14 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC The Port of Barcelona, serving its users DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc Port oF Barcelona 3 annUal rePort 2014 taBlE of CoNtENtS 6 INTROdUCTION 14 ECONOMIC ANd 30 dEVELOPMENT 44 wORks ANd 54 BUsINEss FINANCIAL REPORT OF TRAFFIC INFRAsTRUCTUREs AREA 8 Message from 16 Economic and financial 33 Stopovers 46 Main works performed 56 Strategy and promotion the President report 34 Containers 57 The networked Port 10 Message from the 26 Balance sheet 36 Rail traffic 60 Participation in projects General Manager and organisations 27 Profit and loss account 13 Management Board 37 Vehicles 64 Commercial promotion of Barcelona Port 28 Source and application 38 Solid and liquid bulks 67 Promotion of Authority of funds the Port Community 39 Short sea shipping 69 Trade mission to Mexico Resources from operations 40 Passengers 72 Quality 29 Cash flow 41 Port protection 73 Port efficiency and quality 43 Industrial safety 75 Efficiency Network 77 Customer care service 1 2 3 4 4 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 taBlE of CoNtENtS 54 BUsINEss 78 sOCIAL 88 ENVIRONMENTAL 100 COMMUNICATION AREA AREA AREA 56 Strategy and promotion 81 Staff strategy 91 Sustainable goals 102 Communication 57 The networked Port 81 Structure, equality 92 The port’s impact on its 104 Photo album of 60 Participation in projects and diversity surrounding area and on the year and organisations the environment 83 Social action 109 Organisation chart 64 Commercial promotion 97 Committed to alternative 67 Promotion of 84 Development and fuels 110 Directory the Port Community internal communication 69 98 Committed to climate Trade mission to Mexico 86 Medical services change 72 Quality and prevention of occupational risks 73 Port efficiency and quality 75 Efficiency Network 77 Customer care service 5 6 7 8 Port oF Barcelona 5 annUal rePort 2014 1 INtRoDUCtIoN INtRoDUCtIoN MeSSAge fROM thE PRESIDENt the economic revival of 2014 was visible in the good performance of the leading cargo indicators at the Port of Barcelona. the gains recorded in exports and imports reveal greater dynamism in both productive activity and domestic consumption, and the overall increase in activity underscores the Port of Barcelona’s strong position in international trade and in its work to provide service to the surrounding economy. Good traffic results allowed us to maintain turnover at a level very similar to the previous year, with a net sIxTE CAMBRA figure of nearly € 155 million, even President though reduced fees meant a 5% drop in revenue from usage charges and up to 8% in those for occupation. Year-end profits were € 37.4 million, practically half the figure for the previous financial year. apart from the reduction in income, another factor influencing the balance sheet was the increase in amortisation expense and the fact that this year there were no positive exceptional results. for all these reasons, we are positive about the profits earned, despite this reduction. 8 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 INtRoDUCtIoN The capacity to generate resources, together with the reduction in long- term indebtedness, provides us with a degree of solvency to perform future investments and has allowed us to continue applying reductions in fees the Port of Barcelona continues to the same can be said for the start held in october. the interest that generate the most revenue and cash of the Barcelona World Race at the the Port of Barcelona shows in these flow in the Spanish port system, year’s end, which establishes the Port issues is reflected in the certification to which it is also the greatest as a scenario and a centre of nautical obtained this year for our emissions contributor, through its transfers to activity. calculation methodology. also along the public body Puertos del Estado these lines are the development and the net contribution to the our annual summary cannot of our intermodal strategy and the Interport Contribution fund. fail to mention the improved implementation of increasingly strict competitiveness resulting from the measures to protect the environment The capacity to generate resources, good work performed within the and individuals. together with the reduction in long- Port Community of Barcelona. for term indebtedness with the European example, the prize awarded by the Some of the principal milestones Investment Bank, which stood at € Journal of Commerce, acknowledging of 2014 were the start of the 419 million, also provides us with a Barcelona as the third European port refurbishment of the fishing facilities degree of solvency to perform future in terms of productivity in the first half in September; the laying of the first investments and has allowed us to of the year - the first time a southern stone of the Marina Vela, and the continue applying the fee discounts port has occupied this position - start of the Port access road, which that we have been applying for the which reflects the good performance responds to one of the key demands last two years. of our port’s container terminals. for improving port connectivity. We must also mention the spread of In terms of representation, I would the Efficiency Network quality label from the Port of Barcelona we will like to point to the holding of which, with 70 member companies continue working to bring some Seatrade Med in Barcelona in 2014, now represents almost 75% of all flexibility to the current Port law, which gave our city the chance to container traffic passing through the which establishes a very rigid model show its credentials as a European Port, and the plans to extend the label with little room for trade policy and cruise capital in terms other than and include commitments for vessel management autonomy. all the passenger numbers (we continue to services. actions aimed at increasing port lead in this area and there are good activity and the efforts to improve prospects for the future). Moreover, Neither should we forget the actions the positioning of the port have the fact that our city has hosted an aimed at achieving increasingly enjoyed the active involvement event of the calibre of the European sustainable port activity. the and support of the Port Community. Supply Chain & logistics Summit environmental challenges facing these factors remain fundamental highlights the importance of logistics port infrastructures were discussed as we show a clear commitment activities in and around the Port. during the Ninth Green Port Congress towards growth. Port oF Barcelona 9 annUal rePort 2014 INtRoDUCtIoN MeSSAge fROM THe DIReCTOR the Port of Barcelona closed 2014 with a 9% increase in total traffic, which stood at 46.3 million tonnes, and a similarly positive increase in container traffic, which rose 10% to 1.9 million tEUs. Growth was not limited to the main indicators; certain specific traffic sectors also achieved record highs. the 12.9 million tonnes of liquid bulk exceeded the peak of 2005 and, at 21%, represented the sharpest increase. these figures confirm the Port’s role as a hub for oil and biofuels and indicate the commitment of the JOsé ALBERTO CARBONELL companies that have chosen Barcelona General Manager as a base for storing and distributing these products. they were also helped by increased trade in chemicals, a strategic traffic for the Catalan chemicals industry, which transforms and then exports the finished products. at 4.8 million tonnes, solid bulk traffic also reached record- breaking levels, helped by the good performance of freight such as cement and clinker, and cereals. the positive development in container traffic, which is one of the Port’s strategic sectors, was driven largely by strong foreign trade - import and export of full containers - which exceeded one million tEU at the 10 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 INtRoDUCtIoN The positive development in container traffic was driven largely by strong foreign trade, which topped one million TEU at the Port of Barcelona for the first time Port of Barcelona for the first time. and Southern europe for various shipping companies to position fewer In addition, close to 622,000 full automotive companies. cruise ships in the Mediterranean export tEUs were handled by the Port, The economic recovery in the in 2014. however, Barcelona is representing a new high for this type hinterland could be seen partly in still the leading port in Europe and of traffic that confirms the efforts of the consolidation of the motorways the Mediterranean and the fourth the Catalan and Spanish productive of the sea with Italy and North africa worldwide for this traffic segment sector in opening up to foreign - short sea shipping services which and has potential for further growth. markets. Indeed, exports of containers are an alternative to road haulage have grown more than 40% since - in the 11% year-on-year increase the Port of Barcelona does not see 2008. the United arab Emirates tops in intermodal transport units (ItU) growth in traffic as an end in itself the list of recipient countries of full concerned. but a source of wealth creation for containers, accounting for more than its surrounding area and a way to 10% of the total, while the remainder also in the intermodal area, we note improve the competitiveness of its is shared out in smaller numbers. We that containerised rail traffic increased customers. therefore its role goes would also point to the 12% increase by 23% last year, bringing total rail beyond merely channelling cargo and in full import containers, related to share to 12%. Meanwhile, nearly passengers and includes setting the a recovery in domestic consumption 200,000 cars entered or left the port conditions to make these increases and industrial activity. China remains on trains in 2014, which is a share of possible, and not only in the area of the first country of origin of the goods 30%. the growing use of this mode infrastructures. We will continue to arriving at the Port of Barcelona, is the result of the efforts of the work to be key partners for operators accounting for almost 40% of the Port to adapt infrastructures; of the and customers in generating port total, and there has been significant terminals and rail operators to develop business and activity. growth in traffic from turkey, Vietnam them and introduce them into the and South Korea, which experienced a supply chain; and the commitment 154% increase in automotive parts. by the markets and end customers to use them. the other record of the year involved 431,440 export vehicles (up 13.5%). as regards the 3.5 million passengers Vehicle traffic continued the gradual using the port, the good results in recovery that began after the lows regular ferry services (with the Balearic in 2009 and this year stood at more Islands, Italy and North africa), while than 748,000 units. Barcelona is the they increased by 6.5%, were not top Mediterranean port for this traffic sufficient to offset the 8.5% decline and has established itself as a logistics in cruise traffic, caused by the current hub for distribution to North africa economic situation and decisions by Port oF Barcelona 11 annUal rePort 2014 DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC INtRoDUCtIoN MaNaGEMENt BoaRD of BaRCEloNa PoRt aUthoRItY At 31 December 2014 President Sixte Cambra Ex officio member francisco J. Valencia alonso General Manager (not member) José a. Carbonell Camallonga On behalf of the Spanish Government Emilio ablanedo Reyes Rolando lago Cuervo Jorge Sánchez Vicente On behalf of the Government of Catalonia Joan amorós i Pla Jordi Aragunde Miguens antoni llobet de Pablo Ángel Montesinos García On behalf of the municipalities in which the Port of Barcelona service area lies lluís tejedor Ballesteros (ajuntament del Prat de llobregat) antoni Vives tomàs (ajuntament de Barcelona) On behalf of the Chambers of Commerce, business organisations and trade unions and relevant sectors in the port area Josep Manuel Basáñez Villaluenga Joan Moreno i Cabello José Pérez Domínguez Xavier María Vidal Niebla Secretary (not member) Román eguinoa de San Román Terminations occurring during the year 2014 On behalf of the Government of Catalonia Mariano fernández fernández (16.01.2014) Port oF Barcelona 13 annUal rePort 2014 2 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal RePORT ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt According to figures pending an auditor’s report, the Port of Barcelona closed the 2014 financial year with a net profit of € 37.4 million, a figure that represents a year-on-year fall of 50% 16 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt PROFIT FOR ThE yEAR (million €) 2014 2013 Variation % Var. operating profit 45.1 56.7 (11.6) -20% financial result (7.7) 18.1 (25.8) - tax on profits - - - - Total 37.4 74.8 (37.4) -50% this very significant fall in the result led to a contribution of € 24 million of the financial year was caused in profit the previous year, plus primarily by several exceptional an additional financial expense economic events during 2013 which of 5.2 million. ExCEPTIONAL EVENTs 2013 (million €) Effects on Effects on Total OPERATING INCOME FINANCIAL INCOME Sale of Creuers del Port de Barcelona S.a. - 14.0 14.0 T3 extraordinary credit 4.4 2.4 6.8 fair value payment for 2.0 1.2 3.2 Water treatment plant 6.4 17.6 24.0 ExCEPTIONAL EVENTs 2014 (million €) Effects on Effects on Total OPERATING INCOME FINANCIAL INCOME loss of stake (CPl and BSUS) - (5.2) (5.2) - (5.2) (5.2) Without the effects of the exceptional final result would total € 42.6 million, events of the last financial year, the a year-on-year decrease of 16%. wIThOUT ThE EFFECTs OF ThE ExCEPTIONAL T3 FEE dIsPUTEs 2014 2013 Variation % Var. operating profit 45.1 50.3 (5.2) -10% financial result (2.5) 0.5 (3.0) - Profit for the year 42.6 50.8 (8.2) -16% Port oF Barcelona 17 annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt Net turnover was € 154,8 million well as the rate of the occupation Net turnover totalled and had fallen 3% year on year fees and the coefficient of the full rail despite the good performance freight rate, In accordance with these € 154.8 million of traffic and port activity indicators amendments, approved in the and fell 3% due to in 2014. General Budget law for 2014, there was an average annual reduction of reductions in fees a number of legislative changes came 5% in the basic amounts of the fees into force on 1 January 2014 aimed for ships, passengers and goods and at reducing the basic amounts of the of 8.5% with respect to the ship’s, passengers and goods fees, as occupation fee was expected. NET TurNOvEr (aCCOrdiNG TO iNCOME STaTEMENT) (thousand €) 2014 2013 Variation % var, Port fees 142,882 147,860 (4,977) -3% Occupation rate 54,868 58,279 (3,411) -6% Utilisation fees 70,401 71,841 (1,440) -2% Vessel fee 26,320 25,080 1,240 5% Fee for pleasure craft 250 384 (134) -35% Passenger fee 8,558 8,795 (237) -3% Goods fee 34,844 37,299 (2,455) -7% Fresh fish fee 174 163 11 7% Fee for special use of the transit area 255 120 135 113% Activity fee 16,421 16,488 (67) 0% Navigation aids fee 1,192 1,252 (60) -5% Other business income 11,950 11,041 909 8% Amounts in addition to fees 5,236 4,165 1,071 26% fees and other 6,714 6,876 (162) -2% 154,832 158,901 (4,069) -3% the total volume of port traffic the revenue generated by increased 9% to 45.3 million tonnes concessions in the public domain fell (not including fees for fresh fish and 3% year on year when taking into supplies). Container traffic totalled consideration the occupation rate 1,893,299 tEU, recording a year-on- (-6%) and the activity rate, which year increase of 10%. this positive stood at the same level of revenue as change was distributed evenly in 2013. between origin and destination containers (10%) and transits (11%). Car traffic increased 6% once again to a total of 748,394 units, thanks to the 15% increase in exports. however, passenger figures fell by 5% overall, caused by the 9% drop in the number of cruise passengers, partly offset by the 7% increase in regular ferry passengers. 18 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt NET TurNOvEr (By BuSiNESS liNES) (thousand €) 2014 2013 Variation % var, Port fees and additional amounts 148,118 152,025 (3,907) -3% Vessels and navigation aids 27,512 26,332 1,180 4% goods 34,844 37,299 (2,455) -7% Passengers 8,558 8,795 (237) -3% fresh fish 174 163 11 7% Pleasure craft 250 384 (134) -35% Public domain concessions 76,432 78,825 (2,393) -3% other fees for use of the public domain 93 107 (14) -13% fee for special use of the transit area 255 120 135 113% Fees for commercial services 6,714 6,876 (162) -2% 154,832 158,901 (4,069) -3% NET rEvENuES 2013 (By BuSiNESS liNES) nS O ESS I nC O AIn C D N aIDS ER S ES a G FE DOM N S SE lS tIo n R IC ES a ASSE E L D IG P OTH V PUB GOO NaV 6% 5% 49% 22% 18% PROGREssION OF TURNOVER ANd VOLUME OF TRAFFIC TRAffIC tURNoVER (thoUSaND toNNES) (thoUSaND EUR) 60,000 180,000 50,000 150,000 40,000 120,000 30,000 90,000 20,000 60,000 10,000 30,000 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Port oF Barcelona 19 annUal rePort 2014 Thousand Tonnes 43,837 127,971 46,406 139,360 50,046 158,107 50,552 166,620 41,794 162,197 42,978 167,360 43,065 157,839 41,487 160,777 41,391 158,901 45,314 154,832 thousand EUR ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt PROGREssION IN ANNUAL TRAFFIC VARIATIONs ANd INCOME COMPAREd TO GdP TRAffIC tURNoVER gDP TRAffIC tURNoVER 20% gDP 10% 0% -10% -20% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TRAFFIC 11.5% 5.9% 7.8% 1.0% -17.3% 2.8% 0.2% -3.7% -0.2% 9.5% tURNoVER 11.4% 8.9% 13.5% 5.4% -2.7% 3.2% -5.7% 1.9% -1.2% -2.6% gDP 3.6% 3.9% 3.8% 0.9% -3.6% -0.1% 0.7% -1.4% -1.2% 1.4% operating profit operating income fell 20% year construction project (in the results on year, but would have fallen under disposals of fixed assets). totalled € 45.1 million 10% without the effects of the and would have fallen extraordinary € 4.4 million loan to a significant reduction in other deal with t3 disputes (other results) operating income caused by several 10% without the or the € 2 million fair value payment items of extraordinary income effect of exceptional relating to the expropriation of recorded in 2013 must be added to land affected by the Baix llobregat the decrease in sales volume. events Wastewater treatment plant OPERATING PROFIT (thousand €) 2014 2013 Variation % var, Net turnover 154,832 158,901 (4,069) -3% Other operating income 3,346 4,982 (1,636) -33% Staff costs (29,837) (29,622) (215) 1% Other operating expenses (38,261) (41,484) 3,223 -8% Depreciation of tangible assets (51,699) (48,888) (2,811) 6% allocation of grants and other non-financial assets 6,781 6,764 17 0% Surplus provisions 526 - 526 - Impairment and gains on disposals of assets (562) 1,637 (2,199) - other results - 4,442 (4,442) Total 45,126 56,732 (11,606) -20% for expenses, the only significant Despite the reduction in turnover in increase stems from provisions for the last two years, cost containment depreciation of fixed assets, since measures have stabilised the income current expenses fell by 2% overall. absorption rate by 33%. 