Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Measures for LGBTI Equality for 2016-2020 BC N Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Measures for LGBTI Equality for 2016-2020 Government measure, presented at the Full Municipal Meeting of 28 October 2016 This publication forms part of the measures being implemented under the Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity. Measures for LGBTI Equality for 2016-2020 Preparation and drafting of the plan: University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia Gender Studies Group: Translation, Literature, History and Communication (GETLIHC) Gerard Coll-Planas Miquel Missé Sara Barrientos Barcelona City Council: technical team from the Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Graphic design: Kike Vergés 4Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity 5Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Ada Colau Ballano Mayor of Barcelona Barcelona is a point of reference when it comes to championing gender and sexual diversity. In this new phase, Barcelona City Council, which is taking over the work done by organisations and the Council over the last few years, is proposing a new Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity which will remain in force until 2020. This plan is aimed at all citizens, as it is important for everyone to feel called on to show respect for sexual and gender diversity, which brings value and wealth to our city. Defending and promoting such diversity means championing a more democratic city. These policies represent a further step in the fight against the inequalities that currently exist among Barcelona's citizens, which stem from sexism, gender ste- reotypes, discrimination against women, violence, hate crimes and any other type of discrimination. Combating a normative and discriminatory system also means fighting to make Barcelona a fair city where everyone can freely develop with equal opportunities. We at Barcelona City Council and the Councillor’s Office for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs are using all the tools available to us to achieve this goal. The Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity is an important tool, given that it is the municipal implemen- tation of the Act passed by the Catalan Parliament in October 2014 for guaranteeing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicating homophobia and transphobia. Measures such as the ones included under this Plan provide a further impetus to applying a gender perspective in all the City Council’s policies and they offer a cross-cutting and intersectional approach, not just to health and co-educational pol- icies, but also to migration, culture and memory policies. In short, this is also our pro- posal for a major change in how we make policies, based always on protecting sexual and gender diversity, as well as recognising citizens and organisations that have been far ahead of the authorities in this fight for rights for each and every one of us. 6Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity 7Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Laura Pérez Castaño Councillor for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Barcelona has been a pioneering city in its implementation of LGBTI policies since 2006, through such measures as its first action plan and its creation of a Participa- tion Council with LGBTI organisations. We have also had Catalan legislation against LGBTI-phobia since 2014, which gives us a framework for making progress in the fight against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. But we need to take bigger steps and, as cities, we are playing a key role in this. That is why we at the Councillor’s Office for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs have been working on the Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity for 2016-2020, which includes in- itiatives for incorporating the LGBTI perspective into municipal policies, making them more cross-cutting and incorporating our commitment to champion the rights of this group of people. And we have done this hand in hand with the city’s associations’ net- work, which we will be working with to create a municipal LGBTI resource centre. The first action line of this Plan focuses on the institution’s internal management. The goal is to help to bring about a change in Barcelona City Council’s organisation- al culture, to ensure the inclusion of the sexual- and gender-diversity perspective, through initiatives such as promoting special social clauses in municipal recruit- ment, employment policy tools and inclusive communications. The second action line focuses on the city of rights and is aimed at combating inequalities and violence relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and differences in sexual development. It includes initiatives in areas such as health, education, asylum and culture, to raise the visibility and encourage appreciation of sexual and gender diversity. As cities we can be at the spearhead of championing and raising the visibility of LGB- TI rights, and as local authorities we also enjoy a privileged space for working close- up, attending to the specific needs of residents, and establishing direct contact with social movements to make their demands heard by local authorities and have them dealt with. 8Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity INDEX INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................13 Aim ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Legislative framework ..................................................................................................................................................................................15 The Plan's development and guiding principles .....................................................................................................16 Drafting process ....................................................................................................................................................................................................17 Diagnosis .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Participation spaces .......................................................................................................................................................................................19 Commitments to and strategic alliances with the municipal organisation ...................21 Structure of the plan.......................................................................................................................................................................................21 THE PLAN’S STRATEGIC LINES ............................................................................................................................23 A. Institutional change ........................................................................................................................................24 A.1 Training in sexual and gender diversity ...........................................................................................................28 A.2 Incorporating sexual and gender diversity goals into key regulations, plans and programmes .........................................................................................32 A.3 Tools for employment policies and municipal recruitment ................................................34 A.4 Inclusive communication ....................................................................................................................................................38 A.5 Participation from lgbti individuals and organisations ............................................................40 B. City of rights ..........................................................................................................................................................45 B.1 Information, support and empowerment .....................................................................................................47 B.2 Coeducation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................52 B.3 Culture, visibility and memory .....................................................................................................................................57 B.4 Heatlh, sexual and reproductive rights ...........................................................................................................60 B.5 Violence-free lives ........................................................................................................................................................................70 B.6 Citizenship, interculturality, migration and refuge ..........................................................................75 B.7 Global justice, cooperation and international relations ..........................................................80 B.8 Work environment .........................................................................................................................................................................84 B.9 Sports .............................................................................................................................................................................................................88 B.10 Raising visbility in the economic sphere .......................................................................................................92 B.11 Social action and life cycles ............................................................................................................................................95 2. GOVERNANCE OF THE PLAN ........................................................................................................................103 Implementation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................103 Monitoring and evaluating..................................................................................................................................................................103 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................................................................................104 INTRODUCTION 13 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity INTRODUCTION 1 The Plan uses the term trans as an umbrella concept that integrates transsexual, transgender, transvestite and cross-dresser identities. Aim This Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity for 2016-2020 con- stitutes Barcelona City Council's main action tool for promoting the perspec- tive of sexual and gender diversity and eliminating inequalities and violence relating to sexual orientation, gen- der identity and differences in sexual development. It is a cross-cutting plan for incorporating and reinforcing this perspective in every policy where it is relevant and in the running and organ- isation of the Council itself. One aim then is to help to eradicate homopho- bia, lesbophobia, biphobia, transphobia and intersexphobia (henceforth LGB- TI-phobia) by strengthening the circuits for preventing, detecting, reporting and supporting victims; another aim is to offer social-promotion tools for advis- ing and empowering the community; promoting coeducational policies that include the fight against harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender expression and identity; incor- porating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into health policies, especially in the areas concerning the sexual and reproductive health of lesbi- ans and bisexual women, depathologis- ing transsexuality, preventing sexually transmitted infections and supporting people who are intersex or who experi- ence differences in their sexual devel- opment (henceforth DSD) and their families; promoting the labour-market inclusion of trans women; ensuring the rights of elderly LGBTI people and guar- anteeing the rights of people who apply for asylum because of their sexual ori- entation or gender identity. This Plan takes the Gender Justice Plan for 2016-2020 as its reference point: both follow the same logic, share several goals and are based on a gen- der perspective in its widest sense, to tackle the sexism found in today’s soci- ety. It is therefore based on the con- viction that the realities of the LGBTI community must be tackled through a feminist approach, which relates its forms of discrimination and violence to sexism. It understands the gender sys- tem as being comprised of four dimen- sions. The first is sex, which separates us into men and women according to our body and excludes intersex or DSD people from the normative frame- work, as their bodies do not fit into this binary logic. The second is gender identity,which assumes that people with a female body have to identify as women and those with a male body as men. It is this dimension that gives rise to inequality between women and men and the exclusion of trans peo- ple1, since they do not identify with the gender socially attributed to their sex. The third is gender expression, which asserts that identity has to be linked to behaviour socially classed as feminine or masculine, thereby excluding mascu- line women and feminine men. Finally, with regard to sexual orientation, it assumes heterosexuality, in other words, complementarity between fem- ininity and masculinity. This excludes lesbians, gays and bisexuals as well as other multi-sexual orientations. 14 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity LGBTI phobia in our environment is manifested through the invisibility and stigmatisation of intersex or DSD peo- ple, pathologisation and medicalisation of transsexuality, the exclusion of trans women from the labour market, the difficulties in expressing affection in public, the violence and invisibility that elderly LGBTI can suffer, in hostile work environments, where many LGBTI peo- ple do not feel they can openly share aspects of their lives for fear of being discriminated against, or the invisibility of school bullying, which feeds off the silence of the victims themselves and the lack of resources for bringing about effective prevention and detection. 15 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity 2 For a more detailed list of the legal situation under the EU framework, see the reports on the issue regularly published by the Fundamental Rights Agency ( and ILGA Europe ( rainboweurope). Legislative framework The Catalan Parliament's October 2014 passing of the Act for guarantee- ing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicating homophobia and trans- phobia (henceforth, Act 11/2014) gave a new impetus to the implementation of effective measures to combat dis- crimination against the community in the Catalan context. The Act’s goal is to “implement and guarantee the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) and protect them against situations of discrimina- tion and violence, to ensure that sexual and affective diversity can be expe- rienced in full freedom in Catalonia” (“Preamble”). The Act establishes measures in areas such as education, culture, leisure, sports, communication, health, social action, public order, work and family diversity. Some of the Act's measures must be implemented at a local level, which is why the Plan is the main tool for launching the initiatives provided for in this legal text which fall under municipal jurisdiction. The Act of October 2014 is enshrined in the statute of Autonomy of Catalonia. It establishes the following in this line: “Public powers must promote equal- ity for all people, regardless of their origins, nationality, sex, race, religion, social condition or sexual orientation, and must also promote the eradication of racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, homophobia and any other expression that undermines people's equality and dignity” (Art. 40(8)). At a the State level, we highlight the main legislative initiatives that affect the LGBTI community: Framework Act 10/1995, of 23 November, which, among other aspects, incorporates aggravated criminal liability into the Penal Code for crimes against victims motivated by their sexual orientation (Art. 22); Act 62/2003, of 30 December, govern- ing equal treatment and non-discrim- ination in employment on the grounds of sexual orientation; Act 13/2005, of 1 July, which allows marriage between people of the same sex; Act 14/2006, of 26 May, governing lesbians’ rights in assisted human reproduction; Act 3/2007, of 15 March, governing amend- ments to sex-reference register entries for transsexuals. Finally, at a European level, mention should be made of the European Parlia- ment's Resolutions of 8 February 1994, 18 January 2006 and 24 May 2012, on equal rights for lesbians and gays and on the fight against discrimination and homophobia; Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a gen- eral framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation; and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, establishing the prohibition of discrim- ination on the grounds of sexual orien- tation as primary EU law.2 16 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity The Plan's development and guiding principles Barcelona City Council launched its municipal plan for the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual community in 2010. The plan was implemented fol- lowing an extensive process of diagno- sis, participation and dialogue that, for the first time, enabled the systemati- sation of initiatives to be implemented in the various municipal areas. In force from 2016 to 2020, the current Plan takes over from the previous one and aims to increase its systematic nature by basing its structure on goals, specifying the timing of each meas- ure and providing indicators that make their implementation more clearly assessable. At the same time, the Plan makes use of the work already carried out by the various Areas of the City Council, as well as previous participa- tory studies and processes that help to strengthen the foundations of the measures included here (see “Prepara- tion Processes”). What is more, this new Plan was pre- pared following the Catalan Par- l iament’s passing of the Act for guaranteeing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicating homophobia and transphobia, on 10 October 2014. This Act establishes an action frame- work that is compatible with many of the measures included in the Plan. To implement policies that are not strictly under the Council’s jurisdiction (edu- cation, health, social action and edu- cation, to name a few), Barcelona City Council will be entering into an agree- ment with the Catalan government. The name of the Plan reflects a change in the conceptualisation of its aims. The Plan for sexual and gender diver- sity emphasises the fact that, far from being a plan for the LGBTI community it is aimed at the population as a whole. In the first place, because its goal to build a city that is more respectful of sexual