Educating ITION Cit ies ARY ED IVE RS NN th A FOCUS L 3 0 EXPERIENCE EC IA P 35 S Sustainable Food Plan Rennes A MUNICIPAL SYSTEM OF AGRO-ECOLOGICAL, FAIR AND LOCAL COLLECTIVE CATERING Summary With the aim of promoting a certified). However, a national law different municipal departments, balanced diet, consistent with passed in 2018 establishes that, agricultural producers, the principles of sustainable as of January 2022, 50% of the distributors, social institutions development and based on a food products used in collective and citizens. The aim of the strong link between producers catering must be sustainably Plan is to foster the necessary and consumers, the City of produced. actions to ensure that, by the Rennes is committed to a end of 2020, the municipal municipal catering model that Within this context, several catering system guarantees: is underpinned by local agro- difficulties have been identified 20% of products procured from ecological production, the with regard to the achievement sustainable agriculture, 20% of prevention of food waste and the of the required sustainability products with a BIO certification, reduction of greenhouse gases. indicators, such as: the legitimate and a 50% reduction in food cost overrun of sustainable and waste. Since 1999, Rennes’ municipal organic food production, the Rennes kitchen has centralised the imbalance between the needs was one of preparation of meals served of the municipality and those City: ities by various municipal services. of producers, and the detection Rennes the founding c Country: of the IAEC and has Around 12,500 meals are of practices that generate food been a key player in prepared every day, 10,000 of waste. France the Educating Cities which are allocated to its 48 Inhabitants: movement since municipal schools. Thanks to In order to address this 221.272 1990 a firm commitment to foster situation, since 2016 the local short supply chains, the city government has promoted the Topics: has managed to ensure that formulation of a Sustainable Environment, Policy and around 80% of suppliers are local Food Plan, developed through a administration, Socioeconomic producers (15% of which are BIO participatory approach among development, Welfare Context The French city of Rennes is the capital of Brittany, France’s most agricultural region. It has a population of 221,272 and its metropolitan area reaches 450,000 inhabitants. The three main economic sectors are: the automotive industry, the food industry and digital technologies. For 30 years, Rennes Goals has seen education as a driver for development, a way of responding to X Support, within municipal competences, the transition towards an the challenges of local agro-ecological model of food production based on environmental, democracy and fighting economic and social sustainability, that is linked to the territory. all forms of inequality. Sustainability and care X Develop a food supply policy for the municipal catering system to for the environment are accompany the transition to the new model. viewed as another key area of priority development for X Raise awareness and involve citizens in favour of a sustainable, the municipal institutions. agro-ecological and local food model. X Implement measures that facilitate access to sustainable food for all citizens. Methodology The Sustainable Food Plan was initiated in 2016 with analyses of the situation and the functioning of the municipal collective catering system, focusing on the school environment. Drawing on co-construction workshops and meetings with the different actors involved (in the production, supply, preparation and consumption of food), four areas of intervention were articulated: 1. Local purchasing policy to prioritise sustainably produced food. Includes the identification of actions to be implemented, such as: the creation of a municipal purchasing centre for fresh fruit and vegetables, support for strategies to optimise processing and logistics processes (especially for dairy, meat and tinned system to re-distribute any services are involved during products), formalisation of the surplus to groups facing mealtimes (through the exchange commitment to use food products situations of social vulnerability. of good practices and specialised that are free from GMOs and support and guidance), and to palm oil, etc. In addition, the city Children are empowered to ensure that more families are of Rennes is participating in the serve themselves directly, being aware of and have access to the creation of the territorial brand provided with a choice of large school catering service (especially “Terres de Sources” with the or small dishes (depending on those in situations of social local authority responsible for the their level of hunger), and to vulnerability). management of drinking water, go back for second helpings if with the aim of introducing local necessary. Playful campaigns 4. Sustainable Food Council. and sustainable products into are also carried out to raise A space to develop a global and school catering. awareness and educate pupils strategic vision for sustainable about the prevention of food food in the city. It includes the 2. Preparation and waste through games, adapted participation of the municipal distribution of meals. Focuses educational materials, cooking technical teams involved on: studying the nutritional competitions, etc. Additionally, (education and purchasing) and quality of the menus and the implementation of and care volunteers (food professionals, improving their sustainability (for for kitchen gardens within schools producers, agri-food companies, example: providing vegetarian is encouraged. distributors, professional alternatives and proposing a day chambers, trade unions, local of the week when neither meat 3. Awareness raising and and regional authorities, nor fish is consumed, adapting advocacy. Surveys to gauge children, families and citizens in the quantities of the portions, satisfaction and studies on the general), who meet quarterly to etc.); setting up specialised nutritional status of children and reflect, share knowledge on and training programmes for the other users of the system are collectively co-construct solutions actors involved in collective conducted. It is also ensured that to the different issues and/or catering and optimising the pedagogical teams and support problems observed. Evaluation Since its inception, the project has made the municipality and positive progress in achieving the objectives set. the public institution During the year 2019, the results obtained were responsible for water materialised in: management have created their own label (Terres de X A 55% reduction in food waste (8.56 kg/year Sources) through which per child). associated producers certify their production X 36% of food products obtained through as environmentally sustainable production. friendly, efficient in the use of water and free of X 23% of food products with BIO certification. certain pesticides. This certification has made it X 85% satisfaction among children benefiting from possible to set up a local the school catering system. food supply chain that meets the values of social X An 11% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions justice (fair remuneration in the production and distribution of menus. for producers, greater accessibility to sustainable X Around 50 education actors have participated food products), the in training sessions to encourage education in valorisation and sustainable eating habits with children during preservation of natural school meals. resources (particularly drinking water) and X Publication of educational awareness-raising territorial cohesion. games based on the ‘nudge’ methodology, which encourage the acquisition of sustainable eating habits in a playful way (the monster of food waste, small/large hunger, etc.) and the Additionally, links have also been set up with publication of a magazine compiling articles various associations that work with people facing produced by schools. situations of vulnerability so that surplus food from school canteens, as well as products that With regard to purchasing policy, it is important would be thrown away by supermarkets, can to highlight the implementation of a mechanism be taken advantage of. A “free shop” equipped to protect and promote sustainable local food with a refrigeration system has also been set up, production, which is used by 13 municipalities enabling university students to take away surplus in the region. Given that, in public procurement, food produced. the criterion of proximity cannot legally be considered as a criterion of positive discrimination, Future proposals In terms of the future, the 2020-2026 Plan Contact foresees work with other municipal services that also offer collective catering services (preschools, Organisation: Rennes City Council households of dependent persons, retirement (Resources and Purchasing Department) homes, restaurants for civil servants, etc.), to reduce food waste and increase the percentage Contact Person: Ms. Typhaine Herré of sustainable products on their menus. The E-mail: commitment to urban agriculture and awareness- raising will also continue, in a bid to promote citizen engagement towards sustainable and local food, and strengthen universal access to View the sustainable food production. experience in the Bank