WE LOVE BEING MOBILE BARCELONA MOBILE WORLD CAPITAL CANDIDACY BID MANUAL DECLARATION BARCELONA MONTJUÏC VENUE - Volume 1 ii ~r= = " - • MC1M· :y1}1¿1 Wml Generalitat ~ ~~ • • • de Catalunya Cambra de Comerç Fira Barcel'ona Barcelona Turisme u~ Bê:nl.:~luna BID MANUAL DECLARATION BARCELONA MONTJUÏC VENUE - Volume 1 This document contains information in support of Barcelona’s candidacy to become the Mobile World Capital. The Venue section includes the proposal for the Fira de Barcelona’s Montjuic exhibition centre. A second option for the Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via exhibition centre is provided in an Annex. The candidacy is equally valid for both proposals and it should be clear that there is no preference for one venue over the other. Barcelona, 27th of october 2010 Barcelona’s Candidacy for the Mobile World Capital The opportunity of the Mobile World Capital The Mobile World Congress has been a referent event and very strategic for Barcelona in terms of:  Positioning of Barcelona as a leading city in the organization of congresses, fairs and exhibitions.  Quality tourism and business.  Reinforcing Barcelona as a traditional Mediterranean city with all year B2B activity calendar.  City branding in the technology and innovation sector where Barcelona has a strong global presence.  Economic impact to the city estimated in 300 million euros and thousands of associated jobs. The GSM Association (GSMA) has proposed an international bidding in order to name the city that becomes the home of Mobile World Capital for the five-year period from 2013 through 2017. Paris, Milan, Cologne, Munich, Amsterdam and Barcelona are the candidate cities that participate in the contest. The Mobile World Capital is the transformation and the natural extension of the Mobile World Congress and gives the chance of being the world capital of the mobile telephony. This fact would allow Barcelona to help the competitive capacity and the quality occupation, to improve the quality of life of the citizenship, to boost the attraction of enterprises and talent, to ease the enterprising activity, to develop the advanced research and innovation, to support the tourist sector and to consolidate Barcelona as organizer of great congresses and events. Besides holding the Congress, the GSMA requests the creation of a Centre as the Mobile World Capital flagship and the celebration of a Festival to spread mobility to the public in general. Barcelona’s candidacy proposal Barcelona is doing an effort to create a sustainable growth model that turns the Mobile World Capital into the integrating element of the synergies of the public sector, the industry and the academy around the mobile industry. The coordination of the Mobile World Capital will rely on an entity with the purpose of promoting the mobile industry based on:  m-Living Lab: the city of Barcelona working as a giant lab to develop and operate new mobile services for the citizens.  m-Solutions: the cross-sector solution collection to develop the mobility within the private companies and the Administration.  m-Engine: the technological capacity centre to support the development ant operation of the mobile initiatives. According to the candidacy we are presenting, it is necessary:  To deploy a solid industrial policy and strategy to use the Mobile World Capital as the springboard to place the country in the advanced technology sector.  To position Barcelona around the world.  To enable the city to be a global reference in advanced research in technology.  To set Barcelona as an attractive place to set up decision centers, research centers and mobile technology enterprises, as the space where everybody gets to know the mobile innovation state of art, as an advanced urban laboratory where everybody can test new technologies and applications, as the mobile technology business project incubator, as the global court of arbitration to solve the disputes between the agents of the sector, as the training centre for global professionals in technology, as the city where takes place the main popular festival of short movie films for cell phones and so on. Benefits of the Mobile World Capital We are presenting a candidacy that has an ICT industrial policy approach. And this requires activating the classical available leverages when it is proposed either capturing a great industry for the country or having the challenge of avoiding an industry delocalization thanks to a clear value proposition. Using ICT industrial policy leverages requires support policies to innovation by establishing or boosting lines of credit for everything related to advanced technologies, by financing policies for enterprises with technological challenges through venture capital or investment funds, by creation or boost of research centers in mobile technology policies, by referent and powerful implementation policies of e-administration, e-health, e-education, etc. In addition Barcelona offers a unique environment that brings together existing assets already aligned with the Mobile World Capital (technological transfer network and clusters, advanced research centers, etc.) and a leading cross-sectorial business representation fully committed with the candidacy. So, in conclusion, the candidacy of the Mobile World Capital is a brand new opportunity of implementing industrial policies in one of the key sectors for the global economic future as the new technologies are. Barcelona is glad of being involved in the process to become the GSMA Mobile World Capital starting in 2013. We are certain that Barcelona would be a great host city for GSMA and we expect to maintain the successful relationship Barcelona has had with the GSMA and the fully commitment demonstrated since 2006 with the first exhibition. ~ ACTA DEL COMJTÉ DE DIRECCIÓN DE LA CANDIDATURA DE BARCELONA A "MOBILE WORLD CAPITAL 2013-2017" Reundo el Comaé de Oireoc,on de la CMdldatutt de Bareelons a "M08ILE WORLD CAPITAL. 201:s-201r. se aprueba p0f unenmidad el òoeurn.nto BlD MAN'IJAL OECLARATION con al cor.tenKIO de" ofana que se entraga,a a GSM As$0dalion. L,s lnsiJtuc,ooes que lntegran el comitè oan au apoyo conjurieo • la çandidatt.a de Barcelona y osumen fndl\lldualmante 10$ co~s que a cada una • eotteSl)Ollden en el manC10nado documonlO. El Mintstro de Lndustrie, Tunsmo 'f Comen:lo (5, l uel Seb.i$Wln Gascón ·=-=-- • AJuntamcnt Rm1 Generalitat (J.e, ~,e elon,1 lWJJ de Catalunya C:=l·: ..-- ,..* .. ••8•ar 3 u4ionaT ur1!>me ACTA DEL COMrT~ DE DIRECCIÓ DE LA CANDIDATURA DE BARCELONA A "MOBILE WORLD CAPITAL 201 l-2017" R.m .,. C.tnQt O- Ot-e' UflP"'l ttw ~,.. e l:, Cl"lll.,lfU"~ de oo,,,,l#M,""t• • la C:M'llld•• dl aílndlè..:.y d 8-c:.-or. -«t ......... ._._ l 4 8M~ , a!u"-' .. allft. ..l hnll tt.i ud, lnd-,,-41. . ..........,., .. ~~c