de La Barceloneta se han redactado dos nuevos planes, el PERT del Sector Norte y el Plan Especial de Mejora Urbana y Ordcnaci6n de la Fachada Maritima. El PERT do La Barceloneta ya prevela el futuro desarrollo de estos dos sector, corno consecuencia de su Lndclinicion en el rnomento de la redaction del Plan. En el caso del Sector Norte, debido a la afectaci6n de la Ronda Lie] Literal y en el caso de la lachada maritima motivado por la posterior aplicacion de la Ley de costal. En el barrio de El Raval, el planeamiento ha tenido conio ebjetivo la articulacion y rcdclinicirin de Las propuestas basicas del PERT, manteniendo ]as grandes dircctrices, pero ajustando Las futuras intervencioncs a una escala dc detalle y aprovechando en cualquier caso ]a expericncia de intervention en Ciutat Vella. En to relativo al Sector Oriental, el ambito tic las propuestas se ha centrado en torso a la avenida de Cambo. El PERT ya contemplaba Ia redaction de un cstudio de detail(: que ordcnara volumctricamente la rtucva edification gencrada corno consecuencia del vaciado del tejido actual. Asimismo, se ha elahorado el PERT de ]a plaza do Sant Cugat, para mejorar y aprovechar la gestion en una zona actualrncnte degradada. En cuanto at barrio gotico, es preciso destacar que [a situacichu de ]as instalaciones dc la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, junto con el polideportivo del fronton Colon han vertebrado no sector importante de la ciudad ordenado mediante el PERT de Enlace do La Ramhla con la calls de RuII. Es preciso destacar tambien una serie dc intervenciones concretas diseminadas por Ciutat Vella y que tienen por objeto la adecuacion de proyectos concretos at plancamiento vigente. Como cjentplo significativo de estos casos, podernos destacar el Estudio de detalle del edificio situado en ]a calle del Carme esquina con la calls de En Roig. A pesar del esfuerzo, tanto de planeamiento coma de obra construida en Ciutat Vella, todavfa quedan temas pendientes por resolver, coino el PERT del barrio gotico o, en otro orders de cosas, la definition de parametros en el caso de la sustituci6n de ]as manzanas enteral. Barrio de Porta Plan Especial de Reforma Interior Los trabajos de planeamiento sobre el barrio de Porta que aquf se presentan se han de entender en relation a unos rasgos especfficos que caracterizan hoy los problcmas urbanfsticos de estc barrio en la periferia norte de Barcelona, lindante con ]as instalaciones de Renfe-Mcridiana, actualmentc va transformadas: • Un barrio surgido de un plan parcial do los anos sesenta, en forma de ordenaci6n de hloques aislados que se superponfa a anal ordenaciones lincales de casa do tipo suhurhano unifamiliar, sobre Lill territorio periferico crttonces escasamente ocupado y solo urbanizado en sus lados en dos ejes urbanos perimctralmente importances: paseo de Fabra i Puig y paseo do Valldaura. • E1 proceso real seguido a partir dc este plan partial se traduce en la intrusion gradual de edificios y tramos de calles sobre cl territorio antes descrito, que han gencrado sitt]aciones contradictorias dc yuxtaposicion entre ]as ordenaciones de casas preexistentes y los nuevos bloques- manzanas de viviendas. • Como resultado cie to anterior y agravado por la presencia de on fuerte vacoo urbano junto en medio de este territorio (el vicjo cementerio de Sant Andrea), una estructura intcrna rota en el nivel viario, y desfiguracta y descompensada en cl nivel de los espacios publicos colectivos, que vvirtualmcnte se reduccn en la plaza de Soller. Esta es una operation reciente e importante que crea on espacio publico central, pero que esta marcada por la dehilidad de la edificacion y de la actividad do su contorno mas inmediato. Ante este tipo de problemas, los estudios y los Criterios de Plan formulados perfilan los criterion y los tipos de soluciones nccesarios para realizar la reestructuraci6n interna propugnada por el Plan General en relaci6n at barrio: • Mejora y renovation del tejido residential, que especificamente significa planificar la reforma y la sustitucion gradual de las viejas ordenaciones de casas en hilera en los alrededores de la plaza de Soller. • Reforma de la estructura interna viaria de los espacios y dotaciones colectivos, que se traduce en operaciones de acabamiento viario y de creation de nuevos espacios relacionados con el desarrollo de las areas do reforma. Diagnostico Del analisis morfol6gico y funcional del barrio se desprenden 4 puntos que han constituido el guion para la definition del "Avance de Plan Especial de Porta". 1. Dos rnodelo.s de ordenacirnn de la ed{fcaeion: • Manzana cerrada localizada bisicamcnte en cl perfinetro del barrio. • Edification aislada con la utilizaciOn de la tipologfa de bloque pluritamiliar y localizada en el sector de Plan Parcial. 2. La presencia de dos grandes vacios dentro del barrio: • Plaza do Soller: con vocaci6n de centro urbano. • Cementerio de Sant Andreu: como falta de integraci611 urbana. 3. Red viaria inconrpleta V poco estrocturada: • Anillo circulatorio y modelo de malla. • Continuidad del tejido urbano entre el sector cfe Renfe-Meridiana y el recto del barrio. 4. Equilibrio de !echo y cargas en lac zonal de renovation del tejido residencial. Propuesta Modelo de ordenacidn adoptado Todo el conjunto de zonas calificadas de reforma (slave 14 h) y parte de algunas zonas de densificacion urbana (slave 13 b) cstan incluidas en el ambito del Plan Parcial del ano 1965 en el que el modelo cie ordenacion dominants es el de bloque aislado, en la propuesta se opta por cste misnto modelo, por una 16gica de claridad y continuidad urbana; pero se potencia, a traves de la disposition de los nuevos bloques, la creation de frente de fachada a to largo de las calles. En el area calificada coma 13 b, que da fachada norte at cementerio, es nasty Clara la option de complctar la ntanzana en el lado que ahora siguc abierto do la calle de Garrofers, Sc han adoptado practicamente Las misnias alineacioncs y alturas del PE del entorno del cementerio de Sant Andrett dr 1987 (no aprohado). La presencia de dos grandes vacios dentro del barrio En el Plan se potencia la vocaci6n de la plaza de Soller como centro urbano, por on lado con la definition de fachadas edificadas a sit alrcdedor para facilitar la actividad comercial y, por otro, con la articulation de las entradas a la plaza desde la red viaria y los espacios libres. 14 El efecto barrera del cetuenterio de Sant Andrea se contrarresta para favorecer la continuidad Urbana de sus mirgcnes, a traves de contplctar ]as calles de Pintor Alsamora y de Garrofers y vincular los espacios libres a la edificacion de los alrededores. Red viaria El barrio se estructura a partir del potente anillo circulatorio y comcrcia] que to rodea (pasco de Fabra i Puig, calle del Dr. Pi i Molist, paseo de Verdum, paseo de Valldaura y avenida Mcridiana) y de on esquema viario interior bastantc incompleto. En el plan se propane potcnciar y dar continuidad a todos los iramos viarios ahora inacabados, clasificados se-tin vfas 1ransversales y vias longitudinales, siguiencto Lill modelo dc "malla" trabado con el anillo circulatorio que delintita el barrio. Vias transversales • Calle del Esculux Ord6ticz, sc rectifica stt trazado en toda la parte central. • Avenida Rio de Janeiro, se terrninara con el sector Renfe-Meridiana v cl resto del barrio. • Calls do Alcudia, se conecta con el anillo circulatorio en et iramo de la calls del Dr. Pi i Molist. • Calle de L'Estudiant, Sc abre on tramo para dar continuidad it acceso de la plaza de Soller. Was Iongitudinales • La calls del Pintor Alsamora y la calle de Garrofers son las dos tinicas vias que cruzan totalmente el barrio en esta direccion, y al mismo tiempo enlazan el sector Renfe-Meridiana con et resto del barrio. • Por otra parts se prolonga la calle de Maladeta, para conectarla con la calls del Dr. Pi i Molist. La Clota Plan Especial de Reforma Interior Reconocimiento del barrio El barrio de La Clota esta ubicado en ct send de una de las areas de Barcelona qUe ha experitnentado una transformacion mas radical en el periodo 1987-1992 (el area de Vail d'Hebron), lo que hace que boy sea especialmente neccsario fornwlar el plancamiento especffico dirigido a resolver la insercion de este barrio, que resulta anacrdnico en el nuevo contexto urbano surgido delintportantc proccso de Iransformaciones antes mencionado. El andlisis del estado actual puede resumirsc en una porcion urbana privilegiada por ]a inserci6n en cl nuevo parquc cquipado de Vail d'Hebron, posicion que goza de las nuevas conexioncs viarias: e] turd dc La Rovira y In Ronda de Dalt. Inmediatez fisica con el cornpacto urbano de ]a vertientc norte de ]a montana del Carmel, pero con interrupcion del tejido y falta de concxion viaria como consecuencia de una topograffa dificil. Grant presencia do piezas singulares de equipamientos en el entorno del barrio, La calle de Alarcon, historicamentc camino-riera, ha constituido pasta hace poco el cordon umbilical que aria La Clota con el nucleo viejo de TTorta, situado en la articulation entre los dos sistemas orograficos del relieve norte de la Ciudad (Collserola-Montbau y Tres Turons- Carmcl). El nucleo de La Clota presenta en su topograffa intcrna una fractura en sentido este-oeste que explica tanto la coufortnacion dc dos plataformas de implantacion Bien diferenciadas, Como la interrupcion de las actuates calles at llegar a esta falla. En el nucleo existentc, que contiene una poblaci6n censada de unas 400 personas, se identifican ties subareas de caracterfsticas diferenciadas en cuanto a tranta viaria, parcclacidn y cdificaci6n. • Una de mayor peso y consolidacidn sobre una trama viaria regular y con una parcetacidn homogenea sobre Las calles de Capcir, de la Purfssima y Cl pasaje de Sant Jaunts. Las tipotogfas de edificacion en esta area, que es la que mas propiamente corresponds at postulado sic zona de conservacion de la estructura urbana de edificacion (15), son muy diversas; desde Las agrupaciones unifarniliares entre medianeras con jardfn etc cada parcela, a edificaciones unifarniliares aisladas, en contrasle con viviendas plurifamiliares que prcfiguran nianzanas cerradas. • Una segunda area difcrcnciada es la que corresponds a Las colas mas bajas del asentantiento y, en especial, a la calls de Braganca, topografica y funcionahnente segregada del nucleo principal antes explicado, se caracteriza por edificaciones plurifamiliares que solo parcialmcnte han llegado a consolidar on frente de alineacion regular que queda totalmente desdibujado en sus dos extremos laberfnticos. • En tercer Lugar, se identifica el area de terrenos poco ocupados quc se encuentra cmplazada en el espacio que va desde el pasaje de Feliu hasty la hondonada que limita par cl norte este nucleo de La Clota; si podemos excluir Lin paquete do parcclas con frentc at pasaje de Fehu y con edificaciones unifarniliares situadas en cl Tondo de la parccla. Forman esle tercer conjunto on grupo de parcelas, con muy poca edificacion y con un dibujo de parcelas muy irregular, propianiente rustico. En cuanto a los servicios existences, se resunien en; • Cinco locales de bar y eomercio, en cantidad proporcional at escaso n6mero de poblaci6n, abastecida tamhien por la proximidad de dos mercados municipales importantes: el de Horta y el de Vall d'Hebron. • Mencionar la existencia del Centro juvcnil Marti Codolar en ci angulo del pasaje de Feliu con ]a avenida de Vidal i Barraquer, cdificio do planta baja mas 1 planta y patio anexo. Es el unico equipamicnto dcntro del nucleo de La Clota. • La infraestructura de servicios urbanos existente se corresponds muy directarnente tambien con to clue hemos identificado como incipiente malla de calles consolidadas y urbanizadas: Capcir, Purfssima, Amor, pasaje de Sant Jaume pasaje de Feliu. Senalar la reciente obra urbanizacion provisional de la calle de Alarcon. Objetivos de planeamiento y de La ordenaci6n urbanistica del area en estudio debera integrar Las soluciones especfficas a Los principales problemas observados, que pueden enunciarse en Los siguientes apartados: Ordenacion viaria De ]a zona y sus conexiones exteriores ntediante vialidad perimetrat. a) En cuanto a vialidad perimetral, se trata de: • Precisar Las alineaciones de la calte de Alarcon y la solucion para su enlace con la futura via de conexi6n Lisboa-Jorda. • Delinir el trazado y perfil de la via ]finite norte del nucleo, desde Alarcon hasta ]a avenida de Vidal i Barraquer. b) Las operaciones de vialidad internas se resumer en: • La prolongaci6n del pasaje de Sant Jaume, hasta su enlace con el vial-lfmitc norte. • La adopci6n de un esquema en peine derivado del nuevo vial-lfmitc norte, que establece su so]dadura con la parrilla de Purfssima-pasaje de Feliu en el altiplano noroeste del nucleo. Ordenacion de la edificacion Las formas de ordenacion de la nueva edification y el tratamiento do Las areas ya consolidadas camp respuestas a esta dualidad de suelos vacantes expecLantes frente a parcclas consolidadas; tal situacion se traduce, a grandes, rasgos en dos tratamienLos urbanfsticos difcrenciadas: 1) La definicidn de la Ordenanza de edificacion Como instrumcnto para lograr en cl tiempo unas pautas de implantacion mas homogenea en las diferentes manzanas del area consolidada. 2) La definicidn ex now de Los modelos de la nueva implantacion de la edificacion en ]as areas poco o nada consolidadas; las soluciones propuestas coo hasicamente tres: • La agrupacion en hilera de viviendas unifamiliares de planta baja mas I planta con jardin, que adopta la forma de ties conjuntos en haterfa, o peine, en el altiplano que ocupa el noroeste del ambito. • La edificacion plurifamiliar en bloques lineales de altura de planta baja mas 3 plantas y planta baja mas 4 plantas como solucidn para la conformacidn de la fachada urbana del nucleo hacia la avenida de Vidal i Barraquer en el oeste y en la calle de Alarcon en et este. • La edificacion plurifamiliar del tipo palazzetto en planta baja ntas 3 plantar, Como variante del tipo anterior para resolver la transici6n entre este y el area de edificacion aislada en planta baja mas 1 planta en la secuencia de la calle de Alarcon hacia el frenie de Els Platans. Espacios libres y equipamiento En relaci6n a las zonas verdes hemos de distinguir dos posiciones: • La interna dentro del barrio con la definicidn Como espacio libre publico de nueva creacidn de la mayor parte de los 15 u'rrcnos que bordc'an arnbati lado, tic la prulongacion del pasaje de Sant Jaurnc. Es convenicute esta finalidad Canto por la necesidad de prcscrvar estos tcrrenos de la implantaciiin de edificios, dada su relieve, coma porquc conviene tenor on espacio central de relation entre ]as distintas subareas del nucleo. La Ifnea perinletral bordc'a par el norte el nucleo dc La Clota. Esta calificacion es una revalidation de la afectacion del PGM para sisterna de parque urbano equipada do los tcrrenos que Sc extiendeo pasta el camino vicjo de Sant Genis. Sc trata de tin destine que se debt entender en la escala mss grande del sector de Val[ d'Hebron. En to relativo al equipamiento de tipo local, dada, par on ]ado, la oferta existents do ]os de tipo asistcncial, docents y deportivo, situadas en el cnlorno, y, par otro, dada que Cl nueva Palencia] de edificaci6n derivadu del plan no genera tin grueso cte poblacion en el lindar de los requerintientos basicos de equipamiento local, se propone que ]a afectaci6n de ratio para esie fin to sea para Ins de la parcela que ocupa cl contra juvenil Martf Codolar, actual equipamiento docente-cultural para Cl que se proven futuras posibilidades de arnpliacion de la edificacion existente. De la gestion del planeamiento propuesto La ejecucion de Las ordcnaciones propuestas pasara, CO algunas areas, par la necesidad dc delimilar los ambitos de gesti6n que garanticen un reparto equitativo de Los beneficios y Las cargas derivados (let planeamiento. La delimitaci6n de ]as unidades de actuacitn, tadas silos previstas por el sistema de compensacibn, es imprescindible en aquellas operaciones que involucren a varias propiedades. Se ha dado prioridad a Ia aperatividad y a ]a pasibilidad de unidades de gestion autonomas. Hospital Militar-Farigola Plan Especial de Reforma Interior 1. Al hablar de este PERI, estamos hablando de tin determinado tipo de plan, el correspondiente a planes de escala media, que operan sobre lugares singulares, tanto Inorfol6gica como geograficamente de la fractura urbana. Son puntos y areas de la ciudad que han quedado, durante largo tienipo, al inargeti del protest) urbano de su cntarno ccrcami: proceso que es relalivamentc moderno en el terrilorio de Vallcarca, peculiannente encajado entre Los monticulos del Putget i del Carme] y ]a antesala tie los territories de Penitents-Vail d'l-lcbron que constituian recientententc las afucras de la ciudad central, en contacto can la lachada de la montana del Tihidabo- Collserola. 2. El piano del estado actual en el que se detectan Las scnales presentes dc su aludida condici6n de urigen, muestra: • Disgregaci611 del tejido urbana de manzanas compactas y de Los trazados viarios gtte dificil y tardfamentc consiguen pasar ]a fruntera virtual de General Mitre- Travessera de Dalt, limile de la tranla urbana historica del nucleo de Gracia. - Dispersion de Las directriccs y del ordcn parcelario sabre ]a que se organiza la moderna y pluri1n6rfica construction del Iugar, que Sc fctrmaliza comp modesta y regular irama de manzanas y calles con on tamano parecido a la zona central de Gracia, y tampion ern Lonna de modernos cdilicios de viviendas aislados, que materializan el aprovechamiento del suelo parcela a parcela. • Provisionalidad en ]a ocupaci6n y destino del suelo y en las propias edificaciones, en contradicci6n flagrante can las expectativas latentes, Canto par has cualidadcs naturales del Lugar comp par las vcntajas sobrevenidas de su pasici6n urbana, proximidad de la horquilla viaria E. Terrades-Ilaspital Milftar de enlace can la Ronda de Dalt. 3. Status urhanfstico y reglamentario del area a planificar, zona de remodelaci6n (14 a) en el Plan General; regularizaciOn de alineacions viarias perimetralcs importances: Avda. Hospital Militar (canal- llujo Pg. de Gracia-Ronda de Dalt) y calle Farigola (conector Gracia-Carmel); conservando comp espacio vcrde las grandcs lincas histdricas the enorme importancia ambiental par su proximidad a] viaducto monumental de 1913. 4. Cuestioncs basicas en ]a realization de este proyecto: • Comprende un dobie componente: conservaci611-stistitucion y remodelacion, que corresponden a los dos tipos de realidades presentes; se ejemplifican en el microtejida de manzanas rcgulares consolidado at pie de la calle Farigola y en su variada galaxia de terrcnos y areas desmadcjadas situadas en la Avda. Hospital Militar. • Intcrpretar correctamente has diferentes vocaciones y logicas de la edificaci6n en Las zonas a remodelar; razonar la tension especial clue aportan tanto la diversidad de los nlodelos de edificacion producictos en la zona comp las cualidades particulares de posicion c imagen que unos suelos y otros tienen en la composition del conjunto. • Integrar en la actualization del Iugar que estamos propugnando, sus excepcionales caracteristicas de relieve, de intrusi6n de arbolado entre la masa edificada de la ladera de la extraordinaria obra civil, que representa el viaducto de 1913, que desdc la Avda. Republica Argentina sigue on trazado canto cornisa- mirador sobre el antiguo vatic. 5. Algunas discusiones en torno at tamano de las unidades de gesti6n del Plan, que es tanto corno prefigurar el rango de los operadores a que potencialmente se dirige la propuesta de edificacion. Entre una posible Pero no deseable reparcelacion universal por on lado, y on razonable equilibrio nunlerico entrc Las unidades menores que componen el dihujo-mosaico operativo finalmente decidido, se ha aptado por cste ultimo. Trinitat Vella Plan Especial de Ordenacion y Mejora Urbana El barrio de la Trinitat Vella, situado sabre el antiguo cerro de Finestrelles y definido por el perfinetro de infraestructuras viarias y ferroviarias que a ambos lados, entre la sierra de Collserola y el rio Bes6s , constituyen Los dos canales de comunicacion de Barcelona que hacia el norte, a on ]ado y a otro de la Trinitat, ha visto materializarse finalmente, la ejecucion de este gran proyecto de infraestructura viaria que es el nudo de ]a Trinitat ( enlace y r6tula de confluencia de ]a ronda de Dalt, ronda del Litoral , autopistas A-7, A-17 i A- 18 y la pata norte de este II Cintur6n de Ronda). Desde una lectura interna, Trinitat Vella esta compuesta por una trama urbana congestionada, que acusa prohlemas de adaptation topografica , tanto en edificacion corno en materia viaria , con tin tejido residencial de poca calidad constructiva. La prisi6n, elemcnto ajeno at barrio, situada en una posicion prominente del cerro, se ha asinlilado corno pieta donlinante y caracterlstica de la imagen urbana (lei sector. En ]a parse stir del barrio, destacan grander porciones de terreno, ocupadas por instalaciones clectricas con poca capacidad de traslado a corto plazo. Asimismo, en has partcs stir y sudestc, coincidicndo can el ambito dc Los dos scctores de rcforma interior definidos cn el PGM, cl tejido edificacto, aparcce inacabado, poco consolidado, expectantc, precisanlente comp reflejo de SU inconcrecion ell la prevision de infraestructuras, hoy finairnente cjccutadas. Asf pees, finalizado el capitulo de ejecucion de has infracstructuras, se inicia una nueva etapa de planeaniicnto. La ordcnacion clue se propone, ha de resolver de mantra coherente c integradora el triangulo que dibuja la Meridiana, el rio Bes6s y el passa de Santa Colonia, recogiendo Las propuestas de nueva edificaci6n previstas pun el "Piet de Vores", estructuranda Los nuevos scctores en busca de una mayor permeabilidad y mejor conexi6n con el continuo urbano de Sant Andrea v la accesibilidad at nuevo parque urbano dc la Trinitat, en cl interior del nudo viario y potenciando finalmente estos nuevos frentes actualmente (altos de actividad del pareo de Santa Coloma y de la nueva fachada de la Trinitat sobre el parque y el mirador. Estos criterios generates de planeainiento se concretan con la intervention en cuatro scctores diferenciados: A. Sector del parso de Santa Coloma. Triangulo delimitado por Meridiana, ronda de Dalt y pareo de Santa Coloma, en ci que el Plan General Metropolitans do 1976, definia tin sector de reforma interior SRI a desarrollar. En este ambito sc nniestran tres tejido,: i . Grandes parcelas ocupadas por instalaciones clectricas que el PGM reconoce comp servicios lecnicos ntctropolitanos (4). 2. Edificaciones plurifamiliares en alineaci6n dc vial, que de forma discontfnua ocupan el fronts norte del pareo de Santa Colaina y que estan calificadas canto zona de renlodelaci6n privada (14 b). 3. Edificacisnes unifamiliares que en dos pequenas manzanas ocupan una 16 platafornta a media altura entre la Meridiana y ]a carretcra dc Ribes, calificadas Como zona de reatoclelaci6n privada (14 b) y zona vcrdc de nueva creation (6 a) en proporciones equivalcntcs. Las soluciones Para resolver este sector, considerando la prevision de viviendas del "Pla de Vores" en la fachada del paseo de Santa Coloma, tcndran que efectuarse dando continuidad edilicatoria al frente del Pasco de Santa Colon-la, importante via de conexi6n, carente ahora de actividad, asf como a ]as dos callcs que desde Sant Andrea penetran en el barrio de la Trinitat, a in de evitar la intcrrupci6n del tejido edificado y ]ograr on electo de aproximacion entre esters dos barrios vecinos. B. Sector de la calle de In Madriquera. Corresponde a este sector el tejido inacahado do la paste Sur dc la Trinitat, entre la cane Madriguera y la ronda de Dalt. Los trazos que inciden en la posibilidad y conveniencia de esta redefinicion, Sun Lill tejido poco consolidado, una reciente urbanizacicin y defiuicibn de los Ifmites, el nudo viario, la losa-mirador, la placa alargada de acceso a ]a Trinitat, el cameo de futbol, el espacio verde interstitial y por supuesto la necesidad de crear la fachada urbana de la Trinidad que de al gran parque central de sti nlisino nomhre. La intcrvenci6n en esie sector se orientara a adecuarla a la realidad ffsica de las infraestructuras v urbanizaci6n perimetral terntinadas, asi coma las nuevas propuestas del °Pla de Mires", estructurando el sector, buscando la permeahilidad entre el tejido existente y el nuevo frente ntirador dondc se encuentra la cotrada del Metro y el acceso al parque de ]a Trinitat. La nueva ordcnaci6n previcera la ubicacion del mercado o Centro comercial. C. Nude de in Trinitat. El proyecto del nudo y Las autuvias urhanas pcrsiguc sin Buda, et buen Inncionanticnto y la racionalidad viaria, sin ahorrar par ello ningtin csfucrzo necesario Para Su buena intcgracion en cl territorio. Sc ha resuelio el nudo viario, coif gran respeto por cl barrio existents, poicnciando incluso, algunos aspectos dclicitarios clef misolo (creaci6n clef gran parque central y urbanizacicin de los espacios intersticiales entrc cl tcjido urbano edificado y la cinta rodada perimetral),no sin que se haya producido desajuste en relaci6n al planearniento vigente. Por tanto, sera necesario adecuar el planeamiento a la realidad ffsica construida, por raz6n de cohcrencia urbanfstica, compatihilizando Las determinaciones de este sector con ]as do Los dos vecinos, cl sector A y el sector B. D. La prision de Trinitat La prisi6n, cuyo use y dimerisiones resultan Lin elemento extrano Para cl barrio, tiene sin nirrguna dada, vucaci6n de alejarse de la trama urhana. Si Bien este traslado no es una uperaci6n facil, si es del todo necesaria, dehiendo de empezarse a pensar las gestiones que determinen el citado camhio, asf como los critcrios a scguir Para incorporar el espacio que ahora ocupa, integrando de manera revitalizadora en la zona norte de la Trinital. La transformacitri de esle suelo se hard teniendo presente ]a necesidad de estructurar el sector, a fin do mejorar su conectividad con el barrio, mediante ]a aperlura de dos nuevas callcs, garantizando en este nuevo proceso de mejora, los nuevos usos de vivienda, vial, verde y dc equipamiento, dinamizadores del sector. Torre Barb-Vallbona-Ciutat Meridina Estudio Urbanistico del "Congost del Besos" 1. El Area Torre Barb - Vallhona-Ciudad Meridiana, se puede definir corno la actnnulaci6n , Ilevada al lfmite, de Lill conjunto de dificultades, tanto par su posici6n Urbana y geografica natural, como por Los modernos procesos de construcciein y urbanizacicin que se han dado. Dos do Los barrios, Torre Barb y Vallhona, forman parts del mapa de asentamicntos marginales de la periferia barcclonesa , surgidos do la parcelaci6n y autoconstruccion Ilevada a Cabo a lo largo de los anos 60 y 70 . Un tercer barrio, Ciudad Mcridiana, con fuerte densidad y fornlalizacitn arquitectonica como polfgono residential do bloques aislados , fornui parte de las operaciones macroespeculativas de cstos mismos llcriodos . Su construction sobre Las laderas de la montana de ]a fachada estc del macizo de Collserola, constituye on autentico paradignta de crecimicnto dcscontrolado. 2. E1 Lugar situadn en el margen derecho del denominacto "Conglost del Besos ", encajado entre el trazado del rio y las luertes pendientes de Collserola, es la entrada natural e histcirica de acceso al Llano de Barcelona, desde el corredur prelitoral. Sobre este estrecho canal de Paso, se implantan succsivamcntc, carreteras, ferrocarriles y autopistas, configurando no amplfsimo haz de vias do comunicacibn que dificulta extraordinariamente las conexioncs de ambos lados do ]a montana (Torre Bar6- Ciudada Meridiana) y el rio (Vallhona-Sant Joan do Montcada). 3. La reciente planificaci6n (1980- 1995 ). En aplicaci6ri de la lectura del sector hecha por el PGM (Zona 16: rehabilitaci6n urbana, en Torre Barb y Vallhona) dos PERI que forman parte de la primera gencraci6n cle planes de Barcelona, posteriores a 1976. En ambos PERI, el punto do partida comun sera el de desplegar una terapia de recuperacicin-rehabilitation de tcjidos de Ciudad-jardin, apenas planificada, articulada Sobre e] juego combinado de diferentes tecnicas de tratamiento: • Saneamiento de Las areas con viviendas consolidadas, que se traducfa en ]a expropiaci6n do ]as partes mas degradadas y delicientes, simultancandolas con to ejecucicn de areas de vivienda pubtica destinadas a los afectados. • Consolidacic n del modelo de asentamiento disperso y de baja densidad preexistente, recualilicando por medio cte Lin sistema clasico de espacios colectivos do verde, de equiparniento local y de red de ca l l es. • Voluntad de permanencia y de refuerzo de la base social y do Los tipos constructivos de Los barrios, especia]mente en of "PERI de Torre Bari", per medio de anos modelos tipol6gicos de vivienda de iniciativa publica, que se presentan como recuperacicin y racionalizaci6n de tipologias surgidas del proceso espontaneo de parcclaciori y cdificaci6n. • Gestion casi exclusivamente publica de los procesos propugnados por el Plan, con Ia intencidn de que dicha actuaci6n sirviera de modelo e incentivo, desencadenando iniciativas privadas do renovacibnlrehabilitacion de viviendas. 4. Diez anos dcspucs del PERi..Se constata la conrpleja y dificil gcsti6n de sus propuestas y quedan evidentes, otras asignaturas pendientes. La visi6n Lie Cada tna de ellas, deja sin respuesta Clara cuestiones estructuraies y de base; accesos y conexiones entrc Jos barrios y la Ciudad; el modelo global, per encima de todo de dos barrios idcalmcntc rcllabilitados Pero carentes de un Centro o nucleo aglutinador, a no set el que representa Ciutat Meridiana como centro de servicios, do comercios y do actividad. Cucstiones Para Las cualcs hay posihilidades aun no agotadas: • La comunicacion vial dirccta cntrc Vallbona y Torre Bard es posiblc, salvando cl haz do autopistas; cs mejorahlc tambicn In diffcil relacidn de cada barrio con Ciutat Meridiana, mejorando ]as vias que cumplen to] funciOn. • La pucsta on juego de terrenos Ilanos inrnediatos al nucleo de Vallhona, hasta boy rescrvados por la calificacion generic:a do equiparniento, permitiendo la introduccidn, en este escenario natural, de elernentos de actividad y servicios, que fuesen generadores de otras dinamicas quo ]as limitadas a dcbiles nucleus residencials (Vallhona: 1.000 hab. Torre Bard, alrededor de 2.000 hab.) • Los modelos de nueva vivicnda pdhlica de los PERI, admitert y reclanian claramente una discusicin de so pertenencia, tango en terminos de pi sicibn territorial (Vallhona) Como taixibi6i ell tcrminos tipolbgicos (Torre Bar6), a fin de reforzar Las posihilidades de generar densidad y significaci6n colectiva. 5. Los trahajos que se reproducen buscan poser responder a los interrogantes aqui expuestos, se inscriben en la lined de forlnalizar, y poser a escala, el esquema estratcgico discnado por ]a Oficina ptiblica Barcelona Regional, en el marco de un convenio de colaboraciun entre el MOPTMA y Ins Ayuniamientos do Barcelona, Montcada v Santa Coloina). Barrio de El Polvori Plan Especial de Refonna Interior Loca l i zacidn El barrio de El Polvorf esta situado en In vertiente ocstc de la montana de Montju'ic, en el ]agar donde existfa Cl antigun polvorfn del que ha tornado el nombre_ Fue construido a principios do los anus 17 cincuenta por cf Irlstituto Municipal do la Vivicnda a rafz de la celehraciOii del Congreso Eucaristico (1953) para erradicar algunos de los conjuntos de barracas clue atin existan en ]a ciudad. El barrio ocupa una posicion singular en los tcrrcnos de una antigLla caritera. Ester configurado por una platalornta, pieza clararncnte definida por dos clenlentos perinlt'tralcs que precintan literabnentc el barrio: la calle de Segura que to rodea de sur a norestc y el corte de la montana que lo cicrra de norestc a sure ste. La situacitin de esta plataforma en una cola elcvada lc pcrnliie gozar de buenas vistas, especialmente cii la parse norocste, y do un buen solcarnie1110 por ]a tarde, pero configura un barrio aislado de la trarna Urbana. La ordenaci6n y edificaci6n existence Actualnlente el barrio se ordena siguiendo un nlodelo do allombra que SC extiende superpucsto sobre una estructura viaria en cspina a partir dc] eje de la calle do Guadalquivir. La claridad de ]a ordenaci6n Se VC 1111.1y desvirtuada por ]a delinicimn actual de los espacios libres que acumulan problernas de desniveles topograficus junto con una red viaria y de peatones carcntc de conexi6n con la calle que rodea at barrio. La tipologia de edificaci6n utilizada es el bloque plurifamiliar de planta cuadrada de 13 x 13 m aproximadamente y de una altura de plants baja mils 2 plantas, resulta un tipo de cdilicacitin hastante interesante como resolucidn dc pequenas unidades de 4 viviendas por plants, no obstante es un modelo obsoleto para integrar los nuevos estandares de superficie Chit de vivienda (de 60 a 75 [n'). La necesidad de la reforma "integral" del barrio Los distintos estudios tecnicas y urbanisticos realizados sobre el estado de las viviendas do El Polvori han puesto de manifiesto las graves patulogias constructivas y las deficientes condicioncs de habitabilidad quc padecen. Esta situacitin se ha visto agravada por la prescncia de aluminosis y carhonatacion en gran parte do las edificaciones del conjunto. El analisis y la valoracion de las diferentes alternativas de intervenci6n plantcadas hall dodo coma resultadu la necesidad do una rcforma integral del barrio , con sustttuci611 de Codas las viviendas (excepto los cinco bloques de Prestacic'm Personal que prescutan on mejor estado de construction). Propuesta Err cI tiempo transcurrido desde que se detect6 el prob]cma que afecta a ]as vivicndas del barrio de El Polvorf, se han ido planicando simultaneanlente en los estudios tccnicos realizados varias alternativas para una nueva ordenaci6n del barrio. Algunas de estas propuestas fucron aportadas por los propios vecinos del barrio, on-as fucron elaboradas por los servicios de planeamicnto. Todas ellas qucdan rccogidas en el documcnto "Estudio del barrio de El Polvorf" tramitado como Criterios, Objetivos y Soluciones Generates Lie Planeamicnto, planteados para resolver el aislarniento del barrio. El modclo finalmente adoptado potcucia Tres criterios hasicos, dada sit singular localizacibn, lacilita la gestiein y ejecucion del plan: 1. La idea de barrio abierto Fundamentalmcnte en una disposici6n de la edificaci6n aislada y permeable a lo largo de la calle de circunvalaci6n (calle de Segura), con una unidad do bloque de reducida dimension y baja altura. La organizacion de la edificacidn siguc las dircctrices estc-ueste y asf permite que cI barrio qucde "abierto" en toda la panic oestc de su perfmctru, hecho que time especial importancia debido a la existencia del corte de la montana que prccinta el barrio por cl este. 2. Modelo extensivo: nicixinia relacicin de las viviendas con el espacio pdblico El entorno del barrio do la montana de Nlontju'ic tiene muchos grandes espacios pi[blicos, por tanto la propuesta del barrio se hasa en clefinir cspacios libres de una dilnensiOn mils domestica. La linalidad del modclo extensivo frcnte a un posible modelo concentrado reside en que el primcro genera una mayor actividad Urbana dcntro del propio barrio. 