Companies Acts 1985 fo 2006 Company limifed by guarantcc ARTlCLES OF ASSOCIATlON OF EUROPEAN SOC IAL NETWORK (as amended by a specia l resolution datcd 17th March 2017) l. Objects The Objccts of the Charity are to advance public education in soc ial service, hea1th, em p10yrnenl and edueation pol iey and implementation and to relieve poverty. sickncss and distress through the support of non-govemmental bodies eSlab lished for charitablc purposcs. 2. Powers The Charity has the following powers. which may be exercised onl y 111 promoting the Objects: 2.1 to provide advice or infonnation; 2.2 to carry out research; 2.3 to publish reports; 2.4 to organi se meetings (workshops. working groups. seminars and conferences): 2.5 to co-operate with other bodies; including the developmcnt of paid consulting and advisory work. 2.6 to undertake projects; 2.7 to sUPJXlrt. administer or set up other charities; 2.8 to accept gifts and to ra ise funds (but nOl by means of taxab le trading): 2.9 to borrow money: 2.10 to give security for loans or other obligations (but onl y in accordance with the restrictions imposed by the Charitics Act); 2.11 to acquire or hire property of any kind: 2.12 to let or di spose of prope rty of any kind (but onl y in accordance wit h the restrictions im¡x>sed b), the Charities Act); 2.13 to set aside funds for spec ial purposes or as reserves against future expenditure; 2. 14 to depos il or invest its funds in any manner (but to ¡nvest on1 )' after obtaining such advice from él financial eXllcrt as the Trustces consider necessary and having regard 10 the su itability of investments and the need for diversification): 2. 15 lO dcposit documems and physical assets with any company registe red or having a place of business in England or Wales as custodian . and lO pay any reasonab le fee required; 2. 16 to insure the property of the Charity aga inst any foreseeable risk and take out olher insurance po licies lo protecl lhe Charity when required; 2. 17 subjecl lo Article 6.3. lo employ paid or unpaid agems. slafT or advisers; 2.18 to contraet to provide services lO or on behalf of other bodies; 2.19 lO establish or acqui re subsidiary companics; 2.20 to do anything e lsc within the law which promotes or helps 10 promote the Objects. 3. The Trustees 3. 1 The Trustees as charity trustccs have contro l of the Charity and its property and funds. 2 3.2 There shall be nOI less than 3 and nOI more than 6 Trustees al any one time. Al! Trustees mUSI be individuals rather than eorporate bod ies and mllst be ovcr thc age of 18. 3.3 A Trustee may not ael as a Trustee unless he/she has signed a written decla rali on ofwillingness to aet as a eharity tru stee of lhe Charity. 3.4 Truslees shall be elecled to serve for a 3 year lcnn and sha ll be eleeted at an annua l general meeting ofthe Membcrs . A Trustee who has completed a 3 )'ear term may be re·elceted by the Members at the next annual general meeti ng to serve a further 3 year termo 3.5 A Trustec's tcrm of c ffice as 5uch automat ical!y tenninatcs if: ( 1) he/she is disqualified under the Charit ies Act fram acting as a charit)' trustee; (2) he/she is incapable, whether memall y or physica ll y. of managing hi slher own affairs; (3) he/she is absent without good reason from 3 consecut ive meetings of lhe Trustees and is asked by a majorit)' ofthe olher Trustees to resign; (4) two·thirds of lhe Trustees vote 10 remo ve him/her from officc on lhe ground that he/she has nOI been acting in lhe best imerests of the Charity PROVIOED THAT he/she has firsl bcen givcn an opportunil)' to be heard at a meeting of lhe Trustees; (5) he/she resigns by written notice 10 Ihe Trustees (but onl )' if at least 4 T ruslees wi ll remain in offiee); or (6) he/she is removed b), lhe Members in accordance witll lhe provisions of lhe Companies Act. 3 3.6 The Trustees may at any time co-opt any individual who is eligible under Article 3.2 as a Truslee 10 fill a vacaney in lheir number or (subjecl 10 the maxirnum numbcr permiued by Artide 3.2) as an additional Trustee. but a co- opted Trustee holds office on ly for one year. 3.7 A lechnical defect in the appointrnent ofa Trustee ofwhich the Trustees are unaware at the time does not imalidate deeisions laken al a meeting. 