Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Cost Report 2018 MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CONTENT MANAGEMENT INDICATORS PER ORGANISATION 2 SOCIAL AREA (2) 3 AREA OF SECURITY AND PREVENTION (4) 7 CITY AREA (5) 10 DISTRCTS AREA (6) 16 AREA OF EDUCATION (8) 28 AREA OF CULTURE (9) 30 MANAGEMENT INDICATORS PER ACTIVITY 32 URBAN PLANNING (01) 33 ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SERVICES (02) 40 SOCIAL RIGHTS (03) 44 SPORTS (04) 48 MOBILITY / TRANSPORT (05) 50 MUNICIPAL POLICE (06) 52 FIRE PREVENTION, EXTINCTION AND RESCUE (07) 55 EDUCATION (08) 57 CULTURE (09) 59 ECONOMIC PROMOTION (10) 62 DISTRICTS (11) 64 INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN COORDINATION (12) 67 HOUSING (13) 71 CODE TABLES 73 Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 1 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services MANAGEMENT INDICATORS PER ORGANISATION Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 2 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL (2) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 3 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL (2) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) Adolescence/Early adulthood (0308) Activities and coordination of youth centres and youth information points (PIJ) (030808) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 81.557,66 2 community centres 40.778,83 per community centre Orientation,training and resources for young people (CIAJ: Information and Guidance Centre for Young People) (030801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.443.289,97 18.032 queries 80,04 per query Services and resources for adolescents (CAAJ: Academic Guidance Centre for Young People) (030802) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 85.980,23 9.279 queries 9,27 per query Elderly people (0303) Promoting active ageing (030312) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 14.747,36 349.433 people over 64 0,04 per person Family and children (0302) Promoting childhood and adolescence (030206) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 808.454,72 983 children and teenagers attended to 822,44 per child / teenager Manager's Office for Citizens' Rights, Participation and Transparency (2001) Multiculturalism and immigration (0306) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 20.781.752,42 301.626 Immigrants in the municipality 68,90 per immigrant cost accrued up to this point in the organization 20.781.752,42 82.741 people attended to 251,17 per person Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) Adolescence/Early adulthood (0308) Activities and coordination of youth centres and youth information points (PIJ) (030808) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.176.921,71 2 community centres 588.460,86 per community centre Assistance for individuals and families (0313) Basic social care services for individuals and families (031301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.581.952,64 83.967 users 18,84 per user Home Care Service (SAD) (031302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 101.556.167,22 25.284 users 4.016,62 per user Assistance for vulnerable people (0301) Coverage of food requirements (030105) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 14.210.696,28 486.079 served meals 29,24 per served meal Daycare (030104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.473.240,57 3.285 people attended to 1.057,30 per person Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 4 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL (2) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Support in gaining access to housing (030103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 7.625.982,17 201 awarded flats 37.940,21 per awarded flat Temporary residential care (030101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 13.678.849,19 883 users 15.491,34 per user Elderly people (0303) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 30.878.646,71 349.433 people over 64 88,37 per person Daycare for senior citizens (030302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 170.221,75 16.054 stays 10,60 per stay Emergency care for senior citizens (030305) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 6.665.732,08 161.033 users 41,39 per user Telephone helpline (030307) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 8.351.786,51 99.789 users 83,69 per user Temporary stays in homes (030306) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 263.250,56 142 users 1.853,88 per user Family and children (0302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 23.026.512,61 232.067 peope under 16 99,22 per person Care Team for Infants and Adolescents (EAIA) (030201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.708.847,31 3.919 children and teenagers attended to 2.477,38 per child / teenager Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) (2202) People with disabilities: service to support to lead an independent life (0316) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.767.126,96 55 users 86.675,04 per user People with disabilities: specialised care and counselling services (0315) Management of transport cards and parking (031501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 131.586,25 9.084 permission/permits/licenses 14,49 per permission/permit/license Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE) (2203) Encouragement and promotion of practising sports (0401) Sport for school-age children (040101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 8.193.368,95 159.258 participants 51,45 per participant Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 7.867.106,76 192.982 subscribers 40,77 per subscriber Sporting Events (0402) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 5 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL (2) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost City events (040203) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.691.349,45 282.683 participants 13,06 per participant Municipal Institute of Housing and Rehabilitation of Barcelona (IMHRB) (2401) Property management (1301) Property and legal management (130102) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 35.879.805,62 7.658 renting units 4.685,27 per unit Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 6 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SECURITY AND PREVENTION (4) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 7 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SECURITY AND PREVENTION (4) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) Environmental protection (0211) Other environmental initiatives (021104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 52.208,58 1.073 interventions 48,66 per intervention Surveillance and incidents in woodland areas (021101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.356.438,05 8 complaints 169.554,76 per complaint Administrative police (0607) Ensuring coexistence among neighbourhood residents (060701) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 29.827.392,01 35.233 interventions 846,58 per intervention Irregular activities in public spaces. (060703) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 418.461,42 92.951 complaints 4,50 per complaint Measures for alerts (060712) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 169.262,08 2.374 interventions 71,30 per intervention Public disturbances in public areas (060702) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.507.675,36 26.131 interventions 57,70 per intervention Public establishments (060705) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.893.616,93 2.898 inspection reports 1.343,55 per inspections Shows and others (060706) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 50.685,63 8.343 interventions 6,08 per intervention Violation of other municipal byelaws (060710) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 267.914,79 6.751 interventions 39,69 per intervention Traffic (0601) Accident assistance (060105) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 13.807.004,04 9.183 accidents 1.503,54 per accident Management of other offences (060108) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.210.623,74 725.425 complaints 1,67 per complaint Management of vehicles, storage procedures and escorts (060109) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 603.968,34 3.170 interventions 190,53 per intervention Other traffic incidents (060114) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 960.867,90 5.019 interventions 191,45 per intervention Counseling and Training (0701) External training given by firefighters (070101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 949.492,93 1.190 students 797,89 per student participant Fires (0704) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 8 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SECURITY AND PREVENTION (4) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Fires in buildings (070401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.436.901,15 2.157 expiry 666,16 per expiry Fires on public roads (070402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 738.690,65 1.835 expiry 402,56 per expiry Operational prevention (0708) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.436.059,54 2.081 actions 1.651,16 per action Drills (070803) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 987.968,01 33 simulations 29.938,42 per simulation Rescue (0707) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.934.489,61 6.584 interventions 445,70 per intervention False alarms (070705) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 337.157,87 1.797 interventions 187,62 per intervention Technical assistance (0706) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.725.000,55 5.339 interventions 323,09 per intervention Prefecture of City Police (4000.04) Security and Investigation Division (4000.0403) Police Support Unit / Canine Section (4000.040302) cost accrued throughout the organization 17.201.687,50 944 complaints 18.222,13 per complaint Traffic Division (4000.0404) Central Traffic Unit (4000.040401) cost accrued throughout the organization 11.544.142,71 39.344 complaints 293,42 per complaint Recorded Images Report Unit (4000.040403) cost accrued throughout the organization 2.939.377,41 486.560 complaints 6,04 per complaint Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 9 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN SPACE (5) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 10 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN SPACE (5) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) Animals (0203) Deceased animal collection (020301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 320.562,00 2.536 animals 126,40 per animal Cleaning public areas (0202) Cleaning the public roads and public areas (020201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 181.397.197,20 1.864 green areas and parks 97.316,09 per green area / parc cost accrued up to this point in the organization 181.397.197,20 9.876.789 square meters of sidewalks to be cleaned 18,37 per square meter Graffiti removal (020202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 5.039.741,05 334.341 square meters 15,07 per square meter Collection and waste management (0201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 112.237.550,62 40.798 collection points 2.751,06 per point cost accrued up to this point in the organization 112.237.550,62 27.299 containers 4.111,42 per container Commercial waste (020103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 16.825.699,30 55.218 tons of commercial origin 304,71 per ton Furniture and junk collection (020104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 12.733.072,39 36.942 tons of furniture and junk 344,68 per ton Green points for waste treatment and selection (TERSA) (020101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.960.921,72 17.651 ton collected 281,06 per ton Municipal market waste (020102) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.145.567,36 11.998 ton collected 345,52 per ton Environmental quality (0207) Monitoring and vigilance regarding noise awareness (020703) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 679.186,40 137 measurements 4.957,56 per measurements Operation and maintenance of public street lighting (0208) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 22.139.608,95 162.800 points of light controlled 135,99 per point Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) Urban Spaces (1204) Elevator and escalator apparatus (120406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.720.759,24 129 lifting devices 13.339,22 per device Maintenance of service galleries (120408) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 236.059,46 36.000 linear metres 6,56 per linear metre Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 11 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN SPACE (5) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.181.849,53 120.468 closures used 9,81 per closure Pavement (120411) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.398.462,67 219.234 square meters of pavement 10,94 per square mete Road structures (120402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.963.955,39 949 structures 3.123,24 per structure Urban furniture (120401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 31.476,67 100.746 signals 0,31 per signal Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 117.097,32 28 buildings 4.182,05 per building Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) Information and documentation (0107) In-person urban planning information (010701) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 224.310,33 2.853 queries 78,62 per query Obtaining reports and certificates of qualification in urban planning and orientation maps (010704) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 224.310,33 1.736 ceretificates and reports 129,21 per certificate / report Planning (0101) Orientation and processing of administrative reports for private urban planning (010101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 370.817,65 36 resources and studies 10.300,49 per resource/study Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Processing licenses for major works (011803) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 88.140,25 1.555 resolved major work licenses 56,68 per license Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 88.140,25 48 resolved town planning reports 1.836,26 per report Urban planning inspection (0105) Inspections and monitoring (010502) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.823.246,79 21.994 Inspection and control 82,90 per inspection Planning discipline records (010501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.823.246,79 34.790 files 52,41 per file Urban planning licenses (0103) Processing operations dossiers (010307) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 226.547,45 4.489 permission/permits/licenses 50,47 per permission/permit/license Processing works dossiers (010303) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 12 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN SPACE (5) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 226.547,45 43.051 permission/permits/licenses 5,26 per permission/permit/license Urban planning management (0102) Compulsory purchases (010201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 38.255,28 457 expropriation 83,71 per expropriation Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) Campaigns (0110) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 25.523.135,13 1.888 actions 13.518,61 per action Itineraries (0114) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.097.961,66 1 route / publication 1.097.961,66 per route / publication Coup De Fouet Congress: Modernism and Art Nouveau (011403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 86.717,96 2 publications 43.358,98 per publication Modernism Route (Réseay Art Nouveau Network, etc.) (011401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 309.933,11 6.503 guided tours 47,66 per tour Projects (0111) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.893.887,01 34 restoration 55.702,56 per restoration Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens (IMPJ) (5401) City trees (0214) Managing Road-Lining Trees (021401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10.489.705,15 203.348 trees and park 51,58 per tree Maintenance and refurbishment of urban furniture (0212) Children's games (021202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.623.074,41 