3. La accesibilidad a los diJerentes niveles topogrdJicos T.ocalizada en Las puertas del barrio (conecta con la plataforma superior del anti(1uo polvorin) se resuclve Coll NOL]LIeS adaptados a fuertes pendientes y vinculados a traves de terrazas o rampas a la topografia como accesos para peatones. E1 tipo Lie ordenaci611 ofrece importances vcntajas en la gestiein y ejecuci6n del Plan en la medida en que Sc conserva gran parse do la actual red Lie espacios libres del barrio: espacios interbloque, calls de Guadalquivir y plaza ptiblica; y ha permitido, de una forma equilibrada, absorber el incremento dc techo edificable del 41 a/i, respecto al estado actual. Vialidad y espacios libres Sc mantienen los dos elemcntos principales de la estructura del barrio: la calls do Guadalquivir y la plaza pi[blica situada en el centro de la ordenaci6n. La calle de Guadalquivir es Cl eje principal que da acceso al resto de la red viaria interna y a partir de la cual se organiza la edificaci6n. La propuesta prove la prolongaci6n dc esta calle hasta conectar en el none con la calle de Segura. La ahertura cie la calle do Guadalquivir supone rebajar el promontorio sobrc el que se situa actualmente la iglesia. La red viaria se reduce a la estrictarnente necesaria para dar acceso a ]as vivicndas y se configura mediante un anillo distribuidor. Se manticnc, como se ha dictto, la plaza ptihlica del barrio en su situacitin original entendiendo como iddnea la situacitin central que ocupa, y Sc irtcorpora comb gran espacio libre la plataforma superior del antiguo polvorin. Ordenaci6n de la edificaci6n La cdificacion se organiza a partir de dos tipos de hloquc que responden a dos tipos de implantaci6n en el territorio. El tipo predominante es el que ocupa la parte mils llana del barrio. Estos bloques lineales de pequcna dimension (1 1 m de anchura y 30 o 45 in de lon(litud) y de planta baja mils 3 plantas se disponen en serie siguiendo la direcci6n estc-ocste, sobre las trazas dc las edificaciones actuales. Esta ordenaci6n de bloques da Lugar a una secuencia de espacios libres orientados como la vertiente de la montana en el oeste, y ofrece a lo largo do todo el recorrido por la calle de Segura una perspectiva ahierta del barrio. Tanibien en la directriz norte-sur sc produce esta permeahilidad visual a Craves de los corredores formados por la calls de Guadalquivir y el anillo circulatorio. En el extremo uorte del barrio, donde la topografia es nary pronunciada, se propone una tipologia do edificaci6n diferentc que se adapta a la forma pendientc y define a la vez una de ]as cntradas del barrio (acceso de Monijuic). El asentamicmo de estos bloques prctende favorecer la conexibn con la plataforma superior de la montana, apoyando los accesos para peatones en el antiguo polvorin. Se mantienen los cinco edificios de Prestaci6n Personal, integrandolos en la secuencia bloque-espacio Iibre. La vivienda El tipo do bloque previsto, con p.-ofundidades de 11 o 12 in, permite una d^stribuci6n do las viviendas con doble orientaci6n, lo que resulta nluy iniportante en estc caso, dada la orientaci6n norte-stir de las mismas. Las dimensiones de los bloques clan cabida a vivicndas con difcrentes programas funcionalcs. La hip6tesis con la que se ha trahajado es la de tin 59,7% de viviendas con tres dormitorios (70-75 m' 6tilcs) un 40,3% comm dos dormitorios (60- 65 in-' Citiles). Las dotaeiones del barrio: locales comerciales y equipamientos Se preve que Ios diferentes servicios boy existentcs en el barrio sc instalen en las plantas bajas de los bloques. Sin embargo la regulaci6n de los usos admitidos en los bloques tipo, calificados como IS a, permits que puedan destiuarse las plantas bajas de los edificios a otros usos difcrentes a los conlerciales o de vivicndas, para satisfacer las neccsidadcs (]Lie pudieran plantearse de locales sociales a otros servicios de inheres colectivo. Grupo de viviendas de Via Trajana Plan Especial de Reformer Interior Los distintos estudios realizados sobrc el estado del grupo de vivicndas de la Via Trajana han puesto de manifiesto las graves is patologias constructivas y las delicientes condiciones de habitabilidad clue padecen. El resultado del proceso de analisis y valoracion de Las diterentes altcrnativas de Lntervenci6n planteadas ha hecho patcnte la necesidad de proceder a Una reforma integral del conjtnlto, con la sustitucion de today Las viviendas y la nueva construccion do estas ell cl propio barrio. El grupo de viviendas de Via Trajana, fornnado por un conjunto unitario de 19 edificios de viviendas, se encuentra situado entrc las calles de Guipdscoa, Via Trajana, Santander y paseo de La Verneda. La Iftnca divisoria del ternlino municipal parte perpendicularntentc c] barrio, asf queda el conjunto a caballo entre los municipios de Barcelona y de Sant Adri$ del 13es6s. El barrio, tanlbidn denominado La Verneda, se edifico en 1953, con motivo de la cclcbraci6n de] Congreso Eucarfstico, parque era nccesario disponcr de los terrenos de la Diagonal ocupados por barracas. Su situation absolutanlente perifdrica respecto a anlbos municipios, la proximidad del tree que actda como harrera, el entorno industrial y Su position topografica respecto a la calle do Guipdscoa bacon que la situaci6n urbana del barrio sea de total nlarginaci6n v de colnpleto aislanliento respecto a su entorno nn s urbano. E-l grupo originahncnte coustaba de 692 viviendas v 4 locales comerciales divididos en 18 unidades de planta baja ins 2 plantas y 36 viviendas por bloque y on bloque de planta baja mas 3 plantas v 44 viviendas, etas los 4 locales conierciales. Las viviendas tisnen aproxinladamente una superficie construida do 44 a 58 nt', y se organizan en calla bloque alrededor do una patio interior, al que se lime acceso por unas porialadas situadas centralmente. La distribution interior se realiza en torno a Lill pasillo con dos escalcras a los lidos. l.a situation] de Ios bloqucs, colocados a tresbolillo, pcrpendicularnlente a Via Trajana. origina uua eerie do espacios fibres de una dinlsnsitin aproxinlada do 20 x 40 in. El gran ndnlero de estos espacios v la mall posicifm do los que se abler al paseo de La Verneda (orientation Home, proxinw a la via del Iretl), los convicrte en zatlaS residuales, sin niugtiu caracter, to que romenta sit aislanlisnto, a la vez quc inlposibilita Lola lcctura ttuitaria del espacio pdblico. Ordenacidn La ordenacion propuesta se compone de on bloque lineal segmentado en 4 unidades que Lace frcnte a on gran espacio libre paralelo al paseo de La Verneda dc planta bajja mas 7 plantas y dos torres de planta baja mas 15 plantas nnis proximas a Via Trajana. La disposition de Las piezas, despuds de diferentes ensayos, se ha considerado ]a mas adectlada dada la buena orientation de Los bloques, hacia cl sur, y la disposition de [as torres, una en cada municipio, como contralpunto y marco del espacio pdblico de nucva creacidn. Tanto ]as Lipologfas del bloque Como ]as de las torres son elenlentos suficierrterncntc estudiados y reconocidos coma Para pcrmitir diferentes variances, Clue tendrin comp liruitacion [a ncccsidad de relacionar algunas de sus piezas interiores coil el futuro parquc y, por Canto, asegurar la buena orientation ]facia el sur. La propuesta parts del concepto de nnantener aproximadatnente el mismo numero de unidades destinadas a vivienda actualntente existents. (Esto provoca el auniento del techo edificable, debido a los estandares de habitabilidad que se han de cunnplir). En cuanto a los cquipamientos la propuesta preve mantener la actual escuela maternal, crear una zona de pistas dlcportivas y reubicar los demos ecluipanlicntos existences en la planta baja de los blogLies de nueva creacidn. La ordenacion propuesta permite la construccion de las dos torres sin neccsidad de derribar ningun bloque de Los existences. El nuevo espacio pdblico resultante se considera una verdadera oportunidad Para poser construir el futuro parque de La Verneda, quc con cl diseno tic Via Trajana, permitira que qLlede libre L111.1 superficie de 5 hectareas. La disposition de Los viales permite una [nejor relation con el sistenla de parques yuc dcsdc La Sagrcra hasta el parque dc] I3esos vertebrar n no nuevo cjc verde en el sector oriental Cie' Ia Ciudad. Tanlbien se Ira cstabIccido una mejor relation con [a Ranlhln dc Prim y con los dos puentes de Santander y Guipdscoa nnediante un ajuste topogrifico del parque en sus dos exlrctllos, y la conexioll a ]live] Coll ci paseo de La Verneda. La Via Trajana mantiene cl Hive] y trazado actual y se amptfa se-On ]as prcvisiones del PGM, lo que obligara a rehacer el Puente de Guip6scoa Para pcrmitir el paso del vial con su nueva anchura. Como conclusion podemos decir que la ordenacion pretender establccer una integration del nuevo grupo de la Via Trajana en el tejido urbano Inctropolitano, al mismo ticmpo que permite una caracterizacion especffica del Lugar con la creaci611 del nuevo parque de La Verneda y ]a apropiacion y el control del mismo por parte de Los usuarios de las viviendas. Grupo de viviendas de la Seat Plan Especial de Refortna Interior En el ado 1992 cl Ayuntamicnto Loma ]a decision de reformar la rnanzana en [a Clue se ubican Las viviendas, propiedad del Patronato Municipal de la Vivienda, conacidas popularmente por "4 plantas Seat", por otras nuevas. La decision se toma ante la gravedad de las patologias estructurales que afectan a los edificios y despuds de haher redactado varios proyectos para la rehabilitation, de los que sc cjecuto una parse destinada a la consolidation y seguridad de los bloques. La reforma se puso en marcha con la tramitacion de un plan especial para sustituir, en el mismo ]ugar, Las 272 viviendas y locales comerciales, y a la vez mantener a sus vecinos durante el proceso de ejecucion. Dicho extremo, dada la entidad ffsica de los bloques existences, file determinante para estahlecer una ordenacion y un plan de etapas preciso y ajustado a Las limitaciones ffsicas que imponfan. La ordenacion de ]a edification se ha previsto en tun volumen en forma de "U" y planta baja mss 6 plantas. En los modulos laterales se aliadcn otros dos volumcncs de altura tiros baja, planta baja mas 4 plantas, alincados a ]as calles formando doble bloque y de 4 viviendas por rellano. Esta tipologia permite incrententar en el. ]agar adecuado el ndnnero de viviendas nccesarias. Estos modulos laterales, situados perpendiculares a los bloques existences, ocupan el Suelo de posible ejecucion mas innnediata y el bloque vacfo de la calle de la Mecanica y los suelos ocupados por Los locales socialcs propiedad de la empresa Seat en ]a calle de la Energia, no ocupados por viviendas. El modulo central, el dltimo que se construiri, esta ubicado de nnartera Clue da frente a ]a calle de ]a Foneria y riene una tipologfa dc bloque de dos viviendas par rellano. El interior dc ]a "U" se ha previsto Como espacio libre pdblico en la superficie, marco de actividades y soporte de las plantas bajas comerciales. Debajo de la plaza, en planta subterranea, se ubica un aparcamiento, para de solventar ]a falra de plazas de aparcanliento en el barrio. Se modifica [a topogratfa de la manzana para que tanto el espacio Libre como Las plantas bajas qucdcn en ]a rasante de ]as calles. La diferencia actual es de 3 in entre la rasante de Las calles y el terreno_ Sin embargo, se preve la posibilidad de reubicar, si finalnnente luera prcciso, ]a iglesia de Sant Cristofol, que esrd en el interior de la manzana que se planta reformar. Actualmente, ya se ha empezado la ejecucion del plan con la construccion de los dos modulus laterales. La gcstion y los acuerdos correspondientes con la enlpresa Seat han posibilitado la ejecucion simultinea de los dos modulos a la vez, con to que se avanzado respecto a Las etapas mfnimas fijadas en el Plan de Etapas. Sector del Turo de la Peira y Can Carreras Modification del Plan Genera! Metropolitano El hundimiento de una finca en la calle de Cadfk del barrio del Turd de la Peira, como consecuencia de la presencia de cimiento aluminoso en ]as biguetas de sus techos, dio la serial de alerta de un problema que ya empezaba a dctectarse tambien en otros grupos de viviendas consiruidas en el mismo periodo. Como resultado del diagn6stico realizado en el Turd de la Peira se emprendieron una serie de actuaciones de reparation de las viviendas y se Concluyd que era nccesario derribar dos manzanas, lo Clue SUP0111a afectar, con toda seguridad, a 369 viviendas Clue podrfan llegar a ser 918 en caso do confirmarse la imposibilidad de reparation de dos nlanzanas mas. Era preciso, por tanto, prever viviendas alter nativas localizadas en la mistna zona 19 o en areas pmxinlas quc pcrmirirran iniciar e] proceso de SUS1i1LIci6n de ](Is edificios, La modificacion (let Plan General Metropolitano se plantea. pues, con el ob,jetivo de establecer una rescrva de suelos quc posibilite el desarrollo de tin programa de vivienda de protecci6n publica para a Iron tar ]us procesos de reforma previstos en ague] sector. El conjunto de modificaciones concretas del PGM sc propone con el criterto de mantenimiento dc la edificabilidad global del sector y de las reservas para egiiipamientos y espacios ]ibres. A partir de la localizaci6n de una serie de suelos destinados originariamente a sistemas (espacios libres, c(luipamiento 0 servicius tecnicos) clue, en coherencia con la ordenacion general (let sector, e ran aptos para ser construidos, la modificacion del PGM opera recalificindolos coino zona edificable y transfiricndoIes la edificabilidad que Cl PGM habia situado ell los terrenos municipales del antigun Institute Mental que no habia lido nonca ejcculada, Paralclamente se planteaba convertir el ambito del antigun Instituto Mental, que comprende tambion [as antiguas fincas de Can Carreras y Can Ensena, en una importance pieza de cquipamientos y de parque urbano donde se situaria el Forum Norte do la Tecnologfa, cquipamiento cultural de ambito ciudadano y otras dotaciones comLinitarias. La transferencia de la edificabilidad de este sector a Las nuevas zonal edificables y ]a propuesta de destinarlo fntcgrarnente a parque urbano y equipamiento era coherente con la iniciativa mencionada y permilfa mantener el equilibrio global dc sistemas y techo edificable. Las reservas de suelo en [as Clue w. prev6 situar Las operacioncs de vivienda dc proteccion publica son: Ambito A. Situado en [a confluencia del paseo de Valldaura y fa plaza de Karl Marx. Ambito B. Situado cn el paseo de Urrutia como prolongation do la operaci6n de vivienda p6blica de Can Carreras. Ambito C. Solar denominado Les Basses en el pasco de la Peira. Esta actuaci6n esta ya finalizada. Ambito F. Frente del paseo de Fabra i Puig. Operaci6n con proyecto redactado y a punto de empezarse_ AInbito G. Parcela de Transports de Barcelona SA ocupada por nos talleres del 41ciri y por las cochcras de arnohnscs. Su translormacion sc preve a largo plaza, en e1 nloniento en quc se den las condiciones quc permitan el traslado de los uses actuates. Grupo de viviendas de El Governador Plan Especial de interior El grupo de las viviendas de El Govenlador esta situado en ]a parts norte (let barrio do Verdum entre ]a Via Favencia, ]a calle de Alrnanza, la de Viladrosa y la de Mas Duran. El proyecto de este conjunto do viviendas data de 1952, en el momento de [as primeras oleadas de inmigraci6n a Cataluna y de la construccion dc los primeros polfgonos de viviendas a cargo dc los organismos oficiales. No ohstante, sus origenes son singulares pues We construido por iniciativa del gobernador civil sobre Linos terrenos donados por la propietaria de la finca. El poligono tiene una estructura perfectarnente diferenciada de nos tejidos suburbanos que to rod earn. El conjunto de 41 bloqucs de 3 plantas se ordena formando agrupaciones de pcquenas manzanas con espacios libres interiores. La estructura del barrio se apoya sobre tres ciementos principales; la plaza de Verdum que ticne las plantas bajas con porches, destinadas en un principin a locales comcrciales, y Las dos calles transversales de G6ngora y Viladrosa, esia itltima eje principal de la actividad del barrio. La calle de Almansa, perpendicular a las caller anteriores, es la unica calle que cruza la Ronda de Dalt y constituye el elcntento viario mas importance a partir del eual se esiablecen ]as conexiones con los barrios vecinos. La implantation de la ordenaci6n sobre Lin terreno en pendiente se resolvi6 con la formation de plataformas que se salvan con Lin sistema de escaleras y de muros de contencion, nos cuales inciden de una manera bastante negativa en ]a configuraci6n de los espacios libres. El barrio cucnta con tin total de 931 mOdulos de los que 861 son viviendas y 70, locales comerciales. La superlicie util de Las viviendas es de 23 m' de promcdio. El bloque tipo consta de Lin pasillo central a travcs del cual sc tiene acceso a las viviendas. El acceso vertical se produce por unas escaleras exteriores que penniten el paso en planta baja a Craves del bloque. Las virtudes que panda teller la ordenacion contrastan con la precariedad de la construcci6n. La mala calidad de los materiales y de los sistemas constructivos, asi como la infima superficie de las viviendas, hace suponer que se constiuyo con earacter provisional Como respuesta a Lin problema de alojamiento innlediato. La necesidad de la reforma qucdaba ya establecida por cl PGM que delimitaha el grupo de viviendas como Lin sector de Reforma Interior. La opci6n do reforma total qucd6 corroborada asimismo por el estudio tecnico sobre el estado de ]as viviendas elahorado en 1987 por el propio redactor del Plan. Et censo de poblaci6n y el informs socioecon6mico elahorados respectivamente por el Patronato Municipal de la Vivienda y por cL Laboratorio de Sociologia ICESB fueron instrumentos importantes para conocer no tan solo las caracterfsticas y las necesidades de la poblaci6n rcsidente sino adcrnas ]a valoracion que esta hacfa de nos diferentes aspectos del barrio. El Plan Especial parse de la premisa de que es bueno que se siga identificando el poligono de viviendas de El Governador como tejido diferenciado, si bien funcionalnlente integrado con ]a estructura urbana del entorno. La propuesta concihe el barrio como una plataforma inclinada, desciende desde la Ronda do Dalt hasta la calls de Viladrosa, por la que se podra circular sin hajar o suhir escaleras y que se podra cruzar tanto en sentido norte-sur como transversalmente. Se mantienen Las calles de Gongora y Viladrosa, como nos dos ejes transversalcs importantes en los quc se concentra la actividad comercial, y se organiza una red viaria norte-sur para conseguir la total permeabilidad e integraci6n del conju lto. La prolongation de la calls de Andromeda, con earacter de paseo para peatones, constituye el verdadero elemento vertebrador del barrio. Este paseo, trazado sobre cl eje de la antigua plaza de Verdun conecta, por Lin lado, con el espacio libre construido sobre la plaza de la Ronda de Dalt y, por otro, con el eje cfvico constituido por el sistema de espacios libres tie plaza de Francesc Layret, calle de ConfLcnt y plaza de Angel Pestana. La cdificaciOii esti constituida por tin conjunto de bloqucs lineales paralelos, dispuestos en sentido transversal siguicndo las curvas de nivel. Esta disposicion repetitiva de la unidad del bloque se rompe para dar respuesta a dos situaciories peculiares. La entrega con la Ronda do Dalt se resuelve por Lin lido coil tin edificio singular de 10 planias quc aconlpanara el paisajc do edificios altos que confornlan la fachada de la Ronda y por otro con tin bloque que, adoptando la directriz de la calle Lie Alnlansa, permits abrir el eje para peatones y configurar Lill espacio ajardinado en el panto en que se entrega con el espacio libre sobre la plaza de la Ronda. Esta soluci6n se repitc en el otro extrenlo del eje de pcatones en el punto en que el sistema de bloques sc ha de articular con el edificio escolar ya existence. E1 conjunto de bloqucs paralelos define at rnismo tiempo Lin sistema de espacios libres longitudinales, facilmente controlables desde las viviendas que estan enfrente. Esta era una do las preocupaciones expresada repetidamente por los vecinos del barrio. Estes espacios libres no tienen todos el mismo earacter. La organizaci6n de los bloques agrupados dos a dos da Lugar a Linos espacios intcriores de earacter nlas doinestico, apropiados para actividades de ocio y para jugar Los ninon; mientras quc el espacio libre superior e inferior de los bloques ticne la consideraci6n mas propianiente de calls. El edificio tipo es un bloque lineal de planta baja y 4 plantas con una profundidad de 13 in. Esta dimension permite la tipologfa de viviendas con dos fachadas y ventilaciOn cruzada. Las plantas bajas se destinan a vivienda, excepto en Jos bloques del frcnte montana do Las caller de G6ngora y Viladrosa en los que se preven locales comerciales. La posici6n de nos bloques do una mariera escalonada en rclaci6n con la pendiente y la prevision de los acccsos a las viviendas en planta baja at nivel de la calls superior hace quc la planta baja quedc ligeramente clevada respecto at espacio libre interior de nos bloqucs y asf mejora la sensaci6n de intinlidad de Las viviendas. La gesti6n y cjecucion del Plan corresponds a la Gencralidad (lnstituto Catalan del Suclo) segue el convenio de colaboracion suscrito en 1990 entre el Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes, 20 la Gencralidad y el Ayuntarniento de Barcelona. Actualmenle estan acabados los edificios previslas en cl frcnte de la Ronda do halt, El situado en la conilucucia con la calls de Almansa lla lido proyectado por Joaquin) Vayreda y el que hate frcnte at eje de peatones por Joan Pascual. El conjunio de dos bloques lineales detimitado por las calles de Marfn, Batllori, G6n4ora y el eje de peatones esta en lase dc ejecucion scgun el proyecto Lie Llufs Nadal. Rambla de Prim-Marroc- Maresme y Paragiiai Plan Especial de Ordenacion Necesiclad y oportunidad del prescnte Plan Especial El area objeto de estc Plan Especial corresponds at Polfgono 22 del Plan Parcial Levante Sur, aprobado en mayo de 1966, que cstablecfa una ordcuaci6n de bloques aislados de planta baja mas 7 pla it tas, siguiendo el modelo con qLlC se hall consolidado los Irentcs de la Ranlbla do Prim. Este planeanlicnto no ha sido ejccutado. El esiado actual do consolidacion de esta area responds a un 1ejido de edificacioncs de baja altura, planta bgjalplanta baja mas I planta, alincadas en on sistema de pasajes perpendiculares a la Ranlbla do P11111. El PGtM rcconoce, en pane, esta ordenacioti anterior y Ic asigna la calificacion do zona IS, pero introduce una modilicaci6n cxpresa 1x r la que afeeta coma zona verde a algtnuis bloques previstos ell cl Plan Parcial. La recesidad y oportinlidad del presence Plan Especial se fundamenta ell los Signicntc's I11ot1Vos: • La propio ONU cstablccc la elbligatoriedad de adecuar la ordenaci6n de lie /ands 18 cuando Cl PGltil modilica las detcrnlinaciones del Plan Parcial interior. • La voluntad de rcestructurat- esta area que ha quedado obsoleta en relaci6n con el estado de consolidaci6n cic coda li Ranlbla de Print y quc llresenta eonsiderables delicicncias tauto por c] estado de la eciificacitin coilio por sat iniplaLil,1661i topogrdfica deprinlida en relacithi a la Rambla de Priors. I a npcracioin do relornla que ahora se planted no difiere de ]a prevista desde 10o I por cl flan Parcial Levante Sur. Los elerncntos diferenciadores son la voluntad de ejecutarla y la sustftucibn de la iniciativa privada por la ptiblica. El liccho de que este sector cucnte con un potencial edificable muy superior at actualmentc existente (49.983 mZ existentcs) garantiza su viabilidad. • La necesidad de prover un modelo de gestion que posibilite [a efectiva transformacion de esta area, ya que cl sistema de compensaci6n previsto se ha demostrado inopcrante, y que garantice, a la vez, [a efectiva reubicacion de los ocupantes actuales en el propio ambito. Propuesta La ordenaci6n propuesta recoge el criterio de ]a Rambla de Prim de concenrrar la edificacidn para liherar el maximo espacio verde, empleando la tipologfa de edificaci6n del bloque lineal en uu esquema en peine abierto a ]as Rambla de Prim v con una variacion de altura entre los arcs bloques perpendiculares. Los objetivos que se persiguen en ]a nucva ordenaci6n se puedcn resumir en: 1. Generar c] maximo de fachada orientada a la Rambla dc Prim. 2. Reducir la altura de los bloques respe eto a la Rambla de Prim para conseguir un mayor soleamiento y la relaeicin de las viviendas con el espacio libre (planta baja olds 4 plantas y planta baja mas 7 plantas). 3. Resolver la continuidad clef tcjido urbano, por un ]ado con ]a adopci6n del ntismo modelo de ordenaci6n de la Rambla Lie Prim y, por otro, con la continuidad del sistema viario de L'Fixample. 4. Favorecer la rcubicaci6n de los ocupantes actuales en el propio ambito duraute ]as diferentes fases de ejecucion (iniciando la operaci611 del maximo techo ell los solares mas libres). Se manticne el trazado y ]a section de anchura de his calles correspondientes a la red de L'Eixainpic: Marroc, Bolivia y Parai dai. A la calle de Pere IV el Plan le reconoce una anchura de 20 in conto consecucncia de mantener la alincacitin en cl lad O Inar Como prolongaci6n tie Ios trannos almteriores y de ajustar la ali eacton en el lado nlontana at Ifnlite Lie los actuales jardines. Uesaparecen las calles o pasajes internos cLnno circulaci6ii rodada, que pncden set- in[erpretados conto rccorridos para peatones dentro de Ii nueva urhanizacidn de espacios libres interbloqucs, salvando la actual diferencia do rasante entre la calle del Maresme y ]a Ratnbla de Prim con una pendiente uniforme entre las dos calles. La iniplantaci6n de los dos bloques mas altos (planta baja ntas 7 plantas) como fondo de Jos cuatro bloques transversales en la Rambla de Prim, es decir dando fachada a la ca]lc del Maresme, responde principalmente a ]a idea de ofrecer fachada a la Rambla de Prim el maximo numero de viviendas. La concentracion de techo en estos dos bloques favorece claramente la reubicaci6n de los actuates ocupantes de la zona, ya que se situa en las parcelas menos consolidadas (Ia mayoria estan vacfas). Al mismo tienipo el emplazamiento de Jos edificios altos da continuidad a las fachadas de las manzanas confrontantes a norte y a sir do nuestro ambito, y refuerza ]a Ifnea de cambio de la ordcnaci6n y de usos (definida para el use industrial en la trama de L'Eixantple y el tcjido residential de Prim). La tipologia was prescnte en la Rambla de Prim, principalmente en el lado izquierdo (suroestc) cs el bloque con una agrupacion de cuatro viviendas por escalera o el doble bloque. En la nueva propuesta se manticne esta misma tipologfa, con unas anchuras Lie bloque de 20 ni para los de planta baja mas 4 plantas de altura y 22 in para los de planta baja was 7 plantas, esto nos perni to un espacio interhloque dc 27 m de anchura v de unos 70 m de largura. Esta anchura del verde entra on niuy buena relacibn de escala con la altura edificada de 16 in de los bloques que delimitan las dos fachadas del espacio libre. El PE mantiene [as superficies de zona verde y equipaniiento previstas por el PGM. No obstante, la superficie global de espacio libre de use pdblico aumenta considerablemente con la incorporaci6n de leis espacios libres que hay entre los bloques. La zona verde (6a) y el equipamiento (7b) pasan a ocupar ]a puma none del sector, y da lachada a la calle de Pere IV conto final de esta via equipada. La gestion Se prevd por el sistema de expropiaci6n ejecutable directanicnie por ]a Adininistraci6n o nnediante formulas dc colaboraci6n con la iniciativa privada (concesidn, empresa inixta, etc.). Grupo de viviendas Eduard Aun6s Estudio de detalle EI grupo de viviendas de "Casas Baratas de Eduard Aun6s es uno de los cuatro polfgonos publicos -de ]os cinco previstos- ejecutados alrededor del arm 1929 -ano de ]a Exposici6n Universal de Montjulc-. Todos cllos: Eduard Aun6s (533 viviendas), Bard dc Viver (381 viviendas), Ranson Alb6 (534 viviendas) y Milans del Bosch (781 viviendas) fueron promovidos por el Patronato de la Vivienda, su construcci6n se enmarc6 en el conjunto legislativo de las Casas Baratas de los prirneros anos de los ands vcinte. Sus caracteristicas fisicas convenes son: iniplantaci6n marginal y periferica, caracter unitario, tipologfas do vivienda exclusivamente en planta baja, reducida superficie y organizaci6n espacial en hileras. Las importances patologias de edificacitin en proceso dc degradaci6n creciente y las escasas condiciones de habitabilidad Ilevaron, despues de descartar ]a opcidn de la rchabilitaci6n, a tomar la decision de reformar el barrio. El proceso se inicid en dos Ifneas de actuacion paralelas: la elaboraci6n del plancamiento y el tnaslado provisional do algunos vecinos, hasta la finalizaciOn de la reforma, a las viviendas de Can Farrero en el paseo de la Zona Franca. El Plan General Merropolitano calific6 el barrio como "zona sLijeta a anterior volumetrfa", slave 18. y to relaciona con el ndmero 70 en el Anexo I de ]as Normas Urbanisticas. El planeamienro anterior es el Plan Parcial Gran Via Sur que zonific6 el barrio cotno "zona suburbana extensiva". La mencionada zonificacion determinara los paranietnls de edificabilidad y de ocupacion maxima que se deberan toner en consideraci6n en [a refornia. La refornia del barrio implicara otras actuaciones -Va previstas por el plancamiento vigente- coma la ahertura de ]as calles de Arnis y de Ulldecona, y cs el primer estab6n de la recalificacidn urbana futttra del paseo de la Zona Franca y sit entorno proximo. Se previ6 en dos fases. Para cada una de ells se hicieron estudios de detalle en los anus 1990 y 1995, respectivamente°. La nueva ordenacicm Sc organiza sabre la estructura ffsica esencial del barrio. Se 21 mantiene to calls de Turursa curio cje longitudinal de caracter civico sobre cl que se apoyan los espacios libres y los equipamicntos existentcs que se nnantienen. Se conserva casi [a totaliclad del arbolado actual, se p]antea coma una preexistencia dada su calidad ambiental. La edificaci6n se ha previsto en dos manzanas abiertas a annbos lados de tin cspacio central de caracter ptiblico, formado por el edificio escolar actual y, dclante dc estc, la nueva plaza. Los bloqucs, de planta baja mas 4 plantas, cstan alineados con [as Galles, tienen espacios libres centrales en el interior y accesos dcsde las calles perimetrales. Estos [uevos espacios fibres son una ampliaci6n de ]as plazas originarias. Actuahnente, ya se pan ejecutado, y ya pan lido ncupados por los vecinos, los dos bloqucs previstos con frcnte a la calle dc Suvelles. Lo que significa que ya se pan construido 112 de las 340 viviendas prcvistas en la primcra lase. La reforma final supone la creation de 600 viviendas. Abertura de la avenida de Cambo Estudio de detalle del area central del Sector oriental del centro historico EI PER[ del Sector Oriental en e] ambito del area central se articula por mcdio de dos grandcs propuestas vertebradoras de la renovacitn del barrio. Por tin lado , la creaci6n del gran vacfo entre la cal]es Princesa y Sant Pere ones Baix y, por otro,la necesidad de dar una alternativa a la prolongation dc la avenida de Cambo que sigue mas respetuosamentc el tejido urhano que la planteada por el PGM en su dfa. En el caso de ] a continuation de] ejc Cambo, el PERT propone cl crnplazamiento de tin edificio- puerta situado at final de la avenida y quc segun se dice cn la memoria del Plan; "...constituye tin acabado mas adecuado con la abertura iniciada y , al mismo tiempo , resuelve la continuidad del flujo de peatones y de coches que cruza undo el centro historico de este a oestc. Su formalization , con tin espacio ptiblico interior , actda de filtro de entrada en el area central y simultancamente completa la manzana que