ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 Index 01 Letter from the President’s Office 4 05 Developing economic value 52 The Port’s contribution to the economy 53 Traffic data of the Port of Barcelona 58 Economic and financial report 70 Other key economic figures 94 02 Orientation to sustainability 6 06 Developing social value About this report: scope and content 6 Human capital: our staff strategy 107 The IV Strategic Plan, the sustainable scenario 9 Ensuring the security of people and goods 118 Social and relationship capital 123 03 Key data 2020 20 07 Developing environmental value 142 Strategic model 144 Environmental performance and monitoring 150 04 Management and business area 24 Directory of the Port of Barcelona 170 The actors of the Port of Barcelona 25 08 The infrastructure 28 Governance and operation 30 Value contribution 35 Annex 172 Strategy and promotion 36 Quality as a tool for competitiveness 45 Sectorial sustainability plan organisations taking part 172 in the survey ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 PORT DE BARCELONA Letter from the PORT DE BARCELONA MEMÒRIA ANUAL 2017 President’s Office The Port of Barcelona 2020 annual report is All of us at the Port of Barcelona are aware our competitiveness, improve our services and agreements necessary for their development. without a doubt a reflection of a year that has that we are an essential economic driver. maintain sustainable growth, while fostering the We have also managed to unlock another upended the world order. Few of us could have Our mission is to generate prosperity emergence of a more egalitarian and inclusive very important project to provide even greater imagined that we could experience a pandemic in our community, while increasing the economy and way of life. impetus to our commitment to intermodality: like the one that continues to mark our daily lives competitiveness of our customers by providing the construction of the 750-metre sidings in the today. 2020 has been a particularly difficult year, efficient and sustainable logistics and transport One of the most important milestones of 2020 Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona Corridor. both for international trade and for the economy services. That is why we help the business was the provisional approval of the Port of and society as a whole. The Port of Barcelona has community and, ultimately, society as a whole Barcelona Fourth Strategic Plan, a document At international level, at the end of September been no less affected by these difficulties and has with our contribution to economic recovery to that sets out the lines of work which, once we announced an agreement with Busan Port mirrored the economic situation generated by help us all out of the current situation as quickly developed, will facilitate a port model that Authority to jointly build a logistics centre in the COVID-19 pandemic. as possible. guarantees social, environmental and social Barcelona, which will provide a stable logistics sustainability of the port’s activity and that of its platform for companies doing business between Since the beginning of the pandemic, we Despite our efforts to keep activity at acceptable area of influence. Northeast Asia and southern Europe. In the have stood by our Port Community, taking levels, port traffic in 2020 was severely impacted midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the decisive measures to soften the blow. Two days by the slowdown in the economy during the first To make this port model a reality, we have ports of Busan and Barcelona have announced before the start of the official lockdown, we months of the pandemic. Nevertheless, from July embarked on a path that will lead us to a project that is unique in the world, because it announced the first financial aid measures —not onwards, we began to see a continuous recovery, differentiate the services offered by the port and is the first time that two ports will make such a penalising the terminals if they were unable especially in exports. Over all these months, the its activity to strengthen our resistance to global platform a reality. to meet minimum committed traffic levels and Port has evolved in parallel with the country’s and sectoral crises; we will prioritise projects with introducing flexibility in the payment of the industrial sector, which has shown great high economic profitability; we will continue to And in terms of our synergies with the city, in occupation fee—, prioritising companies’ ability resilience. This allowed us to end 2020 with work on cooperation agreements with powerful July we announced our intention to bring the to keep running. a notable recovery in container traffic, which global operators and on establishing agreements European Green Deal to the most public area shows that international trade continues apace, at the local level; we will improve our customer of the Port of Barcelona, while maintaining its Then we brought in further economic measures, and markets keep on functioning. orientation; we will bet on the autonomous and uniqueness and its key role for the sustainable and by the end of the year we had lent clear dynamic management of the critical elements growth of the Catalan capital. We will create support to the industrial sectors, both to our While it is true that the pandemic has made us for the competitiveness of the Port; we will make a larger and greener Port Vell, or Old Port, in concessionaires and to our customers and the focus most of our efforts on finding imaginative greater efforts to increase the safety, security and which we will open new public spaces to the companies that operate every day in the Port solutions to help the economy, it is no less vigilance of people, goods and facilities, and will public and we will sketch out a port-city that of Barcelona. The economic emergency plan that true that throughout 2020 we have been very be very attentive to the environment as we lead develops in a sustainable way, that is culturally we launched a few days after the start of aware of the difficulties faced by the general the decarbonisation of transport and logistics. attractive and is a benchmark in innovation. In the lockdown meant, on the one hand, population in this current crisis environment. short, it will become a focus of knowledge and releasing €84 million in liquidity through deferred That is why the staff of the Port of Barcelona The approval of this Plan was one piece of talent in the nautical and maritime sector. payments of port fees and in advance p worked during the year to continue with good news in 2020, but we have had others. €7.5 million in terms of occupation and ship’s our social sustainability and environmental One of them, which had been a long time All these projects show that the Port of fees, spelling a direct saving for companies sustainability projects, because at the Port of coming, was the long-awaited announcement Barcelona does not stop. Not even in the midst in the Port Community. In addition, Barcelona we are fully aligned with the United that we have finally unblocked the building of of a pandemic. And it is a message that must we developed a recovery plan to boost the Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the new road and rail accesses to the Port of serve us all for the future: we are unstoppable. economy of the Port and our hinterland involving with a series of actions underway, as you can Barcelona. On 7 October 2020, the Spanish In the most difficult times, we must move recouping traffic, detecting new opportunities see in this 2020 Report, and because progress Ministry of Public Works, the Generalitat de forward to meet our challenge and our and innovation. in the energy transition and innovation is one Catalunya, ADIF, Puertos del Estado and the Port commitment to society. of the levers that will help us maintain our of Barcelona signed the cooperation protocol to leadership in the international port sector promote the construction of the new southern and set ourselves apart from our competitors. road and rail accesses, and now work is under Digitalisation and innovation are the two main way on the prior studies and the basic project tools we use in the Port of Barcelona to increase required before signing the legal instruments or ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 4 5 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability 02 O rientation to sustainability About this report: scope and content Incorporation of the sustainable development goals The Port of Barcelona 2020 Annual Report aims to provide a snapshot of port activity during The Port of Barcelona is a party to the United Nations Global Compact 2015-2030 this year; activity that was coordinated according to the lines of action set out in the Third and is therefore committed to integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Strategic Plan of the Port of Barcelona (2015-2020) and from the perspective of its consciously and gradually within its strategy. In this regard, this report refers throughout commitment to sustainability. In fact, the Fourth Strategic Plan was approved during to the attainment of the SDGs. 2020 with a particular focuses on this perspective, around which the action of the Port during the period 2021-2025 will revolve. The document reports on general and specific data on the activity of the Port of Barcelona provided mainly by Barcelona Port Authority (APB), as the infrastructure management body that guarantees its basic services. It also aims to respond to the demand for information from stakeholders in the Port of Barcelona and explain how their expectations are met. 1NO 2 ZERO GOOD HEALTH QUALITY GENDER CLEAN WATER POVERTY HUNGER 3 AND WELL-BEING 4 EDUCATION 5 EQUALITY 6 AND SANITATION A separate section at the end of each chapter includes the related data extracted from the annual questionnaire on general, economic, social and environmental aspects performed in the organisations of the Port Community that are affiliated to the Sectorial Sustainability Plan for the Port of Barcelona (see appendix). This Plan is an innovative and pioneering initiative in the port sector, which has been following the progress of the main indicators that measure the response to the needs and expectations of 7 AFFORDABLE AND 8 DECENT WORK 9 INDUSTRY, 10 REDUCED SUSTAINABLE RESPONSABLE CLEAN ENERGY AND ECONOMIC INNOVATION AND INEQUALITIES 11CITIES AND 12 CONSUMPTION GROWTH INFRASTRUCTURE COMMUNITIES AND PRODUCTION the Port’s stakeholders since 2015. The data are presented as a sample of best practices by a group of bodies and companies (known in this document as “organisations”), which have aligned to the strategic objectives of the Port and have integrated sustainability as a basic aspect of their management. The 100 organisations participating in the Plan, including the APB, represent almost 16% of the Port Community. 13 CLIMATE LIFE LIFE PEACE, JUSTICE PARTNERSHIPS ACTION 14 BELOW WATER 15 ON LAND 16 AND STRONG 17 FOR THE GOALS INSTITUTIONS The approach taken in this report has taken into account the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international benchmark organisation for preparing sustainability reports, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The main SDGs that are addressed are indicated at the beginning of each chapter along with details of some of the relevant indicators that show this. Due to its characteristics and activity, the Port of Barcelona is concerned by 13 of the 17 SDGs as shown in the table below, six of which are priority objectives on which it has a differentiated and direct impact (goals 6, 8, 9, 11, 14 and 17). ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 6 7 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability Orientation to sustainability CONTRIBUTION BY THE PORT OF BARCELONA TO THE SDGS* AND WHERE THEY ARE DISCLOSED IN THE REPORT SDGs Goal Location in the report The IV Strategic Plan, Ensure healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages Developing social value the sustainable scenario Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education Developing social value One of the highlights of the Port of Barcelona in 2020 was the completion of the Fourth and promote lifelong learning Strategic Plan (2021-2025), the document on which the Port will base its development over the next five years and which also incorporates a vision of the Port of 2040. The Plan Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Developing social value revolves around sustainability in its three dimensions (economic, social and environmental). The Fourth Strategic Plan of the Port of Barcelona (2021-2025) emerged from the need Ensure availability of water and sanitation for all Developing environmental value to face the changing of scenario caused by the 2008 crisis and accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, among other factors. In recent years, there have been rapid, intense and disruptive transformations that directly affect logistics and the Port of Barcelona (digitalisation, Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable Developing environmental value and modern energy for all the huge dimensions of the maritime world, climate change, e-commerce, globalisation, etc.) that determine the focus of the Plan. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic Developing economic value growth and decent work for all Developing social value Methodological approach Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive Management and business area and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Developing economic value Developing environmental value The process of defining the new Plan lasted two years and involved more than 200 national and international experts related to the Logistics-Port Community of Barcelona. Led by the Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Developing social value Strategy Department of the Barcelona Port Authority, the Plan was drafted using essentially Developing environmental value internal resources, with the collaboration of the Centre for Innovation in Transport (CENIT) and the blueFocus and PLA consultants, and used Delphi Methodology to identify Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Developing economic value Developing environmental value and quantify impact trends in the Port. The Plan contemplates two different time horizons: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Developing environmental value • A short-term horizon, with around fifty specific actions for the closest period of 2021-2025, structured into operational objectives and reference projects. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas Developing environmental value and marine resources • A long-term vision, up to 2040, which sketches out the most plausible scenarios for the future and sets the lines of action necessary to guide the action of the Logistics-Port Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies Management and business area Community and ensure its competitive positioning in the most desired scenarios. This double strategic vision in the short and long term is essential for a port, both because of Revitalise the Global Alliance for Sustainable Development Management and business area the large investments and possible unprofitability of certain actions, and because of the need Developing social value to reserve and develop large spaces and for the long time horizon of many projects. *framed in green the SDGs that affect it directly and as a matter of priority. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 8 9 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability Orientation to sustainability Mission, vision and strategic objective OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES Each of the three axes or strategic objectives (SO) is rolled out in four strategic operational During financial year 2020, the actions of the Port of Barcelona continued to revolve around objectives, making a total of twelve, which in turn are specified in more than fifty projects the principles set out in the Third Strategic Plan (2015-2020). The strategic evolution in the or operational actions. More information on these and on the Plan. Fourth Plan is expressed in the redefining of the mission (its raison d’être), the vision (what we want to be) and the strategic objective of the Port (main milestone defined for the period). OE1/Economic sustainability • Diversify the port business, promoting diverse and quality employment, incorporating MISSION new logistical and nautical activity and that of emerging sectors on port land. III STRATEGIC PLAN (2015-2020) IV STRATEGIC PLAN (2021-2025) • Differentiate the offer of services, with constant innovation in all areas of logistics and port activity and leading implementation to avoid the “commoditisation” of port offers To contribute to Give precedence To generate and set the logistics-port offer in Barcelona apart from the competition. the competitiveness of to creating prosperity in our • Attract logistics activity, with value proposals differentiated by market segment according customers by providing well-being community, increasing to the main production areas. Leverage the conditions of Barcelona to act as a multi- efficient services responding for the the competitiveness of our country distribution platform. Activate logistics land in the first metropolitan belt. to their needs for maritime community and customers by providing transport, land transport sustainability in efficient and sustainable • D evelop the necessary infrastructures to be able to operate and guarantee the necessary and logistics services its three aspects logistics and transport conditions of safety, efficiency and sustainability. The pending actions involve the Energy services wharf, container terminals, Port dredging, the old Llobregat riverbed and the Adossat wharf. VISION OE2/Environmental sustainability • D evelop a new energy model that will revolve around electrifying the wharves, III STRATEGIC PLAN (2015-2020) IV STRATEGIC PLAN (2021-2025) progressively developing clean fuels, generating renewable energy within the port Barcelona: Go beyond the Hub logístic SMART*. and setting up a smart electricity grid. the European port solution function of a The SMARTest logistic hub • D ecarbonise maritime-port activity with innovative initiatives to achieve a substantial in the Mediterranean merely maritime in the Med reduction in GHG emissions from port activity. The most important action in this area port to grow * SMART: Sustainable, Multimodal, is the electrification of the wharves. and consolidate Agile, Resilient, Transparent itself as a • R educe pollution, meaning the pollutants generated by port activity, multidisciplinary in particular emissions of NOX, PM2,5, PM10 and SOX. and multimodal • I ncrease intermodality, developing the infrastructure and rail services required space for increasing volumes of port rail traffic with new continental, short-range, international and agri-food traffic; and promoting motorways of the sea with Italy, the Maghreb and the Eastern Mediterranean. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OE3/Social sustainability III STRATEGIC PLAN (2015-2020) IV STRATEGIC PLAN (2021-2025) • F oster training, employment, entrepreneurship and talent attraction in our immediate To become the first To set a OE1/Economic sustainability: surroundings by developing an innovation ecosystem in the logistics and transport field Euroregional distribution three-pronged reach €70 billion worth of goal to be to offset automation and digitalisation processes that involve a net destruction of jobs. centre in the Mediterranean foreign trade by 2025, with in competition with the achieved more logistics activity. • P romote equal opportunities: to promote and lead gender equality and ensure ports of Northern Europe simultaneously the socio-occupational integration of people with disabilities and those at risk of social exclusion. OE2/Environmental sustainability: electrification • I ntegrate the Port into the urban and metropolitan environment through actions of 50% of container to inform the public of the port’s knowledge and transparency and better integrate port and Ro-Ro docks; facilities into the urban fabric. consolidated and ongoing • E nsure the health, safety and security of people and facilities of the Port, OPS network and connections. as a critical infrastrucuture for society via actions and projects leveraging the new technological means available. OE3/Social sustainability: 40,000 people employed at the Port, through more diversification. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 10 11 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability Sectoral Sustainability Plan About this section: scope and content NUMBER OF PLAN ORGANISATIONS, BY SECTOR OF ACTIVITY*, 2020 Stevedoring Customs Freight Other port In parallel with the corporate data, this section of the Port of Barcelona Annual Report 2020 Shipping agent company agent forwarder Haulier Administration services presents the sustainability data of the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan, 14 9 10 23 14 5 31 grouped and consolidated and in a differentiated way. 15.7% 10.1% 11.2% 25.8% 15.7% 5.6% 34.8% The Sectoral Sustainability Plan (SSP) is a project by the Port of Barcelona that aims to collect, systematise and promote sustainable practices among the organisations comprising the Port Community. About a hundred organisations are currently signed up. GOODS TRANSPORTED BY SECTOR (in tonnes), 2020 Using an exhaustive survey, the SSP has been collecting data on the status of member organisations since 2015, through the main indicators that respond to the needs and expectations of the stakeholders of the Port of Barcelona and show how they are Other port services 34.8% progressing. The mere fact that data are collected is an effort that shows to what extent Administration 5.6% economic, social and environmental sustainability is becoming a strategic aspect for companies working in the Port. Haulier 15.7% Freight forwarder 25.8% Customs agent 11.2% Profile of the participating organisations Stevedoring company 10.1% Shipping agent 15.7% The 89 organisations under the Plan that have participated in data collection (see annex), including the APB, group together more than 6,700 workers and represent almost 18% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% of all organisations in the Port Community. To provide a more accurate and representative picture of their impact, most of the data in this section of the report are presented in percentages rather than in absolute values. By staff numbers, the sector most represented under the Plan - apart from “other services” - is also the one dedicated to freight forwarding activity (21%). PLAN ORGANISATIONS PARTICIPATING IN DATA COLLECTION, 2015-2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 STAFF NUMBERS OF THE PLAN ORGANISATIONS, BY SECTOR OF ACTIVITY (% of total), 2020 Organisations participating 43 54 63 75 78 89 % Port Community* 8.6% 10.8% 12.6% 15% 15.6% 17.8% 34% OTHER SERVICES % TOTAL WORKERS - 3,892 4,624 6,446 6,532 6,721 21 FREIGHT FORWARDER 13% SHIPPING AGENT 9% CUSTOMS AGENT 9% ADMINISTRATION 7% HAULIER Annual turnover reported by the organisations themselves is more than €2.7 trillion in total. 7% STEVEDORING COMPANY These data were requested for the first time this year, so no comparison can be made. By sector of activity, more than a quarter of all organisations under the Plan perform some kind of freight forwarding activity. *estimated out of 500 organisations *Some organisations may work in more than one sector, which is why the total percentage is more than 100%. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 12 13 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability Sectoral Sustainability Plan Depending on their employment rate, 81.6% of participating organisations employ fewer CONTRIBUTION OF THE PLAN ORGANISATIONS TO THE SDGS, 2020 than 100 people and represent 33.8% of the total; the vast majority (93%) have a staff of under 250 people and employ 58% of the total; and one single organisation accounts 60% for 15% of total employment within the SSP. 50% ORGANISATIONS ANSWERING THE SURVEY, BY STAFF VOLUME (people and %), 2020 40% 30% Total companies % companies Total jobs % of jobs 1-50 people 56 64.4% 1,122 16.7% 20% 51-100 people 15 17.2% 1,148 17.1% 101-150 people 5 5.7% 586 8.7% 10% 151-250 people 2 2.3% 345 5.1% 0% 201-250 people 3 3.4% 665 9.9% 251-300 people 2 2.3% 523 7.8% 301-350 people 1 1.1% 309 4.6% 451-500 people 1 1.1% 494 7.4% 501-550 people 1 1.1% 521 7.8% 1,001-1,050 people 1 1.1% 1,008 15% Here we specify the type of actions and the action by the organisations of the Plan during 2020 that respond to the various SDGs. 87 100% 6,721 100% Note: two companies did not provide the number of staff members. ACTIONS OF THE SSP ORGANISATIONS RESPONDING TO THE SDGS, 2020 SDGs Goal Actions carried out Commitment to sustainable development goals End poverty in all its forms Participation in the EU-funded ‘YEP MED’ project which aims to promote social everywhere inclusion and fight poverty by training young people in a vulnerable situation, For the first time, this year the survey of Plan organisations included specific questions on the and women, in professional skills needed within the port logistics community Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. and generate employment by hiring trained students. 52.8% of organisations have incorporated some of the SDGs into their business strategy, with the largest contribution in the following: End hunger, achieve food Collaboration with the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL). • S DG 8 (decent work and economic growth): 55.3% security and improved Participation in collection campaigns of food and other commodities. nutrition and promote • S DG 5 (gender equality): 51% sustainable agriculture Collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross in the campaign to support vulnerable families. • S DG 13 (climate action): 44.7% • S DG 3 (good health and well-being): 42.5% Ensure healthy lives and Training courses on healthy living habits. promote well-being for all at Specific programmes to improve back problems, stop smoking, cancer all ages prevention talks, cardioprotected spaces. Psychological support for workers and their families. Sponsoring health promotion and cancer prevention events, with the AECC. Promoting sport and cultural activities through a specific sports club for workers. Reducing accidents using a protocol implementation form. Reducció d’accidents a partir d’implantació de protocols. Health insurance for the entire staff. Improving work-life balance. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 14 15 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability Sectoral Sustainability Plan SDGs Goal Actions carried out SDGs Goal Actions carried out Ensure inclusive and In-house training. Reduce inequality within and Developing the Equality Plan. equitable quality education Participation in the Forma’t al Port programme. between countries Committing to having a diverse workforce. and promote lifelong learning Alliances and collaborations in Dual VET programs. Training young Moroccans for recruitment. Students from Europe, Latin America, the USA, Africa and Asia in the courses Specific training for young people at risk and/or socially vulnerable. of the European School, where they worked on a Course Quality Check system Training people with disabilities or at risk of exclusion by enhancing relational of the training activities. and professional skills. Collaboration agreements with vocational training schools and universities. Make cities inclusive, safe, Internal noise pollution regulation policy. Achieve gender equality Gender equality plan. resilient and sustainable Commitment to the cities where we are present through donations and empower all women Internal equality policies. and volunteering activities. and girls Creation of the Women’s Council. Insertion activities with the collaboration of local organisations that work for Equality Committee to promote and defend women’s rights, socio-occupational integration into the world of work where the corporate comprising workers. offices are located. Promoting the use of public transport. Ensure availability of water Barriers to contain and purify water from our activity. Reducing emissions while ships are moored at port. and sanitation for all Actions to clean up the Port’s waters. Good hygiene practices. Ensure sustainable Waste recovery. Defending groundwater quality. consumption and production Purchasing sustainable products. patterns Filters for drinking water. Consumables of biodegradable material. Reducing water consumption from the car wash with water recirculation Checks on suppliers, promoting sustainable consumption and filtration system. and production methods. Filtered water fountains for company staff. Reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. Efficient use of water resources. Reviewing the entire process of managing chemicals and all waste throughout their life cycle, to minimise negative impacts. Ensure access to affordable, New energy solutions to move towards a low-carbon economy, such as ISCC International Sustainability and Carbon Certification for the process reliable, sustainable renewable gases (biomethane and hydrogen). f recycling hydrocarbon waste collected from ships. and modern energy for all Fostering use of natural gas in transport. Reusing resources, such as furniture or computer equipment, for reuse. Certification of renewable origin of the energy supplied. Reducing wastewater. Change to a 100% renewable energy supplier. Reducing paper and plastic consumption. Affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy by bringing in liquefied Performing energy efficiency studies. natural gas (LNG) as a mobility fuel. Reducing electricity consumption by switching to LED technology. Efficient energy management to minimise CO2 emissions. Using personalised reusable bottles and installing water fountains. Photovoltaic installation in the terminal. Take urgent action to combat Adaptation and incorporation of ships with new technologies that reduce CO Promote sustained, inclusive Wages above those set in the agreement. 2 climate change and its and NO emissions. and sustainable economic X Hiring young people. impacts growth and decent work Refurbishing facilities to optimise water and energy consumption; acquiring for all Incorporating students who have been in internships into the staff. a hybrid truck; and optimising transport routes and scheduling vehicle Recruiting people with disabilities. maintenance. Recruiting people at risk of social exclusion. Performing a carbon footprint study. Ongoing training for staff. New training proposal related to climate change and the circular economy in Incorporating aspects related to employment into the code of ethics. logistics warehouses and port terminals. Implementing a management system. Build resilient infrastructure, Investing in more efficient and environmentally-friendly equipment. Membership of global organisations. promote inclusive and Electrifying wharves. Environmental certifications. sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation Redesigning products and services taking into account sustainability criteria. Using electric vehicles: installing chargers with free charge for company staff. Changing from traditional fuel to LNG. Specific internal projects to increase energy efficiency and reduce consumption. Participating in fora for generating ideas to promote innovation. Reducing emissions by switching to LNG. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 16 17 PORT DE BARCELONA Orientation to sustainability Sectoral Sustainability Plan SDGs Goal Actions carried out Conserve and sustainably Fin whale conservation project. use the oceans, seas Collaborating with universities and environmental organisations for the and marine resources observation of cetaceans and protection of Posidonia. Collecting waste from ships. Fostering visits to maritime centres that guarantee animal welfare. Promote sustainable use Purchasing products that are respectful of people and the environment, of terrestrial ecosystems, such as fair trade coffee. combat desertification, Specific project for the naturalisation of the Zona Franca. and halt and reverse land degradation and halt Reducing general ordinary waste. biodiversity loss Reducing consumption of products packaged in plastic. Promote just, peaceful and Code of ethics and code of conduct. inclusive societies Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies. Revitalise the Global Alliance Working with international organisations that promote responsible and for Sustainable Development sustainable behaviour. Joining the United Nations Global Compact. Agreements and collaborations with specific programmes run by public administrations and providing support to their public and social policies. Active participation in projects promoted by the Port to strengthen and develop the SDGs. Promotion and participation in working groups. Membership of specific CSR organisations, such as and Forética. Taking part in conferences and workshops to share good practices. Conducting and checking sustainability reports. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 18 19 PORT DE BARCELONA Key data 2020 03 K ey data 2020 Developing Developing economic value social value Contribution Port of Barcelona Barcelona Port Authority to the economy 500 Presence and role of women Traffic data companies 31% of the workforce 30% hold managerial positions 59.5 Total traffic million tonnes 37,300 TRAINING €68.739Bn workers 21,397 hours in goods value. Top port in Spain in this aspect Hinterland traffic 31.2 million tonnes Maritime trade of Catalonia 75% Maritime trade 25 3,000,000 TEU (containers) dof Spain % 12.8 Liquid bulk 4 Dry bulk Developing million tonnes million tonnes Economic data environmental value Intermodal strategy 17.6M€ - 131,000 trucks of the road = - 51,000 tonnes of CO Net profit 2 480,337 149,608IUT Vehicle units Motorways of the sea LNG 39,158 3 5 improvement APB 138.9 66.3 m % energy efficiency A+ M€ M€ supplied to ships Turnover Cash flow 26.5M€ 12.1M€ Investments Contribution to the 198,842 659,124 Spanish port system Cruise passengers Regular line passengers ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 20 21 PORT DE BARCELONA PORT DE BARCELONA MEMÒRIA ANUAL 2017 Key data 2020 Sectoral Sustainability Plan 89 Organisations €2.7trillion total turnover 6,700 workers involved 36 participte in external prepare % sustainability initiatives 27% sustainability reports Developing Developing economic value environmental value R&D+I 8.4 of all organisations investment % under the Plan Environmental management systems Financial aid 47% of organisations received fron the State or the European Union Investments in 22.5 the environment 50% of companies % of organisations R&D+I in Carbon footprint the environment calculation 72 projects 18.3% of companies Developing social value TRAINING Presence and role of women 85,742.73 29.2% of the workforce hours 21.2% hold managerial positions Occupational risk prevention service 48.8% have equality plans 92.8% of organisations ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 22 23 PORT DE BARCELONA PORT DE BARCELONA MEMÒRIA ANUAL 2017 Management and business area 04 M anagement The actors of the Port of Barcelona and business area Leadership: Barcelona Port Authority Barcelona Port Authority (APB) is a public body with a legal personality and its own assets, The Port of Barcelona is understood as the sum of activities performed within the port which is responsible for the administration, control, management and operation of the Port infrastructure by a series of public and private organisations that are managed independently of Barcelona. It is the organisation that leads the Port as a whole, lays the foundations for its but are coordinated and led by the Barcelona Port Authority with a shared overall strategy. operation and the search for a common goal, and represents it. As public bodies, port authorities depend on the Spanish Ministry of Public Works through ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS the Public Body Puertos del Estado [State Ports]. From a legal point of view, they are governed by specific legislation; essentially Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011 of 5 September 2011, adopting the Recast Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy (‘the Ports Law’). 