and gender diversity is aimed at all citizens, regardless of their sex, sexual orien- tation or gender identity. The set of policies implemented here under- stand sexual and gender diversity to be a value and wealth asset that the city should promote and champion. In second place, because, although there are measures aimed specifically at the LGBTI community, others focus on inte- grating the perspective of sexual and gender identity into municipal policies. This goes beyond the community itself, as it implies a change of approach that affects all citizens. The plan represents a clearer commit- ment to bringing together policies for equality between men and women and for sexual and gender diversity. This can be seen in the municipal struc- ture itself: under this legislature poli- cies for sexual and gender diversity are not located in the Department for Civil Rights but in the Department for Femi- nism and LGBTI Affairs. Far from being simply nominal, this change is aimed at strengthening the idea that sexism and LGBTI-phobia have common origins. It also means adopting a clearer gender perspective when it comes to analys- ing and acting on the LGBTI communi- ty’s problems and needs. This explains why this Plan takes the Gender Justice Plan as its point of reference and why it seeks to be coherent in both its con- tent and its structure. The LGBTI community refers here to everyone who is excluded from the nor- mative gender system with regard to sexual orientation (lesbian, gay, bisex- ual and so on), gender identity (trans) and sexual binary (intersex or DSD peo- ple). The acronym covers social groups that present internal differences and 17 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity inequalities. That means we believe we need to combine recognition of the diversity of realities, experiences and demands of the social groups it refers to with recognition of the common root of the oppression they experience. The aim then is to put the emphasis on the diversity of the LGBTI community and the need for an inter-sectional approach that demonstrates how sex- ual and gender diversity cannot be understood outside other situations of inequality relating to gender, social class, origins and functional diver- sity. Those of the Plan’s measures that affect the entire LGBTI community and which affect only its subgroups can be seen in the drafting. Another of the new developments worth explaining is the extensive inclu- sion of intersex or DSD people with lesbians, gays, trans and bisexuals. This inclusion is the result of a growing trend in understanding intersexuality or differences in sexual development from a gender perspective. However, it should be acknowledged that most people with differences in sexual development do not recognise the term intersex as referring to themselves and have no wish to form an alliance with lesbian, gay, trans and bisexual people as they do not regard themselves as sharing the same problems This comes up in the report entitled “Diagnos- tics of the various realities, attitudes and demands of the intersex and DSD (differences of sexual development) population in Barcelona”, which Núria Gregori was commissioned by the City Council to produce in 2016. In any case, if we bear these clarifications in mind, the Plan includes intersexuality for the purposes of encouraging the Local Authority to respond to the demands and needs expressed by people with differences in sexual development, mostly linked to the field of health. Drafting process The Plan’s drafting process consisted of three stages. The first stage was a diagnosis and included an evaluation of the previous plan (2010-2015), as well as a summary and analysis of the reports and research that had been commissioned for the plan so that a close examination could be made of some of the lesser known realities of the LGBTI community. The second stage established several participa- tory spaces for collecting the propos- als of LGBTI organisations and activists around several key issues. Finally, the third stage worked directly with the City Council’s various areas and depart- ments in search of commitments and strategic alliances. The methods and techniques deployed in each of the stages are listed in detail below. 18 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Diagnosis Firstly, information was gathered on the state of the City Council's LGBTI policies, as described in the evalua- tion report of the Municipal Plan for the Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual and Bisexual community for 2010-2015. This docu- ment allows a close look at the level of enforcement of the previous plan's ini- tiatives and proposes priorities for the next plan by consulting the city’s LGBTI organisations. Secondly,, documents have been gath- ered establishing goals and action lines that have to be taken into account when drawing up the plan. More specifically, account has to be taken of Act 11/2014, the report on Barcelona City Council's initiatives relating to this Act and the following government measures: • Government measure for promoting sexual and reproductive health in Barcelona. • Government measure for improving the system for a comprehensive approach to gender-based violence in Barcelona. • “School and institute network for equality and non-discrimination” government measure.. These three government measures, which were approved by Barcelona City Council between 2014 and 2015, highlight several strategic lines for approaching sexual and gender diver- sity initiatives within the framework of policies for gender justice. Thirdly, all the reports and research commissioned under the Municipal Plan for the LGBTI community over the last two years specifically dealing with some of the lesser known realities within the LGBTI community have been gathered and analysed. They are as follows: • 50+ LGTB. Report on elderly lesbian, gay, trans and bisexual people in Barcelona. • Report on the model for supporting and assisting trans people in Barcelona. • Diagnosis of the various realities, attitudes and demands of the • Intersex population/ population with DSD (differences of sexual development) in Barcelona. • Trans-Lab. Diagnosis and design of proposals for improving job placements for trans people in Barcelona. 19 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Participation spaces The main space for discussions, debates and consultations relating to the Plan was the participatory process for defining the Municipal Action Plan (PAM), under whose framework three face-to-face meetings were held in 2016 and 37 proposals received from the Decidim Barcelona digital platform relating to sexual and gender diversity policies. The following table shows the face-to-face meetings during which the pro- posals for the Plan were put forward. Table 1. Face-to-face PAM meetings on LGBTI issues Scope of the Plan up for discussion and debate Name of the session Process Date Sexual and reproductive health and rights Assisted reproduction for sexual-diversity groups PAM 9 March Care economy and time organisation Discrimination at work in the LGBTI sphere PAM 10 March Sexual and reproductive health and rights Education and LGBTI-phobia in public spaces PAM 31 March A specific participatory process was also held in 2016, in addition to these PAM dis- cussion and debate spaces, to establish the next Municipal LGBTI Resource Centre. This involved two stages. The first saw the drafting of a report featuring the propos- als made by the city's LGBTI organisations. Special mention should be made of this first stage, during which associations constructed and proposed an initial function for the City Council, listing the services and programmes they considered necessary for providing a service to the LGBTI community, based on their experience and asso- ciation-based approach, with over forty years' work behind them. The second saw the creation of a working group to specify the functions of the centre, where promot- er organisations also actively participate with other bodies and groups that join the resource centre’s working group, preparing the final functions with the Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs’ professional team on C/ Borrell, nº 22, in Barcelona. 20 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Table 2. Municipal LGBTI Resource Centre's Participatory process Stages Process Dates Building a shared vision of the centre's future Discussion and debate session 1 8 February Discussion and debate session 2 15 February Discussion and debate session 3 18 February Discussion and debate session 4 23 February Summary session 25 February Defining the functions Municipal LGBTI Council’s Working Group 3 May Municipal LGBTI Council’s Working Group 31 May Municipal LGBTI Council’s Working Group 20 June Municipal LGBTI Council’s Working Group 11 July Municipal LGBTI Council’s Working Group 10 October 21 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Commitments to and strategic alliances with the municipal organisation Finally, work was carried out with the various areas and departments to agree on the goals, initiatives and indi- cators of all aspects of the plan. The process involved two themed work- shops (education and migration; coop- eration and asylum) and 23 workshops with various managers from the munic- ipal organisational chart, directorates and departments. Structure of the plan The Plan is divided into two strate- gic lines, each with its corresponding areas. The first line, on institutional change, is geared towards promoting a change in Barcelona City Council's practices and organisational culture to guarantee the incorporation of the sex- ual- and gender- diversity perspective in the institution's internal work. The second line, the city of rights, is aimed at promoting public policies that bring visibility to and value sexual and gen- der diversity and combat inequalities and violence relating to sexual orienta- tion, gender identity and differences in sexual development. THE PLAN’S STRATEGIC LINES This section is divided into the two lines that make up the plan and which group together the various areas of action. It provides an introduc- tion for each of the strategic lines and presents each area of action, offering a diagnosis of the situation, the goals that we will be concentrat- ing on during this term of office, the initiatives that are going to be carried out and the indica- tors that will be measuring their performance. 24 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity A. INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE A1 Training in sexual and gender diversity A2 Incorporating key sexual and gender diversity goals A3 Tools for employment policies and municipal recruitment A4 Inclusive communication A5 Participation from LGBTI individuals and organisations 25 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B. CITY OF RIGHTS B1 Information, support and empowerment B2 Coeducation B3 Culture, visibility and memory B4 Health and sexual and reproductive rights B5 Violence-free lives B6 Citizenship, interculturality, migration and refuge B7 Global justice, cooperation and international relations B8 Work environment B9 Sports B10 Visibility in the economic sphere B11 Social action and life cycles A. INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE Promoting an inclusive Authority which takes account of, and responds to, the needs and interests of the public's diversity, involves an institutional change and a change in that organisation’s practices and culture, to incorporate sexual and gender diversity. The “Institutional Change” line specifically aims to establish work lines in the areas of training municipal staff; mainstreaming policies to include sexual and gender diversity in key regulations, plans and programmes; municipal recruitment and employment-policy tools; inclusive communication; and participation to incorporate organised civil society, experts and individuals into the LGBTI movement, in designing and monitoring public policies. 28 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity A.1 TRAINING IN SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY Diagnosis A crucial requirement to implementing mainstreaming is the entire organisa- tion’s understanding of the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in the areas of action it proves to be relevant in. In addition, Article 10 of Act 11/2014 states that Catalan public authorities must guarantee appropriate training for and awareness-raising among their staff (whether civil servant or service) in sexual and gender diversity. Article 11 also states that people who work in the public sector, “where they are aware of a situation of risk or justifia- bly suspect discrimination or violence relating to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, have a duty to communicate this to the police and law-enforcement agencies and to the competent authority”. Staff from Barcelona City Council must therefore be able to gain access to basic expertise for their everyday managerial, planning or public-service work. That is why we need to offer spe- cific information in every area and level of the organisation that includes the following elements: • Application of Act 11/2014, of 10 October, for guaranteeing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicating homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. • How LGBTI-phobia operates from a gender perspective. • Knowledge of the situation of the LGBTI community in the various areas of action of municipal policies from an intersectional point of view. • Resources for applying the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in daily work. This training must be adapted to the needs of the various municipal areas and have evaluation mechanisms to ensure the quality and usefulness of the training initiatives. 29 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators A1.1. Offering information on sexual and gender diversity, both for municipal staff and anyone working in companies or organisations that carry out work for Barcelona City Council. • Number of people who have received training in sexual and gender diversity. • Degree of satisfaction and usefulness for students. Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals A1.1. Offering information on sexual and gender diversity, both for municipal staff and anyone working in companies or organisations that carry out work exclusively for Barcelona City Council. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Designing and teaching,within the framework of the Human Resources Training Plan, class- based and online courses on sexual and gender diversity for all municipal staff and all the staff of companies working for Barcelona City Council covering the following aspects: • Act 11/2014, of 10 October, for guaranteeing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicating homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. • Harassment and discrimination for reasons of sexual orientation and gender identity • Number of training initiatives • Number of people trained • Degree of satisfaction and usefulness for students for 2017 - 2018 Gender Mainstreaming Department Manager’s Office for Human Resources and Organisation Designing and promoting specific courses covering the basics of sexual and gender diversity train- ing for the City Council’s various departments, establishing eval- uation criteria and conducting a pilot test. • Degree of satisfaction and usefulness rated by the people trained in the pilot test. 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs and the other departments involved 30 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals A1.1. Offering information on sexual and gender diversity, both for municipal staff and anyone working in companies or organisations that carry out work exclusively for Barcelona City Council. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Providing specific training on sexual and gender diversity in the following departments: • Specialist services in the Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs (PIAD, SARA, SAH, CEMAU). • Municipal staff working in the area of asylum (2018). • Intercultural Mediation Services, from SAIER and staff working in assistance for newcomers (2017). • Projects and programmes under the Committee for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, for professionals from the ASPB and for all primary care professionals. • Incorporating a module on sexual and gender diversity into the ongoing Training Plan for staff at Barcelona Activa, preferably staff who assist service users and staff on work- placement programmes for people with special difficulties. • Number of training initiatives • Number of people trained • Degree of satisfaction and usefulness Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department Health-Care Department Barcelona Health-Care Consortium Barcelona Activa Barcelona Education Consortium Labour Management and Relations Department Guardia Urbana de Barcelona (city police) 31 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals A1.1. Offering information on sexual and gender diversity, both for municipal staff and anyone working in companies or organisations that carry out work exclusively for Barcelona City Council. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility • Staff from the Citizen Assistance and Information offices • Promoting dialogue with the Education Consortium to include sexual and gender diversity in teacher training. • Incorporating specific training in sexual and gender diversity into the Development Plan for staff at the Municipal Institute of Social Services. • Introductory and ongoing training for the entire Guardia Urbana police force which specifically includes applying Act 11/2014, Instruction 29/08 for preventing discriminatory attitudes, as well as awareness- raising to guarantee appropriate treatment of trans women who work in the sex industry. 32 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity A.2 INCORPORATING SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY GOALS INTO KEY REGULATIONS, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES Diagnosis One main aspect for making progress in mainstreaming is incorporating sex- ual and gender diversity into municipal regulations, plans and programmes wherever relevant. Several problems will be encountered in this area. First, some City Council areas are unaware of how the perspective of sexual and gen- der diversity affects their work areas, the initiatives that they could carry out and how they should amend their poli- cies and services to be inclusive. Second, as this is all about an emerging policy, we are detecting a lack of train- ing, resources and good practices that allow the various areas to incorporate this perspective into the regulations, plans and programmes they imple- ment. Lastly, if, as featured in the Plan for Gender Justice, the area of gen- der-equality policies still harbours perceptions based on the notion that equality “is not a priority” and that “there are other, more important issues to deal with”, such opinions are all the more pronounced in the case of sexual and gender diversity policies, which are considered more peripheral, have less tradition and enjoy less legal recogni- tion. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators A2.1. Ensuring that municipal regulations on human rights and strategic plans and programmes incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity. • Percentage of rules that incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity. • Percentage of strategic plans and programmes that incorporate the gender perspective. 33 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals A2.1. Ensuring that municipal regulations on human rights and strategic plans and programmes incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Incorporating sexual and gender diversity into the process for reviewing regulations that affect human rights. • Number of measures amended to include sexual and gender diversity for 2017 - 2018 Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Incorporating sexual and gender diversity goals into key regulations, plans and programmes • Barcelona Intercultural Plan • Tourism Strategy Plan • Children Plan • Teenage and Youth Plan • Family Plan • Elderly People Plan • Social Inclusion Plan • Health Plan • Culture Plan • Extra-curricular Sports Plan • Action Plan on Drugs • Number of strategic plans and programmes that incorpo- rate the per- spective for 2016 - 2018 Gender Mainstreaming Department Technical assistance for achieving goals and initiatives under plans and programmes. • Number of plans advised • Number of goals that incorporate sexual and gender diver- sity Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 34 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity A.3 TOOLS FOR EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND MUNICIPAL RECRUITMENT Diagnosis Streamlining policies on sexual and gender diversity requires a review and improvement of Barcelona City Coun- cil’s internal employment policies. If we are to make progress in this direction we need to incorporate this perspective into internal equality plans and thereby ensure that municipal LGBTI staff have their rights guaranteed. Following the same line based on already existing tools to ensure a more inclusive approach is adopted, the Har- assment Protocol will be revised so it can become a tool that helps to ensure the prevention, detection and protec- tion against situations of harassment relating to LGBTI-phobia. At the same time, gender-transition protocols also need to be implemented, so that pro- visions can be made for how to act to ensure the rights and well-being of municipal staff who express their aim to change sex. At the same time, we need to take account of the fact that Barcelona City Council is a complex organisation that includes independent bodies and municipal companies, and to ensure these inclusive employment-policy tools can also be applied to sexual and gender diversity. The City Council can also have an influence on employment through recruitment and the concessions it establishes, where it commits to favour- ing non-discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender iden- tity and to promoting the employment of people from the LGBTI community with the most difficulties. In municipal recruitment, this aim takes the form of the inclusion of a clause on non-dis- crimination on the grounds of sexual and gender orientation, and promot- ing the employment of trans women excluded from the labour market. . 35 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators A3.1. Offering the tools for preventing, detecting and protecting against situations of harassment for reasons of sexual orientation, gender identity and diversity of sexual development. • Percentage of harassment-prevention protocols that incorporate LGBTI- phobia into municipal companies and independent bodies (registered by Barcelona City Council). • Degree of workers’ knowledge of the protocols • Level of satisfaction of people who have found themselves in situations of harassment in cases where the protocol has been activated. A3.2 Helping to ensure the City Council’s recruitment and concessions guarantee non-discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity and promote employment for people with the most difficulties from the LGBTI communities. • Percentage of recruitment documents that incorporate sexual and gender diversity clauses. 36 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals A3.1. Offering the tools for preventing, detecting and protecting against situations of harassment for reasons of sexual orientation, gender identity and diversity of sexual development. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Coordinating the drafting of a gender-transition protocol for municipal staff. • Number of dissemina- tion activities for the protocol for 2017 - 2018 Gender Mainstreaming Department Revising the Municipal Harassment Protocol to include LGBTI-phobia. • Number of articles that mention LGBTI- phobia Ongoing Gender Mainstreaming Department Studying the incorporation of the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the future Equality Plan for 2020. • Report that evaluates the feasibility of the incorporation 2017 Labour Management and Relations Department Support for information and awareness-raising initiatives for unions with representation in the municipal sphere on the protocol for non-discrimination. • Number of initiatives 2017 Labour Management and Relations Department Support in designing and implementing protocols for gender transition and to combat discrimination and harassment based on LGBTI-phobia in independent bodies and public companies. • Number of initiatives for 2017 - 2018 Gender Mainstreaming Department 37 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals A3.2. Helping to ensure the City Council’s recruitment and concessions guarantee non-discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity and promote employment for people with the most difficulties from the LGBTI communities. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Inclusion of a clause on non-dis- crimination on the grounds of sexual and gender orientation in municipal recruitment clauses in the contract execution crite- ria and conditions of the socially responsible recruitment guide. • Number of documents incorporating these criteria Ongoing Administrative Recruitment Coordination Department Promoting the employment of members of the trans commu- nity facing exclusion from the labour market, especially women, through municipal responsi- ble-recruitment clauses and by exploring the possibility of their incorporation into employment plans run by Barcelona Activa. • Number of trans people benefiting from responsible- recruitment clauses • Number of employment plans in which trans people have been incorporated • Number of trans people in employment plans Ongoing Barcelona Activa 38 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity A.4 INCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION Diagnosis One of the main problems for the LGBTI community is lack of visibility. Heter- osexual relations and cisgenderism (people who identify with the gender attributed to them at birth based on their sex) are usually established as “the norm” under a sexist frame- work. So, then, even where there is no intended LGBTI-phobia, the realities of LGBTI people end up remaining invisible. We also need to take into account that there are differences within the com- munity. Young and middle-aged gay men usually have a greater presence both in public spaces and in the mass media, whereas lesbians and bisexuals are usually more invisible. Trans people are often represented through stereo- types or are required to go unnoticed in their new gender, so that invisibility is established as a successful gender transition. As for intersex people or people with DSD, there is no directly established image, because their posi- tion in the framework of the gender system makes it unthinkable for there to be people who cannot be classed as male or female by body. It is under this framework that the City Council is committed to implementing an inclusive communication which rec- ognises and provides visibility to the multiplicity of experiences of the LGBTI community, attending to the various groups of which it is comprised and their diversity with regard to aspects such as age, origin, ethnicity and functional diversity. A commitment will therefore be shown to the community, and, at the same time, they will be offered identifi- cation and reference models. To achieve this, we will have to promote and ensure the use of an inclusive lan- guage, images and content from the perspective of sexual and gender diver- sity, both in internal and external com- munications. This perspective will also have to be incorporated into the City Council’s external communications — publications, digital communica- tion, advertising and communications through social networks and the inter- net — as they form an instrument for significant cultural change and have an influence on changes in public opinion. So resources will have to be generated to promote an inclusive communication and staff in the area of communication will have to be trained to apply these resources in their work. 39 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators A4.1. Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in the City Council’s internal and external communications. • Percentage of communication departments that have received training and resources. • Number of inclusive communication products with sexual and gender diversity. Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals A4.1. Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in Barcelona City Council’s internal and external communications. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Overseeing the drafting and dissemination of an audiovisual guide on how to make an inclusive communication with sexual and gender diversity. • The dissemi- nation initiatives of the Guide for 2017 - 2018 Communication Department Overseeing the training of the people in charge of communication in the City Council’s various departments, especially in the areas of social rights and citizenship. • Number of training initiatives • Number of people trained 2017 Communication Department Monitoring, as far as possible, the application of the guide on inclusive communications by the City Council’s various communication departments. • Annual monitoring report Annual Communication Department 40 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity A.5 PARTICIPATION FROM LGBTI INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS Diagnosis Groups and organisations defending the rights of LGBTI people have been, and continue to be, a key player in Bar- celona's development as an open city that respects sexual and gender diver- sity. So its involvement in designing, implementing and evaluating public policies is crucial. This means the role played by the LGBTI movement in pro- moting the City Council’s policies for sexual and gender diversity has to be recognised. Ever since its creation in 2004, the Municipal LGBTI Council has been a decisive space for proposing, design- ing and monitoring policies that the City Council implements. A pioneer in the field of municipal policies, this participatory mechanism is aimed at studying, issuing reports and draft- ing proposals for initiatives; promot- ing coordination and collaboration between public associations, profes- sional sectors, municipal represent- atives and institutions; discovering, discussing and debating the munici- pal initiatives that help to promote the contributions made by LGBTI people in every area, and acting as a consulting body in the processes for drafting bye- laws that affect the LGBTI community. As with other municipal participatory spaces, to adapt itself to today’s needs, the Municipal LGBTI Council pre- sents challenges that can be grouped together under two points. First, increasing representation to do justice to the community’s heterogeneity. This means a proactive attitude is required to reach the sections of the commu- nity that are left out of the established mechanisms. Second, the Council’s regulations would have to be revised, to promote flexibility, dynamism and openness in its participation. The working groups’ experience has been positive in this regard and the matter needs to be delved into further. Putting the Municipal LGBTI Council aside, we should consider the need to develop other, more flexible par- ticipatory strategies for one-off pro- cesses or to secure the involvement of more specific sectors. We also have to strengthen the sexual- and gender-di- versity perspective’s presence in other municipal participatory spaces, to pro- mote mainstreaming. Besides its participatory mechanisms, the City Council is committed to fos- tering initiatives and projects that promote visibility, knowledge and con- tributions from associations in the city. This can be seen in the establishment of a range of grants and subsidies and specific collaboration agreements for projects centred on sexual and gender diversity and the LGBTI community. 41 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators A5.1. Boosting and encouraging the LGBTI movement’s participation in designing and applying municipal policies for sexual and gender diversity. • Number of associations and groups that are involved in the participatory spaces. A5.2. Boosting the range of specific subsidies aimed at projects centred on sexual and gender diversity and the LGBTI community. • Amount of the range of subsidies • Number of subsidised projects 42 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals A5.1. Boosting and encouraging the LGBTI movement’s participation in designing and applying municipal policies for sexual and gender diversity. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Redrafting the Municipal LGBTI Council’s regulations, to make them more accessible, diverse and dynamic. • Number of articles revised or added 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Active Democracy and Decentralisation Department Inclusion of representatives of the LGBTI community in district health-care councils where the community is especially strategic. • Number of councils they are taking part in Ongoing Health-Care Department Participation from associations and municipal staff offering LGBTI perspectives to the Committee for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, as well as planning health initiatives aimed at the community. • Number of associations taking part Ongoing Health-Care Department Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs LGBTI associations taking part in the Municipal Immigration Council • Number of associations taking part Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Promoting the LGBTI movement’s participation in designing and applying key policies on sexual and gender diversity through specific working groups. • Number of associations taking part Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Carrying out a diagnosis of the presence of LGBTI associations in all the city’s thematic councils, to strengthen the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in these participatory spaces. • Diagnosis prepared 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Active Democracy and Decentralisation Department 43 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals A5.2. Boosting the range of specific subsidies aimed at projects centred on sexual and gender diversity and the LGBTI community. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Consolidating the range of specific subsidies for projects on sexual and gender diversity and the LGBTI community. • Number of projects funded Annual Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Consolidation of the range of grants and subsidies that promote the LGBTI community's fundamental rights in calls for applications for Global Justice and Cooperation grants and subsidies. • Number of subsidised cooperation projects that incorporate the perspec- tive of sexual and gender diversity. Annual Global Justice and International Cooperation Department Maintaining specific lines of projects on sexual and reproductive rights in campaigns for grants, subsidies and agreements from the Department of Health. • Number of projects funded • Projects’ results Annual Health-Care Department Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs B. CITY OF RIGHTS As with action line A, on institutional change, this was aimed at incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the municipal structure. It includes initiatives under which the City Council intends to influence several areas of municipal policy, to promote the eradication of LGBTI-phobia and create a more inclusive city. 46 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity This action line starts with the area of information, support and empower- ment, which helps to ensure a broader awareness of the community’s needs and to promote inclusive informa- tion and support services. Coeduca- tion addresses policies relating to the education system based on a broad reading of coeducation which incorpo- rates the eradication of LGBTI-phobia into the fight against sexism. Culture, visibility and memory influences the transformation of public opinion and recovery of the community’s historical memory. Health, sexual and reproduc- tive rights promotes the inclusion of the perspective on sexual and gender diversity in all health-related policies and puts the emphasis on the specific needs of lesbian and bisexual, trans and intersex people and men who have sexual relations with men. The area of violence-free lives is focused on erad- icating LGBTI-phobia and on human rights and safety policies. As for citi- zenship, interculturality, migration and refuge, this promotes the incorporation of the perspective of sexual and gen- der diversity into policies relating to interculturality, reception, supporting newcomers and asylum. Global justice, cooperation and international rela- tions puts the emphasis on Barcelona's aim to promote the rights of the LGBTI community on an international scale too. With regard to the work environ- ment, it includes initiatives proposing to eradicate discrimination and har- assment relating to sexual orientation and gender identity, and to promote the labour-market inclusion of trans women, who are the most vulnerable group within the community. Sports considers the importance of promoting visibility and eradicating LGBTI-pho- bia in sports, especially with regard to trans and intersex people, who are often excluded owing to the binary logic of this area. Tourism incorporates initiatives that make the most of Barcelona's tourist potential to show a city committed to the rights and freedoms of the LGBTI community. Finally, social action and life cycles includes measures focused on promoting family diversity and attending to the specific needs of chil- dren, youth, elderly people and people with functional diversity. 