es preciso recortar..." Este edificio-puerta que plantea cl PERT causa tin Corte lisico y visual dcmasiado grande en la avenida dc Cannb6 y asi, aunque cstando de acuerdo con la necesidad dc tin fi]tro y al nnismo tiempo do tin final, sc piensa quc csta transition se resolveria niucho mejor si se asegurara la perfecta funcion conectiva tanto rodada Como de peatones y sinntllaneannentc se potenciaran his lineas visuales lejanas v, en consccuencia, Sc mcjorar la relacidn entre la avenida y el gran espacio de nueva crcaci6n. Ademas, la plaza interior que cree el edificio-puerta es de on tamano muy reducido para articular la circulation rodada y a la vez facililar su use civico. (La plaza interior del edificio tiene unas dimensiones de 25 x 25 m, mientras que la plaza Reial tiene 85-60 m). La propuesta de edificaci6n que plantea Cl Estudio de detalle permite dar un final a la avenida de Cambo, creando on tenon de fondo y sinnultaneamcnte tin panto do referencia quc ayucle a controlar la actual indetermination del cspacio. La position de la edificaci6n, desplazada respecto del eje de la avcnida de Camh6, actua de filtro dc entrada at area central y acota el cspacio visual, pcro permite a la vcz la perfecta continuidad del flujo de peatones y de vehiculos que necesitan toner acceso at centro historico. La solution adoptada busca una correcta relation de escalas y te,jidos, ya quc creernos necesario que la avenida de Cambo sea un espacio acotado, dado que sus lrentes edificados tienen unas caracteristicas ajenas at tejido de Ciutat Vella (edificios de planta Baja mas 9 plantas utilizadas corno oficinas). La nueva Gallo propuesta (16 m) constituye on nexo entre dos espacios acotados con caracteristicas propias y diferenciadas (avenida de Cambo y espacio central). Esta nueva calle cumple la misma funcion que la calle de Sant Oleguer (18 in) en la propuesta del PERI de El Raval, quc one la avenida de Les Drassancs y el Pla Central. Otro caso similar se produce ['Angelcon la transition entre el Portal dc y la plaza de la Catedral, espacios que se relaciunan a traves de una plaza y de ]a calle Dels Arcs. La anchura de la calle propuesta -16 m- pernnite ]a doblc circulation y aceras amplias. Como apoyo y alternativa a [a nueva calle, se propone que la cane de Gombau tenga una anchura de 10 in hasta conectar con la calle del You de la Figuera reconociendo la mama de edificaci6n actual. Tannbien es necesario subrayar la importancia quc tiene la conexi6n ffsica y visual de la calle del Fonollar con la calle de Els Mestres Casals i Martorell. La propuesta permite nnantener los tres grander paquctes de nueva edificaci6n previstos en el PERT y que estos edificios tengan tin tamano que permita solucionar tipologias Lie vivienda adecuadas a las necesidades y caracteristicas del entorno. Plaza de Sant Cugat Plan Especial de Reforma Interior Los objetivos de este Plan Especial de Reforma Interior giran en torno a la reforma total de la plaza de Sant Cugat Para obtener on espacio arquitectbnicamcnte significativo y mejorar, at mismo tiempo, la funcion conectiva global de la manzana y evitar la degradation tie edificacirin actual, a ]a vez quc se aumenta el techo de equipamientos del barrio. En el PERT del Sector Oriental del centro historico de Barcelona, la plaza de Sant Cugat queda definida en dos de sus lados por las mediancras de los edificios con fachada a la Gallo de Els Carders 15 y la calle del Fonollar 3 y la propuesta de edificaci6n en planta baja del resto de su perimetro. Lo cual implica tin sector totalmente desestructurado quc no ayuda a conformar el espacio conio unidad, y que reafirma el caracter accidental del nacimiento de la plaza como consecuencia del derribo dc la antigua iglesia de Sant Cugat. El PERT de la plaza de Sant Cugat propone conlormar a rquitect6nicamente la plaza, anadiendo on edificio largo y estrecho (6 in de profundidad) adosado a la rnedianera de ]a calle do Els Carders 15, y plantea la continuidad de los edificios de la calle del Fonollar que darfa la vuclta y quedarfa hacicndo frente con la nueva plaza y conectaria con la calle del Forn dc ]a Fonda. Esta propuesta aunnenta ]as zonal verdes que preveia el PERT del Sector Oriental y a la vez ofrcce mas superficie viaria. En esta solution es preciso dcstacar la mejora do la funcion conectiva que representa la abertura y continuation de la Gallo del Forn de la Fonda pasta Ilegar a la plaza. Eso implica tin amnento de la permeabilidad horizontal del barrio a la vez quc parse en dos una manzana con unas dimensiones excesivas. Al mismo tiempo que se garantiza la conexi611 de la calls del Forn dc la Fonda con la plaza do Sant Cugat, se propone que la cane pace a tencr una anchura de 6 nn, que serfa la nnisnna dimensidn quc la definida cii el PERT del Sector Oriental para la calle del Fonollar. Per ultimo, hay que referirse at objetivo de mejora de la edificaci6n, con la propuesta de nucvas viviendas publicas que sustituyen a las actualnnente degradadas y conforman los espacios y las calles tic nueva creaci6n. Tambien se plantea la utilization de ]as plantas bajas do los cdilicios dc viviendas publicas de la manzana conformada por [as calles de Fonollar y del Forn de la Fonda como equipamicntos ptiblicos que ayuden a revitalizar socialmcnte el barrio. Reordenacion del Pla Central Modification del Plan Especial de Reforma Interior de El Raval La Modificacion del PERT de El Raval y la Reordenaci6n del Pla Central pretcnden actualizar y redefinir las propuestas basicas clue cl PERI de El Raval plantea en su ambito central, es decir, desde la Gallo de Sant Pau hasta la calle del Carine. Los objetivos y critcrios fundamentalcs de la ordenacitn son: 1. Aiusles en la definition del Pla Central y su proiongacion pasta la c>i.DVr s22.^ss +19rsc7 Arrttrriries (7.17-7) 83.37? 100.453 +117.087 Zones 274.33(1 273192 -1.238 1.13 L 836 1.131.836 - 3 5.580 0 Diagonal Mar Directional Centre Partial This was the first sector to he developed following the definitive approval of the modification of the PGM fur the Maritime Front at Polilenou. This is a plan for private enterprise, drawn up by an important team of professionals and ronunissinned b}, Diagonal h9ar SA, as the owners, and the Municipal lustitntr fur Urhanistic Pronwtion. The fart that it was fornu)latcd almost sintuhaucously with the nuniificalian of the PGM made it possible to incorporate in the !attic sonu of its prcvisi<^ns for the future. The PGM-76 classified Ibis Dirrctiunal Centre as progran^nncd developable land and subsequently it was constituted as one of the New Downtown Areas foreseen by the City Council in the second half of the eighties. The sector has benefited from the execution of large urban infrastructures, which are a good incentive far the development of the sector. Its perimeter, girdled by the Coastal Ring Road, Silva de Mar, Llull, Diagonal and Prim, ensured the accessibility of the Centre, with a surface area of 34.2 ha. o The basic communications network is complemented 4vith the carrer Josep Pla running perpendicular to the coast and with a newly constructed thoroughfare, the continuation of the carrer Taulat, which largely follows the course of the old railway line as far as the meeting oI' Prim and Diagonal . This structure creates four quadrants with very different uses: to the north a triangular area of some 4 ha for commercia l and residential use; to the west, beside Prim, green space, large city amenities and office complex; to the south the main concentration of offices; and to the east the large Yarc del Futur, 4vith a surface area. of 10 ha. According to the report, "the general arrangement proposed is the juxtaposition of the Cerda super-network with a `Z"- shaped arrangement of buildings, in such a way that one end can make the connection towards Poblenou and the other towards the residential blocks situated to the north of the avinguda Diagonal. The emphasis is on variety and on the interconnection of the spaces, 4vhich vary in size, use and treatment. Along with the streets, they form the focus for life in the sector. In these spaces three main squares are created. The one located on the site bounded by the streets Silva de Mar, Taulat, Josep Pla and the Passeig del Litoral has the characteristics of an esplanade or Italian "piazza". The one situated at the interconnection between the commercial centre and the office complex and open to the carrer Josep Pla is of a more popular nature. The last, situated between the office: complex and the large cuhural amenities, is more sheltered and peaceful". A dcvrlopahle total of 341,983 m= is foreseen in the sector, tivhich makes for a coefficic•ntldeve-lapabili[y of 1 m'lm' gross. Usage is distributed in 220,983 m- of services, 54,000 m= for residential use and 67,000 m= far cancetvrated commercial use. On the other hand, development obligations call for the cession and urbanization of 170,000 m; of parks and gardens, 39,953 m= of streets and the ccssirn^ of 30,000 m^ of land 1'or public amenities. The condition of developable land, along with the modification of some residential uses to offices, requested by the owners, made it possible to ensure the commitment by the owners to cede almost 65,000 mz of building land in the neighbouring SRI, recently developed by the PERT for the Polilenou Maritime Front. The cession was made effective at the beginning of l 495. Marine Park Detailed Study The strip of coast between the Ring Road and Silva de Mar constitutes a reserve in the modification of the PGM of 10.2 ha of land for the development of leisure activities relating to the sea and the marine zoo. The proposal is formulated by the firm Barcelona Aiguamar SA and at the request of the local authority, on land to be developed by this firm tivithin the provisions of the MOPTr'^4A concessions on the coastal strip. This is a complex of installations of low occupation, with specific regulations, made up of open spaces to guarantee its destination for essentially leisure uses. The arrangement integrates two subsectors around the central access on the continuation of the carrer Josep Pla. These pieces incorporate the marine zoo on the Print side and a recreation ground on the 5elva de Mar side and are interrelated by means of a service area. The detailed study attempts to integrate the different installations homogeneously and reduce their impact on the urban environment. The arrangement guarantees the perimetric routes and the treatment of a strip beside the sea of 15m plus breakwater as a maritime promenade for pedestrians, giving continuity to the seaside path already consolidated. Maritime Front Catalano-Can Girona Special Irrierior Reform Plait This urban area is characterized by a marked heterogeneity of usage typical of Poblenou, where large pockets of residential buildings appear in the middle of predominantly industrial sectors. These groups show signs of decline due to their unsuitable emplacement, their urbanistic situation contrary to the current use and a lack of services and even a certain marginalization, in some cases due to their precariousness. On the other hand, except for certain central pieces of land in which the industrial use is still active, the large factories avhich used to characterize the sector (MACOSA, CATALANA, RENFE} have been dismantled. These large pieces of land are currently recognized in the larger properties corresponding to the City Council, Catalano de Gas, Mancrn7ttmitat do Municipis and lI^IPUSA, while only 15.7% of the land in the SRI is occupied by smaller plots, which are precisely the ones which mainly contain buildings in use. At present there arc 33 active industrial installations, 146 homes and 22 premises with a variety of activities which the proposal foresees moving or relocating in [hc future development. Furthermore, occasional elements remain of a high patrimonial value, which are preserved emblematically and will even be reused. These are the two infrastructures associated with the original Can Girona (MACOSA), and more specifically the building in the carrer dell Ferrers (possible reuse as public amenitiesj, the chimney in Proven^als and Llull and the water tower. As regards the physical characteristics of the place, this is a sector which has had its natural gradient towards the sea modified by the interpositirn^ of the Coastal Ring Road service branch, with an elevation of some 3 metres with respect to the level of the carrer Taulat. Although drainage in the sector is ensured by recent large-scale interventions already carried out or in some cases pending complementary works, the arrangement has still to resolve the forced inflection of the outline of the streets. On the basis of the structure configured by the modification of the PGM for the Ataritimc Front, the proposal centres on the creation of a local arrangement which recovers the street layout derived from Cerda's proposal, though adapted to the characteristics of the sector. This configures a system consistent with the principal systenL with a network evcn• three blocks from sea to upland -Bac de Roda and Silva de lVtar-, funning 5 blocks on the sea front 9 and 3 opposite the Parc del Maresme, of which one is a corner block. Open spaces are present in three different types: the central walkway, the squares and the block courtyards. The passeig de Taulat takes the form of a gardened concourse area with two sections of central walkway, without interruplinns to distort this civic thoroughfare, which will connect the green zone beside the old nucleus of Poblenou and the future Parc del Maresme (in the Directional Centre). The squares are strategically situated in two opposing poles: one as a transition link with the traditional Poblenou, the other, recently created, opposite the Parc del Maresme, makes it possible to incorporate and preserve the water tower as a reminder of the former manufacturing activity. The interiors of the blocks relate to the peripheral streets open to the sea in a controlled fashion and communicate with one another. They have a very local and domestic character. The facilities are mainly located in the upland facade of the passeig de Taulat, bringing these local provisions closer to the currently consolidated neighbourhood. The arrangement of the building chiefly occupies the sea front on the passeig de Garcia Faria and the future park to be created in the Directional Centre. These are seven blocks of a size approximately equal to those of the Eixample, which will complete the structure proposed by Cerda as far as the sea. Given the special characteristics of the sector, the City Council promoted a consultation on the base of the type block and the aggregation on the sea front, the results of which have provided an important discussion tool in the search for the most suitable arrangement. On the basis of the consultation, one of the models presented was adopted, essentially respecting its provisos though some flexibility has been introduced into the parameters. As regards the rest, the elements have been established that most clearly define the proposal: perimeter, volumes, relationship between interior and exterior of the blocks, etc. Although the corresponding ordination typology is a volumetric one, the arrangement foreseen for it responds to a street alignment in a ring-shaped block. These are normally established opening on to areas of interest or linked to a neighbourhood amenity developed in its interior. The arrangement aims at shaping a clear maritime front formed by the horizontality of a two-floor structure set off by blocks of I I floors above the first. These blocks are of a size allowing a series of five squares of thirty by thirty metres of principal facade, separated from the base by a transition floor. The depth of construction on the upper floors offers a certain flexibility so as to allow crosswise ventilation or systems providing more dwellings per building. For the basement a width of 32 m is foreseen so that double-width car parks can be built, avoiding excessive depth in a sector with problems of ground water. The uses will be predominantly residential, in compliance with the regulation distribution in the modification of the PGM and that of this PERT, Nevertheless, the ground-floor building of the sea front and the ground-floors of the blocks are meant for uses other than residential. The total designated planning density for the interior reform sector is of 243,600 m^ of floor space, with 75% set aside for housing. Fifteen percent of this is reserved for housing under the general regimen of official protection (VPO) and 45% to other forms of sheltered housing. The potential maximum number of living units is of 2,434. For the administration of the plan, five units have been established for execution under the system of cooperation, that aim at a balance between them on the basis of an arrangement by whole blocks, and a balanced distribution of liabilities and exploitation. A large part of the active industries could maintain this condition unless transformed voluntarily, since they have been excluded from the action on unoccupied land, which has a more immediate speed of intervention. Consultation on the Five Blocks of the Sea Front In relation to the arrangement of the blocks, the City Council promoted a consultation with seven teams of architects, the results of which have provided an important discussion tool in the search for the most suitable arrangement of the new sea front. The work has been carried out by teams who are in some way professionally related with questions of the sea front, Fixample and work on typologies for residential occupation. The summary of the formulation in each case, difficult to condense due to the extension of the ideas considered, could be as follows: • Rafael de Caceres: the block as a basic unit of reference. This unit has to be taken to the extreme of breaking up the passeig de Taulat with this rhythm. For all the living units to share in the front, the block must be open to the sea, with which it relates via the public space. The use of twin blocks (IL) allows the streets to participate in the interior space. • Lluis Cantallops: so that all the living units can benefit from the front-line position, an arrangement perpendicular to the sea is needed. Integration of the living- unit typologies,. without obstructions. The space between blocks, at the level of the passeig Garcia Faria, must have a domestic scale. The intervention must not alter the urban rhythm, though typologies that are varied and broken up can be used. • Emili Donate: the proposal must find its natural space, which is the sea front between Poblenou and Prim, and provide a strong unitary facade treatment for the city and from the city. An urban typology must be recovered that is typical of Barcelona. Modification of the urban structure, introducing a large boulevard at the level of the carrer do Wad Ras. Incorporation of varied typologies, with aggregations of super blocks. interior domestic spaces at the level of the sea front service road. • Caries Ferrater: Cerda's layout is accepted as the framework for the unit block. The urban facade is obtained through repetition of the basic model, which incorporates elements of a certain emphasis (socle set against tower). "U"- shaped blocks open to the sea, surrounding an area for public use with controlled accesses. Mixed system (concentrated on the ground floor of the blocks) for the location of non-residential activities, • Josep Martorell: the general street layout needs to be modified, so that the lateral branches of the Ring Road can serve the sea front and span the sunken main trunk. The carrer de Taulat must be left with a width of 20 m, with very local use. A new street would be created through the middle of the blocks as a functional support for the arrangement and the neighbouring sectors. An "L"-shaped arrangement incorporating towers and varying heights, with good views of the sea. Interior spaces connected via the new street. Progressive volumetric transition towards the sector of the Directional Centre. • ,Joan Pascual: model on ilie basis of a regulation proposal for the type block, with considerable flexibility. The block is the sector's generic element which sets the scale. for the local structure. The courtyard is the element of basic formalization of the closed isle, with accesses at the corners. A certain sea-upland orientation, creating spaces of interest between the blocks. • Enric Serra: recreation of the arrangement on the basis of the models in the Macia Plan. Complentcntarity between unit block and rhythms of aggregation by superblocks without disrupting the Cerda layout; the alignments are elements of order. Integration of the planned open spaces with the system of public spaces. The living units share in the sea front through the open space itself. Treatment of the whole on the scale of the sea front, forming a facade. Residential typologies integrated in blocks and towers. The works presented approached the structural pattern of general systems in the sector, the basic model of block and its relationship with the area, the physical implantation, the resuttinfg facade, different and alternative types of housing, with documentation that incorporated spatial representations (perspectives, models) allowing a clear idea of each specific proposal. In view of the interesting results of this consultation, it has been offered as a document for reflection Which was incorporated in the PERT for the Maritime Front at Poblenou and has been the object of careful analysis leading to the following conclusions: Result of the proposals on questions of development 1. Rejedion of, the Maritime Front as a built-rep element • There is a general rejection of the usual identification between maritime front and facade as a first line of buildings. • All the proposals except one avoid an arrangement of high-rise buildings along the line of the maritime promenade. • It could therefore be understood that the new sea front is not a single line, but that it occupies the entire swath made up 10 of the live blocks. All the buildings and living units have views over the sea and the area of the new neighbourhood is more richly integrated in the coastal zone. 2. The Cerdi layout reaches the sea • All the proposals except one allow for the continuation as far as the maritime promenade of the grid network of streets of the Eixample with various formulations as regards use (pedestrians, traffic, etc.) • The line of the present streets is continued as far as the sea, allowing visual permeability from the interior of the city. At the same time great flexibility is achieved in the organisation of streets for pedestrian or wheeled use. The I x 3 grid can he maintained on the scale of the city and at the same time obtain a f x 1 organisation on a local scale. 3. The dimensions of the Cerdri block as the basic unit of organisation • With widely varying morphologies, five of the proposals take the dimensions of the train streets in the Cerda network as the unit which by aggregation gives rise to the whole. In some cases as Ilse basis for a seriated composition and in others simply as an item executed autonomously, • There is a clear intention to show in the sea front the rhythm set by the fabric of the Example. • There has been a definite reluctance to create superblocks and, on the contrary, there are two projects that propose subdividing Cerda's unit in search of a smaller size- s In spite of the interest of these two projects, the idea of reducing the size of the urban fabric presents certain difficulties as regards integration in the context of the city front. 4. Potentiation of'lhe Taulat Concourse Area • Five of the proposals suggest different ways of maintaining the open space of the carrer Taulat which relates the future gardens in the carrer Bilbao with the park of Can Girona. • While not being the object of discussion in the consultation and although the projects do not in many cases require this space for their definition, they show the interest of this second-line concourse area as a transition between the old and new neighbourhoods and a possible site for community activities on a neighbourhood scale. 5. The interior of the blocks are connected to the sector's urban structure • The courtyards of the blocks, independently of their degree of privacy and their height, show a clear wish for spatial connectedness with the system of open spaces in the sector. • Only in one case is the interior of the block considered as a closed space. In the rest, and with different functional and compositional formulations, the series of courtyards is integrated into the urban structure of the sector. 6. Different hypotheses on the urban outline • The proposals offer three different approaches as regards the development limits for the arrangement: a. Acceptance of the predominant heights in the city of Ground Floor plus 5 or 6 floors. The convenience of preserving a highly homogeneous city outline is defended, only broken at significant points (Olympic Village towers or the Directional Centre itself). b. Association to volumes close to the Directional Centre, with open arrangements and tower blocks, on the understanding that the city's maritime front is made tip in sections of particular dimensions. It is felt that the section formed by the five blocks should also include the Directional Centre with a view to the composition of the city outline. One variation on the first option is that contained in the projects that consider a mixed volumetric concept with constant or progressive height, combining the semiblock of Ground Floor plus 5/6 floors with open volumes of greater height, 7. The arrangements allow great flexibility in the type of housing • The proposals look at a great diversity of types of housing , though with the constant of cross-ventilation models. • The plan should allow a certain flexibility so as to accommodate various alternative typologies. 8. Non -residential uses need to find a scale suita- ble to the emplacement sector • The proposal' s considerations for the ground-floor commercial space is very diverse, both as regards the dimensions of the premises and their location in the urban structure. • The most recommendable system is one that combines various scales of commercial endowments , situating small traders in relation to the traditional model in the Eixample. • It is also recommendable that the commercial activity should he arranged along the line of the maritime front. 9. Systems of coordinated administration need to be established for the subsequent development • Overall coherence can not he guaranteed without a system of administration coordinated at least by project units. There are proposals in which, on account of their configuration, this coordination is indispensable and a unitary execution should be ensured. • In view of the characteristics of the emplacement sector, a possible fragmentary development must he allowed. 11 1111liq 1111111 11111111 Fill 11111111 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 il^ 1 1 Ili 1 1 Alongside the large transformations, a policy is pursued of neighbourhood improvements with a series of interventions on an intermediate scale, which closely affect the specific problems of fragments of the city which in some cases correspond to whole neighbourhoods and in others to one part of a neighbourhood with a differentiated identity. Neighbourhood interventions consist of a group of plans of widely varying scope and character. A first line of action is represented by what are called New Plans for Improvement and Rehabilitation, which are part of a process begun at the end of the seventies during which a policy of urban reclassification has been developed using a variety of instruments. This process has resulted in the purchase of land for green spaces and community provisions, the urbanization of public spaces as elements behind the reclassification of their surroundings and the large interior reform operations (PERIs) drawn up in the eighties. The new plans share with these the general object of urban improvement. though the differences arising, both in the characteristics of the areas for action and the town-planning problems to he solved, materialize in new patterns of intervention. Another line of work centres on the subject of housing. The presence of structural defects in a large part of the housing built in and around the sixties has led to the intervention of the authorities with short-term repairs and a programme of remodelling operations which in many cases involve total replacement of the housing. The "remodelling plans" define the new arrangement and the town -planning framework which is to allow the reconstruction of the neighbourhood, aiming not only at replacing the accommodation but also at improving the living conditions and the urban quality. Finally, a series of interventions in Ciutat Vella are laid out whose object it is to bring up to date the proposals in the PERIs drawn up in the eighties. The time elapsed since their approval and the administrative process carried out has made it necessary to adjust or reconsider some aspects of their planning. New Plans for Improvement and Rehabilitation The Plans presented here, grouped under the general theme of improvement and rehabilitation, are the recent result of one of those basic approaches with which the 1976 General Plan has so often been characterized as the instrument of a global urban policy of reclassification and reequilibrium of urban sectors and areas. This approach or type of treatment of consolidated urban areas has since 1979 included a wide variety of Plans. These are large or small in scale and affect areas of differing urban, morphological and social status, which are explainable in terms of urban history and, particularly, of a history of formation of peripheries throughout the recent evolution of the City, from Ccrda down to today. The Plans are also varied due to the very evolution of the paradigms of town-planning in the course of a period of exceptional intensity. Generically, these plans have developed under the wing of the genera] objectives that the PGM -the master plan from which they arise- referred to as "rehabilitation" or "remodelling", or, if you prefer, urban improvement and/or interior reform, the name used in the Plans themselves. Chronologically, these plans make up a second (or third?) generation of Special Plans, following that of the large-scale I'ERfs of 1980-85, those of the historical nuclei of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and those of the peripheral- marginal settlements of contemporary Barcelona. Thematically, these are Plans which sometimes aim at the straightforward normalization of the property market in particular points of urban breakdown, but which more often look for solutions of urban revitalization in areas in which conservation only makes sense through a reclassification which for its part must arise from a profound change, from the remodelling of parts of the fabric. Also, these Plans have to find a solution for neighbourhoods -or simply urban fragments- whose geographical scenario has been disrupted by the large urban works for 1992, and with it the expectations, and sometimes even the solutions, which previous planning had envisaged. Last but not least, these Plans' methods and proposals denote the concern to internalize the experience accumulated in previous waves of municipal planning, and not only in the already familiar aspects of the viability and administration of the work, but also in the discussion of different degrees of physical and formal predetermination of the proposals for urban construction over time. Remodelling Plans The main burden of the planning drawn up at neighbourhood level falls on the plans directed at resolving the problem of deterioration which for various reasons has affected the housing. This problem particularly affects many of the so-called "polygons" or housing estates, both publicly and privately promoted, which were built between 1950 and 1970, during Barcelona's great period of growth. The flaws in construction that many of these housing developments present and the absence of the most elemental living conditions had in recent years called for successive rehabilitations and repairs- This situation has been aggravated by the appearance of structural weaknesses due to the use of aluniinous cement, which came tragically to light with the partial collapse of a building on Turn de ]a Peira and was subsequently detected in the estates of Vivendes del Governador, Polvorf, Via Trajana and Seat. The process initiated in each of these nuclei of housing to assess the extent of the damage and the different alternatives for intervention, and in which special attention was also given to the problem of the small surface area of the living units, revealed the need to proceed with a remodelling which in the majority of cases affects all the buildings in the neighbourhood. The object of the set of plans presented here as "Remodelling Plans" is to establish the new ordination and the town-planning framework which will allow the substitution of the buildings and the new construction in the same neighbourhood. While the nature of these interventions remains fully within the objectives Propounded by the General Metropolitan Plan for the areas for public remodelling, they are not, except in the case of the Vivendes del Gobernador, interventions foreseen in the GMP. The treatment given to these areas by the GMP involves recognition of the ordination and volumes existing at the time of its approval; their substitution was not therefore foreseen. The estates or groups of houses to be remodelled are characterized by their morphological differentiation from the fabric in which they are located and very often have an unsuitable urban situation: residential enclaves in industrial zones (Via Trajana, Eduard Aunus) or urban parks (Polvori). This factor, which in other circumstances would have sparked off a more general reflection in terms of the city, has not been able to be questioned because of the backdrop against which the process has been carried out: urgency and scale of the interventions (500 to 701) relocations), lack of public land available, commitments between administrations and the determination of the residents affected to stay in the neighbourhood. The option to reconstruct the new neighbourhoods on the same sites has therefore formed an initial premise. Other elements have played an important part in the development proposals. The need to maintain the same number of living units, though adapting their size to current conditions of habitability, has in many cases meant doubling the neighbourhood's developable floor space and has led to the consideration of development models with a higher planning density. These plans also take the administration very much into account. Simplicity of administration and the possibility of intervening in stages so as to minimize the need for residents to move away from the neighbourhood have in many cases been an important conditioning factor in the operation. Finally, these plans have as an essential instrument the population census. Contrary to what usually happens in town-planning interventions, these remodelling operations are directed at known recipients. A precise knowledge of the population figures -degree of Occupation of the accommodation, age and family make-up of the affected parties- is important not only to establish the scale of the operation but also to define the building typologies according to the different functional programmes. 