Barcelona, a city committed to the environment Environmental report 2013 Presentation This report describes the situation of the environment in These characteristics make the report highly valuable Barcelona and updates the dossier entitled Barcelona, a in its own right, quite apart from its application for the city committed to the environment, published in 2010. award, and it has been of great use over the last few years as a source of basic information, to explain the policies The city was then going in for the European Green Capital implemented by the city and even to certify the Council’s award, a process which involved compiling and editing all environmental work before other organisations. It the information required by the European Commission therefore seemed useful to update the dossier produced to assess the candidates for this award. The exhaustive five years ago and make this into a regular five-yearly questionnaire for the competition requests detailed report on the state of the environment in Barcelona. information on specific environmental indicators, measures taken over the last few years in particular We present this report to allow access to the relevant aspects and future objectives and projects. The report information, with a keen interest in sharing the progress drawn up therefore provides a very comprehensive view that has been made, with the commitment to call attention of a city’s environmental performance. On the one hand to any emerging challenges and in the hope that we are the dossier can be read as a catalogue, explaining how thereby fostering progress towards a better city. the city works in different aspects, but it can also serve as a report on activities and a statement of results. This document can also be compared with dozens of other Joan Puigdollers i Fargas cities reporting on the same aspects and using the same 3rd Deputy Mayor, Councillor for the criteria and parameters. Environment and Urban Services - Urban Habitat Barcelona City Council Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Introduction 2 Introduction This document covers the state of the environment in progress in environmental terms, because they enable As far as possible, the content follows the guidelines laid Barcelona, described in twelve chapters focusing on us to understand how the city has developed or because down by the organisers of the European Green Capital different aspects. they’ve made a great impact on citizens and good initiative but it also provides details of other aspects practices. It therefore contains some innovative, singular that are considered to be priorities for the city, such as Each of these chapters defines the vision of the future and emblematic measures which may also serve as the vision for the future, work carried out with citizens, for the city in its specific area, providing indicators and inspiration for other cities. These are represented in organisations and companies on a co-responsibility information on the present situation and listing the the report in different ways depending on the type of basis and the Smart City approach. measures carried out in the last five years which have measure in question. made it possible to get as far as we have. They also Compared with the previous report, this time we’ve contain a statement of the measures already planned The information provided is mainly on the work done by attempted to bring in certain improvements by including or envisaged for the near future which will help us to Barcelona City Council but, since many environmental graphics summarising each of the chapters, making it progress towards the vision of the future we aspire to. aspects lie outside municipal competences, some of the easier to read for those who only wish to leaf through, data refer to other supralocal administrations as well as and by adding links to the most relevant sources of The report does not provide an exhaustive compilation citizen involvement. information throughout the document so that readers of the activities carried out but highlights the most can read further on the topic. As in the previous edition, relevant ones, either because they’ve brought about there is also an executive summary report. Types of measures Planning and management Tools and actions in general Cooperation, international work, Improving knowledge, information, sharing experiences awareness and participation Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Introduction 3 Basic Data 2013 02º 07’ 31’’ E 10,216 hec t ares 29.10 km2 Region longitude municipality green areas 41º 25’ 10’’ N latitude 1 58 inhab/h a 412 m density 4,395 m beaches above sea level 15.8 ºC annual average 967.0 hPa average 580.0 mm total Climate 35.1 ºC maximum 987.2 hPa maximum 40.2 mm -1.6 ºC 932.6 hPa maximum rainfallminimum minimum 112 days of rain 2,776.4 hours 69 % relative humidity 9 days of storms o f sunshine per year 1,611,822 inhabitant s Population 4,788,422 inhabitants in the 83 years metropolitan region life expectancy (2012) 7,571,766 