875 children's play areas 4.140,66 per children's play area Management of green areas (0213) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 36.284.062,39 4.997 flower beds 7.261,17 per flower bed Maintenance of green urban spaces (021301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 32.994.550,93 9.529.826 square meters of green spaces 3,46 per square meter Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) Architecture and contemporary urban planning (0117) Conferences and debates (011702) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 217.497,27 3 conferences / debates 72.499,09 per conference / debate Exhibitions (011701) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 13 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN SPACE (5) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 98.837,37 6 exhiitions 16.472,90 per exhibition Interventions and acts at the Pavelló Mies (Barcelona Pavilion) (011706) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 60.949,34 3 interventions 20.316,45 per intervention Publications (011703) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 30.520,86 2 publications 15.260,43 per publication Ticket and shop sales (011707) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.131.854,05 85.993 visitors 13,16 per visitor Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, SA (BSM) (5501) Municipal mobility services (0505) Station (050505) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.579.025,53 2.180.332 travellers 1,18 per travellers Tow truck service (050504) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 23.229.357,42 97.891 effective services 237,30 per service Outsourced municipal services (1002) Zoo (100201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 19.013.816,15 785.992 visitors 24,19 per visitor Fomento de Ciudad, SA (FOCISA) (5504) Property management (1301) Property and legal management (130102) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 216.094,00 40 flats and commercial premises 5.402,35 per flat or commercial premises Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua, SA (BCASA) (5505) Initiatives (0210) Fountains (021001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 623.301,57 2.011 fountains 309,95 per fountain Hydrological warning: System for El Besòs River Park (021002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 364.818,05 3.630 opening hours 100,50 per opening hour Management and maintenance of the coastline (021003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 158.408,18 308.096 square meters of beach 0,51 per square meter Networks (0209) Urban drainage network (020901) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.633.872,46 1.620 Kms network 2.860,42 per Km network Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 14 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN SPACE (5) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 15 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 16 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 939.988,21 131 festive activities 7.175,48 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 196.571,25 4 libraries 49.142,81 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 287.256,58 28 resolved activity licenses 10.259,16 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 85.618,25 38 civil marriages 2.253,11 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 104.122,43 5.972 complaints and grievances 17,44 per complaint or grievance Urban Spaces (1204) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 289,51 720 events 0,40 per event Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 208.016,20 26 projects 8.000,62 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.052.234,39 54 buildings 19.485,82 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 23.167,02 5 centres 4.633,40 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 664.191,57 5.254 authorized procedures initiated 126,42 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 52.615,59 6.452 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 8,15 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 384.723,52 3.336 authorizations for minor work 115,32 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 17 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Subsidiary implementation file (011802) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 199.807,61 49 files 4.077,71 per file Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 252.697,09 293 resolved town planning reports 862,45 per report District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.350.231,74 404 festive activities 3.342,16 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 266.986,36 6 libraries 44.497,73 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 249.942,93 31 resolved activity licenses 8.062,68 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 33.366,03 48 civil marriages 695,13 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 117.367,83 5.331 complaints and grievances 22,02 per complaint or grievance Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 71.654,43 35 projects 2.047,27 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 275.575,13 54 buildings 5.103,24 per building Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 920.242,79 3.893 authorized procedures initiated 236,38 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 60.827,49 4.958 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 12,27 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 206.783,48 8.736 authorizations for minor work 23,67 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Urban planning files and reports (011801) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 18 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 908.386,91 645 resolved town planning reports 1.408,35 per report District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 690.818,99 677 festive activities 1.020,41 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 188.897,55 3 libraries 62.965,85 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 152.428,52 56 resolved activity licenses 2.721,94 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.468,85 79 civil marriages 56,57 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 374.006,45 455 complaints and grievances 821,99 per complaint or grievance Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 74.929,18 130 projects 576,38 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.203.885,57 74 buildings 16.268,72 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 614.278,65 2 centres 307.139,33 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 799.293,33 1.847 authorized procedures initiated 432,75 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 236.113,33 1.808 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 130,59 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 17.674,52 4.261 authorizations for minor work 4,15 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Urban planning files and reports (011801) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 19 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.279,48 58 resolved town planning reports 73,78 per report District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.195.160,33 13 festive activities 91.935,41 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 68.962,04 2 libraries 34.481,02 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 135.627,15 70 resolved activity licenses 1.937,53 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 12.711,13 53 civil marriages 239,83 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 153.408,93 2.088 complaints and grievances 73,47 per complaint or grievance Urban Spaces (1204) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 477,11 155 events 3,08 per event Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 11.442,57 58 projects 197,29 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 341.425,55 26 buildings 13.131,75 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 49.175,88 2 centres 24.587,94 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 578.847,82 1.267 authorized procedures initiated 456,86 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 93.163,60 980 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 95,06 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 20 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 122.608,21 2.313 authorizations for minor work 53,01 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 30.484,56 51 resolved town planning reports 597,74 per report District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 441.041,22 13 festive activities 33.926,25 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 74.437,61 3 libraries 24.812,54 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 167.049,97 17 resolved activity licenses 9.826,47 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.544,21 51 civil marriages 30,28 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 102.698,58 1.710 complaints and grievances 60,06 per complaint or grievance Urban Spaces (1204) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 83.127,13 366 events 227,12 per event Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 235.073,14 14 projects 16.790,94 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.958,61 28 buildings 5.712,81 per building Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 693.916,03 3.088 authorized procedures initiated 224,71 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 106.238,77 1.306 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 81,35 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 21 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 77.818,90 4.867 authorizations for minor work 15,99 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Subsidiary implementation file (011802) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 67.334,08 35 files 1.923,83 per file Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 27.315,57 140 resolved town planning reports 195,11 per report District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.080.825,83 25 festive activities 83.233,03 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 34.727,15 3 libraries 11.575,72 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 193.349,51 4 resolved activity licenses 48.337,38 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 20.929,82 77 civil marriages 271,82 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 377.199,31 1.305 complaints and grievances 289,04 per complaint or grievance Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 190.355,93 19 projects 10.018,73 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 387.549,69 27 buildings 14.353,69 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 68.010,16 4 centres 17.002,54 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 714.385,25 2.349 authorized procedures initiated 304,12 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 22 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 144.481,13 1.336 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 108,14 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 85.073,23 3.585 authorizations for minor work 23,73 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 151.161,05 62 resolved town planning reports 2.438,08 per report District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 912.917,98 12 festive activities 76.076,50 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10.166,13 4 libraries 2.541,53 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 12.152,53 3 resolved activity licenses 4.050,84 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 131.272,75 72 civil marriages 1.823,23 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.958,78 3.521 complaints and grievances 45,43 per complaint or grievance Urban Spaces (1204) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 107.768,85 556 events 193,83 per event Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 270.741,55 90 projects 3.008,24 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 395.354,51 51 buildings 7.752,05 per building Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 330.681,06 1.828 authorized procedures initiated 180,90 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 23 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 330.681,06 1.213 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 272,61 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 330.681,06 3.482 authorizations for minor work 94,97 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Subsidiary implementation file (011802) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 15.571,01 7 files 2.224,43 per file District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 944.173,86 670 festive activities 1.409,21 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 37.611,86 5 libraries 7.522,37 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 285.258,17 1 resolved activity licenses 285.258,17 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 89.405,38 90 civil marriages 993,39 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 64.279,39 4.010 complaints and grievances 16,03 per complaint or grievance Urban Spaces (1204) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10,74 459 events 0,02 per event Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 210.110,57 21 projects 10.005,27 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 489.558,46 75 buildings 6.527,45 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 64.242,42 10 centres 6.424,24 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 24 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 387.907,24 1.297 authorized procedures initiated 299,08 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.048,83 1.786 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 89,05 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 99.276,48 2.739 authorizations for minor work 36,25 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 40.004,12 3 resolved town planning reports 13.334,71 per report District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.826.533,08 370 festive activities 7.639,28 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.223,57 4 libraries 2.305,89 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 336.332,11 20 resolved activity licenses 16.816,61 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 60.696,35 81 civil marriages 749,34 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 94.507,50 1.024 complaints and grievances 92,29 per complaint or grievance Urban Spaces (1204) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.663,95 440 events 3,78 per event Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 88.492,84 19 projects 4.657,52 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 177.270,96 132 buildings 1.342,96 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 25 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 205,21 7 centres 29,32 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.767,92 1.866 authorized procedures initiated 85,62 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 18.205,62 1.140 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 15,97 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 24.443,63 2.825 authorizations for minor work 8,65 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Subsidiary implementation file (011802) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 66.352,26 1 files 66.352,26 per file Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 404.218,44 14 resolved town planning reports 28.872,75 per report District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) Festivals (0903) District festivals (090302) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.106.252,79 24 festive activities 87.760,53 per festive activity Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 33.271,85 6 libraries 5.545,31 per library District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 367.255,68 41 resolved activity licenses 8.957,46 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 72.667,95 79 civil marriages 919,85 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 475.482,89 5.335 complaints and grievances 89,13 per complaint or grievance Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 115.015,47 5 projects 23.003,09 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 26 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (6) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 500.358,00 69 buildings 7.251,57 per building Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 135.499,18 15 centres 9.033,28 per centre Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 477.209,59 2.568 authorized procedures initiated 185,83 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 311.656,51 3.018 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 103,27 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 177.711,27 4.806 authorizations for minor work 36,98 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Subsidiary implementation file (011802) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10.223,31 1 files 10.223,31 per file Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 24.047,56 209 resolved town planning reports 115,06 per report Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 27 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services EDUCATION (8) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 28 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services EDUCATION (8) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education (IMEB) (8200) Artistic education (0802) Municipal Conservatory (080201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.632.703,78 540 students 8.579,08 per student participant Music schools (080202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.894.448,58 5 schools 778.889,72 per school cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.894.448,58 2.250 students 1.730,87 per student participant Education (0801) Nursery schools and playgroups (080101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 67.174.620,03 100 schools 671.746,20 per school cost accrued up to this point in the organization 67.174.620,03 8.323 students 8.070,96 per student participant Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB) (8301) Education (0801) Nursery schools and playgroups (080101) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.359.008,59 100 schools 93.590,09 per school cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.359.008,59 8.323 students 1.124,48 per student participant Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 29 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CULTURE (9) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 30 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CULTURE (9) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ORGANISATION Unit Organisation / Process / Activity / Task Cost Count Cost Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB). (9200) Festivals (0903) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 19.271.840,10 2.312.807 for attendees of festive events 8,33 per attendee Festivals (0904) Performing arts and music festivals (090402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.043.505,08 109.868 public 82,31 per public Direction of Memory, History and Heritage (9200.02) Management Department of the Design Museum of Barcelona (DHUB) (9200.020002) cost accrued throughout the organization 10.825.297,89 169.293 visitors 63,94 per visitor Barcelona History Museum Directorate (MUHBA) (9200.0202) cost accrued throughout the organization 9.905.966,70 816.989 visitors 12,12 per visitor Castell de Montjuïc Directorate (9200.0204) cost accrued throughout the organization 3.079.164,33 831.210 visitors 3,70 per visitor Frederic Marès Museum Directorate (9200.0207) cost accrued throughout the organization 3.171.475,31 55.947 visitors 56,69 per visitor Historic Archive Directorate (9200.0205) cost accrued throughout the organization 4.522.718,36 5.895 users face 767,21 per users Monastery of Pedralbes Directorate (9200.0201) cost accrued throughout the organization 3.508.350,27 77.881 visitors 45,05 per visitor Photographic Archive Directorate (9200.0209) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.465.996,38 1.373 users face 1.067,73 per users Barcelona Libraries Consortium (CBB) (9401) cost accrued throughout the organization 17.272.383,40 6.401.065 visitors 2,70 per visitor Libraries (0908) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 17.272.383,40 5 libraries 3.454.476,68 per library Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 31 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services MANAGEMENT INDICATORS PER ACTIVITY Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 32 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 33 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Architecture and contemporary urban planning (0117) Conferences and debates (011702) cost accrued throughout the organization 241.645,94 3 conferences / debates 80.548,65 per conference / debate Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 217.497,27 3 conferences / debates 72.499,09 per conference / debate Exhibitions (011701) cost accrued throughout the organization 122.986,05 6 exhiitions 20.497,68 per exhibition Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 98.837,37 6 exhiitions 16.472,90 per exhibition Interventions and acts at the Pavelló Mies (Barcelona Pavilion) (011706) cost accrued throughout the organization 85.098,01 3 interventions 28.366,00 per intervention Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 60.949,34 3 interventions 20.316,45 per intervention Publications (011703) cost accrued throughout the organization 54.669,53 2 publications 27.334,77 per publication Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 30.520,86 2 publications 15.260,43 per publication Ticket and shop sales (011707) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.156.002,72 85.993 visitors 13,44 per visitor Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.131.854,05 85.993 visitors 13,16 per visitor Campaigns (0110) Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 25.523.135,13 1.888 actions 13.518,61 per action Information and documentation (0107) In-person urban planning information (010701) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 224.310,33 2.853 queries 78,62 per query Obtaining reports and certificates of qualification in urban planning and orientation maps (010704) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 224.310,33 1.736 ceretificates and reports 129,21 per certificate / report Itineraries (0114) Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.097.961,66 1 route / publication 1.097.961,66 per route / publication Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 34 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Coup De Fouet Congress: Modernism and Art Nouveau (011403) Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 86.717,96 2 publications 43.358,98 per publication Modernism Route (Réseay Art Nouveau Network, etc.) (011401) Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 309.933,11 6.503 guided tours 47,66 per tour Planning (0101) Collaboration and support for the Directorate of Citizen Participation (010102) cost accrued throughout the organization 370.817,65 65 participation programmes 5.704,89 per participation programme Orientation and processing of administrative reports for private urban planning (010101) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 370.817,65 36 resources and studies 10.300,49 per resource/study Projects (0111) Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.893.887,01 34 restoration 55.702,56 per restoration Public road licenses (0104) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) cost accrued throughout the organization 5.792.002,80 25.257 authorized procedures initiated 229,32 per procedure District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 664.191,57 5.254 authorized procedures initiated 126,42 per procedure District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 920.242,79 3.893 authorized procedures initiated 236,38 per procedure District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 799.293,33 1.847 authorized procedures initiated 432,75 per procedure District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 578.847,82 1.267 authorized procedures initiated 456,86 per procedure District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 693.916,03 3.088 authorized procedures initiated 224,71 per procedure District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 714.385,25 2.349 authorized procedures initiated 304,12 per procedure District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 330.681,06 1.828 authorized procedures initiated 180,90 per procedure District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 387.907,24 1.297 authorized procedures initiated 299,08 per procedure Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 35 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.767,92 1.866 authorized procedures initiated 85,62 per procedure District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 477.209,59 2.568 authorized procedures initiated 185,83 per procedure Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.578.592,12 23.997 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 65,78 per employment license District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 52.615,59 6.452 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 8,15 per employment license District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 60.827,49 4.958 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 12,27 per employment license District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 236.113,33 1.808 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 130,59 per employment license District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 93.163,60 980 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 95,06 per employment license District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 106.238,77 1.306 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 81,35 per employment license District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 144.481,13 1.336 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 108,14 per employment license District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 330.681,06 1.213 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 272,61 per employment license District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.048,83 1.786 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 89,05 per employment license District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 18.205,62 1.140 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 15,97 per employment license District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 311.656,51 3.018 licenses for occupation of public roads resolved 103,27 per employment license Minor construction work licenses (010407) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.592.354,50 40.950 authorizations for minor work 38,89 per authorization District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 384.723,52 3.336 authorizations for minor work 115,32 per authorization District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 206.783,48 8.736 authorizations for minor work 23,67 per authorization District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 17.674,52 4.261 authorizations for minor work 4,15 per authorization Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 36 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 122.608,21 2.313 authorizations for minor work 53,01 per authorization District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 77.818,90 4.867 authorizations for minor work 15,99 per authorization District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 85.073,23 3.585 authorizations for minor work 23,73 per authorization District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 330.681,06 3.482 authorizations for minor work 94,97 per authorization District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 99.276,48 2.739 authorizations for minor work 36,25 per authorization District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 24.443,63 2.825 authorizations for minor work 8,65 per authorization District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 177.711,27 4.806 authorizations for minor work 36,98 per authorization Private events in public area licenses (010404) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.109.283,95 4.139 event authorizations 268,01 per authorization Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Processing licenses for major works (011803) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.897.974,17 1.555 resolved major work licenses 1.220,56 per license Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 88.140,25 1.555 resolved major work licenses 56,68 per license Subsidiary implementation file (011802) District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 199.807,61 49 files 4.077,71 per file District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 67.334,08 35 files 1.923,83 per file District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 15.571,01 7 files 2.224,43 per file District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 66.352,26 1 files 66.352,26 per file District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10.223,31 1 files 10.223,31 per file Urban planning files and reports (011801) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.930.735,04 1.527 resolved town planning reports 1.264,40 per report Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 37 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 88.140,25 48 resolved town planning reports 1.836,26 per report District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 252.697,09 293 resolved town planning reports 862,45 per report District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 908.386,91 645 resolved town planning reports 1.408,35 per report District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.279,48 58 resolved town planning reports 73,78 per report District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 30.484,56 51 resolved town planning reports 597,74 per report District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 27.315,57 140 resolved town planning reports 195,11 per report District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 151.161,05 62 resolved town planning reports 2.438,08 per report District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 40.004,12 3 resolved town planning reports 13.334,71 per report District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 404.218,44 14 resolved town planning reports 28.872,75 per report District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 24.047,56 209 resolved town planning reports 115,06 per report Urban planning inspection (0105) Inspections and monitoring (010502) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.823.246,79 21.994 Inspection and control 82,90 per inspection Planning discipline records (010501) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.823.246,79 34.790 files 52,41 per file Urban planning licenses (0103) Processing operations dossiers (010307) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 226.547,45 4.489 permission/permits/licenses 50,47 per permission/permit/license Processing works dossiers (010303) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 226.547,45 43.051 permission/permits/licenses 5,26 per permission/permit/license Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 38 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services URBAN PLANNING (01) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Urban planning management (0102) Compulsory purchases (010201) cost accrued throughout the organization 2.421.285,12 457 expropriation 5.298,22 per expropriation Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 38.255,28 457 expropriation 83,71 per expropriation Reparcelling (projects and others) (010202) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.096.108,37 66 reparcellings 16.607,70 per reparcelling Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 39 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SERVICES (02) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 40 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SERVICES (02) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Animals (0203) Deceased animal collection (020301) cost accrued throughout the organization 324.490,32 2.536 animals 127,95 per animal Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 320.562,00 2.536 animals 126,40 per animal Police interventions according to the Protection, Ownership and Sale of Animals Byelaw (OPTVA) (020308) cost accrued throughout the organization 76.149,33 2.531 complaints 30,09 per complaint City trees (0214) Managing Road-Lining Trees (021401) Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens (IMPJ) (5401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10.489.705,15 203.348 trees and park 51,58 per tree Cleaning public areas (0202) Cleaning the public roads and public areas (020201) Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 181.397.197,20 1.864 green areas and parks 97.316,09 per green area / parc cost accrued up to this point in the organization 181.397.197,20 9.876.789 square meters of sidewalks to be cleaned 18,37 per square meter Graffiti removal (020202) cost accrued throughout the organization 5.512.313,45 334.341 square meters 16,49 per square meter Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 5.039.741,05 334.341 square meters 15,07 per square meter Collection and waste management (0201) cost accrued throughout the organization 116.014.894,40 40.798 collection points 2.843,64 per point cost accrued throughout the organization 116.014.894,40 27.299 containers 4.249,79 per container Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 112.237.550,62 40.798 collection points 2.751,06 per point cost accrued up to this point in the organization 112.237.550,62 27.299 containers 4.111,42 per container Commercial waste (020103) cost accrued throughout the organization 16.900.455,29 55.218 tons of commercial origin 306,07 per ton Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 16.825.699,30 55.218 tons of commercial origin 304,71 per ton Furniture and junk collection (020104) cost accrued throughout the organization 12.807.828,38 36.942 tons of furniture and junk 346,70 per ton Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 12.733.072,39 36.942 tons of furniture and junk 344,68 per ton Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 41 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SERVICES (02) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Green points for waste treatment and selection (TERSA) (020101) cost accrued throughout the organization 5.035.677,71 17.651 ton collected 285,29 per ton Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.960.921,72 17.651 ton collected 281,06 per ton Municipal market waste (020102) cost accrued throughout the organization 7.549.131,19 11.998 ton collected 629,20 per ton Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.145.567,36 11.998 ton collected 345,52 per ton Environmental protection (0211) Other environmental initiatives (021104) cost accrued throughout the organization 682.139,11 1.073 interventions 635,73 per intervention Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 52.208,58 1.073 interventions 48,66 per intervention Surveillance and incidents in woodland areas (021101) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.409.951,72 8 complaints 176.243,97 per complaint Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.356.438,05 8 complaints 169.554,76 per complaint Environmental quality (0207) Monitoring and vigilance regarding noise awareness (020703) Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 679.186,40 137 measurements 4.957,56 per measurements Initiatives (0210) Fountains (021001) Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua, SA (BCASA) (5505) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 623.301,57 2.011 fountains 309,95 per fountain Hydrological warning: System for El Besòs River Park (021002) Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua, SA (BCASA) (5505) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 364.818,05 3.630 opening hours 100,50 per opening hour Management and maintenance of the coastline (021003) cost accrued throughout the organization 8.980.703,56 308.096 square meters of beach 29,15 per square meter Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua, SA (BCASA) (5505) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 158.408,18 308.096 square meters of beach 0,51 per square meter Maintenance and refurbishment of urban furniture (0212) Children's games (021202) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 42 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SERVICES (02) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens (IMPJ) (5401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.623.074,41 875 children's play areas 4.140,66 per children's play area Management of green areas (0213) Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens (IMPJ) (5401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 36.284.062,39 4.997 flower beds 7.261,17 per flower bed Maintenance of green urban spaces (021301) cost accrued throughout the organization 46.449.170,45 9.529.826 square meters of green spaces 4,87 per square meter Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens (IMPJ) (5401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 32.994.550,93 9.529.826 square meters of green spaces 3,46 per square meter Networks (0209) Urban drainage network (020901) cost accrued throughout the organization 20.615.517,55 1.620 Kms network 12.725,63 per Km network Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua, SA (BCASA) (5505) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.633.872,46 1.620 Kms network 2.860,42 per Km network Operation and maintenance of public street lighting (0208) Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 22.139.608,95 162.800 points of light controlled 135,99 per point Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 43 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL RIGHTS (03) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 44 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL RIGHTS (03) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Adolescence/Early adulthood (0308) Activities and coordination of youth centres and youth information points (PIJ) (030808) cost accrued throughout the organization 6.593.285,75 26 community centres 253.587,91 per community centre Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 81.557,66 2 community centres 40.778,83 per community centre Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.176.921,71 2 community centres 588.460,86 per community centre Orientation,training and resources for young people (CIAJ: Information and Guidance Centre for Young People) (030801) cost accrued throughout the organization 2.698.845,92 18.032 queries 149,67 per query Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.443.289,97 18.032 queries 80,04 per query Services and resources for adolescents (CAAJ: Academic Guidance Centre for Young People) (030802) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.348.219,48 9.279 queries 145,30 per query Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 85.980,23 9.279 queries 9,27 per query Assistance for individuals and families (0313) Basic social care services for individuals and families (031301) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.791.660,68 83.967 users 21,34 per user Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.581.952,64 83.967 users 18,84 per user Home Care Service (SAD) (031302) cost accrued throughout the organization 101.765.875,26 25.284 users 4.024,91 per user Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 101.556.167,22 25.284 users 4.016,62 per user Assistance for vulnerable people (0301) Coverage of food requirements (030105) cost accrued throughout the organization 14.270.258,07 486.079 served meals 29,36 per served meal Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 14.210.696,28 486.079 served meals 29,24 per served meal Daycare (030104) cost accrued throughout the organization 3.502.746,57 3.285 people attended to 1.066,29 per person Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.473.240,57 3.285 people attended to 1.057,30 per person Support in gaining access to housing (030103) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 45 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL RIGHTS (03) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost cost accrued throughout the organization 7.679.206,16 201 awarded flats 38.205,01 per awarded flat Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 7.625.982,17 201 awarded flats 37.940,21 per awarded flat Temporary residential care (030101) cost accrued throughout the organization 13.992.920,72 883 users 15.847,02 per user Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 13.678.849,19 883 users 15.491,34 per user Elderly people (0303) cost accrued throughout the organization 48.231.358,25 349.433 people over 64 138,03 per person Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 30.878.646,71 349.433 people over 64 88,37 per person Activities and coordination of municipal senior citizen centres and areas (030301) cost accrued throughout the organization 6.663.263,15 56 community centres 118.986,84 per community centre Daycare for senior citizens (030302) cost accrued throughout the organization 260.774,99 16.054 stays 16,24 per stay Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 170.221,75 16.054 stays 10,60 per stay Emergency care for senior citizens (030305) cost accrued throughout the organization 7.990.150,57 161.033 users 49,62 per user Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 6.665.732,08 161.033 users 41,39 per user Promoting active ageing (030312) cost accrued throughout the organization 175.189,17 349.433 people over 64 0,50 per person Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 14.747,36 349.433 people over 64 0,04 per person Telephone helpline (030307) cost accrued throughout the organization 9.152.105,22 99.789 users 91,71 per user Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 8.351.786,51 99.789 users 83,69 per user Temporary stays in homes (030306) cost accrued throughout the organization 355.876,49 142 users 2.506,17 per user Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 263.250,56 142 users 1.853,88 per user Family and children (0302) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 46 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SOCIAL RIGHTS (03) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 23.026.512,61 232.067 peope under 16 99,22 per person Care Team for Infants and Adolescents (EAIA) (030201) cost accrued throughout the organization 10.078.012,51 3.919 children and teenagers attended to 2.571,58 per child / teenager Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.708.847,31 3.919 children and teenagers attended to 2.477,38 per child / teenager Promoting childhood and adolescence (030206) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.328.646,20 983 children and teenagers attended to 1.351,62 per child / teenager Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 808.454,72 983 children and teenagers attended to 822,44 per child / teenager Multiculturalism and immigration (0306) Manager's Office for Citizens' Rights, Participation and Transparency (2001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 20.781.752,42 301.626 Immigrants in the municipality 68,90 per immigrant cost accrued up to this point in the organization 20.781.752,42 82.741 people attended to 251,17 per person People with disabilities: service to support to lead an independent life (0316) Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) (2202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.767.126,96 55 users 86.675,04 per user People with disabilities: specialised care and counselling services (0315) Management of transport cards and parking (031501) cost accrued throughout the organization 131.717,08 9.084 permission/permits/licenses 14,50 per permission/permit/license Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) (2202) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 131.586,25 9.084 permission/permits/licenses 14,49 per permission/permit/license Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 47 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SPORT (04) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 48 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services SPORT (04) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Encouragement and promotion of practising sports (0401) Sport for school-age children (040101) Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE) (2203) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 8.193.368,95 159.258 participants 51,45 per participant Sport Facilities Management (0403) Municipal sportive installations (040301) cost accrued throughout the organization 8.933.065,07 57 centres 156.720,44 per centre Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE) (2203) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 7.867.106,76 192.982 subscribers 40,77 per subscriber District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 23.167,02 5 centres 4.633,40 per centre District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 614.278,65 2 centres 307.139,33 per centre District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 49.175,88 2 centres 24.587,94 per centre District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 68.010,16 4 centres 17.002,54 per centre District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 64.242,42 10 centres 6.424,24 per centre District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 205,21 7 centres 29,32 per centre District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 135.499,18 15 centres 9.033,28 per centre Sporting Events (0402) City events (040203) Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE) (2203) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.691.349,45 282.683 participants 13,06 per participant Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 49 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services MOBILITY (05) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 50 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services MOBILITY (05) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Municipal mobility services (0505) Bicing (050503) cost accrued throughout the organization 20.372.367,52 111.400 users 182,88 per user Station (050505) Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, SA (BSM) (5501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.579.025,53 2.180.332 travellers 1,18 per travellers Tow truck service (050504) Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, SA (BSM) (5501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 23.229.357,42 97.891 effective services 237,30 per service Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 51 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services GUÀRDIA URBANA CITY POLICE (06) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 52 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services GUÀRDIA URBANA CITY POLICE (06) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Administrative police (0607) Ensuring coexistence among neighbourhood residents (060701) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 29.827.392,01 35.233 interventions 846,58 per intervention Irregular activities in public spaces. (060703) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 418.461,42 92.951 complaints 4,50 per complaint Measures for alerts (060712) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 169.262,08 2.374 interventions 71,30 per intervention Public disturbances in public areas (060702) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.507.675,36 26.131 interventions 57,70 per intervention Public establishments (060705) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.893.616,93 2.898 inspection reports 1.343,55 per inspections Shows and others (060706) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 50.685,63 8.343 interventions 6,08 per intervention Violation of other municipal byelaws (060710) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 267.914,79 6.751 interventions 39,69 per intervention Traffic (0601) Accident assistance (060105) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 13.807.004,04 9.183 accidents 1.503,54 per accident Management of other offences (060108) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.210.623,74 725.425 complaints 1,67 per complaint Management of vehicles, storage procedures and escorts (060109) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 603.968,34 3.170 interventions 190,53 per intervention Other traffic incidents (060114) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 53 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services GUÀRDIA URBANA CITY POLICE (06) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 960.867,90 5.019 interventions 191,45 per intervention Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 54 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services PREVENTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHING AND RESCUE (07) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 55 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services PREVENTION, FIRE EXTINGUISHING AND RESCUE (07) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Counseling and Training (0701) External training given by firefighters (070101) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 949.492,93 1.190 students 797,89 per student participant Fires (0704) Fires in buildings (070401) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.436.901,15 2.157 expiry 666,16 per expiry Fires on public roads (070402) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 738.690,65 1.835 expiry 402,56 per expiry Operational prevention (0708) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.436.059,54 2.081 actions 1.651,16 per action Drills (070803) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 987.968,01 33 simulations 29.938,42 per simulation Rescue (0707) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.934.489,61 6.584 interventions 445,70 per intervention False alarms (070705) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 337.157,87 1.797 interventions 187,62 per intervention Technical assistance (0706) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.725.000,55 5.339 interventions 323,09 per intervention Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 56 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services EDUCATION (08) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 57 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services EDUCATION (08) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Artistic education (0802) Municipal Conservatory (080201) Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education (IMEB) (8200) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.632.703,78 540 students 8.579,08 per student participant Music schools (080202) Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education (IMEB) (8200) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.894.448,58 5 schools 778.889,72 per school cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.894.448,58 2.250 students 1.730,87 per student participant Education (0801) Nursery schools and playgroups (080101) cost accrued throughout the organization 76.646.971,28 100 schools 766.469,71 per school cost accrued throughout the organization 76.646.971,28 8.323 students 9.209,06 per student participant Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education (IMEB) (8200) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 67.174.620,03 100 schools 671.746,20 per school cost accrued up to this point in the organization 67.174.620,03 8.323 students 8.070,96 per student participant Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB) (8301) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.359.008,59 100 schools 93.590,09 per school cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.359.008,59 8.323 students 1.124,48 per student participant Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 58 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CULTURE (09) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 59 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CULTURE (09) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Festivals (0903) Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB). (9200) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 19.271.840,10 2.312.807 for attendees of festive events 8,33 per attendee District festivals (090302) cost accrued throughout the organization 13.487.944,04 2.339 festive activities 5.766,54 per festive activity District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 939.988,21 131 festive activities 7.175,48 per festive activity District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.350.231,74 404 festive activities 3.342,16 per festive activity District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 690.818,99 677 festive activities 1.020,41 per festive activity District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.195.160,33 13 festive activities 91.935,41 per festive activity District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 441.041,22 13 festive activities 33.926,25 per festive activity District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.080.825,83 25 festive activities 83.233,03 per festive activity District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 912.917,98 12 festive activities 76.076,50 per festive activity District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 944.173,86 670 festive activities 1.409,21 per festive activity District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.826.533,08 370 festive activities 7.639,28 per festive activity District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.106.252,79 24 festive activities 87.760,53 per festive activity Festivals (0904) Performing arts and music festivals (090402) cost accrued throughout the organization 9.783.859,59 109.868 public 89,05 per public Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB). (9200) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.043.505,08 109.868 public 82,31 per public Libraries (0908) cost accrued throughout the organization 18.193.238,77 6.401.065 visitors 2,84 per visitor Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) cost accrued throughout the organization 18.193.238,77 40 libraries 454.830,97 per library Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 60 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CULTURE (09) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 196.571,25 4 libraries 49.142,81 per library District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 266.986,36 6 libraries 44.497,73 per library District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 188.897,55 3 libraries 62.965,85 per library District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 68.962,04 2 libraries 34.481,02 per library District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 74.437,61 3 libraries 24.812,54 per library District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 34.727,15 3 libraries 11.575,72 per library District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10.166,13 4 libraries 2.541,53 per library District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 37.611,86 5 libraries 7.522,37 per library District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 9.223,57 4 libraries 2.305,89 per library District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 33.271,85 6 libraries 5.545,31 per library Barcelona Libraries Consortium (CBB) (9401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 17.272.383,40 5 libraries 3.454.476,68 per library Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 61 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services PROMOTING THE ECONOMY (10) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 62 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services PROMOTING THE ECONOMY (10) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Entrepreneurship, enterprise and training (1005) Barcelona Activa, SA (BASA) (7501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 19.995.645,10 111.429 users 179,45 per user Business (100502) Barcelona Activa, SA (BASA) (7501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 7.896.290,71 17.821 companies 443,09 per participating company Entrepreneurship (100501) Barcelona Activa, SA (BASA) (7501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 8.392.712,07 38.039 users 220,63 per user Training (100503) Barcelona Activa, SA (BASA) (7501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 3.706.642,31 55.569 students 66,70 per student participant Outsourced municipal services (1002) Zoo (100201) Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, SA (BSM) (5501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 19.013.816,15 785.992 visitors 24,19 per visitor Promoting employment strategies (1004) Barcelona Activa, SA (BASA) (7501) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 33.854.119,69 116.618 users 290,30 per user Promoting the city’s economy (1006) Tourism and events (100604) cost accrued throughout the organization 9.042.559,50 16.218.356 tourists 0,56 per tourist Manager's Office for Enterprise and Tourism (7002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 8.811.459,85 16.218.356 tourists 0,54 per tourist Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 63 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (11) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 64 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (11) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost District procedures (1104) Activity Licenses (110401) cost accrued throughout the organization 2.186.653,16 271 resolved activity licenses 8.068,83 per license District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 287.256,58 28 resolved activity licenses 10.259,16 per license District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 249.942,93 31 resolved activity licenses 8.062,68 per license District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 152.428,52 56 resolved activity licenses 2.721,94 per license District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 135.627,15 70 resolved activity licenses 1.937,53 per license District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 167.049,97 17 resolved activity licenses 9.826,47 per license District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 193.349,51 4 resolved activity licenses 48.337,38 per license District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 12.152,53 3 resolved activity licenses 4.050,84 per license District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 285.258,17 1 resolved activity licenses 285.258,17 per license District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 336.332,11 20 resolved activity licenses 16.816,61 per license District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 367.255,68 41 resolved activity licenses 8.957,46 per license Public assistance and Communication (1101) Civil matrimonies (110103) cost accrued throughout the organization 512.680,71 668 civil marriages 767,49 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 85.618,25 38 civil marriages 2.253,11 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 33.366,03 48 civil marriages 695,13 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 4.468,85 79 civil marriages 56,57 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 12.711,13 53 civil marriages 239,83 per civil marriage Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 65 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services DISTRICTS (11) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.544,21 51 civil marriages 30,28 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 20.929,82 77 civil marriages 271,82 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 131.272,75 72 civil marriages 1.823,23 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 89.405,38 90 civil marriages 993,39 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 60.696,35 81 civil marriages 749,34 per civil marriage District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 72.667,95 79 civil marriages 919,85 per civil marriage Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 104.122,43 5.972 complaints and grievances 17,44 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 117.367,83 5.331 complaints and grievances 22,02 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 374.006,45 455 complaints and grievances 821,99 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 153.408,93 2.088 complaints and grievances 73,47 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 102.698,58 1.710 complaints and grievances 60,06 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 377.199,31 1.305 complaints and grievances 289,04 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.958,78 3.521 complaints and grievances 45,43 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 64.279,39 4.010 complaints and grievances 16,03 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 94.507,50 1.024 complaints and grievances 92,29 per complaint or grievance District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 475.482,89 5.335 complaints and grievances 89,13 per complaint or grievance Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 66 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN COORDINATION (12) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 67 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN COORDINATION (12) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Large infrastructures (1205) Urban tunnels (120504) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.700.038,64 14 tunnels 121.431,33 per tunnel Urban Spaces (1204) Elevator and escalator apparatus (120406) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.731.703,76 129 lifting devices 13.424,06 per device Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.720.759,24 129 lifting devices 13.339,22 per device Maintenance of service galleries (120408) cost accrued throughout the organization 247.003,98 36.000 linear metres 6,86 per linear metre Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 236.059,46 36.000 linear metres 6,56 per linear metre Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) cost accrued throughout the organization 1.375.186,83 125.645 events 10,95 per event Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.181.849,53 120.468 closures used 9,81 per closure District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 289,51 720 events 0,40 per event District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 477,11 155 events 3,08 per event District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 83.127,13 366 events 227,12 per event District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 107.768,85 556 events 193,83 per event District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 10,74 459 events 0,02 per event District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.663,95 440 events 3,78 per event Pavement (120411) cost accrued throughout the organization 2.409.407,20 219.234 square meters of pavement 10,99 per square mete Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.398.462,67 219.234 square meters of pavement 10,94 per square mete Road structures (120402) Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 68 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN COORDINATION (12) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 2.963.955,39 949 structures 3.123,24 per structure Urban furniture (120401) cost accrued throughout the organization 42.421,19 100.746 signals 0,42 per signal Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 31.476,67 100.746 signals 0,31 per signal Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 208.016,20 26 projects 8.000,62 per project District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 71.654,43 35 projects 2.047,27 per project District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 74.929,18 130 projects 576,38 per project District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 11.442,57 58 projects 197,29 per project District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 235.073,14 14 projects 16.790,94 per project District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 190.355,93 19 projects 10.018,73 per project District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 270.741,55 90 projects 3.008,24 per project District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 210.110,57 21 projects 10.005,27 per project District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 88.492,84 19 projects 4.657,52 per project District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 115.015,47 5 projects 23.003,09 per project Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) cost accrued throughout the organization 5.100.268,19 590 buildings 8.644,52 per building Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 117.097,32 28 buildings 4.182,05 per building District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.052.234,39 54 buildings 19.485,82 per building District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 69 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN COORDINATION (12) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost cost accrued up to this point in the organization 275.575,13 54 buildings 5.103,24 per building District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 1.203.885,57 74 buildings 16.268,72 per building