Refugis climàtics: procés participatiu The “CLIMATE REFUGEES” project is enshrined in the European Commission’s “Urban Innovation Action” (UIA) programme whose aim is to try out new solutions for sustainable urban development that have an impact on all the EU’s member states. Climate shelters, Urban Innovation Action” (UIA) i Unió Europea Project co-funded with ERDF funds within the framework of the 3rd UIA call Contents 1 Context ............................................................................. 04 2 Aims of the participatory process ................................... 05 3 Target population ............................................................. 06 4 Participatory process ...................................................... 07 - Before beginning the participatory process .................... 07 - Participatory process sessions ..................................... 07 Session 1.......................................................................... 07 Session 2 ......................................................................... 10 Feedback session ............................................................ 12 Session 3 ......................................................................... 14 Session 4 ......................................................................... 16 5 Brief evaluation ................................................................ 18 1 Context The Climate Shelters project, which Barcelona City Council is deploying with the support and funding of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the third call of the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) programme, seeks to help schools adapt to the requirements posed by climate change. These transformations take place through the implementation of green (trees and plants), blue (water stations) and grey (shade and ventilation elements) solutions in school playgrounds and buildings. The pilot test involves the transformation of eleven schools in the City of Barcelona. The enti- re education community participates in the design process, playing an active role in selecting the solutions to be implemented in each specific school. The solutions are assessed in order to ascertain their impact on the environment and the health and well-being of all users, inclu- ding students, teachers and local residents. The experience raises awareness of how to combat and adapt to climate change in all parti- cipating schools, which also receive specific resources and training on the subject. The local community can also benefit from these transformations, with school playgrounds being ope- ned up to the public outside of school hours. 3 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process 2 Aims of the participatory process The general aim of the participatory process is to involve the education community in the project. It also seeks to accomplish the following specific goals: 1) To help specialists to define the measures that will be implemented in each school, according to its particular needs and characteristics. 2) To evaluate the impact of the implemented measures. 4 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process 3 Target population The participatory process is aimed at the entire education community: teachers, stu- dents, families and non-teaching staff. It also includes associations, neighbourhood or- ganisations and shops. Management team The management team is responsible for project coordination at the school. Its role is to get the education community engaged in the project, as well as supervising and fostering activities associated with the project. Teachers The teaching staff play a key role in helping to provide students with the teaching mate- rials associated with the climate-shelter project. Within the teaching staff, those teaching 5th and 6th year students are of special importance, as they are part of the steering group for the project in the school. Students All the students take part in the participatory process, especially those in their 5th and 6th years, who are part of the group driving the project in the school. As well as forming part of the project’s steering group, which takes part in the participatory-process ses- sions, they also work on the climate emergency in school. Families / SFA Many of the schools taking part in the climate-shelter project have families who are very involved in school affairs, and even the respective Student Family Associations (SFA) have working groups and committees that discuss playgrounds, sustainability and cli- mate change. Their participation may therefore provide a very positive contribution to the project. Other groups In some schools, it may be appropriate to include other stakeholders in monitoring-team discussions (reception, school canteen, after-school activities, etc.), including caretakers, cleaning and/or maintenance staff, as well as associated facilities (nearby nursery or se- condary schools, organisations that work closely with the school, etc.). Each school calls the meetings, striving to achieve the highest possible representation of all sensibilities and profiles present at the school. 