12 Plans for Ciutat Vella Now that ten years have gone by since the definitive approval of the PERIs for Ciutat Vella (Raval, Eastern Sector and Barceloneta), we can see the enormous effort in administration and public investment that has been trade and that is directed at achieving the objectives laid down in their respective plans. All this activity has in the last few years unleashed a series of interventions, some already foreseen, to adapt and improve the PERIs approved and find a solution to the problems and the needs that the dynamic administration of the plans provokes. The various interventions, located in the various neighbourhoods Of Cilltal Vella and definable by their scale as micro-town- planning, have allowed solutions in sectors which at the time the PERI was drawn up, at the beginning of the eighties, were still not clearly defined, as well as improving specific proposals taking advantage of the accumulated experience. In the case of Barceloneta, two new plans have been drawn up, the PERT for the Northern Sector and the Special Plan for Urban Improvement and Ordination of ttic Maritime Facade. Future development in these two sectors had already been foreseen in the PERi for the Barceloneta due to their lack of definition at the time the Plan was drawn up. In the case of the Northern Sector, this was due to the proposed Coastal Ring Road and in the case of the Maritime Facade to the subsequent application of the Law of Coasts. In the Raval neighbourhood, the planning has aimed at bringing tip to date and redefining the basic proposals in the PERI, maintaining the main guidelines but adjusting future interventions to a detailed scale and taking advantage of the experience and reflection arising from the years of interventions in Ciutat Vella. As regards the Eastern Sector, the proposals have centred on the area around Avinguda Camhd. The PERT considered the preparation of a detailed study to volumetrically order the new development resulting from the clearance of the current fabric. Similarly, a PERI has been elaborated for the Plata de Sant Cugal so as to improve and take advantage of the administration in a currently run-down area. As regards the Gothic Quarter, the location of the premises of tile POlIIPeLI Fabra University and the sports facilities in the Colon pelota court have structured an important sector of the city which is organised by the PERT for linking the Rambla with the carrer Rull. There have also been a series of local interventions scattered around Ciutat Vella whose object has been to adapt specific projects to current planning. One significant example of this is the Study in Detail of the building on the corner of the carrer Carmc and the carrer Roig. In spite of the effort, both of planning and of constructed works in Ciutat Vella, there are still issues to be resolved, such as the PERT for the Gothic Quarter or, in another order of things, the definition of parameters in cases of substitution of entire city blocks. Porta Neighbourhood Special Plan .for Interior Reform The work of planning for the Porta neighbourhood presented here has to he seen in relation to specific features which characterize the urbanistic problems to he found today in this neighbourhood on the northern edge of Barcelona, bordering on the now transformed Renfe-Meridiana installations. • A neighbourhood that emerged from a Partial Plan of the sixties, in the form of an arrangement of isolated blocks superimposed on linear arrangements of suburban, single-family houses, on outlying land scarcely occupied at the time and only urbanized along its boundaries on two important perimeter urban thoroughfares; the Passeig Fabra i Puig and the Passeig Valldaura. • The real process followed on the basis of this Partial Plan takes the form of gradual encroachment by buildings and sections of street on the land described above, giving rise to contradictory juxtapositions of already existing houses and the new housing blocks. As a result 01 this and aggravated by the presence of a large urban vacttunt in the very centre of the district (the old Sant Andrea Cemetery), an internal structure that is fragmentary as regards streets, and disfigured and lacking as regards public open spaces, which are virtually reduced to the PlaSa Soller. This is an important recent operation to create a central public space, but one marked by the weakness of the buildings and the activity in its immediate surroundings. • Faced with this type of problem, the studies and Advance Plan already formulated outline the criteria and the type of solution necessary to carry out the internal restructuring propounded by the General Plan for the neighbourhood: • Improvement and renewal of the residential fabric, which in particular means planning the remodelling and gradual replacement of the old arrangement of rows of houses in the vicinity of the Placa Soller. • Reform of the internal structure of streets, open spaces and public amenities, which materialize in operations to complete streets and create new spaces linked to the development of the areas for remodelling. Diagnosis . A morphological and functional analysis of the neighbourhood reveals four points that have guided the definition of the "Special Advance Plan for Porta". I_ Two planning models for construction: • Closed block located basically on the perimeter of the neighbourhood- * Isolated construction using the multi- family block typology and located in the Partial Plan sector. 2. The presence of two large empty spaces in the neighbourhood: • Plasa Soller, with a vocation as an urban centre. • Sant Andreu cemetery: as a lack of urban integration. 3. An incomplete and poorly structured street network- • A ring of traffic and a grid model. • Continuity of the urban fabric between the Renfe-Meridiana sector and the rest of the neighbourhood. 4. Balance between developability and liabilities in the areas of renovation of the residential fabric: Proposal Planning model adopted : All the areas classified for remodelling (sec(ion 14b) and part of some areas of urban concentration (section 13b) are included in the ambit of the 1965 Partial Plan where the predominant planning model is based on isolated blocks. The proposal opts for this same model for reasons of clarity and urban continuity, but the arrangement of the new blocks potentiates the creation of frontage along the length of the streets. In the area classified as 13b facing northwards onto the cemetery there is a very clear option to complete the block on the side of the carrer Garrofers now open. The alignments and heights adopted are practically the same as in the 1987 "Special Plan for the vicinity of the Sant Andreu cemetery" (not approved). The presence of two large empty spaces in the neighbourhood : The Plan reinforces the vocation of the Placa Soller as an urban centre, on one hand defining facades built up around it and on the other structuring the entrances to the square from the street network and open spaces. The barrier effect of the Sant Andreu cemetery is offset by favouring the urban continuity of its boundary with the completion of the carrer Pintor Alsamora and the carrer Garrofers and linking the open spaces to the surrounding buildings- Road Network : The neighbourhood is structured on the basis of a powerful ring of main thoroughfares and commercial areas surrounding it (Pg. Fabra i Puig, C. Doctor Pi i Molist, Pg. Verdun, Pg. Va]ldaura and Av. Meridiana) and a very incomplete interior network of streets. The plan proposes the potentiation and continuity of all the currently unfinished streets, classified transversely and longitudinally, following a "mesh" arrangement linked to the ring of streets bordering the neighbourhood. Transverse streets: • Carrer Escultor Ordonez, the course of the whole of the central part is rectified. • Av. Rio de Janeiro, marks the boundary with the Renfe-Meridiana sector and the rest of the neighbourhood. • Carrer Alcudia, is connected to the ring of streets via carrer Doctor Pi i Molist. • Career Estudiant, a section is opened to give continuity to the Placa Soller access. Longitudinal streets: • The carrer Pintor Alsamora and the carrer Garroters are the only two streets that cross the whole neighbourhood in this direction, at the same time connecting the Renfe-Meridiana sector to the rest of the neighbourhood. 13 • In addition, the carrer Maladeta is continued to link tip with the carrer Doctor Pi i Molist, La Clota Special Plan for Inferior Reform Description of the Neighbourhood The neighbourhood of La Clota is situated in one of the areas of Barcelona that has undergone the most radical transformation in the recent period 87-92 (the area of the Vail d'Hebron), which today makes it particularly necessary to formulate a specific plan directed at resolving the insertion of this anachronic neighbourhood in the new urban context arising from the important transformation process mentioned above. The analysis of the present state can be summed up in a privileged urban portion set in the new complex of facilities at Vail d'Hebron, a position favoured by the new traffic connections of the Rovira Tunnel and the Upper Ring Road. Physical proximity to the urban concentration on the northern slope of the Turo del Carmel, but with interruption of the fabric and lack of connection by streets as a result of the difficult terrain. Great presence of outstanding amenities around the neighbourhood. The carrer Alarcon, historically a water-course and path, has until recently been the umbilical cord connecting La Clota with the old nucleus of Horta situated on the dividing line between the two orographic systems of the city's northern relief (Collserola-Montbau and Tres Turons-Carmel). The internal topography of the nucleus of La Clota presents an East-West fracture which explains the appearance of two clearly differentiated levels and the interruption of the present streets at this break. In the existing nucleus, which has an official population of some 400 people, there are three subareas with distinct characteristics as regards street layout, parcelling and development. • One of most weight and consolidation; with a regular layout of streets and with homogeneous parcelling on the carrer Capcir, carrer de la Ptirfssima and the Pge. Sant Jaurne. The building types in this area, which is the one most closely corresponding to the idea of conservation zone for built-up urban structure(] 5), are fairly varied, from single-family groups between party walls with gardens in each plot, to detached single-family dwellings, contrasting with multi-family buildings forming closed blocks. • A second, differentiated area is the one corresponding to the lower levels of the neighbourhood, in particular the earr(!r Braganca, topographically and functionally separated from the main nucleus described above. It is characterized by multi-family accommodation which have only partly consolidated a regular alignment, which is totally broken Lip at each of its labyrinthine ends. • Thirdly, there is the area of largely empty land stretching from the Pge. Feliu to the hollow bounding this nucleus of La Clout go the north, if we can exclude a number of plots fronting on the Pge Feliu and with single-fainify buildings situated at the hack of the plots. This third area is made up of a characteristically rural area of plots with very little construction and very irregularly parcelled out. As regards existing services, these can be summed up as follows: • Five bar and shop establishments, a measure proportional to the scarce population, also supplied by the proximity of two important municipal markets in Horta and Vall d'Hebron. • The Marti Codolar Youth Centre stands on the corner of the Pge. Feliu and Av. Vidal i Barraquer, a building comprising Ground Floor plus I with a courtyard attached. This is the only public facility in the nucleus of La Clota. • The existing infrastructure of urban services corresponds very closely with the one identified as an incipient network of consolidated and urbanized streets: Capcir, Purfssinta, Amor, Ptge. Sant Jaume and Ptge. Feliu. The carrer Alarcon has rc_tntly been provisionally urbanized. Planning objectives The urban ordination of the area under study ought to integrate specific solutions to the main problems detected, which could he laid out as follows: Street ordination Of the area and its exterior connections via perimeter roads. a) As regards perimeter roads, objectives are: • To establish the lines of the carrer Alarcon and the solution for its connection with the future Lisboa-Jorda connection. • To define the course and the outline of the boundary road to the north, from Alarcon to the Av. Vidal i Barraquer. b) Operations on the interior streets consist of: • The continuation of the Poe. Sant .Jaunt(: as far as its connection with the boundary road to the north. • The adoption of a pointed model derived from the new boundary street to the north, which makes its connection with the Purissima-Pge. Feliu grid on the north- east plateau of the nucleus. Ordination of the buildings Broadly speaking, ordination of the new buildings and treatment of already consolidated areas, as responses to this duality of vacant land beside consolidated plots, takes the form of two different town- planning approaches: 1) The definition of the Building Regulations as an instrument by which eventually to achieve more homogeneous patterns of implantation on the different blocks in the consolidated area. 2) The "ex novo" definition of the models for the new construction in less consolidated or unconsolidated areas. Three basic solutions are proposed: • Grouping in rows of single-family accommodation consisting of Ground Floor plus 1 with garden, forming three parallel groups or rows on the plateau occupying the north-west of the area. • Multi-family buildings in linear blocks of Ground Floor plus 3 and Ground Floor plus 4 forming the urban facade of the nucleus towards the Av. Vidal i Barraquer to the west and the carrer Alarcon to the east. • "Palazzetto"-type multi-family buildings of Ground Floor plus 3 as a variation on the previous type so as to resolve the transition between this arid the area of detached buildings of Ground Floor plus 1 along the line of the carrer Alarcon towards the carrer dels Phttans. Open Spaces and Facilities As regards the green spaces, there are two positions: • In the interior of the neighbourhood, defining the majority of the land along either side of the continuation of the Pge. Sant Jaume as a newly created public open space. its suitability for this end stems both from the need to keep it unbuilt-up, in view of its relief, and from the need for a central space relating the different subareas of the nucleus. • On the perimeter, bordering the nucleus of La Clota on the north. This classification is a revalidation of the PGM's designation of the land as far as tile Caini Veil de Sant Gerais as an urban park system with amenities. This designation needs to he understood within the broader context of the Val] d'Hebron sector. As regards local facilities, and in view, first of all, of the health services, schools and sports facilities situated in the vicinity and, secondly, of the fact that the new maximum development allowed by the plan does not make for a population size over the threshold of the basic requirements in local facilities, it is proposed that the land reserved for this object should be that of the Marti Codolar Youth Centre, at present used as teaching and cultural facilities, for which the possibility of extending the existing buildings is foreseen for the future. Administration of the Proposed Planning Carrying out the proposed developments will in some areas involve the need to mark out administrative ambits to ensure a balanced distribution of the bcuchts and liabilities resulting from the planning. The delimitation of the units for action, all of them foreseen under the system of compensation, is indispensable in those operations involving various owners. Priority has been given to operativity and the possibility of atnonomous administration units. Hospital Militar-Fai'igola Special Plan for Interior ReAwin 1. In relation to this PFRI we shall be speaking of a particular type of Plan, the intermediate-scale plans operating on particular points where the city suffers either a morphological or geographical fracture. Points in the city which have, in the course of time, been left out of the 14 urban process of the surrounding area, a process which is relatively modern in the area of Vallcarca, peculiarly set between the hills of Putget and those of Carmel and hallway to the area of Penitents-Val] d'Hebron, which until recently formed the outskirts of the central city in contact with the Tibidabo/Collscrola hillside. 2. A plan of the present situation to detect signs of the original condition mentioned- - Break-up of the urban fabric of compact blocks and of the layout of streets, which barely continue beyond the virtual frontier of General Mitre-Travessera de Dalt, which limits the historical urban network of Gracia. • Dispersal of the orientation and order of land parcelling on which is organised the modern, phirimorphic construction in the area, which takes the form of a modest regular network of blocks and streets very similar to central Gracia, with modern detached living units that make use of the land plot by plot. • Provisionality in the occupation and use of the land and in the buildings themselves, in flagrant contradiction of potential expectations, both as regards the area's natural qualities and the advantages of its urban situation: proximity of thejunction of E.Terrades and Hospital Militar linking up with the Ronda de Dalt (Upper Ring Road). 3. Town-plamting and regulation status of the area being planned: Area for remodelling (14a) in the General Plan; regularization of the alignment of an important perimeter street: Avinguda Hospital Militar (flow-canal passeig de Gracia-Ronda de Dalt), and carrer de la Farigola (Gracia-Carmel connector); preservation as green space with large historic estates, of environmental importance due to the proximity of the 19 t 3 monumental viaduct. 4. The basic issues in the plan: • Begin by understanding a double component, conservation-substitution and remodelling, corresponding to the two types of reality present: exentplitied in the micro-fabric of regular blocks consolidated on the level of the caner Farigola and in the unequal galaxy of wasteland and run- down areas occupying the facade of the Avinguda Militar. • Correctly interpret tite different vocations and logics of the building in the area for remodelling: rationalize the special tension resulting both from the diversity of building models produced in the area and by the particular qualities of position and image of the two types of land in the overall composition. • Integrate in the recommended modernization of the area its exceptional invariants of relief, the appearance of woodland amongst the built-up section of the hillside, outstanding urban civil engineering works (1913 Viaduct, the course of Republica Argentina overlooking the old Valley). • Some discussion, also, on the size or scope of the Plan's administrative units, which is much the same as a prefiguration of the rank of the operators to whom the Plan's development proposal is potentially addressed. Between a possible but undesirable global reparcelling of the land, on one hand, and a reasonable numerical balance between the smaller units making up the mosaic of operations finally decided on, the determined choice of the latter. Trinitat Vella Special Plan for Urban Ordination and Improvement The neighbourhood of Trinitat Vella, set on the Finestrelles hill and defined by the perimeter of road and railway infrastructures which, on two sides, between the Collserola range and the River Besbs, form the two communications channels from Barcelona to the north, on either side of La Trinitat, has seen the materialization of the important traffic infrastructure of the Trinitat interchange (a connection and roundabout at the convergence of the Upper and Coastal Ring Roads, the A-7, A-17 and A-18 motorways, and the "northern leg" of this Segon Cinturo de Ronda). In an internal reading, Trinitat Vella has a congested urban network, which suffers from problems of topographical adaptation in the streets and in the buildings themselves, with a residential fabric of poor construction quality. The prison, an element alien to the neighbourhood, in a prominent position on the hill, was assimilated as a dominant and characteristic part of the neighbourhood's urban image, To the south, large portions of land occupied by electrical industries predominate, with little chance of their relocation in the short term. Nevertheless, it is in the part to the south and south-east, coinciding with the ambit of the two sectors for interior reform laid down in the PGM, that the fabric is unfinished, unconsolidated, expectant, precisely as a reflection of this vagueness in the prevision of infrastructures, today, finally, carried out. And so, having completed the execution of the infrastructures, a new stage in the planning begins. The proposed arrangement needs to coherently resolve and integrate the triangle formed by the Av. Meridiana, the River Besos and the Passeig de Santa Coloma, gathering the new building proposals foreseen in the Pla de Vores, structuring the new sectors, aiming at greater permeability and better connections with the urban continuum of Sant Andreu and access to the new Parc de la Trinitat, inside the road interchange, and finally potentiating the new fronts at present lacking in activity, the Passeig de Santa Coloma and the new Trinitat facade overlooking the park and the mirador. These general planning criteria materialize in the intervention in four differentiated sectors: A. Passeiq Santa Coloma Sector A triangle bordered by Meridiana, Ronda de Dalt and Passeig Santa Coloma, where the 1976 General Metropolitan Plan defines a sector for interior reform to be developed. The area consists of three fabrics: 1. Large sites occupied by electrical installations which the PGM recognizes as metropolitan technical services (4). 2. Multi-family accommodation aligned in streets and discontinuously occupying the Passeig de Santa Coloma; these are classified as private remodelling zone (14b)- 3- Single-family living units in two small blocks occupying a platform halfway between Meridiana and the Carretera de Ribes, classified as private remodelling zone (14b) and newly created green zone (6a), in equal proportions. The solutions for this sector, while contemplating prevision in the Pla de Vores of housing along the facade over the Passeig do Santa Coloma, will have to be carried out as a continuation of the buildings on the Passeig de Santa Coloma, an important connecting route currently inactive, and on the two streets entering the Trinitat neighbourhood from Sant Andrea, so as to avoid the interruption of the built-up fabric and produce an effect of approximation between the two neighbouring districts. B. La Madriguera Sector This sector corresponds to the unfinished fabric of the southern part of La Trinitat, between the carrer Madriguera and the Ronda de Dalt. The features playing a part in the possibility and convenience of this redefinition are: an unconsolidated fabric, a recent urbanization and definition of borders; the road interchange, the mirador, the elongated access to La Trinitat, the football ground, the interstitial green space, and, of course, the need to create the urban facade of la Trinitat over the large central park bearing its name. The intervention in this sector will he directed at adapting it to the physical reality of the completed infrastructures and perimeter urbanization, as well as to the new proposals of the Pla do Vores, structuring the sector, aiming at permeability between the existing fabric and the new mirador-front with the metro entrance and the access to the pare de la Trinitat. The new arrangement could foresee the site of the market or commercial centre. C. La Trinitat Road Interchange The project for the interchange and urban freeways is obviously aimed at traffic rationality and smoothness, without reducing the effort for a necessary integration in the territory. The traffic interchange has been carried out with great respect for the existing neighbourhood, even correcting certain shortcomings (creation of the large central park and urbanization of the interstitial spaces between the built-up fabric and the perimeter roads), not without discrepancy as regards current planning. It will therefore be necessary to adjust the planning to the built-up physical reality, for reasons of urban coherence, making the determinations in this sector compatible with those of the neighbouring sectors A and B. D. The Trinirat Prison The prison, whose function and size make it an alien element in the neighbourhood, is undoubtedly in line for removal away from the urban network. 15 While the move is not an easy operation. it is entirely necessary; we must therefore begin to think about the administrative steps involved in this change and the criteria for incorporation of the space it now occupies, so as to integrate it into the northern part of la Trinital and give it a new lease of life. The transformation of this land will be undertaken in the light of the need to structure the sector to improve connections with the rest of the neighbourhood by opening up two new streets and ensuring, with this process of improvement, the new allocations for housing, streets, green spaces and social amenities in the sector. Torre Barb - Vallbona - Ciutat Meridiana Town - Planning Study of the Besos Gorge 1. The Torre Baro - Vallbona-Ciutat Meridiana area could be described as an extreme case of the accumulation of difficulties, which arise both from its unique urban position and natural geography and from the modern building and urbanization processes that have been used there. Two of these neighbourhoods, Torre Bard and Vallbona, form part of the map of fringe developments arising from the land parcelling and shanty towns of the sixties and seventies, A third neighbourhood, Ciutat Meridiana, an area of high density taking the form of a housing estate made up of isolated blocks, belongs to the large- scale speculation of that period. Its construction on the slopes of the eastern face of Collserola constitutes a genuine paradigm of uncontrolled growth. 2. The place : the right bank of the Besos gorge, wedged between the course of the river and the steep slopes of Collserola, a natural and historical access to the plain of Barcelona from the pre-littoral corridor. This narrow passageway has been the site for successive roads, railways and motorways which have eventually formed an impressive band of communications making connections between the two sides (upland, Torre Baro and Ciutat Meridiana; river-side, Vallbona and Sant Joan de Montcada) extremely difficult. 3. Recent Planning : 1980-1995. In application of the reading of the sector made in the PGM (zone 16a Torre Bard and Vallbona), two PhRts forming part of the "first generation" of plans for post-76 Barcelona. The two PERis set out from the common starting point of a therapy to recover and rehabilitate the virtually unplanned garden-city fabric, on the basis of a combination of various treatment techniques: • Cleaning tip of the consolidated areas of housing, which took the form of expropriation of the most run-down or deficient parts and simultaneous construction of public housing areas for those affected. • Consolidation of the model of scattered, low-density housing already existing, approaching its reclassification in terms of the configuration of a classical system of collective green spaces, local facilities, road network. • The wish for permanence (and even of reinforcement) of the basic comnumity and of the type of construction in the neighbourhood, especially in the PERI for Torre Bard, expressed in the adoption of types of public housing that are presented as a return to and rationalization of the typologies arising from the spontaneous process of parcelling and building. • Almost exclusively public administration of the processes propounded in the Plan, in spite of the wish expressed that the public intervention should serve as a model and an incentive for private initiatives in the renovation and rehabilitation of housing. 4. Ten Years After the PERIs, the recognition of the complexity and the administrative difficulty of their proposals, but also the evidence of other matters outstanding. The shortsightedness of the plans has left many basic structural questions unanswered: accesses and connections between the neighbourhoods and the city, and especially the global model -two ideally rehabilitated neighbourhoods but without an agglutinating centre or nucleus, other than that represented by the dependence on Ciutat Meridiana as a centre for services, trade and activities. Questions for which the possibilities have not yet been exhausted: • Direct communication between Vallbona and Torre Baro is possible, crossing the band of motorways, and the difficult relationship of each of these neighbourhoods with Ciutat Meridiana could he improved by remodelling the communications that currently fulfill this function. • Bringing into play the level land next to the nucleus of Vallbona, until now reserved under the general classification of amenities, would allow the introduction into the present scenario of elements of activity and services which could generate greater possibilities than the very limited ones open to such weak residential nuclei (Vallbona, some 1,000 inhabitants, Torre Barn, some 2,000 inhabitants). • The models for the new public housing in the PERTs allow -or cry out for- a discussion of their pertinence both in terms of geographical position (Vallbona) and also in typological terms (Torre Baro), so as to reinforce the possibilities of generating density and collective significance. 