20 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt INCOME ABsORPTION RATIOs CURRENt EXPENSES / tURNoVER 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Current expenses = Staff costs + External services + Other current management expenses from 2011, income and expenditure related to the rubbish and waste collection service from ships are no longer included the financial result recorded a loss of • the decline in financial income was € 7.7 million and a net fall of 25.8 caused by the entering into the 2013 million, compared with profit in the accounts of the € 2.4 million previous year: corresponding to the part of the outstanding loan to deal with • the sale of the stake that the disputes over t3 applying to interest, organisation held in the company as well as € 1.2 million of interest Creuers del Port de Barcelona S.a. arising from the legal ruling on the meant a gain of € 14 million in 2013. expropriation of land affected by the proposed construction of the Baix • During the year, the company llobregat Wastewater treatment recorded a loss of € 5.1 million for plant. impairment of the share it holds in Consorci de Parcs logístics (CPl). In • The appreciation of swap contracts September, the Management Board through which the Port pays fixed approved the operation by the Port but receives variable amounts, meant withdrew its capital from CPl, which a loss of € 0.7 million at the end of at year-end was still being processed the financial year and a year-on-year by Puertos del Estado. decline of € 4 million in net profit. FINANCIAL REsULTs (thousand €) 2014 2013 Variation % var, financial income 6,721 10,127 (3,406) -34% financial expenses (8,513) (9,353) 840 -9% Change in fair value of financial instruments (684) 3,361 (4,045) Impairment and gains on disposals of financial instruments (5,224) 13,964 (19,188) Total (7,700) 18,099 (25,799) Port oF Barcelona 21 annUal rePort 2014 32% 31% 30% 31% 36% 37% 36% 34% 33% 33% ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt The company the organisation’s EBItDa was € cash flow of € 103.7 million, 111.8 million and resources from up 13% from the 91.4 million the generated an eBITDA operations generated an operating previous year. of € 111.8 million and operating cash (thousand €) flow of 103.7 million € Operating profit 45,126 adjustments 66,712 OPPe funding 5,914 Net contribution Interport fund 4,453 Collection of Prat Wharf compensation 16,668 Provisions for liabilities and expenses -526 Depreciation of fixed assets 51,699 Valuation adjustments for impairment of non-current assets -217 Impairment and gains on disposals of assets 779 Reclassification from fixed assets to expenses 7 allocation of subsidies and other non-financial assets -6,781 Income from return of concessions -960 Entering advances received for serv, rendered in results -4,324 EBITdA 111,838 The Port investment (Million €) € 40.8 million 2014 Intangible assets purchased 3.1 fixed assets purchased 29.1 Prat wharf 5.4 East Seawall 0.3 accesses to the southern enlargement 6.8 Railways 9.0 Sud wharf 0.5 Quality control on small-budget works 1.8 Hardware 1.4 Cultural heritage 0.7 Other 3.2 financial investments 8.6 40.8 22 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt NEEd FOR ExTERNAL FINANCING (thousand €) 125,000 111,838 10,367 101,471 2,278 103,749 100,000 75,000 62,966 50,000 Port System Funding = Contribution to the Public Body Puertos del Estado + Net Contribution to the Interport Contribution Fund 25,000 CF1: Cash Flow before financial result and adjustments 0 eBITDA Port Cf1 financial Cf2 investment Cf3 CF2: Operating Cash Flow = resources from -25,000 System result operational 2014 operations financing and other Cash flow 40,783 m€ adjustments CF3: Surplus in the generation of resources in -50,000 respect of investment needs for the year INVEsTMENT FINANCING (thousand €) CaSh floW CAPITAl PRIvATe DeBT fOR DeBT GRaNtS fUNDING CaPItal INVEStMENt 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Investment 213,602 245,214 186,758 161,209 115,131 95,541 105,419 88,975 85,104 40,783 Debt 90,000 75,000 58,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 Private debt for funding capital 0 74,000 13,350 4,000 0 9,722 16,258 6,599 40,866 1,411 Capital grants 61,848 56,448 38,744 10,012 0 0 1 694 0 619 Cash flow 82,000 83,868 104,103 77,987 75,353 93,922 78,335 84,159 91,445 103,749 Port oF Barcelona 23 annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt PROGREsION OF ANUAL INVEsTMENT ANd LONG-TERM BANk dEBT (thousand €) INVEStMENt BoRRoWING 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PROGREsION OF ThE dEBT RATIO (thousand €) BaNk DEBt / EQUItY 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PROGREsION OF ThE MAIN ECONOMIC INdICATORs (thousand €) tURNoVER CaSh floW oPERatING RESUlt 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Turnover 127,971 139,360 158,107 166,620 162,197 167,360 157,839 160,777 158,901 154,832 Cash flow 82,000 83,868 104,102 77,987 75,353 93,922 78,335 84,159 91,445 103,749 Operating income 58,033 69,562 80,670 68,949 29,816 77,845 60,313 54,609 56,732 45,126 24 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 35% 213,602 253,606 44% 186,758 326,202 47% 161,209 383,601 46% 115,131 401,667 50% 95,541 449,222 51% 105,419 494,000 47% 40,783 486,000 43% 88,974 460,000 38% 85,104 440,883 419,167 35% 40,783 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt RATIOs OF ThE MAIN ECONOMIC INdICATORs RESUlt of thE fINaNCIal CaSh floW / YEaR / tURNoVER tURNoVER 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 APB CONTRIBUTION TO ThE sTATE PORTs sysTEM (thousand €) NEt CoNtRIBUtIoN * 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 * Net contribution to the Interport Compensation 0 fund + oPE financing (RDl 2/2011) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Port oF Barcelona 25 annUal rePort 2014 7,990 44% 64% 9,573 12% 60% 9,945 47% 66% 9,247 30% 47% 8,828 14% 46% 8,299 49% 56% 10,758 35% 50% 9,349 27% 52% 10,157 47% 58% 10,367 24% 67% ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt BALANCE shEET (thousand €) 2014 2013 2014 2013 NON-CURRENT AssETs 1,851,998 1,870,002 NET CAPITAL 1,458,843 1,428,268 I. intangible assets 21,265 30,385 A1. Equity 1,189,568 1,152,142 1. Industrial property and other intangible assets 9,316 19,220 I. Capital 512,743 512,743 2. It applications 11,949 11,165 III. Reserves 639,399 564,568 VII. Profit for the year 37,426 74,831 II. Tangible fixed assets 1,477,061 1,489,966 1. land and natural assets 279,647 257,060 A2. adjustments for changes in value - - 2. Buildings 1,129,182 1,109,884 3. technical equipment and facilities 1,579 1,436 A3. Subsidies, donations and legacies 4. tangible fixed assets and advance payments 58,029 112,624 received 269,275 276,126 5. Other fixed assets 8,624 8,962 1. official capital subsidies 256,131 262,287 2. Capital donations and legacies 20 20 III. real estate investments 251,402 248,994 3. other subsidies, donations and legacies 13,124 13,819 1. land 227,811 227,811 2. Buildings 23,591 21,183 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIEs 618,579 634,099 IV. long-term debt with group I. long-term provisions 17,815 2,382 and associated companies 88,566 93,210 1. long-term staff benefit obligations 277 277 1. equity instruments 75,430 80,654 2. Provisions for legal liabilities 17,538 2,105 2. loans to companies 13,136 12,556 3. Other provisions - - V. long-term financial investments 4,433 4,898 II. long-term debts 427,378 448,361 1. equity instruments 1,761 1,761 1. Debt with credit institutions 419,167 440,833 2. loans to third parties 2,325 2,790 2. long-term suppliers of fixed assets - - 3. Public admin, official subsidies receivable - - 3. Other 8,211 7,528 4. other financial assets 347 347 III. long-term debt with group VI. deferred tax assets - - and associated companies - - VII. Non-current trade debtors 9,271 2,549 IV. deferred tax liabilities - - V. long-term accruals and deferrals 173,386 183,356 CURRENT AssETs 280,268 254,963 CURRENT LIABILITIEs 54,844 62,598 I. Non-current assets held for sale - - II. Short-term provisions - - II. stocks 205 206 III. Short-term debts 37,348 31,779 1. Debt with credit institutions 22,271 19,802 III. Trade debtors and other receivables 38,413 60,166 2. Short-term suppliers of fixed assets 8,173 8,975 1. Customers for sales and services provided 22,022 34,449 3. other financial liabilities 6,904 3,002 2. Customers and debtors, group and associated companies 2,777 9,335 IV. Short-term debt with group and 3. Miscellaneous receivable accounts 3,892 2,393 associated companies 269 305 4. Public admin., official subsidies receivable - - 1. Debt with companies of the group 112 143 5. other credits with public administrations 9,722 13,989 2. Debt with associated companies 157 162 IV. Short-term debt with group V. Trade creditors and other receivables 17,227 30,514 and associated companies 22,500 - 1. Creditors and other receivables 8,153 14,429 2. advance payments of public subsidies - - V. Short-term financial investments 207,122 155,122 3. other debts with public administrations 9,074 16,085 1. equity instruments - - 2. loans to companies 122 122 VI. accruals and deferrals - - 3. other financial assets 207,000 155,000 VI. accruals and deferrals 1,926 1,193 VII. Cash and other cash equivalent assets 10,102 38,276 1. Cash and banks 10,102 38,276 2. other cash equivalents - - TOTAL AssETs 2,132,266 2,124,965 TOTAL LIABILITIEs 2,132,266 2,124,965 26 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt PROFIT ANd LOss ACCOUNT (thousand €) 2014 2013 Variation % Var. 1. Net turnover 154,832 158,901 (4,069) -3% A. Port fees 142,882 147,860 (4,978) -3% a) Occupation fee 54,868 58,279 (3,411) -6% b) fees for the special use of port facilities 70,401 71,841 (1,440) -2% 1. Vessel fees 26,320 25,080 1,240 5% 2. Fees for pleasure craft 250 384 (134) -35% 3. Passenger fees 8,558 8,795 (237) -3% 4. Goods fees 34,844 37,299 (2,455) -7% 5. Fresh fish fees 174 163 11 7% 6. Fee for special use of the transit area 255 120 135 113% c) Activity fee 16,421 16,488 (67) -0% d) Navigation aids fee 1,192 1,252 (60) -5% B. Other business income 11,950 11,041 909 8% a) Amounts in addition to fees 5,236 4,165 1,071 26% b) Fees and other 6,714 6,876 (162) -2% 5. Other operating income 3,346 4,982 (1,636) -33% a) Accessory and other current management income 2,054 3,428 (1,374) -40% b) Operating subsidies incorporated into the the result of the financial year 44 351 (307) -87% c) Income from return of concessions 960 941 19 2% d) Interport Fund compensation received 288 262 26 10% 6. staff costs (29,837) (29,622) (215) 1% a) Wages, salaries and similar expenses (20,776) (20,588) (188) 1% b) Indemnities - (509) 509 -100% c) Social charges (9,061) (8,525) (536) 6% d) Provisions - - - - 7. Other operating expenses (38,261) (41,484) 3,223 -8% a) External services (25,117) (26,886) 1,769 -7% 1. Repairs and upkeep (10,835) (11,932) 1,097 -9% 2. Services from independent professionals (3,742) (4,535) 793 -17% 3. Supplies and consumption (1,941) (2,089) 148 -7% 4. Other external services (8,599) (8,330) (269) 3% b) Taxes (1,653) (1,591) (62) 4% c) Losses, impairment and variation of provisions for commercial operations (150) (1,220) 1,070 -88% d) Other current management expenses (686) (1,368) 682 -50% e) Contribution to Puertos del Estado (5,914) (5,982) 68 -1% f) Interport Fund contribution (4,741) (4,437) (304) 7% 8. depreciation of tangible assets (51,699) (48,888) (2,811) 6% 9. allocation of subsidies and other non-financial assets 6,781 6,764 17 0% 10. Surplus provisions 526 - 526 - 11. impairment and gains on disposals of assets (562) 1,637 (2,199) - a) Impairment and losses 217 247 (30) -12% b) Gains on disposals and others (779) 1,390 (2,169) - Other results - 4,442 (4,442) -100% a) Exceptional income - 4,442 (4,442) -100% b) Exceptional expenses - - - - OPERATING REsULT 45,126 56,732 (11,606) -20% 12. Financial income 6,721 10,127 (3,406) -34% a) Stakes in financial instruments 1,415 1,269 146 12% b) Of negotiable securities and other financial instruments 5,105 8,675 (3,570) -41% c) Incorporation of financial expenses to assets 201 183 18 10% 13. Financial expenses (8,513) (9,353) 840 -9% a) For third party debts (8,513) (9,122) 609 -7% b) For updating of provisions - (231) 231 -100% 14. Change in fair value of financial instruments (684) 3,361 (4,045) - a) Portfolio for negotiation and other (684) 3,361 (4,045) - 16. impairment and gains on disposals of financial instruments (5,224) 13,964 (19,188) - a) Impairment and losses (5,224) - (5,224) - b) Gains on disposals and others - 13,964 (13,964) - FINANCIAL REsULT (7,700) 18,099 (25,799) - PRE-TAx REsULT 37,426 74,831 (37,405) -50% 17. Tax on profits - - - - BALANCE OF ThE FINANCIAL yEAR 37,426 74,831 (37,405) -50% Port oF Barcelona 27 annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt sOURCE ANd APPLICATION OF FUNds (thousand €) 2014 2013 APPLICATIONs 75,229 116,691 Non-current assets added 41,055 85,104 Acquisition of intangible and material fixed assets 32,182 83,705 Financial assets purchased 8,601 1,399 Fixed assets from returned concessions 272 - reductions in equity - - interport Fund contribution 4,741 4,437 Non-current liabilities removed 29,433 27,150 Cancellation/Transfer of debt to credit institutions 21,667 19,167 Cancellation/Transfer of debts with suppliers of fixed assets - - Cancellation/Transfer of loans with group and associated companies 7,058 7,983 Application of long-term provisions 708 - sOURCEs 108,288 157,129 resources from operations 103,749 91,445 interport Fund compensation received 288 262 Subsidies and income from return of concessions 891 - Deferred capital subsidies 619 - Income from return of concessions 272 - Non-current liabilities added 1,411 40,866 Long-term debt with credit institutions - - Long-term debt with suppliers of fixed assets - - Long-term debt with group and associated companies and others - - Advances received for sales or services rendered 1,411 40,866 Non-current assets added 1,766 17,736 Disposal of tangible and intangible fixed assets 1 2,097 Disposal of financial instruments - 14,565 Other L/t financial investments cancelled/transferred to S/t 1,765 1,074 L/t subsidies receivable cancelled/transferred to S/t - - Commercial non-current and other debtors cancelled/transferred - - Other 183 6,820 Excess of sources over applications 33,059 40,438 Excess of applications over sources - - REsOURCEs FROM OPERATIONs (thousand €) 2014 2013 Variation Var. result of the period 37,426 74,831 (37,405) -50% adjustments 66,323 16,614 49,709 Interport Fund compensation received (-) (288) (262) (26) Interport Fund contribution (+) 4,741 4,437 304 Depreciation of fixed assets (+) 51,699 48,888 2,811 Valuation adjustments for impairment of non-current assets (+/-) 5,007 (247) 5,254 Provisions for liabilities and expenses (+/-) 16,142 674 15,468 Results from fixed assets (+/-) 779 (15,354) 16,133 Reclassification from fixed assets to expenses (+/-) 7 95 (88) Entering subsidies, donations and legacies in results (-) (7,741) (7,704) (37) Entering advances received for services rendered in results (-) (4,324) (3,542) (782) Financial expenses included in assets (-) (200) (183) (17) Change in fair value of financial instruments (+/-) 684 (3,361) 4,045 Income and expenses from financial revisions (+/-) - (7) 7 OPPE income payment of principles and interest on T3 fee disputes (+/-) (183) (6,820) 6,637 Total 103,749 91,445 12,304 13% 28 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ECoNoMIC aND fINaNCIal REPoRt CAsh FLOw (thousand €) 2014 2013 a) CaSH FlOWS FrOM OPEraTiNG aCTiviTiES 94,517 73,686 Profit before tax 37,426 74,831 adjustments to the result 64,165 14,329 Depreciation of fixed assets (+) 51,699 48,888 Valuation adjustments for impairment 5,007 (247) Variation of provisions 16,142 650 Entering subsidies (-) (6,781) (6,764) Results of fixed assets removed or disposed of 779 (1,389) Results of financial instruments removed or disposed of - (13,964) Financial income (-) (6,721) (10,127) Financial expenses (+) 8,513 9,353 Change in fair value of financial instruments 684 (3,361) Income from return of concessions (-) (960) (941) Entering advances received for sales in results (4,324) (3,542) Other income and expenses 127 (4,227) Changes in working capital (5,780) (6,330) Stocks 1 28 Trade debtors and other receivables 12,348 (14,584) Other current assets (732) (76) Creditors and other receivables (5,772) 6,982 Other current liabilities 2,612 1,464 Other non-current assets and liabilities (14,237) (144) Cash flows from operating activities (1,294) (9,144) Interest payments (-) (8,603) (9,150) Dividends received () 1,415 1,269 Interest received (+) 2,391 6,007 Late payment interest due to fee disputes (-) (6,740) (98) Late payment interest received due to fee disputes (+) 5,266 - Tax on profits received/paid 5,077 (7,172) Other payments received/made (100) - B) CaSH FlOWS FrOM iNvESTMENT aCTiviTiES (107,268) (59,704) Payments for investments (-) (110,046) (81,919) Group and associated companies (22,500) (626) Intangible assets (5,612) (3,844) Tangible fixed assets (29,873) (55,449) Real estate investments - - Other financial assets (52,061) (22,000) Proceeds from divestitures (+) 2,778 22,215 Group and associated companies - 14,565 Tangible fixed assets 2 2,118 Other assets 2,776 5,532 C) CaSH FlOWS FrOM FiNaNCiNG aCTiviTiES (15,423) (9,103) Equity instruments received and paid 619 - Subsidies, donations and legacies received 619 - Financial liability instruments received and paid (16,042) (9,103) Issue 3,125 3,897 Other payables (+) 3,125 3,897 Repayment and depreciation of: (19,167) (13,000) Debt with credit institutions (-) (19,167) (13,000) NET iNCrEaSE/dECrEaSE iN CaSH aNd CaSH EQuivalENTS (a+B+C) (28,174) 4,879 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of Fy 38,276 33,397 Cash and cash equivalents at end of Fy 10,102 38,276 Port oF Barcelona 29 annUal rePort 2014 3 DEVEloPMENt Of TRAffIC DEVEloPMENt of tRaffIC DEVEloPMENt Of TRAffIC The Port of Barcelona’s main cargo indicators performed well in 2014, in parallel to the recovery in economic activity, with total traffic at the Port of Barcelona increasing 9% to 46.3 million tonnes 32 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc STOPOveRS the number of stopovers remained The ships that dock at the Port of stable compared to the previous year, Barcelona are getting much larger: with a total of 7,822 (86 more than average tonnage