BARCELONA BCN ANTIMASCLISTA IF YOU ARE LIVING IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU EXPERIENCE GENDER VIOLENCE +34 900 900 120 24-HOUR HOTLINE AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE (free and confidential) In-person service: C. Marie Curie, 16, Barcelona Tel. 932 915 910 / 920 (Mon-Fri, 9 am to 3 pm; outside these hours, please go to C/ Llacuna, 25). FROM HOME IF YOU ARE LIVING IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU EXPERIENCE GENDER VIOLENCE BE PREPARED: • Adapt the safety recommendations to your particular situation. • Carry your mobile with you at all times and make sure it’s charged. Change the password often. • Download the My 112 app to make emergency calls. • Speak with someone you trust every day around the same time. Agree on a code word to say in case there’s an emergency. • Use your phone to take photos of your important documents (National ID card, family book, bank information, etc.), and send them to someone you trust. IF YOU ARE ATTACKED: • Call 112. • Try to immediately exit the house and head towards a community space (balcony, stairway, etc.). • If you can’t, lock yourself in a room with a window. Avoid the kitchen and the bathroom. • Shout and make noise so the neighbours can hear you. AFTER YOU ARE ATTACKED: • If your abuser leaves the home, shut and lock all the doors and windows. • Leave the home, if you can, and search for a safe place. • You can go to the hospital, to the police, or to the specialised services that are open. IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN: • Explain to them that if there is a situation of violence, they must protect themselves and not interfere. • You can agree on a code word so that they know to call for help during a dangerous situation. • If you lock yourself in a room or you decide to leave, always try to do so with them. Self-protection measures during the confinement due to Covid-19