5. The works reproduced here aim to provide an answer to the questions mentioned above. They are also an element in the move to formalize and scale down the strategic scheme designed by the public office Barcelona Regional in the framework of a collaboration agreement between the MOPTMA and the local authorities of Barcelona, Montcada and Santa Coloma. El Polvorf Neighbourhood Special Plan for internal Reform Location The El Polvorf neighbourhood is situated on the west slope of Montjuic, on the site of the old explosives arsenal from which it takes its name. It was built at the beginning of the fifties by the Municipal Institute for Housing, on the occasion of the Eucharistic Congress (1953), in a move to eradicate some of the shanty towns that still existed in the city. The neighbourhood occupies an unusual position in the grounds of an old quarry. It consists of a platform, a piece of land clearly defined by two perimeter elements that literally seal the neighbourhood off: the carrer Segura, which surrounds it from south to north-east, and the hillside, which encloses it from north-east to south-west. The raised location of this platform endows it with good views, especially to the north-west, and of unobstructed sun in the afternoon, but it makes for a neighbourhood that is isolated from the urban network. Existing Ordination and Buildings The neighbourhood is at present laid out following a weave texture superimposed on a 1lerring-bone layout of streets centering on the carrer Guadalquivir. The clarity of the arrangement is spoilt by the present definition of the open spaces, which add problems of uneven terrain to a traffic and pedestrian network lack'ng in connectedness with the street surrounding the neighbourhood. The building type used is the multi- family block with square floorplan of 131n x 13m approximately and a height of Ground Floor plus 2. This building type gives an interesting arrangement of small units with four living units per floor. Nevertheless, this is an outdated model for incorporating new standards of usable living space (60 to 75 m'). The need for "integral" remodelling of the neighbourhood The various technical and town- planning studies into the state of the houses at el Polvorf have shown the severe flaws in the building and their poor living conditions. This situation has been aggravated by the presence of "aluminosis" and carbonation in a large part of the buildings in the group. The analysis and assessment of the different alternative interventions considered have resulted in the need for an integral remodelling of the neighbourhood, with substitution of all the houses (except for the 5 "Personal Prestation" blocks, which present a better slate of repair). Proposal in the time elapsed since the problem affecting the houses in the neighbourhood of el Polvorf was detected, various alternatives for a new ordination of the neighbourhood have been proposed alongside the technical studies undertaken. Some of these proposals were made by the residents themselves, others were drawn up by the planning services. All ol them have been included in the document "Estudi del barri del Polvorf", presented as general planning criteria, objectives and solutions, considered in response to the isolation of the neighbourhood. 16 The model eventually adopted potentiates three basic criteria, given its unusual location, it lacilitates the administration and execution of the plan: 1. The open neighbourhood concept Based on a permeable arrangement of individual buildings along the surrounding street (carrer Segura), with blocks of reduced dimensions and height. The buildings are organised in art cast- west orientation, thus leaving the neighbourhood "open" along the whole of the western section of its perimeter, a fact of special importance due to the existence of the hillside that encloses the neighbourhood to the east. 2. F.vterrsive model: nraxirnarrn contact between housing and Intblic space The surroundings of the neighbourhood on the mountain of Montjuic are well served With large public spaces. The proposal for the neighbourhood is therelore based on defining open spaces of more domestic dimensions. The object of the extensive model as opposed to a possible concentrated model is that the former model generates greater urban activity inside the neighbourhood itself. 3. Access to the ditj'n'ot topogtraphical levels Located at the gates of the neighbourhood (connecting with the tipper platform of the old gunpowder store) this is resolved by means of blocks adapted to steep slopes and linked to the terrain via terraces or ramps as pedestrian accesses. This type of arrangement offers important advantages in the administration and execution of the Plan in that it preserves a large part of the present network of open spaces in the neighbourhood: spaces between blocks, carrer Guadaltuivir and public square. These have allowed balanced absorption of the 4 1 % increase in developable floor space over the present situation. Streets and open spaces The Iwo main structural elements of the neighbourhood are preserved: the carrer Guadalquivir and the public square situated at the centre of the irrangemen1. The carrer Guadalquivir is the principal axis leading on to the rest of the internal street network and around which the buildings are distributed. The proposal foresees the continuation of this street northwards to connect with the career Segura. Opening tip the carrer Guadalquivir will mean lowering the promontory on which the church is currently located. The street network is reduced to what is strictly necessary for access to the housing and is arranged as a distribution ring. The public square, as has been said, is preserved on its original central site, which is felt to be the most ideal, and the upper platform of the old gunpowder store is incorporated as a large open space. Arrangement of the buildings The buildings are organised around two types of block which respond to two types of implantation in the land. The predominant type is that occupying the flattest part of the neighbourhood. These linear blocks of small dimensions (l l ni wide 30m or 45m long) and Ground Floor plus 3 are arranged in a line oriented east-west, on the site of the present buildings. This arrangement of blocks gives rise to a sequence of open spaces facing west, like the slope of the mountain, and gives an open perspective of the neighbourhood the complete length of the carrer Segura. This visual permeability is also present through the corridors formed by the carrer Guadalquivir and the traffic ring. At the northern end of the neighbourhood, where the topography is very pronounced, a different type of building is proposed that adapts to the slope and at the same time forms one of the entrances to the neighbourhood (access from Montjuic), The position of these blocks is intended to favour the connection with the upper platform of the mountain, reinforcing the pedestrian accesses to the old gunpowder short'. The five personal prestation buildings are preserved and integrated in the sequence of blocks and open spaces. The housing The type of block foreseen, with depths of 11 or 12 in, allows a distribution of the living units with a double orientation, something of special importance in this case in view of their north-south orientation. The dimensions of the blocks allow for living units with different functional programmes. The working hypothesis has considered a proportion of 59.7% of 3- bedroomed living units (70-75 nt' usable space) and 40.3% of 2-bedroomed units (60-65 m2 usable space). Neighbourhood services: commercial pre- mises and facilities It is foreseen that the different services present today in the neighbourhood will be installed in the ground floors of the buildings. However, the regulations covering the type blocks, defined as 18 ha, allow the use of ground floors for other activities than commercial premises or living space to satisfy a possible need for social amenities or other community services. Comparative table of the details of the proposal and the present situation. The figures for the proposal include those of the 5 personal prestation blocks which are not to be remodelled. Surface area of the ambit: 32,617 + 3,945 (6c) = 36,562 m2. Via Trajana Housing Estate Special Plan for interior Reform The various studies carried out on the state of the buildings in the Via Trajana Housing Estate have revealed serious flaws in their construction and deficient living conditions. The result of the process of analysis and assessment of the different alternative interventions considered have revealed the need to entirely remodel the estate, with substitution of all the living accommodation and new construction in the same neighbourhood- The Via Trajana housing estate, formed by a single group of 19 blocks of flats, is situated between the carrer Guiptiscoa, Via Trajana, carrer Santander and Passeig de la Verneda. The municipal limit divides the group perpendicularly, leaving it straddling the municipalities of Barcelona and Sant Adria dc Bests. The neighbourhood, also known as La Verneda, was built in 1953, when the Eucharistic Congress was held, due to the need to make available the land around the Diagonal occupied by shanties. Its fringe position as regards the two municipalities, the proximity of the railway which acts as a barrier, the industrial surroundings and its topographical position as regards the carrer Guiptiscoa stake the neighbourhood's urban situation one of total margination and isolation as regards its more urban surroundings. The group originally consisted of 692 living units and 4 commercial premises, divided into 18 units of Ground Floor plus 2 and 36 living units per block and one block of Ground Floor plus 3 and 44 living units, plus the four commercial premises. The living units have a constructed surface area of approximately 44 to 58 square metres and are organised in each block around a central courtyard which is reached through a large, centrally situated doorway. The inner distribution centres on a passage with a staircase at either end. The situation of the blocks, in a zigzag arrangement perpendicular to Via Trajana, gives rise to a series of open spaces measuring approximately 20 x 40m. The large number of these spaces and the poor situation of those opening onto the passeig de la Verneda (northerly orientation, proximity to the railway line) makes them totally characterless residual cones, increasing their isolation and making a unitary reading of the public space impossible. Ordination The proposed ordination consists of a segmented linear block in 4 units facing onto a large open space parallel to the passeig de la Verneda and consisting of Ground Floor plus 7 and two towers of Ground Floor plus 15 closer to Via Trajana. The arrangement of the pieces, after different trials, has been considered the most suitable in view of the southerly orientation of the blocks and the arrangement of the towers, one in each municipality, as a counterpoint and frame for the newly created public space. The typologies both of the block and of the towers are elements that have been sufficiently studied and recognized to admit different variants which would be limited by the need to relate some of the interior pieces with the future park and thereby ensure a southerly orientation. 17 The proposal maintains approximately the same number of living units as at present. (This leads to an increase in the developable area, due to the living standards that have to be fulfilled.) As regards facilities, the proposal foresees maintaining the present kindergarten, creating sports grounds and resilualing the other facilities already in existence on the ground floor of the new blocks. The proposed development allows the construction of the two towers without the need to begin demolition of the existing blocks. The new public space arising is considered a real opportunity to create the future Parc de la Vcrncda. Which with the design of the Via Trajana will free a surface area of 5 ha. The arrangement of the streets allows a better relation with the system of parks which will make up a new green axis in the city's eastern sector, stretching from ]a Sagrcra to the Pare del ftesds. A better relationship is also established with the Ranibla Print and with the two bridges on Santander and Guiptiscoa via a topographic connection with the park at either end and a level connection with the passeig de ]a Verneda. Tile Via Trajana maintains its present level and course and is widened according to the previsions of the GMP, which will require the reconstruction of tile GUip6scoa bridge to allow the passage of the street with its new width. In conclusion, the ordination aims to establish an integration of the new Via Trajana estate into the metropolitan urban fabric, at the same time as it allows a specific characterization of the area with the creation of the new Parc de la Vcrneda and its appropriation and control by the residents. Present . state Proposal Ocupation by buildings 20.248.7 m' 9.7 69 ui' % Occupation 35% 17",b Occupation I>y green space 23.115,10 m' 28.850m' occupation 40% 30 Housing and connuercial floor space 14.428 nn' 1 9. 173 tn= Facilities 25 % 33 % Total 45. 819,86 in ' 76.095,5 in' Grass developability index 0,79 n'lnt 1, 32 tn'Jrn' Number of livbnj twits 652 664 SEAT Housing Estate Special Plan for Interior Reform In 1992 the City Council took the decision to remodel the block belonging to the Municipal Housing Board and popularly known as the "4 floors SEAT", and replace the accommodation. The decision was taken in view of the serious structural flaws affecting the buildings and after drawing up various plans for the rehabilitation, of which one part, aimed at the consolidation and safely of the blocks, was carried out. The project was begun with the preparation of a Special Plan to replace the 272 living units and premises oil the same site, and at the same time maintain the residents during the work. This measure, in view of the physical entity of the existing blocks, was vital to the establishment of an ordination and a careful plan by stages in keeping with the physical limitations imposed. The ordination of the building is foreseen in a 'U"-shaped volume of Ground Floor plus 6. A further volume of less height -Ground Floor plus 4- is added to each of the two lateral modules, aligned with the streets to form a double block with lour living units on each floor. This typology allows the increase in the number of living units needed. These lateral modules, situated perpendicularly to the existing blocks, occupy the most immediately developable land and the empty block on the carrer Mccanica and the land occupied by the social premises belonging to the SEAT firm on the carter Energia not occupied by housing. The central module, the last to be built, faces on to the carrer Foneria and consists of two living units per floor. The interior of the "U" is foreseen as a public open space, the setting for activities and support for the commercial ground floors. A car park is located on the basement floor beneath the square to make up for the shortage of car parking in the neighbourhood. The topography of the block is modified so that both the open space and the ground floors remain at street level. There is at present a difference in height of 3 metres between the street level and the site. There is also the possibility, if the case eventually arises, of relocating the church of Sant Crisidifol which stands in the interior of the block to be remodelled. Work has already started on the Plan with the construction of the two lateral modules. The administration and the corresponding agreements with the SEAT company have allowed work oil the two modules to proceed simultaneously, thus shortening the datelines established in the schedule. Sector Comprising El Tura de la Peira and Can Carreras Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan The collapse of a building in the carter Cadi in the neighbourhood of F.I Turd de la Peira as a result of the presence of aluniinous cement in the ceiling beams sounded the alarm over a problem which had already begun to be detected in other groups of houses built during the salve period. As a consequence of the analysis made at Turd de la Pcira, a series of repairs were carried out on the buildings with the conclusion that it would be necessary to demolish two blocks, in all certainty affecting 369 living units, Which could be increased to 918 if it was confirmed that it was impossible to repair two other blocks. It was therefore necessary to foresee alternative housing located in the same sector or in nearby areas, so as to be able to begin the process of replacing the buildings. The modification of the General Metropolitan Plan was therefore considered with the object of establishing a reserve of land which would allow the development of a programme of sheltered housing to take on the remodelling foreseen in that sector. The GMP's specific modifications are proposed with the criteria of maintaining the overall developability of the sector and of the reserves for facilities and open spaces. Having located a series of terrains originally designated for systems (open spaces, facilities or technical services), which in keeping with the general ordination in the sector were suitable for building on, the Modification of the GMP reclassified them as developable land and transferred to there the developability assigned by the GMP to the municipal land of the old Mental Institute, which had never been put into practice. Al the same time, consideration was given Io the idea of converting the old Mental institute, including the properties of Can Carcras and Can Ensena, into an futportant complex of public facilities with an urban park in which would be sited the Forum Nord do ]a Tecnologia, cultural amenities for the city and other community services. Transferring the development quota for this sector to new developable sectors and reserving the entire sector for the urban park and facilities was consistent with the initiative mentioned and made it possible to maintain the overall balance of systems and developable floor space. The land reserved for sheltered housing is as follows: Ambit A.- Situated at the roer'ling of Passcig de Valldaura and placa do Karl Ma-x. Ambit B.- Situated on the Passeig d'Urrutia ,is a contintiitioll of the Can Carreras public housing operation. Ambit C.- Site known as les Basses on the Passeig de la Peira. This intervention is now complete. Ambit F.- Front of the Passeig de Fabra i Puig. Operation with project drawn up and about to begin. Ambit G.- Site belonging to Transports de Barcelona SA, occupied by the Metro workshops and bus depots. Its transfornlation is foreseen in the long terns, as soon as conditions allow the relocation of its present uses. El Governador Housing Estate Special Plan for interior Reform The El Governador Housing Estate is located in the north of the Verdtnn neighhourhond between Via havcncia, carrer ci'Alnlansa, carter Viladrosa and carrer de Mas Duran. The project for this group of houses goes back to 1952, at the time of the first waves of inimigranls to Catalonia and the construction of the first Rousing estates by official bodies. Nevertheless, its origins arc unusual in that it was built at the initiative of tht' Civil Governor on land donated by the owner. The structure of the estate is penld'Ctly differentiated from the surrounding urban fabric. The 41 3-storey buildings are arranged in groups like small city blocks with inferior open Spaces. 18 The neighbourhood is structured around three stain elements: the pla;a del Vcrdum, with porticoed ground Iloors originally intended [or commercial premises, and the two transverse streets, Gcingora and Viladrosa, the latter the main centre of activity in the neighbourhood. The carrer d'Alntansa, which is perpendicular to the other two and the only street to cross the Ronda de Dall (Upper Ring Road), is the main street from which connections are established with the neighbouring districts. The ordination of the sloping land was carried out by means of platforms and retaining walls and a system of staircases, all of which has a very negative effect on the arrangement of open spaces. The neighbourhood has a total of 931 modules, of which 861 are flats and 70 are conintercial premises. The average usable surface area of the living units is of 23 nr'. The type block consists of a central passage from which the accommodation is reached. Vertical access is provided by exterior staircases and a passage crosses the block from one end to the ether. The possible virtues of the arrangement contrast with the precariousness of the construction, The poor quality of the materials and the construction methods, along With the tiny size of the living units, suggests they v vere built as a provisional solution to an urgent need for housing. The need for remodelling was established in the PGM, which designated the estate as a sector for Interior Reform. The option of iota] remodelling was nevertheless corroborated by the technical study of the state of the houses elaborated in 1987 by the author of the Plan. The population census and the socio-economic report, drawn up respectively by the Municipal Board of Housing and the I.C,E.S.R. Laboratory of Sociology, were important instrunienis for understanding not just the characteristics and the needs of the resident population, but also their views on different aspects of the neighbourhood, Che basic premise of the Special Plan is that ii is a good thing lu continue identifying; the Vivendes del Gohernador [;state as a differentiated fabric though one functionally integrated in Ili(, surrounding; urban structure. The proposal foresees the neighbourhood as an inclined platform. sloping; down trout the Ronda de Dalt to the carrcr Viladrosa, allowing movement without having to go up or down steps and which can be crossed both in a north-south direction and transversely. The carrcr Gcingora and carrer Viladrosa are preserved as the two main transverse streets in which commercial activity is concentrated, and a north-south network of streets is organised to achieve total permeability and integration of the whole. The continuation of the carrcr Andromeda as a pedestrian promenade becomes a central agglutinating element for tine neighbourhood. This promenade, following the course of the former placa Verdum, connects On one side with the open space built over the Ronda de Dalt and on the other with the civic thoroughfare formed by the system of open spaces of placa Francesc Layret, carrcr Conflent and playa d'Angel Pestana. The construction consists of a set of parallel linear blocks, arranged transversely following the contour lines. This repetitive arrangement of the block unit is broken in reply to two particular situations. The meeting with the Ronda de Dalt is resolved on one side with a 10-storey building which will accompany the landscape of tall buildings making up the facade of the Ring Road, and on the other with a block which, following the line of the carrer Almansa, makes it possible to open the street for pedestrians and form a gardened space at the point where it meets the open space over the pla4a de la Ronda. The arrangement of parallel blocks also defines a system of longitudinal open spaces easily visible from the houses facing on to them. This was one of the concerns repeatedly expressed by residents of the area. These open spaces do not all share the same characteristics. The arrangement of the blocks in twos gives rise to interior spaces of a more domestic nature, suitable for leisure use or for children to play in, while thi' open space above and below the blocks has more of the nature of a public Ihoroughfare, The type building is a linear block of Ground Floor plus four, with a depth of 13 metres. These dimensions allow a type of acionunodation with two facades and cross ventilation. The ground floors arc for use as arconintndation except in the blocks on the Upland side of the carrer Gungura and the carrcr Viladrosa, in which commercial premises are foreseen, The tiered arrangement of the blocks in relation to the slope and the planned accesses to the ground-floor living accommodation on the level of the upper street means that the ground floor is slightly higher than the interior space of the block, thus favouring privacy in the accommodation. The administration and execution of the Plan is the responsibility of the Generalitat (through the Catalan Land Institute), according to the terms of the collaboration agreement drawn up in 1990 between the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Generalitat and the Barcelona City Council. The buildings facing onto the Ronda de Dalt have now been completed. The one at the confluence with the carrer Almansa has been designed by Joaquim Vayreda and the uric facing onto the pedestrian promenade by Joan Pascual. The pair of linear blocks bordered by the carrer Marfn, carrer Batllori, carrer Gongora and the pedestrian promenade is being built to plans by ibis Nadal. Surface area by uses Local streets for residents and vehicles 8,43 % 2.771 m' Garden areas and pedestrian pr'ornenades 10.99`;. 3.613 nr Open spaces between buildings, for use by the public 5,20% 1.710 nn' Educational facilities 10, 38`;% 3.413 nn- Built-up 40.30`%', 13.249 in' General streets, already existing and neis' 24,30% 8.120 in' Total 100,00% 32. 876 ten= Floor space Residential 47.622 nn Commercial (GF) 8.58.1 ui- Total floor space for public promotion 56.206 in' Gross derehy able quota (in relation to the rota! srtrlace area afthe Ph-RI) 1,70 In /nn' Rambla de Prim-Marroc- Maresme and Paraguai Special Ordination Plan Importance and Opportuneness of the Present Special Plan The area under consideration in this plan corresponds to Polygon 22 of the "Plan Partial Levante Sur", approved in May 1966, which established an arrangement of detached blocks of Ground Floor plus 7 following the model with which the Rambla Prim has been consolidated. This plan was never put into effect. The present state of consolidation of this area is that of a fabric of low buildings -Ground Floor or Ground Floor plus 1-aligned with a system of passages perpendicular to the Rambla Prim. The PGM partly recognizes this previous ordination and assigns it the qualification of zone 18, but introduces an express modification by which some of the blocks foreseen in the Partial Plan are reserved for green areas. The importance and opportuneness of the present Special Plan is based on the following motives: The building regulations themselves establish the obligation to alter the ordination of the zone 18s when the PGM modifies the provisions of the previous Special Plan. • The wish to restructure this area, which has become obsolete in relation to the state of consolidation of the Rambla Prim as a whole and presents considerable shortcomings in the state of the buildings as well as in its depressed topographical position in relation to the Rambla Print. The remodelling now being considered is no different to that foreseen since 1961 in the "PP. Levaute Sur". What differentiates it is the wish to put it into effect and the replacement of private enterprise by public initiative. The fact that this sector has a potential for development far above that existing today (49,983 in-' in existence) ensures its viability. • The need to foresee an administrative mode] allowing the effective transformation of this area, since the system of compensation foreseen has proved inoperative, at the same time ensuring the effective relocation of the present occupiers in the same area. Proposal The proposed ordination includes the criterion for the Rambla Prim of concentrating the built-tip area in favour of lrceing the maximum of green area, using the building typology of linear blocks in a denticulate arrangement open to the Rambla Prim and with perpendicular blocks of varying height. 19 The object of the new arrangement can he summed up as follows: 1. To generate the maximum possible facade facirxl onto the Rambla Prim. 2. To reduce the height of tire blocks as regards the Rambla in favour of a greater incidence of sunlight and relation of the living accommodation with the open space (Ground Floor plus 4 and Ground Floor plus 7). 3. To resolve the continuity of the urban fabric, on one hand with the adoption of the same model of ordination as the Rambla Prim, and on the other with the continuation of streets from the Eixample. 4. Allow the relocation of the present occupants in the same area during the different phases of execution (beginning the operation of greatest development density in the least occupied sites?. The course and width of the streets corresponding to the Eixample grid -Marroc, Bolivia and Paragiiai- are maintained. The carrer Perc IV is given a width of 20 metres so as to maintain the alignment on the side nearest the sea as a continuation of the previous sections and fit the alignment on the upland side to the edge of the present gardens. The internal streets or alleys are closed to traffic arid conceived as pedestrian areas in the new urbanization of interblock open spaces. The dilference in height between the carrer Ivtaresme and the Rambla del Prim is made up for by a uniform slope between the two streets. The implantation of the two tallest blocks (Ground Floor plus 7) as a backdrop to the tour transverse blocks on the Rambla Prim -that is, forming the facade of the carrer del Maresme- responds chiefly to the idea of letting as many living units as possible overlook the Rambla Prim. The concentration of floor space in these two blocks clearly favours the relocation of the present occupants in the neighbourhood, since it is situated in the least consolidated sites (most of them are empty). At the same time, the situation of the tail buildings gives continuity to the facades of the opposite blocks north and south of our area and reinforces the change of ordination and uses (defined by industrial use in the Eixample layout and the residential fabric on Prim). The most frequent typology in the Rambla Prim, mainly on the left (south- west) is that of a block with a group of four living units per staircase or the double block . The new proposal maintains this same typology, with a width of 20m for the blocks with a height of Ground Floor plus 4 and 22m for the blocks of height Ground Floor plus 7 ). This allows an interblock space 27m wide and some Will in length. This width of green gives a very good relationship of scale with the built-up height of I6m of the two blocks overlooking the open space on either side. The Special Plan maintains the surface area of green space and facilities foreseen in the PGM . The total surface area of open space for public use nevertheless increases considerably With the inclusion of the open spaces between blocks . The green zone (6a) and the public facilities ( 7b) are moved to the northern end of the sector , facing onto the carrer Pere IV as the end of this equipped street. The administration The system foreseen is of expropriation directly executable by the Administration or through forms of collaboration with private enterprise (concessions, [nixed companies, etc.) Details of the proposal Surface area 35-702 at' Green zone 2.047 in: Facilities 3.644 m' Streets 16B42 m' Built-tip area 7.826 m' Public open spaces between blocks 5.343 m ' Total developable floor space 49.888 m' Estimated number of living units 460 Eduard Aun6s Housing Estate Detailed Study The group of houses known as the "Eduard Aunos Cheap Houses" is one of the four public housing estates -of the five planned- built around 1929, the year of the Universal Exhibition on Montjuic. All of them -"Eduard Aunos" (533 living units), "Barn de Viver" (381 living units), "Ramon Albo" (534 living units) and "Milans del Bosch" (781 living units)- were promoted by the "Patronato de Ia Habitation", and their construction was framed in the legislation for "Cheap Houses" of the beginning of the twenties. Their common physical characteristics are; fringe or peripheral situation, unitary nature, exclusively ground floor accommodation, reduced surface area and spatial organisation in rows. The serious construction flaws in a process of growing degradation and the poor living conditions led to the decision to remodel the neighbourhood, having once discarded the option of rehabilitation. The process began with two parallel lines of action: the elaboration of the plan and the provisional relocation of some of the residents to the Can Farrero housing on the passeig de la Zona Franca, pending completion of the remodelling. The General Metropolitan Plan classified the neighbourhood as "area subject to previous volumes", section 18, and it relates it to Annexe I of the Town-Planning Regulations. The previous planning was the "Plan Parcial Gran Via Sur", which classified the area as "extensive suburban zone". This classification was to decide the parameters of maximum developability and occupation to be borne in mind in the remodelling. Remodelling the neighbourhood involved other interventions -already foreseen in the planning in force-, such as opening up the caner Ames and the carrer Ulldecona, and was the first step to the future urban reclassification of the passeig de la Zona Franca and its immediate vicinity. A detailed study was carried out for each of them in 1991 and 1995 respectively. The new ordination was organised over the essential physical structure of the neighbourhood. The carrer Tortosa is preserved as a longitudinal axis of a civic nature on which are set the open spaces and the existing facilities that are preserved. Almost all of the existing trees are preserved. It is considered a pre- existence in view of its environmental quality. The development is foreseen in two open city blocks on either side of a public central space, formed by the present school building and a new square in front of it. The buildings arc aligned with the streets and are of Ground Floor plus 4 with central open spaces in the interior with access from the perimeter streets. These new open spaces are an enlargement of the original squares. At present the two buildings planned facing onto the carrer Sovelles have been built and the residents have moved in to the 1 12 living units of the 340 foreseen in the first phase. The final remodelling will involve the creation of 600 living units. Details of the proposal Block A: 1§rranteters r-efenli g to the part pemdirrg execution b2ncinnuu requlation heighr: 17.6. Ground Floor plus 5 Occ trpaliwc 4.750 nr' ik r,^i,rpnhh' flo o r space : 28.560 nr Bloc k B: tlaviomm allowatrars are dcftred four surface area and height w.