tourists 82.6 % population Spanish 8.2 birth rate 16,485,074 17.4 % population foreign 9.2 death rate overnight stays Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Introduction 4 Social €18,700/year 18.3 % 89.40 % 78.1 % indicators disposable household at risk of secondary school households with income per capita poverty (2011) graduation rate internet access (2012-2013) Economic €38.500 17.2 % 78.0 % 65.4 % indicators average GDP at mark et unemployment partic ipation employment prices per inhabitant rate (4th quarter) Base year 2000 Environ- 18.1 m2/inha b 16,782 GWh 108.4 l/inhab pe r day mental green areas total energy consumption domestic water consumption indicators (2012) 2003 - 17.39 m2/inhab 1999 - 137.5 l/inhab. per day 1999 - 15,664.78 GWh 730,285 tonnes 36.2 % 7.7 million urban solid waste separated waste collection trips per day 2003 - 860,338 tonnes 2003 - 23.95 % internal connecting 40 micrograms/m3 24 micrograms/m3 Public transport average annual level of NO2 average annual particle Bicycle NO2 level (PM10) 2003 - 55 micrograms/m3 PM10 On foot 2008 - 36 micrograms/m3 Private transport Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Introduction 5 Summary Energy and climate Resilience and climate Mobility and Urban green Sustainable Local change mitigation change adaptation urban transport and biodiversity land use air quality 7 20 34 50 64 78 Acoustic quality Waste production Water cycle Municipal greening Joint responsibility Smart City 90 and management 118 and the green 146 161 104 economy 132 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Summary 6 8 Summary diagram 9 1.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 10 1.2 General context and current situation 10 1.2.1 Electricity and natural gas, the main sources of energy 11 1.2.2 The city’s renewable and residual resources are growing 12 1.2.3 Barcelona, one of the cities in the western world with the lowest emissions per capita 13 1.3 Measures taken to reduce energy consumption and mitigate Energy and climate climate change 13 1.3.1 Commitment and planning to combat climate change change mitigation 14 1.3.2 Innovation and technology to improve energy savings and efficiency 15 1.3.3 Promoting the local generation of energy to increase self-sufficiency 16 1.3.4 New DH&C networks that take advantage of residual heat and cold 18 1.4 Future goals and measures 18 1.4.1 Planning the medium and long-term energy strategy Barcelona, a city committed to combating climate change Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 7 Energy and Current climate situation Final energy change consumption Self-sufficiency mitigation (2012) 16.782 10.35 1999 2012 GWh MWh per capita 0.33 % 2.08 % Vision of the future Becoming a 1999 2012 self-sufficient CO emissions 3.19 2.28 city with zero 2 (2012) tonnes de CO2 per capita tonnes de CO2 per capita emissions Lines of work Self-generation ‘Solar on new and Committed to Innovation renovated buildings‘ Efficiency Self-sufficiency and combating climate ‘Electrifying ‘Renewable energies ‘DH&C networks taking reducing emissions change ‘Signing of the vehicle fleets‘ in municipal advantage of residual ‘Energy Self-Sufficiency Covenant of Mayors‘ ‘Smart street lighting‘ buildings‘ cold and heat‘ Plan‘ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 8 1.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Vision of the future On its way to self-sufficiency and zero emissions, Barcelona needs to take advantage of the opportunities provided by aspects intrinsic to the city such as its mild climate, at the same time as having to overcome the challenges and difficulties involved in being In the fight against climate a major economic force and complex urban area. change, Barcelona wishes to become a self-sufficient city Barcelona, a densely populated Mediterranean city. The city’s ‘Mediterranean character and its mild climate make life easier with zero emissions. That’s why in terms of energy consumed for heating and its density helps us to take advantage of each kWh used for more people, unlike we need a change in the energy other cities. For these two reasons, Barcelona has a moderate energy consumption in comparison with other conurbations. model to ensure guaranteed sustainability. To achieve this, we The urban heat island effect makes temperatures rise. Despite the city’s benign weather thanks to its Mediterranean climate, need to make progress in three Barcelona’s temperatures are rising, mainly through the heat island effect. This effect (which consists of a rise in temperatures in urban key aspects: significantly reducing zones because of the heat retained in the paving and buildings) leads to changes in energy habits of those living in Barcelona, with a demand and consumption (savings lower use of heating in housing, offices and services during winter but an increase in the use of air conditioning throughout the summer. and efficiency), increasing the Barcelona, one of the country’s major economic and tourist centres, the hub of a great deal of