16 PEACE, JUSTICE 17 PARTNERSHIPS 9 INDUSTRY Port authorities provide port land and infrastructure and regulate the operations performed AND STRONG FOR THE GOALS INNOVATION AND INSTITUTIONS INFRASTRUCTURE within the port. The main functions and powers of the Barcelona Port Authority are: • M anaging and overseeing port and commercial services. • P roviding Port general services. Promote just, peaceful Revitalise the Global Develop resilient • O rganising the Port’s service area and port uses. and inclusive societies Alliance for Sustainable infrastructures, promote • P lanning, designing, building, conserving and operating the works and services of the Port. Development inclusive and sustainable • M anaging the port public domain and maritime signals. The Port and Port Community work to create effective, Port work itself involves industrialisation, and • O ptimising the economic management and profitability of assets and resources. encourage innovation accountable and transparent relating and interrelating with • F ostering industrial and commercial activities related to maritime or port traffic. institutions at all levels. a diversity of companies. The “networked port” strategy • C oordinating the operations of the various modes of transport inside the port area. At the same time, they ensure Above and beyond the strict seeks to bring the Port’s • O rganising and coordinating port traffic (sea and land). public access to information, contractual relationship, services closer to users through while protecting fundamental we foster participation in more sustainable infrastructures freedoms in accordance with organisations seeking to build and services than traditional national laws and international a stable and universal trade alternatives. Port organisations agreements. framework. are committed to pursuing The Port Community quality standards. • Code of ethics of the Port of • The Port has been a The Port of Barcelona is a concept of shared service and quality that serves as a cooperative Barcelona, approved in 2015 signatory to the United • 1 49,608 ITU trucks removed link among all the agents, organisations and administrations that participate in port activity. Nations Global Compact from the road by short sea All these agents are grouped under the name of Port of Barcelona Port Community (PC), since 2015 shipping services comprising more than 450 administrations, bodies and companies located in the port area • € 3.531 billion in GVA or its surroundings, and which in this document are called “organisations”. contributed by port activity The Port Community does not have its own legal personality, but is governed by various legal • 96 port activities certified regimes, comprising limited companies, joint-stock companies, common joint ownerships, with the Quality Label foundations, associations and administrations, each governed by their specific rights and laws (See annex). ABOUT THE DATA This section is a snapshot of the current situation of the Port of Barcelona from the point of view of its management and organisation. It describes the main features of its governance and operation, defines its stakeholders and explains the strategic lines that determine the action of the Port of Barcelona and its concept of business development. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 24 25 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area Stakeholders To respond to requests for information and the expectations of stakeholders, it is essential that such groups be clearly defined. The Port of Barcelona has identified a total of eight stakeholder groups and 26 subgroups. From the Port Authority’s perspective, furthermore, one specific and high-priority stakeholder group is the concessionaire companies, which manage terminals and facilities on port land. Group 1 Customers Group 5 Society 1.1 Importers/exporters 5.1 Citizens 1.2 Ship owners 5.2 Social entities 1.3 Passengers 5.3 Users of Port Vell areas 1.4 Nearby industry Group 6 Media Group 2 Administrations 6.1 General media 2.1 European Union 6.2 Specialised national and international media 2.2 Central government 6.3 Social media 2.3 Generalitat (regional government) 2.4 City halls and metropolitan area Group 7 Institutions 7.1 Educational community (universities, schools, museums) Group 3 Workers 7.2 Research institutions/technology centres 3.1 Employees of the administration 7.3 Foundations 3.2 Employees of companies in the port logistics community 7.4 Port associations 3.3 Dockers 7.5 Professional associations 3.4 Crew members Group 8 Investors Group 4 Suppliers 8.1 Private investors 4.1 General services 4.2 Specific services of the port sector ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 26 27 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area The infrastructure GENERAL TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PORT OF BARCELONA Location Warehousing The Port of Barcelona is the main transport and services infrastructure in Catalonia and a 2 benchmark port in the Euromediterranean region, in which more than 450 organisations Latitude 41° 21’ N Covered 203,304 m work. It has 91 regular lines that connect the Catalan capital directly with 198 ports on five Longitude 2° 10’ E Uncovered 5,023,964 m2 continents and is a port specialising in general cargo and high value-added goods. Located at the foot of Montjuïc mountain, it occupies the stretch of coast between La Barceloneta and Dry dock the mouth of the river Llobregat. Tides Length 215 m Width 125 cm The Port is structured around three large business units: Beam 35 m • T he commercial port, which brings together activities dedicated to specific traffic. Capacity up to 50 000 Tn of dead-weight • The logistics port, linked to the commercial port and the basis for consolidating the Entrance networked port model. South Position 191.8º Wharf cranes 27 (for containers) • The city port, the part of the port recovered for urban, nautical and sports uses. Entrance Width 370 m mouth Depth at water level 16 m North Position 205º Specialised terminals Entrance Width 145 m mouth Depth at water level 11.50 m Container and multipurpose terminals 3 Car terminals 2 Land area 1,113.2 ha Coffee and cocoa terminal 1 Wharves and berths 23.183 km Liquid bulk terminals 9 Ro-ro ramps 30 Dry bulk terminals 5 Draught up to 16 m Ferry terminals 3 Tugs 9 (1,213 kW / 2,943 kW) Cruise terminals 8 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 28 29 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area Governance and operation MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF BARCELONA PORT AUTHORITY This management body brings together the various functional areas of Barcelona Port Authority. Governing bodies It comprises, inter alia, the deputy general managers and the managers of the various areas making up the organisation. The composition of the main governing bodies of the Port of Barcelona at the end of 2020 The infrastructure in general is managed and the common strategy of the entire Port of Barcelona from a general, corporate and sectoral perspective is set out below. and its Port Community is conceived and led from the areas and departments of the APB. ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF BARCELONA PORT AUTHORITY This is the highest governing body of the Port of Barcelona and represents the main public administrations with interests in the Port, as well as the social partners and key sectors President in the port area. During this year marked by the global pandemic there has been no change Mercè Conesa in the Board. Office of the Gerència President Urbanística Emili Alberich Port Vell Joan Colldecarrera President Mercè Conesa i Pagès Ex officio member Francisco J. Valencia Alonso, harbourmaster General Manager José Alberto Carbonell Camallonga Communication Internal Members representing the General State Administration Directorate Audit Directorate Teresa Cunillera i Mestres, Government Delegate in Catalonia Núria Burguera Álvaro Sánchez Manzanares, Secretary General of Puertos del Estado Santiago Otero Cristina Ozores Jack, State’s Attorney Members representing the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya Antoni Llobet de Pablo, president of the Official Association of Customs Agents of Barcelona Corporate General Xavier Tàrraga Martínez, coordinator of the Catalan-Balearic area of the State Coordinator of Dockers Security Manager Jordi Trius Traserra, President of the Association of Shipping Agents of Barcelona Directorate José Alberto Emili Sanz Martínez, President of the Association of Freight Forwarders and International Shippers and similar (ATEIA-OLTRA Barcelona) Bernat Baró Carbonell Members representing the municipalities in which the service area of the Port of Barcelona is located Janet Sanz Cid, second deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council Lluís Mijoler Martínez, Mayor of El Prat de Llobregat City Council Members representing the chambers of commerce, business and trade union organisations and key sectors in the port area Xavier Sunyer i Déu, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce General Sub- General Sub- General Sub- General Sub- General Sub- General Sub- directorate for directorate for directorate directorate for directorate for directorate for Xabier María Vidal Niebla, President of the Association of Port Stevedoring Companies of Barcelona Strategy and Infrastructures for Legal Port Operations Economic and Organisation Commercial and Conservation Services and and Planning Financial affairs and Internal José Pérez Domínguez, CCOO Recruitment Resources Santiago Ramon Griell Àlex García Miriam Alaminos Carlos González Quirós, UGT García-Milà Félix Navarro Catalina Grimalt Composition of the Administration Board of Barcelona Port Authority at 31 December 2020 Business External Maritime Concessions People Information Development Connection Operations and Fees Directorate Systems Directorate Projects and Directorate Management Directorate Infrastructures Directorate Ana Bernabeu Emma Cobos Directorate José María Rovira David Serral Josep Otero M. Ángel Pindado Composition of the APB Management Committee, 2020 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 30 31 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area STEERING COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF BARCELONA PORT COMMUNITY The Steering Council comprises 68 professionals from the participating companies and is structured into one Executive Committee and eight Working Groups. These are This body represents the desire for cooperation between the public and private institutions organised by strategic scenarios and comprise representatives of the Port’s actors and players, performing their activity in the port area of Barcelona and others related to international all of whom are technical experts from the Port Community. trade, therefore all the players in the port business are involved as well as representing the Port Community. It aims to promote actions to reinforce the Port of Barcelona brand as a business community Steering Council and foster its process of national and international expansion to increase and reinforce Executive Committee customer loyalty of freight traffic and enhance its image. Secretariat A DIF-Management Northeast Goods Terminals Port of Barcelona Pilots’ Corporation Steering Council Aduanas Pujol y Rubio Government Delegation in Catalonia -Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Barcelona Airport, AENA Government Delegation in Catalonia -Ministry State Tax Administration Agency in Barcelona of Health and Consumer Affairs Working Groups ALFIL LOGISTICS ICEX AMETRACI - Mediterranean Association Customs of Barcelona of Container and Intermodal Hauliers European School - Intermodal Transport Telematic Forum Sustainability Strategy & Quality APM TERMINALS Innovation ESTIBARNA-SAGEP Apostolate of the Sea - Stella Maris Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona BIP AREA - Port of Barcelona Land Transport Marketing & Training & Federation of Communication and Transport - CCOO Forum Commercial Short Sea Shipping Employment Container Entrepreneurs Association National Federation of Transports, Communications Catalan Assoc of Concessionaire Companies and Sea - UGT Association of Shipping Agents of Barcelona Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya Association of Port Stevedoring Companies Gerència Urbanística Port Vell of Barcelona Government of Spain - Delegation in Catalonia The guiding principles ATEIA-OLTRA Barcelona Grimaldi Logística España, S.L. Barcelona Catalunya Centre Logístic Masiques, Logistics and Customs Services TRANSPARENCY Barcelona Nautical Cluster Miquel Torres, S.A. / TRANSPRIME Administrations and public entities are subject to legislation on transparency issues, set out Barcelona Chamber of Commerce PIMEC in Law 19/2013 of 9 December 2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance. Except in specific cases, this law does not affect organisations Barcelona Harbourmaster’s Office Port of Barcelona governed by private law. CILSA Portcemen, S.A. In addition to this report, Barcelona Port Authority provides various types of information Official Association of Customs Agents Ports de la Generalitat (institutional, organisational and planning; of legal relevance; and economic, budgetary and Commissioners of Barcelona and statistical), both through the website and the specific request for information through RENFE-Gerència de Producció Nord-est the Opendata portal. Barcelona Fishermen’s Guild de Mercaderies i Logística Council of Users of the Maritime Transport SINTRAPORT of Catalonia TRANSPRIME Consortium of the Free Trade Zone of Barcelona Catalan Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Entities State Coordinator of Sea Workers (UCEAC-UNESPA) ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 32 33 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area ETHICS AND INTEGRITY Value contribution One way in which any organisation can show clearly its commitment to ethics and integrity, as an essential aspect of governance, is by providing a code of ethics or good governance, The Port of Barcelona is one of the main drivers of economic development in Catalonia. specific internal regulations, or internal compliance processes that include the aspects It plays a key role in the internationalisation drives of companies, acting as a physical link mentioned. between them and their markets, and is also one of the key competitiveness factors for companies deciding where to locate. In addition to this, however, the Port of Barcelona’s The Code of ethics of the Port of Barcelona, approved in May 2015, establishes the priority objective is to promote the sustainability of port activity and of the logistics values and guidelines of conduct that should mark the behaviour of everyone working there, chains that use the Port. both in terms of daily operations and in relations with stakeholders. In this regard, we would point out that the Port of Barcelona is a global benchmark thanks to its Sectoral Sustainability Plan that brings together organisations from the entire Port Community. SUSTAINABILITY Contribution to gva The Port of Barcelona has been a party to the United Nations Global Compact and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since the start in 2015, orienting its actions to these goals, as reflected in this Port of Barcelona 2020 Annual Report. Because of the Port’s importance within its area, a calculation of the added value of port activity needs to consider more than just the recorded figures for traffic volume and Also, the new Fourth Strategic Plan of the Port of Barcelona (2021-2025), passenger movements. In this regard, the gross value added (GVA) generated by port activity the drafting of which ended in 2020, coordinates the short, medium and long-term action —measured as economic income generated by the services of companies, organisations and of the Port around sustainability, as explained in the chapter on “Orientation to sustainability” institutions provided throughout the maritime transport logistics chain— determines a port’s of this same report. importance as a generator of wealth and competitiveness in its surrounding area. Pending a new update, scheduled for 2022, the latest available version of the economic impact study of the Port of Barcelona, using figures from 2017, indicates that activity of the Port of Barcelona contributes €3.531 billion to the Catalan economy in terms of wealth volume or GVA (1.7% of the GVA of Catalonia at that time) and generates 41,200 direct and indirect jobs (1.1% of total employment in Catalonia). 1.7% of the GVA 1.1% of total employment of Catalonia in Catalonia ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 34 35 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area Strategy and promotion INLAND MARITIME TERMINALS The Port of The Port Authority participates directly in five inland maritime terminals, or dry The networked port ports, which bring port services closer to maritime logistics operators and import-export customers from the territories it serves: Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza (tmZ), Puerto Seco de Madrid - Coslada, Terminal Intermodal Empordà, Terminal Intermodal Centro - For years, the Port has been developing a network of services and infrastructures at strategic Puerto Seco de Azuqueca de Henares, Madrid, Saint-Charles Container Terminal, Perpignan. points in nearby markets to facilitate the routing of cargo between these areas and the Catalan capital: what is know as the “networked port”. Promoting intermodality, through railway and short sea shipping services, with the support of the so-called Inland maritime terminals, allows the Port to be fully oriented towards its strategic objectives. These are: tmZ expanding its market and therefore growing; promoting services with the Port’s quality Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza Puerto Seco de Madrid standards and thus fostering the development and competitiveness of its actors; and doing so under sustainability criteria, through savings in emissions, time and money. Terminal Intermodal C e n t r o CONNECTIONS OF THE PORT OF BARCELONA WITH THE HINTERLAND Apart from the APB, some Logistics Community companies also participate in the Port of Barcelona management of intermodal terminals connected to the Port: Hinterland • A PM Terminals and Hutchison Ports participate in Zaragoza Maritime Terminal. Antwerp Containers, finished • A PMT Terminals participate in Pla de Vilanoveta (Lleida). Dourges Saarbrücken Ludwigshafen vehicles and semi-trailers • A PMT Terminals and Transportes Portuarios participate in Tarragona Mercaderies Paris Bettembourg Kornwestheim Finished vehicles • S ynergy, the rail operator from Hutchison, participate in Terminal de Noáin (Pamplona). and semi-trailers Terminals connected There are also railway logistics operators that provide rail services with the Port through 1,200 km to the Port by train inland terminals, such as with the Intermodal Terminal of Monzón (TIM), in Huesca, Busto (containers and vehicles) the PLAZA and LTA terminals in Zaragoza and the terminals of Miranda del Ebro and Villafría Bordeaux 600 km Toulouse Savona Genoa Ports connected to the in Burgos. Livorno Port by Motorways of La Coruña Bilbao Pamplona the Sea Vitoria Noáin Vigo Miranda E. Monzón Lleida Perpinyà Villafría Civitavecchia Inland maritime terminal Traffic Valladolid Zaragoza Barcelona Strategic corridors Ávila Porto Torres tmZ (Zaragoza) 164,433 TEU (+0.3%) Tarragona Madrid Northeast Iberian Peninsula Saint-Charles Container Terminal (Perpignan) 39,212 TEU (+9%) Central Iberian Peninsula Lisbon Monzón Intermodal Terminal (Huesca) containers: 67,705 TEU (8%) dry bulk: 34,729 t South of France Algiers Central Europe Tunis Motorways of the Sea Oran with the Maghreb Tanger-Med Nador Motorways of the Sea with Italy ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 36 37 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area RAIL SERVICES SHORT SEA SHIPPING SERVICES The networked port strategy also involves increasing the number of regular, frequent railway The Motorways of the Sea (MoS) or short sea shipping (SSS) services represent an alternative services and of different types of products with the Port, and developing them. to road haulage and meet the criteria of minimum frequency of three weekly departures and a maximum of three stopovers in different ports and are fully integrated into the networked RAILWAY SERVICES AVAILABLE AT THE PORT OF BARCELONA port strategy. The Port of Barcelona currently has short sea shipping services with Italian and • P eninsular for containers: Zaragoza, Madrid, Pla de Vilanoveta (Lleida), Noaín (Pamplona), North African ports. Monzón (Huesca), Tarragona, Burgos, Vigo and Vitoria; plus the services of the Morrot terminal to the rest of Spain and Portugal The 149,608 intermodal transport units (ITUs) recorded in 2020 translate into an identical number of trucks diverted from the road to the maritime mode, which is more • I nternational for containers: from Perpignan and Le Boulou to the rest of France, efficient economically and environmentally. It therefore contributes significantly to promoting Luxembourg and Germany; from Morrot to Belgium, Germany and Italy sustainable logistics chains in the Mediterranean. • F or cars: connection with most production plants in Spain and Germany • F or bulk: Súria, Martorell and Tarragona Commercial promotion CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION OF PORT RAIL SERVICES PORT REPRESENTATIONS Service / Connection Description Operator Milestone 2020 The Port of Barcelona has eight commercial representations, which aim to consolidate Vehicle service First direct service transporting vehicles DB Cargo Consolidated offer and to monitor the networked port strategy in nearby markets and to strengthen and with Germany manufactured in Germany and distributing of 4 weekly services establish new relationships in distant markets. them around Spain. The only service that does not require transshipment or changing bogies The staff running them answer to the Port Authority and are based in the following areas on the French border. Longest international (see chapter “Directory” for contacts): gauge train ever to enter the peninsula (685 m) • h interland: Zaragoza, centre-north of the Iberian Peninsula, Madrid, Lyon and Toulouse (France) Container service with Lleida New service for containers between Barcelona APMT Railway 3 weekly services and the Pla de Vilanoveta terminal (Lleida). • f oreland: Argentina, China and Japan Service started in June 2020 Service for refrigerated New service for reefers with the terminal MSC (reefer ) 4 weekly services (reefer) and conventional containers of Monzón (Huesca). Started in May 2020. and APMT and 6 weekly services with Monzón (Huesca) In addition to the existing one Railway (conventional) PARTICIPATION IN FAIRS AND CONGRESSES for conventional containers (conventional) Service for reefers and Extension of the existing service for containers APMT Railway 2 weekly services The goals of the Port’s participation at commercial events focused on various areas of action are: conventional containers with between Barcelona and Villafría with the Villafría (Burgos) transport of reefers 1) to promote, consolidate and position its strategic traffic; 2) to study market trends and the needs of users and operators first-hand; Service for containers with Service for containers between Barcelona and Transportes Consolidated with an Tarragona the Tarragona Mercaderies terminal Portuarios eighth weekly frequency 3) to act as an umbrella for the Port Community by teaming up with companies to create synergies and add value and competitiveness to businesses in the sector. To build on its rail strategy, the Port of Barcelona participates in various organisations linked to developing and promoting rail services and the Mediterranean corridor such as Ferrmed, Rail Freight Corridor 6 UE, Railgrup, etc. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 38 39 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area The global pandemic has meant that many schedules have been altered and some of the participations planned by the Port have been postponed or cancelled or changed to virtual format, as detailed in the attached table. Taking part with Transport and Logistics Innovation Paris (FR) March cancelled Participation in other LetExpo - Logistics Eco Transport (ALIS) Verona (IT) March cancelled its own stand at Week (SITL) key fairs, congresses Breakbulk Europe Bremen (DE) May cancelled international logistics Intermodal South America Sao Paulo, (BR) March cancelled and conferences and transport fairs Petrochemicals Global Logistics Barcelona (ES) June cancelled Transport Logistic China Shanghai (CN) June cancelled Convention (PGLC) Barcelona International Logistics Fair (SIL) Barcelona (ES) June cancelled Automotive Logistics Europe Munich (DE) July virtual China International Logistics Fair (CILF) Shenzhen (CN) October virtual Mediterranean Ports and Shipping Koper (SI) September cancelled and face-to-face Latin American Ports Congress (AAPA) Cartagena de Indias October postponed Black Sea Ports and Shipping Istanbul (TR) December cancelled (CO) to 2021 Presence at specialised Fruit Logistica Berlin (DE) February face-to-face Cool Logistics International Rotterdam (NL) October virtual fruit and vegetable Medfel Perpignan (FR) April cancelled (fresh produce) fairs Shipping Summit Amsterdam (NL) October cancelled Fruit Attraction Madrid (ES) April virtual Smart Port Piers of the future Barcelona (ES) November virtual Agrivac Bayonne (FR) September cancelled Global Liner Shipping virtual November virtual Presence at specialised Cruise Shipping Miami Miami (US) April virtual Participation in The Association of European Vehicle Logistics (EGC), on vehicle traffic cruise traffic fairs Seatrade Mediterranean Malaga (ES) September cancelled conferences organised EGC General Assembly & Spring virtual by associations in Presence at fairs that ASIA Congress which the Port of stand out due to 12th WCA Worldwide Conference* Macau (MO) February virtual, December Barcelona is a member ECG Conference Brussels (BE) October cancelled the relevance of the geographical area or 17th SINO European Freight Hong Kong (HK) November Virtual, postponed Shortsea Promotion Center (SPC), on short sea shipping market Forwarders Conference* to 2021 Annual conference virtual China International Import Expo (CIIE) Shanghai (CN) November Chinese Specialised conferences virtual audience only *Organised by WCA (World Cargo Alliance) under the agreement between WCA and China European Coffee Federation (ECF), on coffee transport International Freight Forwarders Association, CIFA, ATEIA and Port of Barcelona Specialised conferences cancelled NORTH AFRICA 8th Hispano-Moroccan Meeting Tangier (MA) November cancelled FRENCH MARKET Top Transport Marseille (FR) October cancelled The following events in which the Port planned to participate were also cancelled: World Class Logistics Paris (FR) November cancelled • 29th Spanish Coffee Congress (Valladolid) • P ort of Barcelona Conference (Madrid) • AECOC Transport Forum (Madrid) ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 40 41 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area TRADE MISSION BY THE PORT OF BARCELONA Promotion of the port community Trade missions aim to promote and showcase the Port of Barcelona and its Logistics Community in different markets to generate and consolidate business and institutional links The eight working groups of the Steering Council for the Promotion of the Port Community to help companies in Catalonia in their internationalisation drives. worked on several projects in 2019 that are described in the attached table. Because of the pandemic, the 22nd Port of Barcelona trade mission had to change its initial destination, which was Thailand, and adapt to an online format. Thus, the first completely Working group Mission Actions and achievements virtual mission organised by a port of the Spanish port system took place under the Port Summit Trade Mission Colombia 2020 brand. Telematics Forum Define, optimise and • Customs pre-clearance harmonise the documentary Prior to the arrival of the ship, the Complete Pre-Declaration procedures associated with the Participants: can already be marked as cleared, and when the Summary passage of goods and means The online mission was held on 4 and 5 November and was a great success in terms of Declaration for Temporary Storage is activated, the Customs of transport through the Port of Release is automatically issued and activated a few minutes participation, with 600 participants from the port logistics sector, international trade and Barcelona before docking. This will allow advance clearance and institutional representatives, 250 of which were Colombians, 250 from Catalonia and Spain, processing of goods and the rest from other countries, mainly from Latin America. These figures far exceeded • Best practices during the COVID-19 crisis those of previous face-to-face missions and there was a very high participation in the Running a project to see what measures can be improved and presentations held on both days. maintained in the future Other Programme: The first day was dedicated to the logistics offer of the Port of Barcelona and the ports of • T emporary storage warehouses Colombia, and to discussing the implementation of their respective quality plans. The various • G5 technological projects being developed in Colombia to digitalise processes and facilitate the • R ailway freight lists and reports passage of import and export goods were also announced. • M aritime Health Declarations • BREXIT The second day was organised around two panel sessions. The first aimed to publicise the • M onitoring the implementation of the EMSWe improvements being made by the Spanish and Colombian customs administrations to adapt Strategy Generating prosperity in our During this period, the group has focused on: to the constant changes occurring in international trade. The second was a presentation of and Innovation community, while increasing • Fourth Strategic Plan 2021 -2025 the event Smart Ports. Piers of the Future 2020, and was an opportunity to reflect on the role the competitiveness of our • P ort Vision 2040 that ports and logistics operators can play in the development of a sustainable and digitalised customers by providing port model. efficient and sustainable logistics and transport services Format: Port Summit Trade Mission Colombia 2020 was accessible through its proprietary Promoting generation of new technological platform which, in parallel with the presentations, allowed the participating concepts, businesses, services, companies to do online networking for 15 days. facilities, etc. to ensure constant and sustainable This new virtual format once again highlighted the efforts currently being made in all areas development of the Port Community of the Port of Barcelona, through the implementation of innovative and digital solutions, to generate value for the economy and the society it serves. Quality – Through analysis and debate, • Claims management in the field of ship services Efficiency Network providing concrete proposals for improvement in the Port Other Community processes that can • A ctivation of Quality Label claims in the field of ship services be a significant benefit in the • Presentation of the Quality Label at the Port of Buenos Aires offer of services at the Port • P resentation of the improved customer experience in the Port of Barcelona as part of the trade mission to Colombia 2020 • Event to thank all certified companies (Christmas 2020) • Certification renewals, including AECOC best practices ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 42 43 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area Working group Mission Actions and achievements Quality as a tool for competitiveness Land Transport Forum Promoting the use of rail • Container rail traffic at the Port of Barcelona transport in the Port and Despite the pandemic, during 2020 we moved about organising the joint actions of The Port of Barcelona is focusing its efforts and objectives to achieve a level of efficiency 270,000 TEU, with a rail share of 15.1% the entire Logistics Community • and quality to allow it to stand out from competing ports while helping to make its Rail vehicle traffic at the Port of Barcelona linked to the road transport customers more competitive. During 2020 the Port of Barcelona registered railway traffic of of the maritime and inland 187,466 cars, with a rail share of 41.6% terminals of the Port of Barcelona, from the maximum safety, quality and environmental The quality system protection point of view. Achieving the integration and regulation of the sector The Port of Barcelona’s Quality system, managed by the Port Authority’s Department of Marketing Generating commercial strategy • B enchmarking Goods and Quality Operations (DOMQ) has renewed its ISO 9001 certification through and Commercial for the Port Community, both in • Defining the 2020 and 2021 trade mission (Port Summit) appropriate follow-up audit. the hinterland and the foreland Other The main actions performed by the DOMQ in 2020 were: • A ctivities proposed by the group and carried out in 2020 • Cooperation with the certified Port terminals or those in the process of certification in • C onferences and webinars with speakers from the Port Reference Service Levels, through: of Barcelona in 2020 1) quarterly follow-up meetings; • Smart Ports 2020 2) periodic visits to the terminals to review the corresponding requirements; • Contingency plan and recovery plan, economic measures 3) conducting prior audits at the terminals; Short Sea Shipping Fostering and facilitating • Follow-up to Blank Sailings SSS 2020 4) attendance, as observers, at the certification audits in the Reference Service Levels. (SSS) mechanisms for developing • New Barcelona - Tangier service by Suardiaz and improving SSS in the Port • Coordinating the Port’s Quality team (QT) to monitor and establish actions to improve Two sailings a week with all types of cargo, especially textile, of Barcelona service provision at the terminals (vehicles, containers and Ro-Pax) and at the BIP. fruit and vegetables, distribution, retail and spare parts for the automotive industry • Monitoring and supervising the service provided by the QT for checking waste under the Other MARPOL convention handed over by vessels operating in the Port of Barcelona. • N ew strategy 2021 - 2022 • Analysing data for improving the processes of the container terminals in the field of the • New ECO ships from Grimaldi Port of Barcelona’s Specific Reference Service Levels. Training Having enough well-trained • Proposal to sign a sectoral agreement and Employment professionals from a European • Proposal for Get trained at the Port for teachers and global perspective, encouraging students to Other REFERENCE SERVICE LEVELS reconcile training in educational • Survey at training centres centres with training in real work • P resentation of the Logistics Sector Study environments The Reference Service Levels allow the organisations that hold them to stand out from their (AMB) BCN FP Foundation • competitors by their higher quality service provision while simultaneously showing their Other activities 2021 customers that they are making efforts to improve. Sustainability Helping the Port of Barcelona • The transition to a new energy model and Environment to become more socially • The Port is designing its Decarbonisation Plan responsible by enhancing criteria of social responsibility Other Terminals certified Date certified Shipping companies certified Date certified and prevention of occupational • Commitment to monitor the electricity purchasing group DECAL 20.03.2020 BALEARIA 04.03.2020 and environmental risks in • Water Quality Technical Conference at the Port of Barcelona the companies of the Port CLH 27.05.2020 TRASMEDITERRANEA 29.10.2020 Community according to AUTOTERMINAL 03.07.2020 MSC 22.11.2020 established objectives. SETRAM 22.07.2020 MAERSK 27.12.2020 Inform, train, promote TEPSA 05.10.2020 ERGRANSA 23.10.2020 BEST 08.11.2020 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 44 45 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area The quality label: efficiency network EFFICIENCY DASHBOARD RATING, SURVEY IN THE FIRST MONTHS OF THE PANDEMIC (MARCH-JUNE) Along with the References, another tool used to achieve high levels of efficiency and quality 39% FAIRLY USEFUL of service is the Port of Barcelona’s Efficiency Network Quality Label, which closed 2020 30% VERY USEFUL with 96 activities certified out of a total of 91 companies. 