*uit will loos 0' Contain fill occupation of 7,784 in-and a tent? Qoorspace of 35 ,298 n r. dlruinuurt regulation hei_tht: 17.6. Ground Floorphts 5 Number of living units: T1re ruanber ofliving units foreseen in the rurltirecrttral plans drrmur up M. t h e Municipal Gourd of HottsB,g is of. Block A Block B Completed 112 feuding execution 22 8 2 60 T17r' new total will be of 600 living nrtita Continuation of Avinguda Camb6 Study in Detail of the Central Area oftlre Eastern Sector of the Historical Centre The PERI for the Eastern Sector in the Central Area is based on two large-scale structural proposals for the renovation of the neighbourhood. On one hand there is the large-scale clearance between the carrer Princesa and Sant Pere ones Baix and on the other the need to find an alternative to the continuation of the Avinguda Cambo which is more respectful of the existing urban fabric than that originally considered in the GMP. In the case of the continuation of the Avinguda Canibo, the PER] proposes the construction of a gateway building at the end of the avenue which, as the Plan itself says, "constitutes a more suitable completion of the opening already begun and at the saute time resolves the continuity of the flow of pedestrians and cars crossing the whole of the historical centre front east to west. Its formalization, Willi an interior public space, acts as an entrance filter into the central sector and at the same time comple•ics the city block that Will have to be reduced in size." This gateway building included in the PERi causes too much of a physical and 20 visual break on the Avinguda Canib6 and it is therefore fell that, while agreeing, on the need for a filter and at the saute tittle an cud, the transition would be much better resolved ensuring perfect connectability both for traffic and pedestrians and at the same tints reinforcing the long-distance visuals and consequently improving, the relationship between the avenue and the large, newly created space. Furthermore, the interior square created by the gateway building is too small to distribute traffic and at the same time facilitate its use by the public. (The interior square of the building measures 25 x 25m, while the placa Reial measures 85 x 6Ottl). Tile development proposal considered in the Study in Detail provides for a termination to the Avinguda Camhci, creating a backdrop and at the saute time a point of reference that will help to control the present vagueness of the space. The position of the building, displaced from the axis of the Avinguda Cambb, acts as an entrance filter to the central area, limiting the visual space but at tine same time allowing! perfect continuity in the 1101V Of pedestrians and vehicles needing to reach the historical centre. The solution adopted aims at a correct relationship of scales and fabrics, since we feel it is important that the avinguda Camhci should be an enclosed space since its built-up fronts have characteristics alien to the fabric 01 CiLllat Vella (buildings of Ground Floor plus 9 with office use). The proposed new street (16n) forms a nexus between two enclosed spaces with their own differentiated characteristics (avinguda CambO and the central space). This new street fulfills the saute function as the carrer Sant Oleguer ( 1 Sm) in the proposal in the PLRI for el Raval, which acts as a connecting lint: between the avinguda Drassancs and the Central Plan. Another similar case is the transition between the Portal de I'i-Angel and tile 111,1cit do la Catedral, spaces that are related via a square and the carrer dell Arcs. The width of the proposed street (16ni) allows two- way Irallic and wide pavements. As a support and an alternative for the new street, it is proposed that the earner Gomhau should have a width of [out as far as the connection with the eater Pou do la Figuera, while recognizing the present building layout. It is also important to hear in mind the importance of the physical and visual connection between the carrer del Fonollar and the carrer dels Mestres Casals i Martore]l. Finally, the rroposal makes it possible to maintain the three large new construction packets foreseen in the PERI and to make them of a size allowing building typologies suited to the needs and the characteristics of the surroundings. Comparative study of devclopahility Town- planning classifications PER] Eastern Sector IS b 5.663 nr' 71- 1.692 ur 6 h 4133 at' 5 6.813 nr' Total 18.401 ,n Developable floor space Study in Detail 5.268 in` 1.692 Irt' 4.322 rn' 7,208 at' 18.401 A12 PERI Eastern Sector Shrdv in Derail Grarurd floor floor spoor 5.355 Irt' 5.268 rn hl,sr scam (Or lrorrsitrg 20.613 rrr' 18.550 nt' Total floor space 25.968 rrr' 23.818 rn' .4j'prnxnna/e number' of lirixrlmrits ** 2 22 200 * ht the PERI far the Eastern Sector ire have 308 In' classified as IRb but riot lorgrorntri floor development , mlrich correslrou,i n the gateuarv brulditrr ! sinrared at the end of the avinguda <'authS. Vie calculnrion is the result of dividing the housing floor sl'acc by 91 n'/inhabihun as the Eastern Sec for PERI does. Plata Sant Cugat Special Plan for Interior Reform The objectives of this Special Plan for Interior Reform centre on the complete remodelling of the placa de Sant Cugat, so as to achieve an architecturally significant space, at the same time improving the overall connectivity of the block and avoiding the present degradation of the buildings, at the same: time increasing the floor space For neighbourhood amenities. In the PERI for the Eastern Sector of Barcelona's historical centre, the plaSa de Sant Cugat is bordered on two sides by the dividing walls of for buildings with front on the carrer dels Carders No 15 and carrer dels Fonollars Ni) 3 and a proposed ground-floor development along the rest of the perimeter. This involves a totally unstructured sector which does not help to give form to the space as a unit and that reaffirms the accidental nature of the birth of the square as a consequence of the demolition of the former church of Sant Cugat. The PERI for the placa de Sant Cugat proposes the architectural conformation of the square, adding a long narrow building (61t in depth) built on to the dividing wall of No 15 of the earrer dels Carders, and considers continuing the buildings in the carrer del Fonollar, which would turn to face onto the new square and connect with the carrer del Forn do la Fonda. This proposal increases the green zones foreseen in the PERT for the Eastern Sector and at the same time provides more street surface. This solution stands out for its improved connectivity as a result of the continuation of the carrer del Forn do ]a Fonda as far as the square. This makes for an increase in the horizontal permeability of the neighbourhood and at the same time divides an over-sized block in two. At the same time as it ensures the connection of the carrer del Porn de la Fonda with the placa de Sant Cugat, it proposes that the street should have a width of 6m, which would be the same as the width defined in the PERI for the Oriental Sector for the carrer del Fonollar. Finally, there is the object of improving the housing, with the proposal of new public housing to substitute the present run-down buildings and give forth to the newly created spaces and streets. Al the same time, the use of the ground floors of the public housing oil the block formed by the carrer Fonollar and the carrer Forn de la Fonda is proposed as public amenities to help revitalize the neighbourhood. Reordination of the Central Plan Modification of the PERI (Special Plan for Interior Reform) for el Raval The "Modification of the PERI fore[ Raval. Reordination of the Special Plan" sets out to bring up to date and redefine the basic proposals of the PER[ for the Raval in its central area, from the carrer Sant Pau to the carrer del Carrne. The basic objectives and criteria of the ordination are: 1. Adjustments in the definition of the Central Plan and its continuation as far as the carrcr del Carme. The new width of the carrer de Sant Oleguer foreseen in the PERI for the Sant Ramon block (18m) allows greater flexibility of use, with the possibility of different street sections and at the same time makes for an improvement along' the lines that the Raval PERI itself sets out as important objectives. • Improved access to the interior of the District. • improved communication between the upper and lower ends of the District. In the same line of thinking, the Modification proposes a section of 151n for the newly opened section between the carrer Hospital and the carrer del Carrne. The new width of this street and that of the carrer Sant Oleguer raises doubts over tile viability of the public housing operations foreseen for either end of the Central Plan area, due to the limited dimensions to which they are reduced. The Modification proposes suppressing the four "gateway" buildings giving access to the Central Plan and incorporating the corresponding land to the open space. The so-called Central Plan has its surface area increased by 25% to 1.7 ha. 2. Reordination of the block bordered by the carrer de Sant Jeroni, carrer de Sant Marti, carrer de Sant Ralael and carrer de Riereta. A new reordination of the block is proposed, resitttating the open space the PERI for the Raval calls the "Riereta gardens" and creating a new public housing operation. The ordination involves a qualitative improvement in the green space foreseen as it is set out in a more open situation with more regular dimensions. The housing interventions advise this type of situation with greater support from the street layout. 3. Reordination of the Riera Alta Sector The modification of the PERT for the Raval in this sector has two basic objectives: • improve wheeled traffic • Avoid unnecessary planning blight It is proposed that the continuation of the carrer Riera Alta should maintain the width of 15in of its upper end and that the open spaces foreseen in the PERI for the Raval should be rearranged around two pieces of land situated at the junctions of 21 the carrer Riera Alta with Pen do la Crcu and with Carme. This arrangement of open spaces makes it possible to improve the angled junction between the carrer Riera Alta and the two streets mentioned. This proposal hardly affects the houses in the block bounded by .foaquirrt Costa, Pcu de la Creu, la Lluna, Riera Alta and Carme, which are of a very acceptable architectural quality and are in a good state of preservation. To stun up, the modifications proposed do not involve an increase in the developable land or a reduction in the green spaces foreseen in the current plans. On the contrary, the concentrated green zone and the quality of the rest of the open spaces are considerably increased. As regards the public housing interventions, the Modification adjusts the operations foreseen in the PERI for el Rava] to the needs arising from the new ordination. A positive balance of 26 living units is maintained. Sant Ramon Block Special Plan The Special Plan for the ordination of the Sant Ramon block in the Sant Pau del Camp sector is included in the neighbourhood known as "El Raval" and fits into the urban environment presided by the church of Sant Pau del Camp. Objectives of the Plan This Plan, being supported by another, the PERI for el Raval, has only two objectives which must be understood as "specific" and which arc as follows: 1. Detailed urbanistic reordtnation of the sector. Consistent with current planning and suitably resolving the existence of buildings of considerable architectural interest, the inclusion as listed buildings of certain former industrial installations in the sector, the existence of plans in the process of being drawn up (sports complex and neighbourhood hall at Nos 83-85 carrer Sant Pau) which call for a careful ordination open to the option of new uses and projects arising from the sector's present needs which are consistent with the Raval Plan. 2. Determination of the type of facilities. This objective, in the framework of the original aims of the overall system of neighbourhood facilities, considers the two following measures: on one hand, updating according to the latest requirements, and on the other, a pattern of use consistent with these new requirements which does not reduce the degree of activity of the urban fabric characteristic of the sector. 3. Finally, though affecting the figure of planning, a third urbanistic objective arises which is that of correctly proceeding, in keeping with its urbanistic interest, with the delisting of the property at No 33 of the carrer de Marques de Barbera. This is the only delisting proposed by the Special Plan since it rests on the new structure of prevalent public spaces since it has a detailed town planning proposal behind it. Living Accommodation c.Carme-c. Roig Study in Detail of the building on the corner of carrer d'En Roig, 28-35, and c.Carme, 65-67 Although the municipal planning allows occupation of the whole of the site (from some positions it is even considered obligatory). I found it very difficult to propose a continuous development of 15 to l61n in width facing onto a street 4m wide. Not so much because of the quality of the resulting accommodation, as because of what it meant in terms of not being able to act on the shadowy carrer d'en Roig. It was possible to improve the quality of the street as a means of communication, since we had available a front of almost 50 metres in length. The first step was to continue it in the form of a funnel towards the carrer del Carme so as to take advantage of the activity and the busy city life in this street. This change in alignment affecting the ground floor (of an average height of 5.Sm) also allows visual communication through the carrer del Carme and the carrer de l'Hospital. The housing is set along this new alignment grouped in three almost free- standing buildings: The building on the corner of Carme and Roig recovers the original opening; the one farther down the carrer d'en Roig gives support and strengthens the new alignment; the third building, set hack and not very visible from the street, helps to obtain the minimum number of living units needed by Procivesa to make the proposal viable. Also with the intention of favouring the relationship between the street and the houses, the living-rooms are set at the corners, making for longitudinal views in relation to the carrer d'cn Roig. Maritime Facade at Barceloneta Special Plan for Urban Improvement and Ordination The final objective of the present Plan is the complete urbanistic regulation of the length of beach at Rarceloneta situated between the continuation of the passeig Nacional and the end of the present passeig Maritim at the Lepanto school. The Special Plan for Interior Reform for Rarceloneta, being especially aimed at the recovery of the neighbourhood's residential value and in view of the uncertainty surrounding the operations on the perimeter, took particularly detailed action in the consolidated fabric of Barceloneta and was instrumental in the intervention in the port frontage, carried out by means of a Study in Detail, as well as a large part of the beach frontage defined in the graphic documentation as "a sector for development through studies consistent with the directives of the PERI" and in the regulations with the determination of the need to draw up the corresponding Special Plan for Urban Improvement. The urbanization, based on the now definitive determination of the street layout on the scale of the city, the elaboration of the Special Plan for Interior Reform of the Northern Sector which develops the front of the avinguda lcaria, the Study in Detail of the Barceloneta Jetty and the administrative action carried out by the MOPT {Ministry of Public Works and Tourism) in the sector so as to free the land from those activities not adapted to the juridical situation determined by the shoreline, call for a definition of this sector of beach which will make it possible to complete the Barceloneta neighbourhood and define its new image. Objectives and criteria of the ordination I. Opening Barceloneta to the sea. The beach at Barceloneta has since the eighteenth century undergone damaging transformations which have changed the occupancy, the use and the image of the space, at the same time as land has been regained from the sea and the form and volume of Cernieno's original urban layout has been modified. First of all, the land regained front the sea was gradually occupied by the simple continuation of the eighteenth-century layout. The fishermen's beach was affected by the construction of factories and harbour installations and later became one of the city's most popular leisure areas when the old baths and seasonal restaurants were set up on the sand laid down by the sea. The process of degradation and margination of Barceloneta as regards its beach reached untenable extremes when a real barrier of buildings became consolidated, the landscape was ruined and it started irreversibly on a process of obsolescence. 2. Connecting the present passeig Maritim with the passeig de Joan de Borbd The large public space of the new section of the passeig Maritim connects at either end a continuous " civic" seaside itinerary which , completed with other operations that have taken place in the city (Olympic Village ), could reach as far as the municipal limits of Sant Adria del Besi s. forming a promenade that could in the future he one of the most characteristic and even charismatic of the Barcelona of the future. It is essential that the continuity of the seaside promenade be guaranteed with the construction of a cornrnunicating ramp between the present passeig Maritim and the level of the beach at Barceloneta, so that the present obstacle represented by the difference in height is minimized and it is understood as a continuous course. 3. Rede/ininq the built-up Maritime Front What we now call the maritime facade of Barceloneta had never, over the years, been considered as such. In fact, it had always been thought of as the opposite, that is as the back of the neighbourhood. The position of the urban layout of Barceloneta forming an angle of approximately 45" to the line of the beach and the changing appearance of the beach over the years as it regained land front the sea has led to a total indefinitiou of this limit. 22 The proposal of the Plan aims at maintaining the urbanislic and architectural importance of the traditional Barceloneta block, trying to keep as close as possible to the original dimensions, avoiding the appearance of blocks of small size which detract from the overall reading of the layout. At the same time, it is important to remember that this proposal must comply with the current Law of Coasts. 4. Crooting new sheltered housing The definition of the built-up Maritime Front creates new public land in the ambit of the Plan. This new land the Plan proposes is limited to completing currently existing blocks so as to redefine a new front line. In three of these blocks, the enlargement is accompanied by the expropriation of developable pieces of land, which allows the creation of new sites for the construction of social housing, which would contribute to the rehousing of the residents affected by the Plan. Barceloneta Northern Sector Special Plan for Interior Reform The object of this Special Plan for Interior Reform is the urbanistic regulation of the Northern Sector of Barceloneta, which the special neighbourhood Plan, approved in 1985, postponed pending a final decision on the works of infrastructure for the Coastal Ring Road. This is a complex space, traditionally occupied by services, and which now, thanks to the Olympic impulse, becomes a distribution hub between the traditional neighbourhood of Barceloneta and the rest of the nearby neighbourhoods, and a central element in the city's "civic" structure, since it connects different leisure areas, such as the coastal strip, the Parc de la Catalana, the Parc de la Ciutadclla and the Port. The Plan sets aside two thirds of the land for open space, made up basically of the Parc de la Catalana, with an approximate surface area of 5 ha, at the same time as it settles the location and use of the facilities included in the area. On the frontage of the avinguda lcaria, the four unfinished city blocks are completed with the construction of a series of blocks of public housing which form the new facade of the Barceloneta neighbourhood. Realising the qualitative and quantitative importance of this operation, the Municipal Board of Housing called a contest of ideas in 1990, which, on the basis of previously established parameters, gave vital importance to the study of the relations of scale established by the new buildings, responding to two different realities, on one hand, on the scale of the neighbourhood of Barceloneta and in particular of the buildings existing in the city blocks of the project, and on the other hand, the creation of the new Coastal Ring Road with a considerable width, which calls for a treatment that takes into account the long-distance visuals and gives continuity to a currently empty space. The contest was won by the architect Joan Pascual and the buildings have now been built. Finally, the Plan regulates the use of the old Catalana site as offices and services, relocating the new development in such a way that it helps complete the urban layout of Barceloneta and at the same time allows the clearance to form the new park. A Link Between the Rambla and the carrer Rull Modification of the Special Plan The opportunity provided by the Olympic Games to turn the old, run-down installations of the Colon pelota courts into an Olympic facility and their subsequent use as a neighbourhood sports complex was the origin of the drafting of the Special Plan to Link the Rambla and the carrer Rull, taking advantage of the previsions of the General Metropolitan Plan for this sector. The primordial object of this first Plan, drawn up by the architect Ferran Sagarra and approved in its revised version on 1312191, was to thin the neighbourhood out, creating a new square connected to the Rambla and at the same time to the carrer Rull, so as to improve the permeability of the area and at the same time obtain land both for housing and for new facilities. The subsequent decision to enlarge the premises of the Pompeu Fabra University so as to potentiate interaction between the city and the teaching institution made it necessary to draw up a "Modification of the Special Plan to Link the Rambla and the carter Rull". The Modification introduces a series of adjustments and minor changes aimed at improving the connection, eliminating the course of the narrow carter Ginjol, located between the two university buildings and more than made up for by the widening to 8m of the new access street from the Rambla. The new proposal also modifies the connection between the two newly created squares, substituting the alley-square with a lOm-wide street- At present the enlargement of the Pompeu Fabra University has been completed according to a project by the architects Joscp Benedito and Jaume Llorens and the construction is foreseen of public housing by the architect Victor Rahola. 23 The city of Barcelona event through a dizzying period of development between 1989 and 1992 in its evolution towards the arterial road network, originally drawn up in the sixties, subsequently halted by conflict,, with the residents, and finally included practically intact in the General Metropolitan Plan. Behind were years of recapitulation of the urban role that ought to be given to these in frastructLira l elements and even of the historic lines they had perpetuated and imposed on the city's built-up continuum. This reflection on the character Barcelona's communications ought to be given was finally included in the graphic document of the 1987 Roads Plan, which was offered as a compendium of interventions aimed at reequilibrating the city's communications network: with new streets opened up, the great urban thoroughfares, but also the future transformation of streets that had lost their previous functionality or for which an immediate modification could be foreseen. We have to renumber that the Roads Plan was formulated on the basis of a destructured network of streets, with many bottlenecks for want of minor road- building operations left pending, a disjointed network of arteries and central streets that were oversized so as to allow permeability between the Llobregat and the Besos for traffic that was forced to use the Example, which also served to connect different neighbourhoods making up the inner band: Sants, Sarria, Gracia, Horta- Guinardn, etc. The proposal to remodel the street network in many cases involved development resulting from previous interventions. So as to reconsider the urban role of certain thoroughfares, it was first of all necessary to find alternative routes to divert a considerable part of the initial traffic. But this gradual materialization of general objectives does not conceal the strategy already laid out in the Roads Plan. The classification on three basic levels (main thoroughfares, urban connections and urban axes) responded to a joint conception of the large city model: the main arteries were considered both as collecting streets and elements interrelating different parts of the city, and their design was to give special importance to the environmental impact on the urban fabric consolidated around them. In fact, in certain neighbourhoods, they have actually helped in the redistribution of facilities (leisure areas, services, entrance zones, etc.), which presented difficulties because of their high residential density. The connecting streets fulfilled an internal function in the structure of the city but one that was nonetheless important. In many cases, lesser interventions brought into play great continuity in streets such as the Bac de Roda frontage, Valencia, Guipitscoa, Dr. Fleming, etc. In this case there is yet another lower order of more local networks that have made it possible to complete the structure in areas where intervention was long overdue, as in the carrer dc Cardenal Reig, the area around the Sarria Football Ground, the passcig do l'Exposicit, Llogregos, etc., all of them streets that now belong to our past and that less than live years ago were the subject of repeated demands by the neighbourhoods. The third level referred to the chance to recover traditional streets for new uses by pedestrians, in many cases after the pressure of the traffic had been removed or reduced. Although the process had already been started with such characteristic streets as the av. Gaudf, av. Maria Cristina, Via Julia, etc., the process has been revived by the changes in requirements resulting from the new arterial streets already functioning. The most recent episodes, to mention some of the most paradigmatic, include the improvements to the carrer d'Arago and the av. Meridiana with the object of reducing the level of traffic, and the significant environmental improvements observed in the city following the inauguration of the Ring Roads. All in all, the opportuneness and rationality of the Roads Plan is demonstrated by the fact that after eight years the arterial network it foresaw for Barcelona has been completed in its entirety, while the remaining street typologies represent more than 85% of those planned, bearing in mind that new proposals have been incorporated to the original line of work. The interventions in the road network have therefore also had a direct effect on the recovery of the quality of life and of relations in the neighbourhoods, unthinkable a few years ago, associated with the arterial network. Nevertheless, the way in which these arteries have been carried out has also had an effect at the level of the remodelling of frontage and the adjustment of traditional networks to the new situation, From zonal adjustments to alternative routes or changes in models of relation, they have led to certain urbanistic modifications that are the subject of this section. These relations can be direct on the new frontages generated by the arterial network and its system of accesses, or induced by the repercussions at a territorial level of the functional traffic redistribution. If we study what has happened in the last ten years at the level of infrastructure, we see that froht a centripetal model crossing the Eixample, with a backbone in the Aragb-Gran Via pair, and the orthogonal system of streets, we have evolved towards a peripheral system which irrigates Barcelona by means of the sea-lo-upland streets and in which the use of the Eixample recovered large doses of rationality. In this new system, important streets in the definition of the basic network of the MPGM substantially modified their arterial function, while reserving a clear future for them in the structuring between parts of the city. Here we are speaking of cases of planning blight that were already beginning to be historic in neighbourhoods such as Guinardd or Hostalrancs, and which in twenty years had materialized in no more than the incipient degradation of certain points. The creation of the Ring Roads system has revolutionized the city's accesses. Precisely those areas that could be considered most peripheral and inaccessible in the old model (the sea front at Poble Nou, sectors of Nou Barris, rile upper end of Sarria-St.Gervasi) have suddenly become areas of special interest due to town- planning initiatives in relation to a potential that today has become a reality. All the l:orntulations for the maritime front at Poble Nou in relation to the Coastal Ring Road and the public and private initiatives of the Verges Plan, the North Forum, the reordering of Torre Vilana, the services linked to the use of vehicles, etc., or even the arrangement of accesses to the Ring Roads, merely underline this qualitative change in the city. In all of them the most immediate benefit arises from the connection with the communications network. Some aim to accommodate the front lines of the neighbourhoods to the new street layout in each case. The Verges Plan is a good example of this, especially if we bear in mind the formulation of the prior criteria, which was directed at the entire length of the Ring Roads, with a special emphasis on the Upper Ring Road and the formal materialization of the "new city gateways" at the connecting points between the segregated network and the already existing fabrics. Although the lorntttlation of the Verges Plan has been restricted to certain items where the subsequent administration could be more agile and with the object of creating sheltered housing, the line taken is maintained as a future objective in sectors of the city where there is a considerable difference between the previsions of the PGM and the completed structure. In fact, two plans have developed this scheme of things: the Via Augusta Verges Plan and tile Esteve Terrades Plan. Other important interventions in the roads network foreseen in the PGM and pending execution -in all, the 15% of the Roads Plan already mentioned still to be carried out-, are related to the. urbanistic development of large areas of the city, for which plans are either already approved or else at an advanced stage, and which will bring new life to more than 300 ha of the city. These are the Sant Andreu-Sagrera sections, which will finally tic up the disconnected tissue remaining in these areas. 