47 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.1 INFORMATION, SUPPORT AND EMPOWERMENT Diagnosis When it comes to drafting public poli- cies, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the reality in which you wish to intervene. Three types of problems have been detected in pol- icies for sexual and gender diversity. First, there are no available studies for guiding the policies that ought to be carried out and that assess their impact. Second, Barcelona City Coun- cil is commissioning specific studies on specific aspects of the LGBTI real- ity which constitute a significant con- tribution as they help to fill in gaps, though it has been detected that wider public dissemination sometimes fails to occur,, limiting their possible impact. Third, there are cases where the City Council collects informa- tion but this ends up being dispersed in surveys commissioned by several municipal areas and not analysed together as a whole. Receiving appropriate information and support that include the perspective of sexual and gender diversity is impor- tant and, occasionally, the municipal services that undertake these func- tions lack training and resources to be able to provide truly comprehensive assistance. Various needs have been detected in this area. First, the per- spective of sexual and gender diversity has to be incorporated into the City Council’s general public information services. In addition, this perspective has to be strengthened in the infor- mation and support services that are aimed at women. Finally, besides incor- porating the perspective into existing services, we believe it is fundamen- tal to establish a municipal LGBTI resource centre which serves as a point of reference when offering information and specialist assistance,and which acts in coordination with the other public, municipal and association ser- vices, among others. Already provided for under the previous plan, the centre must also serve as a space for meet- ings, creating activities and boosting the LGBTI associations movement. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B1.1. Promoting knowledge of the LGBTI community’s realities. • Number of research and analysis documents published. B1.2. Strengthening the presence of LGBTI issues in municipal information services. • Number of initiatives. B1.3. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into assistance, information and resource services for women. • Number of applications for assistance, information and resources. B1.4. Offering specialist information, primary care, advice and activity- programming services under the framework of the Municipal LGBTI Resource Centre. • User satisfaction. • Degree of deployment of the services and programmes. 48 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B1.1. Promoting knowledge of the LGBTI community’s realities. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Diagnosis, evaluation and proposed improvements from the various municipal surveys incorporating questions on sexual and gender diversity. • Report drafting for 2017 - 2018 Statistics and Opinion Polls Department Drafting a report that analyses all the data on sexual and gender diversity that appear in the surveys conducted by the various municipal areas. • Report's publication • Number of downloads Annual Statistics and Opinion Polls Department Study on the feasibility of preparing a specific survey on LGBTI issues. • Appraisal report 2017 Statistics and Opinion Polls Department Promoting the preparation of a collection that groups together materials commissioned by the City Council on LGBTI issues. • Number of studies published • Number of copies published or downloaded Ongoing Communication Department 49 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B1.2. Strengthening the presence of LGBTI issues in municipal information services. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Including information on the LGBTI community in citizen assistance protocols, and training staff who work in this area. • Drafting a protocol 2017 Communication Department Periodic updating of the information offered through citizen assistance channels regarding the LGBTI community, and training staff working in this area. • Number of updates Annual Information Services and Citizen Assistance Department Creating a space dedicated specifically to the LGBTI community in the La meva Barcelona municipal website, “Living in BCN” section, “With diversity” subsection: http:// viure- a-bcn/amb-diversitat • Creating the web page 2018 Communication Department Ensuring the inclusion of news items in periodicals published by the City Council relating to the application of the Plan for sexual and gender diversity. • Number of news items published Ongoing Communication Department Ensuring the inclusion of municipal information on the LGBTI community and the dissemination of general institutional campaigns in the mass media aimed at this community, wherever necessary. • Number of campaigns Ongoing Communication Department 50 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B1.3. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into assistance, information and resource services for women. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Implementing specific initiatives to raise the visibility of lesbian, bisexual and trans issues from women’s support and information points (PIAM). • Number and type of initiatives 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Preparing two specific PIAM legal magazines on lesbian and bisexual women and on trans women. • Magazine for lesbian women • Magazine for transsexual women for 2017 - 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Goals B1.4. Offering specialist information, primary care, advice and activity-programming services under the framework of the Municipal LGBTI Resource Centre. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Offering a face-to-face, virtual and telephone information and first-reception service that offers information on public and association resources on organisations and public services. • Number of people attended to Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Offering advice on personal and family, legal, social and health, employment and care issues for trans and intersex people and people with DSD. • Number of people attended to by each service • User satisfaction Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 51 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B1.4. Offering specialist information, primary care, advice and activity-programming services under the framework of the Municipal LGBTI Resource Centre. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Establishing a programme for association and voluntary-work movements which offers an exchange and meeting space, shared work spaces and spaces for organising activities. • Number of associations using the space • Number of initiatives implemented Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, Torre Jussana Service Centre for Associations Establishing a programme that provides for a document centre for the community. • Number of people attended to • Number of activities held Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Implementing an activities programme open to the public and divided up into training areas, promoting rights, cultural dissemination, relational spaces and organising annual conferences at the centre. • Number of initiatives implemented by area • Number of participants Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Creating an in-house system for collecting data on assistance and consultations at the centre and evaluating the possibility of connecting it to the systems of other municipal services. • Creating the system for 2017 - 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 52 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.2 COEDUCATION Diagnosis Implementing a coeducational model implies promoting real equal opportu- nities between men and women and, at the same time, eliminating any type of discrimination based on sexual orienta- tion, gender identity or gender expres- sion. Action from the whole education community (students, teachers and families) from pre-school onwards is of the utmost importance here, promot- ing the comprehensive development of children, enabling them the freedom to express themselves without the need for using gender stereotypes and sup- porting students with non-normative forms of gender behaviour. If we are to make progress in this direc- tion, we first have to introduce sexual and gender diversity into the school curriculum, as several studies show that it is through the classroom that the reality of LGBTI people, non-hete- ro-normative family models and ref- erences that break with traditional gender roles become invisible (FRA, 2009; Alldred and David, 2007). Second, we need to tackle the vari- ous manifestations of LGBTI-phobia in schools, as these constitute a serious problem in the education systems of all European countries (FRA, 2009). Victims are usual LGBTI students, as well as the children of LGBTI families, and students who do not fit in with gender norms. It should be added that LGBTI teachers encounter serious difficulties when it comes to living openly with their sex- ual identity and orientation, which also prevents them from being a positive accessible role model for students. Harassment can cause increased tru- ancy, reduced academic performance and early drop-out from school on the one hand, and on the other, social iso- lation, lower levels of personal well-be- ing and self-esteem and increased risk of self-harm (Takács, 2006; FRA, 2009). So, according to a nation-wide report, 17% of young people who suffer from LGBTI-phobic school bullying end up attempting suicide (FELGTB, 2013). That is why a transformation of values in favour of fairness and the eradica- tion of LGBTI-phobia-related violence requires a positive vision free of preju- dices against sexual and gender diver- sity in schools. With this aim in mind, teachers and families need to be pro- vided with tools for detecting and taking action against situations of discrimina- tion and harassment, key to ensuring young people are able to live freely with their sexuality and sexual orientation and without any fear of rejection. 53 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B2.1. Making progress in implementing a coeducational model in the city's schools. • Number of collaboration projects carried out in schools or percentage compared to all the city’s schools. B2.2. Fighting against LGBTI-phobic bullying in the school environment. • Development of the numerous programmes, campaigns and training courses carried out for preventing school bullying and abusive relationships. Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B2.1. Making progress in implementing a coeducational model in the city's schools. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Carrying out initiatives aimed at transforming gender roles from infant and primary school onwards, actively supporting children with diverse gender expressions or identities. • Number of initiatives carried out • Number of requests from centres Ongoing Barcelona Education Consortium Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education Preparing proposals for improving school curricula in content and expression through sexual and gender diversity. • Number of proposals for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Education Consortium Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education Establishing a system for standardising associations and companies providing training in schools on sexual and gender diversity in the school environment, validating the content and methods used and establishing appraisal systems. • Publishing the criteria for 2017 - 2018 Feminism and LGBTI Services Department 54 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B2.1. Making progress in implementing a coeducational model in the city's schools. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Inclusion in the pool of experiences or good practices of school initiatives on sexual and gender diversity. • Number of initiatives included • Number of applications 2018 Barcelona Education Consortium Revising, updating and disseminating among teachers the materials available in educational resource centres relating to sexual and gender diversity. • Number of materials updated • Number of dissemina- tions Ongoing Barcelona Education Consortium Extending the bibliographical collection relating to sexual and gender diversity in the Biblioteca Artur Martorell and disseminating contents among the city’s schools. • Number of books acquired • Number of dissemina- tion initia- tives in centres Ongoing Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education Extension of resources on sexual and gender diversity in libraries for parents (Parents’ Corner). • Number of resources Ongoing Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education Preparing a specific educational resource on sexual and gender diversity. • Existence of resource 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Promoting and disseminating the protocol that enables trans people to change their names in school documents, even where there has been no legal change of identity. • Number of dissemina- tion initia- tives • Number of people requesting them • Number of cases where changes are made 2017 Barcelona Education Consortium 55 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B2.1. Making progress in implementing a coeducational model in the city's schools. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Enabling students subjected to LGBTI-phobia to request a personal changing room as an alternative to the community school changing rooms, depending on the educational level. • Number of applications • Number of cases where changes have been made for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Education Consortium Promoting the incorporation of organisations with expertise in sexual and gender diversity into the Educational Coordination Council, to include this issue in the School Activities Programme (PAE) run by associations. • Number of organisations incorporated • Number of activities carried out Ongoing Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education Including references to the LGBTI community's realities in spaces for reflection, discussion and debate on the city’s educational project. • Number of talks on sexual and gender diversity that are incorporated into reflection spaces Annual Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education Revising and updating forms and communications from schools so they take account of family diversity. • Number of forms changed • Number of requests for change received for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Institute of Culture- Barcelona Education Consortium 56 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B2.2. Fighting against LGBTI-phobic bullying in the school environment. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Using and analysing data on youth and their perceptions of sexual and gender diversity and LGBTI-phobia (surveys from Trampas del Amor, Red de Escuelas por la Igualdad y la No Discriminación, Ómnibus Jóvenes etc.) • Number of documents analysing data Annual Planning and Innovation Department Preparing a study on the situation of LGBTI-phobic bullying in schools and their environment and monitoring its development. • Publishing the study • Initiatives for disseminat- ing the study for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Education Consortium Incorporating LGBTI-phobic school bullying into the issues dealt with by the Work Committee on Violence and assessing the creation of a specific working group. • Number of meetings where the issue has been addressed • Number of initiatives it promotes 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, Barcelona Education Consortium Revising the protocol for identifying, attending to and managing situations of bullying in schools to include the specific features of LGBTI-phobic bullying. • Including specific indications 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, Barcelona Education Consortium Providing professionals in the educational sector with skills through training. • Number of training courses Annual Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, Barcelona Education Consortium 57 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.3 CULTURE, VISIBILITY AND MEMORY Diagnosis This area is divided up into three inter-related elements. The first is culture, which can be an element in transforming the values of a society in favour of equality and non-discrim- ination or, on the contrary, can worsen invisibility, stereotypes and prejudices towards LGBTI people. Artistic, liter- ary, audio-visual and mass-media pro- ductions have traditionally tended to hide or extend LGBTI-phobic opinions, thereby strengthening the negation of LGBTI realities and stigmatisation of LGBTI people. In this regard, public authorities have to support cultural initiatives promoted by the LGBTI com- munity and ensure they promote an inclusive range of cultural offers that broaden the social imaginary of sexual and gender diversity. The second element is visibility, which is necessary in a predominantly heter- osexist public space where sexual and gender diversity is not acknowledged. It is under this framework that commem- orations such as the 17 May (Interna- tional Day Against LGBTI-Phobia) and 28 June (International LGBTI Commu- nity Day) play an especially important role. Celebrating these dates and work- ing to raise the profile of sexual and gender diversity in city events show our commitment to the fight against LGT- BI-phobia and help to question the het- erosexism of public spaces. The last element is memory, which is essential for understanding the present and doing justice to people who have helped in the fight to build a friendlier, freer and more diverse city. Initiatives need to be launched to reclaim collec- tive memory, raise awareness of the living conditions of LGBTI people in the past and acknowledge their struggles and contributions throughout history. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B3.1. Boosting the range of cultural offers on sexual and gender diversity in Barcelona. • Number of cultural initiatives B3.2. Promoting the visibility of LGBTI community events. • Number of events. B3.3. Publicising the memories and contributions of LGBTI people throughout history. • Number of commemorations, conferences, exhibitions, awards and other cultural programmes in the city dedicated to recognising the contributions and experiences of the LGBTI community throughout history. 