5 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process 4 Participatory process Before beginning the participatory process During the initial training sessions, the schools are asked to form a steering group, formed by all the above-mentioned stakeholders. The school teams are also asked to carry out preliminary work before the first session, in order to explain the context of the European project to the whole education community wi- thin the school, informing them about the concept of a climate shelter and other important concepts dealt with during the training sessions, so that everyone taking part in the session has the same initial information. Participatory process sessions The participatory process sessions take place individually at each pilot school, adapting the date and some other features of the session to the needs and requirements of each education community. Session 1 Specific goals for the session • To explain the climate shelter project to the education community. • To validate each school’s needs in terms of climate adaptation. • To prioritise the measures that need to be implemented (in accordance with the catalogue of available solutions). • To propose detailed aspects of the measures to be implemented. Dynamics After City Council representatives have explained the concepts of climate change adaptation and climate shelter, and described the project’s general goals, lines of action, schedule and overall budget, as well as the maximum allocation for each pilot school, the first participa- tory session begins. The first session consists of an explanation about each school’s needs in terms of climate change, detected by the project’s team of specialists. The participants validate the technical analysis, contributing observations on the diagnosis of needs that were not detected in the technical analysis. The catalogue of technical solutions is then presented and the participants are asked to prio- ritise the solutions they believe to be the most suitable for their school, by means of a dyna- mic process involving all the various groups in the education community, taking into account the technical analysis. 6 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process The solutions that are most highly valued by the entire steering group are placed on a map of the school and the educational opportunities they offer are then considered. Dates This session took place at each of the pilot schools on the dates indicated below: School District Date Participants Cervantes Ciutat Vella 26/09/2019 21 Els Llorers L’Eixample 26/09/2019 18 Ramon Casas Sants-Montjuïc 03/10/2019 14 Ítaca Les Corts 02/10/2019 19 Poeta Foix Sarrià - Sant Gervasi 01/10/2019 21 Rius i Taulet Gràcia 10/10/2019 17 Font d’en Fargas Horta-Guinardó 27/09/2019 19 Antaviana Nou Barris 01/10/2019 16 Can Fabra Sant Andreu 30/09/2019 19 El Poblenou Sant Martí 25/09/2019 17 Vila Olímpica Sant Martí 04/10/2019 20 Total 201 7 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process General results for all the schools In general, Session 1 of the participatory process can be assessed by highlighting the fo- llowing elements: • The education community at the schools were well represented in the sessions (management team, teachers, non-teaching staff, students, families, neighbourhood organisations, etc.). • The preliminary classroom work was very varied and diverse at each centre, with an intense involvement of 5th year students. • The dynamics (and length) of the sessions were positively evaluated by the management teams and the other participants. • There was a high degree of interest and involvement from all participants. The project created enthusiasm! • There was a general demand from the schools to continue with more participation. 8 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory proces8s Session 2 Specific goals for the session • To explain the prioritisation of solutions made by the Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB in Catalan), based on the technical analysis and the results of the first session (prioritisation included in the tender terms and conditions). • To comment on and discuss the prioritisation of solutions with the education community. • To explain the schedule and the next steps from that moment on (visits, construction work, etc.). • To accompany the teams of architects awarded the projects, so that they can examine the school’s facilities. Methodology used The team of architects presents the prioritised solutions to be implemented at each school, grouped into main solutions and complementary actions (which will be implemented if there is an available budget after implementing the main actions). The members of the education community are able to include their contributions for each of the proposed solutions. After explaining the schedule for the construction work and the next steps in the participatory process, the team of architects visits the school areas that will be subject to construction work. Dates his session took place at each of the pilot schools on the dates indicated below: School District Date Participants Cervantes Ciutat Vella 05/02/2020 10 Els Llorers L’Eixample 14/02/2020 19 Ramon Casas Sants-Montjuïc 07/02/2020 9 Ítaca Les Corts 03/02/2020 10 Poeta Foix Sarrià - Sant Gervasi 04/02/2020 13 Rius i Taulet Gràcia 12/02/2020 9 Font d’en Fargas Horta-Guinardó 07/02/2020 7 Antaviana Nou Barris 05/02/2020 27 Can Fabra Sant Andreu 10/02/2020 10 El Poblenou Sant Martí 13/02/2020 9 Vila Olímpica Sant Martí 07/02/2020 9 Total 132 9 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process 10 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Feedback session Once the exchange session between the team of architects and each school’s education community has been carried out, the teams responsible for drafting the school transforma- tion projects include any observations made by each project’s technical team and Session 2 participants. In this feedback session, the final project is explained to the education com- munity. This session was carried out virtually, due to the ongoing health emergency when it was held. Specific goals for the session • To explain the details of the climate shelter project proposed for each school to its education community. • To explain how the work will be carried out (schedule, logistics, affected areas, etc.). • To resolve any queries or doubts that the education community may have. Dates his session took place at each of the pilot schools on the dates indicated below: School District Date Participants Cervantes Ciutat Vella 27/04/2020 3 Els Llorers L’Eixample 04/05/2020 4 Ramon Casas Sants-Montjuïc 04/05/2020 4 Ítaca Les Corts 27/04/2020 3 Poeta Foix Sarrià - Sant Gervasi 05/05/2020 4 Rius i Taulet Gràcia 06/05/2020 3 Font d’en Fargas Horta-Guinardó 29/04/2020 4 Antaviana Nou Barris 30/04/2020 3 Can Fabra Sant Andreu 05/05/2020 3 El Poblenou Sant Martí 30/04/2020 3 Vila Olímpica Sant Martí 30/04/2020 3 Total 37 11 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process A well-prepared educational community and a very useful constructive discussion! 