activity. Barcelona’s generation of energy by means strategic location in the centre of the Mediterranean corridor and with one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean of local resources (renewable and makes the city a great economic centre and transit zone. In fact, Barcelona’s area of influence is not only the metropolitan area residual sources) and thereby or the metropolitan region but practically the whole of Catalonia. Producing this enormous amount of activity requires significant reducing dependence on fossil energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are further aggravated by mobility. fuels, and optimising the networks of infrastructures already in place. Barcelona, a city of great social and multicultural complexity. Even though the migratory process has been interrupted by the present economic situation, Barcelona is a highly diverse and complex city and has become home to a mix of very different cultures. This is something to be taken into consideration when assessing the city’s trends in energy consumption as social conduct in terms of energy use is very closely associated with a society’s energy consumption and each culture often perceives the use of energy differently. At present there is no law supporting the use of renewable energies by means of incentives and/or tax rebates as a result of the enactment of Royal Decree 1/2012, which abolished economic incentives for new electricity production installations under the special regime (for cogeneration, renewable energy sources and waste treatment). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 9 1.2 General context and current situation For years Barcelona has been committed to combating 1.2.1 Electricity and natural gas, was in excess of 3% until 2005 whereas consumption climate change, which is why energy management   and the main sources of energy gradually fell between 2005 and 2010, the year when it the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are priorities started to rise again. In 2012 total consumption stood at on the city’s political agenda. 16,782 GWh. Over the last few years there has been an upward trend Even so, Barcelona has the same underlying problems in energy consumption with consumption going from One third of all the energy consumed in 2012 was used as many other cities: its energy consumption may be 15,664.78 GWh in 1999 to 18,036.88 GWh in 2010. This by households: 29.3%, a further third being used by relatively low but it’s still high overall as a whole and the rise, however, has not been constant as the growth rate the commercial and services sector, with 29.0%. The sources of the energy consumed could be improved, remainder was used by industry (17.8%), transport with only 1.87% of all primary energy consumed coming (22.8%) and other sectors (1.0%). from a renewable source. Barcelona must therefore reduce its dependence on external energy sources and In 2012 the city of Barcelona’s consumption per As regards energy sources, 42.68% was electricity, 35.51% foster local, renewable energy on a network basis; i.e. capita was 10.35 MWh/year natural gas, 20.69% automobile petroleum and 1.12% increase its self-sufficiency. Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG). 20.000 From 1999 energy consumption gradually 19.000 increased until 2006, at which time it 18.000 started to drop, except for 2010, when it rose once more 17.000 16.000 15.000 1999 2012 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 10 Energy consumption GWh/year Other 1.0% Electricity 42.68%In 2012, most Household 29.3% LPG 1.12%of the energy Commercial and services 29.0% consumed Automobile petroleum Industrial 17.8% came from (petrol) 6.76% electricity and One third of the energy natural gas. Automobile petroleumTransport 22.8% consumed was used by (diesel) 13.93% households. Natural gas 35.51% According to Catalonia’s electrical mix for 2012 the Considering Spain as a whole, electricity was mainly 1.2.2 The city’s renewable and energy source with greatest share of electricity generated by nuclear energy (22%), coal (20%) and wind residual resources are growing generation is nuclear energy (55.42%). This is followed power (18%). Other sources of energy are combined by generation in the form of natural gas at combined cycle power plants (14%), cogeneration (12%), and cycle power plants (16.17%), cogeneration (12.02%), hydraulic power (9%). In 2012, around 350 GWh/year of the total energy hydroelectric generation (8.96%), wind power (5.15%) consumed in the city of Barcelona came from renewable and other methods (2.28%). In Barcelona and the Besòs area in 2012, 5,612 GWh of and/or residual energy from local sources, a share of electricity was generated by large Ordinary Regime power 2.08%. Though small and clearly insufficient, this amount In Barcelona’s final energy consumption in 2012 this plants, accounting for 78.3% of the electricity used in the is still considerable, taking into account the starting electricity consumption accounted for 42.7% of the total