25% ADEQUATE 3% NOT VERY USEFUL 3% NOT AT ALL USEFUL Activity sectors 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Shipping agents 14 14 13 13 14 12 12 11 11 11 Hauliers 12 18 20 23 23 23 23 28 31 32 Customs / Forwarding agents 19 23 30 32 34 36 36 40 44 44 Terminals 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ship services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 7 TOTAL 47 57 65 70 73 73 73 89 95 96 2020 was exceptionally marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has changed certain ways of doing things. Actions around the Quality Label in 2020 consisted of: TECHNICAL AND INFORMATION CONFERENCES • H olding non-contact events Despite the pandemic, 2020 was a very active year in terms of conferences. • P ostponing invoicing of the certification cost • C onducting surveys to improve the promotion of certified organisations Two face-to-face sessions could be held: • L aunching a new Customer Service channel on Telegram • in January, to present and communicate the possibilities of analysis and dissemination of the new Efficiency Dashboard report; • a nd in February, to officially present the Values of the Label, defined during two previous APPLICATION OF THE NEW EFFICIENCY DASHBOARD REPORT years of work by certified companies and organisations and which serve to differentiate the practices of the companies comprising the Efficiency Network as a support tool for The Quality Label has achieved the goal of providing data to certified companies in a more improving the efficiency of port logistics. summarised and flexible format. The new Efficiency Dashboard report is much more visual and its design allows more information to be incorporated and for organisations to easily disseminate it, giving them the chance to promote themselves directly. The most innovative EFFICIENCY NETWORK LABEL VALUES part involves including information on the progression of the entire process of the chain in which the company operates, as well as a summary of indicators organised by six-month periods, which can group together data from two years of certification. Certified container activity organisations received this Efficiency Dashboard report every six months during 2020 via the Brand Centre. Excellence Commitment Integrity Transparency Collaboration Efficiency ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 46 47 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Management and business area From March onwards, the sessions planned for the other companies certified in the container RENEWAL OF THE QUALICERT CERTIFICATION OF THE LABEL transport activity had to be transformed into online training sessions to make progress during lockdown, and were well received. Performing audits on companies in the Port Community is one of the key aspects in the management ATTENDANCE AT QUALITY LABEL CONFERENCES of the Label and Barcelona Port Authority (APB) has to guarantee maximum transparency and Values seminar Efficiency Dashboard seminar Thanks seminar equanimity towards certified (in-person) In-person (on-line) (on-line) companies in its auditing activity. Companies convened 89 38 77 90 SGS, the company specialised in Companies attended 30 31 55 50 inspecting and verifying services, is in charge of periodically evaluating the management and performance system of Efficiency Network audits EVALUATION OF REMOTE TRAINING SESSIONS through Qualicert certification. Although the certification is valid 40% for three years, SGS monitors the FAIRLY USEFUL 26% system annually to validate the ADEQUATE quality of service, therefore this year 25% VERY USEFUL 4 the APB received the corresponding % NOT VERY USEFUL 4 renewal certificate that validates % NO ANSWER/DON’T KNOW 2% the management system for the NOT AT ALL USEFUL performance of audits. INTERNATIONALISATION OF THE LABEL The Quality Label reinforced its international status during 2020 by attending various missions and fairs around the world, such as the presentation of the Quality Label at the Port of Buenos Aires, the presentation of the Improvement of the Customer Experience at the Port of Barcelona as part of the virtual trade mission to Colombia, or the presence at the third China International Import Expo (CIIE). The international activity of the Efficiency Network affords visibility to all certified In November, in front of more than sixty shipping agents and a total of 22 companies, organisations through the presence of logos on the stands and the information provided. the Port of Barcelona and the Spanish Government Delegation in Catalonia presented the new version of the Maritime Health Declaration (DMS) tool and the activation of claims management in the field of vessel services under the Efficiency Network Quality Plan, effective from 1 January 2021. The traditional Annual Conference of the Quality Label of the Port of Barcelona was held at the end of December, this year in online format ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 48 49 PORT DE BARCELONA Management and business area Sectoral Sustainability Plan ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS Ethics and integrity 16 PEACE, JUSTICE 17 PARTNERSHIPS 64% of organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan have a code of ethics or AND STRONG FOR THE GOALS INSTITUTIONS good governance, lower than in 2018. 56.2% have formal channels for consultation on ethical issues; 65.2% have internal channels for processing inquiries or complaints on ethical issues and 69.8% have policies and/or procedures for combating corruption. Promote just, peaceful Revitalise the Global and inclusive societies Alliance for Sustainable Development Sustainability initiatives • 64% of organisations under the Plan have a code of • 36% of organisations under ethics or good governance the Plan adhere to global 36% of the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan (SSP) are involved initiatives that promote in external sustainability initiatives and most of them in more than one. Joining the • 6 5.2% of organisations sustainability Global Compact is the initiative that most companies have undertaken. under the Plan have channels for whistle blowing • 3 6% of organisations under the Plan participate in It should be underlined that all the companies that respond to the survey are covered by sorted by ethical subjects sustainable initiatives the Sectoral Sustainability Plan, which is an indication of their commitment and effort on sustainability issues. • 27% of organisations under the Plan prepare sustainability reports INVOLVEMENT OF SSP ORGANISATIONS IN SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES, 2016-2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Global Compact 45.8% 58.7% 41.9% 32% 40.6% The guiding principles SGE 21 8.3% 38.0% 18.6% 13.2% 6.2% Other initiatives 62.5% 65.7% 72.0% 75.5% 69.0% Transparency Administrations and public entities are subject to legislation on transparency issues, set out in Just like the Port of Barcelona, whose annual report is structured around sustainability criteria, Law 19/2013 of 9 December 2013 on transparency, access to public information and good 27% of organisations under the Plan prepare sustainability reports (33.3% in 2019). governance. This law does not affect organisations governed by private law. Although it is 61% of companies that prepare a sustainability report do so according to the standards of not mandatory, many companies are moving towards publishing integrated sustainability the Global Reporting Initiative. reports setting out economic, organisational and information on the various actions they perform. Participation in the survey by the companies under the Plan is an example It should be noted that, while they do not prepare other reports related to sustainability, of the voluntary exercise of transparency. the survey itself, on which the Plan’s data are based, is a sign of commitment to responsibility and sustainability. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 50 51 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value 05 D eveloping ABOUT THE DATA Traffic data are aggregated for all the organisations of the Port of Barcelona, are drawn economic value from the data control systems of Barcelona Port Authority (APB) and are reported monthly on the Port of Barcelona website. Data on the financial year in this report refer to the results of the APB as the organisation The Port of Barcelona’s core activity is goods traffic, passenger transport and the logistics responsible for the management of the Port of Barcelona. They are significant and have an that they generate. The growth and development of the organisations that are part of it impact on the whole Port in two ways: because the APB’s revenue comes from aggregated depend on its dynamism; but, as explained in the previous chapter, it also has a considerable general port activity (traffic and land concessions); and because the resources generated influence on the wealth creation of its hinterland. The Port of Barcelona considers that serve to fund the port infrastructure works, to support the Port of Barcelona’s commercial an environment of sustainable growth over time can be guaranteed only if the economic promotion and strategy actions and to cover the management and general administration externalities of port activity are reduced; in other words, if it seeks to ensure that economic, tasks of the installation, inter alia. social and environmental aspects move forward in lockstep and reach everyone. ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS The Port’s contribution to the economy 8 DECENT WORK 9 INDUSTRY 12 RESPONSIBLE AND ECONOMIC INNOVATION AND CONSUMPTION GROWTH INFRASTRUCTURE AND PRODUCTION Market share in terms of goods value The Port of Barcelona is one of the main drivers of economic development in Catalonia and Spain and specialises in high-value goods. In value terms, the Port channelled 75% of the maritime external trade of Catalonia and 25% of the total for Spain in 2020. Promote sustained, Develop resilient Ensure sustainable inclusive and sustainable infrastructures, promote consumption and The approximate aggregate value of the goods that passed through the Port in 2020 was economic growth, full and inclusive and sustainable production patterns €68.739 billion, down 20% on 2019, as a result of the 11% decrease in total tonnage productive employment industrialisation and handled and mainly of the tonnes in containers (-6%) and cars (-38%), which have the most The Port of Barcelona is and decent work for all encourage innovation value and therefore count most in the indicator. Despite this setback, the Port of Barcelona working to ensure that all of remains the number one port in Spain in terms of the value of the goods that pass through it. The growth of freight traffic The growth of the Port was its component organisations and passenger movement made possible by consolidating become actors concerned goes hand in hand with job infrastructures and increasing with sustainability and VALUE OF GOODS PASSING THROUGH THE PORT (in million EUR), 2017-2020 creation and the concern that investments year after year. promote practices that respect this growth should not harm In addition, the Port’s society and the environment, the surrounding area or the companies have promoted working to achieve 2017 2018 2019 2020 environment. Furthermore, research, investigation sustainable consumption and 78,260 86,633 86,080 68,739 (-20%) the description of jobs carried and innovation. production methods. The out by Barcelona City Council Port is encouraging more in the “blue economy sector”, • Building new road and rail organisations from its Port i.e. work in the maritime sector, accesses to the Port Community to adhere to the underlines these jobs as quality Sectoral Sustainability Plan MARKET SHARE OF MARITIME EXTERNAL TRADE OF CATALONIA employment. and establishes and monitors sustainability indicators. The Port of Barcelona’s market share in the hinterland is the percentage of trade flows • A 25% share of maritime of a region routed through the Port. These data show the positioning of the Port 3 foreign trade in Spain • 1 02,264 m of MARPOL of Barcelona within Spain. waste managed in the Port • T op port in Spain in cargo value • 3 1.2 million tonnes of hinterland traffic, i.e., real trade ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 52 53 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value In value terms, total foreign trade in bulk and general cargo carried by the Port of Sectors with which the port works Barcelona in 2020 represented 75% of total maritime foreign trade of Catalonia for these products, which represents an increase of one percentage point compared to 2019, and accounts for 87% of the total maritime foreign trade of containers in Catalonia, As the main import and export region of Spain, one of the characteristics of the Catalan as in the previous year external trade sector is its high degree of diversification, which covers a wide range of productive sectors. The main economic sectors comprising Catalan external maritime trade and their business and industrial fabric use the Port of Barcelona principally to channel their trade flows, which helps to improve their competitiveness as they pass through an MARKET SHARE OF MARITIME EXTERNAL TRADE OF CATALONIA - BULK AND GENERAL CARGO, 2015-2020 infrastructure adapted to the needs and the provision of efficient services. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 The progression in this pandemic year was generally negative except for building materials and non-metallic minerals. 73% 74% 73% 73% 74% 75% MARKET SHARE OF MARITIME EXTERNAL TRADE OF CATALONIA - BULK AND GENERAL CARGO, 2016-2020 MARKET SHARE OF MARITIME EXTERNAL TRADE OF CATALONIA - CONTAINERS (TEU), 2015-2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 % 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Energy 10,083,533 12,724,469 13,874,011 14,469,913 11,134,280 -23.1% 85% 84% 85% 86% 87% 87% Vehicles & transport elements 10,386,425 12,299,616 13,757,357 13,291,063 11,002,575 -17.2% Agro-livestock and food 8,248,351 11,476,244 12,992,796 13,553,103 12,474,665 -8.0% Other goods 7,971,058 10,454,914 11,580,213 11,266,297 10,611,026 -5.8% MARKET SHARE OF SPANISH MARITIME FOREIGN TRADE Chemicals 4,817,431 5,791,910 6,350,393 6,329,514 6,158,665 -2.7% Iron and steel 2,182,656 3,067,800 3,242,672 3,163,141 2,786,459 -11.9% In addition, total maritime external trade in bulk and general cargo channelled by the Port Building materials 2,640,574 2,954,709 2,830,889 2,577,110 3,185,403 23.6% of Barcelona in 2020, in value terms, represented 25% of total maritime external trade of these products for Spain. Furthermore, the value of maritime external trade of containers Fertilisers 717,586 764,933 793,715 749,827 514,962 -31.3% (TEU) channelled by the Port of Barcelona in 2020 was 32% of the total value of maritime Non-metallic minerals 465,348 535,538 581,713 558,116 624,576 11.9% external trade of containers of the State. GOODS TRANSPORTED BY SECTOR (in tonnes), 2020 MARKET SHARE OF MARITIME EXTERNAL TRADE OF SPAIN - BULK AND GENERAL CARGO, 2015-2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Fertilisers 514,962 24% 25% 24% 24% 25% 25% Non-metallic minerals 624,576 Iron and steel 2,786,459 Building materials 3,185,403 MARKET SHARE OF MARITIME EXTERNAL TRADE OF SPAIN - CONTAINERS (TEU), 2015-2020 Chemicals 6,158,665 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Other goods 10,611,026 31% 31% 32% 32% 32% 32% Vehicles & transport elements 11,002,575 Energy 11,134,280 Agro-livestock and food 12,474,665 0 3,000,000 6,000,000 9,000,000 12,000,000 15,000,000 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 54 55 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value Countries with which the port works MAIN DESTINATION AREAS (in tonnes), 2018-2020 6,000,000 The behaviour of traffic in the geographic areas with a greater specific weight was very variable during this year: while trade with the Mediterranean Italy and France (+4.1%), 5,500,000 the Far East and Japan (+4.5%) and the Eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the 5,000,000 Caspian Sea and the Middle East (+2.7%) increased slightly, there were notable decreases in cabotage in Spain (-19.3%) and trade with North Africa (-19.6%). 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 TRAFFIC BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS (in tonnes), 2020 3,000,000 Acumulated monthly % of total 2,500,000 Geographical areas 2019 2020 Diff 20-19 % 2020 2,000,000 Italy/France (Mediterranean) 8,072,840 8,405,309 332,469 4.1% 14.4% 1,500,000 Spain (Cabotage) 9,582,028 7,731,059 -1,850,968 -19.3% 13.2% Far East and Japan 6,907,358 7,216,068 308,710 4.5% 12.3% 1,000,000 E. Med./Black Sea/Caspian/ Near East 4,396,307 4,515,199 118,891 2.7% 7.7% 500,000 North Africa 5,435,758 4,368,248 -1,067,510 -19.6% 7.5% 0 Europe (Atlantic) 3,860,431 3,906,508 46,078 1.2% 6.7% North Southeast West Africa Persian Gulf Europe Eastern North Africa Far East Italy Spain America Asia /Arabian Sea (Atlantic) Mediterranean and Japan /France (Cabotage) Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea 4,040,103 3,659,626 -380,477 -9.4% 6.3% (Atlantic) /Black Sea (Mediterranean) /Caspian South America (Atlantic) 2,846,504 2,910,371 63,867 2.2% 5.0% /Near East Gulf of Mexico (Mexico and USA) 3,479,704 2,478,711 -1,000,993 -28.8% 4.2% 2018 2019 2020 Pakistan/India/Sri Lanka/Bangladesh 2,993,146 2,217,127 -776,019 -25.9% 3.8% West Africa 2,588,895 2,186,514 -402,381 -15.5% 3.7% MAIN AREAS OF ORIGIN (in tonnes), 2018-2020 South-East Asia 2,582,762 2,085,007 -497,755 -19.3% 3.6% Red Sea 1,465,858 1,300,873 -164,985 -11.3% 2.2% 6,000,000 Central America and Caribbean 1,652,736 1,174,067 -478,669 -29.0% 2.0% 5,500,000 North America (Atlantic) 1,361,777 1,140,008 -221,769 -16.3% 1.9% 5,000,000 Canada (Atlantic) and Great Lakes 1,734,956 1,063,148 -671,808 -38.7% 1.8% 4,500,000 South and East Africa/Indian Ocean 484,391 544,380 59,989 12.4% 0.9% 4,000,000 South America (Pacific) 854,594 523,053 -331,542 -38.8% 0.9% 3,500,000 North America (Pacific) 934,099 472,247 -461,852 -49.4% 0.8% 3,000,000 Unknown 408,784 384,121 -24,663 -6.0% 0.7% Australia and New Zealand/Pacific islands 163,297 210,964 47,667 29.2% 0.4% 2,500,000 TONNES 65,846,328 58,492,611 -7,353,717 -11.2% 100% 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Southeast Pakistan Gulf of Persian Gulf Europe Eastern South Spain Far East Italy Asia /India Mexico /Arabian Sea (Atlantic) Mediterranean America (Cabotage) and Japan /France /Sri Lanka (Mexico and /Black Sea (Atlantic) (Mediterranean) /Bangladesh USA) /Caspian /Near East 2018 2019 2020 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 56 57 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value Traffic data of the Port of Barcelona Goods by type of packaging and shipping By type of packaging, 55% of cargo freight was in containerised and general cargo During 2020, the behaviour of traffic at the Port of Barcelona was not at all uniform, accounted for almost 70% of the total. varying according to type and time of year. Goods traffic suffered especially in April and May, but gradually recovered, even achieving double-digit monthly increases by the end of the year. Total traffic for the year was therefore 59.5 million tonnes (-11.9%), including provisioning and fishing, and almost 3 million TEU (-11%). Hinterland traffic fell by the same proportion STRUCTURE OF GOODS TRAFFIC, 2011-2020 (in thousands of tonnes) and totalled 31.2 million tonnes (-1.1%). The most positive note was exports, which managed to close 2020 at the same levels as in the previous year. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Passenger movements were even more severely affected by the situation: Container load 19,857 17,401 16,982 17,807 18,717 20,992 29,911 34,914 34,183 31,976 the practical stoppage of tourist travel since March led to a 94% decrease in cruise passengers Conventional 8,903 8,969 9,426 9,793 10,723 10,737 11,210 11,552 11,572 9,621 and 56% fewer ferry passengers. charge Liquid bulk 10,761 10,431 10,610 12,949 12,055 11,413 14,484 15,314 16,132 12,883 Dry bulk 3,544 4,685 4,374 4,764 4,426 4,436 4,466 4,225 4,071 4,013 Stopovers TOTAL 43,065 41,486 41,392 45,313 45,921 47,578 60,071 66,005 65,958 58,493 All in all, there were 6,724 stopovers in the Port of Barcelona (-24.5%), with an average tonnage of 32,735 tonnes (-15.5%). In 2020, for the very first time the Port received the largest container vessels in the world, with a capacity of more than 23,000 TEU. A total of 22 stopovers were made, therefore SHARE OF GENERAL CARGO IN TOTAL TRAFFIC, 2020 average TEU handled per port call of these vessels was 11,100 TEU per stopover, well above the 7,300 TEU per stopover registered on average last year. These results point to the Port’s high levels of productivity. 71% GENERAL CARGO (41,596 thousands of tones) 29% OTHER TRAFFIC (16,897 thousands of tones) DEVELOPMENT OF SHIP TRAFFIC 2011-2020 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Number of ships GT (in thousands of tonnes) ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 58 59 PORT DE BARCELONA 8,007 265,832 7,768 261,638 7,727 262,546 7,822 279,880 8,025 324,160 8,728 310,338 8,976 329,458 9,038 344,143 8,901 344,731 6,724 220,109 Developing economic value Developing economic value DEVELOPMENT OF CARGO TRAFFIC BY TYPES OF SHIPPING, 2011-2020 Containers 70,000 As a reflection of the global situation, container traffic registered a total of 2,958,040 TEU, 65,000 closing the period 11% down on the previous year. This decline was significantly moderated by the fact that traffic in transit, which closed 10% down, recovered significantly in the last 60,000 three months of the year. 55,000 50,000 BEHAVIOUR BY MARKETS AND OPERATION 45,000 Also traffic to the hinterland —which includes full foreign trade containers– managed 40,000 to contribute in recent months to moderating the decrease in total traffic, registering a 7% decrease at the end of the year. Thus, exports, which were positive before lockdown, 35,000 rose significantly again in November and December (by 12% and 11% respectively) 30,000 to end the year with the same volume of traffic as in 2019. Imports registered the first positive result of the year in December (+12%) and the annual fall was limited to 11%. 25,000 15,000 10,000 FULL EXPORT CONTAINER TRAFFIC (TEU), 2020 5,000 80,000 0 726,798 70,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Var:-0.5% 60,000 730,308 International Cabotage Total 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 DEVELOPMENT OF CONTAINERISED GENERAL CARGO TRAFFIC, 2011-2020 10,000 0 40,000 34,914 January February March April May June July August September October November December 35,000 34,183 31,976 29,911 30,000 2019 2020 25,000 20,992 19,857 20,000 17,807 18,717 17,401 16,982 FULL IMPORT CONTAINER TRAFFIC (TEU), 2020 15,000 60,000 10,000 3,433 50,000 5,000 2,969 3,325 2,958 519,655 2,034 1,756 1,720 1,893 1,965 2,243 40,000 Var:-10.9% 0 30,000 583,116 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 20,000 Tonnes TEU 10,000 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2020 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 60 61 PORT DE BARCELONA 36,761 6,695 43,066 34,567 6,920 41,487 34,554 6,838 41,392 38,243 7,070 45,313 38,976 6,946 45,922 39,507 8,071 47,578 51,521 8,549 60,070 57,239 8,765 66,004 57,238 8,720 65,958 51,938 6,555 58,493 Developing economic value Developing economic value EXPORT IMPORT In 2020, we recorded a total of 726,798 full export containers, only 3,240 TEU less than Turning to the markets where this cargo originates, the decline in recorded imports the previous year. - 63,461 TEU (-11%) - focuses mainly on the markets with the highest specific weight, those of Asia, which have a market share of 74%. In this case therefore Asia represents most Asia continues to account for almost 50% of the market share in the export of full containers of the fall (52,076 TEU) and focuses particularly on China, which is the Port’s main import and has played a key role in this pandemic year. Container exports to Asian markets grew market (-9%; -22,240 TEU), where the decline affects a wide range of products. by 13%, led by China (46%; +42,687 TEU). Although at lower volumes, there were also important increases to India (+39%; +5,730 TEU) and Saudi Arabia (+25%; +5,700 TEU) and Turkey (+13%; 4,000 TEU). MARKET SHARE OF EXPORT CONTAINERS BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS (%), 2020 Outside of Asia, the evolution of West Africa is also important (+2,930 TEU); but, although there are other markets with modest growth, in general the rest of the foreland was very sluggish. ASIA / OCEANIA MARKET SHARE OF EXPORT CONTAINERS BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS (%), 2020 EUROPE 9% 74% ASIA / AMERICAS Greece +18% South Korea -19% OCEANIA 11% Algeria -34% Egypt +4% 48.5% Bangladesh -21% EUROPE Saudi Arabia +24% Thailand -24% Canada +7% 12% Ecuador +27% Singapore +12% AFRICA United States +2.4% China +46% Tunisia +5% 6% Turkey +12.6% Morocco +4% Arab Emirates -10% South Korea +3% Mexico -14% Algeria -34% India +39% Saudi Arabia +25% AMERICAS Indonesia +8% 21% AFRICA 18.5% Most dynamic markets in imports channelled through the Port of Barcelona Least dynamic markets in imports channelled through the Port of Barcelona South Africa -16% Most dynamic markets in exports channelled through the Port of Barcelona Least dynamic markets in exports channelled through the Port of Barcelona With a notable growth of almost 100,000 TEUS and a 55% uninterrupted increase throughout the year, exports of pig meat —currently the most important segment of the basket of products exported from the Port— contributed significantly to closing the year with 0% variation in the external traffic chapter. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 62 63 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value Vehicles DEVELOPMENT OF CAR TRAFFIC, 2011-2020 1,000,000 Within the chapter on goods traffic, new vehicles suffered the highest impact of COVID-19, although there were some initial signs of recovery during the third quarter, especially in exports. 900,000 800,000 In a year like 2020, in which forecast new vehicle registrations in Spain were already low, the stoppage in vehicle production has had consequences for exports, especially critical in 700,000 April and May, and experienced a fall of 33.1% at the end of the year. In terms of imports, 600,000 the general cessation of economic activity, including vehicle dealers, has caused an overall impact of 43.9%, especially intense from April to August. In sum, total recorded traffic was 500,000 480,337 units (-38.2%), of which 319,608 were export, 130,889 import and 29,840 400,000 in transit. 300,000 200,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC 100,000 480,337units 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (-38.2%) Vehicles EXPORTS IMPORTS TRANSIT 319,608 1 30,889 29,840 units units units CAR TRAFFIC BY TYPE OF SHIPPING (in units), 2020 (-33.1%) (-43.9%) (-55.3%) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Cabotage 70,259 70,722 80,623 97,533 120,205 138,726 136,561 138,769 132,062 84,418 International 559,843 594,209 624,751 650,861 761,688 778,476 700,712 671,403 645,626 395,919 Another important factor to consider in this traffic is Nissan’s planed closure of its Barcelona plant in 2021, which already spelt a significant decrease in production during 2020, due to social problems and the premature termination of production of the pickup vehicle, which the Nissan plant was producing for Mercedes. Within the same group of manufacturers, Mitsubishi’s decision to stop marketing vehicles in Europe also resulted in a substantial INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE TRAFFIC (units), 2020 decrease in imports. The Port has continued to explore new business areas for vehicle traffic, an extremely 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 competitive sector currently immersed in a process of structural change. Port infrastructures Import 134,720 103,501 130,922 123,242 172,143 206,181 212,439 201,000 201,197 103,546 and operators are very important for guaranteeing a transition, both in terms of energy Export 348,332 378,642 437,991 431,440 453,357 465,802 401,178 390,158 377,777 262,535 and the model of use, which is both smooth and beneficial for all. Transit 76,791 112,066 136,461 96,179 136,188 106,493 87,095 80,245 66,652 29,838 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 64 65 PORT DE BARCELONA 630,102 664,931 705,374 748,394 881,893 917,202 837,273 810,172 777,688 480,337 Developing economic value Developing economic value Dry and liquid bulk Short sea shipping LIQUID BULK According to the definition of the European Shortsea Network, short sea shipping (SSS) means maritime traffic of goods and passengers between ports located in European territory Liquid bulk traffic experienced a 20% fall in 2020 to 12,883,480 tonnes (compared to or between these ports and those located in non-European countries with a coastline in the more than sixteen million recorded the previous year), caused by the break in economic seas surrounding Europe. activity during lockdown and the sharp fall in oil prices during the months of March to May. This led the market into contango, a situation in which the futures price of oil is above the The 2020 figure for general cargo traffic shipped by truck, platform or trailer was 345,990 expected future spot price, making it more profitable to store it until prices rise for futures intermodal transport units (ITU), down 15.6% on 2019, due principally to the decline contracts. This situation led to tanks being filled and remaining full because of low demand in commercial and industrial activity during the months leading up to the pandemic. for these products caused by mobility restrictions and reduced refining capacity. Total SSS cargo was 29 million tonnes (-8.2%) and the number of new vehicles fell by 34.2% to 416,840 units. During the year, gasoline traffic volumes fell 35.5% compared to 2019 and natural gas (usually the main product in this category in terms of volume) fell by 25.9%, with a total This section includes goods transported to the Balearic and Canary Islands (cabotage), of 3 million tonnes handled. The only products in this chapter that increased 2020 were but also freight travelling on the Motorways of the Sea (regular services between Barcelona chemicals, at 1.1 million tonnes (+2.6%), largely due to the fall in oil prices, which pushed up and various destinations in Italy and North Africa. the margins of derived products. In addition, volumes of biofuels, which experienced the greatest increase in 2019 (+92%), fell 40% this year to 855,700 tonnes. Total traffic of cabotage goods was 193,255 ITU (-23.58%) and passenger movements with the Balearic Islands fell 39.8% to 512,810. 12.9 million INTERMODAL TRANSPORT (ITU), 2011-2020 tonnes (-20%) 450,000 400,000 350,000 DRY BULK 300,000 We handled a total of 4,012,867 tonnes of dry bulk, the only traffic segment that held 250,000 its own during 2020, with only a slight fall of 0.6%. This stability was made possible by the 11.6% increase in cement and clinker exports, totalling 1.2 million tonnes. 200,000 150,000 Also worthy of note were the increases in imports of scrap metal, at 308,375 tonnes (+45.8%) and soya bean (+2%), totalling 1.36 million tonnes; and 17% in exports of 100,000 common salt, at 173,200 tonnes. Potash exports in 2020 amounted to 299,000 tonnes, 50,000 down 45% year on year due to the stoppage of production and strikes in the mines of Bages due to two fatal incidents. 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Agricultural products fell by 18.8% overall to 443,720 tonnes. The only increase in cereal volumes was wheat (+7%), while maize fell by 56% and oats by 100%. National island Ramaining SSS Total 4 million tonnes (-0.6%) *ITU a unit, self-propelled or otherwise, used directly or indirectly as a means of land transport (trailers, platforms, trucks, refrigerated vans…). ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 66 67 PORT DE BARCELONA 218,173 112,009 330,182 210,283 92,594 302,877 202,980 101,422 304,402 209,643 117,422 327,065 220,035 140,960 360,995 235,387 135,191 370,578 248,879 144,723 393,602 253,996 154,045 408,041 252,860 157,210 410,070 193,255 152,735 345,990 Developing economic value Developing economic value MOTORWAYS OF THE SEA Passengers In 2020 Barcelona shipped a total of 149,608 ITU on the Motorways of the Sea or short sea shipping (SSS) services, down 2.7% on the previous year. This figure translates Passenger movements in the Port of Barcelona were also severely affected by the global into an identical number of trucks diverted from the roads to the maritime mode, which health crisis. The total of passengers transported was 857,966 (-81.5%), of which is economically and environmentally more efficient. Total cargo was 4.5 million tonnes 659,124 travelled on regular line ferries, up 55.8% year on year, and the rest corresponded (-1.7%). to cruises, more severely impacted. While traffic with Civitavecchia increased by 1.8% due to increased capacity of the vessels Barcelona and Rome, as a result of changes made last year, the other Italian destinations fell EVOLUTION OF PASSENGER TRAFFIC, 2011-2020 considerably: Porto Torres (-13.36%), Savona (-19.8%) and Livorno (-15.46%). Traffic began to recover from August onwards, however. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 On the other hand, ITU traffic with Morocco increased 18.41% to 804 ITU, thanks to the Cabotaje 1,169,818 1,013,885 1,028,897 1,095,503 1,167,493 1,274,230 1,424,752 1,451,979 1,490,644 659,124 new service of the Suardiaz company between Barcelona and Tangier that come on stream pgrs. on 11 November. Tourist 2,657,244 2,408,634 2,599,232 2,364,292 2,540,302 2,683,499 2,712,247 3,042,217 3,137,918 198,842 cruise Passenger traffic with SSS destinations fell 80% in 2020 to a total of 37,870 passengers pgrs. (compared to 187,286 in 2019). TOTAL 3,827,062 3,422,519 3,628,129 3,459,795 3,707,795 3,957,729 4,136,999 4,494,196 4,628,562 857,966 Rail traffic CRUISE SHIPS In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent declaration of the state of The Port of Barcelona’s long-standing commitment to intermodality and environmental alarm in Spain, the government issued Order PCM/216/2020 of 12 March 2020 ordering sustainability resulted in a significant increase in the rail share of container and car transport. the closure of Spanish ports to cruises. At that time the Port had 18 stopovers scheduled up to the end of March, and the sector was left with numerous ships sailing at the start of the 2020 closed with 269,304 containers entering or leaving the port precinct by rail, season in the Mediterranean. which represents a year-on-year increase of 7.8% and pushes up the rail share of containers to a new record of 15%. During 2020, cruise ships could operate at the Port of Barcelona only up until 14 March and, exceptionally, in a landing in April of the ship Costa Deliziosa, which was able to disembark 187,466 vehicles were shipped (-25.7%) by train, with a record-breaking 42% rail share passengers of Spanish nationality who were travelling around the world. There were only of vehicles. 198,842 passengers in total (-93.7%) and 53 cruise stopovers with passengers. This transport represents an annual saving of 31,000 tonnes of CO2*, by removing 170,000 trucks from the roads. 198,842 cruise passengers 15 (-94%) % Container 42% Vehicle rail share rail share *Calculated according to methodology validated and certified by TÜV Rheinland and updated during 2020. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 68 69 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value Economic and financial report TURNOVER Net turnover for 2020 was €138.9 million, down 19% year on year, with a double-digit Summary outturn for the year percentage drop in almost all rates and fees. Barcelona Port Authority closed FY 2020 with a net profit of €17.6 million, down 60% year on year. The operating result fell by 65% on 2019, while the financial result fell 36%. TURNOVER (million EUR), 2019 - 2020 2020 2019 Variació %Var. OUTTURN FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (million EUR), 2019-2020 Port fees 127,665 157,722 (30,057) -19% Occupation fee 51,782 57,311 (5,529) -10% 2020 2019 Variation %Var. Fees for use 62,838 83,527 (20,689) -25% Operating profit 14.0 40.2 (26.2) -65% Vessel fees 25,511 33,362 (7,851) -24% Financial results 2.5 4.0 (1.4) -36% Pleasure craft fees 451 438 13 3% Tax on profits 1.1 - - - Passenger fees 2,547 11,570 (9,023) -78% TOTAL 17.6 44.2 (26.6) -60% Cargo fees 34,048 37,762 (3,714) -10% Fresh fish fees 135 194 (59) -31% Fees for special use of the transit area 146 201 (55) -27% This unprecedented drop in outturn for the year was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Activity fees 11,845 15,272 (3,427) -22% due to the contraction of traffic and as a result of the application of cuts in concession rates Navigation aids fee 1,200 1,613 (413) -26% to reduce the economic impact of coronavirus in the port community. Other business income 11,271 14,711 (3,440) -23% Amounts in addition to fees 5,776 6,437 (661) -10% On the other hand, all the port authorities of general interest in Spain were subject from 2020 to the General Regime in Corporation Tax (previously they were partially exempt from Fees and other 5,495 8,274 (2,779) -34% taxation), as established in RDL 26/2020 of 7 July 2020, with effect from 1 January 2020. 138,936 172,433 (33,497) -19% Although the result of the gross tax bill for the year is zero, there is a negative expense entry of €1.1 million as a result of the recognition of deferred tax assets, which in this case are added to net income. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 70 71 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 result TREND IN TURNOVER (in thousand EUR) AND OF VOLUME OF TRAFFIC (in thousands of tonnes), 2011 – 2020 The operational stoppage in all economic sectors at the local and global level —particularly 70,000 173,527 172,433 180,000 in the transport of passengers, trade and leisure— has directly impacted the traffic of the 166,346 157,839 160,777 158,901 Port of Barcelona since March 2020, when the state of alarm was declared. All operating 154,832 155,617 155,474 60,000 138,936 indicators suffered the direct consequences from the outset and, in the case of cruises, 150,000 passenger movements were completely stopped until the end of the year. The remaining 50,000 business lines only gradually recovered their activity well into the third quarter, but the 120,000 accumulated general slowdown made it impossible to match the levels reached in 2019. 40,000 90,000 30,000 TREND IN THE MAIN OPERATING INDICATORS, 2019 - 2020 60,000 20,000 2019 2020 Var. 20/19 (%) 10,000 30,000 MILLIONS OF TONNES Liquid bulk 16.1 12.9 -20% 0 0 Dry bulk 4.0 4.0 - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 General goods 45.7 41.6 -9% containerised 34.2 32.0 -6% Traffic (thousand t) Turnover (thousand EUR) non-containerised 11.6 9.6 -17% TOTAL GOODS 65.8 58.5 -11% Along with the decline in port operations, income from fees was reduced following the UNITS implementation of a number of state measures aimed at addressing the economic and social TEUS 3,323,739 2,958,040 -11% impact of COVID-19. These measures, included in the so-called 2020 Emergency Plan were: O/D 1,926,039 1,782,811 -7% • R oyal Decree-Law 8/2020 of 17 March 2020 setting out a series of measures transit 1,397,700 1,175,229 -16% in the area of public procurement, which allows, inter alia, the right of concessionaires to restore the economic balance of contracts by amending clauses with an ITU 410,546 347,081 -15% economic content. Passengers 4,628,622 857,966 -81% • Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 of 21 April 2020, which provides that: ferries 1,490,644 659,124 -56% - the occupation fee can be reduced when the negative impact on the activity is cruise ships 3,137,978 198,842 -94% proven (the reduction cannot exceed 60% of the full fee at the passenger terminals Vehicles 777,690 480,337 -38% and 20% at the rest); Ships 8,901 6,724 -24% - in the activity fee the lower limit of the full annual fee may be cancelled; GT 344,730,742 220,109,528 -36% - e xemptions may be applied in vessel fees for inability to operate during the state of alarm: a 10% reduction on short sea shipping and a 50% reduction on regular passenger or Ro-Ro cargo services. As can be seen in the table, the most significant drop in activity concerned passengers, a fall • R oyal Decree-Law 26/2020 of 7 July 2020, which includes more economic recovery of 81% compared to 2019, especially due to the stoppage of cruises since March. In second measures, and includes a retroactive reduction of fees and minimum traffic. place is the decrease in vehicle traffic, 38% year on year. We must also consider the drop in the number of stopovers: the number of ships berthed decreased by 24%. Goods in tonnes and in TEU experienced a decline of 11%. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 72 73 PORT DE BARCELONA thousands of tonnes 43,065 41,487 41,391 45,314 45,946 47,579 60,177 66,004 65,846 58,493 thousand EUR Developing economic value Developing economic value FALL IN INCOME FROM FEES (in million EUR), 2020 OPERATING INCOME Item Fee affected Amount In quantitative terms, the application of these Operating income stood at €14 million, down 65% year on year. measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 Occupation fee 5,5 RDL 26/2020 has led to a decrease of €30 million in revenue Activity fee 1,1 for the Port of Barcelona compared to 2019, as OPERATING INCOME (thousands of EUR), 2019-2020 T1 and T2 11,0 can be seen in the corresponding table. on cruise ships 2020 2019 Variation %Var. T1 and T2 6,5 Net turnover 138,936 172,433 (33,497) -19% Descens de tràfics on other ships Other operating income 6,395 6,750 (355) -5% T3 (goods) 3,7 Staff costs (34,519) (33,421) (1,098) 3% Activity fee 2,2 Other operating expenses (45,378) (55,262) 9,884 -18% DECREASE IN REVENUE FROM FEES 30,0 Depreciation of tangible assets (57,002) (56,940) (62) 0% Allocation of grants and other non-financial assets 6,785 6,835 (50) -1% These “emergency” measures were in force throughout 2020. However, to alleviate Impairment and gains on disposals of assets (1,249) (184) (1,065) - the effects of coronavirus for the coming years, the Port of Barcelona has established TOTAL 13,968 40,211 (26,243) -65% a recovery plan, which consists of subsidising occupation fees throughout 2021 and 2022 and applying weightings to vessel, passenger and goods use fees, which suggests that we will not return to the turnover we achieved in 2019 until 2023. While the change in revenue was 33.5 million, operating income varied by 26 million compared to the previous year. The main reason for this difference was expenditure almost €8 million lower. Income by type The coronavirus effect on the distribution of revenue by business line was slightly different EXPENDITURE from other years. Despite the decrease in turnover, public domain concession fees gained relative weight in relation to use fees and represent 50% of revenue (46% in 2019) because Expenditure items were responsible for reducing part of the effect of the fall in revenue they absorbed the reduction in the passenger fee, which closed with a residual contribution this year. of only 2% of revenue (it was 7% in 2019). As explained above, planned cruise ship stopovers were cancelled in March and ferries considerably decreased their activity following the declaration of the state of alarm. DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURE (in million EUR), 2019 - 2020 As regards the percentage composition of other income, in 2020 goods represented 25% of turnover while in the previous year it was 22%. This increase is due to a smaller decline 2020 2019 Var. (M€) Var. (%) in this fee compared to the others which fared less well. Staff costs 34.4 33.4 1.0 3% External service expenses 26.5 31.0 -4.6 -15% Conservation 6.5 8.7 -2.3 -26% Independent professionals 5.7 5.1 0.6 11% COMPOSITION OF NET TURNOVER (%), 2020 Supplies 1.6 1.9 -0.3 -15% Other external services 8.6 8.9 -0.3 -3% 50% PUBLIC DOMAIN CONCESSIONS Marpol 4.2 6.5 -2.3 -35% 25% GOODS Other current management expenses 2.3 7.5 -5.3 -70% 19% VESSELS AND NAVIGATION AIDS 4% Contribution to *OPPE and FCI 12.4 12.9 -0.4 -3% OTHER FEES 2% Depreciation 57.0 56.9 0.0 0% PASSENGERS Other expenses 5.5 4.0 1.5 38% Allocation grants -6.8 -6.8 0.0 0% TOTAL 131.3 139.0 -7.7 -6% 138.936 thousand euros *Public body Puertos del Estado (OPPE) and Interport Compensation Fund (FCI) ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 74 75 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value There was a general fall in expenditure, with the exception of two items: STAKEHOLDER COMPANIES • Staff costs, which increased by 3% as a result of the compensation for early retirements. The percentages on stakeholder companies’ share capital have not changed with respect to the previous year. • Expenditure of €1.4 million was generated for capital losses as a result of Storm Gloria (January 2020). Thus, the decrease in expenditure is not related to the reduction in current expenditure, STAKEHOLDER COMPANIES ON 31/12/2020 (% of share capital) but to specific events, including: • Conservation costs were €2.3 million lower than in 2019 because no dredging actions Participation were conducted during 2020. Group companies • Current management expenses, which are non-linear provisions over time, were lower Gerència Urbanística Port Vell 100.00% than in 2019 due to less being assigned for litigation. During 2020, €1.4 million were entered as provision for litigation and €0.4 million for compensation. Centro Intermodal de Logística, SA, S.M.E. 51.50% World Trade Center Barcelona, S.A. S.M.E. 75.99% The decline in Marpol spending (-2.3 million compared to 2019) was offset by lower revenue Associated companies due to the impact of this cost. In the wake of the significant reduction in passenger vessel Catalana d'Infraestructures Portuàries, SL 49.00% traffic, the cost of waste collection fell in the same proportion as revenue, therefore the effect is virtually neutral. Terminal Intermodal Marítima Centro, SL 49.00% Terminal Intermodal de l'Empordà, SL 47.32% However, the ratio that measures the absorption of expenses in overall turnover rose four Puerto Seco de Azuqueca de Henares, SA 36.73% points to 44% (it does not take into account the Marpol effect). Portic Barcelona, SA 40.69% Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza, SL 21.55% EXPENDITURE ABSORPTION RATIOS (%), 2011 - 2020 Other stakeholdings Barcelona Regional Agencia Metropolitana de Desenvolupament Urbanístic i d’Infraestructures, SA 11.76% 50% 44% Puerto Seco de Madrid, SA S.M.E 10.20% 40% 36% 36% Perpignan Saint Charles Conteneur Terminal, SAEML 3.89% 40% 34% 33% 33% 34% 33% 33% 30% 20% FINANCIAL RESULTS 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Financial results were close to €2.5 million, a year-on-year worsening of €1.4 million (-36%). Current expenses / Turnover Current expenses = staff costs + external services + other current running costs FINANCIAL RESULT (in thousand EUR), 2019 – 2020 2020 2019 Variation %Var. Financial income 2,830 4,415 (1,585) -36% Financial expenses (644) (1,955) 1,311 -67% Change in fair value of financial instruments 352 1,485 (1,133) -76% Impairment and gains on disposals of financial instruments - 8 (8) - TOTAL 2,538 3,953 (1,415) -36% ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 76 77 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value The factors that contributed to this variation were: EBITDA AND CASH FLOW a) Financial income Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortisation (EBITDA) totalled €70 million i. S takes in equity instruments. The fundamental difference with respect to 2019 and funds from operations generated operational cash flow of €66.3 million. Both of these lies in the fact that in 2020, World Trade Center decided not to distribute dividends. figures fell year on year, by 31% and 32% respectively, dragged down by the result of this year. Despite this, income from the other two stakeholdings was higher: EBITDA (in thousand EUR), 2019 – 2020 INCOME FROM STAKEHOLDINGS (in thousand EUR), 2019 – 2020 (thousand EUR) 2020 2019 Variation %Var. 2020 2019 Variation %Var. Operating profit 13,968 40,211 (26,243) -65% World Trade Center Barcelona 0 1,791 -1,791 -100% Plus 71,833 76,546 (4,713) Centro Intermodal de Logística, S.A. 1,353 937 416 44% Funding Puertos del Estado 6,309 6,354 (46) CIP, S.A. 686 539 147 27% Net contribution to the Interport Compensation Fund 5,776 6,188 (412) TOTAL 2,039 3,267 -1,227 -38% Depreciation of fixed assets 57,002 56,940 62 Reserves for liabilities and expenses 1,353 6,732 (5,379) ii. O ther financial instruments. These decreased by €300,000, due mainly Losses from fixed assets 1,393 331 1,062 to the lower interest received from TCB as a result of the decrease in the cash rate Minus 15,797 15,706 91 applied to the debt as a result of refinancing the concessionaire company. Profits accruing from fixed assets - b) F inancial expenses. The financial burden from debt contracted with the European Valuation adjustments for impairment of non-current assets 144 145 (1) Investment Bank was lower in 2020 due to the progressive reduction in the volume Capital grants and others transferred to profit 6,785 6,835 (50) of indebtedness, together with the effect of the maturity of the swap on 15 March. Income from return of concessions 3,460 3,663 (203) c) C hange in fair value of financial instruments. This heading shows the change Entering advances received for services rendered in results 5,408 5,053 355 in the value of the interest rate swap agreement, which generated a difference Other - 10 (10) of €1.1 million, compensated in the previous heading. TOTAL 70,004 101,051 (31,047) -31% CASH FLOW (in thousand EUR), 2019 – 2020 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 0 EBITDA Port system CF1 Financial result & CF2: Operating Investment 2020 financing other adjustments cash flow €26,529 BN CF3 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 78 79 PORT DE BARCELONA thousand euros 70,004 12,085 57,919 8,391 66,310 26,529 39,781 Developing economic value Developing economic value INVESTMENT AND BORROWING CONTRIBUTION TO THE PORT SYSTEM Barcelona Port Authority performed investments to the tune of €26.5 million, providing Article 19 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011 approving the Recast Law on State Ports a surplus of €39.8 million in relation to the funds generated by operations. Once again this and the Merchant Navy, sets down that the economic resources of the Public Body Puertos year, the entity had no recourse to additional funding and also reduced long-term bank debt del Estado (OPPE) shall comprise, inter alia, 4% of the revenue accrued by the port authorities by €18 million (natural amortisation of existing loans) and reduced the outstanding balance from port fees over the previous financial year. The resulting amount is considered an from €178.6 to €160.6 million. operating expense. In addition to funding the OPPE, port authorities must also make contributions to the TREND IN ANNUAL INVESTMENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT (thousand EUR), 2011 -2020 Interport Compensation Fund (FCI), set up as an instrument for redistributing the resources of the state port system and regulated pursuant to Article 159 of the same law. 500,000 486,000 The 2019 contribution was higher than this year due to the additional contribution resulting from 460,000 400,000 440,883 the creation of the new “Ports 4.0” capital fund set up to promote and incorporate incremental 419,167 innovation as an element of competitiveness and efficiency in the logistics and port sector. 300,000 347,500 303,889 200,000 281,111 196,667 178,611 APB CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STATE PORT SYSTEM (in million EUR), 2011 - 2020 160,556 105,419 88,974 100,000 85,104 66,854 40,783 58,075 49,189 59,798 14 26,585 26,529 12,5 12,1 0 12 10,8 11 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 10,2 10,4 9,7 9,8 9,8 10 9,3 Investment Debt 8 6 Since the completion of the Port’s highly financially leveraged expansion project (about €500 million in 2010), the debt ratio has decreased significantly due to the progressive effect of debt repayment through early returns, as well as the application of profits to assets. This year we 4 reached a debt-to-equity ratio of 11%, which is the lowest percentage this century. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Net contribution to Interport Compensation Fund + financing of the public body Puertos del Estado TREND IN DEBT RATIO (%), 2011 - 2020 60% 50% 47% 43% 38% 40% 35% 28% 30% 24% 21% 14% 12% 11% 10% 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Bank debt 486,000 460,000 440,833 419,167 347,500 303,889 281,111 196,667 178,611 160,556 Equity 1,034,073 1,077,311 1,152,142 1,189,569 1,228,929 1,289,061 1,338,524 1,392,199 1,436,362 1,465,172 Bank debt / Equity ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 80 81 PORT DE BARCELONA thousand euros Developing economic value Developing economic value TREND IN THE MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS The effect of the pandemic brought about a fall in turnover and cash flow to levels equivalent to those of 2006 (14 years ago). TREND IN THE MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS (in million EUR), 2011 - 2020 TREND IN THE RATIOS OF THE MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS (%), 2011 - 2020 180,000 173,527 172,433 100% 166,346 157,839 160,777 158,901 160,000 154,832 155,617 155,474 80% 67% 58% 59% 59% 56% 140,000 60% 55% 138,936 50% 52% 47% 48% 120,000 40 % 47% 103,749 98,244 102,480 97,155 35% 100,000 91,445 20% 27% 30% 31% 84,159 86,267 24% 25% 21% 26% 78,335 73,718 80,000 0 12% 66,310 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 60,000 60,313 54,609 56,732 40,000 Cash Flow / Turnover Outturn for the year / Turnover 45,126 47,776 51,377 36,930 40,211 33,389 20,000 13,968 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Turnover Cash Flow Operating income ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 82 83 PORT DE BARCELONA thousand euros Developing economic value Developing economic value Annual accounts BALANCE SHEET (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 ACTIU NO CORRENT 1,828,120 1,843,683 CURRENT ASSETS 235,240 226,151 NET CAPITAL 1,668,950 1,700,894 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 349,529 319,504 I. Intangible assets 17,079 17,689 II. Stocks 332 314 A1. Equity 1,466,373 1,436,363 I. Long-term provisions 9,289 11,488 1. Industrial property 7,207 7,431 III. T rade debtors 54,947 314 I. Capital 539,486 539,486 1. Long-term staff benefit and other receivables obligations 2. IT applications 9,872 10,258 III. Reserves 909,327 852,713 1. C ustomers for sales 43,998 31,231 2. Provisions for legal liabilities 7,082 8,129 3. Other intangible assets and services provided VII. Profit for the year 17,560 44,164 3. Other provisions 2,207 3,359 II. Tangible fixed assets 1,403,756 1,431,414 2. C ustomers and debtors, 2,756 23,435 A2. Adjustments - - 1. Land and natural assets 305,034 288,958 group and associated for changes in value II. Long-term debts 167,126 185,181 companies A3. S ubsidies, donations 202,577 264,531 1. Debt with credit institutions 160,556 178,611 2. Buildings 1,025,835 1,032,816 3. Other debtors 3,217 2,559 and legacies received 2. Long-term suppliers 3. Technical equipment 1,332 1,440 and facilities 4. P ublic admin, official 1. Official capital subsidies 166,659 228,991 of fixed assets subsidies receivable 3. Other 6,570 6,570 4. Tangible fixed assets 61,441 99,556 2. Capital donations 34 34 and advance payments 5. O ther credits with public 4,976 2,284 and legacies administrations III. L /t debt with group - - 5. Other fixed assets 10,114 8,644 3. Other subsidies, donations 35,884 35,506 and associated companies IV. S /t debt with group 155 155 and legacies III. Real estate investments 302,517 303,107 and associated companies IV. Deferred tax liabilities 55,635 - 1. Land 261,725 261,725 V. S hort-term financial 40,131 20,122 V. Long-term accruals 117,479 122,835 investments and deferrals 2. Buildings 40,792 41,382 1. Equity instruments IV. L/t debt with group 79,731 78,910 and associated companies 2. Loans to companies 122 122 CURRENT LIABILITIES 28,122 49,436 1. Equity instruments 76,469 76,469 3. Other financial assets 40,009 20,000 III. Short-term debts 18,110 31,270 2. Loans to companies 3,262 2,441 VI. Accruals and deferrals 1,106 1,004 1. Debt with credit institutions 5,984 18,136 V. Long-term financial 2,575 2,688 VII. C ash and other cash 138,569 173,325 2. Short-term suppliers 4,028 9,330 investments equivalent assets of fixed assets 1. Equity instruments 588 588 1. Cash and banks 138,569 173,325 3. Other financial liabilities 3,804 3,804 2. Loans to third parties 1,249 1,362 2. Other cash equivalents - - IV. S /t debt with group 733 321 and associated companies 3. Public admin, official 284 284 TOTAL ASSETS 2,063,360 2,069,834 subsidies receivable 1. Debt with companies 590 228 of the group 4. Other financial assets 454 454 2. D ebt with associated 143 93 VI. Deferred tax assets 13,505 - companies VII. N on-current trade 8,957 9,875 V. T rade creditors 16,026 17,845 debtors and other receivables 1. Creditors 7,702 9,385 and other receivables 2. Advance payments of public subsidies 3. O ther debts with public 8,324 8,460 administrations VI. Accruals and deferrals - - TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,063,360 2,069,834 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 84 85 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 Variation % Var, (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 Variation % Var. 1. Net turnover 138,936 172,433 (33,497) -19% 11. Impairment and gains on disposals of assets (1,249) (184) (1,065) - A. Port fees 127,665 157,722 (30,057) -19% a) Impairment and losses 144 144 - - a) Occupation fee 51,782 57,311 (5,529) -10% b) Gains on disposals and others (1,393) (328) (1,065) 325% b) Fees for the special use of port facilities 62,838 83,526 (20,688) -25% Other results - - - - 1. Vessel fees 25,511 33,362 (7,851) -24% a) Exceptional income - - - - 2. Fees for pleasure craft 451 438 13 3% b) Exceptional expenses - - - - 3. Passenger fees 2,547 11,569 (9,022) -78% 4. Goods fees 34,048 37,762 (3,714) -10% OPERATING RESULT 13,968 40,211 (26,243) -65% 5. Fresh fish fees 135 194 (59) -30% 12. Financial income 2,830 4,415 (1,585) -36% 6. Fee for special use of the transit area 146 201 (55) -27% a) Stakes in financial instruments 2,039 3,267 (1,228) -38% c) Activity fee 11,845 15,272 (3,427) -22% b) Of negotiable securities and other financial instruments 791 1,148 (357) -31% d) Navigation aids fee 1,200 1,613 (413) -26% c) Incorporation of financial expenses to assets - - - - B. Other business income 11,271 14,711 (3,440) -23% 13. Financial expenses (644) (1,955) 1,311 -67% a) Amounts in addition to fees 5,776 6,437 (661) -10% a) For third party debts (644) (1,955) 1,311 -67% b) Fees and other 5,495 8,274 (2,779) -34% b) For updating of provisions - - - - 5. Other operating income 6,395 6,750 (355) -5% 14. Change in fair value of financial instruments 352 1,485 (1,133) -76% a) Accessory and other current management income 2,201 2,694 (493) -18% a) Trading portfolio and others 352 1,485 (1,133) -76% b) Operating subsidies incorporated into the the result 409 78 331 424% 16. I mpairment and gains on disposals - 8 (8) -100% of the financial year of financial instruments c) Income from return of concessions 3,460 3,663 (203) -6% a) Impairment and losses - - d) Interport Fund compensation received 325 315 10 3% b) Gains on disposals and others - 8 (8) -100% 6. Staff costs (34,519) (33,421) (1,098) 3% a) Wages, salaries and similar expenses (22,474) (22,637) 163 -1% FINANCIAL RESULT 2,538 3,953 (1,415) -36% b) Indemnities (2,219) (301) (1,918) 637% c) Social charges (9,826) (10,483) 657 -6% PRE-TAX RESULT 16,506 44,164 (27,658) -63% 7. Other operating expenses (45,378) (55,262) 9,884 -18% 17. Tax on profits 1,054 - 1,054 - a) External services (26,286) (31,043) 4,757 -15% 1. Repairs and upkeep (10,721) (15,227) 4,506 -30% 2. Services from independent professionals (5,667) (5,083) (584) 11% BALANCE OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 17,560 44,164 (26,604) -60% 3. Supplies and consumption (1,452) (1,855) 403 -22% 4. Other external services (8,446) (8,878) 432 -5% b) Taxes (3,975) (3,842) (133) 3% c) Losses, impairment and variation of provisions (244) 24 (268) -1117% for commercial operations d) Other current management expenses (2,463) (7,544) 5,081 -67% e) Contribution to Puertos del Estado (6,309) (6,354) 45 -1% f) Interport Fund contribution (6,101) (6,503) 402 -6% 8. Depreciation of tangible assets (57,002) (56,940) (62) 0% 9. Allocation of subsidies and other non-financial assets 6,785 6,835 (50) -1% 10. Surplus provisions - - - - ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 86 87 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FOUNDS RESOURCES FROM OPERATIONS - OPERATING CASH FLOW (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 Variation % Var. APPLICATIONS 69,135 97,548 Period results 17,560 44,164 (26,604) -60% Non-current assets added 33,451 60,784 Plus 65,524 70,191 (4,667) Acquisition of intangible and material fixed assets 26,529 59,584 Net contribution to the Interport Compensation Fund 5,776 6,188 (412) Long-term receivable subsidies - 284 Depreciation of fixed assets 57,002 56,940 62 Non-current commercial debtors Reserves for liabilities and expenses 1,353 6,732 (5,379) Deferred tax assets 2,997 Losses from fixed assets 1,393 331 1,062 Fixed assets from returned concessions 3,925 916 Minus 15,797 17,201 (1,404) Reductions in equity - - Profits accruing from fixed assets 3 (3) Interport Fund contribution 6,101 6,503 Valuation adjustments for impairment 144 1,629 (1,485) Non-current liabilities removed 29,583 30,261 of non-current assets Cancellation/Transfer of debt to credit institutions 18,056 18,056 Capital grants and others transferred to profit 6,785 6,835 (50) Cancellation/Transfer of debts with suppliers of fixed assets Income from return of concessions 3,460 3,663 (203) Cancellation/Transfer of other debts 7,975 Entering advances received for services rendered 5,408 5,053 355 in results Cancellation/Transfer of long-term periodifications 12,205 Income from OPPE payment principal - Application of long-term provisions 3,552 & interest T3 disputes Other - 10 10 SOURCES 82,777 80,239 TOTAL 67,287 97,154 (29,867) -31% Resources from operations 67,287 69,496 Equity increases - Interport Fund compensation received 325 315 Subsidies and income from return of concessions 3,925 2,066 Deferred capital subsidies 3,925 1,080 Other subsidies, donations and legacies - 986 Income from return of concessions - - Non-current liabilities added 8,028 6,995 Long-term debt with credit institutions - - Long-term debt with suppliers of fixed assets - - Long-term debt with group and associated companies and others - 6,570 Advances received for sales or services rendered 8,028 425 Non-current assets added 3,212 1,357 Disposal of equity and other instruments - 12 Cancellation/Transfer to s/t of other l/t financial investments 353 465 Cancellation/Transfer to s/t of l/t subsidies receivable Commercial non-current and other debtors cancelled/transferred 917 880 Deferred tax assets 1,942 Other - 10 Excess of sources over applications 13,642 - Excess of applications over sources - 17,309 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 88 89 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value CASH FLOW (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 A) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 27,062 86,234 B) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES (49,186) (76,466) Profit before tax 16,506 44,164 Payments for investments (-) (49,341) (79,797) Adjustments to the result 41,533 44,472 Group and associated companies (976) (976) Depreciation of fixed assets (+) 57,002 56,940 Intangible assets (2,847) (2,775) Valuation adjustments for impairment (144) (145) Tangible fixed assets (25,518) (56,034) Variation of provisions 1,353 6,732 Property investments - (12) Entering subsidies (-) (6,785) (6,835) Other financial assets (20,000) (20,000) Results of fixed assets removed or disposed of 1,393 328 Non-current assets held for sale - - Results of financial instruments removed or disposed of - (8) Other assets - - Financial income (-) (2,830) (4,415) Proceeds from divestitures (+) 155 3,331 Financial expenses (+) 644 1,955 Group and associated companies 155 789 Change in fair value of financial instruments (352) (1,484) Intangible assets Income from return of concessions (-) (3,460) (3,663) Tangible fixed assets - 5 Entering advances received for sales in results (5,408) (5,053) Property investments - - Other income and expenses 120 120 Other financial assets - 2,537 Changes in working capital (25,766) (4,782) Non-current assets held for sale - - Stocks (18) 2 Other assets - - Trade debtors and other receivables (24,812) (11,349) C) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (12,632) (15,607) Other current assets 428 (328) Equity instruments received and paid - 737 Creditors and other receivables (1,856) 756 Subsidies, donations and legacies received - 737 Other current liabilities 577 6,170 Financial liability instruments received and paid (12,632) (16,344) Other non-current assets and liabilities (85) (33) Issue 5,424 1,879 Cash flows from operating activities (5,211) 2,380 Debt with credit institutions (+) - - Interest payments (-) (670) (1,956) Debt with group and associated companies (+) - - Dividends received (+) 2,039 3,267 Other payables (+) 5,424 1,879 Interest received (+) 322 1,238 Repayment and depreciation of: (18,056) (18,223) Late payment interest due to fee disputes (-) - - Debt with credit institutions (-) (18,056) (18,056) Late payment interest received due to fee disputes (+) - 9 Debt with group and associated companies (-) - - Tax on profits received/paid (3,351) (178) Other payables (-) - (167) Other payments received/made (3,551) - NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (A+B+C) (34,756) (5,839) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of FY 173,325 179,164 Cash and cash equivalents at end of FY 138,569 173,325 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 90 91 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY IN 2020 AND 2019 Statement of recognised income and expenses (Thousand EUR) 2020 2019 A) Result of the profit and loss account 17,560 44,164 B) Total income and expenses charged directly to net equity 3,925 2,066 For valuation of financial instruments - - To cover cash flows - - Subsidies, donations and legacies received 3,925 2,066 For actuarial gains and losses and other adjustments - - Tax effects - - C) Total transfers to the income statement (8,549) (10,498) For valuation of financial instruments - - To cover cash flows - - Subsidies, donations and legacies received (10,245) (10,498) Tax effects 1,696 - TOTAL RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSES (A+B+C) 12,936 35,732 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY IN 2020 Outturn for the Subsidies, Total status of changes in equity Accumulated financial donations and (Thousand EUR) Capital result year legacies Total Final balance for the 2019 financial year 539,486 852,713 44,164 264,531 1,700,894 Total recognised income and expenses - - 17,560 (4,623) 12,937 Distribution of the result for the 2019 - 44,164 (44,164) - - financial year Tax effect 12,451 (57,331) (44,880) FINAL BALANCE FOR THE 2020 FINANCIAL YEAR 539,486 909,328 17,560 202,577 1,668,951 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 92 93 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value 6 8 5 4 3 7 1 2 3 (MODIFIED PROJECT) IMPROVING THE MOORING SYSTEM ON ADOSSAT WHARF. INSERTING BOLARDS 6 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT RINGROAD. ON THE WHARFSIDE. TERMINALS C&D SECTION IV (BUNGE). PHASE 2 (OB-GP-P-0852/2020) (OB-GP-P 0779/2015) Other key economic figures Port infrastructure investment 4 (MODIFIED PROJECT) 7 (MODIFIED PROJECT) PORT SERVICE MOORING WHARF (35A) EXTENSION OF THE ADOSSAT WHARF, (OB-GP-P-723/2012) PHASE 2B CONSOLIDATION Throughout 2020 the Port of Barcelona made total investments of €26.5 million, (OB-GP-M-0829/2018) more than 18 million of which were allocated to infrastructure. The most significant actions of this year are described below. 