58 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B3.1. Boosting the range of cultural offers on sexual and gender diversity in Barcelona. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Extending resources and promoting activities on sexual and gender diversity in Barcelona's library network. • Number of documents acquired by library • Number of activities and people attending series of activities on sexual diversity 2017 Barcelona Institute of Culture Library Consortium Boosting the LGBTI bibliographic collections of Barcelona's library network, to promote knowledge and publicise the network’s activities on sexual and gender diversity. • Initiatives carried out to create a list of materials on the issue Ongoing Barcelona Institute of Culture Library Consortium Designing a cultural programme in municipal cultural centres that includes sexual and gender diversity. • Number and type of activities Ongoing Barcelona Institute of Culture Preparing audiovisual materials and exhibitions with LGBTI themes. • Number of audiovisual materials • Number of exhibitions and displays Ongoing Barcelona Institute of Culture Support for organisation initiatives which, within the cultural realm, promote the presence and visibility of the LGBTI community. • Number and types of initiatives that are supported Ongoing Barcelona Institute of Culture 59 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B3.2. Promoting the visibility of LGBTI community events. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Holding institutional events on dates that are significant for the LGBTI community. • Number of events Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Presence of LGBTI associations in organisation exhibitions that are held in the city. • Number of LGBTI asso- ciation par- ticipants Annual Community Action Department Promoting the visibility of sexual and gender diversity in the city’s cultural activities. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Barcelona Institute of Culture Goals B3.3. Publicising the memories and contributions of LGBTI peo- ple throughout history. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Maintaining the reference to the LGBTI community in the annual event commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day. • Type of initiative carried out Annual Community Action Department Sign-posting LGBTI monuments in the city in Catalan, Spanish and English. • Number of monuments sign-posted 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Commemoration, with a programme of events and initiatives, of the first demonstration of 28 June that was held in Barcelona. • Number of events • Number of people attending 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Publicising LGBTI role models who have made significant contributions to the city. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Drive to promote research on experiences of LGBTI people in the city during the dictatorship, under the framework of democratic-memory initiatives. • Conducting research • Publicising research for 2017 - 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 60 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.4 HEATLH, SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS Diagnosis Considering the health needs of the LGBTI community implies addressing very diverse experiences and histories. In relation to gay and bisexual men, the main challenge is promoting sex- ual health and preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Owing to several factors, sexual rela- tions between men are the prevailing channel for transmitting STDs (ASPB, 2015). Serophobia, understood as the stigma associated with issues relating to HIV-AIDS and, above all, HIV-pos- itive people, is still very strong in the popular consciousness. However, the representation that many of these men make of HIV-AIDS has changed radically over the last decade, especially among young people, which has led to a reduc- tion in the perception of risk of con- tracting HIV (Conde and Santoro, 2014). It should be noted, however, that the fact that LGBTI health policies have traditionally focused on preventing HIV and other STDs among gay and bisex- ual men has helped to hide the com- munity’s other health problems. Hence the great effort made under this plan to widen this horizon, to understand LGBTI health in a broader sense that enables us to tackle the needs of les- bian and bisexual women, intersex peo- ple, people with DSD and trans people. As for lesbian and bisexual women, sexual and reproductive health is a central issue. The main problems here are the stereotypes and myths associ- ated with women and the lack of spe- cific preventive campaigns that alert them to the risk of contracting STDs or suffering from illnesses such as breast cancer or cervical cancer (ILGA, 2011). These problems can also be seen with the lack of knowledge health profes- sionals have regarding the possible routes available to lesbian couples for accessing assisted reproduction treatments. It is here that we need to promote studies and specific quality training to promote self-care among lesbian and bisexual women and to combat the heterosexist images found in the health environment through work with professionals. Regarding trans people, intersex people or people with DSD, we are faced with the challenge of offering medical sup- port from a non-pathologising perspec- tive, which promotes informed consent, recognises the diversity of bodies and identities as part of human diversity, and which respects the plurality of possible life-styles. As for trans peo- ple, the proposal is to understand trans experiences beyond the biomedical paradigm and, therefore, to deploy a comprehensive assistance model that distinguishes medical monitoring (cen- tred fundamentally on body changes) from support in the transition process, as approached from a social and com- munity perspective (Garaizabal, 2016). As regards intersex people or people with DSD, the City Council is embarking on a course starting from practically zero in this area. As shown in the plan’s introduction, the nomenclature we use for addressing this reality (intersex people or people with DSD) is subject to debate among the very people they are meant to describe. That is why we need to move along cautiously, in line with organisations, if we are to improve their quality of life and promote quality information on issues relating to diver- sity in sexual development. The pro- posal is mainly to work on the visibility of these realities, generating resources for intersex people or people with DSD and their families, and providing pro- fessionals with tools (Gregori, 2016). 61 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Account will be taken of the LGBTI organisations’ community participation and experience for detecting needs and designing and implementing strategies to prevent STDs in the LGBTI commu- nity, paying attention to its extensive experience and decisive action in this area and going beyond biomedical strategies. As for elderly people, we need to con- sider everything relating to the men- tal health of these people, who have suffered harassment and invisibility throughout their lives. Finally, the perspective of sexual and gender diversity has to be incorporated into all our health policies. According to the latest European survey on the reality of the LGBTI community, 28% of those surveyed in Spain said they had never shared their sexual orien- tation or gender identity with any pro- fessional (FRA, 2014). In other words, if we go beyond the community's specific needs, it is essential to implement ini- tiatives for combating discrimination, invisibility and heterosexism among health professionals. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B4.1. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into health policies. • Number of forms changed. B4.2. Improving the quality of life and health of trans and intersex people. • Number of initiatives in progress. B4.3. Guaranteeing the sexual and reproductive rights of lesbian and bisexual women. • Number of women attended to. B4.4. Promoting the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in initiatives on affective and sexual education. • Number of educational initiatives that incorporate sexual and gender diversity. • Number of people who have received training. B4.5. Promoting STD prevention among the city's LGBTI community. • Number of people attended to. B4.6. Supporting community initiatives promoting LGBTI health. • Number of projects funded. • Projects’ results. 62 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B4.1. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into health policies. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Inclusion of representatives of the LGBTI community in district health-care councils where the community is especially strategic. • Number of councils they are taking part in Ongoing Health-Care Department Participation from associations and municipal staff offering LGBTI perspectives to the Committee for Sexual and Reproductive Rights. • Number of associations taking part Ongoing Health-Care Department Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Inclusion of LGBTI-related initiatives in the next Barcelona Health Plan. • Number of initiatives included 2016 Health-Care Department Barcelona Public Health Agency Barcelona Health-Care Consortium Training on sexual and gender diversity for professionals working in the Committee for Sexual and Reproductive Rights’ projects and programmes, professionals at the ASPB and all primary-care professionals. • Number of training initiatives • Number of people trained • Degree of satisfaction for 2016 - 2017 Health-Care Department Barcelona Public Health Agency Barcelona Health-Care Consortium 63 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B4.1. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into health policies. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Disseminating the guide to communication with a sexual and gender diversity perspective to communication managers at CatSalut and the main health providers. • Number of communi- cation initi- atives which have incor- porated that perspective Annual Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Barcelona Health-Care Consortium Maintaining and analysing the Barcelona Health Survey’s data on sexual and gender diversity. • Number of questions • Number of documents analysing data Five-year Barcelona Public Health Agency Establishing the mechanisms required to ensure that the city's health services' administrative documents and medical forms adapt to the heterogeneity of family units and the circumstances of LGBTI people. • Number of centres where there has been a revision of the docu- ments for 2017 - 2019 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Barcelona Health-Care Consortium 64 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B4.2. Improving the quality of life and health of trans and intersex people. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Drafting and publication of a study on trans-health support from a non-pathologising perspective. • Number of copies distributed and downloaded • Number of people attending the presentation of the report for 2016 - 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Promoting participation in the drafting of the Catalan Government’s Strategic Health- Care Plan for Trans People, which takes account of disease prevention and health promotion and assistance during the transition processes from a non- pathologising perspective. • Number of meetings Ongoing Health-Care Department Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Health-care and public-health professionals taking part in the Trans Working Group of the Municipal LGBTI Council. • Number of meetings Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Barcelona Public Health Agency Barcelona Health-Care Consortium 65 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B4.2. Improving the quality of life and health of trans and intersex people. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Preparing and publishing a study on the reality and needs of the intersex community, to design specific initiatives. • Number of copies distributed and downloaded • Number of people attending the presentation of the report for 2016 - 2017 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Launching a work committee with organisations and technical staff from the Department of Health and LGBTI Affairs to define initiatives related to the intersex reality. • Number of meetings • Number of organisations taking part in the committee • Number of specific initiatives carried out 2018 Health-Care Department Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 66 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B4.3. Guaranteeing the sexual and reproductive rights of lesbian and bisexual women. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Guaranteeing assisted reproduction for lesbian couples in the city’s public-health network of hospitals. • Number of women attended to • Number of complaints over access and treat- ment prob- lems Ongoing Barcelona Health-Care Consortium Holding a specialist conference for professionals on challenges in lesbian and bisexual women's health. • Number of people attending • Degree of satisfaction 2017 Health-Care Department Drafting a guide for sexual and reproductive health professionals on lesbian and bisexual women’s health. • Number of copies distributed and downloaded • Number of people attending the presentation of the report for 2017 - 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Health-Care Department 67 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B4.4. Promoting the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in initiatives on affective and sexual education. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Updating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in the “Hablemos” [Let's speak] Programme (a school programme on affective and sexual education and preventing pregnancies, STDs, HIV and AIDS among young people in their third year of compulsory secondary education and in the first year of the Baccalaureate). • Number of initiatives launched for updating the perspective 2016 Barcelona Public Health Agency Barcelona Education Consortium Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in the customised care programme on health-related aspects that students are offered at the same schools under the “Health and School” programme. • Number of initiatives launched for incorporating the perspec- tive Ongoing Barcelona Public Health Agency Barcelona Education Consortium Identifying the number and types of consultations relating to sexual orientation or gender identity in the “Health and School” programme’s monitoring reports and statistics. • Number of consulta- tions Annual Barcelona Public Health Agency Barcelona Health-Care Consortium Including questions on sexual and gender diversity in the FRESC survey, which is periodically conducted on the city’s secondary-school students and using its data. • Number of questions • Drafting a report Annual Barcelona Public Health Agency Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 68 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B4.5. Promoting STD prevention among the city's LGBTI community. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Working in collaboration with the sector’s organisations to maintain and adapt the hepatitis A and B vaccination programme and the HIV and syphilis testing services among the population of men who have sexual relations with men in proximity spaces. • Number of specific initiatives under the programme Ongoing Barcelona Public Health Agency Launching periodic campaigns among the population of men who have sexual relations with men on AIDS and HIV testing and making people aware of the centres where such testing is carried out. • Number of tests carried out Ongoing Barcelona Public Health Agency Promoting better access to condoms in meeting places for men who have sexual relations with men and trans women. • Number of updates made Ongoing Barcelona Public Health Agency Maintaining the vaccination service for hepatitis A and B and the HIV and syphilis testing services for trans women and rethinking the group’s proximity spaces. • Number of updates made Ongoing Barcelona Public Health Agency Support for sexual and gender liberation events around 28 June, as well as events for commemorating World AIDS Day. • Number of updates made Annual Health-Care Department Maintaining the epidemiological STD monitoring service in Barcelona and periodically publishing the results on the Barcelona Public Health Agency's website. • Number of updates made Ongoing Barcelona Public Health Agency 69 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B.4.6. Supporting community initiatives promoting LGBTI health. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Maintaining specific lines of projects on sexual and reproductive rights in campaigns for grants, subsidies and agreements from the Department of Health. • Number of projects funded • Projects’ results Annual Health-Care Department Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 70 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.5 VIOLENCE-FREE LIVES Diagnosis The lack of data and statistics on dis- crimination and violence for reasons of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression not only makes it hard to tackle LGBTI-phobia but also helps to hide the problem. We also face the additional difficulty that many of the victims tend not to report such incidents. There are many possible reasons for this difficulty in reporting incidents, such as fear of stigmatisa- tion, lack of support from the family or environment, the high occurrence and consequent normalisation of discrimi- natory behaviour, the complexity of the procedures for reporting incidents and the mistrust some people feel towards the police (FRA, 2008). Several European studies have shown the commonest type of assault to be verbal attacks, made mostly in public areas and aimed at young people. In contrast, lesbians and bisexuals are most at risk of suffering assault and sexual harassment in private spaces (FRA, 2009). One of the main challenges that the Authorities have is ensuring better protection of rights and support for LGBTI victims of discrimination and violence, by promoting security poli- cies that incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity, given that the notion of security is deter- mined by heterosexism. These security policies must promote dignified, equal treatment of LGBTI people, as well as preventing and eradicating all LGB- TI-phobic behaviour. Finally, procedures need to be designed for tackling violence among same-sex couples, a still little-studied problem on which we lack sufficient research, statistical data and suitable resources to act on. The fact that gender-based violence has been built from a predom- inantly heterosexist framework may have hidden cases of abuse between same-sex couples that are following the same pattern. It is important here to tackle this problem, define care models and improve specialist training of professionals in services that deal with violence, to provide them with the skills for ensuring appropriate care and with a gender perspective. 