4. Trustees' proceedings 4.1 The Trustccs must hold at Icast 4 meetings each year. 4.2 A quorum al a meeting ofthe Truslees is 3 Truslees. 4.3 A meeting of the Trustees rnay be held either in person or by suitable eleclronic menns agreed by the Trustees in which a1l participants may communicate with a ll Ihe olher participants but at least t\\'o meetings in each year muSI be held in persono 4.4 The C hairman or (ifthe Chainnan is unable or unwilling to do so) sorne other Trustee chosen by Ihe Truslees prescnt presides al each meeting. 4.5 Any issue may be detennined by a simple majority ofthe votes cast at a meeting, bUI a resolution in writing agreed by all Ihe Trustees (other than any Connicted Trustee who has nOI becn aUIhorised to vote) is as val id as a resolulion passed at a meeting. For Ihis purpose Ihe resolution may be contained in more than one document. 4.6 Every Truslee has one vote on each issue bUI, in case of equality of votes. Ihe chainnan ofthe meeting has a second or casting vote. 4.7 A procedural defect of which the Trustees are unaware at Ihe time does nOl inva lidale deci sions taken al a meeting. 4 5. Trustees' powers The Truslees have Ihe follow ing po\Vers in lhe adminislration of Ihe Churity in their capacity as Trustees: 5.1 To appoint (and remove) any person (\Vho may be. buI need not necessarily be. a Trustee) to aet as eompany seeretary in aecordanee \Vith Ihe Companics Act . 5.2 To appo int a Chairman. a Treasurer and other honorary officers from among their numbcr. 5.3 To dclegale any of their fu nclions lo cammillees consisling of twa or more individua ls appointed by thcm. At leasl one member of every committee mUSI be a Trustee and all proceedings of cornmittees muSI be reponed promptly 10 Ihe Truslees. 5.4 To make standing orders consistent wilh the Articles and Ihe Companics Acl to govern proceedings al general meelings. 5.5 To make rules consistent \V ith lhe Art ides and the Companies ACI to govem their proceed ings and proceedings of committees. 5.6 To make regu lations consistent \Vilh the Articles and Ihe Companies ACI 10 govem the administration of Ihe Charity. including Ihe criteria for Membership. 5.7 To estab lish procedures 10 assist Ihe resol Ulion of di sputes or differenees \Vith in lhe CharilY. 5.8 To exercise any powers oflhe Charity wh ich are nOI reserved 10 Ihe Mernbers. 6. Benefits and Confl icls 6. 1 The income and property of Ihe Charity shall be appli ed so lely lowards the promotion of Ihe ObjecIs and no party shall be paid or Iransferred, directly or 5 indirectly. by \Vay of dividendo bonus or other\Vise by \Vay of protit. to members o rthe Charity, and no Truslec shall be appoinled to any omee oflhe Charity paid by salary or fees or reeei ve any remuneration or other benetit in money or mOlley's worth from lhe Charity: Prov ided that noth ing in this doeument shall prevent any payment in gaad fai th by the Charity: ( 1) of the usual prafessional charges for business done by any Trustee \Vho is a so licitar. aceountant or other person engaged in a profess ion , a r by any partner of hi s or hcrs. \Vhen instructed by the Charity to aet in a pro ress ional ca pacit)' on its behalf: Provided that at no time shall a majority of the Trustees benetit under thi s provision and thal a Trustee shall withdraw from any meeting at which hi s or her appointment or rem uneration. or that of hi s or her partner, is under di seussion: (2) o freasonable and proper remuneralion for any services rendered to the Charity by any member, omeer or servanl ofthe Chari ty \Vho is not a Trustee; (3) of ¡nterest on money lenl by an)' member of Ihe Charit)' or Trustee al a reasollable and proper rate per annum not exceeding 2 per cenl less than the published base lending rate o r a clearing bank to be scleeted by lhe Trustees: (4) o r rces. remuneralion or other benetit in money or money's worth to any company of which a Trustee may also be a member holding nOI more lhan 1/100m part ofthe issued capila l of thal compan)'; (5) of reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let by any member of lhe Charity or a Trustee; (6) to an)' Trustee of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. 