2 REPAIRING DAMAGE TO SEAWALLS 5 PORT OF BARCELONA INTERMODAL 1 EXTENSION OF THE ADOSSAT AND ADJACENT AREAS CAUSED TERMINAL. MOVEMENT OF PRE-LOADED 8 REFITTING THE NEW WAREHOUSE WHARF, PHASE 3. CONSOLIDATION BY STORM GLORIA MATERIALS (ACTION 1) IN THE SOUTH ENLARGEMENT (OB-GP-P-761/2014) (OB-GP-P-852/2020) (OB-GP-P-785/2015) (OB-GP-P-0795/2016) ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 94 95 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value EXTENSION OF THE ADOSSAT WHARF, PHASE 3. CONSOLIDATION (MODIFIED PROJECT) IMPROVING THE MOORING SYSTEM ON ADOSSAT (OB-GP-P-761/2014 WHARF. INSERTING BOLARDS ON THE WHARFSIDE. TERMINALS C&D (OB-GP-P-0852/2020) AWARDED TO: ROGASA CONSTRUCCIONES AWARDED TO: Y CONTRATAS, S.A.U. UTE AMARRE PERFORMANCE TIME: MUELLE ADOSADO 14 months (underway) PERFORMANCE TIME: BUDGET: €2,558,069 10 months (work completed) BUDGET: €2,509,901 Plans to expand and develop the cruise activity at the Port of Barcelona involve the consolidation of passenger activity at Adossat wharf, including the location of a future cruise terminal on the last The arrival of increasing numbers of large cruise ships and similar vessels led to a review of the alignment of the wharf, in the space occupied by Port Nou Terminal. mooring system of the Adossat wharf and showed the need for upgrading and improvements. The works project adapted the mooring system of this wharf to the largest type of cruise ship The action consists of placing preloaded earth on a part of the backfill and caissons to build the new currently operating there, with the following actions: wharf line corresponding to the extension of Adossat Wharf phase 3. - Building 25 new mooring points by building new bollards, which occupy the space available between the previously existing units. REPAIRING DAMAGE TO SEAWALLS AND ADJACENT AREAS CAUSED BY - Replacing new lanes for the operation of the passenger boarding bridges. STORM GLORIA (OB-GP-P-852/2020) (MODIFIED PROJECT) PORT SERVICE MOORING WHARF (35A) (OB-GP-P-723/2012) AWARDED TO: COPISA CONSTRUCTORA PIRENAICA, S.A. PERFORMANCE TIME: 7 months (work completed) AWARDED TO: COPISA CONSTRUCTORA BUDGET: €1,641,145 PIRENAICA, S.A. PERFORMANCE TIME: 10 months (work completed) BUDGET: €1,891,503 A powerful depression named Gloria at the end of January 2020 caused a storm of heavy rain, wind and giant waves to the coast of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands leading to significant damage to infrastructures located on the coastline of these autonomous communities. A drone inspection of the outer part of the sheltering seawalls of the Port of Barcelona was Among the actions undertaken to improve the Port’s environmental situation, the Port Authority conducted after the storm, revealing various breakages and significant damage. This action aimed awarded a plot of land under concession for the management of waste from the vessels using to repair the damage urgently. the Port. Waste is transferred from ships to this area by sea, for which an adjacent wharf has been prepared, enabling waste to be unloaded in safe conditions. This action included the necessary work to prepare a wharf for the uses mentioned on the sloping breakwater at the southern end of the Energy Pier. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 96 97 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value PORT OF BARCELONA INTERMODAL TERMINAL. MOVEMENT OF PRE-LOADED (MODIFIED PROJECT) EXTENSION OF THE ADOSSAT WHARF, MATERIALS (ACTION 1) (OB-GP-P-785/2015) PHASE 2B CONSOLIDATION (OB-GP-M-0829/2018) AWARDED TO: AWARDED TO: UTE ECSA-IRANZO -GOMILA ROGASA CONSTRUCCIONES PERFORMANCE TIME: Y CONTRATAS, S.A.U 19 months (underway) PERFORMANCE TIME: BUDGET: €2,007,893 14 months (work completed) BUDGET: €1,502,743 The informative study of the project for the new South rail and road accesses assigned the Port of Barcelona a fundamental role in this area for the development of the new road and rail accesses The Port of Barcelona’s Master Plan already provided for the construction or extension that will guarantee suitable connectivity with the general transport networks of the new maritime of the Adossat wharf adjacent to the East Seawall.The reorganisation of the Port’s container terminals terminals in the enlargement area. The railway complex (dispatch/reception and loading/unloading) and the concession agreements reached with the Port Nou terminal have involved the building will be called the Port de Barcelona Intermodal Terminal. of a new section of the 290-metre long stretch of the Adossat wharf. The geotechnical characteristics of the filling of the former riverbed and the delta lands must be This work involved using preloaded materials to consolidate the terraces associated to the extension improved prior to execution of the planned road and rail infrastructures. The usual method involves of the Adossat wharf. pre-loaded materials. This works project has defined the pre-loading required in the section of the old riverbed, located between the Ronda del Port, section 12, and the existing service corridor near the section of connection REFITTING THE NEW WAREHOUSE IN THE SOUTH ENLARGEMENT between Street A of the Zona Franca and Street 114 in the Polígon Pratenc Industrial Estate. (OB-GP-P-0795/2016) DEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT RINGROAD. SECTION IV (BUNGE). PHASE 2 (OB-GP-P 0779/2015) AWARDED TO: S.A. TRABAJOS Y OBRAS (SATO) PERFORMANCE TIME: AWARDED TO: 7 months (work completed) CRC OBRAS Y SERVICIOS, S.L. BUDGET: €524,346 PERFORMANCE TIME: 17 months (work completed) BUDGET: €2,392,419 As the manager of the port area, one of Barcelona Port Authority’s responsibilities is to promote and participate in the development and maintenance of public and private land and infrastructure. Public investment consolidates and improves the competitiveness of the organisations working New urban development criteria have responded to the various mobility needs in this area with in the Port while it fosters private investment, which is an indicator of private sector trust in follow-up to the actions already performed. attracting future traffic. In this connection, the growth of activity of the BEST terminal in the southern enlargement area highlighted the need for a warehouse for empty container management. This action involved the urban development of Ronda del Port ringroad in its section IV, around the West wharf. A new roundabout has improved traffic distribution inside the Port in general The project comprised a refit of areas and accessibility for the location of a new warehouse adjacent and to the West and Contradic wharves, which has increased the capacity and safety of the section to the BEST terminal, which included removing preloaded materials associated with land consolidation, up to currently required levels. Likewise, pedestrian accessibility has been improved and shortcomings levelling, commissioning and conditioning of services, in addition to providing accessibility. —detected as a result of more pedestrians in the area due to the proximity to the urban area and the improvement of public transport— have been corrected. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 98 99 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Developing economic value Financial aid received The Port of Barcelona continued to participate in various international projects that receive financial assistance from the European Union: PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS, 2020 Period Project Action Programme Period Project Action Programme Fostering the Motorway of the Sea between Barcelona Build a barge to supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) as marine and Civitavecchia by improving infrastructures: adapting fuel in the Port of Barcelona and adjacent areas. 2018-2021 the Contradic wharf to MoS traffic, strengthening the The barge will have an LNG storage capacity of 5,000 m3 using Contradic north alignment and extending the RO-Ro ramp, 2020-2023 LNGasHIVE2 type-C storage tanks, which will give it a boiling generation and adapting the Contradic rail terminal. of between 0.15-0.25% per day. Reducing pollutant emissions caused by lorry transport in the It will be equipped with several supply pumps. 2016-2020 Port and improving existing technology in dual fuel engines to help consolidate liquefied natural gas (LNG) use. This project aims to implement cross-border cooperation activities in the context of the European Neighbourhood Adapting the Princep d’Espanya terminal and building a new Policy, complementing the efforts made within rail link to improve the service and increase the transport 2020-2023 the Euro-Mediterranean Association, the ultimate goal 2016-2020 of electric cars using the Motorways of the Sea. of which is to develop an area of peace, stability, prosperity and good neighbourliness with the participation of European Union Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). Building a railway motorway connection between Barcelona MiRO 2 – and Paris suitable for transporting semi-trailers between Multimodal Route 2019- 2023 both cities. Includes the development of two terminals, conecting Barcelona one in the Port of Barcelona (former Llobregat riverbed) to Paris and the other in Rungis. Implementation of improvements in the energy efficiency Procurement and service purchase practices of the BIP Area building: generating power using FEDER – IDAE – 2020 - 2023 a photovoltaic installation, implementing an overall Solar panels monitoring control system for the building, and replacing In 2010, the Port of Barcelona created the electric power purchasing group for the facilities current lighting technology with LEDs. of Barcelona Port Authority and the organisations in which it holds a stake - World Trade Center Barcelona, SA., Centre Intermodal de Logística S.A. and Port Vell. Among them, Rolling out use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in maritime transport through a series of pilot actions, e.g: adapting these four entities own approximately 150 supply points with an overall consumption 2014 - 2020 a barge to supply LNG to ships, adapting port machinery, of more than 15 GWh per year. and designing a tug powered by this fuel. The tender, the award criterion for which is the lowest price, aims to contract the electricity Creators allows local initiators to create and operate advanced supplies of the four companies for a two-year period and is divided into lots corresponding community energy systems (CES) by supporting technical, financial to the various free market rates. It also provides that sellers of electricity should offer rates and social processes in each phase of the CES life cycle. aimed at the potential market of private companies with a concession of port public domain 2019 - 2023 EThe Port of Barcelona’s participation involves contributing or with an authorisation to use facilities located in the service area of the Port of Barcelona, a pilot involving the creation of an energy island although they are under no obligation to contract. (simultaneous production, storage and consumption of energy) on the Fishermen’s wharf and possible Barcelona Port Authority establishes in the tender that participating sellers must undertake extrapolation to other areas of the port. to guarantee the renewable origin of the power supplied under the contracts which they may This project brings together ports from nine different EU be awarded. countries that want to make the transition to alternative fuels. The project includes preparatory actions for the construction On 31 October 2019, Barcelona Port Authority formalised the contract with the company of Onshore Power Supply (OPS) infrastructures for ships. 2020-2023 AURA ENERGIA, S.L. corresponding to marketing the supplies under lots 1 and 2, The aim is to create a pre-construction state, meaning that and to the company NATURGY for lots 3 and 4. Energy consumption by the Port participating ports can develop infrastructure quickly once Authority in 2020 was 6.75 GWh and the amount billed was €850,000. the project is completed because all previous studies will be completed. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 100 101 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing economic value Sectoral Sustainability Plan ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS Financial aid received 9 INDUSTRY 12 RESPONSIBLE 22.5% of organisations have received financial aid from the State or the European INNOVATION AND CONSUMPTION INFRASTRUCTURE AND PRODUCTION Union under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan. Total aid received was €20 million, much higher than the previous year, which was €4.4 million. It should be borne in mind that one of the companies that answered the survey has received a grant of €11.8 million, which increases the total considerably. Build resilient Ensure sustainable infrastructure, promote consumption and PUBLIC AID RECEIVED BY PLAN ORGANISATIONS (in EUR), 2020 inclusive and sustainable production patterns industrialisation and foster • 89 organisations signed up to Tipe of aid Amount (in EUR) innovation the Port of Barcelona Sectoral For R&D+I 1,698,359 • 8 ,4% investment in R&D+I Sustainability Plan For infrastructures 2,315,000 across all the organisations • 9 6,7% of the organisations For other types of projects 16,064,966 under the Plan under the Plan purchase TOTAL 20,078,325 • 4,4 million in aid received for products or services made projects of the organisations in the European Union under the Plan Procurement and service purchase practices The percentage of local purchases of companies within the EU is a key factor for boosting Other key economic figures the economy of an area and preserving community relations. 96.7% of purchases of goods or contracts made by the organisations under the Plan are for Investments in R&D+I services from companies in the European Union. This figure, while very similar to the previous year, has dropped 0.6 points compared to 2019. In 2020, R&D+I investments in the organisations of the Sectoral Sustainability Plan amounted to an average of 8.4% of total investment. The previous year this figure was 9.5%. Despite the slight decline, it remains a significant percentage that shows the commitment of organisations to remain competitive. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 102 103 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value 06 ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS Developing social value The diversity of services for goods and passenger transport provides a very wide scope of port activity which responds to different SDGs. Of note are those considered to have All the people who work in the Port of Barcelona —its human capital— are a strategic factor the greatest impact and presence in the day-to-day life of the Port. for port development in all areas. That is why it is essential to guarantee their well-being, their health and the development of their skills and abilities. GOOD HEALTH QUALITY GENDER All the activities carried out in the port area are important for organisations and users relying 3 AND WELL-BEING 4 EDUCATION 5 EQUALITY on the services of the Port of Barcelona, and for the surrounding metropolitan area. The Port’s social and relationship capital is therefore also a value that has an impact on the fulfilment of its objectives. In this situation, it is essential to guarantee the application of the precautionary principle to the activities performed in the port facility and its surroundings, goods, and therefore the people to whom they are addressed. Both the Port Authority and the organisations Ensure healthy lives Ensure inclusive Achieve gender equality operating there must therefore apply the corresponding measures. and promote well-being and equitable quality and empower all women for all at all ages education and promote and girls lifelong learning Health and safety at work opportunities for all Working towards gender are essential aspects addressed equality is a responsibility by organisations. Rapid access Training is important, taken on by companies. to medical services is a priority and not only for working In a sector with a small to ensure the well-being people. Efforts are also being presence of women, it is a of Port users. made to design quality training sensitive issue that we try to foster employment and to address. • 2 1 drills within the Port match supply and demand Self-Protection Plan for jobs necessary in the port • 30% of women on the APB • 10,435 healthcare services sector. The Port promotes the Executive Committee provided by the APB Medical European School of Intermodal • A pproval of the new Equality Services, face-to-face Transport, which is the Plan 2020-2022 and virtual, during benchmark European centre for the pandemic with training in logistics all safety measures and intermodal transport. • 33 training activities of the European School of Intermodal Transport • 4 54 students from the higher degree training cycles participated in the Forma’t al Port training programme ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 104 105 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value 8 DECENT WORK AND 11SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIPS ECONOMIC GROWTH CITIES AND 17 FOR THE GOALS Human capital: our staff strategy COMMUNITIES During 2020, we achieved all the annual objectives set in the Barcelona Port Authority (APB) 2017-2020 People Plan. The organisation’s staff policy is based, inter alia, on selecting high-potential and performance personnel; differential performance as a basis for professional development; the momentum of more horizontal structures that allow talent Promote sustained, Make cities and human Revitalise the Global to emerge; promoting the healthy company, and improving the key processes that define inclusive and sustainable settlements inclusive, safe, Alliance for Sustainable the relationship between people and the company in the long term. economic growth, resilient and sustainable Development full and productive employment and decent Safety in the port area is Port work itself involves Employment in the Port of Barcelona work for all an aspect on which we relating and interrelating with are working constantly. a diversity of companies. As detailed in the tables below, as of 31 December 2020, the APB staff has the following Creating quality employment Furthermore, actions are under Above and beyond the strict characteristics: is a challenge that extends way to ensure an inclusive contractual relationship, • I t is made up of 30.9% women and 69.10% of men (unchanged with respect to 2019). to people with disabilities environment and solidarity with we foster participation in or those at risk of social people and the city. organisations seeking to build • The majority age range among workers is 41 to 50, followed very closely by the 51 to 60 exclusion. At the same time, a stable and universal trade age range. They account jointly for more than two-thirds of the workforce. initiatives are under way to • Specific bus service for the framework. • T he range of people that have worked in the APB for 21 to 25 years covers the most people. improve the qualifications port area: Line 88 • M anagerial staff represent 13% of the total. of working and potentially • 43% fewer traffic accidents • 332 complaints and 891 working people. in the Port inquiries handled by the Customer Service PROGRESSION OF STAFF (1) APB, 2015 – 2020 • Objectives of the APB ‘s 2017-2020 People Plan achieved 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Covered by the agreement 453 457 463 458 456 451 Not covered by the agreement 69 69 70 69 68 70 (managers) ABOUT THE DATA INCLUDED TOTAL 522 526 533 527 524 521 These data are related to the type of recruitment, training, equality, diversity and inclusion, action protocols and other aspects linked to labour, social and environmental issues. APB WORKFORCE (1) BY AGE RANGES, 2020 We present the data of Barcelona Port Authority (APB), as the company that manages the Port and a model strategy for people, oriented to sustainability that we wish to extend to the entire port environment. 16-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years 61-70 years Total Men 18 62 112 122 46 360 The data on Reference Service Levels, Customer Service (SAC), safety and qualitative information on actions related to citizens come from the APB and refer to the entire Women 8 33 58 45 17 161 Port Community. TOTAL 26 95 170 167 63 521 APB WORKFORCE (1) BY SENIORITY, 2020 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 21-25 years 26-30 years >30 years Men 43 22 67 37 72 27 92 Women 35 9 26 19 43 15 14 TOTAL 78 31 93 56 115 42 106 (1)AT 31.12.2020 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 106 107 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value Diversity and equal opportunities INCORPORATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE INTO THE LABOUR MARKET This year, the Port Authority brought six new young people into the workforce through PRESENCE OF WOMEN IN GOVERNING BODIES an internship contract regulated under the Workers’ Statute. The aim of this type of contract is to facilitate the incorporation of recent graduates into the labour market (graduated in The proportion of women in the main governing bodies of the Port of Barcelona, the last 5 years, or 7 years in the case of people with disabilities), but who may not have according to their composition at 30 December 2020, was: necessarily enough professional experience for their activity to be fully productive. • Barcelona Port Authority Administration Board: 25% (4 out of 16 members) This increases their chances of entering the labour market once their placement at the Port • Authority is over. Barcelona Port Authority Executive Committee: 30% (6 out of 20 members) In the highest governing body of the sector, the Steering Council for the Promotion of the Port Community, women account for 13% of members (9 women and 59 men). PREVENTING DISCRIMINATION 25% Administration Board The Port Authority applies the current collective agreement (Third Collective Agreement 30% Committe of Puertos del Estado and Port Authorities) regarding the qualifications required for each Executive post, follows open competition procedures to select staff and recruits according to current 13% Steering labour regulations. Council In 2020, the Port Authority directly recruited a total of 25 people with a disability and none at risk of social exclusion. EQUALITY PLAN Companies with more than two hundred and fifty workers are subject to Article 45 Working climate of Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March 2007, which stipulates that they are obliged to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace. In 2020, the Port Authority was audited by the well-known company Great Place to Work, During this year, the Port of Barcelona approved the 2020-2022 Equality Plan, a document essentially to diagnose the situation in terms of what it has and what it needs to be included that aims to reinforce the values that govern the behaviour of the organisation: commitment among the list of organisations considered as great places to work. This audit measured to people, ethical and professional management, customer orientation, social responsibility whether the actions taken under the 2017-2020 People’s Plan have achieved the desired and innovation. The Port thus assumes the responsibility of moving ahead in terms of rights, results and, above all, what more needs to be done. Participation in the survey was 69% duties and responding to what society demands and as expected from a public entity. (the highest ever achieved in a survey of workers’ perceptions) and the results obtained will There will be a six-monthly follow-up of the actions carried out within the Plan followed serve as a basis for future actions to improve the organisation. by an evaluation once it enters into force. The main actions proposed for implementation It should be noted that internal communication and training were the two areas best rated. in the medium and long term in this edition of the Equality Plan are: The results also showed how the actions performed under the 2017-2020 People Plan • p romoting the Conciliation Plan, a specialist support and advice service that covers have had a real positive impact and that the Port of Barcelona’s Naveguem Junts various aspects of family, social and dependency care among employees; [Let’s sail together] brand has become consolidated as a way of improving trust between • i ncreasing knowledge of the actions of the Standing Committee on Equality the organisation and its staff. and the existence of the Harassment Protocol; • p romoting awareness of the entire workforce through labour protocols; • a nd detecting any shortcomings within the organisation through the Great Place to Work internal survey in order to improve them. Social benefits The make-up of the company’s side of the Standing Committee on Equality as a result of the union elections held in October. During 2020, this committee registered no incidents In compliance with the instructions from Puertos del Estado, and by indication related to equality and/or harassment. of the Executive Commission of the Interministerial Remunerations Commission (CECIR), contributions to the social fund have fallen by 75% for more than three years, therefore use of this fund was extremely limited. Furthermore, in accordance with Law 6/2018 of 3 July 2018 on the General State Budget for 2020, the contributions by the promoter of the pension plan for employees was suspended for the entire financial year. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 108 109 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value Internal communication Training and upskilling Internal communication is an essential tool to allow Barcelona Port Authority to coordinate to Training and education are key strategic aspects for improving the development of specific achieve a common goal, generate motivation and commitment, foster and evolve corporate functions of all workers. Providing training is therefore essential for the continuous culture, generate innovation and change, and create a good work environment and healthy improvement and greater well-being of workers. relationships. It allows working people to know first-hand what is expected of them, what priority goals the organisation has and what role each must play to help achieve them. In 2020 the People Directorate unveiled the new training and learning policies to the organisation. These policies attempt to adapt as much as possible to the new context Managing the COVID-19 crisis of constant change and new ways of doing things that modify the way we work. To put these policies into action, all areas worked together to start a new process for The COVID-19 crisis and the implicit uncertain and changing environment has posed detecting training and learning needs, jointly planning and agreeing on which knowledge a challenge at every level and has required mechanisms and instruments to facilitate and skills are most needed, sharing the future visions of the departments, and facilitating adaptation and change. In cooperation with other departments of the organisation, access to the development that people need in order to grow in the workplace and within Internal Communication designed and developed a specific communication strategy during the organisation. the months of lockdown to communicate operational, service and protocol information to staff. This strategy included information in audiovisual format focused on the health The Port Authority organised 197 training actions in 2020 with a total of 421 training and well-being of people, under the motto “Closer than ever”, with a participatory final groups, aimed at groups and individuals to ensure training for its staff and adapt chapter with videos and photos provided by Port Authority staff. to the needs of the Port Community and the surrounding area. After the first lockdown, another series of visual and audiovisual materials (infographics and videos) was developed to inform staff of return protocols and all protection measures TRAINING PLANS FOR APB STAFF, 2020 implemented to ensure that staff also felt safe and well accompanied during this period. Naveguem Junts [Let’s sail together] internal brand Training Training Training Training Satisfaction Plan (TP) actions(1) groups Students(2) hours(3) with the actions Above and beyond the situation caused by the pandemic, the internal communication area Skills TP 63 106 106 3,236 7.99 continued at pace during 2020 with numerous actions and initiatives aimed at spreading Management TP 3 3 3 391 8.33 behaviours defined by the internal Let’s Sail Together brand implemented in 2018, which aims to build a good reputation for the company to attract new and retain existing talent. Specific TP 43 54 161 4,712 8.46 Digital Skills and Innovation TP 5 15 125 548 8.70 In this connection, several initiatives were carried out during 2020 to enhance the feeling Languages TP 51 173 288 6,831 9.21 and pride of belonging, through lines of action such as: Port police TP 14 35 348 3,353 8.86 • F ostering internal knowledge, with videos on the new training policies and from Sustainability TP 8 16 226 2,227 7.72 the departments of Public Relations and Protocol and of Cultural Heritage within the series Conferences and seminars 10 19 19 99 6.96 “Inside the APB”; and infographics of the activity reports from Public Relations TOTAL 197 421 1.276 21,397 8.60 and Protocol, Conservation and Navigation Aids and on the subject of the healthy company. • Customised Let’s Sail Together masks. 2,000 reusable masks with the brand image were designed and acquired in cooperation with the Medical Services and General Purchasing and were distributed among APB staff to replace the single use surgical ones. • Audiovisual communication: production of a total of 55 multimedia contents Despite the state of alarm, it should be noted that training activity continued uninterrupted (videos and infographics) using own resources to increase the impact of communications throughout 2020. Many of the planned actions had to be cancelled in face-to-face format and increase the visibility to staff, for example: and there was an increase in other methodologies, such as online or face-to-face/virtual training. - “Letters on High Performance and Welfare”, an animated format audiovisual series explaining the key concepts that emerged from the High Performance and Wellness Workshops. - Corporate video Christmas carol, conceived as a Christmas story, which explains how the Port of Barcelona helps to make Christmas magic possible and starring APB staff. - Internal Lipdub, starring workers of the organisation and their families. (1)Training actions managed in 2020. Some are from previous years that remain open; others started in 2020 and were not completed during the year. This report differentiates between the training action itself and the number of groups within each one. In previous reports, training groups were called training actions. (2)Total number of students who completed training activities (> 75% attendance). (3)Number of hours of actions completed in 2020 by students who completed them (> 75% attendance). ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 110 111 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value Language training involved the highest number of training hours among people TRAINING FOR THE PORT COMMUNITY in the organisation. This responds to the fact that language learning, specifically of English, is a key cross-cutting need for the Port Authority. The next, in terms of time The health situation has also affected the training actions organised by the Department spent, continued to be specific training, which responds to the specific needs of Business Development for import-export companies. The sessions, which changed in July of jobs, departments, projects and work groups. from face-to-face to webinar format, were attended by a total of 625 people from 411 companies. Training in digital skills saw a significant increase in the number of participants because of the sessions dedicated to using Microsoft Teams organised and conducted during the lockdown. This tool, which had just been implemented on corporate level, TRAINING FOR THE PORT COMMUNITY, 2020 has meant a breakthrough and a very positive change in the way we communicate within the organisation and work collaboratively. Types of training Number of participants Number of companies The Port Police training plan, which went online for the first time in 2020, FACE-TO-FACE (January - March 2020) included a training action for child care carried out through the networked Catalan Public Safety Institute (ISPC), which was very much appreciated by participants. 