increased by 5.5% 2013, a year-on-year increase of 1%). year on year from 33,928 to 35,781. shARE OF GENERAL CARGO IN TOTAL TRAFFIC 2014 (thousand tonnes) GENERal CaRGo REMaINING tRaffIC 27,600 17,713 61% 39% dEVELOPMENT IN shIP TRAFFIC, 2005-2014 (thousand tonnes) CoNtaINERISED CoNVENtIoNal lIQUID SOlID CARgO CARgO BUlk BUlk 60,000 50,046 50,545 50,000 46,407 45,313 45,000 43,837 42,877 43,065 41,794 41,486 41,392 40,000 25,156 35,000 25,417 17,807 22,573 19,929 19,187 17,401 16,982 30,000 19,857 17,625 25,000 9,793 20,000 7,325 9,768 9,778 9,190 8,491 8,969 9,426 8,589 8,903 15,000 10,000 12,949 12,531 10,991 10,536 12,105 11,756 10,431 11,558 10,610 10,761 5,000 4,052 4,108 3,870 3,506 3,921 3,542 3,544 4,685 4,374 4,764 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Port oF Barcelona 33 annUal rePort 2014 DEVEloPMENt of tRaffIC CoNtaINERS Container traffic, one of the port’s one highlight of 2014 was the 12% foreign trade exceeded strategic sectors, followed the same increase in full import containers, trend and grew 10% to 1.9 million which totalled 437,435 tEU, and was one million tEU at for tEU (one tEU is equivalent to one linked to a revival in domestic the first time 20-foot container). this development consumption and industrial activity. was driven largely by strong foreign While export cargo is divided between trade - import and export of full several countries of destination, China fUll IMPoRt CoNtaINERS 2014 containers - which exceeded one remains the first country of origin of million tEU at the Port of Barcelona imported goods arriving at the Port +7% for the first time. of Barcelona, with a share of almost 40%. More than 180,000 tEU came fUll EXPoRt CoNtaINERS 2014 full container exports rose 7%, from China last year, up 16% year on marking a year-on-year increase of year, along with significant growth +12% 4.5%. the Port transported 621,870 in imports from turkey (+19%) and full export tEU, marking a new record Vietnam (+15%). In fact, Barcelona is for this type of traffic and confirming Spain’s main port for trade in coffee, the efforts of our productive sector to most of which comes from Vietnam. open up to international markets. South Korean imports increased Despite falling figures in recent years, Among the main countries receiving 154%, particularly in car parts. container transhipment increased by these full containers, led by the United 11% in 2014 and stood at 312,000 arab Emirates (accounting for more another factor contributing to the tEU. this is not the Port’s priority than 10% of the total) the main positive trend in container traffic is traffic, because it has no direct growth was in exports to China cabotage (shipping to other involvement with the local economy, (+33%), South korea (+35%), the USa destinations in Spain, especially the but it does generate synergies that (+17%), Mexico (+15%) and South Canary Islands), which represented improve stopover priorities and bring africa (+14.5%). 187,358 tEU, and transhipment. down associated costs. 34 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc dEVELOPMENT OF GOOds TRAFFIC By TyPE OF shIPPING 2005-2014 (thousand tonnes) EXtERNal COASTAl ShIPPING 60,000 50,046 50,545 50,000 46,406 45,000 43,837 41,794 42,877 43,066 41,487 41,392 40,000 45,313 35,000 30,000 38,312 41,553 42,474 25,000 36,515 35,151 36,761 36,371 34,554 38,243 20,000 34,567 15,000 10,000 5,000 7,322 8,094 8,493 8,071 6,642 6,116 6,695 6,920 6,838 7,070 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 dEVELOPMENT OF CONTAINERIsEd GENERAL CARGO TRAFFIC 2005-2014 one highlight of (thousand tEU and thousand tonnes) 2014 was the 12% increase in full import containers, which 30,000 was linked to a 20,000 revival in domestic 10,000 consumption and 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 industrial activity 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 +12% PROGREssION OF VEssEL TRAFFIC 2005-2014 NUMBER OF VEssELs TONNAGE 10,000 300,000 9,000 250,000 8,000 200,000 7,000 150,000 6,000 100,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 Port oF Barcelona 35 annUal rePort 2014 TEU TONNEs 8,853 9,533 9,942 2,071 19,929 9,582 8,418 2,328 22,573 8,180 8,007 7,768 2,610 25,417 7,727 7,822 2,569 25,156 1,800 17,625 192,288 1,946 19,187 216,251 240,374 2,034 19,857258,340 245,272 256,079 1,756 17,401 265,832 261,638 1,720 16,982 262,546 279,880 1,893 17,807 DeVeloPMent of traffIc RAIl TRAffIC the Port of Barcelona’s firm the Port in terms of containers INCREAsE IN RAIL TRAFFIC 2014 commitment to multimodality led to handled by rail, helped partly by growth in the rail share from 2.6% the significant contribution of traffic of total traffic in 2007 up to 12% to or from Zaragoza, which in 2014. represented 69% of the total. Rail traffic of containers increased Moreover, the number of cars 22.67% in 2014, representing a total transported by rail to or from the of 189,553 tEU that arrived or Port stood at 199,409 units, left using this mode of transport. representing a 30.64% rail share therefore 2014 was the best year for for car handling. +22.67% 36 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc veHICleS Vehicle traffic continued the gradual the Port of Barcelona remains recovery that began after the lows committed to consolidating its of 2009, with 748,394 new vehicles position as a hub for this type of handled last year at the Port (+6%). traffic while contributing to the exports were the main driver of success of the cluster for production this positive trend, growing 13.5% of this sector within Spain. to this to establish a new record of end, it is working to optimise the 431,440 units. competitiveness of manufacturers and shipping companies by helping them to establish efficient logistics chains. VEhICLEs 2006-2014 (units) exports were the main reason for this positive trend in vehicle traffic, 1,000,000 growing 13.5% to 750,000 establish a new record 500,000 250,000 of 431,440 units 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CAR TRAFFIC By TyPE OF shIPPING (units) +13.5% COASTAl ShIPPING INtERNatIoNal 2011 70,259 559,843 2012 70,722 594,209 2013 80,623 624,751 2014 97,533 650,861 INTERNATIONAL CAR TRAFFIC (units) IMPORT ExPORT TRANsIT 150,000 600,000 150,000 125,000 500,000 125,000 100,000 400,000 100,000 75,000 300,000 75,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 25,000 0 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Port oF Barcelona 37 annUal rePort 2014 134,720 103,501 723,016 130,922 123,242 801,406 716,306 438,597 348,332 378,642 550,874 437,991 431,440 630,102 664,931 76,791 705,374 112,066 136,461 748,394 96,179 DeVeloPMent of traffIc SolID aND lIQUID BUlkS the liquid bulk Solid bulk these figures confirm the Port’s segment increased a record high of 4.8 million tonnes of role as a hub for oil and biofuels solid bulk was achieved, marking a and indicate the commitment of by 21% year-on-year increase of 9%, companies that have chosen supported mainly by 26% increases in Barcelona as a base for storing and cement and clinker and a 23% rise in distributing these products. the cereals and meal. overall increase in this traffic was caused mainly by diesel fuel, which liquid bulk rose 94% to over 3 million tonnes; liquid bulk was the traffic segment biofuels (+120%), standing at that increased the most (+21%). the 2 million tonnes; and chemicals, 12.9 million tonnes recorded exceed up 13% to over one million tonnes. +21% the peak of 12.5 million tonnes in this traffic is strategic for the Catalan 2005. chemicals industry, which processes and then exports the final product. 38 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc ShoRt SEa ShIPPING Short Sea Shipping accounted for 58.4% of total freight traffic at the Port of Barcelona. the most notable increases for 2014 occurred in liquid bulk (+31%) and automobile (+11.9%) traffic. The Port’s continued work and its firm commitment to this type of traffic helped to consolidate the motorways of the sea with Italy and North africa, namely short sea shipping services that are an alternative to road transport. this translated into an increase of 11%, making a total of 112,507 intermodal transport units (ItU). Barcelona remains the leading port and is well positioned for the development of motorways of the sea in the Mediterranean. iTu*(u) TraFFiC By TyPE OF SHiPPiNG 2007-2014 NatIoNal REMaINING ShoRt ISlaND tRaffIC SEa ShIPPING 450,000 408,898 400,000 390,442 350,000 341,278 340,414 330,182 327,065 302,877 304,402 300,000 250,000 299,566 272,673 239,807 226,783 218,173 209,643 200,000 202,980 210,283 150,000 100,000 50,000 109,332 117,769 101,471 113,631 112,009 92,594 101,422 117,422 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 *iTu (intermodal transport unit): is any means, whether self-propelled or not, which is used directly or indirectly, as a means of land transport. (e.g. trailers, platforms, trucks, refrigerated vans, etc) It does not include containers. Port oF Barcelona 39 annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent of traffIc passengers the port of Barcelona received 3.5 in new walkways in the coming years. million passengers, down 5% on the one of the factors that contributes to previous year. Despite this, regular the development of cruises in the city ferry services to the Balearic islands, is the cooperation with the italy and north africa performed well, international and local stakeholders with a 6.5% increase amounting to of the industry, of which three of the 1.1 million passengers. of this total, most valuable are Barcelona tourism, 662,181 were national cabotage (up Catalonia tourism and Barcelona 2.6% year on year) and 346,832 were airport, with which the port has eu cabotage (+17.4%). marked two historic milestones: in 2014, the port of Barcelona • In September we were the home received 2,4 millions of cruise port for three stopovers of the oasis passengers, a figure that positions it of the seas, the largest cruise ship as the turnaround port par excellence in the world, owned by royal in the Mediterranean and fourth in Caribbean. the world for this type of traffic. in 2014 Carnival group announced it • The city hosted the main would build a new terminal on Mediterranean cruise fair, the adossat wharf, which will complete 2014 seatrade Med Convention. the passenger service that the company currently offers on in line with its aim of strengthening passenger terminal D (palacruceros). our region while never forgetting the importance of a high-quality itinerary, Moreover, Creuers del port de the port of Barcelona is a co-founder regular ferry services Barcelona sa, the private concession- of Medcruise, the Mediterranean increased by 6.5%, holder that manages the public cruise Cruise association, by which it was terminals, has renovated its facilities chosen to preside over the association an outstanding result and has announced that it is to invest for three years. Development of passenger traffic 2005-2014 Coastal shipping Cruiser tourist passengers passengers 4,000,000 3,827,062 3,628,129 3,444,491 3,422,519 3,459,795 3,236,976 3,201,696 3,000,000 2,879,864 2,538,751 2,208.330 2,657,244 2,347,976 2,408,634 2,599,232 2,364,292 2,000,000 1,765,838 2,074,554 1,402,643 2,151,465 1,224,575 1,000,000 983,755 1,136,108 1,114,026 1,162,422 1,050,231 1,096,515 1,169,818 1,013,885 1,028,897 1,095,503 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 40 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc PoRt PRotECtIoN The most important protection The annual safety drill took place for maintaining an ongoing 24/7 measures were: the measures for on the GRIMalDI terminal and service to patrol inland port waters. cruise ships concerning stopovers by involved a bomb threat situation that to assess the capabilities of sniffer the oasis of the Seas; measures tested the responsiveness of the dogs used to detect explosives applied on the Energy wharf; the police forces and the supporting and owned by private security specific module of the Sostrat system emergency services. actions were companies working in the restricted for managing temporary taken during the year to check the area of the port. also, the authorisations at gate 31; and on the communication, coordination and cooperation agreement of the container terminals, improving the action procedures performed SIaM (automatic licence plate system of own cameras and access between the control centre and the identification system) installed control measures. terminal, and to examine the security at the perimeter accesses of the port measures included in the Port of and the various port terminals. As every year, we approved and Barcelona Protection Plan. renewed the video surveillance • With Barcelona City Council, for system of the Port authority Control Throughout the year, the Port signed public mobility and conviviality, Centre, via the Catalan Steering several co-operation agreements on administrative police and public Committee for Surveillance Devices. port and public security: security in the Port of Barcelona In addition, a physical enclosure was open area, to ensure coordination built around the public berthing spaces • With the Civil Guard, ceding the use and cooperation of all the levels on the Energy wharf (32a to 32G) of the future naval base to be built needed in this area. shared by several users and terminals. on the Adossat wharf in exchange Port oF Barcelona 41 annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent of traffIc 42 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc INDUStRIal SafEtY Work began in 2014 to review the furthermore, joint exercises were There were 823,153 Port of Barcelona self-Protection conducted with tug companies at the tonnes of containerised Plan (PaU) to adapt it to the Port during two quarters, with the requirements of Decree 82/2010 participation of all the shifts of fire dangerous goods, which approving and setting the content of fighters and tugs; and the companies is 30% more than in the catalogue of activities and centres belonging to the Port of Barcelona obliged to take protective action. Mutual assistance agreement 2013, involving a total the aim was to include the study of updated the document governing this of 93,988 authorisations maritime security of the vessels agreement. in the area under the responsibility of the Port of Barcelona, update the This year’s general drill tested the information on new infrastructures operation of an intervention on a and adapt it to the various annexes vessel in maritime area II, made required, prior to consensus with the possible thanks to the cooperation of +30% Catalan Government’s Directorate the SUaRDIaZ with its vessel the General for Civil Protection. GalICIa. Exercises and drills planned in the port There were 823,153 tonnes of area were organised with the containerised dangerous goods, which coordination of the Port of Barcelona’s is 30% more than in 2013, involving PaU for all companies subject to the a total of 93,988 authorisations. In the 823,153 tonnes legislation on major accidents, as part same vein, there were 10,688,402 of the PlaSEQCat (Catalan External tonnes of dangerous goods in bulk, Chemical Emergency Plan). a year-on-year increase of 22%. Port oF Barcelona 43 annUal rePort 2014 4 WoRkS aND INfRaStRUCtURES INfRaStRUCtURES MaIN WoRkS PeRfORMeD 1 9 4 2 3 2014 1 NEw ACCEssEs TO ThE PRAT whARF BRINGING ThE PRAT IMPROVEd ROAd sOUTh ENLARGEMENT. 2 CONTAINER TERMINAL 3 WHarF (NOrTH arEa) 4 ACCEss TO ThE PhAsE 1B (PHaSE 2) NON- BERThING LINE INTO ENLARGEMENT AREAs CONCEssION AREA. sERVICE OF ThE PRAT ANd MANOEUVRING AREA ENERGy whARVEs 46 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 INfRaStRUCtURES In 2014 the Port of Barcelona made a total investment of € 40.8 million, of which more than € 29 million, or 71%, were in infrastructure. The most important works in the year are described below 6 7 5 8 5 ENLARGING ThE ENLARGEMENT OF ORGANIsATION OF dEVELOPMENT OF NEw ACCEssEs TO ThE MANOEUVRING AREA 6 ThE sOUTh whARF RAIL 7 ThE ROAds IN AREA III 8 ThE ENLARGEMENT 9 sOUTh ENLARGEMENT. ON ThE sOUTh whARF TERMINAL. PhAsE II B (dEVELOPMENT OF TO PAssENGER PhAsE 1C TERMINAL THE COSTa WHarF) TERMINAL d Port oF Barcelona 47 annUal rePort 2014 INfRaStRUCtURES 1 NEw ACCEssEs TO ThE sOUTh ENLARGEMENT. PhAsE 1B AwARdEd TO UtE aCCESoS faSE 1B ExECUTION TIME 9.5 months (underway) BUdGET AwARd € 10,644 million The purpose of this works project is to create preliminary geotechnical consolidation new accesses to the Port of Barcelona’s phase. Phase 1B involves building all southern enlargement. Specifically, it structures compatible with the railway line concerns the road network of the south running through it and the road junction. junction providing access to the southern enlargement. In 2012, Phase 1a already this action is scheduled to finish in summer completed preloading and levelling much 2015. of this junction in order to kick off the 2 PRAT whARF CONTAINER TERMINAL (PHaSE 2) NON- CONCEssION AREA. MANOEUVRING AREA AwARdEd TO UtE ZoNa MaNIoBRa ExECUTION TIME 9 months (underway) This action extends the manoeuvring area of the most significant actions are the the container terminal on Prat wharf Phase 1. earthworks and paving, rainwater drains, BUdGET AwARd the works project consists of completing all channelling the electrical system, building the € 7,072 million the actions planned for the BESt terminal in back beam of the wharfside crane and its pile the non-concession manoeuvring area, foundations, plus laying the rails for the except for the surfacing of two streets wharfside cranes and their fixing and adjacent to the non-concession limit. this will anchorage systems, the ships’ drinking water increase the wharf’s manoeuvring area by supply network and the lighting system 511 metres, in addition to the 970 metres of corresponding to the manoeuvring area. berthing line implemented during Phase 1. the works are scheduled to finish in summer 2015. 48 aNNUal REPoRt PoRt DE BaRCEloNa 2014 INfRaStRUCtURES 3 BRINGING ThE PRAT WHarF (NOrTH arEa) BERThING LINE INTO sERVICE AwARdEd TO COPCISA ExECUTION TIME 8.5 months (completed) INVEsTMENT € 2,007 million this works project began at the end of 2013 capping beam and the facilities located and ended in august 2014. the purpose is to there. the project also includes bringing build the superstructure of the Prat wharf on the berthing line located 500 metres further the constituent caissons of the wharf wall, north into service. which consists of the reinforced concrete Port oF Barcelona 49 annUal rePort 2014 INfRaStRUCtURES 4 IMPROVEd ROAd ACCEss TO ThE ENLARGEMENT AREAs OF ThE PRAT ANd ENERGy whARVEs AwARdEd TO UtE CoNEXIoN VIaRIa M.PRat.ENE ExECUTION TIME 4 months (completed) INVEsTMENT € 971 million this action has enabled safe access both to also compatible with the rail intersection at the north of the Prat wharf and to the future this point involving the junction of the rail enlargement of the Energy wharf, which is access to the Prat wharf. 