6 6.2 Subjecl 10 Anide 6.3, any Truslee who becomes a Coo meted Trustee In rclalion 10 any mallcr muSI: (1) declare lhe nalure and extent of his or her interest befare discussion begins on the matter: (2) withdraw from the meeting for that item after providing any infonnation requested by the Trustees; (3) not be counted in the quorum for that pan of the meeting: and (4) be absent during the vote and have no vote on the mattcr. 6.3 When any Trustee is a Conmeted Trustee. the Trustees who are not Conmeted Trustees, ifIhey form a quorum without counting the Conflicted Trustee and are sati sfied that it is in the besl interesls of the Charity to do so. may by reso lution passed in the absenee of the Conmeted Trustee aUlhorise Ihe Conflieted Trustee. notwilhstanding any eonflict of interest or duty whieh has arisen or may ari se for the Conflieled T rUSlee. lO: ( 1) continue to panicipate in discussions leading to lhe making of a decision andlor 10 vote. or (2) disclose lO a third pany information eonfidenlial to the Charily. or (3) take any olher aelion not otherwise authorised which does nat involve the receipt by the Confli ctcd Trustee or a Connected Person of any payment or material benefit from lhe Charily or (4) refrain from taking an y step required to remove the conflict. 7. Records and Accounts 7.1 lhe Trustees must comply with the requirements of the Companies Act and of the Charit ies Act as lo keeping records. the audit a r independent examinatian 7 of accounts and the preparation and transmiss ion to the Registrar of Companies and lO the Commission ofinformation required by law including: ( 1) annual returns: (2) annual reports: and (3) annual stalements of account. 7.2 The Truslees muSl also kecp records of: (1) all proceedings al mcet ings ofthe Truslees; (2) a1l resolulions in writ ing; (3) all reports ofcornmittees; and (4) all professional advice obtained. 7.3 Accounting records re lating to lhe Charity must be made available for inspcction by any Trustee at any time during normal o ffice hours and may be made avai lab le for inspection by Members who are nOl Trustees iflhe Trustees so dec ide. 7.4 A copy ofthe Charily's const itution and latest available statement ofaccounl must be supplied on request 10 any Trustce. Copies of Ihe latest accounts must also be supplied in accordance Wilh lhe Chari ties Act to any othcr pcrson who makes a wrilten requesl and pays lhe Charilis reasonable costs . 8. Membership 8.1 The Charity must maintain a regi ster of Members. 8.2 The subscribers to the Memorandum are lhe firsl Membcrs. 8.3 The fonn and the procedure for applying for Mcmbership is 10 be prescribed by the Truslees. 8.4 Membership is not transrerable. 8 8.5 The Trustees may establish different classes of Members and may recognise one or more c1asses of supporters who are not Members (but who may ncverthelcss be tenned 'voting' members and 'members' ) and set oul their respective rights and obl igations. 9, General Meelings 9.1 Members are entitled to attend general rneetings in person or by proxy (but on ly if the appointment of a proxy is in writ ing and notified to the Charity before the cornmencernent of the meeting). 9.2 General meelings are called on al leasl 14 days ' wrinen noticc indicming lhe business to be di scussed and (if a spccial resolution is to be proposed) setting out the tenns ofthe proposcd specia l resolution. 9.3 There is a quorum at a genera l meeting ir the number of Mcmbers prcsent in person or by proxy is at Icast 30% plus one. 9.4.1 General meetings shall be chaired by Ihe Chairman or (i f the Cha irman is unable or unwilling to do so) by sorne other Trustee chosen by Ihe other Trustees at or prior to the relevant general meeting. 9.5 Except where olherwise provided by the Articles or lhe Compan ies Act. cvcry issue is dec ided by ordinary rcsolution . 