4.1. Reconsideration of the Streets Foreseen in the General Metropolitan Plan Transforming the First Ring Road into a Locally Structured Street Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan The approval of the General Metropolitan Plan (GMP) in 1976 upheld proposed planning; which after repeated contestation by neighbourhood associations had been suspended on 9 May 1974 by the 24 "Sala Primera de to Contcncioso Administrativo", which annulled the municipal approval of the Special Plan for the Primer Cinturd. The PGM included the proposed course from the suspended Special Plan, so that the precarious situation of the land was unchanged by the annulmrtcnt. The deadlock produced by the unimplenienied plans could lead to the degradation of the buildings, as had already happened in other parts of the city. Paradoxically, these have been unblocked in recent years -Via "0" in Gracia or avinguda Drassanes and Francesc Cambci in Case Antic- in the framework of the corresponding Special Plans for Interior Reform and the subsequent modifications of the PGM. The new proposal reconsiders the PGM's proposals and specifies the ultimate use of the land freed by the course of the Ring Road, land which is used to reequilibrate and improve the neighbourhood. The Opportuneness of the Plan lies in the considerable development of the road network foreseen by the PGM in the sector, which offers different alternatives to the movements and connections the ring road could provide. This updating of the basic network, added to the increasingly untenable situation of uncertainty over the future of the affected parties, allows a reconsideration of the previsions of the PGM. The ambit consists of the course of the Primer Cinturd between the carrer Sant Quintf and the carrer Rec Comtal, including the fragments of plots necessary for adaptation of the frontage. it also includes two lob zones bordering on the course of the Ring Road. The total surface area of the anihil of intervention is of 118,548ni. This delimitation must not disguise the structural differences between three well differentiated sections: from Sant (Quinn to pla4_a Maragall, affecting 517 living units and 209 commercial premises (including; the Guinar(1d market); front placa Maragall to tlhe avinguda Meridiana, with 166 living units and 78 commercial premises (with the Olcsa market), and from the avinguda Meridiana to Rec Comtal, with 173 living units and 88 commercial premises. The state of preservation (it the hi ildi igs, especially the residential buildings, is acceptable, although the effect of the impending Ring Road can already be seen in the lack of regeneration and rehabilitation of the construction and the substitution of traditional uses by other more precarious ones, such as warehouses, workshops and car parks. which do not call for large investments. The maintenance of the urban building structure is reinforced by the option of the PGM itself, which along the whole of its length indicates practically no areas for remodelling, private or public, which normally identify urban items in an advanced state of disrepair or lack of adaptation to the general structure foreseen. Functionally, the three sectors are close together but present serious ]laws as regards interconnection, The most obvious is the sector corresponding to the carrer Garcilaso. Although on paper it communicates directly with the upland side of the avinguda Meridiana, in fact this road forms an unsurmountable barrier both for traffic and pedestrians. The intermediate sector has the carrer d'Olesa as its structural axis, while in el Guinardd the combination of a very difficult terrain and a network of narrow streets without continuity obstructs the horizontal connection of the places Maragall with the future Middle Ring Road and the already existing Primer Cinturd. Since the turning down of the Primer Cinturd as foreseen in the GMP in the ambit of intervention, as a high-capacity artery, its substitution by a network of streets was proposed, allowing a connection via the Meridiana and Guinardd, with the reordination of the affected land respecting the consolidated urban structure. The latter neighbourhood will be crossed by a new street 20m wide as a continuation of the carrer Olesa and the carrer Garcilaso. The remaining affected land will be reclassified according to the adjacent zoning at the same time as reserves for amenities are increased, taking advantage of the land freed. To make development space available, the reordination has been established on the basis of general coefficient of gross developability (Im' floor space Per In-' built-tip) with which it has been possible to individualize items of development: recognizing those already consolidated, while by the calculation of private exploitation the net coefficient is established over the original surface area of the parcel for the application of development by Action Units. The action units do not include those parcels unconsolidated but developable according to the PGM in which the proposal only affects the alignment while largely maintaining the original potential devclopability. Another of the proposal's components has been the reservation of land for the construction of sheltered housing so as to he able to offer alternatives in good conditions for those residents who need to be relocated during the development of the proposal, as well as having premises for commercial use to offer to commercial premises affected. In the PGM the Primer Cinturd was conceived as an urban freeway crossing the existing network at a different level, but directly or indirectly affecting most of the parcels included in the delimitation. Taking advantage of the course of the previous proposal, an axis for wheeled traffic is proposed that could be wide enough for two-way traffic, between the station of la Sagrera and the Ronda del Mig. This would improve the highly deficient transverse connectivity in the sector, which because of its characteristics would serve principally to distribute local traffic, thereby increasing accessibility to the sector. As a complement to the street layout, the proposal considers the creation of land reserves for leisure areas, which are scarce at present. The most important is the block Occupied by the Guinardo market, which will be the object of considerable remodelling, both on account of its size and its potential to provide an answer to the sector's particular problems (free space, underground parking, space for loading and unloading in the market, facilities). The ordination of the building has been developed on the basis of the situation already existing and the forecasts of the PGM in the immediate surroundings, so that the present urban reality is distorted as little as possible- However, this clearly remains secondary to the necessary continuity of the streets in the sector- We have to remember that the appearance of the new street in the middle of a consolidated fabric creates certain distortions that can be resolved, particularly in the execution of the corresponding projects. This zoning involves all increase of 20,314 m' of green space and 20,755 1112 of facilities, at the expense, of course, of a reduction in the land affected by proposed streets, which more than compensate the creation of new housing on the basis of the replanning of the sector. For the development of the modification of the PGM, a series of isolated intervention units and independent isolated interventions have been marked out which allow individual execution by fundamentally coherent items in time. The expropriations for sheltered housing have been modulated so that they can be decided on prior to the seizure of other items of interest for streets or facilities. Redefinition of the Basic Street Layout in the Hostafrancs Neighbourhood Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan The approval of the General Metropolitan Plan in 1976 caused a widespread public reaction in the Hostafrancs neighbourhood, mainly because of the planning blight that made itself felt throughout the sector, due both to the traumatic consequences of the new works and to the fragmentation of a traditional neighbourhood into three parts. As a result of the court appeals by various neighbourhood organisations, in 1978 the MOPU (Ministry of Public Works) decided to "suspend the classification of 17- 5 foreseen for the widening of the calle Moianes and the continuation of the cane Diputacic n and calle Aragdn", though postponing definitive confirmation subject to the result of a municipal study to be approved by [lie Provincial Town-Planning; Commission. At the same time, the continuation of the carrer Diputacid between the carrer Tarragona and the carretera de la Bordeta crossed a sector with considerable structural and developmental shortcomings -essentially on the side of the carrer Creu Coberta nearest the sea- which is awaiting urbanistic definition by classification in the PGM as zones for remodelling, at the very side of the important downtown area of pla4a Espanva, and which is also undergoing important modifications in the Vicinity. 25 The 1111bit of the propus.il corresponds lu that of the PGM for the continuation of the carrer Aragd and the carrer Diputacid and the immediate surrouridings of the area affected by these impending plans- Since the issue affects basic streets, the PGM was modified with the proposal for an alternative structural scheme. For the continuation of the carrer Aragd it was foreseen that the PGM would affect a strip of 30m for widening existing streets, as for as the connection with the carrer Moianes, which was also increased to 30nt. In the Modification of the PGM this width had been reduced to 20m although the western side of the street was still affected. For its part, the carrer Diputacid was in need of an alternative course to the old carretera do la Bordeta, which considerably affected the consolidated fabric. This sector was studied in the elaboration of the 1987 Roads Plan, and there was a possibility of remodelling the general structure in force to adapt it to a strengthening of the system formed by the carrer Tarragona and the Gran Via, with the placa d'Espanya roundabout conveniently strengthened. The alternative proposal redimensions the PGM's scheme to adapt it to the neighbourhood's needs, although the direct connection between Diputacin and Gran Via is maintained. The solution proposed for the street layout is the best possible in the circumstances and one closely suited to the needs of the neighbourhood, fundamentally in the Aragd section, which maintains the Consell de Cent-Moianes continuity which from the point of view of traffic is perfectly operative without altering the present conditions. As regards the Diputacid section, the need for a by- pass in the placa d'Espanya area advised a direct connection between Tarragona and Gran Via, to take the load off the square. These alternatives to the basic street layout made it possible to modify the building plans originally foreseen in the PGM, in a search for a balanced restitution of the traditional urban network and the reserves of space for facilities and green zones for the improvement of the neighbourhood. Another of the effects of the reordination has been the reservation of land to allow the location of sites for the promotion of sheltered housing for those affected by any of the interventions foreseen. Tlic Enlist Charaileristic' interVC'ntions proposed are: • Unit facing onto the new square, between the carrer de Miquel I3leach, the carrer Llobet and the carrer Ermengarda: the buildings are arranged so as to create a facade on the new square formulated in the planning. • Continuation of the carrer de la Diputacin, between Tarragona and Creu Coberta: the opening of the new street across a partly consolidated block calls for a control of the dividing walls left hare, at the same time as the new facades are adapted. R is foreseen that the obligatory height of the frontage forming a unit with the hotel in the plaSa d'Espanya will maintain the level of the cornice as well as the vertical distribution of the floors. • New construction between Leyva and Vidriol: an "L"-shaped building enclosing the newly created square to streets where heavier traffic is foreseen. • Ordination oJ'the frontage on the newly opened .street, between Farell and Sant Pere d'Abanto: this new street divides the original block in two, which creates the conflict of having two ring blocks currently consolidated and therefore difficult to replan as the two closed blocks generically foreseen by the PGM's zone 13. The open spaces follow the logic of the traditional spaces already existing in the neighbourhood (placa Herenni, placa Osca, placa Farga, etc.) with a surface area of about 2,500 m2. The proposals are: • Square in the carrer de Llobet; foreseen as a square which, on account of its proximity to the District Offices and of a park of some size, will have the characteristics of an urban space for civic activities, with a suitable surface finish allowing large gatherings. • Square in the carrer Vidriol: foreseen as a quiet area, protected from traffic by the surrounding buildings and with peripheral activities of a commercial nature, taking advantage of the proximity of the carrer do la Creu Coberta and the possibility of doubling the facade of the buildings facing onto this street. • PlaCa de Joan Corrades: being a consolidated space, tite present modilication does not foresee any particularities. As a complement to these spaces, there is the possibility of creating pedestrian routes that would intercommunicate the lrla4a d' Espanya and the Espanya industrial park via the newly created squares and the recently urbanized Rambla the Vilardell. The structure of systems is complemented with the prevision or assumption of facilities existing in three key points in the sector: the District offices, the placa d ' Espanya and the newly opened section of the carrer Diputacid. To develop the proposal 11 isolated interventions have been established via expropriation and 7 units for intervention by the system of compensations. This considerable fragmentation is justified by the high level of consolidation in the structure and by the wish to slake the plan easier to administer by specifying the operators in each item. This also allows independent sell- contained interventions and makes the development of the proposal more operative. 4.2. Plans Deriving from the Construction of the Ring Roads Plans for the Ring Road Verges Specific Modifications to Current Planning The execution of Barcelona's great traffic arteries marks the end of the situation of uncertainty that hung over a large part of the territory as a result of land reserves for road construction that had been maintained for over thirty years. The new situation makes it possible and necessary to consider the urbanization of the strip of city land lining the edges of these roads. The definitive configuration adopted by the Ring Roads, with a width and a course not always coinciding with the often oversized land reserves established by the PGM, leads to inconsistencies between current planning and the de facto situation, and makes especially clear the need to adapt the urban framework to the course of the new road. At the same time, attention is given to the need to complete or improve the spatial and architectural configuration of these new urban roadways. With these objectives in mind, an Advance Plan was formulated in 1990 which allected the whole of the ambit of the Ring Roads and which set out the general criteria and objectives of the planning. Many of these criteria derive from the role of the Ring Roads and from their influence in the form and the functioning of the city. In this respect, it assesses the potential structural role and the connecting funct_on of these new roads, the increased accessibility their inauguration has meant for certain areas and the influence this has in the strategy of localizing urban uses and activities. The new areas for public use and facilities resulting front the Coll'.( RICtioll Of the Ring Roads are also of special importance in the creation of new foci and potentials for urban structuring. These general criteria take the form of priority contents in urban replanning, amongst them the urbanization of the lateral bands as urban promenades connecting different areas, the creation of new open spaces and amenities to complement local systems, the rehabilitation or occasionally renovation of buildings or small sectors, and the arrangement of new developable frontage helping to spatially configure the new urban roadway for use as amenities or even housing. In keeping with this and as a continuation of the line of work begun with this document of Criteria, the Proposal for Modifications mentioned here is formulated. It consists of a series of specific modifications to current planning, on publicly owned land, centred on the area of the Ronda de Dalt (Upper Ring Road), between the Trinitat and Collserola interchanges, which, without affecting the work of a global plan for the verges, would help to materialize some of the planning and improvement objectives explained in the Advance Proposal. In the time elapsed since the beginning of this work, one element has taken on special importance in defining the objectives to he achieved. 1 refer to the shortage of housing in the city, especially as regards economically priced accommodation, and in this respect to the opportunity this land provides for the development of a programme of sheltered housing. The modifications are put forward for land classified mainly as streets or street protection, which has not been needed in the construction of the streets. Also 26 included, though to a lesser extent, is ]and reserved for facilities, open spaces or partly developable sites, whose location and shape advise their spatial recomposition or their reclassification to allow their use for amenities or housing. The proposals for reclassification are considered in the framework of the considerable amount of free spaces and facilities that the construction of the Ring Roads has generated. Of the seventeen modifications proposed, thirteen are directed at sheltered housing operations which would involve an additional residential floor space of 63,150m'; three interventions are directed at the creation of community facilities (11,922m' floor space) and one to parking space (1,515m' floor space). The proposal also involves the creation of 13,456 in' of urban parks and gardens with the urbanization of complementary free spaces from the operations on housing and facilities or with the creation of some section of park of greater dimensions. The plans and the volumetric solutions adopted respond to various town-planning objectives: in some cases the idea is to complete fabrics, city blocks or unfinished buildings, as in the case of Trinitat Vella, Bard de Viver and Roquetes. With the residential building on the passeig de Santa Coloma and the facilities on the Arrabassada, the object is to configure a facade for the street. On the section of Ring Road between Hospital Militar and avinguda Jorda, characterized by a severe lack of morphological order, the object is to plan the meeting-points between the different sections of the new road. Finally, in the Collscrola interchange, where the work Undertaken has produced important alterations in the geometry of the sector, the idea is to collaborate in the spatial and architectural definition of this unusual point with the arrangement of the new developable frontages. Ordination of the New Facade on Via Augusta Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan The objective of the modification is to redefine the frontage in the sections affected by the execution of the accesses to the Vallvidrera tunnels, which go from the Ronda de Dalt to the carrer Salvador Mundi. The different problems arising above and below the passeig de la Bonanova mean that the proposal is contemplated in two parts: the upper section, Ronda de Dalt-passeig de ]a Bonanova, where the problem to be resolved is fundamentally that of adapting the building frontage to the new alignment of the completed roadway, and the section passeig de ]a Bona nova -carrer Salvador Mundi, where the unconsolidated front of Via Augusta must he resolved with the development of a public remodelling zone, 14, and of a 6b green zone. In relation to current town-planning, the difference in construction of the accesses to the Vallvidrera tunnel as regards that foreseen in the PGM-76 gives rise to the following variations; a. Pieces of land designated for streets (5) and not used in their construction. The form finally adopted by the accesses to the Vallvidrera tunnel (main sunken section between walls or in false tunnel) makes their future enlargement unlikely and raises questions over the most suitable use for this land. b. The different location and form of the sliproads and the use of less ]and than originally foreseen also raises questions over the use of the remaining ]and. c. Similarly, the different location and forth of the intersections with the local street network affects the way this network functions and raises the need to adjust the alignments and levels at the meeting-point between the immediate fabric and the lateral branches of the continuation of Via Augusta. d. The appearance of new urban spaces for social use, such as the covering and the footbridges over the area classified as street, creating a new focus for urban structuring. The content of the reordination in many cases centres on operations to adjust the resulting geometries between the existing parcels and the new road (alignments of the closures and gradients in the accesses), as well as complementary town-planning operations on the outer verge of the Via Augusta side roads to adjust them to the new alignments proposed for the buildings. In addition, new operations are proposed for the reforming and restructuring of streets, as well as for studying existing facilities and sheltered housing. The objectives of the modification in the upper section are to complete the network of the Sarria neighbourhood, restructuring it, furthermore, with the Bonanova neighbourhood, once the obstacle of the former Can Gardenyes stream has been removed. This restructuring is carried out mainly by completing the existing blocks, establishing new alignments consistent with the current physical reality and giving shape to new developments in keeping with the blocks existing in Bonanova. The widening of the passeig de la Bonanova is foreseen for the central zone so as to make room for four traffic lanes with pavements wide enough for pedestrians. At the crossroads with the Via Augusta a new space is defined, widening the alignments in keeping with the consolidated buildings on the upland side, setting the new, publicly remodelled development back in relation to the plata de Sarria, thus forming a space which frames the "Gateway to Sarria". Between the carrer Salvador Mundi and the passeig de la Bonanova the proposal contemplates recognizing the green space currently functioning, and for the public remodelling zone it establishes a construction comprising ground floor and five storeys, facing the amenities zone. The permeability of this sector is strengthened with the prevision of pedestrian crossings across open spaces for public use around the new building. These are located on the continuation of the carrer Menor de Sarria and the carrer Marc de Deu de Nuria as far as the Via Augusta and the passeig de la Bonanova, respectively. The prevision of an underground car park in the area currently classified for public remodelling, located close to Sarria station, will contribute to reducing the current deficit. As regards amenities, the objectives have in mind the reservation of land in the plots making up the former plaSa Borras, between the carrer Tres Reis and the Ronda de Dalt: the plan includes the convent already existing in the carrer Major de Sarria on the corner with the carrer Tres Reis and of the Taber state school, as well as premises for City Council services in the carrer Isaac Albeniz. It also foresees the creation of new public facilities on the corner of passeig Bonanova and Via Augusta facing the large square, so as to provide support for the various activities that could take place in this space of 3,900m2 of surface area. Finally, it defines the facilities located opposite the placa de Sarria, in keeping with the rest of the sector. The proposal includes the urbanization of the verges of the Via Augusta lateral branches, turning them into promenades with a width of almost 10m, so tong as the alignments that are established allow it, connecting with the new open space created in the square covering the central trunk of the Via Augusta, between the carrer Dolors Monserda and the passeig de ]a Bonanova. At the top end, these promenades are connected as far as the Institut Qufmic de Sarria, which already has approved alignments, and on the other side a connection is proposed with the carrer Isaac Albeniz to finally connect with the rambla bordering on the Ronda de Dalt, to frame the limit of the old nucleus of Sarria. At the bottom, the lateral promenade connects with the proposed green zone, where it merges into the spaces surrounding the proposed new development and the new pedestrian streets -carrrer Menor de Sarria and carrer Mare de Deu de Ntiria- which finally connect with the placa de Sarria, forming a new pedestrian fabric to make up for the deficit in this urban element lacking in the neighbourhood of Sarria. The administration of the plan foresees the execution of eight units, six of which are delimited to urbanize the lateral promenades of the Via Augusta, and also to obtain the cession of the public amenities situated on the corner of the passeig de ]a Bonanova and Via Augusta. In the UA-5, which comprises the block opposite the htstitut Qufmic de Sarria, a closed block with interior courtyard is planned to resolve the construction of the developable front of the Via Augusta. In order to resolve the connection between the carrer Isaac Albeniz and the Via Augusta, an intervention unit is delimited in which the liability of opening tip the new street is compensated by classifying two sites with frontage on Via Augusta as sheltered housing. 27 Reordination of the Esteve Terrades Thoroughfare Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan The ambit of this Modification of the PGM is bounded by the carrer de Gornis and the carrer d'Esteve Terrades in the section between the Vallcarca bridge and the lower connection of the Collserola interchange. The total surface area of the intervention is of 40,484 nn'. Furthermore, in order to understand the structural street references, a higher ambit was defined which includes the Vallvidrera thoroughfare, connecting with the Scgon Cinturo via the pla4a de Penitents and with the Collserola tunnel. In this latter delimitation the general street alterations incorporated in the proposal can he justified. This sector had been through a recent process of prior legal procedure (1987), whose definitive approval had been halted because of the sector's architectural ambiguity and the PGM's own planning proposal. In fact, the present situation responds to various, and sometimes contradictory formulations during the course of the city's modern planning process. The 1953 Regional Plan defined it with a width of 12m; subsequently, in 1972-73, the "Special Plan for a Link Road between the Primer Cinturo (placa Lesseps), the Segon Cinturo de Ronda and access to the Tibidabo Central Tunnel" and the PGM in lorce since 1970 defined it as a fast urban thoroughfare with a central trunk and two lateral branches ( 55-60m width). Meanwhile , the physical situation of the site had changed with the urbanization of the interchange in the form of a large oval ring 250 x 1 50 metres between exterior alignments, which gathers all the local streets converging on this point ( passeig de Sant Gervasi, avinguda Repdhlica Argentina , carrer Gomis , Josep Gari and Collserola and the continuation of carrer Esteve Terrades), and which allows interchange between these streets and the accesses to the Ronda de Dalt , which passes beneath the interchange. This alteration of the street layout is highly significant because it involves an important modification of the model put forward in the PGM , with large isolated streets not in keeping with their surroundings . The new approach to the Cinturo as a connector between neighbourhoods has one of its most significant expressions in the Collserola interchange and its interrelations. At present , with the carrer Esteve Terrades urbanized , a logical and definitive solution can be decided which takes into account pre - existences , in keeping with the new course of the completed street. The carrer Esteve Terrades branches off the avinguda Hospital Militar and climbs gradients of between 4.6 and 7% to the plata dels Penitents . Between the carrer d'Esteve Terrades and the carrer Gomis there are differences in height that vary between 5 and 8 metres, with a block breadth ranging from 40 to 70 metres. This difference in height, and the fact that most of the buildings front onto the higher street (Gomis), makes the apparent height on the Esteve Terrades side quite striking. The heights of the buildings vary, although one can speak of a fairly generalized consolidation along the frontage of the carrer Gomis. The buildings in this section of street are mainly residential, and range from 4 floors to more than seven. Nevertheless, there are still items of low occupation beside the Vallcarca bridge and in the middle and upper parts of the carrer Gomis. On the Esteve Terrades side the occupation is much lower, although some pre-existences reach an impressive height. General Structure of the Proposal It is foreseen that the basic street network of the PGM will be respected. although the course of the main artery is adjusted to the already completed street and the solution of the Collserola interchange already functioning. The proposed modification is therefore conditioned by these large infrastructures and its materialization belongs to the field of specific planning, or reserves for amenities and green spaces adapted to the local needs of the sector. The proposal [or development on the Lsteve Terrades-Goinis block aims at a satisfactory solution to the new front's new category of urban facade- Special care has been taken of pre-existences, since there are well consolidated zones that are currently affected. The building is arranged in such a way that the height of the new construction on Esteve Terrades (toes not obstruct the sunlight on the facades at the back of the Gomis Frontage, both through a limitation on the height of the new buildings (Ground Floor plus 4) and through the difference in height between the two streets, which is of the order of one or two floors, according to the zone. In addition. the heights have been regulated in such a way that the new buildings gradually absorb the successive differences in height between neighbouring properties, with continuity of floor levels. Green zones have been concentrated in the area around the Vallcarca bridge, so that it is freed from the pressure of the new alignments proposed by the PGM. The other green zone has been arranged as a support for the intermediate connection between the two main streets hounding the ambit. The facilities tend to recognize the pre-existences. Whatever the case, this is not the proposal's main foundation, as the new distribution will allow a development in construction that previous town-planning contradictions made inconsistent with the completed streets. 28 1 1 • Barcelona has the appearance of a renewed city with Jar more balanced contents, a reflection of the process of development and transformation carried out in the last few years, during which she has been very active. undergoing experiences of great vitality, which have been rellected in the different fields of her own dynamics and that have allowed her to recover from past deficiencies. But this renovation and transformation have also shown themselves in the territorial ambit, whose scope, which exceeds Barcelona, has its references in the ambit influenced by the interdependent facts of the municipalities making it up_ These facts have required that some of the general planning forecasts be accommodated to the circumstances arising. This process of renovation, in Barcelona, began with urban improvements carried out on public spaces in places in need of reconversion, whose architectural solutions roused general interest and led on to the regeneration of the surroundings. At the same time, interventions were programmed through the various plans for the neighbourhoods and the right conditions Were created whereby certain obsolete spaces would admit of operations that would equilibrate the city's reference points, in the face of the urban fragmentation that Was appearing due to a lack of physical and formal connection in certain contexts. Work- was undertaken to extend and enrich the public patrimony of the city, in the framework of respect for symbolic and spatial qualities, in a balance between past and future, Where understanding and comprehension of the dialectics between degradation and persistence of certain outstanding facts give content to the previsions for its remodelling. The intervention in the city can be assimilated, though at another level, to the intervention in her architecture and these different levels of work; this is what is reflected by the reality in Barcelona, where priority is given to the wish to act on the urban form and its quality, with the determinant of the recognition and identification of the context and its nieanning in relation to the previsions of the Genrral Plan, which calls for a pragmatic reading typical of [ruder[ town-planning. Revaluing and updating certain urban public spaces and generating new ones is approached strategically in neighbourhoods needing renovation and self-affirmation. Urban spaces that have to take on the traditional role that streets and squares have always played. At the same time, the neighbourhoods are endowed with the facilities they are lacking and the same happens to their architecture , which speaks for renovation, as happens to any monument which gradually reach their plenitude as they [nature through use and time , being a point of reference for a large sector and acquiring that degree of centrality that tends to engender a revitalization of the surroundings, giving greater drive to the activity. The plans affecting the different neighbourhoods have directed the reforms, amongst other things, at cleaning up run- down residential fabrics, that is those not up to the standards considered acceptable by society, which includes interventions in housing and their patrimony and the provision of the necessary systems, in a general structuring resulting from a serious analysis of the transformation procedure. Planning has set out to establish a suitable framework in which the different operators putting it into practice can orientate and direct their action, which would not be possible and could not be taken on without the mechanisms and the resources it provides and which are what makes it possible even to make certain operations profitable from a social and economic point of view . It is important to be able to adjust forecasts and specific dynamics over time. Questions of opportuneness and priority point to the degree of fulfillment of certain forecasts incorporated in some planning instruments , but the main thing is to be able, at a given moment, to provide answers to the real needs of the city at each moment , for which it is essential to establish a suitable framework in which to define, specify and resolve the elements that give structural form to the existing city. 