12 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Session 3 Specific goals for the session • To evaluate, via participative dynamics, the result of the interventions carried out in the summer of 2020 and the impact of the measures. • To compile the evaluations made by the entire education community and provide feedback for the team of architects and all other participants. • To inform the school’s entire education community about the processes and changes that have taken place, in regard to the Cli- mate Shelter in Schools project. • To inform them about the project’s current status. • To deal with some issues that need to be resolved: How do the changes to the building and the playground affect the education community as a whole? Are the results as expected? What is the finished construction work like? First impressions. Dynamics As a consequence of the health-emergency safety measures, the pilot project had to conduct this session in both virtual and on-site formats. This dual methodology for participation sessions made it possible to avoid contact between bubble groups. For this reason, the sessions for students and those for the rest of the education community (adults) are differen- tiated. Furthermore, the virtual and on-site formats are combined, adapting each session to the profile of those attending. During the participation sessions with students, for both the on-site and virtual versions, various questions were raised in order to reflect on the changes implemented at the school. Questions concerning what had changed and how the students felt about it. During the participation sessions with the adults, the evaluation made by the team of experts was presented and the members of the education community were asked how they felt about the actions carried out and about their evaluation of the interventions. Dates School District Session Date Participants Cervantes Ciutat Vella Virtual adults 04/03/2021 12 Sessió autònoma alumnat 03/2021 22 Els Llorers L’Eixample Virtual adults 19/11/2021 10 Sessió autònoma alumnat 11/2021 48 Ramon Casas Sants-Montjuïc Virtual adults 18/11/2021 7 Sessió autònoma alumnat 11/2021 47 Ítaca Les Corts Virtual adults 03/12/2021 10 Sessió autònoma alumnat 23/11/2021 19 Poeta Foix Sarrià - Sant Gervasi Virtual adults 15/12/2021 9 Sessió autònoma alumnat 11/2021 27 13 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Rius i Taulet Gràcia Virtual adults 15/12/2021 13 Sessió autònoma alumnat 14/12/2021 20 Font d’en Fargas Horta-Guinardó Virtual adults 01/12/2021 7 Sessió autònoma alumnat 11/2021 92 Antaviana Nou Barris Virtual adults 27/11/2021 4 Sessió autònoma alumnat 24/11/2021 19 Can Fabra Sant Andreu Virtual adults 02/12/2021 12 Sessió autònoma alumnat 24/11/2021 52 El Poblenou Sant Martí Virtual adults 01/12/2021 10 Sessió autònoma alumnat 04/12/2021 24 Vila Olímpica Sant Martí Virtual adults 03/12/2021 7 Sessió autònoma alumnat 01/12/2021 24 Total 495 14 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Session 4 Specific goals for the session • To evaluate, via participation dynamics, the climate impact of the interventions carried out during the summer of 2020. • To inform the participants about the project’s status and the evaluation tasks carried out by the scientific team, supported by some preliminary data. • To compile the evaluations given by the students and the rest of the education community concerning the overall project, to provi- de feedback for the project team and to reflect on the blue, green and grey initiatives, in order to learn from them before implementing them in other centres. • To promote the project’s durability, management and maintenance beyond its closure by the support team. Dynamics Continuing with the line of the third participatory sessions, where the dynamics were adapted to safety protocols arising from the health emergency, a proposal was presented with two types of session, according to the participants: one session for students and a survey for the rest of the education community (adults). The date when the sessions were held also conditioned their design. In June, the schools have a heavy workload, as they are coming to the end of the school year. For this reason, it was decided to reduce the demand on schools and cut down on the prior-preparation tasks, as far as possible. Students The students were given a capsule containing various resources and they were informed that it would be their last session as protagonists of the project. During the session, their views will be compiled and what is learnt recorded by the school. The resource capsule will be used as a means of transferring their role to the 5th-year students who will be leading the project du- ring the next school year, and they will then pass the baton to the following group of students, where they can accumulate knowledge linked to the shelter and the climate emergency. In the box, they will find a USB memory stick with a video recorded throughout their participa- tion in the project, with statements from students and teachers, along with some brief reports showing the preliminary results of the evaluations carried out by the ISGlobal and Barcelona Public Health Agency teams. In order to evaluate the changes and assess the project, an activity is carried out where pho- tographs of the interventions are stuck on the board and icons that represent the subjective evaluation made by the students can be added. To finish off, the proposal is to write a short manifesto from a base they will be provided with, which is subsequently added to the box, demonstrating the project’s energy and the need to continue working on climate change in the school. 