city’s final consumption. This highlights the continuing point of 0.33% in 1999, involving a sizeable change after consumption. In terms of the source of the final energy great dependence on fossil fuels. Even though there has the first Energy Plan. consumed in Barcelona, 42.4% of the total final energy been an improvement in electricity production facilities, was produced by natural gas, 23.7% nuclear, 20.7% emissions from electricity consumption have continued came from fossil fuels, 3.9% from hydraulic power, 5.1% to grow due to the rise in consumption since 1999. from gas cogeneration, 2% from wind power and 0.3% In 2012 Barcelona’s self-sufficiency level, meaning the from solar energy. It should be noted that, in 2008, solar However, we should also note the progress made by the energy generated from local (renewable and residual) energy represented 0.1% and wind power 0.6%. city of Barcelona in increasing the existing photovoltaic resources, as compared with the total energy power, for example. This has gone from 2.5 kWp installed consumed, was 2.08%. capacity in 1999 to 12,388 kWp in 2012. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 11 0.8% of the energy consumed was renewable and In 2012 Barcelona emitted a total of 3,690,037 tonnes Transport 26% generated locally, i.e. in the city itself. This 158.37 GWh/ of CO2, representing 2.28 tonnes CO2-eq per capita, Other 1% year of renewable energy was generated as follows: notably lower than the emissions rate in 1999 which was SUW treatment 9% 3.19 tonnes CO2-eq. From that year there was an upward Thermal solar energy: 49% Mini hydraulic: 2% trend until 2005, when it reached its ceiling with 3.44 Port and airport 11% Photovoltaic solar energy: 10% Biomass: 8% tonnes CO2-eq, and since then the trend has changed Biogas (inc. Garraf share): 32% direction, turning downwards. Industry 15% As far as electricity is concerned, 225.59 GWh of the These emissions are mainly produced by the transport city’s total electricity consumption (7,162.8 GWh) is sector (26.46%), followed by households (21.45%) and considered to have been produced using local (renewable the commercial and services sectors (17.28%). The rest is Commercial and services 17% and residual) resources, which represents 3.15% of the divided between industry (14.48%), the port and airport Households 21% electricity consumption of the city. (10.93%), the processing of solid urban waste (8.88%) and other sectors (0.53%). Today Barcelona is one of the cities with largest area of In 2012, transport, followed by households, was 2 the sector producing most emissions. solar panels (88,755 m planned) and it has legislation As for sources, 31.5% of the emissions stem from natural making it compulsory to use solar energy in any new gas, 26.46% from transport, including petrol/diesel and In 2012, natural gas was the energy source builds and restoration work. As regards photovoltaic electric vehicles (electric trains, natural gas vehicles, producing most emissions. solar energy, Barcelona has 12.39 MWp installed capacity. electricity for electric vehicles and liquefied petroleum gases) and 21.03% from electricity. The rest is emitted by the port and the airport (10.93%), by the processing Electricity 21% 1.2.3 Barcelona, one of the cities in of solid urban waste (SUW) (8.88%) and by liquefied Port and airport 11% petroleum gases (LPG) (1.15%). the western world with the lowest SUW treatment 9% emissions per capita Transport (petrol+train+NGV+ Barcelona is one of the cities with lowest greenhouse gas EV+LPG) 25%In 2010 the emissions per capita produced by (GHG) emissions per capita in the western world. The transport in Barcelona were 0.59 tonnes of CO2/ efforts made to combat climate change, with measures inhab. In 2012, greenhouse gas emissions from the LPG 2 25% to improve energy efficiency and savings and to promote Natural gas 32%consumption of energy were 0.219 kg of CO2-eq/kWh renewable energy sources, are being rewarded with low final energy consumption. levels of emissions. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 12 1.3 Measures taken to reduce energy consumption and mitigate climate change True to its commitment to climate change mitigation, As a result of signing the Covenant of Mayors, Barcelona A city programme: related to all the general aspects of Barcelona has taken different planning measures over drew up its own Barcelona Action Plan for Sustainable the city, concerning both the Council’s management the last few years to create a general framework and Energy (PAES). This Plan covers all spheres of action and the behaviour and actions of citizens as a whole. route map marking out the strategic lines to be taken. under municipal rule and applies across the board to all It has also implemented energy-saving and efficiency areas involved in city and municipal administration. This A municipal programme: related to aspects that come measures and promoted the generation of renewable action plan forms part of the Energy, Climate Change directly under