9.6 Every Member presem in person or by proxy has one vote on each ¡ssue. 9.7 Except where otherwisc prov ided by the Anicles or the Compan ies Act. a written resolution (whether an ordinary or a special reso lution) is as valid as an equivalent resolut ion passed at a genera l meeting. For thi s purpose (he wri«en reso lution may be set out in more Ihan one document. 9.8. Members must annuall y: 9 9.9 (1) receive lhe accounts ofthe Charity for the previous fi nancia l yca r: (2) receive a written repon on Ihe CharilY's activities: (3) be informed of Ihe retirement of lhose Trustees who wish to retire or who are retiring by ratation: (4) (5) elcct Trustecs 10 fill the vacancies arising; appoim reporting accountants or auditors for the Charity; Members may a1so from time lo time discuss and determine any issues ofpolicy or deal Wilh any olher business put bdore them by the Trustees. 9.10 A general meeting may be called by the Trustees al any time and must be ca lled within 21 days of a written request from one or more Truslees, al leasl 10% of lhe Membership or (where no general meeting has been held within the last year) al leasl 5% ofthe Membership. 9.11 A tcchnical defecl in Ihe appointment of a Mcmber of which Ihe Members are unaware al the time does nOI invalidale a decision taken al a general meeting or a \Vritten Resolution. lO. Limited Liabilitv The ¡iabilily of Members is limited. 11. Guarantee Every Member promises, iflhe Charily is dissolved while he/she remains a Member or within one year after he/she ceases lo be a member. 10 pay up 10 f l lowards: 11.1 payment ofthose debts and liabilities of the Charity incurred before he/she ceased to be a Member; 10 11.2 payment ofthe costs. charges and expenses of wind ing up; and 11.3 the adjustment of rights of contributors among themselves. 12. Communicatians 12.1 Natices and other documents to be served on Members or Trustees undcr the Articles or lhe Companies Act may be served: ( 1) by hand; (2) by post; (3) by suitable electronic means: or Ihrough publication in Ihe Charity's newsletter or on Ihe Charity's websitc. 12.2 The only address at which a Member is entitled to rcceive notices sent by post is its address shown in the register of Members but lhe Charity may e1ect to send notices instead to an emai l address supplied by that Member. 12.3 Any notice given in accordance with these Articles is to be treated for all purposes as having been received: ( 1) 24 hours after being sent by electronic means, posted on the Charity's webs ite or delivercd by hand lo the re levant address; (2) two clear days after being sent by first class poSl lO that add ress: (3) immediately on being handed 10 the recipient personal]y: oro ifearlier. (4) as soon as the recipient acknowledges actual rcceipt. 12.4 A (echnica l defecI in servíce of wh ich the Trustees are unawa re al the time does not invalidate decis ions taken at a meeting. 11 13. Dissolution If the Charity is wound up or disso lved and after all its debts and Iiabilities have been satisfied there remains any propeny it shall nOl be paid to or di stributed among the members of the Charity. but shall be given or transferred to sorne other charity or eharitics having objeets similar to the Objeets which prohibits the d istribution of its or thcir income and propeny [ O un cxtent at leasl as great as is imposed on Ihe Charily by Anide 6.1 aboye, chosen by the Members al or before the timc of disso[ution and if thal eannot be done then to sorne other charitable objecl. 14. Interprctation 14.1 The Anides are to be interpreted withoul reference to lhe madel anides under lhe Companies Aet. which do nOl apply 10 the Charity. 