Glossary Agro-ecological production product: agri-food product that meets the conditions established in Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 30 May 2018, on organic p roduction and labelling of o rganic p roducts and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007. This may be verified by means o f a certificate issued by the Catalan Council for Organic Agricultural Production or by any other authorised regional o r s tate body, and may also be certified by the presentation of sufficient p roof that the conditions have been met. Ref: Integrated production product: agri-food product that meets the conditions established in Royal Dec ree 1201/2002, of 20 November, which regulates the integrated production of agricultural p roducts (BOE no. 287, of 30 November 2002). This may be verified by means of a certificate issued by the Catalan Council fo r Integrated Production or by any other authorised regional o r s tate body, and may also be certified by the presentation of sufficient proof that the conditions have been met. Ref: Integrated production Diffe rentia ted quality product: agri-food product of special quality , certified by means of a PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) o r PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) certificate, in o rder to comply with the conditions derived from Regulation (EU) no. 1151/2012, on agricultural and food product quality s tandards (OJ EU no. L343, 14/1212012), o r certified by another means that certifies the fulfilment of those conditions. Ref: Diffe rentiated quality Local Sales Decree 24/2013: Direct/Short-Circuit Selling: Local sale is the sale of agri-food products , from the land o r the fa rm o r as a result of a processing or transformation process that p roducers o r g roups of agricultural p roducers carry out fo r the benefit of the end consumer, either directly o r th rough the inte rvention of an intermediary . Local sale includes direct and short-circuit sales. Local sale is identified by a logo, which indicates: – The decree that regulates this type of sale – The name of the Government of Catalonia – The sales method: direct o r short circuit Decree 24/2013, of 8 January, regulating the certification of the local sale of agri -food products . a) Local sale: sale of agri-food products , from the land or fa rm and/or as a result of an elaboration or transformation process that is carried out in favour of the final consumer, directly o r th rough the intervention of an inte rmediary , by the producers or groups of agricultu ral producers . Local sale includes direct and short-c ircuit sales. b) Direct sale: a sale made directly by p roducers , g roups of p roducers and agricultural producers to the end consumer, without the inte rvention of an intermediary. c ) Short-c ircuit sale: a sale made directly by p roducers , g roups of p roducers and agricultu ral producers to the end consumer, with the intervention of an intermediary d) Agricultu ral p roducers’ association: any type of associative entity recognised in agricultu ral p roducers’ law, which sells both the products p roduced or produced and processed by its associated producers , and the products p roduced and processed by the group with the products p rovided by its associated producers , as long as the associated producers are owners of a fa rm whose data a re included in the integrated system of data on agricultural holdings in Catalonia managed by the department responsible fo r agriculture and food. To this end, agricultu ral cooperatives and agricultu ral transformation companies are also considered to be agricultural p roducer associations. e) Own production of agri-food products : p roduction obtained by the producer o r by the group of agricultural p roducers , whether it comes from the land or from the fa rm of the holding of which they are the owners. f) Own production: p roduction or transformation process carried out by the p roducer o r group of agricultural p roducers with the main raw materials from the farm of wh ich both the producers and the producer members of the association must be the owners. This process can be carried out on or off the fa rm as long as, in the firs t of the two cases, the producers have the necessary means to carry out this p reparation or transformation and in those cases determ ined by the specific regulations. g) Intermediary : retail es tablishments , agricultural p roducer associations when they market p roducts that come from non-associated producers , rural tourism establishments , catering establishments , including collective catering establishments, when the products are sold directly to the end consumers. Ref: Dec ree 24/2013 of 8 January. http://Venda directa_Cicuit Curt Fair trade: Fair trade products are considered to be those produced and marketed under conditions of respect fo r basic labour rights and environmental protection in accordance with the description established by the European Parliament in Article 2 of its Resolution on Fair Trade and Development (2005/2245 (INI)). “It is considered that, in o rder to elim inate the risk of abuse, fair trade has to comply with a series of c riteria o r p rinciples defined by the European fair trade movement as follows: ● 1. A fair p rice for the producer, which guarantees a fair income and makes it possible to cover sustainable production costs and subsis tence costs ; this price must be at least equal to the m inimum price and prem ium defined by international fair trade associations. ● 2. Part of the payment must be made in advance if requested by the producer. ● 3. A s table and long-term relationship with p roducers , as well as their involvement in the establishment of fair trade s tandards. ● 4. Transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain, in o rder to guarantee adequate info rmation to the