5 ENLARGING ThE MANOEUVRING AREA ON ThE sOUTh whARF TERMINAL AwARdEd TO CoPISa CoNStRUCt PIRENaICa S.a ExECUTION TIME 7.5 months (completed) INVEsTMENT € 1,692 million this involved the work required to complete the dock crane, with deep, large-diameter the enlargement of the Sud wharf of the foundation piles and an upper beam/tie brace Barcelona Container terminal (tCB) for use by and rail support. It also included surfacing the this company. the works project involved area corresponding to the manoeuvring area. extending the support lane for the land leg of 50 aNNUal REPoRt PoRt DE BaRCEloNa 2014 INfRaStRUCtURES 6 ENLARGEMENT OF ThE sOUTh whARF RAIL TERMINAL. PhAsE II B AwARdEd TO COMSA ExECUTION TIME 8.5 months (completed) INVEsTMENT € 4,47 million this is the last of all the works planned for building new linking lines for the north and the tCB (Barcelona Container terminal) rail the south end. this has now completed the terminal. the project involved all the adaptation of all the tracks on the tCB necessary work for completely converting rail terminal to mixed gauge, allowing trains to track 1, 2, 3 and 4 to mixed gauge, run smoothly and efficiently on these tracks transforming track 5 (operating temporarily in IB and UIC gauges. as a manoeuvring track) to mixed gauge and 7 ORGANIsATION OF ThE ROAds IN AREA III (dEVELOPMENT OF THE COSTa WHarF) AwARdEd TO UtE URB. Moll CoSta Z. III ExECUTION TIME 6 months (completed) The reorganisation of uses of the Costa wharf the works relating to this action, which INVEsTMENT responds to the adaptation of this area for ended this year, are part of another european € 3,137 million Short Sea Shipping and the specific concession project receiving EU funding under the tEN-t of the entire alignment to Grimaldi, an programme. operator in this sector. With this project, the adjacent service road area will become a public access zone and therefore needs to be developed in accordance with standards of the public port, just like the Sant Bertran wharf, where this activity is also being performed. Port oF Barcelona 51 annUal rePort 2014 INfRaStRUCtURES 8 dEVELOPMENT OF ThE ENLARGEMENT TO PAssENGER TERMINAL d AwARdEd TO CRC oBRaS Y SERVICIoS, S.l. ExECUTION TIME 3.75 months (completed) INVEsTMENT Increased traffic from large cruise ships in the enlargement. the main activities € 366 million requires improvements to the infrastructure focused on: and spatial conditions and urban quality of the areas linked to this activity. It was • adapting the development to the therefore decided to demolish passenger surrounding area, in topographical terms, terminals which had become obsolete, and to as a result of the enlargement of terminal D. rebuild them. • Reorganising accesses and improving traffic management. the work essentially consisted of adapting • Improving the management of the taxi the development to the change caused queues and waiting conditions. by the enlargement of terminal D, the reorganisation of the accesses and, generally • Improving the existing drainage conditions. speaking, to managing the traffic involved • Building a security fence. 9 NEw ACCEssEs TO ThE sOUTh ENLARGEMENT. PhAsE 1C AwARdEd TO UtE aMPlIaCIo SUD faSE 1C ExECUTION TIME 9.5 months (underway) AwARd BUdGET € 5,914 million this work will complete the port ring road the area and ensure compatibility with (between the Zal II and “4” Street), the the rail loops of the rail accesses. railway structures promoted by the Ministry In addition, the meshes will be closed over of Public Works and the rail exit from the the drinking water and telecommunications terminal on Prat wharf. there are plans to networks for the Port ringroad and build an overpass on the Prat road between additional works will be performed in the Zal II access and the old llobregat relation to the telecommunications and riverbed to make it possible to pass through supply system for the BESt terminal. 52 aNNUal REPoRt PoRt DE BaRCEloNa 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc Port oF Barcelona 53 annUal rePort 2014 5 BUSINESS AReA BUSINESS aREa StRatEGY aND PRoMotIoN The Port is the gateway to a vast hinterland stretching throughout the Iberian Peninsula and beyond state borders to reach Continental Europe and North Africa 56 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa thE NEtWoRkED PoRt the Port of Barcelona provides The Port’s activity and its services are of the territory in the shape of inland services to customers located therefore not restricted to the port goods terminals. throughout the Iberian Peninsula, precinct and do not end at the borders mainly in the northeast and centre, marked by the wharves and the city. Conceived as a form of local and customers from other european to bring port services closer to infrastructure, the inland terminals countries (france and Italy in maritime logistics operators and help operators and freight companies particular) and the Mediterranean importing and exporting customers of (importers and exporters) to create (especially Morocco, algeria and this wide region, the Port of Barcelona more efficient logistics chains and tunisia). has promoted a network of services to channel their products through and infrastructure at strategic points Barcelona. ThE NETwORkEd PORT CataloNIa MaRkEt NoRth IBERIaN MaRkEt CENtRal PENINSUla MaRkEt EaSt IBERIaN MaRkEt EURoPEaN MaRkEt ItalIaN MaRkEt MAHgReB MARKeT eBRO CORRIDOR IBERIaN tRaNSVERSE CoRRIDoR SoUth fRaNCE CoRRIDoR EURoPEaN CoRRIDoR MotoRWaYS of thE SEa to ItalY MotoRWaYS of thE SEa to MahGREB INlaND tERMINal / DRY PoRt loGIStICS aCtIVItIES ZoNE MUltIPURPoSE RaIlWaY tERMINal PoRt of BaRCEloNa PoRt of BaRCEloNa REPRESENtatIVES BUSINESS aREa Zaragoza Maritime Terminal (tmZ) Madrid, the centre of the Peninsula Created in 2001 as a service platform and the connection with the Iberian for operators and importers and Peninsula and other markets. exporters of aragon, Navarre and la Rioja, today it is one of Spain’s to help to develop services principal intermodal terminals with adapted to the needs of operators traffic well above 100,000 tEUs and and shippers and increase the has become a logistics node that competitiveness of the supply of serves not only the areas mentioned maritime-port services in the area, but is also a stage on the way to the Port has a stake in the dry ports the centre of the Peninsula. the of Coslada and azuqueca de terminal is connected with the Port of henares, and has recently increased Barcelona by various daily rail services its stake in the company Puerto Seco and to other Spanish logistics nodes, de azuqueca de Henares. also on a daily basis. furthermore, to ensure the expansion dry ports of Coslada (Madrid), of the activities necessary for logistics azuqueca de Henares operators and shippers of the Henares and yunquera de Henares Corridor, the Port has joined forces (Guadalajara) - Terminal Marítima with other local partners to develop Centro (tmC) Terminal intermodal Marítima the dry ports of Coslada and Centro, Sl, a new company (in which azuqueca de henares are the base the Port holds a 49% stake), which for bringing maritime transport closer will be responsible for developing a and facilitating the competitiveness new infrastructure offering multimodal of the major logistics and consumer services in the municipality of area comprising the Community of Yunquera de henares (Guadalajara). 58 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa these actions help to enhance the Saint-Charles Container Terminal the inland goods Port of Barcelona’s role in channelling (Perpignan) flows of goods from/to the centre located in Perpignan, one of the terminals help to of the Peninsula, an area with great main logistics and fresh produce enhance the Port of development potential. distribution centres in southern Europe, its facilities also serve logistics Barcelona’s role in Navarre intermodal Terminal operations for all kinds of goods channelling flows of Rail terminal located in the town starting/ending in Europe that need of Noain, near Pamplona. the new to use the Mediterranean route. goods from/to the terminal was opened in february The Port has a 5% stake in the centre of the Peninsula, 2013 and has regular rail services company that manages the Saint- operated by BESt, connecting it to Charles Container terminal, which which is an area with the Port of Barcelona. offers regular rail connections to the great development north, east and south-east of france. Toulouse Maritime Terminal (tmT) potential this brings the services of the Port of In addition to these facilities, the Barcelona closer to customers located Port has an active presence in north of the Pyrenees (aquitaine other european and Mediterranean and Midi-Pyrénées). Since 2010 markets in its hinterland thanks to its it has included a logistics activities permanent representation (such as in area (Zal toulouse), which serves lyon) or via regular specific missions, as a logistics and services platform to such as those to Morocco or the facilitate international maritime trade northern peninsular market. to importers and exporters in the region through the Port of Barcelona. Port oF Barcelona 59 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa PaRtICIPatIoN IN PRoJECtS aND oRGaNISatIoNS the Port of Barcelona INTERNATIONAL which was attended by 200 delegates is a member of ORGANIsATIONs from 35 countries from the maritime and port industry, international various national In 2014, the Port of Barcelona organisations and national authorities. and international continued to lead the main IaPh member ports represent 85% organisations that are international port organisations, of global container traffic and 60% to foster dialogue and exchange in tonnes. related to its activity knowledge with other ports. the and participates in idea is to align the Port’s strategy It is also noteworthy that the Port with trends in the transport sector of Barcelona holds the presidency and supports projects and closely follow developments of ESPO, the European Sea Ports related to its business in new legislation, in particular EU Organisation, which this year transport policy. extended the mandate by two years, area allowing it to follow closely the This year, the Port maintained the actions by the European Commission first vice presidency of iaPH, the in the transport area, notably the International Association of Ports legislative process for proposing and Harbors, a role it took on last the revision of European ports policy year, and is expected to take on the and final approval of the new presidency in June 2015. In this area, tEN-t European transport network. we should highlight the participation in april at the annual conference of Equally important is the Port of this organisation in Sydney, australia, Barcelona’s role in promoting 60 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa the Northwestern Mediterranean ports from within the intermed association, of which it is a member along with the ports of Marseilles and Genoa. this year, Intermed sponsored the annual Global liner Shipping conference in Singapore, in addition to several actions to promote the Mediterranean alternative to achieve a more efficient and sustainable European transport network. furthermore, the Port of Barcelona holds the presidency of Medcruise, the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports from September 2014 until 2017. founded in Rome in 1996, this association currently has 73 members representing more than 100 ports. the association’s aim is to promote the cruise industry in the Mediterranean and its adjacent seas (Black Sea, Red Sea and nearby atlantic coast). Other organisations in which the Port plays an active role are: association Internationale Villes et Ports (aIVP), association of European Vehicle logistics, association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (aSCaME), to increase knowledge and build The Port of Barcelona’s European Intermodal association, closer relations between both fERRMED, Interferry, and the World continents. close cooperation with association for Waterborne transport Casa Àsia has allowed Infrastructure (PIaNC). this year, the Port of Barcelona continued to sponsor the logistics it to tap into this Chair of the Shanghai-based China entity’s institutional and RELATIONs wITh Europe international Business ORGANIsATIONs LINkEd School (CEiBS) considered the company knowledge and TO ThE ChINEsE MARkET best business school in China and contacts to cooperate ranked 17th in the world by the the importance of world maritime financial times. as part of the work in promoting and trade and commercial exchanges with this Chair, and as a result of performing activities to between Europe and asia have turned the cooperation agreement signed the Mediterranean area and ports in 2014 between PortIC and E&P increase knowledge and (including Barcelona) into strategic International, the telematic platforms build closer relations enclaves from which to configure of Barcelona and Shanghai ports, new efficient and competitive logistics a pilot project was launched to between both continents chains to Europe and North africa. improve the traceability of goods between Shanghai and Barcelona. the Port of Barcelona’s close cooperation with Casa Àsia has In this connection, and to allowed it to tap into this entity’s encourage Chinese companies to institutional and company knowledge set up in Barcelona for multicountry and contacts to cooperate in distribution in southern Europe and promoting and performing activities the Mediterranean, the Port worked Port oF Barcelona 61 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa together with Invest in Catalonia China Europe Club, the Zal, the Zona to launch the BARCELOC China franca Consortium, atEIa, inter alia, Barcelona’s European logistics and has worked on specific projects Center project to attract investment of Asian and Chinese companies in distribution and logistics by Chinese that are considering Barcelona companies from various productive as a possible location for developing sectors such as fashion and footwear, new distribution centres. the automotive, electronics and chemicals industries, e-commerce and other industrial products. The NATIONAL ORGANIsATIONs project highlights the distinctive elements offered by Barcelona - Within Spain, the Port is a member of industrial and logistics specialisation, asociación Española de Promoción port and airport, distribution and del TMCd (short sea shipping), marketing networks that include Federación Española del Café all European and Mediterranean (fEC–aNCafE), Barcelona Centre markets, etc., all of which make it an Financer Europeu and asociación ideal location to set up multicountry Española del Gas Natural para la distribution centres for Europe and Movilidad (GaSNaM). the Mediterranean. In 2014, the Port worked mainly on the communication It also participates in the UPC’s elements of the project (image, agri-Food Cluster and the presentation and website), following innovative business groups: presenting the project at the various Barcelona-Catalunya Centre institutions and organisations linked logístic (BCCl), Fòrum Marítim to the Chinese market established in Català and Madrid Plataforma Barcelona, such as Casa Àsia, ESaDE logística. 62 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa INTERNATIONAL PROJECTs the Port of Barcelona plays a direct or supports certain projects included indirect role in several projects within in the MED and ENPI CBCMED the Trans-european Transport european Mediterranean cooperation Network (tEN-t) framework and programmes. Projects involving the Port of Barcelona Period Project Action Programme applying the concept of a green belt to a section of the 2013 – 2015 tEN-t Mediterranean corridor: lyon Madrid-axis. Simplifying administrative procedures for SSS and 2013 – 2015 reducing barriers to intra- Community trade. Reinforcement of Short Sea Adapting the Costa wharf, Shipping in the Port of including the new Short Sea 2013 – 2014 Barcelona through the Shipping terminal, new development of a maritime accesses and development station of the area. Projects supported by the Port of Barcelona Period Project Action Programme optimising rail infrastructure for 2013 – 2015 freight by creating cargo service development committees. helping to promote the motorways of the sea (MoS) by improving interoperability, 2013 – 2015 effective connection with the corridors of the core Trans-european network and improving governance. Continuing the Monalisa project to improve the safety, 2013 – 2015 environmental performance and efficiency of maritime transport. Identifying the requirements Flexible lNG bunkering for overcoming barriers 2013 – 2014 value chain on the Spanish to the development of Mediterranean Coast Bunkering of lNG vessels in the Mediterranean. Creating an innovative virtual logistics platform oriented 2013 – 2015 OPTIMeD to Ro-Ro traffic in the Tyrrhenian arc and the Southeast Mediterranean. Port oF Barcelona 63 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa CoMMERCIal PRoMotIoN The strategy of The strategy of promoting the main forwarders and end users, and seeing port products using instruments such current and future market trends, it promoting the main as trade fairs, conferences and events can develop commercial activities and port products using specific to the maritime and port operations aimed at increasing the instruments such as sector has proved very positive for efficiency of the Port of Barcelona’s the Port of Barcelona’s development. business users and operators. trade fairs, conferences In 2014 the Port’s Commercial and events specific to Department took part in over 20 national and international fairs PREsENCE AT FAIRs ANd the maritime and port as either a visitor or an exhibitor, CONGREssEs sector has shown to helping to promote the Port’s image in different areas and maintaining the sales team worked to promote be very positive for a direct contact with customers. the Port’s presence at trade fairs and the Port of Barcelona’s The department presented the various conferences and its participation in development strategic products the port offers: forums and specialised conferences. containers, automobiles, short sea By reviewing and analysing the events shipping, solid and liquid bulk and planned for the year, the team makes project cargoes, continuing with its a careful selection of those considered approach of recent years. By getting most relevant within the context to know firsthand the needs of of the objectives set by the Port of shipowners, shipping agents, freight Barcelona. 