4 Conferences for import-export companies 139 107 Training in safe driving was also carried out at the RACC (for car drivers) and the Internal conference on VAT 14 4 Honda Institute (for motorcyclists) all complemented with specific training Session on Incoterms for the Aldahra company 8 1 in cybersecurity, dealing with sleep in shift work, responding to traffic accidents, and the protocols of the Port Police force. Business Breakfast Bport 20 18 ONLINE (July - December 2020) The Sustainability training plan –which includes actions on the environment, 8 webinars also aimed at final customers throughout Spain 444 281 occupational risk prevention (ORP) and equality— also saw a considerable increase in participation compared to previous years, with over 200 people receiving online TOTAL 625 411 ORP training in offices, included among the actions proposed to the Occupational Safety and Health Committee. Likewise, five members of the Port Authority Equality Commission, both from the company and business side, attended the First National Equality Congress. EUROPEAN SCHOOL - INTERMODAL TRANSPORT The Great Place to Work audit showed that training is a clear lever for change The European School - Intermodal Transport, a training centre in which the Port of Barcelona that improves confidence in the Port Authority and projects such as the Succession holds a stake that specialises in intermodal transport, directly received a total of 1,020 people plan reveal a clear commitment to internal development with a leading role played from more than 30 different countries: 661 participants in specialised training courses by training and learning. and 359 participants in technical visits to the Port. Cooperation agreements The three cooperation agreements formalised in previous years remained in force this year: participants participants One with the ESADE Centre for Public Governance and two with the Polytechnic 661 trainings 359 in technical visits Foundation of Catalonia, which include training benefits for Port Authority and Port Logistics Community staff. Also, the framework agreement was formalised with the Abat Oliba University 33 training to receive interns for the next four years. activities 33 training activities were carried in three thematic areas: maritime intermodality and Motorways of the Sea; rail intermodality and Port Community. From March onwards, the training sessions were adapted to the situation and were delivered in hybrid and online formats, complying in all cases with health indications and requirements. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 112 113 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value Furthermore, the European School was the fundamental axis of four training projects: Occupational safety and health 1) Y EP MED, a project led by the European School and co-financed by the European Neighbourhood Instrument within the Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) BARCELONA PORT AUTHORITY MEDICAL SERVICES Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, in which eight Mediterranean ports and port communities participate: along with the Port of Barcelona are the ports of Valencia The Medical Services of Barcelona Port Authority (APB) attend to 1,488 people that include (Spain), Marseille (France), Civitavecchia (Italy), Rades - La Goulette (Tunisia), the entity’s active and retired workers, and their relatives. The situation throughout this year Damietta (Egypt), Beirut (Lebanon) and Aqaba (Jordan). forced some changes in these services, always in compliance with the recommendations of the Spanish and the Catalan Ministry of Health. Using pre-arranged face-to-face visits The aim is to find a better match between qualification needs and the offer of dual and especially the implementation of virtual visits, it has been possible to maintain vocational training in the labour market of the Mediterranean port communities the maximum medical care for users and/or give appropriate recommendations for each case. sector, to contribute to job creation and facilitate productive economic growth, particularly for the unemployed young people and women. Courses have been given on international trade and operations focused on digitalisation, POTENTIAL USERS OF APB MEDICAL SERVICES, 2020 the environment and sustainability in the sector. 2) F orma’t al Port [Train at the Port], led by the Working Group of the Steering 550 active staff 302 retired Council for the Promotion of the Port Community, has received 454 students of the Port Authority workers from higher training courses in Transport and Logistics and International Trade from secondary schools in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and from the batchelor’s family members relatives and master’s degree in Logistics and Maritime Business from the Tecnocampus. 460 of active staff 87 of retired staff 3) F ormati al Porto, the Italian version of Forma’t al Port held at the School’s temporary workers, headquarters in Civitavecchia, incorporated three training centres in 2020 and has 89 widows, orphans and others tripled the number of participants to 76 students. 4) Higher Technical Diploma in Integrated Logistics and Shipping Processes, promoted and jointly managed by the European School with its headquarters in TOTAL 1,488 users Civitavecchia, the port authorities of Rome and Lazio and the Fundazione G. Caboto. The European School has also been responsible for coordinating the sessions of the Training and Employment Working Group of the Steering Council for the Promotion of Barcelona Port Community, as well as its corresponding project groups. In 2020 the medical centres on the Bosch i Alsina wharf and the WTC Barcelona building attended to 10,435 consults, 42% of which were dealt with by the nursing team (4,378 visits). The remaining consultations, bot by GPs and specialists, totalled 3,939 visits - either face-to-face or virtual - down 65% year on year, but still an outstanding figure in light of the circumstances, evidencing the excellent work of the healthcare team. There were also 2,118 rehabilitation sessions with all safety measures in place. HEALTHCARE WORK OF APB MEDICAL SERVICES, 2020 4,378 nursing 3,939 specialist and general consultations medicine consultations 2,118 rehabilitation sessions TOTAL 10,435 visits ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 114 115 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value HEALTH PROMOTION Monitoring workers’ health These are the information and training activities on healthy habits carried out in 2020: Health monitoring of Port Authority staff entailed performing 22 medical examinations, • which are mandatory when coming back to work or changing posts, in compliance with Consolidating the healthy company, with the slogan “La mar de bé” [feeling great], which Article 22 of Law 31/1995 of 8 November 1995. aims to provide necessary and adequate information on healthy habits. • An annual campaign to promote healthy sleeping habits, with workshops and talks by specialists. Additionally, given the current situation, 269 ELISA tests and 66 PCR studies on working • Publication of material related to COVID prevention resources, both in the company people were carried out. Exhaustive checks on the risk of contagion and protection measures and for all the relatives of the workers. allow us to affirm that there have been no outbreaks among workers of the Port Authority • Issuing personalised information on doubts arising from the pandemic. throughout the year. • Distribution of necessary material to comply with health protocols: surgical masks, latex Accidents at work gloves, hand sanitiser, etc. Turning from the health situation to the annual indicators of occupational accidents of workers OCCUPATIONAL RISK PREVENTION at Barcelona Port Authority, all in all, staff suffered a total of 19 accidents, all of them minor, 14 of which led to sick leave. The year-on-year incident index therefore increased Occupational Risk Prevention activity in 2020 focused strongly on the global health (10 cases of sick leave caused by accidents). emergency and the need to quickly take measures to adapt to the situation of all those working at the Barcelona Port Authority at every point during the pandemic. Mobility plans During the first lockdown, prevention actions focused on assessing the risk of essential Barcelona Port Authority runs a bus service within the port precinct for staff of the companies services against SARS-CoV-2, in order to adopt the necessary prevention measures at all located in the Port’s service area: Line 88 of the Barcelona public transport network. times. It was also considered that a large proportion of people were facing new working conditions that needed to be assessed, i.e. telework. To foster the use of public transport, it also provides a 3-month travel card to workers who choose to go to work using public transport. In 2020 a total of 224 members of staff In a subsequent phase, work was undertaken to take the necessary measures to allow of the Port Authority benefited from this initiative. a return to work after the full lockdown was lifted. This included physical measures such as signalling in buildings, workplaces, common areas, minimum distances, maximum capacities, new itineraries, measures relating to improved ventilation in buildings, etc.; and others, such as necessary information for people to come back into work. As part of the return protocol, prevention information was prepared concerning how to get to work, new working conditions in the workplace and, mainly, knowing how to recognise and react to the symptoms of COVID or what to do in the event of close contact with a positive. It was also necessary to produce new information on how to use masks, types of masks and when they should be used. The third stage, up to the end of the year, had telework as the most important organisational measure. Despite that, protocols were developed with departments to ensure safety in performing any work or activity that requires physical presence, especially those that require a large number of attendees, such as meetings or visits. These new working conditions, in addition to the general conditions, made it necessary to assess the psychosocial risks of jobs. During the last quarter, the FPsico 4.0 method questionnaire from the Institute of Safety and Health at Work was sent to staff in order to assess this type of risk and be able to adopt the corresponding preventive measures. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 116 117 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value Ensuring the security of people and goods PUBLIC SAFETY AREA During 2020 the Port Police launched 6% fewer criminal proceedings (510 in all) The Port of Barcelona must guarantee the security of the people, goods, areas and facilities in and recorded 23% more criminal acts. its physical environment. Barcelona Port Authority Corporate Security area coordinates the forces, services and units responsible for this security at all levels. There was also a 41% decline in the number of individuals arrested (23 in total), as well as a 24% decline in the number of individuals charged but not detained (35). Port Police New this year due to the different regulations arising from the pandemic, and despite the work performed to inform the public, 212 reports were filed for failing to comply with the various rules and restrictions decreed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. These reports Below are some data regarding the exercise of their functions in the various areas were delivered to the Ciutat Vella Mossos d’Esquadra police station for processing. of action during 2020. (They can be consulted in more detail in the “Annual Report of the Port Police 2020”). ADMINISTRATIVE AREA Almost all indicators fell as a result of the restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, declining vehicles and people traffic, especially tourists. Of the 455 administrative acts (-68%) 40% were for confiscation of products peddled on the street, down 78% on 2019. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION AREA Continued efforts to curb illegal street vending, which began at the end of 2019 with the joint action of the Guardia Urbana and the Port Police, led to a decrease in the number The number of traffic accidents (84) fell 43%, as well as that of seriously injured (-43%) of vendors in the Port’s public spaces. With the onset of restrictions due to the pandemic and minor injuries (-15%), though the downside is that there was one fatality. and declining tourism, this phenomenon has been scarcely visible since March, although it Furthermore, the 1,510 breathalyser tests and 22 drug tests showed an increase has not completely disappeared. in adminstrative positives (27% and 71% respectively) and an increase in criminal offences (40%). 46 inspection reports were made for illegal occupation of the old Llobregat riverbed. While the number of reports filed for traffic violations was virtually the same (4,196, down 4%), administrative reports filed (695) increased by 53% due to the drastic reduction in street PORT AREA vending activities and personal mobility vehicles caused by the drop in tourism. During access checks into the Port, 293 expired accreditations were detected and withdrawn The 342 complaints processed with the Catalan Traffic Service for not taking the vehicle and 20 people were penalised for improper use of Barcelona Port Authority personal for its annual inspection are relevant here. accreditation, which they had lent to third parties, despite it being non-transferable. HEALTHCARE AREA Of the 104 reports of cases of breakages registered this year, 12 were due to smashing barriers at special railway intersections (-67%). The Police provided assistance in a total of 84 work-related accidents in the Port of Barcelona, with 12 seriously injured and one fatality. In addition, there were 356 ambulance services (SEM Medical Emergencies System or FREMAP Prevention Service plus private mutual societies) (-47%) and various types of assistance were given to 229 citizens (-57%). Port Security COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS Ten risk assessments and security plans for port facilities affected by Regulation 725/2004/EC were validated and approved in compliance with port security regulations in 2020. These involved four assessments of public wharves, the renewal of those of five facilities under concession and a new registration, the relocation of Tràfic de Mercaderies, S.A. (Tramer) as a new dry bulk facility on Álvarez de la Campa wharf. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 118 119 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value MEASURES IMPLEMENTED PORT SECURITY OFFICE As a designated operator and critical infrastructure, the Port of Barcelona has had to apply Almost all security meetings were held online; however, the inspections at the various exceptional measures as a result of the declaration of the state of state alarm caused terminals were done in person and coordinated with the port facility security officers by the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures established for lockdown and strict mobility (PFSO). Meetings continued to take place with police forces, authorities and private security restrictions: companies and technological measures to consolidate agreements and commitments with • On the one hand, this required ongoing coordination with the Secretary of State cruise ship companies, their shipping agents and various foreign consulates. for Security of the Interior Ministry, in particular with the National Centre for Critical The general drill at DECAL involved a joint simulation covering both the industrial safety Infrastructure Protection (CNPIC), to collect data, validate and issue the corresponding aspect and compliance with ISPS regulations. national accreditations of staff considered essential of all companies in the Port Community. • On the other hand, Barcelona Port Authority issued the corresponding own accreditations to justify the mobility of its staff and external subcontractors and also agreed with the Mossos ACTIONS OF THE PORT SECURITY OFFICE, 2018-2020 d’Esquadra and Barcelona Urban Police on the validity of port accreditations to justify travel between home and work. 2018 2019 2020 In total 6,607 accreditations were issued for critical personnel of port activities. ISPS drills (practical and theoretical) 12 16 13 Facilities inspections/audits 49 27 36 In addition, the following Port security measures were implemented in 2020: Internal 47 26 34 • Annual approval of the CCTV video surveillance system of the Port Authority External 2 1 2 Control Centre for the extension and renovation of the public cameras managed by Security meetings 12 37 18 the Port Police, as well as those located in the Port’s accesses and terminals as part Security incidents - ISPS (intrusions, stowaways...) 18 (3) 25 (8) 14 (15) of the SIAM automatic licence plate identification system. • In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2017/2226 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 30 November 2017, meetings and talks were held with officials of the General Commissariat of Foreigners and Borders of the National Port Police to establish the strategy and measures for implementation at international passenger ACCREDITATIONS AND PERMITS terminals (cabotage, short sea shipping and cruises) of an entry and exit system (SES) of third-country nationals crossing the external borders of EU Member States. Apart from managing accreditations for habitual access to the Port of Barcelona • Pilot test for the implementation of access controls with local detectors on the pavements (10,357 renewals and 2,875 new users) 132 permits were authorised for acts, of restricted areas in public wharves of the Port, starting in the area of the Adossat wharf. events and filming and there were 4,926 complaints processed under the Services and Police regulations. • Supervision of the services contracted by Barcelona Port Authority for surveillance and provision of private security services, which includes access controls to truck parking areas and security enclosures of certain public wharves and other port areas, plus the extension of new services, such as the surveillance of the Truck Center, checks at ISSUING OF PORT ACCESS ACCREDITATIONS, 2018 – 2020 Gate 5 to the Fishermen’s wharf, launching services to detect illegal street vending in the Port Vell area and various extraordinary services for various circumstances (storm Gloria, 2018 2019 2020 fire at the Imax, Christmas in the Port, etc.). New users 4,988 4,301 2,875 Renewals 11,527 11,538 10,357 PORT SECURITY MEASURES, 2018-2020 TOTAL ACCREDITATIONS ISSUED 16,515 15,839 13,232 Private Security Service Hours - Public port installations: 2018 2019 2020 Cruise services, access control, enclosures, other services, etc. 8,444 6,941 19,464 Car park services 17,520 17,520 17,568 CCTV - Police and judicial recordings 33 40 57 K-9 binomial certifications 104 (42) 88 (40) cancelled tests ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 120 121 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value Industrial safety Social and relationship capital During 2020, under the Collaboration agreement with Barcelona City Council INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS in matters of civil protection, fire prevention and extinction and rescue • the Monitoring Committee met five times; The Port of Barcelona seeks to have a say in the main international port sector organisations • a contract was signed for the supply of a lifeboat (BS-3); to be able to closely monitor the progress of the sector and to take decisions to influence it. • procedures began to supply a new J-25 multilift container vehicle for Barcelona Fire Brigade;. European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) Member of the Executive Committee. Furthermore, the following training actions for the fire brigade were carried out: Chair of the Port Governance Committee. • T wo Fire Training practice sessions for Sergeants and Corporals, at the headquarters Member of the following committees: Sustainable development; Intermodality, logistics and Industry; Trade Facilitation, Customs and Security; Economic and Statistical Analysis, and participation in the of the École Nationale Superieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers (ENSOSP). network on port ferry and cruise ship policy. • One session of the Chemical Risks course for commanders and technical staff, taught by Within the ESPO, the Port is following closely the actions of the European Commission regarding transport and sustainable development of ports. ENSOSP teaching staff in Barcelona which included practical manoeuvres in the Port. International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) This year, under the Self-protection plan (PAU) of the Port of Barcelona, which aims Santiago Garcia-Milan, Deputy General Manager for Strategy and Commercial of the Port of Barcelona, continued his third term as president of the IAPH. to establish the means of coordination and availability of resources of the member companies The IAPH is the only forum recognised as a global spokesperson for the port sector, and its ports bring during an emergency, the following activities took place: together around 80% of global container traffic and more than 60% by weight. • t he general drill for the PAU of the Port of Barcelona; World Ports Climate Action Program • Promoted the initiative along with ports of Hamburg, Antwerp, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Vancouver 21 drills in and with concessions, including companies affected by the Special External and Rotterdam. Emergency Plan for the Chemical Sector (PLASEQCAT); They promote projects to combat global warming, focusing on the efficiency of supply chains with digital • 3 scommunications drills (“office drills”), without mobilising resources; tools; common regulatory approaches; supplying renewable energy to ships while at port; developing low-carbon fuels, and the full decarbonisation of cargo handling facilities in ports. The Port of Barcelona • one drill-exercise of the Estibarna Emergency Brigade and Barcelona Fire Brigade, chairs Working Group 3, which focuses on the onshore power supply (OPS) of renewable energy to ships while at port. In 2020, the Port conducted a comparative study of the various OPS solutions • and 9 joint fire-fighting exercises between Barcelona Fire Brigade and Remolcadors del Port currently implemented in the world’s ports and presented its conclusions through a Google Earth-based (tug operators). application. Intermed Regarding management of dangerous goods, in accordance with the handling A founding member of the association, comprising the ports of Barcelona, Genoa and Marseilles. requirements set by Royal Decree 145/89, this year there were 146,317 authorisations, with a total of 685,115 tonnes (-21%) of containerised dangerous goods managed MEDports Association and 11,752,893 tonnes of bulk (-18%). Vice-presidency of the association Presidency of the Port Training and Knowledge Committee Comprises twenty ports and port organisations from both shores of the Mediterranean. Aims: to foster cooperation among Mediterranean ports; to address the new challenges of international trade and logistics; and to highlight the central place of the Mediterranean in the new international trade flows. In 2020, the Port held two online meetings of the committee it chairs and helped to make progress in the projects that the committee is developing, including the study on the professional profiles that will be most in demand in the future by the Mediterranean port authorities. Medcruise Active member of the association. It has taken part in all the assemblies and working groups organised by the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports. > A ssociation Internationale Villes et Ports (AIVP) > A ssociation of European Vehicle Logistics Other > A ssociation of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) organisations in which the Port > C offee Federation, European Intermodal Association participates > F ERRMED > I nterferry > W orld Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC). ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 122 123 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value ORGANISATIONS LINKED TO THE CHINESE MARKET The pandemic sped up the consolidation of a new scenario, allowing the organisation of face- to-face and online events and thereby promoting the broader participation and publicising It is vital for the Port of Barcelona to maintain a close relationship with the strategic markets of the Port of Barcelona. All events held from March onwards —such as press conferences, of the foreland and, specifically, with the main players (ports, shipowners, logistics operators seminars and courses, dissemination days, etc.— moved to an online format. The rapid and import-export companies) in Asian markets such as China, Korea and Japan. The idea incorporation of streaming technological solutions made it possible to follow the broadcast is to promote and encourage loyalty in efficient logistics chains and also to attract key of events organised by the Port of Barcelona, like the Trade Mission and SmartPorts. investments (multi-country distribution centres) for southern Europe. By adopting an online format for its public events, the Port achieved two aims at once: on the one hand, maintaining direct contact between the people in charge of the Port and journalists; on the other hand, opening the door to some media professionals who were now able to participate in events that they would not have been able to attend physically. The Port of Barcelona has fully taken on its responsibility as a necessary critical infrastructure for ensuring the proper functioning of logistics chains and providing essential Together with Catalonia Trade & Investment (ACCIO) and Barcelona City Council, the Port services to the industrial sector and the public. Initially, it ensured the proper distribution of of Barcelona is promoting the BARCELOC–Barcelona European Logistics Center initiative, essential goods and services from production centres as well as goods from priority sectors aimed at promoting Barcelona for attracting multi-country distribution centres from in the fight against COVID-19. It later proved to be a key player in the smooth operation of companies in sectors such as automotive, fashion, chemical industry, e-commerce, but also the economy and one of the main drivers of the recovery. The Communication Department more emerging sectors such as renewable energy and electric mobility. continued its exhaustive and tireless communication with the media and social networks to communicate what the Port of Barcelona has done at any given time to help The following actions were carried out in 2020 as part of this initiative: overcome the impact of COVID-19. • Signing and approving a two-year cooperation agreement between the three promoters. • Attending to and monitoring twelve inquiries from foreign companies interested One example of a tool used was the video series “Jo treballo per a tu” [I work for you] in Barcelona as a logistics and distribution platform for the agri-food, automotive, (#QuedataCasa #TreballemXaTu), through which various port workers sent out simple and electric mobility, e-commerce, retail and fashion sectors. direct messages during the most critical days of the lockdown to ask members of the public • H olding a session on VAT on imports into Spain and its competitive positioning with to stay at home, while reminding them of the work they do at the Port to ensure that they respect to other European countries such as the Netherlands and France. have everything they need. These videos were seen by a record number of people and helped to communicate the important work performed at the Port of Barcelona. NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS The major port projects also continued to progress during this difficult year and the Communication Department duly announced the milestones achieved in different areas. In Spain, the Port of Barcelona is a member or participates in the following associations: For example, in the telecommunications field, they explained the various digital tools aimed • S panish Association for the Promotion of Short Sea Shipping (TMCD) at logistics operators and shippers as well as the 5G network pilot project; in infrastructures, • Spanish Coffee Federation (FEC-ANCAFE) they reported on the signing of protocols to promote new road and rail accesses and to build • B arcelona Logistic Centre AEEPB railway sections that increase the competitiveness of the Barcelona-Zaragoza-Madrid • S panish Association of Natural Gas for Mobility (GASNAM) and Zaragoza-Pamplona lines; and in international cooperation, they announced the signing • Barcelona-Catalonia Logistic Centre (BCL) of the agreement with the Korean port of Busan to develop a logistics centre in Barcelona. The Port of Barcelona also continued to support social initiatives, more important than ever in a pandemic year, and to write about them. In this way, it worked alongside entities Corporate relations field such as Stella Maris, with the Crew Safe programme to ensure safe crew changes, or the Barcelona Food Bank and Solidarity Container initiatives. CORPORATE COMMUNICATION The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during the first quarter of 2020 and the consequent PRESENCE OF THE PORT ON SOCIAL NETWORKS health, economic and social crisis have affected the normal running of the Port of Barcelona. The Communication Department quickly adapted to the new situation, providing companies and society with the necessary information to be able to maintain their usual activity as normally as more folllowers in total possible. Meanwhile, the various Management departments made a considerable effort to change than 16,000 (two profiles) the way they work, implementing telematic solutions both for internal interaction and to connect with the media and the various external groups. 15,000 folllowers 622 subscribers ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 124 125 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS SPREADING CULTURAL HERITAGE The Public Relations and Protocol department of Barcelona Port Authority coordinates efforts The great interest that the Port of Barcelona has shown in culture over time has allowed it to to receive business and institutional visits and provides protocol advice to other departments compile a valuable heritage that includes pictorial and graphic work, sculptures, model ships, in activities such as meetings, conferences, forums, congresses, fairs and trade missions. nautical objects, photographs by authors, architectural models and historical objects. As in all areas, the COVID-19 health crisis reduced the number of regular activities this year and efforts were made to ensure that all those considered to be essential could go ahead. The Port of Barcelona is promoting a wide-ranging and inclusive cultural project, which Furthermore, there was increased use of the premises in the Sala Barcelona area, aims to strengthen the relationship between the Port and the city, playing a key role in managed by the department, since the physical characteristics of the rooms allow internal disseminating its heritage and performing cultural activities, many with the support and departmental meetings to be held. cooperation of other cultural and social entities. Two relevant actions by the Department of Cultural Heritage in 2020 were: the virtual exhibition “FOTOFars. A look at lighthouses In this connection, the Department has established new working procedures to ensure through contemporary photography” and the Mural for the Rights of the Child: compliance with the safety measures established in the activities performed there and ensured protection of the health of all participants and attendees at all times. “FOTOFars. A look at lighthouses through contemporary photography” This is a virtual exhibition with a series of thirteen photographs by different contemporary artists ACTIVITIES DEP. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PROTOCOL, 2020 showing thirteen of the fifteen lighthouses and beacons managed by the Port of Barcelona. design and protocol and attendance organisation of Mural for the Rights of the Child coordination of visits by the President at events internal and An activity promoted by the Port of Barcelona external events* 171 108 and involving the cooperation of the artist Carme 15 Soler Vendrell, creator of the Why? project, the Maritime Museum of Barcelona and the participation of boys and girls aged 3 to 12. It is a joint creative project to commemorate 249 Universal Children’s Day, celebrated on TOTAL activities 20 November 2020. *Includes support for the Port Summit Trade Mission Colombia 2020 The organisation of visits and events by Public Relations and Protocol had a direct impact Other relations with stakeholders on about 3,400 people. However, we should also consider the indirect impact due to the repercussions in the media and social networks, which have brought these activities closer to the port sector and to the public. THE CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE The health crisis has helped to establish an online format in many of the activities performed. In 2020 the Customer Care Service (SAC) provided a customised response to 1,223 The department worked very thoroughly to redesign typically face-to-face activities to hybrid enquiries and claims concerning inspections, fees and traceability concerning the passage format, with some attendees on-site and the rest on-line. Developing such important of goods. Of the 332 claims handled, 44 were analysed by the Efficiency Network Quality events as the Port Community Christmas event in this format was a real challenge, and the Label and 17 cases led to financial compensation being awarded. 891 queries were made. successful outcome opened up a new door to virtual activities. A special mention in 2020 goes to the role of the Department in organising and performing In addition, there were 107 communications to customers to provide them with the event for the signature of railway accesses, with the participation of the Ministry of information on such things as changes in the application of regulations and activities Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda; the Department of Territory and Sustainability; ADIF; of the Port of Barcelona (conferences, fairs, etc.). Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Puertos del Estado and the Port of Barcelona to promote the construction of new road and rail accesses to the enclave. 