the Council. One of the main parts of the and local power. and Air Quality Plan 2011-2020 (PECQ). municipal programme is the Plan for the Energy Self- Sufficiency of Municipal Buildings (PAEEM), providing a Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality Plan specific response to compliance with the commitment 1.3.1 Commitment and planning to 2011-2020 (PECQ) stipulated in the Covenant of Mayors. combat climate change This Plan reinforces the link between climate change and Plan for the Energy Self-Sufficiency of air quality, prioritising the management of demand and Municipal Buildings 2010-2020 (PAEEM) Signing of the Covenant of Mayors promoting participation among those involved, right in 2008 from the initial stages. The Plan’s main objective is to The consumption of municipal buildings and have reduced per capita greenhouse gas emissions by installations accounts for around 10% of the total On 19 November 2008 Barcelona signed the Covenant 23% in 2020 compared with the 2008 levels. energy consumption associated with municipal activity of Mayors, once more taking part in the lobby of cities and public transport. This Plan is therefore one of the committed to combating climate change. As signatory, This Plan also applies across the board as it concerns mainstays of Barcelona’s municipal programme in its Barcelona City Council has undertaken to reduce, by measures in different spheres already being dealt with Plan for Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality. The 2020, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of all services by other departments, and its structure is based on PAEEM is designed to save 2,355 tonnes of CO2-eq/year under its direct management by 20% compared with the an initial introductory part common to two parallel in the power consumed at municipal facilities. emissions for 2008. programmes on different scales: Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 13 Barcelona Energy Self-Sufficiency 1.3.2 Innovation and technology The Barcelona Energy Agency has drawn up a Plan 2024 used to bring about energy savings study to analyse the contractual framework and to encourage the hiring of Energy Service Companies Bolstering Barcelona’s strategy and goal to move towards and efficiency (ESCOs). energy self-sufficiency, the PECQ has made way for the Barcelona Energy Self-Sufficiency Programme. This works Measures for overcoming barriers to hiring with the aim of achieving 10% energy self-sufficiency in 2024 ESCOs by implementing energy-saving and efficiency measures In spite of all this, hiring the services of this kind of with a view to reducing the city’s energy consumption as Hiring Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), and public- company is still an extremely complex task today, far as possible, taking advantage of local renewable and/ private cooperation in general, is becoming an essential requiring lengthy administrative and legal procedures or residual resources in order to meet this consumption, tool to improve the energy efficiency of installations, because of the different legal barriers encountered. thereby bringing generation closer to consumption and directly reducing energy consumption but also providing The Barcelona Energy Agency has produced a study promoting widespread, local generation. other advantages: transferring the risk of installations to entitled “Technical Assistance for appraising and the maintenance company, ongoing availability of technical overcoming the barriers encountered to hiring ESCOs by The PAEEM continues to play a fundamental role within expert advice; setting a stable budget and user satisfaction Barcelona City Council”, providing an in-depth analysis this strategy. through the proper maintenance of the installations. of the contractual framework of ESCOs and proposing A lot of municipal facilities take advantage of the building’s roof to install photovoltaic panels to produce electricity. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 14 measures to overcome these barriers and encourage Installation of new smart street lighting in had 88,775 m2 of planned thermal energy installations the hiring of ESCOs to implement energy efficiency Barcelona and thermal solar energy is still being promoted for the measures in public buildings. Work is also being done existing stock of buildings. Other uses are now also being on a tender for energy management based on the ESCO In accordance with the new General Plan for Lighting  , promoted, particularly solar-powered DH&C, taking model for a large number of municipal buildings. in 2013 work started on installing new street lighting advantage of the fact that there’s more solar radiation that is brighter, more efficient and uses new technology. available (in the summer and at midday) when demand Promoting the regulation and control of The aims of this new lighting system are to prioritise for air conditioning in buildings is at its peak. buildings as an energy-saving and efficiency pedestrians over road users, to