64 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa In Europe, this year’s big event was business deals. this multidisciplinary the sales team worked the sITL logistics fair, held every space was the site for a range of two years in Paris, which the Port activities reflecting the Port’s customer to promote the Port’s of Barcelona attended with several orientation strategy. presence at trade fairs operators and customers. the Port’s action focused on presenting its One of the most important events and conferences and strong points to the main players which the Port has attended for its participation in in europe’s maritime sector, many years in the americas is the especially end users, multimodal intermodal fair in Sao Paulo, where forums and specialised carriers and freight forwarders. we returned this year to continue conferences The Port’s presence at the fair working on our relations with an enabled it to share its experiences emerging market like Brazil. the not only with customers, logistics fair is an opportunity to promote operators and shipping companies the consolidation of contacts with but also with all the other ports and ship owners, logistics operators and potential french customers present, ports to establish new business ties which, thanks to the work done in with one of the Port of Barcelona’s recent years, is positioning the potentially strategic areas. Port of Barcelona as a good option for the french market. It is also worth mentioning the very important Fruit logistica in Berlin, the leading trade fair for the fruit sector, at which the Port of Barcelona shared a stand with Grimaldi Group. In the European context, the Port also took part in other important events such as TOC Europe (the benchmark conference for transport in containers and their logistics chains, which brings together the main European ports), the Spanish Coffee Congress held in May, and the meeting of the European Coffee Federation. the Port of Barcelona participated once again in the SIl Barcelona International Logistics Fair, an annual event that is not to be missed. This time around we decided to have a proactive presence at the event, promoting networking and publicising services and projects with a new-concept stand designed as a meeting point where companies could enjoy ideal conditions to acquire information, work and close Port oF Barcelona 65 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa Asia, and particularly China, another market that is becoming has become a primary focus for increasingly important is the the Port of Barcelona, since it is Maghreb. this year marked the the country that generates the holding of the Third Hispano- most turnover, which is why the Moroccan Transport and logistics Port has increased its presence in sector Meeting in which the Port this market in recent years. In this has taken part from the very first regard, the cooperation agreement edition. this event, held in tangier, with the WCa Family and China brings together the leading International Association operators and freight forwarders Freightforwarders (CIfa) remain that operate between both in force. as part of this, the Port has countries, especially with the port of participated in several fairs and events tanger Med, and is an exceptional such as the 6th WCa Worldwide opportunity for presenting services Conference, the Sino-International and working to strengthen traffic freight forwarders Conference (WCa) between both regions. and the Transport logistic China, in which the Port took part for as regards specific the first time. all of these actions help to bring the asian logistics products, the Port community closer to the city and of Barcelona was the Port of Barcelona. again present at the Miami Seatrade Cruise Convention, the most important fair in the cruise sector. In the automobile sector, which is of strategic importance both for the Port and for the entire economy of the country, we would point to the Port’s participation in various meetings as active members of the Maritime Commission of the European Car Transport Group (ECG), of which the Port has been a member since 2013. the Port of Barcelona was also present at the SSS Conference and in events organised by Casa Àsia, IESE and the Cereals Exchange, as well as in various forums and debates related to the logistics, maritime and port sectors. 66 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa PRoMotIoN of thE PoRt CoMMUNItY the Port Community Steering Council INNOVATION aims to enable cooperation between Port of Barcelona and all the public Completed projects: and private institutions performing • adapting the Port of Barcelona rail their activity in the port area. network to standard (UIC) gauge; • fostering Short Sea Shipping in the The executive Committee met twice Port of Barcelona by developing a in 2014 to present the progress and passenger terminal. work achieved by each of the working groups: ongoing projects within the tEN-t framework and involving the Port of Barcelona (see the chapter on ThE TELEMATICs FORUM “Participation in international bodies and projects”). Completed projects related to improving processes associated with ongoing projects with the support but the passage of goods through the not the involvement of the Port of Port of Barcelona: Barcelona (see the chapter on “Participation in international bodies • Improving the procedure for and projects”). incoming and outgoing containers by land (ESCt); In addition, the Port of Barcelona acted • Procedure for requesting the water as a promoter, observer and/or user of: supply service from the Port; • Building road and rail accesses • Updating the dangerous goods to the Port; declaration procedure; • Developing lNG as an element • Updating guides for users of the of mobility at the Port; border inspection services. • Projects for developing the Port’s inland terminals; Work underway: • the StM Validation Project. • Maritime one-stop shop; • Customs one-stop shop; CORPORATE sOCIAL • Improving operations in and out REsPONsIBILITy of the car terminals; • expanding the scope of the Customs • Environmental Quality Subgroup: Control System (SICaD); monitoring the integrated collection • Paperless Customs export release of waste at the Port concessions and order (lSP-E) for Ro-Ro freight; the electrical energy purchasing • Paperless Customs import release group, and holding a technical order (lSP-I) for rail transport; seminar on energy efficiency in the • Simplifying international traffic port and terminals. by rail; • Contingency plan in the dangerous • Risk Prevention Subgroup: goods declaration procedure. working together with fReMAP and its equipped ambulance helped to provide initial emergency medical care in the Port and Zal in just five minutes; Port oF Barcelona 67 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa - 12th Port Seminar on Prevention mechanisms for developing of occupational Risks and and improving SSS. Corporate Social Responsibility for the Port Community; furthermore, the group reports on the - Procedures regarding Ebola. activities of the Short Sea Promotion Center (SSPC) association, which held • Corporate Social Responsibility a conference in alicante, and on Subgroup: commercial activities related to Short “Nadal Solidari” [Solidarity at Sea Shipping, including: participation Christmas time] campaign, with a in trade fairs such as fruit Attraction new challenge: filling a container. in Madrid and Mid-Term Conference in Valencia (B2MoS); topical issues on lNG affecting Short Sea Shipping LANd TRANsPORT were also discussed. On 28 May the APB’s Management Board agreed on extending the QUALITy functions of the Department of land operations, which will take on the Efficiency Network Quality label additional functions relating to railway continued its work measuring and safety management. this will help providing information, as well as to boost the Railway operations and certifying companies that apply Safety System and optimise the cross-cutting service standards relating related processes. to the movement of goods through the port. MARkETING ANd COMMERCIAL In this regard, 70 companies were certified in 2014, including freight of particular interest this year are the forwarders, shipowners, hauliers improved promotion of the extension and terminals. The Port Community of guarantees under the Efficiency Steering Council Network to services to shipping Work was performed to define new companies and the award for commitments relating to the efficiency aims to enable productivity as third best port in of processes concerning vessel cooperation Europe. services under the quality label. there are five commitments: between the Port also important are the changes in the of Barcelona and system for international shipping in • Publishing the berthing wharf and 2015 with new alliances such as the terminal for cruise ships. the public and ocean three (o3) and 2M services, • Reliability in the entry and exit private institutions with three stopovers a week. process. • Reliability in the provision of vessel performing their Reports have been drawn up on the services once docked. activity in the port conclusions of the trade mission to • Reliability in Ship Clearance. Mexico and the content of the • Speed and flexibility in obtaining area presentations for customers, and the waste collection fee discount. destinations proposed for future missions (Chile 2015). BORdER INsPECTION sERVICE (BiS) SHOrT SEa SHiPPiNG (SSS) Information concerning container The topics covered in this workshop operations in the BIP is specified are: in the chapter on “Port Efficiency • Presenting Viia: company developing and Quality”. international projects. • Promoting and facilitating 68 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa tRaDE MISSIoN to MEXICo the Port of Barcelona trade mission to the programme included a broad The trade mission Mexico City and veracruz took agenda of business contacts which was attended by more place from 4 to 11 october. resulted in 300 meetings, with an average of 21 meetings per company. than 51 executives this multisectorial mission was from 35 companies attended by more than 51 executives Business days were held in Mexico from 35 companies and organisations. City and Veracruz and were widely and organisations once again, the delegation was led by covered by the media. Each seminar Santi Vila, Regional Minister of presented the strategic positioning of Planning and Sustainability of the the Port of Barcelona as the gateway Catalan Government, accompanied by for Mexican goods, both into the Sixte Cambra, President of the Port of Iberian Peninsula and into southern Barcelona and Pere Padrosa, Director- Europe and North africa, as well as General of transport of the Catalan being the most competitive port of Government. origin for Mexican imports from the European continent. On this occasion, the Port was assisted by the Chamber of A technical seminar customs was Commerce, ACCIÓ, foment and organised in Mexico City to discuss various institutions in Mexico (mainly the customs processes of both the Port of Veracruz and CoMCE), countries, and in Veracruz there was and sponsored by: leoproex, CESCE, a conference on port-city integration freixenet, IDoM, Ql-logistics, in which Veracruz expressed its Masiques, BESt, Meeting y Salones interest in the experience of the (SIl2015), fGC, Garrigues, CoaCaB, Port Vell. and IBERIa. Port oF Barcelona 69 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa On the institutional side, the delegation and several representatives Meetings were held with main of the business mission met with the shipping companies Hapag and director General of development MsC to promote new ways to foster and Port administration of their maritime routes and enhance Mexico, the director of economic the transport of refrigerated goods analysis and managers of the ports of and to inform them about the Port’s Manzanillo and Veracruz to explore rail services to france and the Iberian opportunities for cooperation and Peninsula. business through various projects that the Mexican government is preparing, as part of the mission, the Barcelona mainly in the infrastructure sector. Association of Customs Brokers and Representatives (CoaCaB) and the an important meeting was held Barcelona association of Shipping between representatives of the Agents signed their respective cement company CEMEx, which cooperation agreements with In the commercial covered issues related to the industrial the Mexican Association of Cargo field, a meeting operation of the factory located in Agents and the Mexican Association Catalonia. of Shipping agents, respectively. was held with Ecom These agreements aim to strengthen trading, the world’s another meeting was held with cooperation between the executives of the airline aeroMexico organisations to promote and second largest coffee to establish direct air connections facilitate trade relations between trader and one of the between Barcelona and Mexico City Catalonia and Mexico. and to position El Prat as a hub for the main customers of company to connect Asia, europe and the members of the delegation the Port of Barcelona the americas. Meanwhile, the Port visited the Port of veracruz, which will assess the possibility of offering has held up the Port of Barcelona and Barcelona joint flight/cruise packages to promote as a benchmark in three key areas International terminal the arrival in Europe of cruise-goers, for development: boosting its quality a very important target group for plan and certification of the label, (BIt) Barcelona. the port-city integration process and the development, management and marketing of its logistics activities area. Moreover, in Mexico City, the delegation of the Port shared its agenda with another trade and institutional mission from the automotive and fashion sectors, organised by aCCIÓ and chaired by felip Puig, Regional Minister for Enterprise and Employment. later they moved to Queretaro and león (Guanajuato) to visit Catalan companies established in Mexico and to hold various institutional meetings. 70 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 DeVeloPMent oF traFFIc Port oF Barcelona 71 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa QUalItY Continuous improvement to ensure the quality and efficiency of port services is one of the basic objectives of the Port of Barcelona and the entire Port Community 72 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa PoRt EffICIENCY aND QUalItY the quality and efficiency of port In 2014 these were as follows: Specific reference Service for Traffic services represent a highly cross- of vehicles under the goods regime cutting objective within the Port Specific reference Service level During 2014, bimonthly monitoring of Barcelona, led by the Business for ro-Pax Traffic meetings were held involving the Port, organisation and Consultancy on 15 December 2014, Puertos del the vehicles terminals, the Quality Department, which was created Estado validated the new version of the team (EQ) and Estibarna specifically to monitor these aspects, Specific Reference Service level for the to analyse the information obtained by and is rolled out by the Goods Port of Barcelona’s freight and the Quality team in detecting and Quality operations Department passenger traffic (Ro-Pax) (Rev. 2). and tracking incidents; these meetings (DoMQ) and the Port Quality covered aspects that and Process Improvement Committee, Specific reference Service level are considered critical for the Port involving the participation of for Cruise traffic of Barcelona and its customers. various departments within the on 3 June 2014 Creuers del Port was In late 2014, both the Port of organisation. certified for the first time in accordance Barcelona’s vehicle terminals - with the Specific Reference Service aUtotERMINal and SEtRaM - were Improving port processes is also level for Cruise traffic (Rev. 1). audited to renew their certification. driven by the working groups of the Port Community Steering Council, Specific reference Service level Specific reference Service level particularly the telematics forum for Bulk traffic for Container traffic and Quality WG. the DECal, tERQUIMSa, ERGRaNSa, the tCB terminal renewed its tEPSa and Clh terminals renewed their certification on 21 May 2014 in certifications regarding the Specific accordance with the Specific Reference PORT OF BARCELONA sPECIFIC Reference Service level for Bulk traffic. Service level for Container traffic (Rev. REFERENCE sERVICE LEVELs Updates and audits were performed on the reference Service levels in 2014. these instruments allow the organisations that apply them to stand out from their competitors by providing higher quality services and can then pass on the intended improvement to their customers. the references must be validated by the public body Puertos del Estado (State Ports), which is the organisation behind the Generic Reference Service levels, which certain ports such as Barcelona have adapted to their own situation with Specific Reference Service levels. the Goods and Quality operations Department (DoMQ) participates as an observer in certification audits of the various specific reference service levels at the Port of Barcelona. Port oF Barcelona 73 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa 2). as an observer in certification audits the BESt terminal also renewed its of the various specific reference certification on 8 November 2014 service levels at tCB, DECal, under the same reference service tERQUIMSa, BESt, ERGRaNSa, level. TePSA, ClH, SeTRAM and aUtotERMINal. • reference Service level for Shipping companies two shipping companies, BolUDa QUALITy sysTEM REPORT taNkERS and aCCIoNa tRaSMEDItERRaNEa, obtained the the Goods and Quality operations The goods and certificate under the Generic Department prepares reports on the Quality operations Reference Service level for the first Port of Barcelona’s Quality System time in July and october 2014 (QS) on a monthly, quarterly and Department prepares respectively. annual basis to provide a snapshot reports on the Port Other shipping companies that of the management of the movement renewed their certification were: of goods through the port, to detect of Barcelona’s Quality MaERSk (June) and MSC, RoYal weaknesses and implement ongoing System (QS) on CaRIBBEaN CRUISES and CElEBRItY improvements. CRUISES (November). a monthly, quarterly The report provides data on process and annual basis control and the various quality indices CERTIFICATION OF ThE QUALITy and refers to terminals, facilities MANAGEMENT sysTEM and organisations committed to the Port of Barcelona Quality System, In october 2014, the Goods and as follows: terminal de Contenidors Quality operations Department de Barcelona, Sl (tCB); terminal (DoMQ) successfully passed the audit Catalunya, Sa (BESt); BIP area; for monitoring its certification under Customs and Inspection Services. the UNE-EN ISo 9001: 2008, which focuses on the department’s Quality Management System. In addition, the DOMQ participated INTEGRITy ANd sECURITy 2013 2014 Variation full containers unloaded and loaded within the QS 657,730 704,694 7.14% actions by the Quality team (Qt) in the incidents within the QS 924 1,449 56.82% Internal incidents that can trigger guarantees 41 60 46.34% PhysICAL INsPECTIONs total physical inspections 22,099 25,373 14.82% % out of the total containers liable to inspection (import + export) 3.36% 3.60% 7.16% BIP area - total operations 5,070 5,874 15.86% % compared to total containers liable to inspection at the BIP 32.23% 37.17% 15.33% COMPLAINTs/GUARANTEEs Complaints received by the department * 75 87 16% guarantees paid: 39 69 77% total security in goods 24 33 Reliability of Customs clearance 15 32 Reliability in RIS and clearance process 0 4 Compensations under the guarantees programme (EUR) 9,986.30 13,084.80 * Refers to breaches of the obligations of the Quality label, analysed by the Goods and Quality operations Department. 