332 891 107 claims queries communications Issued to customers ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 126 127 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value During this period, the CTA Container Tracking Application was made available to • To minimise the risk of infection, in this year’s edition of the Christmas toy collection importers and exporters for consulting the traceability of their containers in real time as they campaign promoted by the Port of Barcelona Dance Section, only unbranded and pass through the Port of Barcelona. A total of 61 companies registered during this period. preferably non-sexist or warlike toys were collected. A total of 2,442 toys were collected and distributed to various associations and foundations such as Cottolengo del Pare Alegre, Fundación Pare Manel, Fundación Adra and Escola Eduard Marquina, among others. A new communication channel was also made available to Telegram users to inform them • Barcelona Port Authority sponsored twenty-five racing bibs for workers who want to of changes or incidences in the usual operation of the Port. participate in the sixth Nordic walking Marina Walktrain, organised by the Friends of the Hospital de la Mar Foundation, the La Mar de Saludable programme of the Parc Work took place during the year on the SAC website, which is scheduled to go live in 2021. Salut Mar and the Hospital de la Mar itself. The initiative joined forces with TV3 dial-in fundraiser to raise money to beat and research into COVID-19 and improve the quality and life expectancy of those affected. This edition was virtual and took place over ten days so everyone could decide when and how far they wanted to walk. Social action • T he Business Development Department launched the Transform 4.0 project to recover the training days but in a virtual format. Using its Virtual Classroom it continued to offer courses, seminars and conferences to import-export companies. As part of its social sustainability policies, the Port of Barcelona promotes actions aimed at society at large and at the Port Community, or certain groups. These are some of the most • T he Training and Employment Committee (EMTE) of the MedPorts association, chaired important actions in 2020: by the Port of Barcelona, unveiled a study that identifies the most requested professional profiles in the future in Mediterranean ports, concentrated in three main areas: digitisation, multimodality and energy transition. INITIATIVES AIMED AT THE PUBLIC AND THE PORT COMMUNITY • O n International Labour Day on 1 May, the Port of Barcelona asked the captains of ships • The fifteenth edition of the Port of Barcelona Solidarity Container closed with moored at the dock to sound their ships’ sirens at 12 o’clock. This was a way of joining in the record figure of 11,375 kilos of food collected and with the contribution made to the initiative by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport the IReS Foundation, which has helped seventy vulnerable families with basic hygiene Workers’ Federation (ITF) as a gesture of solidarity and recognition for seafarers, who have products, also for babies. Using a proprietary virtual space enabled on the websites of the worked tirelessly to provide essential food, fuel and supplies to the entire population. Port of Barcelona and of Barcelona Food Bank, the entities were able to acquire food • A t eight o’clock every evening during the lockdown, ships berthed in the Port of Barcelona and basic necessities in a different way, to work with fresh and better quality products, sounded their sirens together with those of the Port Police to pay tribute to the work and to manage stocks and distribution more efficiently to the people receiving them. of the health sector in the fight against COVID-19. personal hygiene • T he Port also joined the events organised 11,375 kg products for around International Women’s Day on 8 70 people March with a gathering of workers in the inner foodstuffs square of the World Trade Center Barcelona. This symbolic event aimed to reinforce the values promoted by the Port of Barcelona • entity: commitment to people, ethical The second edition of Christmas at the Port and professional management, customer was held from 2 December to 6 January. orientation, social responsibility and innovation. The opening ceremony consisted of turning on lights in sequence, starting from the historic ships of the Maritime Museum and the palm trees, turning them into a boulevard of light, to the water sheet - with the representation of the birth and then the arrival of the Three Kings from the Orient - and the largest Christmas tree in Catalonia, standing 31 metres high. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 128 129 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Developing social value • T he Training and Employment working group of the Steering Council of the Port The Port of Barcelona’s Welfare Committee Community of Barcelona held the Second Day to Promote Dual Vocational Training (VT) itineraries in the port-logistics field to make it easier for teachers at secondary The Committee is made up of representatives of the following entities: Port Authority schools and universities teaching subjects related to activities of the sector to organise of Barcelona (chairing the committee), Pilots’ Corporation, Social Marine Institute, placements of one to two weeks in the companies. This experience helps companies Harbourmaster’s Office, Freight Forwarders’ Association, Association of Port Stevedoring to influence the knowledge that is passed on to students and while attracting talent Companies, Captains’ Association, General Company of Engine Captains and Officers, Tugs, ITF, to the logistics-port sector, thereby adding value to the Port Community of Barcelona. Faculty of Nautical Studies, Fishermen’s Guild and Stella Maris (which holds the secretariat). • Apart from the people hired directly by Barcelona Port Authority, 31 workers with some kind of physical or mental disability also contributed to port activity through The activities held in 2020 included: the cooperation with two foundations. • The Welfare Committee of the Port of Barcelona organised the 33rd Seafarers’ Day online. A round table was held entitled “How the pandemic has affected and continues SERVICES TO SEAFARERS to affect seafarers” to explain the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on workers linked to the maritime world. This year it was not possible to hold face-to-face activities. The Port of Barcelona takes special care to respond to the needs of this group, • The Port of Barcelona collaborates with the Singapore Shipping Tripartite Alliance whose working conditions and characteristics mean that they spend long periods away Resilience Fund (SG-STAR), an international initiative involving the International from home and do not always receive the appropriate services and support (labour, financial Federation of Transport Workers (ITF), the International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC) and emotional). Alleviating these shortcomings is the aim of the work by Stella Maris and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), among other organisations and the Port of Barcelona Welfare Committee. and port authorities. This alliance runs the CrewSafe programme, based on Singapore’s crew change model, to establish safe corridors for crew changes, help ensure quality Apostolate of the Sea - Stella Maris controls in facilities for seafarers to quarantine, medical services and the corresponding tests in the countries of origin of the crew members. The Stella Maris Barcelona Apostolate of the Sea Centre - which provides assistance to seafarers arriving in Barcelona - continued to offer its services of assistance and legal and employment advice to crews calling at the Catalan capital. Its centre in the Port of Barcelona The Port Vell had to close its doors under the state of alarm declared due to the pandemic and the crews were able to go ashore. However, in order to maintain a certain degree of normality in the services offered to seafarers, the Apostolate of the Sea of Barcelona, integrated into the Port The spaces of the Port of Barcelona known as the citizen port are managed by the Gerència Welfare Committee, asked the members of the Port Community to facilitate the contact Urbanística Port Vell. The main responsibilities of this urban management body set up by details of the crews that arrived at the Port through the following channels: the Port of Barcelona in 1988 are: • Commercially operating the Port Vell and Nova Bocana public areas and ensuring, the conservation and maintenance of these spaces. • P roviding support and services to companies and sports, cultural, training and fishing entities, and to commercial, nautical and industrial operators performing their activities in the area. • Enhancing cultural and architectural heritage in the area and monitoring urban and infrastructure projects. 629 271 391 • Ensuring cohesion and full integration between the port area and the public space, phone and Whatsapp especially the part closest to the Old Port, applying economic, social and environmental sustainability criteria. • Maintaining the maritime identity of the area it manages and promoting knowledge of the maritime, nautical and fishing world among the general public. Many of these crews are already familiar with these channels thanks to Stella Maris’ Given the special situation produced by the pandemic, in 2020 these areas had an unusually continued activity over the past ninety years and got in contact for information and advice. low occupancy. The events, with monitoring of the safety measures imposed, included: Despite current limitations, the Apostolate of the Sea has helped these seafarers as much as possible, through the altruistic work of thirty-six volunteers at this centre, which opened • The festivities of Saint Mercè • The festivities of Saint Eulàlia • C hristmas at the Port in 1927. • The Copa Nadal • The Raluy Legacy Circus ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 130 131 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Sectoral Sustainability Plan ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS Human capital: staff strategy 3 GOOD HEALTH QUALITY GENDER AND WELL-BEING 4 EDUCATION 5 EQUALITY Type-employment under the sustainability plan Within the Port Community, the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan (SSP) —6,721 people in all— are also enhancing their human capital and look to orient their personnel policies towards sustainability. These are some of the characteristics of the typical workforce of these organisations: Ensure healthy lives Ensure inclusive Achieve gender equality • 92.1% of staff have a fixed-term employment contract, which shows and promote well-being and equitable quality and empower all women the commitment to stable employment, reinforced by the fact that 91.2% of contracts for all at all ages education and promote and girls are full-time. lifelong learning • 9 2.8% of organisations • 2 9.2% of women in the • 84% of people are covered by collective agreements. Many fewer were hired opportunities for all under the Plan have an workforce in the organisations externally, as the average external recruitment of staff over the total workforce was 2.4%, Occupational Risk Prevention • 12.8 hours on average per under the Plan compared to 8.8% in 2019. system year in training per worker • With regard to the type of function performed within the organisation, almost half • 4 8.2% of organisations under under the Plan of staff are assigned to operational functions (45.6%), 13.3% in middle management • 46.3% of organisations the Plan have equality plans and 6.2% of the total are managers. under the Plan conduct • 3 0% of organisations under • 6 1.2% of organisations under satisfaction and work the Plan have a training the Plan have anti-harassment The number of workers fell by 5.9% year on year. Given the complexity of the health crisis climate surveys committee protocols and its impact on employment, it is a logical consequence of the exceptional moment experienced. TYPES OF CONTRACT IN SSP ORGANISATIONS, 2017-2020 8 DECENT WORK 11SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIPS AND ECONOMIC CITIES AND 17 FOR THE GOALS GROWTH COMMUNITIES 2017 2018 2019 2020 Fixed employment contract 85.1% 80.3% 90.6% 92.1% Full-time employment contract 87.7% 76.9% 93.2% 91.2% Staff covered by collective agreement 93.6% 91.4% 86.9% 84% Promote sustained, Make cities and human evitalise the Global inclusive and sustainable settlements inclusive, safe, Alliance for Sustainable economic growth, full and resilient and sustainable Development productive employment In terms of gender, in most organisations there is a clear predominance of men: women and decent work for all • 16.7% dof organisations • 67.4% of organisations under represent 29.2% of the workforce, a proportion similar to previous years. under the Plan have mobility the Plan belong to sectoral • 9 2.1% of the contracts of plans associations the organisations under the • 64% of organisations under DISTRIBUTION OF STAFF UNDER THE SSP, BY GENDER, 2016-2020 Plan are fixed-term the Plan participate in • 91.2% of full-time contracts stakeholder activities 2020 29% 71% • 1.3% of people in the • 8 0.5% of organisations under organisations under the Plan the Plan evaluate customer 2019 31% 69% have some type of disability satisfaction 2018 29% 71% and 0.9% are at risk of social exclusion 2017 33% 67% 2016 34% 66% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Women Men ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 132 133 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Sectoral Sustainability Plan The largest proportion of female workers is to be found in administrative PREVENTING DISCRIMINATION positions. 21.1% of management positions are occupied by women. Gender percentages remain approximately in the same proportions by type of work. On average, 1.3% of the staff of the Plan’s organisations have some kind of disability. It should be noted that this ratio includes 51.7% of companies with under 50 workers (those which must have a minimum of staff with disabilities, by law). At the same time, it also SSP ORGANISATIONS STAFF, BY FUNCTION AND GENDER, 2016-2020 includes some organisations working in the Port Community that are denominated special work centres, in which a large part of the professionals are people with disabilities. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 The organisations under the Plan also registered on average 0.9% people at risk of social Post % Men % Women % Men % Women % Men % Women % Men % Women % Men % Women exclusion in their workforces. Top 72.0% 28.0% 76.2% 23.8% 74.3% 25.7% 73.4% 26.6% 78.9% 21.1% management Middle 65.0% 35.0% 71.4% 28.6% 66.4% 33.6% 66.5% 33.5% 66.4% 33.6% management STAFF OF THE ORGANISATIONS UNDER THE PLAN WITH DISABILITIES AND IN A RISK SITUATION (%), 2016-2020 Administration 47.0% 53.0% 44.8% 55.2% 46.6% 53.4% 51.1% 48.9% 45.0% 55.0% 4% Operations 67.0% 33.0% 82.8% 17.2% 79.1% 20.9% 84.9% 15.1% 84.4% 15.6% Other 75.0% 25.0% 53.5% 47.5% 79.5% 20.5% 57.6% 42.4% 58.8% 41.2% 3% 2% Diversity and equal opportunities 1% PRESENCE OF WOMEN IN GOVERNING BODIES 0% Staff with a disability Staff at risk of social exclusion The proportion of women in the main governing bodies of the Port of Barcelona, according to their composition at 31 December 2020, was: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 AVERAGE OF WOMEN IN THE GOVERNING BODIES OF THE ORGANISATIONS UNDER THE SSP, 2020 Working climate Management board 35.0% 46.3% of the organisations under the Plan have conducted job satisfaction Executive Committee 21.1% and working climate surveys (42.3% the previous year). Also, 64.3% of the organisations under the Plan have established channels for making complaints about breaches of labour regulations. Depending on EQUALITY PLANS the organisation, this channel can be the works council, the staff or union delegate, the Human Resources department or a specific space on the corporate Intranet. Companies with more than two hundred and fifty workers are subject to Article 45 Organisations received a total of nine complaints through these formal mechanisms, of Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March 2007, which stipulates that they are obliged to respect three of which could be resolved through them. equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace. 48.2% of the organisations that are part of the Plan also have and apply equality plans, compared to 41% in 2019. It should be noted that only 6.7% of the organisations under the Plan have a workforce of more than 250 people and are therefore required to do this by law. Many of them therefore take on and implement this challenge voluntarily. In addition, 61.2% of participating organisations have a sexual and/or gender harassment protocol. At 62.8%, this figure remains the same as the previous year. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 134 135 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Sectoral Sustainability Plan Training and upskilling Social and relationship capital 30% of the organisations under the Plan have a training committee involving 67.4% of the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan belong to sectoral the company and the workers to cover their own training needs, with a total 85,742.73 associations. These are the most common organisations: hours of training completed, making an annual average of 12.8 hours per worker. • N ational Association of Stevedoring Companies and Shipping Companies (ANESCO) Training was aimed mainly at professional skills (53.9%) and occupational risk prevention (14%). • C atalan Association of Concessionaire Companies with Port Facilities (ASCIPORT) • A ssociation of International Freight Forwarders of Barcelona (ATEIA) • Spanish Association of Terminals Receiving Liquid, Chemical and Gas Bulks (ATERQUIGAS) Occupational safety and health • European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services(CLECAT) • Spanish Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FETEIA OLTRA) OCCUPATIONAL RISK PREVENTION • I nternational Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) • International Air Transport Association (IATA) Virtually all of the organisations under the Plan (92.8%) have an Occupational Risk Prevention Service, which could be internal, external or joint, and 54.1% • P ROPELLER CLUB. Association of Logistics Managers and Entrepreneurs of organisations have their service certified. (Castellón, Valencia, Barcelona) • WORLD CARGO ALLIANCE (Inter Global) (WCA) Accidents at work During the year 2020, 55% of the organisations of the Port of Barcelona that under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan had no accidents, a figure similar to 2019 (56%). The number of Relations with stakeholders accidents has decreased significantly, with 222 cases compared to 358 the previous year. CUSTOMER SERVICE 45% of organisations registered accidents, which occurred mainly within the company (58.1%), with 19.4% in itinere and the remaining 22.5%, within the port area. 80.5% of the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan evaluated the satisfaction of their customers during 2020. This figure has decreased slightly compared to 2019, although it remains high. The main mechanisms for gauging the degree of customer satisfaction were surveys, followed by personal visits and/or meetings. ACCIDENTS BY PLACE OF OCCURRENCE (%), 2020 The organisations under the Plan have received only 5 complaints related to economic issues and all were resolved with formal mechanisms. 58.1 % IN THE COMPANY 19.4 % During this year no organisation under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan received any IN THE PORT PRECINCT 22.5 % complaints related to the privacy of its customers’ personal data. IN ITINERE Mobility plans 16.7% of organisations under the Plan have mobility plans for their staff, an initiative that minimises accidents at work, facilitates access to the workplace and helps to protect the environment. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 136 137 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Sectoral Sustainability Plan DIALOGUE AND PARTICIPATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS In addition, 64% of SSP organisations took part in activities organised by their stakeholders during 2020, a similar figure to 2019, when it was 65.4%. The main interaction 62.9% of organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan have communication group was the Administration, followed by institutions, customers and society at large. channels with their stakeholders. This figure remains in line with the previous year, which was 62%. PARTICIPATION OF SSP ORGANISATIONS IN STAKEHOLDER ACTIVITIES, 2016-2020 COMMUNICATION CHANNELS OF SSP ORGANISATIONS WITH STAKEHOLDERS Investors Customers Face-to-face meetings Commercial communications SAC (Customer Care Service) Customer management (telephone, mail, web and social networks) Institutions Business events with customers Management board Administrations Face-to-face meetings Corporate website Steering Council Media Management board Workers On-site communications Telephone contact, mail and website Works council Society Suppliers Provider management Face-to-face meetings Telephone contact, mail and website Society Telephone contact, mail and website Media Suppliers Events and conferences Media Conferences, conferences and events Interviews Press conferences Institutions Collaboration agreements Workers Attendance at events Sectoral and professional associations Investors Face-to-face meetings Telephone contact, mail and website Administrations Management board Customers 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 138 139 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing social value Sectoral Sustainability Plan Social action Rescuing people at sea Implementation of telework SPONSORSHIPS AND DONATIONS Aim: t o offer support and get Aim: t o reduce travel to the office, involved in emergency situations while ensuring quality of service In 2020, 38.8% of the organisations under the Plan reported that they had performed Recipients: c ollaboration with social NGOs Recipients: p ort staff sponsorships and/or donations in the social and/or educational field. This figure is helping migrants fleeing war Description: i mplementing rotating lower than in 2019, when it was 48.7%. Despite the fact that fewer organisations are making and conflict to seek new telework shifts to protect solidarity contributions and/or sponsorships, were €4,672,142 were contributed, compared opportunities. people from the health crisis. to €2,488,206 the previous year. It is important to underscore the significant contribution of one of the companies under the SSP, which made a considerable extraordinary economic contribution due to the sanitary crisis. Also noteworthy are donations in kind, such as those of food and other basic necessities to the Food Bank. INITIATIVES AIMED AT THE PUBLIC AND THE PORT COMMUNITY Below are some of the social actions undertaken by organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan or by other entities in which they collaborated during 2020. Breakfasts in the Raval district Dual VET project (extension of the project begun in 2019) Aim: social and food inclusion Recipients: homeless people and other Aim: to improve the training and vulnerable groups employment of young people in the field of logistics Description: providing a healthy breakfast Recipients: Vocational Training students and sharing some time with in the specialities of logistics people without resources. and socio-occupational More than 3,000 breakfasts integration have been served each year. Description: > The Dual Vocational Training project was launched in July 2019 with the signing of a Collaboration with the “Red Cross collaboration agreement with responds” campaign the Department of Education of the Generalitat and Salvador Aim: d istribution of basic items Seguí secondary school to to families in need take on a student from a Recipients: vulnerable groups, aggravated socio-occupational integration by the Covid-19 health crisis programme for a placement. Description: online financial contribution In 2020 the project was from the workers, matched expanded to the logistics area. by the company. Contribution of basic food kits for 22 people (6 families) and 3 baby > A new collaboration hygiene kits. agreement was also signed with the Les Salines secondary school in el Prat de Llobregat to take a student from the Logistics Training Cycle on a placement. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 140 141 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value 07 D eveloping 13 CLIMATE LIFE ACTION 14 BELOW WATER environmental value The Port of Barcelona is aware of the impacts that port activity has on its surrounding area and the need to prevent or minimise these conditions as much as possible. To this end, Urgent measures to combat climate change Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, it works with the entire Port Community to make sure to reduce its environmental footprint. and its effects seas and marine resources The Port of Barcelona’s environmental commitment is reflected in many actions and attitudes, The Port and its Port Community are committed Careful management of the sea is essential for a and is evident in its adherence to the United Nations Global Compact and the European to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable future. Looking after the sea means Green Deal and the milestones aligned with them. In this connection, to move further are aware of all the environmental risks that looking after port activity. towards decarbonisation, the Port has set itself the goal of halving greenhouse gas emissions global warming can entail. by 2030 and almost completely eliminating them by 2050. It is also committed to the energy • C hecking operations that put water quality transition with the launch of an ambitious photovoltaic generation project, which should • W harf electrification projects underway. at risk. produce 120 GWh of clean energy per year. • An intermodality promotion strategy which • M onitoring water and sediment quality. meant a saving of €778 million in the cost • S urveillance of benthic communities. ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS of negative externalities in 2020 . • T he Port joined the World Ports Climate Action Plan (WPCAP) programme aiming to lead 6 CLEAN WATER AFFORDABLE AND AND SANITATION 7 CLEAN ENERGY decarbonisation. • B arcelona Port Authority has signed up to the Voluntary Agreements to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Actions to clean up the Port’s waters Affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy While this goal is focused on accessibility to drinking water and water sanitation in We are committed to energy efficiency and the The data in this section also responds to the following SDGs: developing countries, it is worth mentioning generation of renewables, as well as advanced the efforts made to prevent spills and clean up and less polluting fossil fuel technologies, 9 INDUSTRY Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable INNOVATION AND port waters. while promoting investment in sustainable INFRASTRUCTURE industrialisation and foster innovation. infrastructure and non-polluting energy • 5 4 tonnes of floating waste collected technologies. and removed from the water table. • Control and monitoring of water • Pilot tests of photovoltaic energy consumption and sediment quality. communities. 11SUSTAINABLE • 7 8,000 m3 of liquefied natural gas supplied CITIES AND Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient COMMUNITIES to ships from 2017 to 2020. and sustainable. 12 RESPONSABLE Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 142 143 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Developing environmental value ABOUT THE DATA Environmental milestones 2020 The data included in this section come from the control systems of Barcelona Port Authority • I nitial experiences for setting up energy communities for shared consumption with (APB) and are periodically reported on the Port of Barcelona website. They can also be photovoltaic generation. consulted in the document “Environmental Declaration - European EMAS Regulation • Approval by the Generalitat de Catalunya of its own methodology for inventorying ship Port of Barcelona 2020”. emissions. • Creation of the database of polluting soils in the port area. Strategic model Environmental objectives and degree of performance in 2020 This year, the drafting work was completed of the Fourth Strategic plan (2021-2025), 1. THE PATH TOWARDS THE ENERGY TRANSITION which identifies sustainability as the main driver of development for the Port and which Improve energy efficiency —in relation to 2008— in the APB by 30% by 2030 and have in the next five years will also determine the Port of Barcelona’s environmental model. 50 MWp of photovoltaic energy installed in the port. The Plan establishes that the Port must be a benchmark in Barcelona, the Mediterranean • Improve energy efficiency by 5% by 2020 (100%). and the Iberian Peninsula in terms of energy transition and that it must base its strategy in this area, on the decarbonisation of port activity by electrifying wharves, fostering - Complete the remaining 10% of the Project for replacing lighting with LED the use of alternative clean fuels, increasing energy efficiency and managing and producing technology in the offices of the APB-WTC. Reduce overall consumption of renewable energies. electricity by 30% for PC power (plugs) and for lighting (100%). - Improved lighting next to the truck parking area and the Llobregat lighthouse (P43). Reduce P43 lighting consumption by 10% this first year (0%). Environmental management system - I mprovements in electrical efficiency and installation of photovoltaic panels in the PIF building. Reduce electricity consumption by 25% (postponed). The Port of Barcelona’s Environmental Management System (EMS) includes the areas and activities • Shared consumption model in the port area in 2020. controlled and developed by Barcelona Port Authority (APB) in accordance with its functions. 2. CLIMATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE The environmental management of the Port of Barcelona complies with current legislation, Reduce GHG emissions by more than 50% by 2030 compared to 2008. and its management system is certified according to ISO 14001:2015 and recognised by the EMAS Regulation, and according to the Port Environmental Review System (PERS) industry • I nventory of GHG emissions from port activity (partially). standard, promoted by the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO). 3. IMPROVING THE AIR QUALITY OF THE PORT ENVIRONMENT Reduce NOx emissions by more than 50% by 2030 compared to 2008. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION • Update the Port’s Air Quality Improvement Plan in 2020 (75%). Under the Environmental Management System, the Port of Barcelona has planned its • Foster use of LNG as a mobility fuel (partially). environmental action with the 2020 Environmental Programme, which sets goals and Complete projects. Pilot of a natural gas-powered straddle carrier (80%). milestones for the significant aspects and for relevant issues detected in the context and risk and opportunity analysis. The Environment Committee monitors its progress and degree of 4. IMPROVING THE RESPONSE TO ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES AT SEA performance. In addition, it has also monitored the parameters of specific plans and programmes. • Incorporate new means of response on the Prat wharf and external waters (30%). • Improve operational response (50%). • Update the Inland maritime spill containment plan (PIM) (75%). SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS AND PROGRAMMES 5. COMMUNICATE MORE • N ew initiatives to encourage internal participation in 2020 (postponed). Update materials and contents for external communication (25%). Water quality monitoring programme Barcelona Air Quality Improvement Plan 2016-2020 Inland maritime spill containment plan (PIM) Emergency and self-protection plans Ship waste reception plan Environmental communication plan ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 144 145 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Developing environmental value Environmental expenditure and investment ENERGY TRANSITION In 2020, the Port Authority earmarked €4.7 million for environmental actions, not including The Port is immersed in the process of moving towards a new energy model: renewable staff headings. This is the cost of performing the functions and activities for which it is energies, energy storage and a smart electricity grid making it possible to respond to new responsible in its role managing port areas and strategy. Most of this amount —4.3 million—, consumption patterns with optimal management. corresponds to the ship waste collection (MARPOL) service. This vision was put into practice in 2020 with pilot testing of energy communities with consumption shared between various concessionaire facilities. This way, surplus photovoltaic energy from certain facilities can be reused in others, in addition to storing energy in batteries Commitment to tackling climate change: decarbonising and having a smart grid that distributes where needed. An initial small-scale test was carried out at the Fishermen’s wharf in 2019. 13 CLIMATE 9 INDUSTRY ACTION INNOVATION AND The APB achieves energy saving and efficiency by applying measures such as using LEDs INFRASTRUCTURE and sectorising switching on and off in its facilities; introducing the use of renewables at the Fishermen’s wharf and the BIP; and incorporating LEDs and improving management of public lighting. Renewable and efficient energy initiatives are also promoted by companies in the Port Community, with environmental bonuses provided for by law and in new concession contracts. Furthermore, since 2017 all the electricity consumed by the APB and companies in which it holds a stake (Port 2000, WTC Barcelona and CILSA) carries a renewable generation guarantee According to APB calculations, total activity in the spaces of the Port of Barcelona emits certificate, so that the associated emissions do not count as greenhouse gas emissions. about 315,000 tonnes of CO2 each year, about 70% of which comes from ships (anchoring, manoeuvring and stay in port); around 25% correspond to the electricity Discountable investments consumption of the facilities of the precinct, and the rest comes from emissions from vehicles, terminal machinery and industry. The Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy and the new concession contracts provide for a discount to be applied to facilities and buildings that develop energy efficiency and that The Port of Barcelona is aware of its leading role in decarbonising maritime transport generate renewable energy on roofs and plant surfaces. and port activity. Therefore, in line with the objectives of the European Union (EU) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), it took on the commitment to halve CO2 During 2020, the fourteen terminals of the Port of Barcelona eligible for environmental emissions by 2030 in relation to 2017. subsidies invested more than €1.7 million in projects aimed at decarbonising port operations, reducing emissions, generating renewable energy, and initiating the energy transition. To achieve this reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the Port has launched strategies In response to these sustainable initiatives, the Port of Barcelona subsidised these terminals and actions in three areas: the Port as a whole, the APB, and the concessions and operators with nearly €900,000 in discounts in 2020. of the Port Community. Progress in the most important of these in 2020 is set out below. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 146 147 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Developing environmental value ELECTRIFICATION BETWEEN 2021-2025 1 ELECTRIFYING WHARVES BEST TERMINAL (PILOTS) 2 In 2019 the Port made public its commitment to electrifying the wharves to avoid emissions ELECTRIFICATION BETWEEN 2025-2030 NEW DEVELOPMENTS from ships’ auxiliary engines during their stay at port. This aim is also set out specifically in 3 the Port of Barcelona Fourth Strategic Plan (2021-2025), which aims for 50% of container ELECTRIFICATION FROM 2030 ONWARDS BASIN and Ro-Ro wharves to be electrified by 2025. 