consumer. ● 5. Production conditions that respect the twenty fundamental conventions o f the International Labour Organisation (ILO). ● 6. Respect fo r the environment, the protection of human rights , in particular the rights of women and children, as well as respect fo r traditional p roduction methods that p romote economic and social development. ● 7. Sk ills development and training programmes fo r p roducers , especially fo r small and marginal p roducers in developing countries , fo r their o rganisations and fo r their community perspectives, in o rder to ensure the sustainability o f fair trade. ● 8. Support fo r production and market entry fo r p roducer organisations. ● 9. Awareness-raising activities on production and trade relations within the framework of fair trade, its m ission and objectives, and on the injustice prevailing in international trade rules. ● 10. The monitoring and verification of the fulfilment of these c riteria, within the framework of which the organisations in the southern hemisphere must play an important role, with the aim of reducing costs and inc reasing their participation in the certification process. Ce rtification Websites World Fair Trade Organisation Fairtrade Naturland fair Fair For Life ws/indexDOM .php?client_id=fairfo rlife&page_id=home Small producers’ logo In addition to the above labels o r fair trade seals , in compliance with the provisions of Articles 43 and 44 of Directive 2014/24/EU, when mentioning these specific labels , the contracting authorities , must accept all other labels that confirm that they meet the equivalent requirements for the purposes of the above labels . International seal guide Processed foods a re those natural foods (unprocessed or m inimally p rocessed) to which salt, sugar, oils and fats , p reservatives or additives have been added in o rder to extend their shelf life, change their tex tu re, give them more intense flavours o r make them more attractive. This category includes foods that usually have a maximum of two or th ree ingredients and preserve the identity and most of the constituents of the original food, such as canned vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, fruits and fish, some processed meat such as pork , cured pork sausage or smoked fish, d ried salted fruit, b read and cheese. Ref: Public Health Agency of Catalonia. “Small Changes to Eat Bette r” food guide Ultra -processed foods a re fo rmulations of various ingredients , almost always produced by industrial techniques. In addition to salt, sugar, oils and fat, they contain substances and additives which, although safe, serve only to enhance or modify tas tes. They are presented in attractive and sophis ticated packaging. This category includes carbonated, sugared and energy drinks, savoury and s weet snacks, b rioche, pastries , biscuits , breakfast cereals, spreads (margarines), fruit yoghurts and dairy desserts , and ready meals , food preparations based on cheese, p rocessed meat p roducts such as sausages, hamburgers, cured sausages, etc . Ref: Public Health Agency of Catalonia. “Small Changes to Eat Bette r” food guide All mammalian muscle meat is considered red meat, including the beef, veal, pork , lamb, horse and goat. White meat is , therefore, the meat from fowl, as well as rabbit. Processed meat is meat that has been transformed by salting, curing, fe rmenting, smoking or other processes to improve its tas te o r p reservation (including pork , sausages, hamburgers, meatballs , p reserved meat, dried meat, meat-based preparations and sauces, etc .). Ref: World Health Organisation (WHO). International Agency fo r Research on Cancer. Questions and ans wers on the carcinogenicity of red meat and processed meat consumption. Free sugars : Free sugars a re those that have been added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, the cook or the consumer, as well as sugars naturally present in honey, caramel, fruit juices and fruit concentrates for juices. Ref: Public Health Agency of Catalonia. “Small Changes to Eat Bette r” food guide Sugared drinks. Sugared drinks are those containing added caloric s weeteners such as, among others , sugar, honey, fructose, sucrose, corn sy rup, maple syrup, agave nectar or syrup and rice syrup. These include soft d rinks, isotonic d rinks, energy drinks, juice drinks with added sugars and fruit nectars , sugared m ilk drinks, sugared vegetable drinks, etc . Ref: Health Channel. Sugared drinks. Food waste: Food waste means food intended fo r human consumption, in a s tate fit to be ingested or not, that is removed from the production or supply chain to be discarded at the stages of p rimary production, transformation, manufacture, transport, packaging, dis tribution and final consumer, with the exception of the primary production losses. Ref: Department for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda. Food waste Fresh product: agri-food product that conserves its o riginal unaltered qualities and which has not been frozen, deep-frozen or heat-treated. Seasonal produce: fruit o r vegetable with specific harvesting months and that has an optimal p roduction period. Seasonal foods are those which are at their optimum point of consumption and which are only available on the market, in a natural way, fo r a certain period of time at some point in the year, due to the biological cycle. See Annex 1 fo r seasonal fruit and vegetable calendars. Animal welfa re: The te rm animal welfa re refers to the physical and mental s tate of an animal in relation to the conditions in which it lives and dies. An animal experiences good welfa re if it is healthy, comfortable, well fed, safe, and if it does not experience unpleasant sensations such as pain, fear o r discomfort and is able to express behaviours that a re important for its physical and mental s tate of well-being. Health code