74 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa EffICIENCY NEtWoRk the Port of Barcelona and its Port certified logistics chains; the positive a total of 12 analyses were performed Community are working to achieve a trend maintained over the past four on the commitments made by the certain level of efficiency and quality years (since the launch of Brand) was participating administrations. the of the services offered, focusing consolidated, as was the positive gap results of these audits and analyses efforts and objectives to improve the between these chains and the overall have enabled the entire Port competitiveness of their customers. average of the port, which is around Community to have access to 7 points. information for identifying areas for In this respect, work continued to improvement, which are discussed develop tools such as the Port of By measuring these processes each in working groups comprising Barcelona’s Efficiency Network year, we were able to ascertain that a all the players in the supply chain. Quality label, which continues to 20% improvement had been achieved enjoy a positive response from the since 2011 thanks to the this year the quality label was companies of the Port Community. Commitments under the label. presented at eight international trade fairs and during the mission led five new companies obtained quality In addition to this, work has by the Port of Barcelona in Mexico. certification in 2014, taking the continued to periodically audit It was also on show at the Port of number of certified companies to 70. certified companies to assess their Barcelona stand at the SIl compliance with quality standards. International logistics fair, where the level of efficiency of the processes all in all, 208 reports were produced, a programme of activities was rolled guaranteed under the label was making an average of two per out to publicise the label among the maintained in 2014, especially for company per year. In addition to this, logistics sector. QUALITy CERTIFICATION CUStoMS/ foRWaRDERS haUlIERS foRWaRDERS tERMINalS 80 70 70 65 13 60 57 14 50 47 14 40 14 20 23 18 30 12 20 12 30 32 19 23 10 4 2 4 0 2 2 2 2 2 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Port oF Barcelona 75 annUal rePort 2014 BUSINESS aREa COMPARIsON OF COMMITMENTs MET GENERal CERtIfIED ChaINS 80 70 60 50 40 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 AUdITs PERFORMEd wITh AdMINIsTRATIONs wITh OPERATORs 15 250 200 10 150 100 5 50 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Quality and service international Cooperation around Extending the scope of the Quality label the label to vessel services commitments were defined during During the trade mission to Mexico, As part of the move to extend the the Port of Barcelona renewed its Quality label to other Port of the year for vessel quality cooperation agreement with Barcelona business processes, quality services the port of Veracruz and resumed and service commitments have work with the Port of Manzanillo, been defined for vessel services, which had received the Port of deriving from the five lines of work Barcelona Quality label in July 2012. that were started in 2013. Unlike another port with which Barcelona those in force for container traffic, strengthened its working relationship these new commitments will include was Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. all types of commercial traffic. there various exchanges of information are five commitments: have been conducted, which allowed for enhanced cooperation within a • Publishing the berthing wharf stable framework on issues of quality and terminal for cruise ships and improving port and customs processes. • Reliability in the entry and exit process the Port of Barcelona works closely with Brazil in the ports of Inbituba, • Reliability in the provision of Vitoria and Sao Paulo in order to vessel services once docked implement a working model to analyse and identify areas for • Reliability in Ship Clearance improvement in container traffic as well as working together with Brazil’s • Speed and flexibility in obtaining Special Secretariat of Ports on several the waste collection fee discount studies. 76 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 6 47.7 7 5 12 61.95 64.1 62.55 70 135 142 63.65 73.5 172 208 61.15 67.75 BUSINESS aREa CUStoMER CaRE SERVICE the Customer Care Service (SaC) This year, the SAC attended 897 attends to users through an inquiries and complaints in a fully information point for dealing with personalised way (482 inquiries sAC shortcomings in the workings and 415 complaints) related to of logistics, goods transport, inspections, fees and traceability in infrastructures, documentary circuits the passage of goods. of the 415 897 and physical processes as goods complaints heard, 78 cases led to INQUIRIES move through the Port of Barcelona. financial compensation under the 2014 this service also seeks to detect any Efficiency Network quality label. weaknesses in each process and port service, providing feedback and the communication channels used becoming involved in continuous most frequently are the telephone improvement processes of the Port (902 22 28 58) and email logistics Community. (sac@portdebarcelona.cat). 46% 54% CoMPlaINtS INQUIRIES Port oF Barcelona 77 annUal rePort 2014 6 SOCIAl AReA SOCIAl AReA SOCIAl AReA Human capital is key to the smooth running of the Port. That is why the organisation pays special attention to its staff’s development and to their health and safety at work 80 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA STAff STRATegY In 2014 there was a strategic rethink this situation will require strengthening as part of the preparation of the Port or developing new organisational, of Barcelona’s third Strategic Plan. personal and management skills; prioritising existing resources to the Recruitment difficulties arising from strategic needs of the Port, and placing Spanish Government policy, changes a special emphasis on achieving in the surrounding area and the personal performance targets. market, and future challenges all require a far-reaching approach all these elements oblige us to strike making it possible to combine the a balance between the various Port of Barcelona’s enlargement functions of the Port of Barcelona while containing current workforce and to move towards an internal numbers. structure allowing us to develop the advanced landlord management model. StRUCtURE, EQUalItY aND DIVERSItY In 2014, staff numbers fell year PROGREssION OF sTAFF COVEREd on year, caused particularly by the ANd NOT COVEREd By ThE AGREEMENT 2012 – 2014 expiry of temporary staff contracts at 31.12.2014 under the agreement, while the number of workers not covered by the agreement remained virtually 600 529 the same. 518 516 500 Other noteworthy features of the Port’s staff structure at the end of 2014 are: 400 • 71% male and 29% female staff. 300 • The age range of the majority of 459 449 446 workers in the group is 51 to 60 years. 200 • Most workers have been at the PeOPle COveReD Port from 16 to 20 years. BY thE aGREEMENt 100 PEoPlE Not COveReD BY 70 69 70 thE aGREEMENt 0 (MaNaGERS) 2012 2013 2014 Port oF Barcelona 81 annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA BREAkdOwN OF sTAFF By AGE GROUPs at 31.12.2014 WoMEN MEN 200 178 181 150 112 133 125 100 78 50 34 the Port’s social 22 53 48 11 responsibility goes 34 8 0 12 3 further, with the 16-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Age organisation of, and participation in, initiatives to BREAkdOwN OF sTAFF By yEARs OF sERVICE at 31.12.2014 WoMEN MEN support the more 125 118 disadvantaged groups around it 100 86 101 81 75 74 61 50 56 48 35 89 42 34 25 44 28 29 30 33 0 19 6 6 12 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 >30 Age EQUALITy ANd dIVERsITy BENEFITs During 2014, the Standing Committee Within the current economic crisis, on Equality reviewed and defined new and in accordance with the actions to be included in the new instructions of the executive Equality Plan, which will be valid for Committee of the Interministerial three years from 2014 until 2016. Commission on Remuneration (CECIR) these new actions, to be and the applicable legislation, the Port implemented in the medium and continued to cut the budget allocated long term, are related principally to the social fund, which includes all to selection and access to the social benefits for its workers. workplace, and reconciliation and communication. furthermore, in accordance with the regulations, the pension plan for the also during 2014, the Standing Port’s employees was suspended Committee on Equality recorded no throughout 2014 and the company incidents related to equality and/or was unable to make any contributions harassment. to the participants. 82 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA SoCIal aCtIoN the Port of Barcelona and its staff of food and hygiene products to furthermore, the Port has supported promote wide-ranging actions as part help them reach local people in several actions that took place within of the corporate social responsibility greatest need. 1,884 kg of food was its sector, such as: policies. here are some outstanding collected and delivered to Barcelona actions from 2014: food Bank, and 2,658 hygiene items • The Ecumenical celebration were given to the IRES foundation. at stella Maris attended by • In June, the Port’s workers voted to the campaign was made possible representatives of various Christian allocate 0.2% of annual turnover thanks to the collaboration of denominations. from 2013 for the issuance of the TCB group, Cares foundation, luncheon vouchers to the Casal WtC Barcelona, CIlSa and • Ceding the Port sports area to the dels Infants del Raval, a district NGo EStIBaRNa-SaGEP, associations Cares foundation to raise funds to helping to provide opportunities for of the Port Community, and the participate in the Oxfam intermon children. Port of Barcelona. Trailwalker event. • In June we donated 39 • Work performed using Port • Our lady of Carmen day (16 July), technologically obsolete resources to meet the needs of around which various activities were computers to non-profit non-profit organisations in our field organised at the Port. organisations. this donation of action: printing 3,000 brochures was made to the Paideia School for the Paraolympic Initiatives • Communication actions for Organic and the Marianao foundation. association; 500 leaflets with vegetables and fruit basket for information on the CODeC the organic farming project of the • The 12th Port Community job insertion company associated La Tavella social project. Seminar on Prevention of to the Cares group, and designing Occupational risks was held and printing the bus routes 88 and • 27th Seafarers’ Seminar, an on 6 November. It was organised t3 on the Port of Barcelona map interfaith celebration, a round table by the Port of Barcelona and the for Stella Maris. on needs of the crews of cruise fReMAP prevention company, ships at the Port and an indoor on the initiative of the respective football championship between working group of the Steering teams of sailors and Barcelona port Council for Promotion of the Port workers. Community. the sessions dealt with issues related to preventive actions on employing people with disabilities and on road safety and prevention. • Thanks to the initiatives of the Port’s social groups, particularly the Sports Club dance Section, recreational activities were held to raise funds for the Tv3 fundraiser and for various non-profit organisations such as Barcelona food Bank. • The “Nadal solidari 2014” [Solidarity at Christmas time 2014] campaign from 9 to 12 December, which promoted the donation Port oF Barcelona 83 annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA DEVEloPMENt aND INtERNal CoMMUNICatIoN training and internal In addition to our continued work moved to the Port’s departments on knowledge management, one and this year a total of thirty-three communication of the main challenges is to create students received on-the-job training are essential tools the conditions for the growth and at the organisation, providing them transformation of individuals and of with valuable experience in the for social change at the organisation. the most important business world. the Port of Barcelona projects in this area in 2014 were the implementation of the Management In a shared commitment to the new Development Programme and the information and communication launch of the new Intranet. technologies, there was close cooperation with the Information The programme for managers is Systems area; efforts revolved around intended to develop the Port’s designing an internal communications collective leadership model and has strategy associated with new involved two important activities corporate tools, particularly the new aimed at strengthening organisational corporate intranet, which should skills, which is key for leading the change the way we work. future of the Port of Barcelona. the first was the seminar on Building high-Impact Relationships, which was TRAINING about how to identify and properly treat stakeholders. the second was In 2014 there were 211 collective a Course on people management, training exercises, divided into which aimed to increase professional various plans. resources for managing personal performance and development. A new project this year involved training related to the new The amount of training activity in intranet, which went live in october 2014 was similar to the previous year. 2014. Various training courses have furthermore, the Port of Barcelona been organised for all stakeholders remains firmly committed to the (administrators, managers and users). university sector. Beyond employee participation in various educational furthermore, to give continuity to programmes, cooperation between the technical skills training, a new universities and industry has been approach was applied by providing COLLECTIVE TRAINING PLAN 2014 Training actions Students satisfaction Hours of training technical skills tp 21 39 7.92 1,235.00 Skills tp 3 35 9.28 1,225.00 Port police tp 21 254 7.39 3,517.00 Prevention of occupational risks tp 9 102 8.16 533.00 General tp 52 476 8.12 1,811.50 languages tp 99 238 9.12 7,904.75 Management training 6 108 7.85 876.00 Collective 211 1,252 8.26 17,102.25 84 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA the teaching associated with this blogs or wikis, several promotion training plan using the virtual and training actions have been Classroom platform, which contains rolled out to create the conditions tailor-made e-learning courses on to facilitate the internal adoption the port sector. of this model. By using a very participatory launch campaign As regards language training, we and organising sessions to teach continued to apply the same strategy people how to get the most from as the previous year, involving small intranet, we have laid the foundations groups with a similar level of the of the Port’s new internal language and common thematic communication model. and work areas. as in previous years, this training is one of the most highly the data collected since the intranet appreciated. went live on 1 october endorse this new proposal, with the number of Generic skills training for technical hits increasing by 20% year on year. administrative staff continued Similarly, 87% of workers believe this year, with open free places that this new intranet is a great offered for anybody interested in improvement on the previous one. participating. the most important new element was a tailor-made skills finally, although we focused our course for maintenance personnel efforts on digital communication and those working in the passenger in 2014, we did not neglect other terminals. this training was extremely participative initiatives such as the 2014 saw the launch well-received, and is the most highly annual Seminar, in which the of our new corporate valued. Port President and Director-General spoke to and with everyone else social intranet, based on In addition to this, there were more in the organisation concerning a new communication functional training courses, such the milestones achieved and the as those associated with the eMAS main present and future challenges. 2.0 model III certificate for maintenance staff and members of the Navigation aids team, or training for new Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). 39 individual training actions were imparted. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION 2014 saw the start of a new means of internal communication at the Port, with the launch of our new corporate social intranet. this tool is based on a new communication 2.0 model in which people within the organisation become active players in communication within the company and participate actively in the production and dissemination of contents from the intranet. although these are facilitated by the new 2.0 tools like microblogging, Port oF Barcelona 85 annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA MeDICAl SeRvICeS aND PREVENtIoN of oCCUPatIoNal RISkS the Port of Barcelona MEdICAL sERVICEs representatives. also, the protocol received OHSAS from the Spanish Organic law on the medical centres on the Bosch i Data Protection adapted to medical certification for alsina wharf and the WtC Barcelona services provides an important boost prevention of building offer a wide range of to medical staff for the benefit of healthcare and social options patients, as it makes it possible to occupational hazards, to 1,495 people (according to the safeguard all highly sensitive data the international latest updated census), including concerning health. active staff, their families and retired quality standard in workers. In 2014, Port medical staff In 2014 we continued to provide company prevention attended a total of 14,426 medical information on healthy habits in order visits, a year-on-year increase to improve the working conditions management of 0.74%. of staff and the surrounding area. Here, we continued with the the procedures and protocols campaign using medicines to help used to unify the performance of people stop smoking, through healthcare and medical professionals funding obtained through the working at the Port is based on the atlantida medical insurer. a study Catalan health Plan and the new conducted throughout the year health Monitoring protocols, which indicates that tobacco consumption have been agreed by the workers’ by our workers is 3.38% less overall 86 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 SOCIAl AReA than the population of Catalonia. this year there were a total of thirty- there were also analyses for early three accidents, all of them minor, detection of colon cancer for of which sixteen led to sick leave. all people at risk, and everyone Out of an estimated average aged over 50. the result was very workforce of 516, the total incidence encouraging and helped three of rate (total number of accidents with the people studied from possibly or without sick leave compared to the developing a malignant process in the number of workers) stood at 6.4%. future. In this period, training in Health monitoring. There were occupational hazards involved 360 medical examinations performed a total of 90 participants and 533 on workers. this figure includes hours of specific group courses 69.5% of the workforce and in introduction to risk prevention, represents a year-on-year increase introduction to first aid and basic fire of 3.3%. fighting techniques, among others. It is worth pointing out that in PREVENTION OF 2014 the Port received OHSaS OCCUPATIONAL RIsks certification for prevention of occupational hazards, the the Prevention Service also international quality standard in organised and took part in the 12th company prevention management. Port Seminar on Prevention of Occupational risks, promoted by the Working Group on Prevention under the Steering Council for Promotion of the Port Community and the fReMAP prevention company, which was held in cooperation with the Port’s Corporate Social Responsibility service. Jaume de Montserrat i Nonó, deputy director-general for occupational health and Safety from the Enterprise and Employment Department, took part in the event. Meetings of the Steering Council’s Sub-Working Group on Health Emergencies - with the SeM (Medical Emergencies System), CIlSa, the fReMAP Prevention Service, Port Police and tEPSa - led to nearly all cases of emergency health assistance being resolved in around five minutes thanks to the excellent cooperation between the fREMaP and SEM services in the commercial port area and the Zal. Moreover, assistance by the SEM-061 service has improved. the number of cases in which they arrived in under 15 minutes increased from 47% in 2007 to 79% in 2014. furthermore, the percentage of attendance in under 30 minutes now stands at 98%. Port oF Barcelona 87 annUal rePort 2014 7 ENVIRoNMENtal AReA ENVIRoNMENtal aREa ENVIRoNMENtal AReA Taking care of the Port’s environment helps to reduce the environmental impact of port activities on the surrounding area, especially air and water quality 90 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa SUStaINaBlE GoalS During the year, the Port focused its In this regard, the most notable the Port of Barcelona efforts on these objectives in three environmental events for the action areas: Port in 2014 were the successful manages the implementation of the ISo environmental aspects • ensuring that the activities 14001-certified environmental performed in the Port have only a management system registered in of its activities to minimal impact on the environment the Community eco-Management minimise its impact and on energy and material and audit Scheme (EMaS) with resources. registration number ES-Cat-000 430 on the environment and our port holding the ninth annual and simultaneously • fostering environmentally-friendly Green Port Congress between transport systems, thereby indirectly 15 and 17 october, which brought to reduce guaranteeing a more general together over 200 delegates from environmental risk improvement in environmental around the world to discuss the impacts beyond the Port itself. environmental challenges facing ports today and the various lines of action • Promoting medium and long-term performed. the second edition of the alternatives to hydrocarbon fuels for Green Port Cruise 2014 was held on mobility. the previous day, also at the port, and was dedicated exclusively to cruises and the environment. Port oF Barcelona 91 annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa thE PoRt’S IMPaCt oN ItS SURRoUNDING aREa aND oN thE ENVIRoNMENt TyPEs OF FLOATING wAsTE the Port of Barcelona measures the environmental COLLECTEd IN 2014 impact of port activities and develops management tools for waste, air, water and soil. It also coordinates and facilitates the actions of the organisation and the initiatives generated by the activity of the port facilities MONITORING INCIdENTs the current P.I.M. has been extended to include not only spills of one of the main management tools hydrocarbons, but of any chemicals 45.6% for monitoring environmental at sea. incidents involves activating specific PlASTIC procedures from the Port Police there were 27 oil spills in port waters Control Centre when an incident is in 2014, of which only 8 required detected or communicated. specific cleaning and collection actions. Most alerts concerned the 19.3% 160 such procedures were activated in Port Vell area. 2014: 40 in relation to the marine WooD environment; 55 concerning the overall, 10,435 kg of hydrocarbons terrestrial environment; 9 relating to or other oils were collected in port the atmosphere; 2 concerning waters. sanitation and 54 relating to 19.7% dangerous goods authorisations. PORT wATER CLEANING OTHeR MATeRIAlS ACTIONs TO COMBAT OIL the Port of Barcelona water cleaning POLLUTION IN PORT wATERs service works all year round using specialised vessels and staff. 112.9 15.4% the Port of Barcelona continues to tonnes of floating debris, with a total apply an active policy for preventing volume of 616.9 m3, were collected oRGaNIC MattER incidents and accidents involving oil from the water. spills in port waters. the instrument used for responding to oil spills is the type of debris varies during known as the P.I.M. (Internal Marine the year and depends upon factors Plan) and includes organisational such as the number of people instructions for responding to the at the Port, the holding of one-off incident and describes the resources events or specific meteorological to be used. Unlike the previous plan, and oceanographic conditions. 92 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa RECEPTION OF Type 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 shIP-GENERATEd wAsTE MARPOl I 49,993 53,813 55,969 58,848 60,289 m3 (liquid hydrocarbon waste) (2,860 services) according to the International MARPOl II 430 537 431 527 393 Convention for the Prevention (liquid chemical waste) (21 services) of Pollution from Ships (MaRPol MARPOl Iv 4,474 445 1,405 6,819 3,755 1973/78), all ports must have (waste and sanitary waters) (77 services) adequate facilities for the effective reception of ships’ waste using port MARPOl v 50,319 76,718 81,081 82,210 79,956 (solid waste) (5,561services) services. MARPOl vI - - - - 100 (pollution by air) (3 services) PORT wATER QUALITy MaRPol waste collected, over time (m3) as part of its Plan for monitoring coastal waters, as agreed with the MONITORING wATER QUALITy Catalan Water agency in its day, the 2013 2014 (summer) Port of Barcelona performed a Parameters offshore waters internal waters offshore waters internal waters summer water quality campaign that temperature (°C) 15.27 16.76 22.75 23.62 consisted of analysing 12 water samples, 6 sediment samples and 6 Salinity (mg/l) 38.06 38.03 37.92 38.05 profiles from the water column. turbidity (ftU) 0.94 4.12 0.56 4.01 Density (kg/m3) * 1,028.32 1,027.85 1,026.27 1,026.08 Chlorophyll (µg/l) ** 1.47 1.94 <1 1.2 ROAd CLEANING MIS (mg/l) *** 4.48 6.02 5 6.5 ANd wAsTE COLLECTION *ftU: formazin turbidity Unit **µg/l: microgram/litre this year the cleaning service *** MIS (mg/l): Materials in suspension, milligram/litre responded to a total of 138 incidents outside the planned service, many of which (120) could be covered by the ordinary service, with only 18 requiring the activation of an extraordinary service. these actions responded to: • warnings concerning solids on the furthermore, 38 companies from ground, spilt loads or debris from the Port Community take part in traffic accidents (61) the integrated waste collection circuits, set up in 2004 as an initiative • warnings concerning liquids of the Environmental Quality Working on the ground (27) group to achieve economies of scale for common services to obtain • occasional reinforcements for the best possible prices for waste sweeping and/or waste collection (50) management. the Port directly managed 775.5 tonnes of waste, with an increase in those classified as ordinary or similar wAsTE COLLECTION 2010-2014 (tonnes) to the municipal waste fraction and Types of waste 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 a slight decrease in waste collected Non-hazardous (selective) 261 358 359 352.7 321.8 and managed selectively, both hazardous (selective) 17 35 55 59.01 49.2 hazardous (batteries, toner cartridges, tyres, etc.) and non-hazardous (paper/ Total selective collection 278 393 414 411.7 371 cardboard, light packaging, glass, Total non-selective collection (ordinary) 227 289 299 311.74 404.4 garden waste, rubble, etc). TOTAL 505 682 713 723.4 775.5 Port oF Barcelona 93 annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa MANAGING PORT AIR QUALITy the Port Vell station on the fishermen’s wharf has a high-volume the Port of Barcelona has its own PM10 particle sensor, data from network of equipment for measuring which are not only of interest to the air pollution and meteorological port, but are also considered as variables. the Port’s Weather and representative of air quality in urban air Quality Surveillance Network areas close to the Barceloneta (XMVQa in its Catalan initials) includes and Ciutat Vella districts. this station high-Volume Samplers (hVS) for has the official approval of the measuring particulate matter and Catalan Government’s atmospheric several automated stations equipped Pollution Monitoring and forecasting with meteorological sensors and Network. analysers for measuring air pollution, one of which is mounted on a mobile As regards meteorological unit. the network provides variables, data are obtained on wind information on the quality of the air in speed and direction, but interest also the Port and weather information to focuses on rainfall, temperature and support the various activities relative humidity of the air, undertaken there, such as ship atmospheric pressure and solar navigation or handling radiation. of goods in the terminals. In 2014 the Port of Barcelona The pollutants measured are: launched a programme to upgrade its network of stations, which • dust as particulate matter less than will involve adding a new station 10µm in diameter (PM10) and in the El Prat de llobregat area and 2.5 µm (PM2.5). renewing and relocating high-volume analysers and sensors from other • sulphur dioxide (So ) combustion stations. this upgrade will mean 2 gases and nitrogen dioxide (No ), better coverage and representativeness 2 in the area around the Port and will • and evaporative fuel gases such as optimise resources for measuring benzene (C6h6). air quality. MEAN ANNUAL CONCENTRATIONs 2007-2014 (µg/m3) PARTICULATE MATTER NITROGEN dIOxIdE* sULPhUR dIOxIdE PM10 Port Vell No Mobile unit SO dàrsena Sud 2 2 45 60 12 40 10.6 37 50 48 10 8.8 35 34 45 32 42 41 42 40 39 8 28 29 37 31 6.2 25 24 25 30 6 4.1 20 4 15 2.9 3 10 2 2 2 0 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 * from 2014, data correspond to the station located in the Zal-Prat 94 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa ThE PORT’s PARTICIPATION ELECTRICITy CONsUMPTION TyPEs OF CONsUMPTION IN ThE PLAN TO IMPROVE AIR 2010-2014 (kWh) QUALITy IN ThE METROPOLITAN REGION ANd ThE CITy 10 the Port of Barcelona is working 9 to improve air quality in the city 8 and its surrounding area by applying 7 measures to reduce port emissions 6 included in the quality improvement 5 plan for No and PM10 in the 2 metropolitan area of Barcelona, 4 led by the Catalan Government’s 3 Department of Territory and 2 Sustainability. 1 36.46% 0 StREEt lIGhtING oN RoaDS To do this, it monitors the emission- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 aND tERRaCES producing activities in the port: lorries Port of Barcelona (Including Port Vell) carrying containers; tugs; emissions from ships berthed in the harbour; handling of powdery material and GAs ANd FUEL CONsUMPTION 46.47% emissions from the machinery in the terminals. It also promotes rail During 2014, consumption of natural OffICeS (lIGhtING, hVaC, EtC). freight transport and applies gas for heating (only in the aSta instruments such as environmental building) was 860,565 kWh, slightly discounts in port fees. lower than last year, owing to weather conditions. Consumption 4.30% The Port worked in 2014 to draw up of propane for the production of a port air quality improvement heating and air conditioning also WatER PUMPING StatIoNS plan, which covers these measures, increased in the Sports Area, and many of which are cross-cutting, stood at 6,603 litres. and ensures that it is effectively implemented. however, less fuel for generators 1.01% was required as a result of replacing lIGhthoUSES aND electrical connections. MaRItIME SIGNallING ELECTRICITy CONsUMPTION Electricity consumption in the Port of Barcelona during 2014 fell year on 11.76% year, due essentially to improvements OTHeRS in street lighting. the main actions (RaIl NEtWoRk, affected the light installation on the tElECoMMUNICatIoNS hUtS, WEathER StatIoNS, Morrot roundabout, which was CCtV CaMERaS, EtC). replaced by lED lights, a reduction in the power supplied to the Contradic wharf and installation of a system that turns off 50% of the floodlights of the railway terminal at both the entrance to the ZAl and the TIR terrace - FUEL CONsUMPTION (l) section v, when no operations are Type 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 underway. Gasoline (vehicles) 9,528 8,777 9,572.79 9,019.64 7,784.67 type a diesel (vehicles) 87,675 89,329 88,001.25 86,851.39 79,584.65 Grouped by type, the highest type B diesel (ships) 6,751 15,095 6,537 11,164 17,298 consumption relates to administrative type B diesel (generators) 103,080 41,043 30,470 25,920 19,853 activity (lighting and air conditioning of buildings) and street lighting. TOTAL 207,034 154,244 134,581.04 132,955.03 124,520.32 Port oF Barcelona 95 annUal rePort 2014 8,254,756 9,055,600 9,460,200 9,125,171 9,086,416 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa MOBILITy 250 222 225 208 210 the port offers a bus service within 200 the port area, which is part of the 160 Barcelona public transport network. 150 The organisation provides workers that choose a more sustainable 100 alternative to private transport with a three-month travel card each quarter, 50 and this figure has grown gradually since 2009. 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Number of travel card users CONsUMPTION OF REsOURCEs the Port’s water supply comes from the public mains operated by aigües de Barcelona and aigües del Prat. PORT wATER CONsUMPTION (m3) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Vessel supplies 183,980 162,215 146,386 207,152 189,908 Other consumption * 51,816 178,480 97,060 43,605 36,713 PAPeR Port Vell 22,300 41,000 35,160 28,982 40,020 CoNSUMPtIoN TOTAL 258,096 381,695 278,606 279,739 266,641 2014 * Includes tIR, aSta, tersaco and Portal de la Pau buildings, lighthouses, sports area, clinic and new developments in 12.009 the south of the port enlargement area kg PAPER CONsUMPTION (kg) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 55 Paper consumption 17,083 18,974 16,407 15,098 12,009 % % Recycled/eco out of total 23 19 27 24 55 RECYClED/ECo oUt of total MATERIALs UsEd IN wORks INdICATOR EN1* dREdGING ANd FILLING MATERIALs Unit Weight or Unit Weight or Material Material volume volume Quarry ballast Dredging m3 5,017.62 t 19,421.40 + riprap filling m3 223,441.57 Concrete m3 39,452.20 Total m3 228,459.19 Steel t 4,962.53 Dredged material m3 5,017.62 INdICATOR EN2 ** filling materials m3 223,441.57 Unitat Weight or Material Surfacing materials m3 8,155.07 volume Tarmac t 22,103.24 Quarry ballast t 788.00 + riprap filling materials m3 13,805.05 * EN1 represents total materials used in 2014, including recycled materials ** EN2 represents the part of recycled materials 96 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa COMMITTeD TO altERNatIVE fUElS liquefied Natural Gas (lNG) is means that lNG is increasingly valued the Port of Barcelona already a competitive and sustainable as an alternative fuel for freight alternative to hydrocarbons in freight transport. is promoting the use transport by sea and land. the Port of of liquefied natural gas Barcelona is pushing forward this the Port of Barcelona’s stance is to change to offer a more efficient fuel encourage and promote the move to offer a more efficient for ships, lorries and port machinery towards alternative fuels in its service fuel for ships, trucks in the short term. area for ships, trucks and terminal machinery. to this end, work and port machinery lNG does not produce sulphur oxide continued during 2014 to install in the short term or particulate emissions and its Nox a station in the port area to supply emissions are 85% lower than those liquefied Natural Gas (lNG) and of other petroleum fuels. the growing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) number of international regulations for land vehicles. at the same time, on polluting emissions and air quality, contacts are ongoing with shipping and the fact that it is a cheaper companies and bunkering operators source of energy than fuels used so to try to achieve a barge-based lNG far, which often have unstable prices, supply system to ships. Port oF Barcelona 97 annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa COMMITTeD TO ClIMatE ChaNGE In 2013 the Port of Barcelona The objectives of the ecocalculator are: launched the ecocalculator, a freely • to highlight the competitive accessible web tool for measuring the advantage that the Port of Barcelona CO emissions of transport chains. and the Mediterranean in general 2 (http://planol.portdebarcelona.cat/ have towards competitors in ecocalc/). Northern Europe; With the Port of Barcelona’s • to provide shippers and operators ecocalculator it is possible to calculate with a tool for measuring Co 2 quickly, simply and graphically the emissions to help take decisions amount of CO emissions generated on routing their goods. 