4 APM TERMINAL The project will be developed over seven to ten years and will begin with connections to the PLANNED ELECTRIFICATION high-voltage grid to provide the required electrical power of about 80,000kW. However, the IN ADVANCED PHASES (SPECIFIC STUDIES REQUIRED) 5 GTB TERMINAL aim is to create a new medium voltage (25 kV) electricity network infrastructure to provide service exclusively to docked ships. 6 FTB TERMINAL The Port of Barcelona leads the working group dedicated to onshore electrical supply to ships under the World Ports Climate Action Plan (WPCAP), an initiative to accelerate the 7 ADOSSAT-CRUISE SHIPS decarbonisation of port activity and maritime transport in which the ports of Vancouver, Los Angeles, Long Beach, New York, Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Gothenburg and Busan 8 ADOSSAT FERRIES are also involved. 9 ENERGY WHARF 3 4 5 9 6 1 7 8 2 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 148 149 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Developing environmental value REDUCING VEHICLE AND MACHINERY EMISSIONS DEVELOPMENT OF APB’S WATER CONSUMPTION BY USES (in m3), 2018-2020 Following its accession in 2012 to the Voluntary Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction 60,000 45 Agreements promoted by the Catalan Government Office of Climate Change (OCCC), the Port is committed to gradually reducing the emissions generated by its fleet. 40 50,000 35 The APB currently has 41 electric vehicles out of a fleet of around 100 units and 44 recharging points for own use. They have also installed three new recharging points for public use; 40,000 30 we expect to have 27 points distributed throughout the port area by 2022. 25 30,000 33,778 30,260 33,171 In the Port Community area, concession clauses currently encourage the installation of electric 20 recharging points and subsidise the renewal of machinery for vehicles running on clean fuels. Furthermore, licences to provide services within the Port include the use of best environmental 20,000 15 practices and efficient equipment in terms of emissions. 10 10,000 19,190 22,459 20,802 5 THE IMPACT OF THE INTERMODAL STRATEGY 0 0 2018 2019 2020 9 INDUSTRY The Port of Barcelona is keen to be part of environmentally efficient logistics INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE chains. To this end, it has developed tools such as the Ecocalculator 3 Irrigation Buildings Checkpoints m3 buildings/worker m of irrigation water 2 (which calculates CO2 emissions from transport routes through the Port /m surface area and alternative ports) and fosters intermodal transport as part of these chains due to their lower environmental impact. The Port ‘s intermodal strategy in favour of rail transport and short sea shipping represented savings in 2020 of €778 million in the cost of negative 3 externalities (air pollution, global warming, noise, accidents, congestion DISTRIBUTION OF OF APB’S WATER CONSUMPTION BY USES (in m ), 2020 and infrastructure cost), which would have been generated by the same volume of cargo transported by road 61% IRRIGATION 38% BUILDINGS 1% CHECKPOINTS Environmental performance and monitoring The basic data and indicators relating to the most significant direct and indirect environmental aspects are specified below 54,442m3 Consumption of natural resources WATER CONSUMPTION Water is supplied water from the public companies Aigües de Barcelona and Aigües del Prat. In 2020, consumption for irrigating green areas and gardening increased slightly, to 33,171m3 representing 61% of the total. This value often depends on the weather and rainfall. Furthermore, consumption for buildings fell, presumably due to the increase in teleworking during the pandemic. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 150 151 PORT DE BARCELONA m3 Developing environmental value Developing environmental value ENERGY CONSUMPTION Electricity consumption Total energy consumption at the APB in 2020 was 7,864 MWh. The main consumption Total electricity consumption fell 7% In 2020 due to the decline in activity resulting from was electricity (87%) and corresponded mainly to the electrical supply of the buildings. the lockdown under the COVID-19 pandemic. However, consumption for outdoor lighting increased slightly due to the opening of new lit areas. The APB applies energy efficiency measures to reduce these consumptions. DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION (in MWh), 2018-2020 TREND IN APB ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION BY USES (in MWh), 2018-2020 9,400 20 9,200 18 9,000 15 9,000 14.95 14.70 14.58 16 12.52 12.85 12.68 8,000 8,800 14 7,000 12 8,600 738 761 12 474 8,400 6,000 10 1,747 2,024 9 8,200 5,000 2,085 8 8,000 4,000 990 1,031 7,800 6 1,005 6 3,000 7,600 4 8,535 8,392 7,846 7,400 2 2,000 3 7,200 0 1,000 3,674 3,254 3,256 2018 2019 2020 0 0 2018 2019 2020 Total Mwh/worker Buildings Other services Outdoor lighting Thermal elec. WTCB Mwh/worker Fuel consumption DISTRIBUTION OF APB ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY TYPE (in MWh), 2020 The only consumption of natural gas is for heating and domestic hot water (DHW) in the 87 ASTA building and this year it increased by 9%, predictably due to increased use of DHW. % ELECTRICITY Diesel consumption however fell by 14%, due to the increased number of electric vehicles. 6% DIESEL 5% GASOLINE 1% NATURAL GAS TREND IN APB FUEL CONSUMPTION BY USES (in MWh), 2018-2020 2,500 16 14 7,846 2,000 12 MWh 1,500 10 8 1,000 516 6 389 424 4 500 778 571 489 2 0 91 92 113 0 2018 2019 2020 Gasoline Diesel Natural gas Diesel/vehicle Gasoline/vehicle ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 152 153 PORT DE BARCELONA MWh MWh/worker MWh MWh MWh/worker Developing environmental value Developing environmental value Impact on the surrounding area and the environment TYPE OF WASTE COLLECTED FROM WATER, 2020 Below are the main indicators of the impact port activity has on its surrounding area and the 40% OTHERS tools the Port of Barcelona has to monitor and minimise it. 23% PLASTICS 19% ORGANIC MATTER 18% WOOD THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT 14 LIFE The Port has services and procedures for improving water quality BELOW WATER and the marine environment. Port water cleaning service The Port provides a service for collecting and removing floating waste from the water sheet every day of the year and during the day. Without the effect of storm Gloria, which involved an extraordinary collection of ninety-six tonnes of waste, the regular volume collected in 2020 decreased significantly compared to 2019 and came to fifty-four tonnes. Quality of the marine environment WASTE COLLECTED FROM THE WATER SHEET (t), 2018-2020* During 2020, the Port of Barcelona monitored the quality of port waters in collaboration with the 140 Catalan Water Agency in compliance with the Water Framework Directive and under the Coastal Water Surveillance Plan for Catalonia. 120 The main pollutants are derived from nautical-port activity and urban anthropogenic pressure, with 100 some factors outside the scope of port management. Despite this, and the increase in port and ship operations in recent years, data have stabilised or improved. 80 60 Quality of sediments and benthic communities 40 In general, the environmental conditions of sediments remained the same or improved in recent years. When dredging the port seabed, the Port classifies the sediments removed and 20 66 64 54 sends them to the appropriate destination in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Works. In addition, all works involving dredging are subject to strict and independent 0 environmental monitoring that ensures that dredged sediments are properly managed 2018 2019 2020 according to their degree of contamination. One indicator of the state of health and environmental quality of the sediments of the seabed is the benthic communities or group of living organisms that live there. An analysis of the main parameters point to a positive development since monitoring started in 1998. DEVELOPMENT OF BENTHIC COMMUNITIES, 2018-2020 2018 2019 2020 External External External waters Internal waters Internal waters Internal Benthic communities Zone II waters Zone II waters Zone II waters RCompositio (taxons/800cm2) 58 49 43 46 59 39 Abundance (individuals/800cm2) 235 583 170 302 210 222 *Excluding collection during storm Gloria . Shannon Diversity Index (H’) 3.6 2.374 3.1 2.754 3.5 2.78 ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 154 155 PORT DE BARCELONA t Developing environmental value Developing environmental value THE ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 11SUSTAINABLE The strategy for reducing emissions of polluting gases and particulate matter Internal action: enlarging a service station to incorporate LNG and CNG supply CITIES AND COMMUNITIES is defined in the Port of Barcelona Air Quality Improvement Plan, adopted for trucks and vehicles (2018). in 2016, which brings together a total of 53 concrete and specific actions to reduce polluting emissions and particulates. CORE LNGas hive project. Subactivity EPM3: adaptation of two diesel-powered straddle carriers to run on natural gas (2014-2022). The Port acts as coordinator. The Plan continued to be updated in 2020, incorporating the most efficient Projecte REPORT. Programa RIS3CAT: transforming 25 trucks to dual actions to achieve the objective of decarbonising the Port, as occurred in the Plan (2015-2021). The Port is the leader of the project. for the electrification of wharves and other measures towards decarbonisation. From 2017 to 2020, some 78,000 m3 of LNG were supplied to ships at the Port of Barcelona, Monitoring air quality 27,000 m3 from a tanker truck (TTS mode) and 51,000 m3 from a barge (STS mode). In its efforts to monitor air quality, the Port has a meteorological network with seven stations; three automatic stations for measuring polluting gases, and a network of high-volume SERVICES AND VOLUME OF LNG SUPPLIED TO SHIPS (units and m3), 2017-2020 sensors for PM10 particulates (suspended particles with diameters less than10μm) and 3 for PM2.5. From tank 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Promoting the move to gas No. of operations 42 18 4 212 276 Tanks involved 42 18 4 596 660 The Air Quality Improvement Plan includes actions aimed at promoting the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an alternative fuel for cargo transport by sea and land. Vessels Abel Matutes, Abel Matutes Hypatia Abel Matutes, Aida Perla de Alejandria Nápoles, Sicilia, In 2019 Barcelona was the first port in the Mediterranean to supply LNG to a ship from a Bahama Mama barge; in 2017 it had provided truck-based gas supplies to the first ferry with a natural gas Supply in m3 886.11 344.61 322.93 25,437.82 26,991.47 auxiliary engine and regularly to a cruise ship in 2018. However, it also plays an active and leading role in several European and own projects (see also the section on Financial aid From barge 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL received, under chapter 5): No. of operations 0 0 17 7 24 Vessels Aida Nova, Costa Smeralda PROJECTS FOR FOSTERING LNG IN PORT ACTIVITY Costa Smeralda 3 CORE LNGas hive project. Subactivity EPT1: pilot using an onshore mobile Supply in m 0 0 37,222 13,711 50,933 generator with a natural gas engine to supply a Ro-Ro ship (2014-2022). The Port acts as coordinator. Total operations 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL No. of operations 42 18 21 219 24 CORE LNGas hive project. Subactivity EPM1: construction of loading arm from regasification terminal (2014-2022). The Port acts as a partner. Vessels Aida Nova, Costa Smeralda Costa Smeralda CORE LNGas hive project. Subactivity EPM2: adapting a fuel supply barge to be Supply in m3 886.11 344.61 37,544.93 39,148.82 50,933 able to supply LNG as well (2014-2022). The Port acts as coordinator. CORE LNGas hive project. Subactivity EV4: designing a gas-powered tug (2014-2022). The Port acts as coordinator. CLEANPORT project: incorporating a natural gas auxiliary engine on a ferry for use during its stay at port (2014-2020). The Port acts as a partner. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 156 157 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Developing environmental value AIR QUALITY INDICATORS Pollutant gas emissions The largest emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere in the Port come from ships, Air quality in the port environment has improved since the early 2000s, when monitoring which represent more than 95% of the total nitrogen oxide and particulate emissions. emission levels of the main polluting gases began. According to the measurement methodology agreed with Barcelona City Council and the Sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentration levels are low. Current European regulations set a Generalitat de Catalunya, the Port’s emissions represent 7.6% of the city’s air pollution due maximum daily average threshold of 125 μg/m3 that must not be exceeded more than three to NOx and 1.5% for PM10. days a year. The reduction of SO2 immission levels in the Port was the result of the reduction in ship traffic due PORT ACTIVITY EMISSIONS 2020 (NO ) to the pandemic and the obligation for ships to use fuels with less of this pollutant while sailing. X 6,000 Container ships 32% AVERAGE SO2 CONCENTRATION AT THE PORT (in μg/m3), 2018-2020 5,500 Oil tankers 18% 5,000 4.5 Ferries 16% 4,500 4.0 Passengers (cruise ships) 10% 4,000 3.5 3,500 Bulk carriers 6% 3.0 3,000 Tanks 5% 2.5 2.1 2,500 1.8 Car-carriers 4% 2.0 2,000 1.5 ro-ro 4% 1,500 1.00 1,000 1.0 Yachts 4% 2018 2019 2020 500 5,586 305 187 136 Cargo t (lo-lo) 1% 0 South basin 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Comercial vessels Auxiliary vessels Road traffic Terminal machinery Nitrogen oxide levels were also reduced in 2020 due to lower activity in the Port. AVERAGE CONCENTRATION OF NOX AT THE PORT (in μg/m3), 2018-2020 65 60 55 50 45 40.91 41.2 40 35.25 35 32.4 32.4 30 25.7 25 20 2018 2019 2020 ZAL 2 Port Vell ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 158 159 PORT DE BARCELONA t μg/m3 μg/m3 Developing environmental value Developing environmental value Airborne PM10 particulate concentrations depend a great deal on the performance WASTE MANAGEMENT of works projects or dry bulk operations. Like other pollutants, levels fell with the reduction in vehicle traffic. The Port Authority is responsible for removing and managing all types of waste generated in the Port of Barcelona’s own and common areas - excluding the offices and spaces occupied in the East building of the WTC, but including the bars and restaurants within the port AVERAGE CONCENTRATION OF PM10 AT THE PORT (in μg/m3), 2018-2020 premises- and waste from road cleaning. The concessions and facilities that conduct their activity in the port area manage their own waste. 40 The APB practices selective waste collection, and in 2020 it managed a total of 1,037 35 34.3 tonnes of waste, internal or external, 99% of which were non-hazardous. 31.89 29.8 30.8 30 28.02 WASTE MANAGED BY THE APB (in tonnes), 2018-2020 25 27.54 24.2 26.7 1,200 2.5 20 22.2 1,000 2.0 15 800 1.96 1.95 1.93 2018 2019 2020 1.5 600 South Basin Port Vell ZAL 1.0 400 200 0.5 THE TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENT 1,120 1,114 1,037 0 0.0 The Port of Barcelona also establishes control, surveillance and action measures to ensure 2018 2019 2020 the quality of port land. Total waste t / worker Preventing soil pollution There is ongoing monitoring of the state of the subsoil in the port area under concession by terminals and operators, as well as in non-concession areas. When necessary, remediation actions are carried out on contaminated soils. TYPES OF WASTE MANAGED BY THE APB (%), 2020 ACTIONS REGARDING SOIL POLLUTION IN THE PORT, 2020 99% NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE A database of contaminated soils was set up in 2020 in 1% HAZARDOUS WASTE which soil and groundwater pollution data were introduced Remediation and monitoring actions 6 from more than 600 boreholes and more than 1,500 records. Characterisation and prior study 9 This will make it possible to anticipate the need to remedy or characterise a plot of land and gather information on the level TOTAL 15 of underlying contamination. Environmental monitoring of port works The works carried out in the Port are subject to environmental monitoring to ensure minimal environmental impact. Checks are made to ensure that works are performed following the best practices of the sector and respecting the applicable regulations. Likewise, the works often use *Including their own and those not generated by APB recycled materials from demolition and deconstruction works. (responsible for management). ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 160 161 PORT DE BARCELONA μg/m3 t Developing environmental value Developing environmental value SHIP-GENERATED WASTE MANAGEMENT - MARPOL CONVENTION 11SUSTAINABLE Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 1973, (known as the Marpol Convention 1973-1978), ports must have adequate reception facilities for ship’s waste using a port service. Waste managed by the Port in the MARPOL categories is oily liquid waste from engine oil, bilge water or sewage sludge; cargo tank washing waters that contained hydrocarbons, and solid waste. In 2020 the Port managed a total of 99,126 m3 of MARPOL waste, almost half of the 197,812 m3 managed the previous year, due to lower vessel traffic as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. ECOLOGY AND DIVERSITY The Port strives to ensure that its activity and works interfere as little as possible with the ecosystems and populations of birds and other species in its surrounding area; especially because it borders on the Llobregat Delta Integral Reservation. On the other hand, there are checks and monitoring of non-native species that arrive at the Port via ships and which can become invasive species. Bird control In 2001 and 2002 the Port of Barcelona helped to reintroduce the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the city of Barcelona, raising three chicks in an artificial nest installed in a grain silo. As a result of the initiative, the falcon population in Barcelona is becoming more consolidated, and in 2020 three pairs of the nine were raised at the Port in Barcelona. The continued presence of falcons has a deterrent effect on the population of pigeons that descend daily from the city to feed on the Contradic wharf and other port areas. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 162 163 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Sectoral Sustainability Plan ORIENTATION TO THE SDGS Strategic model 6 CLEAN WATER 7 AFFORDABLE AND AND SANITATION CLEAN ENERGY Environmental management system 47% of the organisations under this system have certified environmental management systems, similar to the previous year, when it was 47.4%. 85% of certified organisations have the ISO 14001 certificate and 25% have the EMAS certificate, while the previous year’s figures were 91.5% and 16% respectively. Actions to clean up the Port’s waters Affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy During 2020, only two organisations received complaints related to environmental issues, • S pecific projects for cleaning up which were duly resolved through formal mechanisms. the port waters. • 1 8.3% of companies measure their carbon footprint. Environmental expenditure and investment 56.3% of the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan have reported average spending on sustainability as 4% of total spending. 13 CLIMATE 14 LIFE ACTION BELOW WATER 50% of the organisations under the Plan made environment-related investments, representing an average of 5.9% of total investment. These figures are lower than the previous year, but here too the number of companies increased and the percentage of investment decreased compared to the previous year, in which 29.5% of companies declared this type of expenditure with an average 11% investment. Urgent measures to combat climate change Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, The participating organisations under the Plan performed a total of 72 R&D+I projects and its effects seas and marine resources on the environment. Many companies participate in the European projects mentioned in this report while also taking part in their own projects or smaller ones that contribute • 47% of organisations under the Plan are certified • Specific projects for the recovery to improving the environment. in environmental management systems. of marine species. These are some of the projects carried out by Plan organisations: • 4% spending on sustainability out of total spending. • Shore Power project to electrify wharves. • Internal energy efficiency project based on contracting an energy utility with a 100% renewable energy supply, optimising the power supply under contract and progressive replacement of light fittings with LED technology. • Analysis of all processes that generate a large consumption of paper, to cut usage. • Hybridisation of trucks and use of gas-powered trucks. • Calculation of the Carbon Footprint (scope 1 and 2) and also of the services provided to customers. • B uilding an ecosilence ship. • Incorporating a new tugboat classified as an “Oil Recovery Ship” with a 51-tonne storage capacity for collected waste and a complete oil recovery collection equipment comprising a 150-metre anti-pollution barrier and a Markleen Multiskimmer MS10 hydraulic skimmer. Organisations under the Plan take part in the following European and cross-cutting projects also mentioned in this sustainability report: CORE LNGas hive; REPORT, RIS3CAT programme; CLEANPORT, EALING; CREATORS; LNGHIVE2 Barcelona; LNG BLUE CORRIDORS; and CarEsmatic. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 164 165 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Sectoral Sustainability Plan Environmental performance and monitoring Impact on the surrounding area and the environment Consumption of resources Apart from the general actions of the Port of Barcelona led by BarcelonaPort Authority described throughout the report, the organisations under the Sectoral Sustainability Plan also carried out or participated in initiatives to minimise their environmental impact. WATER CONSUMPTION Here are some examples. The organisations participating in the Sectoral Sustainability Plan declared a water consumption in the port precinct of 391,058 m3. INITIATIVES RELATED TO OPTIMISING RESOURCES AND CARE FOR NATURAL RESOURCES ENERGY CONSUMPTION Total energy consumption of the organisations of the Sectoral Sustainability Plan within the port precinct was 183,034 MWh. Setting up the Environment Commission Protection against soil pollution in the port area Aim: t o raise awareness and design 18.3% of companies measure their carbon footprint. 26.7% of companies that actions in favour of the Aim: for organisations with a licence measure their carbon footprint measure direct emissions (gases emitted by the producer environment to occupy the public domain on the greenhouse effect); 20% measure indirect emissions (emitted by the producer of Recipients: workers to comply with the obligation to ensure that these areas the energy); and 60% measure other indirect emissions produced before being acquired Description: a group of people representing avoid soil pollution or damage or contracted. These data cannot be compared with other years since they correspond to all the work centres meets to groundwater at the end of a new indicator. The SSP aims to improve data collection and better understand what Port periodically to assess actions their concession period companies do, which is why new questions are included in the data collection survey in workplaces to benefit the environment. They also help Recipients: p ort concessions to write and disseminate Description: D uring the validity period of Total emissions by respondent companies were 769,211.07 CO2e. articles related to sustainability the concession they must issues. This helps to improve prevent any incident or Although companies are required to answer specific questions on waste, an indicator of the waste management accident that could potentially volume of waste generated by different companies was also introduced. The main data are lead to contamination. At the indicated below. end of the validity period, land must be re-characterised. Paperless Should contamination be detected, the concessionaire VOLUME OF WASTE GENERATED BY SSP COMPANIES (in kg), 2020 Aim: t o dispense with paper-based must clean the land and physical records decontaminate the water Recipients: all company staff M aintaining subsoil pollution Units (in kg) Description: D eveloping a complete levels below risk thresholds for Paper and cardboard 6,241 digital file containing all the people and ecosystems information and documentation Plastic 249 related to operational control Glass 2,083 A chieving a very significant Hazardous waste 262,891 reduction in spending on Incorporating a tug equipped with paper and toner more efficient engines Other waste 13,909 D igitalisation of operations Aim: r educing the level of CO2 emissions Description: t ugs equipped with engines that consume less diesel and oil, decreasing air pollution ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 166 167 PORT DE BARCELONA Developing environmental value Sectoral Sustainability Plan INITIATIVES RELATED TO SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY Replacing the blowing systems of Improved waste segregation capture filters of the unloaders of Aim: Promoting the recycling Torre Marina I and Torre Marina II of different types of waste Aim: to reduce the electrical R ecycling metal structures Fostering the use of electric vehicles LNG as fuel consumption of the blowing of certain containers among staff systems generating only the necessary air for the capture Description: Selecting returnable packaging Aim: to reduce costs and emissions filters of the unloaders to reduce the amount Aim: t o reduce the indirect CO2 footprint C onversion to 100% renewable of waste, while avoiding energy Description: R eplacing the currently existing disposable items Recipients: s taff of the company blowing system (blower + Description: p urchase of two new LNG D isassembly of additives motor) with a new blower box Description: i nstalling a free double vessels and re-motorisation to re-use certain types system that has no associated charging point for workers, of five vessels of containers for import power consumption, although achieving a reduction in and export there is an increase in power indirect CO2 emissions of consumption of the main approximately 10 t CO2e compressor Ecological transport providers R educing the level of CO2 Aim: t o offer a quality, sustainable emissions by 9.29 t/year and environmentally-friendly service Description: u se of ecological transport (hybrid or electric) to reduce emissions and comply with INITIATIVES RELATING TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY specific regulations, while still offering a quality service to the customer Changes in lighting Acquiring a mobile transformer to connect large yachts Aim: to reduce electricity to the electrical grid consumption and cut indirect emissions Aim: to decrease the use Description: replacing the lighting of streets of diesel generators in the plant with LED lamps Description: in conjunction with the certification of renewable origin for all the energy supplied to the shipyard, the 100% renewable energies level of emissions derived from the stay of this type of Aim: c onversion to 100% yacht that were not previously renewable energy suitable for grid connection has been considerably reduced Recipients: plants throughout the company Description: biogas plants that produce electricity, which is sold on the market without intermediaries Building reefer racks to be subsequently consumed in the storage blocks at the plants themselves Aim: to reduce the connection of the reefers to diesel generators by switching to electrical connections Recipients: BEST terminal Description: to increase the number of containers that can be connected to electricity, reducing diesel consumption ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 168 169 PORT DE BARCELONA Directory of the Port of Barcelona 08 D irectory of the Port of Barcelona Barcelona Port Authority Representation Gerència Urbanística Puerto Seco Azuqueca Border Inspection Post Barcelona Association World Trade Center Barcelona of the Port of Barcelona Port Vell de Henares, S.A. (BIP) of Port Stevedoring in South America Companies Edifici Est C. Josep Anselm Clavé, 27 Avda. París, s/n Cal Patrici, 8-12 Moll de Barcelona, s/n Hugo Norberto Lejtman 08002 Barcelona 19200 Azuqueca de Henares ZAL Port (Prat) Ronda del Port, 594 1ª 08039 Barcelona Charcas, 2715 PB “B” T. +34 93 317 61 35 (Guadalajara) 08820 El Prat de Llobregat 08039 Barcelona T. +34 93 306 88 00 1425 Buenos Aires T. +34 949 263 770 Sanitat Exterior: T. +34 93 442 88 24 T. +54 11 4824 3601 T. +34 93 520 91 80 Unified Access Service Logistics Activities Area (SAU) Representation of the Port (ZAL) Centre Intermodal Terminal Marítima Equip de Qualitat (EQ): Barcelona Association of Barcelona in France de Logística, SA (CILSA) of Freight Forwarders T. +34 93 298 60 00 de Zaragoza (tmZ) T. +34 93 298 21 68 Claire Perez Av. Ports d’Europa, 100, Planta 0 (ATEIA-OLTRA) Ctra. de la Cogullada, 65 T. + 33 668 25 70 38 Edifici Service Center parcel·la, 17 Barcelona Rescue Via Laietana, 32-34, 2n SAC 08040 Barcelona Mercazaragoza Coordination Centre 08003 Barcelona (Customer Care Service) T. +34 93 552 58 00 / 28 50014 Saragossa T. +34 93 315 09 03 Ronda del Port, sector 6 T. 902 22 28 58 Nathalie Thomas T. +34 97 647 96 58 Edifici Torre de Salvament, 9a pl. M. + 33 624 01 09 42 08040 Barcelona nathalie.thomas@ T. +34 93 223 47 33 Barcelona Association Representation of the Port World Trade Center of Barcelona in Japan Barcelona, S.A. of Customs Agents Terminal Intermodal Moll de Barcelona, s/n, de l’Empordà, S.L. C. Diputació, 295, baixos Takao Suzuki edifici Est, 1a pl. 08009 Barcelona 2-18-4 somejidai Hamakita-ku Representation of the Port C. Còrsega, 273 Corporació de Pràctics de hamamtsu of Barcelona in Madrid 08039 Barcelona 08008 Barcelona Barcelona, S.L.P. T. +34 93 329 26 66 Shizuoka, Japan T. +34 93 508 80 00 Miguel Ángel Palomero T. +34 93 363 49 60 C. Port de Ningbó, s/n T. +81 80 1586 0474 P. de la Castellana, 121, 08039 Barcelona esq. 9 B T. +34 93 225 60 52 Customs of Barcelona Maritime Transport Users’ 28046 Madrid Portic Barcelona, SA Board of Catalonia T. +677459649 Pg. Josep Carner, 27 World Trade Center, Av. Diagonal, 452-454, 4a pl. mapalomero@ 08038 Barcelona edifici Est, 6a pl. 08006 Barcelona Representation of the Port T. +34 93 344 49 40 ESTIBARNA – SAGEP of Barcelona in China Moll de Barcelona, s/n T. +34 93 416 94 84 Ronda del Port, 424 08039 Barcelona Barcelona Harbourmaster’s Joan Dedeu Representation of the Port 08039 Barcelona CHINA CONSULTANTS of Barcelona in centre- T. +34 93 508 82 82 Office T. +34 93 223 18 22 north Iberian Peninsula Barcelona Chamber 1/F Chung Nam Bldg. 1, Ronda del Port, sector 6 of Commerce, Industry Lockhart Road, Estefanía Sanles Torre de Control and Navigation Wan Chai, Hong Kong T.: + 34 93 298 60 19 08040 Barcelona T. +852 2866 88 41 M. + 34 677 26 18 65 Catalana d’Infraestructures Av. Diagonal, 452 T. +34 93 223 53 94 Barcelona Association 08006 Barcelona Portuàries, S.L. (MEPSA) estefania.sanles@ of Shipping Agents T. +34 93 416 93 00 Moll de Barcelona, s/n Centre for Technical Industry and Navigation World Trade Center Assistance and Inspection Ed. Est Planta 7 of Foreign Trade (CATICE) Av. Drassanes, 6-8 08039 Barcelona Ed. Colón, plta.13, p.1 Cal Patrici, 8-12 T. +34 93 298 21 83 08001 Barcelona ZAL Port (Prat) administració T. +34 93 270 27 88 08820 El Prat de Llobregat T. +34 93 289 66 10 barcelona.cice@comercio. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 170 171 PORT DE BARCELONA Annex Annex SECTORAL SUSTAINABILITY PLAN ORGANISATIONS TAKING PART IN THE SURVEY, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ADUANAS ALIE, S.A. AUTORITAT CENTRO ECOLOGICA IBERICA PORTUARIA INTERMODAL DE Y MEDITERRANEA, DE BARCELONA LOGÍSTICA, S.A., S.A. (ECOIMSA) S.M.E. ADUANAS LLOBET, S.L. EGARDIMO, S.L AUTOTERMINAL, S.A. CH ROBINSON ADUANAS PUJOL RUBIO EL CONSORCI DE LA BALEÀRIA ZONA FRANCA DE CMA CGM BARCELONA IBÉRICA S.A.U. AGENCIA FERNANDEZ DE SOLA, S.L. ELITE SPAIN BARCELONA LOGISTIC, S.L. CLÚSTER NÀUTIC AIRPHARM COMA Y RIBAS S.L. LOGISTICS ENAGÁS TRANSPORTE, S.A.U. ALMARIN, EQUIPOS BARCELONA CRUISE COSCO SHIPPING Y SERVICIOS TERMINAL LINES (SPAIN), S.A. PORTUARIOS, S.L. ERGRANSA APM TERMINALES COSMOPARTNER, BARCELONA S.A. CAPITANÍA MARÍTIMA EN BARCELONA APOSTOLAT DEL ESCOLA EUROPEA MAR ‘STELLA MARIS’ CREUERS DEL PORT INTERMODAL DE BARCELONA, S.A. TRANSPORT CÀRREGA I TRANSPORT DE AROLA ADUANAS Y CONTENIDORS, S.L. CONSIGNACIONES, S.L. DCS ASTA ESTELA SHIPPING LOGISTIK, S.L. BARCELONA, S.L. ATEC CEDASA ADUANAS, S.L. DECAL ESPAÑA, S.A. ESTIBARNA CPE AUTOMOCIONES CEMESA AMARRES PORTUARIAS, S.L BARCELONA, S.A. DUAMAR TRANSITOS Y ADUANAS, S.A.U. EUROCOMBI 2003, S.A. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 172 173 PORT DE BARCELONA Annex Annex EVOLUTION YACHT LEOPROEX OCIDENAVE ESPAÑA, TRANSCOMA AGENTS S.L. GLOBAL LOGISITCS, S.A. LIBERTY CARGO, S.L. EWALS CARGO CARE, S.A. OPERINTER BARCELONA, S.A. TRANSCOMA SHIPPING, S.L. LOGISBER FERCAM FORWARDING, S.L. TRANSPORTES, S.A. PORTCEMEN, S.A. TRANSJUNIOR, S.L. FUNDACIÓ CARES MARINA RECEPTORA DE PORT VELL, S.A.U. LIQUIDOS S.A. TRANSMAR (RELISA) LOGISTICA CTC, S.L. GALINDO SCCL MARÍTIMA DEL MEDITERRÁNEO, S.A.U. REMOLCADORES TRANSPORTES DE BARCELONA, S.A. CARLOS HERRERA BOADA, S.L. GRIMALDI LOGISTICA ESPAÑA, S.L. MASIQUES SERVICIOS LOGÍSTICOS Y ADUANEROS, S.L. TRANSPORTES CID CAMARASA, S.L. HEMISPHERE SAR COATING SERVICES, REMOLCADORES, S.L. S.L. MB92 TRANSPORTES PORTUARIOS, S.A. HIJO JOSE MARÍA MASIQUES, S.A. SERVICIOS RECIPE TM2, S.A MEROIL, S.A. TRANSPORTES RICARDO MOSE SERVEIS MARTÍNEZ, S.A. HUTCHISON D’ENGINYERIA, PORTS BEST S.L.P.U. TERMINAL PORTNOU TRANSPORTES Y CONSIGNACIONES MPG TRANSITOS, MARÍTIMAS IBERCONDOR, S.A. S.A.U. TERMINALES PORTUARIAS, S.L. TVS SCS IFS INTERNACIONAL INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING, S.L. FREIGHT (SPAIN), NAUTIEL S.L.U. SERVICE, S.L. TERMINALES QUIMICOS S.A. UNISERVICE 98, S.L. INFE PROYECTOS S.L. NOATUM LOGISTICS SPAIN, S.A.U. TRANSCOMA WORLD TRADE INTERCRUISES OCEAN NETWORK CRUISE & TRAVEL, CENTER EXPRESS (SPAIN) S.A. S.L.U. ANNUAL R2EPO0RT20 174 175 PORT DE BARCELONA Coordination Barcelona Port Authority, Communication Department Data collection and consolidation of information Barcelona Port Authority SdeSostenible Coordination and suport to the Sectoral Sustainability Plan Fundació Pere Tarrés Data Barcelona Port Authority Companies under the Port of Barcelona Sectoral Sustainability Plan Proposal, creation and content writing Teresa Calveras Bonjorn Translation Mike Lucas (Simultrad) Design and layout Taller de Ideas y Comunicación, S.L. Photographs Barcelona Port Authority UTE Audingintraesa Typsa