'l'hc Olympics are one reference, but the urban transformation arising from thetll ghost not be seed as a cirCulllstantlal operation so tnuch as part of a broader process which, in short, is what lives on in the construction of the city. This event played a part in the process of renovation in the city and in the shaping, at a given moment in time, of planning previsions. The reference of 1992 drove the transformation on, shortening the deadlines of a project that had no end, was not definitive, a new reference for a new project, the same as had happened with the Universal Exhibitions of 1888 and 1929, which contributed part of a culture and whose specific form expresses the city of the moment, but is now a reference to a strategy in which development operations are situated in such a way as to promote the urban transformation of a whole sector of the city through inductive operations. Ten new downtown areas which include the directional centres have been analysed and located on sites in need of reconversion, poorly developed empty spaces in Barcelona's urban continuum, easily promoted on account of their situation in relation to systems of access to the city or their links with main thoroughfares, planned, completed or under way. Strategically situated, they help correct certain imbalances in the city and their location and origin motivate the contents as regards participation of the different cases and the treatment to he given the space and its relationship with the immediate surroundings. The Val[ d'Hebron allowed for developments different from the other new downtown areas and the same happened with the carver Tarragona, the Old Port, La Sagrera, Montjuic, Pla4a de les Glories, etc. All of them have influenced the development and transformation of certain sectors of the city. Using the different instruments, operations have been carried out in the urban fabric which, in view of their characteristics, can be added to the effects of those foreseen in the new downtown areas, in spite of not forming part of their ambit and not being highlighted in this section. These operations could include the Museum of Contemporary Art, or the University in El Raval, or even the reconditioning of the Eixample, which on account of its central position is one of the operations that has had most effect on the transformation of the city. The approval of the Decree for the Reconditioning and Improvement of the Eixample provided the city with an instrument that helped spotlight this sector. The Eixample is recognized today as Barcelona's paradigm, one of her signs of identity, and makes up one of the areas of greatest urban and environmental value. One of the problems Barcelona had to solve was that of communications and general infrastructures, which had to overcome certain physical and formal obstacles between the different sectors and improve the communications systems in the broad sense- Without this, some of the renovation work planned could not begin. The Roads Programme/Plan and the Telecommunications ProgrammelPlan arc two points of reference in the modernization of the city and in the most important works of infrastructure carried out there in a short period of time. Through the Roads Programme/Plan, whose definitive formulation dates from 1986, three types of intervention are contemplated: • Those with a clear structural value for the whole city. The large infrastructures (II Cintur6, Accesses to the Rovira Tunnel, Coastal Ring Road, etc.)- * Those representing a substantial improvement in the internal relations within or between neighbourhoods. Internal connectivity. • Those roadways which on account of their position and characteristics will gradually lose importance in the traffic scheme due to the construction of new urban axes, the so-called Civic Thoroughfares (Via Jtilia, Infanta Carlota, Passeig de Gracia, Rambla de Catalunya, Av. Gaudf, etc.). Streets for remodelling. New plans arise to tackle new interventions, amongst them the Hotels Plan, which updated the city's hotel offer in two ways, one aimed directly at covering demand, and one arising indirectly out of the proposal and concerned with the quality of the services and the revision and updating of the offer existing at this moment. Barcelona has undergone a considerable urban renewal and this transformation and materialization on the occasion of 1992 has allowed the recovery of one sector of the city through the implantation of the Olympic Village and the part it has played in opening the city to the sea, to which are added the interventions in the Old Port. The large infrastructures have been consolidated (ring roads, telecommunications systems, airport, etc.) 29 as well as the new downtown areas (Vila Olfmpica, Tarragona, Montjuic, Diagonal, Val] d'Hebron, etc.). The city's monumental, artistic and cultural patrimony has been recovered. All this has renovated Barcelona in her totality, assimilating the transformation with tranquility, without an effort of understanding; it has arisen from the city herself, and she has changed with naturalness, creating a rational city out of her past. The new plans and projects are formulated as a continuation of this process and on the basis of this mew urban geography, which affects not only Barcelona but a surrounding area linked in a common dynamics, which has made it necessary to reconsider the situation of certain sectors of the city in a global assessment of the activity they develop and of the offers existing in the area of mutual influence and of the towns involved. One of the most important factors in the interdependence between the towns involved in this shared dynamics has been the stimulus to the development of infrastructures over recent years and which has led to a reduction of distances. This development has a positive effect in Barcelona, correcting certain cases of urban fragmentation which appeared in the territory and, along with the great transformation undergone in the last few years, has allowed the operations that have re-equilibrated the city's references. 5.1. Residential Relaunching of the Eixample Improving Amenities in the Historical Area of the Eixample Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan For some years, the City Council has clearly shown a determined wish to strengthen the resident population in the Example in the face of a steady decrease in the context of a growing service sector felt most strongly in the centre. Against this, the high degree-of concentration in this part of the city makes it very difficult to find alternatives to certain shortages in amenities, some of which are in urgent need of solutions. By way of example, in the 11 District Eixample, of the reserves of land for facilities foreseen in the PGM -a good fifty hectares-, 90% is already developed and the rest is made up of small pieces of land that are fragmentary in most cases. On the other hand, the alternative of land included in areas for urban renewal of facilities (section 17-7) which the PGM promotes as sites for subsequent occupation, involve a surface area of some 10 ha which are practically undeveloped (except for small fragments included in previous planning processes). We have to bear in mind that because of the urban characteristics of these areas, their purchase and intervention involves an expense and an administrative delay which at the time of modifying the PGM had to he reduced to a minimum in view of the precarious situation of schools affected, such as Carlit, Fraussa and Roura-Mallorca, Diputaci6, etc. In view of the situation, the proposed modification of the PGM looked for a way to speed up the process of purchasing the most suitable sites taking advantage of the urbanistic potential and margin allowed by the ownership of facilities on developable land not earmarked for amenities, very often for reasons that could he described as altruistic in defence of buildings of high patrimonial and artistic value which were threatened by potential demolition. In these cases, the non-amenity classification allowed construction under attractive development conditions, making their substitution worth considering, either directly or through the procedure of declaring ruin. Recent examples are the Casa Golferichs, the present Tapies Foundation and the Torre de les Aigfies and its courtyard. The specific proposal included seventeen independent plots, classified as zones 13a (intensive development), 7 (public amenities) and 17-6 and 17-7 (urban renovation for green zone and amenities), with a total surface area of 32,428.9 m2. The potential development of the 13a zones included was the equivalent of 324 living units which the proposal redistributed amongst the most suitable plots for each siting of amenities, as compensation for the cession of land for facilities and parks, including its urbanization. To ensure the purchase of the land for facilities, the different proposals incorporated the administration commitments put forward in the legal procedure for the modification of the PGM, as a guarantee of its availability once definitively approved. Of the resulting zoning, 18,000 m' were earmarked for various new educational facilities and some as recognition of the existing activity, while 8,000 nil were for green zones in the courtyards of city blocks, some of which recognized pre- existences such as the Pati do les Aigfies and others newly formulated (Rocafort courtyard, Escola Carlit playground and Fort Pius block). At present, several of the schools foreseen are already in operation (Carlit in the first year of currency of the modification of the PGM) or being built, and the open spaces foreseen have been made available. It is important to remember that the proposal has allowed the development of a surface area of 18,726 m' of land for renovation for facilities, replacing activities that were sometimes unpleasant for residents in the area. Decree for the Reconditioning and Improvement of the Eixample Modification of the Decree The work drawn up on the Eixample brings tip to date the figures and the results of the previous Study of the Fixample in 1 983, at the same time as it makes it possible to evaluate certain initiatives in planning and regulations that have aimed at improving this central neighbourhood of the city. In addition, a modification is proposed of some stipulations so as to correct negative tendencies observed and complement the recovery of the sector's residential quality. To situate the present moment, dillerent frames of reference have been analysed that condition the development of the Eixample, on the basis of the PGM as a basic by-law from which the present arrangement arises. The degree of completion of the reserves for public amenities in the general planning has been established, as has future availability in response to new demands for facilities and the planning which in developing the PGM have been approved over the last fifteen years. As regards general mobility in the Eixample , the results of the analysis reveal the repercussions of the opening of the Ring Roads , since the central network was until this moment unavoidable for much interior and exterior movement in the city, at the same time as figures are gathered for the demand for parking for residents and the areas where there is most shortage. But one of the most outstanding aspects of this study has been the verification of the application in the last five years of by- laws such as the Metropolitan Decree on Reconditioning and, particularly, the Decree for the Reconditioning and Improvement of the Eixaniple, which have had a considerable influence in the District during this period . Restoration and maintenance of buildings , clearing of courtyards and campaigns for reconditioning and improvements have all helped to restore dignity to this paradigmatic central district of Barcelona. The assessment of the licences presented has also allowed an analysis of the part played by the new building work, especially of offices, in turning the Eixample into an area of service industries, as well as the formalization of very often undeclared changes of use. The search for the reasons behind this growth in service industries and its possible assessment have led to indirect analyses which in turn reveal the present content of the built-up area. Evolution of the population and its structure , number of living units and statistical typology of sizes, age and services available, and residence- related activities and those that are harmful to the well-being of residents arc the headings under which this study has been arranged. Finally, an inventory has been made of the city block courtyards which, for whatever reason , are potential candidates for public use, now or, presumably, in the future . This includes those already affected by the PGM as green zones, those reserved for public anrenities, those containing some municipal property with a right to the inner courtyard and those blocks whose characteristics of present consolidation and division of the property could allow global interventions, by private enterprise or in collaboration with public initiative, resulting in improvements to the interior courtyard. 30 As a result, a proposal has been formulated which consists in'the modification of some of the stipulations of the Decree for the Reconditioning and Improvement of the Eixantple which will make it possible to clear more block courtyards; the execution of unitary interventions in particular courtyards allowing an increase in the car parking offer and, at the same time, will provide spaces for public use not foreseen in the PGM; provide incentives for the construction of housing instead of offices; control those uses harmful for residents; and correct certain parameters regarding the location of the structures of installations demanding ever greater volume. Finally, it includes a reflection on complementary interventions allowing improvements to the residential quality of the Lixantple. Alongside the interventions arising from the document's regulatory provisos, suggestions are made on increases to green zones, civic thoroughlare structure and educational facilities as a contribution to the recovery of the centre's residential quality. Clearance of Block Courtyards The limitation of building the ground floor and basement levels to 1.5 times the developable depth affects 10.2% of the surface of the block, though in real terms the figure is less, due to the consolidation of the courtyards. At present, application of the regulations can not be controlled in the case of permits granted on the basis of the Metropolitan Decree on Reconditioning. The area not built up in application of the Eixaniple Decree between 1988 and 1992 amounts to 9,815 in. The size of the various courtyards not built tip ranges from 37 m' to 1,053 m-. These surface areas bear it very direct relation on the size of the promotions, as is reflected in the percentage of underground floor space that has not been constructed by application of the Decree in proportion to the total floor space. The result has not always been an area of gardens, but the fact that it is clear can ease its future transformation into it more pleasant end-result. The fact that 32 of the 217 licenses studied affect interior courtyards shows the limited repercussions on aspects such as parking and ground- floor premises, while generalizing the measure will in the long term lead to a considerable environmental improvement in the courtyards. The proposal maintains the unbuilt up space in the interior of the block and extends it to reforms affecting the whole of the building or the ground floor. There has been an estimated increase of 36% in the surface area of unbuilt-up courtyards in the period 88-92, as a result of the application of this by-law in major works. Freeing Block Interiors and Construction of Underground Parking The ban on basement-level construction ill the interior of the blocks has blocked the development of some large items, of which only the Villarroel courtyard has been transformed through a Special Plan. In addition, the Eixample has areas with localized shortage of parking space. There are areas of Sagrada Familia and Sant Antoni with local deficits that could be resolved through the offer of parking in public spaces, but the Eixample as a whole has a considerable offer in private car parks, although much of it is of the rotational type in the District's most central areas. As regards the rate of creation of new parking, we have to remember that The Eixample has a total offer in parking in underground installations of some 6,000 places, 2,000 of them built in the last five years, while 10,000 have been built during the same period by private enterprise, so that there is a surplus on the market of 3,500 parking places, not counting those assigned to the principal uses of each building (housing, office and all those in hotels). A combination of the two types of enterprise will allow a solution to the problem of parking. In application of the new regulations, following a study in detail it will be possible, as a measure to encourage the surface clearance of courtyards, to occupy the subsoil when the intervention guarantees that a surface area will be freed for public use equivalent to 80% of the unbuilt-up courtyard, of which 300;4, will be planted with trees. The surface courtyard and its access from the street will be publicly owned. The fact of being able to intervene with a study in detail for large sites will provide the opportunity for immediate intervention in some ten blocks, where the limited consolidation and fragmentation of the ownership allow global interventions. These sites would increase the offer in parking by some 150 places (four floors) added to those that could he built up till now, at the same time as they would involve some 1,000 m' of surface land for public use, according to the model established in the Pati de les Aigiies and the VillarroelJGran Via courtyard. Limiting Service Industries to Encourage Residential Recovery The District shows a generalized tendency towards depopulation (-4.9% average), 1.5% higher than the average for Barcelona (-3.4%) and of the order of Nou Barris (-4.3%) or Gracia (-3.7%). However, there are surprising signs of a change in very central areas such as placa de Catalunya (+5110%), the top of the passeig de Gracia (+0/5%) or the avinguda Diagonal towards Francesc Macia. Furthermore, the density of some 202 living units/ha resulting from applying in the Eixample the previsions of the town- planning regulations in 13a zones, counting streets, public spaces and amenities already existing and those foreseen in the ambit indicated, is very different, since the average number of units in the District gives a figure of 78% of living units/ha, which corresponds to planning zones with isolated buildings. Furthermore, the study of the licences for the period 1998-1992 gives a figure of 288,170 m= in housing promotions, 72,563 in hotels and 213,776 in' of offices, out of a total of 653,537 m2 of major works. The spatial distribution use in the Eixantple shows a clear tendency to locate housing in the neighbourhoods of Sant Antoni, Sagrada Familia and Estaci6 del Nord. On the other hand, the construction of offices in the central area (Dreta de ('Eixantple) has been the predominant but not the only use, as is shown by the 13 licences for housing as opposed to 21 for offices. Finally, the most balanced neighbourhood is the Esquerra de 1'Eixample, where the two uses are on a par. There is evidence that in the last few years the displacement of residence by offices has not been as significant as had been thought. The figures show that in five years planning applications have allected a total of 322 living units and 1,991 have been built. But not all of these living units have been displaced, since 100 have been retrieved in works to reform and enlarge buildings and 118 were in properties in which new accommodation has been built, so that the number of living units replaced by offices, commercial premises and hotel accommodation is very little more than one hundred in five years. New office buildings, therefore, have preferred to look for unconsolidated properties or sites, of the few still remaining in the Eixample. The real increase in central service industries in fact responds to a cellular process of displacement, living unit by living unit. The proposal is to encourage residential use by putting office use on a par with housing as regards the compulsory reserve of 12% for ventilation wells, and making it obligatory to construct housing from the first floor up in the conservation sector. The first by-law will allow an equal treatment for all uses and encourage the possible future transformation of office blocks as housing, while the second has more direct effects. Limitation of Certain Uses One aspect that must be taken care of so as to encourage residential use is the improvement and maintenance of the quality of life. The replacement of those uses most closely tied to residential use by others which in certain circumstances could be detrimental, the lack of reserves for public amenities and public spaces and the installation of activities that generate conflicts with the residents, all go against the maintenance of housing in the most central area. There has been an alarming increase in applications for bars, of which there is a global average in the Eixample of 5 premises per type block in certain central areas which have seen a parallel reduction in food retail establishments and services to residents. This trend would have to be inverted if the central residential demand recovers. In application of the new regulation, the implantation of banks will be limited to a maximum frontage of 8m per property or 50% of its facade with a minimum of 4m. New bars are also limited to a ntaxintutn density of 5 per hectare for late-night 31 establislitncrits, at flit, same tine as a restricted zone is created in the currently densest areas. We have to remember that the concentration of bars puts great pressure on other activities. The proposed maximum density of 5 premises per ha [Hakes it impossible to increase this type of activity on some 40 blocks in the Eixample, 15 of them around the carrer Arihau. The measure does not involve if freeze on this type of activity in the District, but avoids harmful concentrations in the future. Regulating the Size of Installations At present , the Decree for the Reconditioning and Improvement of the Eixample controls the appearance of installations above the regulation height in the Conservation Sector. This means that in the rest the rule applied is the general ruling from the town-planning regulations allowing installations above the regulating outline without great problems or limitations , at a time when the volume is tending to increase due to the demands of greater environmental control . It also affects the interior courtyards, since they can be situated above the ground floor, with the resulting problems for the rest of the residents. To confront these problems , the rules approved require that installations be located on the roof-terrace of the main building, when they have to be ventilated, leaving a well 2 m' (not to he counted in the general 12% for ventilation wells) from the ground floor to the roof for the installations. Limitations are therefore maintained in the Conservation Sector as regards the volume that can exceed the regulation height, and in general for the whole of the Eixample the regulating profile surrounding installations is limited to avoid large volumes emerging. In the interior of the block courtyards the location of installations outside the regulation perimeter resulting from the application of the regulations is prohibited. In all major building works the reservation of a well of 2 m' cross-section is obligatory for the channelling of installations between the ground floor and the roof, thus avoiding conflicts following the opening of certain activities on the lower floors. Complementary Interventions for Residential Reclassification Alongside the interventions arising from the regulations, the analysis of the existing situation made certain suggestions for action on different types of public amenities. Green Zones To reduce the difficulties in the Eixample of finding new open spaces in the most central areas, where there are no reserves to allow future improvements to the situation, the possibility is mentioned of opening various public amenities to the public which in many cases are for general use by the city and contain gardens of interest, through agreements with different public and private institutions. Among the public gardens are those of the Palau Robert -designated as green zone-, the University and the Seminary, to which could he added other privately owned sites with the common characteristic of their containing gardens of considerable interest and an acceptable surface area and are good examples of "soft" courtyards which need to be preserved intact. Civic Thoroughfares The restructt11-ing of Barcelona's road network has allowed a considerable reduction in traffic in I lie Example. for which reason interventions are considered which are aimed at preserving certain areas from traffic to help re-equilibrate the use of the central city. The scheme offered is for reflection and is therefore nut binding for a more definitive proposal. On one hand, the Fixample has a structure of large traditional streets which could, with small improvements, strengthen the civic nature of the section at present existing. Diagonal. passcig de Gracia, Rambla de Catalunya and Gran Via are obvious examples. and we could add Carlos 1, Tarradellas and passcig de Sant .loan, as sites that have begun their transformation. Other streets that have subsequently added to this tendency are Mistral, Aragd and Parallel, which have benefitted from a reconsideration of their section. Finally, a scheme is put forward for consideration in which the caner Cousell de Cent and the carrer Enamorals would act as the backbone to a structure of streets between the sea and the upland, which at present have a limited functional role and good conditions for connection with existing public anenities. Educational Facilities One of flit' basic needs in the preservation and recovery of the residential quality of the Eixample is the provision of schools. Furthermore, we have to remember that certain areas of the Eixample contain many private schools, while state coverage is scarce. To face up to the foreseeable demand for the year 2,000, land will have to be reserved for schools in the neighbourhoods of Sant Antoni, Estacid del Nord and Sagrada Fainilia, preferentially, since apart from being highly residential sectors they also show an important deficit in this field. 32 conservacion. La primera disposicion permitira tratar en regimen de igualdad todos los usos y potenciar la posible transforinaci6n futura del inmueble de oficinas en viviendas, mientras que la segunda tendra efectos directos. Limitation de determinados usos Un aspecto que es preciso cuidar para favorecer la residencia es la mejora y preservation de la calidad de vida. El desplazamiento de los usos mas rclacionados con la residencia por otros que en determinadas circunstancias acttian en detrimento de aquella, ]a escasez de reservas para dotaciones y espacios pdhlicos y la instalaci6n de actividades que gencran conflictos con los residentes, acttian en contra del mantenimiento de la vivienda en la zona teas central. Es alarmante el incremento de demandas de hares (suponen un proinedio global en L'Eixample de 5 locales por manzana tipo) en determinadas areas centrales, donde han ido desapareciendo paralelamente los establecimien tos de yenta al por menor de alimentos y los servicios para los residentes, y esta es una tendencia que deberfa invertirse si se recupera Ia demanda residencial central. Por aplicacion de la nueva disposicion ordenancista, se limitary Ia implantation de oficinas exclusivamente hancarias a un frente maximo de 8 m por finca o el 50% de su fachada con un mfnimo de 4 metros. Tambien se limitan los bares nuevos hasta una densidad maxima de 5 por hectarea para estabiecimientos nocturnos, a la vez que se crea una zona de restriction en las areas actualmente teas densas. Se debe tener en cuenta que ]a concentration do bares supone una gran presi6n sobre otras actividades. La densidad maxima de 5 locales/ha clue se propone supone la imposibilidad de incrementar este tipo de actividades en una 40 manzanas de L'Eixample, 15 de estas en el entorno del eje de Aribau. La medida no supone ]a congelaci6n del distrito para este tipo de actividades, pero se evitan concentraciones nocivas futuras. Regulation del volumen de las instalaciones Actualmente ]a Ordenanza de Rehabilitation y Mejora de L'Eixample controla la aparicion de volumenes de instalaciones por encima de la altura reguladora en el Sector de Conservacion. Esto supone que en el resto se aplica la norma generica de las normativas urbanisticas que admiten las instalaciones por encima del perfil regulador sin grandes problemas ni limitaciones, en un momento en que su volumen tiende a incrementarse debido a de las exigencias de mayor control ambiental. Tambien incide en los patios interiores, ya que pueden situarse por encima de la planta baja, con el consiguiente problema para el reto de residentes. Para afrontar esios problemas, las prescripciones aprobadas obligaran a colocar los cuerpos de instalaciones en el terrado del edificio principal, cuando tengan que ser ventilados, y a dejar un patio de 2 m2 (a descontar del 12% general de patios) dcsde planta baja hasta la cubierta, para el paso de las instalaciones. Por tanto, se mantienen las limitaciones en el Sector de Conservacion en cuanto a volumenes que pueden sobresalir de ]a altura reguladora, y de forma general para todo L'Eixample, se limita el perfil regulador de lo que recubre ]as instalaciones, para evitar volumenes emergentes muy grandes. En el interior de los patios de manzana se prohibe el emplazamiento de instalaciones fuera del perimetro regulador resultante de la aplicacion de las normas. Tambien se obliga en todas las actuaciones de obra mayor a la rescrva do un patio de 2 m2 de seccion para el paso de instalaciones entre ]a planta baja y la cubierta, lo que evitara conflictos de apertura de determinadas actividades en planta inferior. Actuaciones complementarias de recalificacion residencial En paralelo a las actuaciones dimanantes de las disposiciones normativas, en el documento de analisis de la situacidn existente se apuntaban unas sugerencias para actuar en difcrcntcs campus dotacionales. Zonas verdes Con la finalidad de rcducir ]as dificultades de L'Eixample para materializar nuevos espacios libres en el area central, donde hay reservas que permitan en un futuro mejorar csta situation, se senala la posihilidad de abrir al use puhlico, mediante acuerdos o convenios con diferentes instituciones publicas y privadas, varios equipamientos, que en muchos casos son de caracter general de la ciudad, y que contienen jardines de interes. Es preciso mencionar, entre Jos ptiblicos, los jardines del Palau Robert -afectados como zona verde-, la Universidad y el Seminario, a los que se podrfan afladir otras piezas de titularidad privada porque presentan como caracteristicas comunes e] disponer de jardines de notable interes y superficie aceptable y constituyen buenos ejemplos de patios blandos que es necesario preservar sin mutilaciones. Estructura viaria civica La reestructuracion de la red viaria de Barcelona ha perrnitido un significativo descenso del transito en L'Eixample, por lo que se plantean actuaciones en el sentido de preservar del transito privado ciertos espacios viarios que ayuden a reequilibrar el use de la ciudad central. El esquema que se ofrece tiene un valor de reflexi6n y par tanto no es vinculante para una propuesta mas definitiva. Por un ]ado, L'Eixample presenta una estructura de grandes ejes tradicionales que podrfan, con pequenas mejoras, potenciar el caracter cfvico de la seccion actualmente ya existente. Diagonal, paseo de Gracia, Rambla de Catalunya y Gran Via son ejemplos muy claros a los que se pueden aiiadir Caries I. Tarradellas y paseo de Sant Joan, como piezas que ya ban iniciado su transformation. Otras vfas que posteriormente se ban sumado a esta tendencia son Mistral, Arag6 y Paral.lel, que se han heneficiado de un replanteamiento de su seccion. Por ultimo, se plantea para su valoraci6n un esquema en el que ]as calles de Conseil de Cent y Enamorats actuarfan como espina troncal de una estructura de calles mar-montana que actualmente tienen un limitado papel funcional viario y buenas condiciones de conexi6n con los equipamientos existentes. Equipamientos escolares Una de las necesidades basicas para la conservacion y recuperation de la calidad residencial de L'Eixample es la dotacion de equipamientos escolares. Por otra parte, se ha de pensar que determinadas zonas de L'Eixample contienen muchos equiparnientos escolares privados, mientras que la cobertura ptiblica es escasa. Para afrontar la demanda previsible para el ano 2000, sera preciso reservar suelo dotacional para colegios en los barrios de Sant Antoni, Estacion del Norte y Sagrada Familia, preferentemente, ya que ademas de tratarse de sectores de use muy residencial presentan importantes carencias en esta materia. 33