71 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B5.1. Strengthening the mechanisms for reporting and supporting people in LGBTI-phobia cases. • Evolution of the number of complaints/reported incidents. • Degree of satisfaction with the services from the people attended to. B5.2. Improving the response to LGBTI-phobia of the security forces and Guardia Urbana [city police]. • Number of training initiatives. • Number of officers who have received training. B5.3. Establishing resources for attending to LGBTI people who experience violence at the hands of their partners. • Number of people attended to. • Degree of user satisfaction with the services. Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B5.1. Strengthening the mechanisms for reporting and support- ing people in LGBTI-phobia cases. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Drafting an assistance protocol in cases of discrimination and assaults for reasons of by LGTBI-phobia. • Existence of the protocol • Number of dissemina- tion activities for the pro- tocol 2017 Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Promoting among the LGBTI community the services that are offered by “Barcelona, City of Rights”. • Number of dissemina- tion initia- tives Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Coordination of training plans on sexual and gender diversity and the “Barcelona, city of rights” training plans to promote joint work and the adoption of an intersectional perspective. • Number of coordination initiatives Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Ensuring the annual report issued by the Office for Non- Discrimination (OND) includes cases of discrimination, displays of hate speeches and acts against the LGBTI community. • Inclusion in the report Annual Citizen Rights and Diversity Department 72 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B5.1. Strengthening the mechanisms for reporting and supporting people in LGBTI-phobia cases. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Periodic presentation of the “Barcelona, City of Rights” report in the Municipal LGBTI Council, particularly highlighting aspects relating to these communities. • Presentation of the report Annual Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Periodic presentation of the City Council’s “Ombudsman” report in the Municipal LGBTI Council, particularly highlighting aspects relating to these communities. • Presentation Annual Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Expectation that the City Council can present itself as a private prosecutor in cases of serious homophobic or transphobic assaults. • Number of cases Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Encouraging the network of people and organisations championing human rights to include work on sexual and gender diversity. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Participation in the Catalan Prosecutor General’s working group against hate crimes and discrimination. • Number of meetings Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in initiatives commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the European Charter for the Safeguarding of Rights in the City. • Number of initiatives 2018 Citizen Rights and Diversity Department 73 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B5.2. Improving the response to LGBTI-phobia of the security forces and Guardia Urbana [city police]. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Reviewing reports of incidents in public places in which contempt is shown for people's dignity as well as discriminatory behaviour expressing LGBTI-phobia. • Number of complaints/ reported incidents Ongoing Guardia Urbana and other players involved Working in coordination with the Citizen Rights and Diversity Department to monitor crime motivated by LGBTI-phobia. • Number of complaints/ reported incidents Ongoing Guardia Urbana de Barcelona (city police) Maintaining visits from local Guardia Urbana officers to LGBTI clubs and associations as an expression of the wish to promote local relations. • Number of clubs and associations visited Ongoing Guardia Urbana de Barcelona (city police) Collaboration with LGBTI police associations in programmes and initiatives relating to the LGBTI community. • Number and type of col- laboration projects Ongoing Guardia Urbana de Barcelona (city police) Applying rules for identifying and searching trans people in accordance with their own perceived identity. • Number of cases in which this has been applied Ongoing Guardia Urbana de Barcelona (city police) Incorporating recommendations and practices for non- discrimination against the LGBTI community in school talks given by the Guardia Urbana. • Number of activities where this is specifically dealt with • Number of school cen- tres for 2017 - 2018 Guardia Urbana de Barcelona (city police) 74 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B5.3. Establishing resources for attending to LGBTI people who experience violence at the hands of their partners. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Establishing an information and advice system for situations of violence between same-sex couples. • Number of consulta- tions • Number of cases attended to 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Preparing a study on violence between same-sex couples. • Publishing the study for 2017 - 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Preparing a care protocol for violence between same-sex couples. • Having the protocol's design • Activating the protocol 2019 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Municipal Institute of Social Services Training for professional social- service and violence-response teams with an LGBTI perspective. • Number of training courses • Number of people attending and professional profile 2018 Mainstreaming Department Municipal Institute of Social Services Monitoring and evaluating the protocol's application. • Number of cases attended to • Annual report 2020 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Municipal Institute of Social Services 75 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.6 CITIZENSHIP, INTERCULTURALITY, MIGRATION AND REFUGE Diagnosis LGBTI immigrants are especially vul- nerable, given that they have to face a twofold difficulty. First, they belong to a minority in the heart of a society that often expresses xenophobic atti- tudes. Discussions have arisen here in the European context arguing for restrictions on the entry of immigrants because it may result in a loss of rights of the LGBTI community (Mepschen et al., 2010). On the other hand, we need to note that while immigrant com- munities are not necessarily more LGBTI-phobic than national ones, a significant percentage of immigrants come from countries where the LGBTI community is less accepted or even actively repressed. In fact, many LGBTI people migrate to Western Europe's large cities precisely because they are unable to live in safety and freedom in their countries of origin. It is important, within this framework, to integrate the perspective of sexual and gender diver- sity into our city’s immigrant assis- tance and reception policies. Besides migratory processes, immi- grants and religious or ethnic minori- ties suffer from social prejudices and stereotypes owing to an ethnocentric approach that often regards them as essentially LGBTI-phobic. An intercul- tural perspective should enable us to question this very point of view and, at the same time, open up new ways of understanding, in this case, the man- agement of sexuality and gender in other cultural frameworks. That is why one of the plan’s goals is to incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into intercultural policies. Given the current growth in the num- ber of people seeking international protection in the European Union, it is important to bear in mind the situ- ation of special vulnerability of LGBTI refugees who have abandoned their country because of persecution relat- ing to their sexual orientation or gender identity or for other reasons (such as political activism). While the European Union and its member states offer little official information on this issue (FRA, 2015), there are reports that suggest that the number of LGBTI refugees is on the increase, given that they are a target in many of today's armed con- flicts (ILGA Europe, 2016). In addition, we must take into account the fact that LGBTI refugees face additional risks which result in harassment, exclusion and various forms of violence en route, in camps and in their host countries (Acnur, 2015). It is essential here for Barcelona City Council to act within its powers to promote the rights of the LGBTI people who apply for asylum. 76 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B6.1. Promoting the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in designing and planning intercultural and citizenship policies. • Number of the municipal plans’ goals and initiatives that incorporate sexual and gender diversity. B6.2. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into immigrant assistance and reception policies. • Percentage of immigrant assistance and reception staff who are trained in sexual and gender diversity. B6.3. Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in asylum policies. • Number of people received, according to the number of applicants for asylum for reasons of sexual orientation or gender identity. Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B6.1. Promoting the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in designing and planning intercultural and citizenship policies. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Participation of LGBTI associations in municipal venues and events aimed at people from different backgrounds. • Number of venues and events aimed at the immigrant population that LGBTI associations take part in Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Promoting discussions on sexual and gender diversity among the religious communities found in Barcelona. • Number of initiatives 2018 Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Raising the visibility of and strengthening open discussions and debates among migrant communities and about the experiences of LGBTI people from different cultural backgrounds. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department 77 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B6.1. Promoting the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in designing and planning intercultural and citizenship policies. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Raising the visibility of and strengthening open discussions and debates among Roma com- munities and about the experi- ences of LGBTI Roma people. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Including measures under the Municipal Immigration Council’s programmes and initiatives for combating discrimination for reasons of gender or sexual identity. • Number of measures Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Incorporating LGBTI activities with an intercultural perspective in the Anti-Rumours Catalogue. • Number of activities included Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Disseminating the activities of LGBTI associations that take account of intercultural approaches. • Number of activities included Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Incorporating activities on sexual and gender diversity that include intercultural approaches into the Espacio Avinyó’s programme. • Number of times the space has been handed over Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Creating exchange and dialogue spaces between LGBTI associations and associations working on the issue of interculturality and the Roma people. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Collaboration between the Municipal LGTBI and Immigration Councils, the BCN Anti-Rumours Network and the associations working on these issues. • Number of initiatives carried out Ongoing Citizen Rights and Diversity Department Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in initiatives commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the European Charter for the Safeguarding of Rights in the City. • Number of initiatives 2018 Citizen Rights and Diversity Department 78 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B6.2. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into immigrant assistance and reception policies. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Promoting training for the network of reception associations that addresses asylum and refuge on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Percentage of staff who have received the training • Degree of satisfaction and usefulness of the training Ongoing Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department Inclusion of basic training on the services aimed at the LGBTI community in newcomers’ reception materials. • Inclusion of references in the materials • Number of copies distributed 2017 Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department Continue mentioning the situation of the LGBTI community in our context at the meetings held by the Advice and Support Service for Immigrants. • Number of meetings this had been included in Ongoing Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department Analysing the initiatives that have to be implemented so that cases involving applications for LGBTI- parent family reunification can be attended to and responded to. • Drafting a document analysing the initiatives for 2017 - 2018 Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department 79 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B6.3. Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in asylum policies. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Raising awareness that persecution for reasons of sexual orientation and gender identity are grounds for requesting international protection. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department Inclusion of LGBTI activists in the “Barcelona, refuge city” plan under which the City Council offers reception for people seeking asylum in the city. • Number of people received Ongoing Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department Establishing a temporary reception flat for LGBTI asylum applicants under the municipal Refugee Reception Programme. • Number of reception flat users Ongoing Immigrant Assistance and Reception Department 80 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.7 GLOBAL JUSTICE, COOPERATION AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Diagnosis People with non-normative sexuali- ties and gender identities are discrim- inated against and even persecuted in various countries around in the world (ONU, 2015). More specifically, 75 coun- tries still punish sexual acts between people of the same sex and there are still more that punish homosexuality in other ways, subjecting people with non-normative sexualities or genders to dangers, risks, abuses, harassment and rape (ILGA, 2015). In any case, when it comes to taking action outside our context, we need to take into account that we run the risk of adopting an ethnocentric and neo-co- lonial position that fails to recognise the various ways that sexuality and gender fit into other cultural frame- works (which do not necessarily have to be the ones taken in the West). If we do not take these precautions, it may well be that, despite our good intentions to take action to promote the LGBTI com- munity’s rights, we will end up creating more negative effects for people with non-normative sexualities and genders or even cause increased intolerance. Cooperation projects are a means by which the City Council can bring about improvements to the quality of life of the LGBTI community and safe- guard their rights. Besides the projects focusing directly on this issue, there is a need to encourage other projects tackling other matters to incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity, so they are as inclusive as possible and do not repeat the invis- ibilisation and discrimination experi- enced by people with non-normative sexualities and gender identities. As regards international relations, Bar- celona City Council is part of various networks and establishes collabora- tion protocols with other cities. This is a framework under which it can promote the rights of the LGBTI community in other contexts, exchange good prac- tices and collaborate with authorities that wish to promote policies on sexual and gender diversity. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B7.1. Promoting the inclusion of sexual and gender diversity in cooperation projects. • Percentage of projects that incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity. B7.2. Promoting the celebration of international flagship events on LGBTI issues. • Number of people attending. B7.3. Promoting the rights of the LGBTI community in international networks and the collaboration protocols of other cities. • Number of initiatives. 81 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B7.1. Promoting the inclusion of sexual and gender diversity in cooperation projects. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Raising awareness of Barcelona's cooperation NGOs and LGBTI associations so they can carry out cooperation projects that aim to promote equality for the LGBTI community. • Number of aware- ness-raising initiatives Ongoing Global Justice and International Cooperation Department Supporting initiatives that study or publicise the reality of the LGBTI community in the world and promote good practices, above all in the preferred geographic cooperation areas defined under the Master Plan of the City Council's Global Justice and International Cooperation Services Department. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Global Justice and International Cooperation Department Encouraging professional municipal staff and experts in cooperation to take part in projects relating to the rights of the LGBTI community which the City Council is backing in the areas given priority under the Master Plan of the Global Justice and International Cooperation Services Department. • Number of projects • Number of collaboration applications Ongoing Global Justice and International Cooperation Department Exploring the possibilities of opening a temporary reception programme for people championing human rights which includes the LGBTI community. • Number of development initiatives • Number of people received 2017 Global Justice and International Cooperation Department 82 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B7.2. Promoting international-flagship events on LGBTI issues. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Co-organising the second edition of the European Rainbow Cities Conference. • Number of people attending • Satisfaction and usefulness for the people attending 2016 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Playing host to and organising international events on LGBTI issues. • Number of events • Number of people attending • Satisfaction and use- fulness for the people attending Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Taking part in projects, initiatives and international networks promoting the rights of LGBTI people. • Number of projects, initiatives and networks Ongoing Department of International Relations Promoting stances on championing the rights of the LGBTI community in the city networks that the City Council is part of and taking part in these, especially in the ones working for human rights. • Number of stances Ongoing Department of International Relations Encouraging the implementation of projects aimed at improving living conditions for the LGBTI community in cities where Barcelona establishes collaboration protocols. • Number of projects Ongoing Department of International Relations 83 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B7.3. Promoting the rights of the LGBTI community in international networks and the collaboration protocols of other cities. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Taking part in projects, initiatives and international networks promoting the rights of LGBTI people. • Number of projects, initiatives and networks Ongoing Department of International Relations Promoting stances on championing the rights of the LGBTI community in the city networks that the City Council is part of and taking part in these, especially in the ones working for human rights. • Number of stances Ongoing Department of International Relations Encouraging the implementation of projects aimed at improving living conditions for the LGBTI community in cities where Barcelona establishes collaboration protocols. • Number of projects Ongoing Department of International Relations 84 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.8 WORK ENVIRONMENT Diagnosis There are two major problems in the work environment: difficulties faced by trans women trying to enter the labour market and harassment in the workplace resulting from LGTBI-pho- bia. With regard to the first problem, we need to bear in mind that access to the labour market is one of the key elements for ensuring economic inde- pendence and the exercise of cer- tain citizenship rights. That is why we have to implement employment pol- icies that combat the exclusion from work faced mainly by trans women (Coll-Planas and Missé, 2015), put- ting all the mechanisms available into operation: adapting employment programmes aimed at citizens with difficulties entering the jobs market, working with companies to promote social corporate responsibility and the inclusion of trans people in municipal responsible-recruitment policies. If we are to improve the working con- ditions of the LGBTI community, it is essential for us to tackle the reality faced by trans women and male sex workers, with two main goals: guar- anteeing that those in the community who wish to give up their sex work will have access to the routes and resources to make this labour transi- tion, and ensuring trans women and men enjoy the right to remain sex workers with the maximum possible independence and safety. With regard to discrimination and har- assment in the workplace, over 30% of LGBTI people felt discriminated against at work as the butt of jokes told by co-workers, facing obstacles to their career advancement and to relating directly with clients, accord- ing to a nationwide study (López, 2013). Because of this, a large number of LGBTI people claim that they hide their sexual orientation, gender iden- tity or HIV-positive status at work and, in the case of some trans people, quit their jobs so they can make their tran- sition (FRA, 2014). In our context, dis- crimination in the work environment is illegal, but even so, the work environ- ment that many people work in is very hostile to any expression of sexual or gender diversity. That is why we have to go beyond banning discriminatory behaviour and create the tools and resources for fostering the visibility of the community and promoting diver- sity in the work environment, with support from unions and involvement from companies. The Strategy for Employment in Barce- lona for 2016-2020 establishes meas- ures that focus on incorporating a perspective of attending to diversity in all initiatives that are carried out under the strategy, to fight against discrimi- nation against LGBTI communities and other groups with special difficulties. In this regard, one goal is to give prior- ity to employment and work-placement initiatives aimed at groups in vulnera- ble situations or with job insecurity. 85 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B8.1. Improving employment for LGBTI people that face difficulties accessing the labour market, above all trans women. • Number of people with job placements. B8.2. Combating discrimination and harassment in the work environment. • Number of initiatives. Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B8.1. Improving employment for LGBTI people that face difficulties accessing the labour market, above all trans women. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Preparing materials and a specific assistance protocol for advisers attending to LGBTI people. • Creating materials • Number of copies distributed and downloaded 2017 Barcelona Activa Establishing a joint professional committee between municipal areas and associations which implements and monitors initiatives to promote employment measures aimed at the LGBTI community and, above all, trans people. • Number of updates • Number of beneficiaries • Degree of satisfaction for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Activa Implementing an action programme aimed at trans women who work in the sex industry in Barcelona. • Number of initiatives • Number of beneficiaries • Degree of satisfaction with the programme Ongoing Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs 86 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B8.1. Improving employment for LGBTI people that face difficulties accessing the labour market, above all trans women. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Incorporating the perspective of diversity and gender in all Barcelona Activa’s employment initiatives, as well as the ongoing training plan for workers, preferably for staff attending to users and the work-placement programmes for people with special difficulties. • Number of updates • Number of beneficiaries • Degree of satisfaction 2017 Barcelona Activa Compiling a diagnosis of the realities and needs of male sex workers who provide sex services to other men which makes proposals in this area. • Prepared diagnosis 2018 Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Republishing Barcelona Activa's Trans Employment social and labour insertion tool. • Number of publications • Number of beneficiaries • Degree of satisfaction and usefulness • Number of job placements Annual Barcelona Activa Training for the main players who promote employment for trans people (especially in the association’s network) on the various channels of responsible recruitment. • Number of training courses • Number of people attending • Degree of satisfaction Annual Barcelona Activa 87 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B8.2. Combating discrimination and harassment in the work environment. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Organising and promoting activities to disseminate good business practices. • Number of updates • Number of beneficiaries • Degree of satisfaction Annual Barcelona Activa Preparing a guide to support workers undergoing a gender transition in the company. • Existence of a guide • Number of copies distributed and downloaded • Number of people attending the presentation 2018 Barcelona Activa Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs Promoting initiatives to prevent workplace harassment for reasons of sexual orientation or gender identity. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Manager's Office for Human Resources and Organisation 88 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.9 SPORTS Diagnosis Sport is an especially hostile envi- ronment for LGBTI people for several reasons. Firstly, because sports com- petitions and facilities are organised under a binary arrangement, with men’s and women’s spaces very clearly separated. The lack of mixed leagues that do not separate sports teams and classifications by sex is another exam- ple. The former already represents a serious obstacle for intersex people or people with DSD and for trans people in taking up sport and leads to exclusion in a good many cases. In the second place, because in peo- ple's minds most sports are strongly associated with gender stereotypes: physical strength, for example, is asso- ciated with masculinity and artistic expression with femininity. This con- sequently explains why homophobia is so present in extremely masculinised sports, to the point where women ath- letes are discredited by adversaries or criticised through lesbophobic insults. By the same token, the pursuit by men of sports associated with femininity is often stigmatised too. As a result of these views, many LGBTI people, espe- cially gay and bisexual men, feel that the world of sport is not a safe space. An international study on homophobia in sport concludes that 64% of par- ticipants considered homophobia to be stronger in the field of sport than in all other social areas (Denison and Kitchen, 2015). More specifically, sports grandstands and physical-education classes are singled out as the most LGBTI-phobic spaces. As regards this issue, school sport plays a key role in socialising gender and learning about the stigma attached to LGBTI people. A good many LGBTI youth explain how they have experienced discrimination in sport and see physical education classes at school as one the spaces where they feel most threatened (Deni- son and Kitchen, 2015). To transform this sports culture we need to consider initiatives aimed at various players that act on public per- ceptions and the sports environment: federations, sports clubs, referee groups and associations that promote school-age sports. A decisive commit- ment is made to break the link between sport and gender roles, through a coed- ucational perspective and, at the same time, raise the visibility of LGBTI role models in the field of sport. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B9.1. Implementing initiatives that promote the visibility of the LGBTI community and the eradication of LGBTI-phobic attitudes and insults in sports competitions. • Number of initiatives on visibility and eradicating LGTBI-phobia. • Initiatives’ impact on the media B9.2. Improving trans people’s access to municipal sports centres. • Number of initiatives. B9.3. Deepening knowledge of LGBTI-phobia in the field of sport. • Number of initiatives. 89 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B9.1. Implementing initiatives that promote the visibility of the LGBTI community and the eradication of LGBTI-phobic attitudes and insults in sports competitions. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia in Football. • Number of activities • Number of people attending 2018 Barcelona Institute of Sports Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity in the range of training courses promoted by the IBE (physical education professionals, expert staff from municipal sports centres, etc.) • Number of training courses it has been incorporated into • Number of people attending • Number of sports centres run with trained staff Ongoing Barcelona Institute of Sports Publishing educational materials to provide tools for the city’s sports professionals, for incorporating the sexual and gender diversity perspective. • Number of copies distributed and downloaded for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Institute of Sports Incorporating content on sexual and gender diversity into the training of officially approved organisations within the framework of their quality improvement measures. • Number of training initiatives • Number of people attending • Attendees’ satisfaction for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Institute of Sports 90 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B9.1. Implementing initiatives that promote the visibility of the LGBTI community and the eradication of LGBTI-phobic attitudes and insults in sports competitions. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Including the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into value-education programmes (“Count to Three”, “Young Stands”) and in those aimed at school sport. • Programmes it has been incorporated into • Number of strategic plans and programmes that incorporate the perspective 2017 Barcelona Institute of Sports Goals B9.2. Improving trans people’s access to municipal sports centres. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Putting up individual-use changing-room spaces in municipal sports centres which can be used by anyone who applies for a private space to change in. • Number of municipal sports centres that have private spaces to change in for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Institute of Sports Making physical- and online- sports channels available for sports facilities to publicise campaigns that can be launched under the plan. • Number of materials distributed and downloaded • Number of centres signed up to the campaign Annual Barcelona Institute of Sports 91 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B9.3. Deepening knowledge of LGBTI-phobia in the field of sport. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Incorporating questions on the situation of LGBTI people in sport into the Barcelona Survey on Sports Habits. • Number of specific questions carried out Annual Barcelona Institute of Sports Promoting a study on LGBTI- phobia in sports practice in the city. • Conducting the study • Number of presenta- tions of the study for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Institute of Sports 92 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.10 RAISING VISBILITY IN THE ECONOMIC SPHERE Diagnosis Barcelona is a favourite tourist destina- tion for many people who wish to openly express their feelings in public spaces and enjoy a specific range of cultural offers. There are two challenges when it comes to promoting tourism aimed at the community through municipal policies. The first is diversifying the range of tourist offers that have tradi- tionally been focused on gay men and, more specifically, their night-time lei- sure. That is why we need to incorpo- rate other products and models into the existing range of offers, which prove attractive for lesbian, bisexual and trans people and, at the same time, go beyond night-time leisure, to recognise other parts of the city that have a spe- cial interest for the community. Secondly, we need to mainstream the community’s cultural references into all the City Council's tourist policies and make sexual and gender diversity part and parcel of the tourist products that are aimed at the population as a whole. It is within this framework that we need to take advantage of the city’s tourist potential to raise Barcelona's profile as a benchmark city when it comes to championing sexual and gender free- doms and publicise the way that the city’s policies tackle and promote sex- ual and gender diversity in the various spheres of municipal policy. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B10.1. Diversifying the city’s range of tourist offers aimed at the community. • Number of products developed. B10.2. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the city’s entire range of tourist offers. • Number of initiatives. B10.3. Raising Barcelona's profile as a benchmark city for sexual and gender freedoms at an international level. • Number of initiatives. 93 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B10.1. Diversifying the city’s range of tourist offers aimed at the community. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Periodic publication of a map of the city that features offers aimed at LGBTI people (bookshops, associations, monuments, leading municipal facilities, etc.) • Number of maps pub- lished per edition • Number and type of loca- tions sign- posted Annual Barcelona Activa Developing new LGBTI tourist products based on historical and cultural points of interest in Barcelona. • Number and type of products created • Number of users Annual Barcelona Activa 94 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B10.2. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the city’s entire range of tourist offers. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Training tourist information officers on the city’s LGBTI cultural and commercial offers, as well as other professionals in tourism-related fields (guides, taxi drivers and so forth). • Number of training courses • Number of people attending • Satisfaction with training 2018 Barcelona Activa Including sexual and gender diversity in the criteria for Biosphere Barcelona certification. • Inclusion in the criteria for 2017 - 2018 Barcelona Activa Including historical and cultural references to LGBTI issues in district tourist maps. • Number of maps where references to LGBTI issues have been incorporated 2018 Barcelona Activa Goals B10.3. Raising Barcelona's profile as a benchmark city for sexual and gender freedoms at an international level. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Promoting the range of offers aimed at the LGBTI community in the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (ILGTA) and other fairs and conventions relating to tourism and economic promotion. • Number of activities carried out under the ILGTA framework Ongoing Barcelona Activa Publicising especially important events held in Barcelona that are aimed at the LGBI community. • Number of events • Number of people attending Ongoing Barcelona Activa 95 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity B.11 SOCIAL ACTION AND LIFE CYCLES Diagnosis There are several factors that play a key role in enabling LGBTI people to freely experience their sexuality and gender over the course of their lives and when they are vulnerable to LGBTI-phobia: the point in their life they are at,func- tional diversity and their socio-eco- nomic situation. When it comes to key times, particu- larly notable are the life stages that often involve lesser independence and, therefore, greater dependence on the environment: childhood, adolescence, youth and old age. The childhood stage presents two important challenges. Firstly, it is the time in a person’s life when they first start learning social behaviour with regard to sexual differences and gen- der stereotypes. These values are passed on through daily occurrences of microviolence which end up natu- ralising sexual binary, cissexism and heterosexism in children’s minds. We have an urgent need, then, to feed the children’s universe with references to sexual and gender diversity, if we are to make a break from the rigidity of the sexist model. Secondly, we need to develop resources to support children who have expressions and identities that do not correspond to the binary gender model, as well as their families and school environments. It is during adolescence and youth when school bullying occurs the most, given that many people during these stages are exploring their sexuality and gender, and it is during these stages that they spend more time at school. So the lack of leisure and free-time spaces minors have access to, where they can meet others like themselves and expe- rience their sexuality, gender or corpo- reality is especially problematic. In this age bracket, we should also highlight the reality of looked-after children, who need to have models, groups of equals and environments where they can express themselves freely. Besides changing the cissexist and heterosexist perceptions of the very young, we need to place special atten- tion on the visibility of different family models that take account of same-sex parents. The parenting of gay, lesbian and bisexual youngsters is also an area we need to work on if we are to develop quality information and positive role models. As for elderly LGBTI people, they often have to face isolation because of their lack of a family network and the heter- osexism of most of the services aimed at elderly people (Quiroga, 2015). It is for these reasons that we have to work towards eliminating LGBTI-pho- bic stereotypes among elderly people, so we can create more respectful ser- vices and meeting spaces, as well as promote training for the professionals responsible for looking after them. Furthermore, there are people who, irrespective of their life stage, people with functional diversities have to face social stereotypes regarding their sup- posed heterosexuality or cissexuality or even their supposed asexuality. As regards social and economic aspects, we need to highlight that peo- ple is situations of social exclusion encounter special difficulties when it comes to accessing quality information resources and meeting places. Some LGBTI people, especially trans people, point out that they have experienced discrimination from social-service pro- fessionals (FRA, 2014). At the same time, these people have to face the 96 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity stigma of having few financial or social resources, something that is also pres- ent in the city’s gay and lesbian spaces, given that they are generally commod- ified places that require a certain con- sumer capacity. For all the above reasons, the munici- pal staff for social action and from the various life-cycle promotion and assis- tance programmes play a key role in supporting LGBTI people undergoing various life processes for which they need resources and specific knowledge of these realities. Goals and indicators Goals Aggregated indicators B11.1. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the Municipal Institute’s Social Services. • Percentage of people who have received the training B11.2. Recognising and bringing visibility to family models. • Number of products that contain different family models. B11.3. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into Teenage and Youth services and programmes. • Number of initiatives. B11.4. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into Teenage and Youth services and programmes. • Number of initiatives. B11.5. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into services and programmes aimed at people with functional diversity. • Number of initiatives. 97 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Work programme for 2016-2020 Goals B11.1. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the Municipal Institute’s Social Services. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Publishing and promoting a guide for providing social-service professionals with tools relating to LGBTI issues. • Number of copies distributed and downloaded for 2016 - 2017 Municipal Institute of Social Services Running a specialist training day for professionals on challenges in the field of social services from a perspective of sexual and gender diversity. • Number of people attending • Degree of satisfaction Annual Municipal Institute of Social Services Incorporating training for teams in the perspective of sexual and gender diversity as a requirement in the next documents that are prepared by the Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). • Number of centres and services incorporating training for their workers Ongoing Municipal Institute of Social Services Goals B11.2. Recognising and bringing visibility to family models. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Maintaining explicit references to same-sex parent families in the future Municipal Family Plan, following the guide already established in the Family Plan for the 2006-2010 period. • Number of references in the Family Plan Ongoing Social Intervention Department Participation of LGBTI associations in the drafting of the new Family Plan, through the contributions made by the Municipal Council for Gays, Lesbians and Transsexual Men and Women. • Number of contributions from LGBTI associations to the Family Plan Ongoing Social Intervention Department 98 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B11.2. Recognising and bringing visibility to family models. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Ensuring that municipal forms take account of diversity in family models. • Number of forms adapted Ongoing Gender Mainstreaming Department Including the LGBTI perspective and diversity of family models in the studies and programmes that are implemented under the Care Time and Economy Programme. • Number of studies and programmes that include diversity of family models Ongoing Department of Care Time and Economy Programmes Goals B11.3. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into Teenage and Youth services and programmes. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Including specific strategies and initiatives relating to LGBTI issues in the next Municipal Teenage and Youth Plan for 2017-2020. • Number of initiatives included in the Teenage and Youth Plan 2017 Teenage and Youth Department Taking account of sexual and gender diversity in the training content aimed at youth-special- ist professionals, professionals from the various services that are answerable to the Teenage and Youth Department, mainly PIJ, JIP, “We listen to you here” and net- work of youth facilities (spaces and centres). • Number of training courses that include sexual and gender diversity Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department Providing information tools on LGBTI issues aimed at young people through information and youth-promotion services. • Number of resources within the scope of the services Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department 99 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B11.3. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into Teenage and Youth services and programmes. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Incorporating the sexual and gender diversity dimension into the training plan aimed at youth organisations, associations and communities through the CRAJ (Resources Centre for Youth Associations). • Number of training initiatives Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the Educational Free- Time Committee, to provide monitoring skills in supporting the comprehensive education of teenagers. • Number of training initiatives Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into the programme and communication initiatives of the various activities offered by the Youth Information Network (PIJ and JIP). • Number of planned or communica- tion initia- tives Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department Including digital information aimed at the LGBTI community in the Teenage and Youth website. • Number of hits on the website's LGBTI section Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department Promoting meeting spaces for LGBTI teenagers and young people in youth facilities. • Number of organised spaces Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department Including questions on perceptions of the LGBTI community in sociological surveys aimed at teenagers and young people which Barcelona City Council periodically conducts. • Number of questions 2019 Teenage and Youth Department Supporting the Barcelona Youth Council in initiatives relating to sexual and gender diversity. • Number of initiatives Ongoing Teenage and Youth Department 100 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B11.4. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into Teenage and Youth services and programmes. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Participation of LGBTI associations and people in the process of drafting the Municipal Plan for Elderly People for 2017- 2021. • Number of sessions for 2016 - 2017 Elderly People Department Ensuring continuity in elderly LGBTI people’s participation in the Elderly People’s Convention, as well as in the other discussion and debate forums for elderly people that Barcelona City Council takes part in. • Number of sessions according to type of discussion and debate Ongoing Elderly People Department Promoting the creation of a bank of materials and resources that enable the perspective of sexual and gender diversity to be incorporated into the activity plans of centres and other facilities for elderly people. • Number of resources available • Number of resources used by the facilities Ongoing Elderly People Department Including a clause in the terms and conditions of municipal facilities for elderly people which guarantees information for all staff on sexual and gender diversity. • Number of terms and conditions statements which include training clauses Ongoing Elderly People Department Reaching agreements with the Catalan regional government that all staff working in public residences in Barcelona should receive training on sexual and gender diversity. • Number of terms and conditions statements which include training clauses Ongoing Elderly People Department 101 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Goals B11.5. Incorporating the perspective of sexual and gender diversity into services and programmes aimed at people with functional diversity. Proposed Plan for 2016-2020 Indicators Time Responsibility Supporting groups of LGBTI people with disabilities. • Number of group- support initiatives Ongoing Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities Establishing an analysis and reflection space for possible work strategies that enable action to be taken against dual discrimination against homosexuals or transsexuals with physical disabilities. • Creating working groups Ongoing Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities Including the LGBTI perspective in training on sexuality aimed at activity monitors for people with disabilities. • Number of training initiatives that contain the LGBTI perspective Annual Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities Access for people with disabilities to information on the Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity for 2016-2020. • Number of products adapted Ongoing Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities Communication Department 103 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity 2. GOVERNANCE OF THE PLAN Governance of the Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity LGBTI equal- ity measures (2016-2020) incorporate management mechanisms not just for implementing but also for monitoring and evaluating the plan. Implementation Work will be carried out during the implementation of the plan to establish coordination between all the players at the City Council that are respon- sible for implementing the initiatives agreed to for achieving the plan’s goals. Throughout this period, the Depart- ment of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs will be promoting existing interde- partmental coordination and dialogue spaces and advising the areas, depart- ments and bodies involved in the plan on everything required to successfully implement the initiatives established. Monitoring and evaluating The plan will have an ongoing monitor- ing system under which its degree of implementation can be annually evalu- ated. More specifically, the Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs will be in charge of this work. The person respon- sible for each initiative will provide the information, which will include all man- agement and results indicators. The monitoring data of the initiatives will be collected once a year and a report drawn up. The Technical Monitoring and Return Committee will also be holding a meeting at least once a year with the areas involved in implementing the plan. Designs and implementations of new initiatives for initially unidentified needs will also be open for considera- tion under this framework. Besides the Technical Committee, the Full City Council's corresponding Com- mittee will be informed at least once every two years and the plan will be politically monitored with the Coun- cillor’s and Deputy Mayor’s offices involved. Likewise, the Councillor’s Office for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs will be promoting ongoing dialogue with movements and feminist and women’s organisations over the plan’s implementation and will be informed at least once a year of the progress made in the Municipal LGBTI Council. The evaluation system will, on the one hand, use the indicators established under the plan for each of the plan’s specific goals and initiatives. In addi- tion to the monitoring carried out by the Department of Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, the plan will also undergo a joint internal and external evaluation. On the other hand, the plan's evalua- tion will not only take account of quan- titative elements based on readings of the indicator system’s goals and initiatives, but it may also incorporate qualitative information taken from interviews, focus groups and so on, through which we will be able to evalu- ate the plan’s general success.. 104 Area of Citizen Rights, Participation and Transparency Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity BIBLIOGRAPHY Acnur (2015). Protecting Persons with Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gen- der Identities: A Global Report on UNHCR’s Efforts to Protect Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Inter- sex Asylum-Seekers and Refugees. Geneva: Acnur. Alldred, Pam; and David, Miriam E. (2007). Get Real About Sex: The Pol- itics and Practice of Sex Education. Buckingham: Open University Press (MacGrawHill). ASPB (2015). La salut a Barcelona 2014. 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Acoso escolar y riesgo de suicidio por orientación sexual e identidad de género: fracaso del sis- tema educativo. [School bullying and risk of suicide due to sexual orientation and gender identity: failure in the edu- cational system.] Madrid: FELGTB. http: // 54ec-438b-9358-4483f9e98868/671/ filename/informe-defensor-17m13.pdf FRA (2008). Homophobia and Discrim- ination on Grounds of Sexual Orien- tation in the EU Member States: Part I - Legal Analysis. Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. FRA (2009). Homophobia and Discrim- ination on Grounds of Sexual Orien- tation in the EU Member States: Part II - The Social Situation. Vienna: Euro- pean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. FRA (2014). EU LGBT Survey: Euro- pean Union lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender survey. Main results. Lux- embourg: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. http://fra.europa. eu/sites/default/files/fra-eu-lgbt-sur- vey-main-results_tk3113640enc_1.pdf FRA (2015). Protection against dis- crimination on grounds of sexual ori- entation, gender identity and sex characteristics in the EU: Comparative legal analysis. Vienna: European Union Fundamental Rights Agency. Garaizabal, Cristina (coord.) (2016). Report on the model for supporting and assisting trans people in Barcelona. Barcelona: Barcelona City Council. Gregori, Núria (2016). Diagnóstico de las diferentes realidades, posicion- amientos y demandas de la población intersexual/con DDS (diferencias del desarrollo sexual) en la ciudad de Bar- celona. [Diagnosis of the various real- ities, positions and demands of the intersex population/people with DSD (differences of sexual development) in Barcelona.] Barcelona: Barcelona City Council. ILGA (2011). Lesbian Health: myths and realities. Brussels: ILGA - Interna- tional Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association health/ILGA_Lesbians_Health_Myths_ Realities_EN.pdf ILGA (2015). State-Sponsored Homo- phobia. A world survey of laws: Crimi- nalisation, protection and recognition of same-sex love. Geneva: ILGA - Inter- national Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association. http://old.ilga. org/Statehomophobia/ILGA_State_ Sponsored_Homophobia_2015.pdf ILGA Europe (2016). Seeking refuge without harassment, detention or return to a “safe country” ILGA Europe Briefing on LGBTI Refugees and Asy- lum. Belgium: ILGA Europe. López, Agustín (coord.) (2013). Estu- dio 2013 sobre discriminación por orientación sexual y/o identidad de género en España. [2013 study on dis- crimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and/or gender identity] Madrid: COGAM-FELGTB. http:// umentacion/estudios/i/3773/632/ estudio-2013-sobre-discr imina- cion-por-orientacion-sexual-y-o-iden- tidad-de-genero-en-espana Mepschen, P.; Duyvendak, J. W.; and Tonkens, E. H. (2010). “Sexual politics, orientalism and multicultural citizen- ship in the Netherlands”. Sociology, 44(5), pp. 962-979. UN (2015). Discrimination and violence against individuals based on their sex- ual orientation and gender identity. Geneva: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Quiroga, Violeta (coord.) (2015). 50+ LGTB. Report on elderly lesbian, gay, trans and bisexual people in Barcelona. Lleida: Editorial Boira. Takács, Judit (2006). Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- gender (LGTB) people in Europe. Brus- sels: ILGA-Europe & IGLYO. BCN Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender diversity Measures for LGBTI Equality