District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 341.425,55 26 buildings 13.131,75 per building District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 159.958,61 28 buildings 5.712,81 per building District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 387.549,69 27 buildings 14.353,69 per building District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 395.354,51 51 buildings 7.752,05 per building District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 489.558,46 75 buildings 6.527,45 per building District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 177.270,96 132 buildings 1.342,96 per building District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 500.358,00 69 buildings 7.251,57 per building Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 70 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services HOUSING (13) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 71 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services HOUSING (13) MANAGEMENT INDICATORS BY ACTIVITY Unit Process / Activity / Task / Organisation Cost Count Cost Property management (1301) Property and legal management (130102) Municipal Institute of Housing and Rehabilitation of Barcelona (IMHRB) (2401) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 35.879.805,62 7.658 renting units 4.685,27 per unit Fomento de Ciudad, SA (FOCISA) (5504) cost accrued up to this point in the organization 216.094,00 40 flats and commercial premises 5.402,35 per flat or commercial premises Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 72 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CODE TABLES Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 73 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CODE TABLES OF THE ORGANISATION Area / Type / Management Office / Subdirectorate / Directorate / Unit Social (2) Projects and Information Management Department (2001.000501) City Council (0) Specialised Care Operations and Processes Department (2001.000503) Planning and Control Services Directorate (2001.0003) Manager's Office for Social Rights (2000) Citizens Relations Department (2001.000301) Health Services Directorate (2000.04) Research, Development and Innovation Services Directorate (2001.0008) Health Department (2000.040001) Promoting Public Works Department (2001.000801) Planning and Innovation Directorate (2000.03) Manager’s Office for Housing (2002) Administration and Personnel Department (2000.030001) Local Independent Bodies (2) Infrastructure and Facilities Department (2000.030003) Legal Services Department (2000.030002) Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS). (2201) Strategy and Innovation Services Directorate (2000.0301) Directorate of Emergency and Social Emergencies and Public Space Intervention (2201.04) Communications Department (2000.030101) Department of Emergency and Social Emergencies (2201.0402) IT Systems Management Department (2000.030102) Social Intervention in Public Areas Department (2201.0401) Planning and Processes Department (2000.030104) Conflict Management from the Social Scope to the Urban Space (2201.040101) Research and Knowledge Department (2000.030105) Directorate of Social Intervention Services to Vulnerable Population Groups (2201.03) Social Participation Department (2000.030103) Department of Elderly People and for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy (2201.0302) Social Action Directorate (2000.01) Department of Social Assistance to Family and Children (2201.0301) Services for Children, Young People and Senior Citizens Directorate (2000.0102) Child and Adolescent Care Teams (2201.030101) Department for the Promotion of Children (2000.010203) Department of Social Care for Homeless or at Risk of Exclusion (2201.0303) Department for the Promotion of Senior Citizens (2000.010202) Directorate of Territorial and Community Social Services (2201.02) Youth Department (2000.010201) Department for Coverage of Basic Needs (2201.020001) Manager's Office for Citizens' Rights, Participation and Transparency (2001) Dependency Service (SADEP) (2201.020002) Active Democracy and Decentralisation Services Directorate (2001.0006) Territorial Directorates (CSS, EV, EDEE, SEIS,...) (2201.0201) Citizen Rights and Diversity Services Directorate (2001.0004) Executive Directorate of Resource Management, Service Provision and Quality (2201.01) Citizen Rights Department (2001.000401) Department of Economic and Administrative Services (2201.010003) Community Action Services Directorate (2001.0007) Department of Provision, Quality and Inspection of Services (2201.010004) Associationism and Citizens Initiative Department (2001.000702) Human Resources Department (2201.010002) Local Facilities Network Department (2001.000703) Legal Services Department (2201.010001) Feminism and LGTBI Services Directorate (2001.0001) Office of Economic Benefits (2201.010005) Care and Reception for Gender Violence Department (2001.000102) Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) (2202) Department for the Promotion of Women and LGBTI Rights (2001.000103) Communications Department (2202.000001) Information and Care for Women Department (2001.000101) Administration and Personnel Department (2202.0002) Immigration Reception and Support Services Directorate (2001.0002) Promotion and Support Department (2202.0003) Information and Citizen Support Services Directorate (2001.0005) Strategy and Coordination Department (2202.0001) Incident Assessment and Quality Department (2001.000504) Care and Advice Department (2202.000102) In-Person Services Department (2001.000502) Independent Living Services Department (2202.000101) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 74 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Section 1 of Planning and Evaluation (2202.000103) Legal-Advice Services Directorate (4000.01) Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE) (2203) Prefecture of City Police (4000.04) Facilities and Works Services Directorate (2203.0002) External Relations and Communications Office (4000.040001) Installations Department (2203.000201) Internal Procedures Unit (4000.040003) Public Works Department (2203.000202) Office of Information and Procedures (ILO) (4000.040004) Planning and General Services Directorate (2203.0001) Prefecture of the Technical Office (4000.040002) Administration Department (2203.000102) Coordination Division (4000.0401) Communication and Press Department (2203.000103) Analysis and Technical Support Unit (4000.040102) Legal Secretariat (2203.000101) Device Planning Unit (4000.040103) Sports Events and Sports Promotion Directorate (2203.0003) Joint Command Room (4000.040101) Promotion Department (2203.000301) Public Works Unit (4000.040104) Sporting Events Department (2203.000302) Security and Investigation Division (4000.0403) Consortiums (3) Information and Documentation Unit (4000.040303) Investigation Unit (4000.040304) Housing Consortium (CH) (2301) Mounted Unit (4000.040305) Publicly Owned Business Organisations (4) Police Support Unit / Canine Section (4000.040302) Municipal Institute of Housing and Rehabilitation of Barcelona (IMHRB) (2401) Protection Unit (4000.040301) Territorial Division (4000.0402) Children's Traffic Park (4000.040201) Security and Prevention (4) Daytime Support Unit (4000.040202) City Council (0) Operational Night Unit 1 (4000.040203) Manager’s Office for Security and Prevention (4000) Operational Night Unit 2 (4000.040204) Communications Department (4000.000001) Operational Night Unit 3 (4000.040205) Financial-Management and Resource-Monitoring Services Directorate (4000.03) Operational Night Unit 4 (4000.040206) Economic Administration and Procurement Department (4000.030001) Territorial Unit 01 Ciutat Vella (4000.040207) Human Resources Department (4000.030004) Territorial Unit 02 Eixample (4000.040208) Logistics and Infrastructure Department (4000.030003) Territorial Unit 03 Sants-Montjuïc (4000.040209) Fire-Prevention, Extinction and Rescue Service Directorate (4000.05) Territorial Unit 04 Les Corts (4000.040210) Civil Protection and Prevention Division (4000.0502) Territorial Unit 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (4000.040211) Civil Protection Unit (4000.050201) Territorial Unit 06 Gràcia (4000.040212) Regulations Unit (4000.050202) Territorial Unit 07 Horta-Guinardó (4000.040213) Territorial Unit 08 Nou Barris (4000.040214) Operations Division (4000.0503) Emergency Management Center Group (4000.050303) Territorial Unit 09 Sant Andreu (4000.040215) Operational Development Unit (4000.050302) Territorial Unit 10 Sant Martí (4000.040216) Operational Territorial Unit (Parks) (4000.050301) Traffic Division (4000.0404) Sanitary Group (4000.050304) Accident Investigation and Prevention Unit (4000.040402) Planning Division (4000.0501) Central Traffic Unit (4000.040401) Procedures Unit (4000.050101) Recorded Images Report Unit (4000.040403) Technical Support Unit / Technical-Operational Material Group (4000.050102) Prevention Services Directorate (4000.02) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 75 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Urban space (5) Deputy Manager's Office for Urban Planning (5003) City Council (0) Information and Documentation Department (5003.000001) Manager's Office for Urban Ecology (5000) Inspection Services Directorate (5003.0003) Department of Technical Coordination of Inspection (5003.000301) Communication and Participation Services Directorate (5000.0001) Licensing Services Directorate (5003.0005) Communications Department (5000.000101) Operating Licenses Department (5003.000501) Resources and Management Control Directorate (5000.02) Pubic Work Licenses Department (5003.000502) Continuous Improvement Department (5000.020001) Planning Services Directorate (5003.0004) Economic Coordination Services Directorate (5000.0203) Urban Architecture and Heritage Services Directorate (5003.0006) Administration Department (5000.020301) Architectural, Historical and Artistic Heritage Department (5003.000601) Strategic Services and Sustainability Culture Directorate (5000.0202) Urban Management Services Directorate (5003.0002) Educational Facilities and Programmes Department (5000.020201) Urban Management Projects Department (5003.000201) Technical and Legal Services Directorate (5000.0201) Urban-Planning Action Services Directorate (5003.0001) Legal Procedures Department (5000.020101) Local Independent Bodies (2) Urban Model Directorate (5000.01) Foresight Department (5000.010001) Municipal Institute of Urban Planning (IMU) (5201) Urban Projects Department (5000.010002) Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) (5202) Deputy Manager’s Office of Environment and Urban Services (5001) Publicly Owned Business Organisations (4) Water-Cycle Department (5001.000001) Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens (IMPJ) (5401) Animal Rights Services Directorate (5001.0003) Administration (5401.0001) Animal Protection and Management Department (5001.000301) Communication (5401.0002) Cleaning and Waste Management Services Directorate (5001.0002) Legal Services (5401.0004) Cleaning Control and Evaluation Department (5001.000203) Personal (5401.0003) Operational Management Department (5001.000201) Green Spaces and Biodiversity Directorate (5401.01) Waste Management Department (5001.000202) Assessment and Projects Department (5401.0103) Energy Services and Environmental Quality Directorate (5001.0001) Investments (5401.010303) Department of Environmental Quality (5001.000104) Monitoring and Quality Control (5401.010301) Street Lighting Department (5001.000102) Projects (5401.010302) Deputy Manager's Office for Mobility and Infrastructures (5002) Biodiversity Department (5401.0104) Mobility Processes Coordination Department (5002.000003) Sector-specific Projects (5401.010402) Urban Resilience Department (5002.000001) Strategic Monitoring (5401.010401) Work Coordination in Public Areas Department (5002.000002) Conservation Services Directorate (5401.0101) Infrastructure and Urban Space Services Directorate (5002.0001) City trees (5401.010102) Department of Large Infrastructures (5002.000105) Phytosanitary treatments (5401.010103) Department of Urban Space (5002.000104) Territory (5401.010101) Projects and Works Department (5002.000103) Resources Department (5401.0102) Mobility Services Directorate (5002.0002) Children's Play Areas (5401.010203) Department of Mobility in the Territory (5002.000207) Mechanics Workshop (5401.010202) Department of Mobility Strategy (5002.000205) Plant nurseries (5401.010201) Mobility Management Department (5002.000206) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 76 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Protecting Green Spaces (5401.010204) General Services Directorate (6003.0002) Territorial Administration (5401.010205) Communications Department (6003.000202) Mies Van der Rohe Foundation (FMVR) (5402) Internal Resources Department (6003.000201) Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) (5403) Legal Services Department (6003.000203) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6003.0004) Trading Companies (5) Licenses and Inspections Department (6003.000402) Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, SA (BSM) (5501) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6003.000401) Barcelona d'Infraestructures Municipals, SA (BIMSA) (5502) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6003.0003) Fomento de Ciudad, SA (FOCISA) (5504) Municipal District Council (6003.01) District Councillor's Office (6003.0101) Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua, SA (BCASA) (5505) District Manager's Office 04 Les Corts (6004) General Services Directorate (6004.0002) Districts (6) Communications Department (6004.000202) City Council (0) Internal Resources Department (6004.000201) District Manager's Office 01 Ciutat Vella (6001) Legal Services Department (6004.000203) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6004.0004) Communications Department (6001.000002) Licenses and Inspections Department (6004.000402) Internal Resources Department (6001.000001) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6004.000401) Legal Services and Delegate Secretariat Directorate (6001.0001) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6004.0003) Legal Services Department (6001.000101) Municipal District Council (6004.01) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6001.0004) District Councillor's Office (6004.0101) Licenses and Inspections Department (6001.000402) District Manager's Office 05 Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (6005) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6001.000401) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6001.0003) General Services Directorate (6005.0002) Municipal District Council (6001.01) Communications Department (6005.000202) District Councillor's Office (6001.0101) Internal Resources Department (6005.000201) District Manager's Office 02 Eixample (6002) Legal Services Department (6005.000203) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6005.0004) District Economic Promotion Office (6002.000001) Collserola Office (6005.000403) General Services Directorate (6002.0002) Licenses and Inspections Department (6005.000402) Communications Department (6002.000202) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6005.000401) Internal Resources Department (6002.000201) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6005.0003) Legal Services Department (6002.000203) Municipal District Council (6005.01) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6002.0004) District Councillor's Office (6005.0101) Licenses and Inspections Department (6002.000402) District Manager's Office 06 Gràcia (6006) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6002.000401) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6002.0003) General Services Directorate (6006.0002) Municipal District Council (6002.01) Communications Department (6006.000202) District Councillor's Office (6002.0101) Internal Resources Department (6006.000201) Legal Services Department (6006.000203) District Manager's Office 03 Sants-Monjuïc (6003) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6006.0004) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 77 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Licenses and Inspections Department (6006.000402) District Manager's Office 10 Sant Martí (6010) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6006.000401) General Services Directorate (6010.0002) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6006.0003) Communications Department (6010.000202) Municipal District Council (6006.01) Internal Resources Department (6010.000201) District Councillor's Office (6006.0101) Legal Services Department (6010.000203) District Manager's Office 07 Horta-Guinardó (6007) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6010.0004) General Services Directorate (6007.0002) Licenses and Inspections Department (6010.000402) Communications Department (6007.000202) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6010.000401) Internal Resources Department (6007.000201) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6010.0003) Legal Services Department (6007.000203) Department of Coordination of Actions on the Besòs Strip (6010.000301) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6007.0004) Municipal District Council (6010.01) Licenses and Inspections Department (6007.000402) District Councillor's Office (6010.0101) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6007.000401) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6007.0003) Economy (7) Municipal District Council (6007.01) City Council (0) District Councillor's Office (6007.0101) District Manager's Office 08 Nou Barris (6008) Manager's Office for Economic Policy and Local Development (7001) North Zone Department (6008.000001) Institutional Coordination Department (7001.000001) General Services Directorate (6008.0002) Department for Cooperative, Social and United Economic Services and Consumption (7001.0001) Communications Department (6008.000202) Consumption Department (7001.000101) Internal Resources Department (6008.000201) Time and Care Economics Programmes Department (7001.000102) Legal Services Department (6008.000203) Operational Management of City Promotion (7001.0002) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6008.0004) Manager's Office for Enterprise and Tourism (7002) Licenses and Inspections Department (6008.000402) Commerce and Consumer Affairs Directorate (7002.0001) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6008.000401) Operational Management of Tourism and Events (7002.0003) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6008.0003) Local Independent Bodies (2) Municipal District Council (6008.01) Barcelona Municipal Markets Institute (IMMB) (7201) District Councillor's Office (6008.0101) Trading Companies (5) District Manager's Office 09 Sant Andreu (6009) Barcelona Activa, SA (BASA) (7501) General Services Directorate (6009.0002) Communications Department (6009.000202) Internal Resources Department (6009.000201) Education (8) Legal Services Department (6009.000203) Local Independent Bodies (2) Licenses and Public Areas Services Directorate (6009.0004) Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education (IMEB) (8200) Licenses and Inspections Department (6009.000402) Public Works and Maintenance Department (6009.000401) Organisation and Information Systems Department (8200.000002) Services to People and the Territory Directorate (6009.0003) Publications and Communication Department (8200.000003) Municipal District Council (6009.01) Technical Secretariat (8200.000001) District Councillor's Office (6009.0101) Municipal Schools' Council (8200.0001) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 78 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Professional Training Council (8200.0002) Marketing, Communication and Systems Management (9200.0002) Education Promotion Directorate (8200.02) Communications Department (9200.000202) School libraries (8200.020001) Sponsorship and Public Relations Group (9200.000201) City Educational Programmes Services (8200.0201) Systems Plan Group (9200.000203) Territorial Action for Education Services (8200.0202) Presidency and press (9200.0003) Educational Centres Directorate (8200.03) Technical Secretariat (9200.0001) Educational Services: Special Needs (NEE) Support (8200.030001) Cultural Programmes Directorate (9200.01) Infant Education Services (8200.0301) Festivals and Traditions Department (9200.010001) Complementary Services (8200.030102) Festival Grec Directorate (9200.0101) Nursery Schools (8200.030101) Direction Innovation, Knowledge and Visual Arts (9200.05) Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona (8200.0303) Direction of Memory, History and Heritage (9200.02) Music Education Services (Music Schools) (8200.0302) Archaeological Department (9200.020001) Resources and General Services Directorate (8200.01) Diverse Group of Heritage Personnel (9200.020003) Economic Administration Services (8200.0102) Management Department of the Design Museum of Barcelona (DHUB) (9200.020002) General Services (8200.0104) Address of El Born Center of Culture and Memory (9200.0203) Archive (8200.010403) Administration Department (9200.020302) Food Services (8200.010401) Public Programmes Department (9200.020301) Information Point and Reprographics (8200.010402) Barcelona Design Museum (DHUB) Directorate (9200.0206) Human Resources Services (8200.0103) Administration Department (9200.020603) Legal Services and Delegate Secretariat (8200.0101) Collections Department (9200.020601) Consortiums (3) Public Programmes Department (9200.020602) Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB) (8301) Barcelona Ethnology Museum of World Cultures Directorate (9200.0208) Internal Control Body (8301.0002) Administration Department (9200.020803) Management Office (8301.0001) Collections Department (9200.020801) Centres Directorate (8301.02) Public Programmes Department (9200.020802) Programming and Support for Schooling (8301.020001) Barcelona History Museum Directorate (MUHBA) (9200.0202) Educational Facilities (8301.0203) Administration Department (9200.020203) Infant and Primary Education (8301.0201) CC Group Personal Property (Free Zone) (9200.020204) Secondary Education (8301.0202) Collections Department (9200.020201) Resources and Organisation Directorate (8301.01) Public Programmes Department (9200.020202) ICT Coordination (8301.010002) Castell de Montjuïc Directorate (9200.0204) Legal Services (8301.010001) Frederic Marès Museum Directorate (9200.0207) Financial Resources (8301.0102) Historic Archive Directorate (9200.0205) Human Resources (8301.0101) Department of Funds and Collections (9200.020501) Organisation and General Services (8301.0103) Monastery of Pedralbes Directorate (9200.0201) Photographic Archive Directorate (9200.0209) Directorate for the Promotion of Cultural Sectors (9200.06) Culture (9) Municipal Band (9200.060001) Local Independent Bodies (2) Proximity Culture Office (9200.04) Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB). (9200) Creation and International Relations Factories Department (9200.040001) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 79 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Management Department of La Virreina Image Center, La Capilla (9200.040002) Resources Directorate (9200.03) Department of Architectural Projects (9200.030003) Diverse Personnel Group (9200.030006) Economic Administration Services (9200.030001) Human Resources Department (9200.030004) Legal Services Department (9200.030005) Production and Maintenance Department (9200.030002) Publicly Owned Business Organisations (4) Barcelona Libraries Consortium (CBB) (9401) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 80 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services CODE TABLES OF THE ACTIVITIES Process / Subprocess / Task Culture (09) Promoting the circus (090103) Cross-departmental programmes (0902) Promoting the cultural sector (090101) Promoting the performing arts (090110) Activities and coordination of civic centres (090201) Activities and coordination of creation factories (090202) Promoting the theatre (090105) Activities and coordination of science programmes (090203) Promoting traditional culture (090108) Educational and cultural activities (090204) Cultural and outreach activities (0907) Districts (11) Courses and workshops (090703) Coexistence and civic-mindedness (1103) Enhancing culture (090701) Coexistence in public areas (110301) Hiring areas (090702) Local residents' communities (110303) Festivals (0903) Support and mediation (110302) City festivals (090301) District procedures (1104) District festivals (090302) Activity Licenses (110401) Festivals (0904) Enhancing the territory (1102) Literary festival (090401) Active democracy (110206) Performing arts and music festivals (090402) Employment plans and promotion (110204) Science and technology festivals (090403) Enhancing the economy (110203) Institutional recognition (0906) Initiatives for neighbourhood laws and other community programmes (110202) Awards (090601) Participatory processes (110205) Awards and other forms of recognition (090602) Regular contact with organisations and residents in the territory (110201) Libraries (0908) Miscellany (1199) Activities and coordination of libraries (090801) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (119901) Miscellany (0999) Center equated to Organization point (119902) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (099901) Public assistance and Communication (1101) Museums, factories and exhibition venues (0905) Assistance for citizens and companies: licenses, inspections, public areas, etc. (110102) Consultation service (090504) Civil matrimonies (110103) Cultural activities (090503) Management of complaints, incidents and suggestions (IRIS) (110101) Permanent exhibitions (090501) Resource digitalisation (090505) Education (08) Temporary exhibitions (090502) Promoting cultural activities (0901) Artistic education (0802) Promoting dance (090104) Artistic education (080203) Promoting heritage, memory and history (090107) Municipal Conservatory (080201) Promoting literature (090106) Music schools (080202) Promoting music (090102) Education (0801) Promoting scientific and technological innovation (090109) AMPA / AFA dynamitation (080106) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 81 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Infant and Primary Education (080102) Amphibious creatures protection program (021501) Nursery schools and playgroups (080101) City trees (0214) Secondary Education and Vocational Training (080103) Managing Road-Lining Trees (021401) Special education (080104) Cleaning public areas (0202) Training for adults (080105) Cleaning the public roads and public areas (020201) Training for adults (080107) Graffiti removal (020202) Training for adults (080108) Collection and waste management (0201) Education councils (0804) Commercial waste (020103) Municipal Council of Education (080401) Domestic waste collection (020105) Participation in school councils: educational coordination (080402) Furniture and junk collection (020104) Grants and financial help (0805) Green points for waste treatment and selection (TERSA) (020101) Exit grants (080503) Municipal market waste (020102) FP dual grants (080502) Pneumatic collection (020106) Grants and financial help for food centres (080501) Environmental protection (0211) Other financial aid for families (080504) Hunting, fishing and flora (021103) Miscellany (0899) Management and conservation of forest areas (021106) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (089901) Other environmental initiatives (021104) Promoting education (0803) Roadblocks and forest tours (021107) BCN Professional Training Foundation and Network (080302) Surveillance and incidents in woodland areas (021101) Territorial Action and City Programmes (080301) Surveillance and incidents on beaches (021105) Training Activities (0806) Waste and spillages (021102) Courses and workshops (080601) Environmental quality (0207) Environmental education (080602) Atmospheric pollution incidents (020701) Innovation and technology (080603) Environmental licenses (020707) Open courtyards (080604) Management of the monitoring devices network (020706) Measures to reduce air pollution (020702) Environment and Urban Services (02) Monitoring and vigilance regarding noise awareness (020703) Noise awareness campaigns (020704) Animals (0203) Technical support and advice (020705) Animal welfare and protection: Barcelona Pet Refuge Shelter (CAACB) (020302) Incident management (0218) Bee hives on public roads (020306) Incident management (021801) Cat colonies in public areas (020307) Initiatives (0210) Deceased animal collection (020301) Fibre optic canalisation (021004) Maintenance and cleaning of recreational areas for dogs (020309) Fountains (021001) Pigeon population monitoring (020304) Hydrological warning: System for El Besòs River Park (021002) Police interventions according to the Protection, Ownership and Sale of Animals Byelaw (OPTVA) Management and maintenance of the coastline (021003) (020308) Machinery and vehicles (0217) Urban wildlife collection (020303) Machinery and vehicles (021701) Wild boars on public roads (020305) Maintenance and refurbishment of urban furniture (0212) Biodiversity (0215) Areas for senior citizens and gymnastics. (021203) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 82 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Children's games (021202) Unauthorised works and activities in public areas (060708) Urban furniture (021201) Violation of other municipal byelaws (060710) Management of green areas (0213) Emergency measures (0608) Maintenance of green urban spaces (021301) Attacks and drills (060805) Planters (021302) Basic supplies (060806) Management of the urban allotment programme (0204) Fires and explosions (060801) Management of the urban allotment programme (020401) Hazardous substances (060803) Miscellany (0299) Public transport (060804) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (029901) Seismic movements, transfer of bodies, etc. (060808) Networks (0209) Subsidence and other building damages (060807) Groundwater network (020902) Weather incidents (060802) Irrigation network (020903) Local (0605) Pneumatic waste collection network (020904) Assistance and complaints (060503) Urban drainage network (020901) Detect and analyse problems (060502) Operation and maintenance of public street lighting (0208) Municipal building protection (060504) Festival and civil acts (020801) Patrols (060501) Public and ornamental street lighting (020802) Measures and surveillance for citizen security (0603) Reports and statements (0219) Against individual property (060302) Reports and statements (021901) Against public health (060303) Schools Agenda 21 (0206) Against the freedom of people (060304) Programmes and activities for school children (020602) Beta points (060308) School Agenda 21 support (020603) Gender violence (060311) Subsidies (020601) Joint operation (060306) Specialist services (0216) Legal and police orders (060301) Surveillance team (021602) Metro points (060309) Weekend services (021601) Other citizen safety initiatives (060313) People’s physical integrity (060312) Guàrdia Urbana city police (06) School points (060310) Special measures (060307) Administrative police (0607) Violations of the alien status act (060305) Animal care and collection (060707) Miscellany (0699) Combating illegal street vending (060704) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (069901) Ensuring coexistence among neighbourhood residents (060701) Police assistance (0606) Irregular activities in public spaces. (060703) Collaboration with other assistance services (060602) Measures for alerts (060712) Public assistance (060601) Other administrative police actions (060709) Prevention and management of incidents involving minors (0602) Public disturbances in public areas (060702) Prevention and management of incidents involving minors (060201) Public establishments (060705) Prisoners and detainees (0604) Recovery of objects (060711) Transfer and custody of people under arrest (060401) Shows and others (060706) Public order (0609) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 83 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Conflict management on public roads (060902) Infrastructure and Urban coordination (12) Demonstrations and rallies (060901) Contingencies and emergencies (1203) Occupations (060903) Resilience (120301) Offences against public order (060904) Switchboard for incident and emergency management (120302) Traffic (0601) Large infrastructures (1205) Accident assistance (060105) Barcelona ring roads and Gran Via Nord (120503) Broken down vehicles (060101) Municipally governed infrastructures (120501) Incidencts with signs and traffic lights (060104) Non-municipally governed infrastructures (120502) Inconsistent driving (060107) Urban tunnels (120504) Management of other offences (060108) Miscellany (1299) Management of poorly parked vehicles (060106) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (129901) Management of vehicles, storage