14.2 In lhe Anides. unless the context ind ieates another meaning: ' th e Artic les' means the Charity's Anides of Assoc iation and ' A rt icle' rcfers 10 a particular Anide; 'Cha irma n ' means the chairman ofthe Trustees; 'the Cha rif)" means lhe company govemed by lhe Anides: 'the C ha rities Aet ' means lhe Charities Acts 1992 to 2011; 'charity trustee' has the meaning prescribed by lhe Charities Actj 'clea r da)" does not indude lhe day on which notice is given or the day ofthe meeting or other event ; ' t he Commission ' means the Charily Commission for England and \Vales or any body which rcplaces jt ; ' lhe Companies Acr' means the Companies AClS 1985 to 2006: 12 'Conflicted Trustee' means a Tnlslee in rcspcct of whom a conOiet of imerest arises or may reasonably arise because the Connicted Trustee or a Connected Pe rson is receiving or stands to receive a benefit (other than paymcnt of a prcmium for indemnity insurance) from the Charíty. or has some separate intcrest or duty in a matler to be decided. or in relation to informat ion which is confidential to ¡he Charity: 'Connected Person' mean s, in relation to a Trustee, a person with whom the Trustee shares a common intercsl such (hat he/she may reasonably be regarded as benefiting directl y or indirectl y from any material benefit received by that person, being either a member of ¡he Trustee's fami ly or household or a persan or body who is a business associate of the Trustee. and (for the avoidance of doubt) docs not include a company with which the Trustee ' s onl )' connection IS an interest consisting of no more than 1% ofthe voting rights; ' constitulion' means ¡he Memorandum and the Articles and any special resol utions relat ing to thcm; ' custodian ' means a person or body who undertakes safe custod)' of assets or of documents or records relating to them: 'electronie means' refers to eommunications addressed to specified individuals by telephone , fax or email oro in relation to meetings, by telephone conference call or video conference; ' financial cxpert ' means an individua l, company or firm who is authorised to give in vestment advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000; ' financial )'ear' means the Charity' s financial year; 13 ' firm ' ineludes a limited liability partnership; ' indemni ty insurancc' means insurance against personal liability incurred by any Trustee for an act or omission whieh is or is allcged 10 he a breach of trust or breadl of duty, unless the act or omission amounts 10 a criminal ofTellce or Ihe Trustee concerned knew thal, or was reekless whelher, Ihe 8ct or omission was a breach of trust or breacn of dUly; ' material benefif means a benefit. direct or indircct. whicn may nol be financial bul has a rnonetary va lue; ' Membcr' and ' Mcmbership ' refer to company Membership of Ihe Charity; ' month ' means calendar month; ' nomince company ' means a corporatc body regi stcrcd or having an established place ofbusiness in England and Wales wh ieh holds title 10 property for another: 'o rdinary resolution ' means a resolution agreed by a simple majority of lhe Members present and vating at a general meeting or in the case of a wriuen resolution by Members who together hold a s imple majority oflhe vat ing powcr; 'the Objects' means the Objects of the Charity as defined in Article 1; ' Resolution in writing ' means a wrinen resolution oflhe Trustecs: ' special reso lution ' means a reso lut ion of which at leasl 14 days ' notice has been given agreed by a 75% majority of Ihe Membcrs present and voting al a general meeting or in the case of a wrinen resolulion by Memhcrs who togcther hold 75% ofthe voting power; 14 ' taxablc trading ' means carrymg on a trade or business in such manner or on such a sca[e thal some or a1l of lhe profils are subject lo corporation lax: 'Trustec ' means a director of lhe Charity and 'Truslees' means the direClors buI ""here a Trustee is a corporate body "Trustee ' includes where appropriate Ihe named represenlative oflhe Trustee; 'written ' or ' in writing ' rcfers lo a legible documenl on paper or a document sent by electronie means which is eapable of being printed out on paper; 'written resolution ' rcfers to an ordinary or a special resolUlion which is in writing; 'year' means calendar yeaL 14.3 Expressions nO! otherwise defined which are defined in Ihe Companies Act have the same meaning, 14.4 Referenees lO an Aet of Parliament are 10 Ihat Act as amended or re- enacted from time 10 time and to any subordinale legislat ion made under it. 15 n »oclal Network .... Ioor. Victoria House ') Queens Road 'cton, BN' 3WB d Kingdom