2 by the transport of a container between a European location, the Port of Barcelona and any ThE ENVIRONMENTAL other port in the world. this tool COMPETITIVE EdGE measures the emissions produced by land transport (rail or road), its the requirement for environmental passage through the port, and that sustainability in economic activities, of maritime transport. It also allows particularly in transport, represents a comparison of the emissions that a competitive advantage of the would be generated through any Mediterranean coast compared to other European port. the atlantic. Mediterranean ports are more environmentally efficient for the ecocalculator is the final piece traffic between Europe and asia, with in the environmental consultancy estimated average savings regarding services that the Port of Barcelona CO emissions of 20% compared 2 has been offering for several years. to the northern port option: they Throughout the year, this service has represent sailing times that are four conducted several in-depth studies for or five days shorter, therefore fewer Port customers (shippers and transport ships are needed, which saves time in operators), which have involved delivering goods to their destination complex transport chains to evaluate in europe, causing fewer associated and explore solutions for reducing emissions. emissions. the Mediterranean port option also to quantify the environmental helps to reduce congestion in road impact of transport chains, the transport networks in the north and Port of Barcelona has developed reduces logistics costs (less investment a dedicated emissions calculation in ships, lower fuel consumption, methodology, validated by the improved delivery times, etc.), which universitat Politècnica de improves the competitiveness of Catalunya (uPC) which was certified European companies. by the independent certifying body TÜv rheinland in 2014. this The european Commission has factored makes it possible to offer shippers the environmental angle into actions and operators a duly certified carbon such as the new design of the Trans- footprint of their transport, which European transport Network (tEN-t) they can then include in the overall and the inclusion of the Mediterranean carbon footprint of their activities. Corridor into this network. 98 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 ENVIRoNMENtal aREa accordingly, the Port of Barcelona, Through these actions, the Port of their products or materials that are along with other partners, has been Barcelona is promoting transport and low in greenhouse gas emissions. taking part since 2013 in the EU- information services that respect the Considering how important ports funded ClyMa project. this project environment and is playing an active consider the fight against climate sets out to develop and analyse role in European transport policy. change, the Port of Barcelona has the management structures and implemented a strategy to reduce infrastructure, information technology GHG emissions, based on three and environmental requirements VOLUNTARy AGREEMENT pillars or levels: organisation of of the Madrid-lyon axis of the TO REdUCE CO the Port; goods moved by the port; 2 Mediterranean Corridor as part logistics chains that choose the port of the tEN-t network. the the Port of Barcelona has been taking of Barcelona as a node. Commission aims to extend the part since 2012 in the Programme results of this project to the rest of voluntary agreements to from a logistics chain perspective, of the Mediterranean Corridor. reduce emissions of greenhouse the Port of Barcelona has worked gases set up by the Catalan together with terminals and service One activity under the CLyMA government’s Department of Territory operators since 2014 to roll out project involves applying the “green and Sustainability, which promotes the BCN Zero Carbon project, corridor” concept in this axis by a progressive reduction in CO consisting of drawing up an inventory 2 creating systems to measure the emissions produced by the Port’s of gHg emissions from activities sustainability of transport, propose buildings, its fleet of vehicles and closely related to the passage of measures for sustainable development the public lighting of its roads and goods through the port, minimising and calculate emissions of Co and terraces. such emissions and offsetting those 2 other pollutants. In this regard, 2014 which cannot be minimised. saw the development of a web-based By signing this agreement, the In a few years, the project will allow calculator for emissions of Co and organisation is committing to the Port of Barcelona to become 2 other pollutants (Nox, PM10, etc.) gradually reduce its direct and indirect GhG emission-neutral for its goods. specifically for the Madrid-lyon axis. emissions (Scope 2) associated with the fuel consumption of its fleet the project initially focuses on of 120 vehicles, two boats and goods shipped in containers, INTERMOdAL sTRATEGy some generators, as well as cutting and in subsequent years the project electricity consumption. will be extended to other goods. achieving more sustainable transport also means diverting a greater proportion of traffic BCN ZERO CARBON PROJECT towards modes that generate fewer negative externalities - pollution, Greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions global warming, noise, accidents, play an important role in climate congestion and infrastructure costs - change. the effects of GhG emissions and fostering the use of transport by are global, regardless of where they rail, river and/or sea in routes where are emitted. furthermore, almost all it has replaced road transport. In this industrial and service activity sectors connection, the Port of Barcelona have associated gHg emissions has been able to quantify the savings caused by energy consumption, in externalities resulting from its waste generation and mobility. intermodal strategy in favour of rail traffic and Short Sea Shipping Adopting strategies to reduce gHg services. emissions is becoming increasingly necessary for ports because they In 2014, all of these services together represent nodes of the freight represented an annual saving of transport logistics chain and € 177 million in the cost of the contribute to the carbon footprint negative externalities that would of products passing through them. have been generated by the same Customers of these goods are volume of cargo transported by road. increasingly concerned about the that represents an additional saving carbon footprint of their products’ of 18% over 2013 and a 79% saving lifecycle and are demanding on the cost of externalities. distribution modes and routes for C8 C8 C7 Port oF Barcelona 99 annUal rePort 2014 Lyon Valenc A evign M onarseil N leîmes Montp P ee llr iep rig G nair nona Barcelo T na arrag L ole ni ada Zarago G zauadal M aja ad rarid 8 CoMMUNICatIoN CoMMUNICatIoN CoMMUNICatIoN One of the communication goals of the Port of Barcelona is to publicise its importance as an economic driving force and generator of wealth. Communication by this key infrastructure is as varied and extensive as its fields of activity (5 ports in 1) and its target publics 102 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN The Port has to communicate the as the home port of the cruise ship most important information on its Oasis of the Seas, owned by Royal day-to-day running to the general Caribbean, which has entrusted the public, which has only a very general Port of Barcelona to position the understanding of its workings, and to world’s largest cruise ship. In line with the Port Community on the other end its ongoing policy of renewing cruise of the spectrum, as well to its ship infrastructures, 2014 witnessed customers and users, and to the works to enlarge Terminal d institutions. (Palacruceros) owned by the Carnival Whether it is in direct Group. this information is conveyed primarily contact with the via the media, with which it has a Still within the public port sphere, media or in written direct daily relationship. In spite of the Port of Barcelona launched one the diversity of target publics, to of the most eagerly awaited works communications, which it has to tailor each message, in the Port Vell: the refurbishment the Port of Barcelona there is one fundamental value that of the fishing facilities, with an guides the Port of Barcelona’s investment of € 10 million. also in communicates in an communication strategy: the Port Vell, November saw the honest, clear and transparency. laying of the first stone of the new Marina Vela, with a capacity for up open way Whether it is in direct contact with to 350 boats. the media (press conferences, attending to phone calls, interviews, there were also developments visits, etc.) or in written in the commercial port. at the end communications (the more than of 2014 there was a ceremony to 110 press releases in 2014, its web mark the arrival of the new gantry presence, brochures, etc.), the Port cranes for the BEST container of Barcelona communicates in an terminal, attended by Santi Vila, honest, clear and open way. Regional Minister of Planning and Sustainability, and ana Pastor, Here, the new technologies help to the Minister for Public Works. make information more transparent and bring the Port closer to the furthermore, to improve air quality general public. today, information in and around the port and issued by the Port of Barcelona is consolidate Barcelona as a logistics available not only to journalists but hub, the Port de Barcelona and Gas to the general public, through its Natural fenosa signed an agreement website (www.portdebarcelona.cat) in 2014 to promote the use and the social networks (twitter, of natural gas as fuel within with over 4,700 followers, Youtube, the port. linkedin, etc). as usual, the Port was visited by This communication task is representatives from Catalonia, Spain complemented by the work of the and other countries, as well as trade Image and language Service areas, missions, companies and ports which help to convey a consistent, interested in seeing the latest accurate, recognised and recognisable developments at the Port. Similarly, image of the Port. the Port of Barcelona organised several business trips, notably the 2014 was a year with a full agenda trade mission to Mexico and to the of events at the Port of Barcelona. most important international fairs In the cruises area in September, in which it took part. the city hosted the tenth edition of the seatrade Med fair, the main cruise sector congress in the Mediterranean. that same month, the Port received the first stopover Port oF Barcelona 103 annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN PhOTO ALBUM OF ThE yEAR ClYMA conference Signing of the agreement between the Port and Gas Natural fenosa executive forum Barcelona tribune Presenting the annual results Seatrade Miami Celebrating the 30th anniversary of leo Proex 104 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN Visiting the Port of hamburg Conference with expansión on the Mediterranean Corridor 16th European Supply Chain opening of the International logistics fair opening the enlargement of the BESt terminal Professional association of Industrial Engineers Maritime forwarders’ Club anniversary lunch at the Parquing Mar laying the first stone of the refurbishment of the Port fishing area Presentation of Seatrade Med Port oF Barcelona 105 annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN Enlargement of the Zaragoza Maritime terminal Press conference of the first semester results Signing of the agreement on Port Vell security between the Port and the City Council green Port Congress Price Waterhouse trade mission to Mexico, visiting the port of Veracruz 106 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN trade mission to Mexico, business day in Mexico city Celebrating the arrival of three gantry cranes at BESt laying the first stone of the Port’s Marina Vela laying the first stone of the Port road accesses Efficiency Network seminar Christmas cocktail for Port workers Port oF Barcelona 107 annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN oRGaNISatIoN ChaRt PoRt of BaRCEloNa President SIxTe CAMBRA secretary-General assistant to the President RoMÁN EGUINoa JoaN CollDECaRRERa legal Services Manager Communications Manager félIX NaVaRRo NúRIa BURGUERa Port 2000 Manager internal audit Manager ADOlf ROMAgOSA SaNtIaGo otERo Corporate Security General Manager Manager JoSé alBERto CaRBoNEll BERNat BaRÓ deputy Manager deputy Manager deputy Manager deputy Manager deputy Manager of Economic strategy of Port of Organisation of infrastructure and Financial and Business Operations and Internal and Conservation and Planning resources JoaQUíN SaNtIaGo RaMoN GRIEll aSENSIo GaRCía-MIlÀ ÀlEX GaRCía PEDRo aREllaNo Comercial Manager Business hR Manager information Manager of Business Organisation Systems development and PeDRO Manager RoSa PUIG Consultancy aREllaNo eMMA COBOS Manager CatalINa gRIMAlT RAfAel gOMIS Port oF Barcelona 109 annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN PoRt of BaRCEloNa DIReCTORY Barcelona Port authority representation of the Port of World trade Center Barcelona Barcelona in rhône-alpes (France) Edifici Est Claire Perez Moll de Barcelona, s/n tel. + 33 668 25 70 38 08039 Barcelona fREEPhoNE 0 800 800 160 tel. +34 93 306 88 00 claire.perez@portdebarcelona.cat www.portdebarcelona.cat infofrance@portdebarcelona.cat unified access Service (Sau) representation of the Port of tel. +34 93 298 60 00 Barcelona in Midi-Pyrénées (France) sau@portdebarcelona.cat Nathalie thomas tel. 00 33 562 79 34 28 SaC (Customer Care Service) M. + 33 624 01 09 42 tel. 902 22 28 58 nathalie.thomas@portdebarcelona.cat sac@portdebarcelona.cat infofrance@portdebarcelona.cat representation of the Port Gerència urbanística Port 2000 of Barcelona in China C. Josep anselm Clavé, 27 Joan Dedeu 08002 Barcelona ChINa CoNSUltaNtS tel. +34 93 317 61 35 Room 101 1/f., Chung Nam Bldg 1 info@portvellbcn.com lockhart Road www.portvellbcn.com Wan Chai, hong kong tel. +852 2866 88 41 logistics activities area (Zal) jdedeu@portdebarcelonahk.es Centre intermodal de logística, Sa (CilSa) representation of the Port av. Ports d’Europa, 100, 4a pl., ed. of Barcelona in Argentina Service Center hugo Norberto lejtman 08040 Barcelona Charcas, 2715 PB “B” tel. +34 93 552 58 00 1425 Buenos Aires info@zal.es tel. +54 11 4824 3601 www.zal.es hugo.lejtman@hotmail.com World Trade Center Barcelona, Sa representation of the Port Moll de Barcelona, s/n, edifici Est, 1a pl. of Barcelona in Madrid 08039 Barcelona Miguel Ángel Palomero tel. +34 93 508 80 00 C. Jorge Juan, 19, 6 comercial@wtcbarcelona.es 28001 Madrid www.wtcbarcelona.com tel. +34 91 781 54 45 mapalomero@portdebarcelona.cat Portic Barcelona, Sa World trade Center, edifici Est, 6a pl. representation of the Port of Moll de Barcelona, s/n Barcelona in centre-north iberian 08039 Barcelona Peninsula tel. +34 93 508 82 82 Estefania Sanles comercial@portic.net tel.: + 34 93 298 60 19 www.portic.net M. + 34 677 26 18 65 estefania.sanles@portdebarcelona.cat 110 Port of Barcelona annUal rePort 2014 CoMMUNICatIoN Creuers del Port de Barcelona, Sa Barcelona Harbourmaster’s Office Barcelona Association of Moll de Barcelona, s/n Ronda del Port, sector 6 Port Stevedoring Companies Estació Marítima Nord Control tower Ronda del Port, sector 6 World trade Center Barcelona 08040 Barcelona Edifici Gregal, 1a pl. 08039 Barcelona tel. +34 93 223 53 94 08040 Barcelona tel. +34 93 412 79 14 tel. +34 93 442 88 24 cpb@creuers.net Centre for Technical assistance aeepb@aeepb.com and inspection of Foreign Trade www.aeepb.com Marina Barcelona 92, Sa (CaTiCE) Pg. Joan de Borbó, 92 Cal Patrici, 8-12 Barcelona association of Freight 08003 Barcelona ZAl PRAT Forwarders (aTEia-OlTra) tel. +34 93 224 02 24 08820 El Prat de llobregat via laietana, 32-34, 2n www.mb92.com tel. +34 93 289 66 10 08003 Barcelona info@mb92.com barcelona.cice@comercio.mineco.es tel. +34 93 315 09 03 ateia@bcn.ateia.com Puerto Seco azuqueca Border inspection Post (BiP) www.bcn.ateia.com de Henares, Sa Cal Patrici, 8-12 av. del Vidrio, 18. Pol. Ind. Garona ZAl PRAT Barcelona Association 19200 azuqueca de henares 08820 El Prat de llobregat of Customs agents (Guadalajara) External health: tel +34 93 520 91 80 C. Diputació 295, baixos tel. +34 949 261 207 Quality team (Qt): 08009 Barcelona grupo@graneuropa.com tel +34 93 306 65 60 tel +34 93 329 26 66 www.graneuropa.com coacab@coacab.com Barcelona rescue Coordination www.coacab.com Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza Centre (tmZ) Ronda del Port, sector 6 Maritime Transport users’ Silvia Martínez Edifici torre de Salvament, 9a pl. Board of Catalonia Ctra. de la Cogullada, 65. 08040 Barcelona av. Diagonal, 452-454, 4a pl. Mercazaragoza tel. +34 93 223 47 33 08006 Barcelona 50014 Zaragoza barcelon@sasemar.es tel. +34 93 416 94 84 tel. +34 97 647 96 58 www.salvamentomaritimo.es shippers@cambrescat.es silvia.martinez@portdebarcelona.cat www.tmzaragoza.com Corporació de Pràctics de Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Barcelona, S.l.P [Pilots]. industry and Navigation Terminal Maritime Toulouse (tmT) C. Port de Ningbó, s/n av. Diagonal, 452 Nathalie thomas 08039 Barcelona 08006 Barcelona 20 avenue Saint Guillan tel. +34 93 221 95 67 tel. +34 93 416 93 00 Zal toulouse admin@barcelonapilots.com cambra@cambrabcn.org 31621 Eurocentre cedex – frança www.practicos-bcn.es www.cambrabcn.org tel. +33 562 793 428 nathalie.thomas@portdebarcelona.cat EsTIBARNA – sAGEP www.tmtoulouse.com Ronda del Port, sector 5 08039 Barcelona Terminal intermodal tel. +34 93 223 18 22 de l’Empordà, Sl info@estibarna.es C. Còrsega, 273 www.estibarna.es 08008 Barcelona tel. +34 93 363 49 60 Barcelona association of Shipping www.terminalemporda.com agents industry and Navigation av. Drassanes, 6-8 Customs of Barcelona Ed. Colón, plta.13, p.1 Pg. Josep Carner, 27 08001 Barcelona 08038 Barcelona tel. +34 93 270 27 88 tel. +34 93 344 49 40 acb@consignatarios.com www.consignatarios.com Port oF Barcelona 111 annUal rePort 2014 Management and coordination Communication Department Barcelona Port authority World trade Center Barcelona edifici est Moll de Barcelona, s/n 08039 Barcelona tel.: 93 306 88 00 www.portdebarcelona.cat layout and graphic design El taller Interactivo, s.l. Photographs Jordi Domingo Òscar ferrer Juanjo Martínez Ramon Vilalta Port de Barcelona Translation Mike lucas