15 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Education community (adults) Before doing the survey, it is suggested that they view the various IT resources that will help them to remember the different stages of the project and the interventions carried out at the schools, as well as showing part of the work done by the project’s scientific team in terms of the evaluation and monitoring of the impacts. Dates School District Date Participants Cervantes Ciutat Vella 09/06/2021 34 Els Llorers L’Eixample 15/06/2021 36 Ramon Casas Sants-Montjuïc 18/06/2021 17 Ítaca Les Corts 10/06/2021 34 Poeta Foix Sarrià - Sant Gervasi 07/06/2021 32 Rius i Taulet Gràcia 09/06/2021 41 Font d’en Fargas Horta-Guinardó 09/06/2021 (professorat) 96 Antaviana Nou Barris 07/06/2021 21 Can Fabra Sant Andreu Dinàmica realitzada 11 per part del professorat El Poblenou Sant Martí 16/06/2021 37 Vila Olímpica Sant Martí 14/06/2021 29 Total 388 16 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process 5 Brief evaluation The participants value the participatory sessions very positively, with an average score of above 8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) for each one. The most highly valued aspects are the oppor- tunities for participating during the session and satisfaction with the moderator. The details of the session evaluations were compiled by the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB in Catalan). The participatory process proved to be one of the project’s key successes. It served to adapt the implemented measures to the needs of each school, but also to allow the edu- cation communities to participate in the transformation processes that took place in their schools, while also providing them with knowledge about the challenges associated with the climate emergency. The following section evaluates various cross-cutting aspects of the four participatory ses- sions carried out between 2019 and 2021. Organising the process • It is a good idea to create a steering group that remains constant throughout the process. If this is not possible, the representatives taking part in the participatory sessions must have all the information that has been compiled in the previous phases. • The participation of all education-community profiles, especially the students, is essential for taking decisions about the changes to be made at the school. It is advisable to carry out participatory sessions in which all education-community stakeholders are together, but care must be taken to adapt the dynamics to all those profiles. Quite a challenge, really! • Attempts should be made to unify the sessions and actions of the various project partners at the school, in order to lighten the workload of teachers and avoid being repetitive. • Alternating project participation sessions with training or monitoring sessions helps with the development of the project. • In the processes that physically transform the educational areas, care must be taken so that the school’s tempo and the project production tempos can adapt to each other. • Each school and education community is different, and they each have their own character, which means the participatory process must be adapted to them. For example, some schools like closer contact, while others have a less participatory relationship with families, etc. 17 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Communicating the process and interacting with the schools • In some cases, it would be convenient to have a direct interlocutor between the support team and the school’s families, in order to avoid the false assumption that the management team is taking unilateral decisions. • It is better to have a single project interlocutor with the school, who coordinates all of the actions of the various partners, to avoid stress for the teaching staff and to centralise all the information and demands. • It is necessary to properly coordinate the data from the sessions and evaluations, taking into account the internal workload of schools, in order to avoid saturating the teachers or the rest of the community. • If it is not possible for all the students to take part in the participatory sessions, the information must be transferred to all of them. • It is a good idea to make an effort to properly scale and communicate the real scope of the project, so that the schools do not have any false expectations about the changes that they can achieve and, in this way, help to increase their degree of satisfaction with the interventions. • Similarly, it is a good idea to give the education community appropriate feedback on the results of the project, in order to highlight the contribution that their participation has made to the results of the intervention on the schools, and to reinforce the community’s trust in participatory practices. Conducting the sessions • Having specific personnel in the sessions (teams of architects, climate change experts, personnel from the CEB) serves to transmit knowledge in an informed way. • It is a good idea to visit the area concerned with members of the education community and the teams of architects, in order to assess possible solutions in situ. 18 Ajuntament de Barcelona Climate shelters: participatory process Climate shelters: Climate shelters, participatory process Urban Innovation Action” (UIA) i Unió Europea Project co-funded with ERDF funds within the framework of the 3rd UIA call