procedures and escorts (060109) Strategic and cross-departmental projects (1202) Mobility devices (060112) Studies, projects and follow-up on strategic projects (120201) Obstacles in the road or paths (060102) Urban Spaces (1204) Other traffic incidents (060114) Accessibility (120407) Road safety education (060111) Electric vehicle infrastructures (120410) Routine traffic monitoring and surveillance (060110) Elevator and escalator apparatus (120406) Specific road safety campaigns (060113) Maintenance of road and path markings (120403) Traffic surveillance during events (060103) Maintenance of service galleries (120408) Maintenance of vertical sign posts and signals (120404) Housing (13) Management of events infrastructure: elements, teams, fences, signs, etc. (120409) Consultations and procedures regarding housing (1304) Pavement (120411) One-stop shop: support, support, bag, registration, ... (130401) Preventative maintenance and repairs to the public roads and pavements (120405) Miscellany (1399) Road structures (120402) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (139901) Urban furniture (120401) Property management (1301) Work Coordination in Public Areas (1201) Advice and management for strategic projects (130104) Coordination of public service infrastructures (ACEFAT) (120101) Housing services (130107) Drafting studies, work projects, preliminary and receiving reports (120103) Other management assignments (130106) Preventative maintenance and repairs to municipal buildings (120104) Property and legal management (130102) Work and Mobility Coordination in Public Areas (COM) (120102) Property promoter (excluding investments) (130101) Technical and administrative support for other operators (130105) Mobility (05) Urban planning management (1303) Metropolitan transport (0504) Advice, mediation and social emergencies for the appropriate use of housing (130305) Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) (050401) Citizen advice offices network (130301) Miscellany (0599) Financial aid for affordable housing (130304) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (059901) Financial aid for rehabilitation and habitability certificates (130302) Mobility in the territory (0503) Registration and allocation of social housing (130303) Implementation of changes in mobility in the region (050301) Mobility management (0501) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 84 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Public transport stops (050101) Reports and administrative actions (0709) Road safety initiatives and improvements (050102) Mandatory project reports (070903) Traffic information (050103) Projects and events (070902) Traffic light installations (050105) Reports of events (070904) Traffic management (050104) Self-protection Plans (PAUs) SPEIS competition (070901) Mobility strategy (0502) Rescue (0707) Road safety strategy (050202) False alarms (070705) Urban Mobility Plan (050201) Help and assistance to people (070701) Municipal mobility services (0505) Rescues and capture of live animals (070704) Bicing (050503) Rescues in elevators (070702) Comprehensive road parking system (AREA) (050502) Rescues of dead people (070703) Parking (050501) Technical assistance (0706) Station (050505) Assistance abroad (070603) Tow truck service (050504) Assistance in buildings (070601) Assistance on public roads (070602) Prevention, Fire Extinguishing and Rescue (07) Counseling and Training (0701) Promoting the economy (10) Citizen service and telephone consultations (070103) Consumption (1008) Concerted visits with entities and companies (070102) Promoting consumerism, defending consumers, etc. (100801) External training given by firefighters (070101) Entrepreneurship, enterprise and training (1005) Dissemination of prevention and participation of citizens (0710) Business (100502) Bring open in fire stations (071002) Entrepreneurship (100501) Informative activities (071003) Training (100503) Visits of schools and groups to fire stations (071001) Local socioeconomic development (1007) Fires (0704) Local development (100701) Fires in buildings (070401) Socioeconomic innovation (100702) Fires on public roads (070402) Markets (1001) Fires outside (070403) Markets (100104) Inspections (0711) Processing files (100103) Fireworks and bonfires (071101) Miscellany (1099) Inspections of operation and of office (071102) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (109901) Miscellany (0799) Outsourced municipal services (1002) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (079901) Parc Fòrum and Parc Montjuic (100202) Operational prevention (0708) Parc Güell (100204) Discharges of dangerous goods to the Port (070802) The Olympic Ring (100203) Drills (070803) Zoo (100201) Knowledge of the around (070801) Portfolio companies (1003) Proactive prevention (0712) Cementiris, SA (100301) UOTs Proactive prevention (071201) Mercabarna, SA (100303) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 85 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Parc d’Atraccions del Tibidabo, SA (100302) Group and community-based prevention services (031401) Tractament i Selecció de Residus, SA (TERSA) (100304) Support services for groups (031402) Promoting employment strategies (1004) Support services for various groups using the resources of the community environment (031403) Comprehensive projects (100401) Assistance for vulnerable people (0301) Cross-departmental programmes (100402) Coverage of food requirements (030105) Orientation and training (100403) Coverage of hygiene requirements (030106) Promoting the city’s economy (1006) Daycare (030104) Civic officers (100606) Evictions warehouse (030107) Promoting the city’s economy (100602) Inclusion housing with socio-educational support (030102) Support for commerce and tourism (100603) Municipal inclusion support projects (030110) Tourism and events (100604) Organisations for the social inclusion of the homeless (030109) Tourism and events (100605) Support for personal peremptory needs (030108) Time and quality of life (1009) Support in gaining access to housing (030103) Full-time family programmes (100901) Temporary residential care (030101) Full-time youth programmes (100905) Citizens’ rights (0310) NUST companies network (100902) Assistance for mediation and consultation of rights (031002) Strategic planning, studies and evaluation of programmes (100903) International networks (031003) Time banks (100904) Local strategy for the Gypsy community (031005) Promoting education and awareness about citizens’ rights and duties (031004) Social Rights (03) Promoting religious freedom (031001) Community action (0307) Adolescence/Early adulthood (0308) Community action (030702) Activities and coordination of youth centres and youth information points (PIJ) (030808) Community development plan (030701) Information services and resources for organisations (030803) Elderly people (0303) Night-time study rooms (030805) Activities and coordination of municipal senior citizen centres and areas (030301) Orientation,training and resources for young people (CIAJ: Information and Guidance Centre for Young Agreements (030310) People) (030801) Assistance for mistreated senior citizens (030313) Promoting young people (030809) Assisted-living housing (030304) Services and resources for adolescents (CAAJ: Academic Guidance Centre for Young People) (030802) Daycare for senior citizens (030302) Strategic planning and evaluation of programmes (030807) Emergency care for senior citizens (030305) Support for alternative leisure and culture and youth creation culture (030806) Live and coexist programme (030309) Youth employment and job placement programmes (030804) Organisations for the promotion of senior citizens (030316) Assistance for individuals and families (0313) Organisations providing care for senior citizens (030315) Basic social care services for individuals and families (031301) Promoting active ageing (030312) Economic provisions (031303) Promoting senior citizens (030314) Home Care Service (SAD) (031302) Residential care for senior citizens (030303) Prevention services for social exclusion (031305) Senior citizen's travel card ("Targeta rosa") (030311) Services for covering basic needs (031304) Subsidised travel (030308) Social action and social integration programmes (031306) Telephone helpline (030307) Assistance for organisations (0314) Temporary stays in homes (030306) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 86 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Entities (0320) Accessibility services (031703) Promotion of the activity for the operation of the entities (032001) Promotion services (031701) Family and children (0302) Specialist transport (031704) Activities and coordination of children’s and adolescents’ centres and children's play areas. (030204) Public health (0311) Activities and coordination of open centres (030202) Care programme and prevention for drug-dependency (031101) Care Team for Infants and Adolescents (EAIA) (030201) Municipal Staff Health Care Provision (PAMEM) (031107) Collaborative families (030203) Promoting and taking care of health (031102) Holiday campaign (030205) Promoting health (031106) Organisations for the promotion of children (030211) Promoting health and disease prevention (031104) Organisations providing psychotherapy assistance to children at risk (030209) Public health protection programme (031103) Organisations with open centres and day centres (030208) Research innovation and evaluation (031105) Organisations with projects to assist children at risk (030210) Social emergencies (0304) Promoting and getting involved with childhood (030207) Social emergencies (030401) Promoting childhood and adolescence (030206) Social interventions in public areas (0305) Miscellany (0399) Assistance and support for homeless people (030501) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (039901) Conflict management (030503) Multiculturalism and immigration (0306) Identification and intervention with foreign minors (030504) Antirumour strategy (030602) Office of the Irregular Settlement Plan (OPAI) (030505) Assistance for Foreign Expatriates (030607) Social assistance for the travelling community (030502) Assistance for refugees (030611) Strategy and Innovation (0318) Immigration and education programme (030601) Memories and Publications (031801) Immigration and participation programme (030608) Women (0312) Language courses (030609) Care for women and children against gender violence (031204) Multicultural coexistence and awareness of migration programmes (030606) Care services for gender violence (031202) Reception plan (030603) Care services for women engaged in prostitution and victims of sexual exploitation (031206) Reunification programme: new families (030604) Execution of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Plan (031209) Settlement and housing reports (030605) Information, awareness and prevention campaigns (031201) Social advancement of immigration (030610) Prevention services against gender violence (031203) People with disabilities: planning and evaluation services (0319) Promoting equality between men and women (031205) Accessibility Plan (031901) Social advancement of women (031208) Memories and Publications (031902) Strategic planning, studies and evaluation of programmes (031207) People with disabilities: service to support to lead an independent life (0316) Assistance in early care (031602) Sport (04) Personal assistant (031601) Encouragement and promotion of practising sports (0401) Residential care (031603) Holiday campaigns (040104) People with disabilities: specialised care and counselling services (0315) Programmes for organisations (040102) Enquiry management (031502) Sport for school-age children (040101) Job placement (031503) Sport, health and society (040105) Management of transport cards and parking (031501) Sports Organisations (040106) People with disabilities: support services (0317) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 87 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Miscellany (0499) Other initiatives: canvases, protocols, etc. (011203) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (049901) Investment management (0116) Sport Facilities Management (0403) Coordination of investments in the territory (011602) Municipal sportive installations (040301) Investment management (BIMSA) (011601) Other equipments (040303) Itineraries (0114) Sporting Events (0402) Books and magazines (CoupDeFouet, etc.) (011402) City events (040203) Centre del Modernisme - Pavellons Güell (011404) Major ad-hoc sporting events (040201) Coup De Fouet Congress: Modernism and Art Nouveau (011403) Fairs (011405) Structural indirect costs of the organisation (00) Modernism Route (Réseay Art Nouveau Network, etc.) (011401) Landscape uses (0113) Enquiries about municipal Ordinance surveys (011301) Urban Planning (01) Miscellany (0199) Architectural heritage (0106) Amounts not allocated by the responsible Management (019901) Advice and consultation about the heritage protection of works (010601) Planning (0101) Monitoring work on architectural heritage (010603) Collaboration and support for the Directorate of Citizen Participation (010102) Preliminary report on Architectural, Historic and Artistic Heritage (AHA) for public works (010602) Drafting and processing of administrative reports for public urban planning (010103) Architecture and contemporary urban planning (0117) Orientation and processing of administrative reports for private urban planning (010101) Collection (011705) Urban planning in the city (010104) Conferences and debates (011702) Projects (0111) Exhibitions (011701) Dividing walls (011101) Interventions and acts at the Pavelló Mies (Barcelona Pavilion) (011706) Small landscapes (011102) Mies Awards (011704) Public road licenses (0104) Publications (011703) Activity inspections in public areas (010406) Ticket and shop sales (011707) Commercial occupancy licenses for pavements and public areas (010403) University projects (011708) Dropped curb licenses for public roads (010401) Campaigns (0110) Individual points of sale and newspaper kiosksin public areas (010408) Rehabilitation support (011001) Licenses for markets and traditional fairs (010405) Communication (0115) Minor construction work licenses (010407) Advertising (011503) Parking reservations in public areas (010402) Mobile applications (011501) Private events in public area licenses (010404) Websites (011502) Urban landscape (0109) Information and documentation (0107) Information and procedures regarding urban landscape (010902) In-person urban planning information (010701) Information and support regarding urban landscape (010901) Obtaining reports and certificates of qualification in urban planning and orientation maps (010704) Urban model projects (0119) Online consultation of town planning information (010703) Drafting public area projects (011901) Online urban planning information (010702) Drafting strategic studies (011903) Initiatives (0112) Management and refurbishment of urban furniture (011902) Courtyards (011201) Urban planning document resources and databases (0108) Emblematic establishments (011202) Digitalisation of the document archive (010801) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 88 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06 Presidency and Economics Department Ajuntament Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Policy de Barcelona Directorate of Cost Management and Assessment Services Maintenance of urban databases (alphanumerical and graphical) (010802) Urban Planning Initiatives (0118) Listed ruin (011804) Processing licenses for major works (011803) Subsidiary implementation file (011802) Urban planning files and reports (011801) Urban planning inspection (0105) Inspections and monitoring (010502) Planning discipline records (010501) Urban planning licenses (0103) Assistance and orientation for activity-based projects (010305) Assistance and orientation for private works projects (010301) Licenses and certifications related to registry operations (010304) Preliminary reports to the presentation of works dossiers (010302) Preliminary reports to the request of activity dossiers (010306) Processing operations dossiers (010307) Processing works dossiers (010303) Urban planning management (0102) Administrative launches (010205) Compulsory purchases (010201) Economic studies and assessments (010204) Mandatory and elective reports (010203) Reparcelling (projects and others) (010202) Road concessions (010206) Urbanisation and demolition (010207) Cost report 2018: MANAGEMENT INDICATORS REPORT 89 .. 89 11-04-2021 15:06