improve lighting strategy levels, incorporate systems for control and regulation Municipal renewable energy that improve energy and functional efficiency and to installations The optimisation of regulation and control is a key personalise streets, buildings and monuments. Up to measure to implement energy-saving and efficiency 2015, 15 million euros will have been invested to renew Barcelona has been working on various renewable strategies. This is an efficiency tool applicable to any 100 street sections and 2,500 lighting points in the city. energy projects of different types, most applied to kind of system (DH&C, lighting, office automation, buildings and areas owned by the municipality. A communications, among others). It guarantees large number of these projects aim to continue the reductions in energy consumption with no drop in the 1.3.3 Encouraging local energy public authority’s promotion of the use of renewable quality of the service provided and lengthens the useful energy resources and, at the same time, to make users life of the installations, resulting in economic savings generation to increase self- of municipal facilities and citizens in general more both by reducing the electricity bill and the maintenance sufficiency aware of the technologies for and management of required. In November 2011 the Barcelona Energy energy efficiency. Barcelona currently has a significant Agency published its “Basic Guide on energy efficiency Consolidation of thermal solar energy for number of renewable energy installations, such as: in municipal buildings”   which describes specific buildings photovoltaic power generators on municipal buildings efficiency measures for buildings. It has also drawn up and urban elements such as pergolas and shared a communication protocol for the energy monitoring 2011 saw the approval of a new Environment By-Law constructions, thermal solar installations to produce systems of buildings with the SENTILO municipal sensor whose Title 8 specifies that thermal and photovoltaic domestic hot water, thermal solar installation for platform and the Agency’s own display platform. There solar energy systems must be installed. This applies DH&C on the Peracamps building and at CEM Can are currently 37 municipal buildings being monitored, to almost all new and renovated buildings in the city. Caralleu, geothermal systems for DH&C, a pilot hybrid housing 43 services. It has also monitored municipal Now thermal solar energy is a reality for new builds and photovoltaic and mini-wind installation on the roof of a renewable energy installations (photovoltaic, mini-wind renovated buildings, forming an integral part of their block of flats and in a public area (Finestrelles lighting). power, thermal solar facilities, etc.). construction, like any other element. In 2012 Barcelona It also has the first practically energy self-sufficient Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 15 cemetery in the city with a thermal and a photovoltaic Ecoenergies, recovery of cold energy from the solar installation plus battery, so that it can function regasification of liquefied natural gas at the every day of the year without being connected to the Enagas plant main grid. The port of Barcelona contains one of the largest regasification terminals in southern Europe, with a capacity of 625,000 m31.3.4 New DH&C networks that take (N)/hour. The project makes use of the cold produced during the gasification process, advantage of residual heat and cold which heats up liquefied natural gas using sea water. This project is being implemented in several phases; since Consolidation and extension of Districlima, 2011, the year when it started up, it has provided several the first urban cold and heat distribution clients with cold and heat. In the second phase, 30 MW network in Barcelona of the cold produced by the port’s regasification will be used. Barcelona also produces up to 15,000 tonnes of Districlima was built in 2002 to be used for heating, air biomass from the city’s public parks which can be used conditioning and domestic hot water, taking advantage to generate energy. of the heat left over from the treatment of solid urban waste. Initially the project was located in the area 9 clients are currently connected but a project has been developed to hold the 2004 Universal Forum of Cultures started to connect Mercabarna to the network so that, but has gradually been extended. Investment currently by 2017, all the cold required by Barcelona’s main market totals 97 million euros, 50 million of which come from will be supplied using residual cold from the industrial public funding. process (the transformation of liquefied natural gas into natural gas). The energy capacity of the Districlima network is: Total hot water: 90°, 52.2 MW Total cold water: 5°, 73.7 MW The current capacity of Ecoenergies is: Recovery of 24 GWh/year of steam from the TERSA Heat power under contract = 17.8 MW The Ecoenergies plant at Barcelona port makes use waste treatment plant. Cold power under contract = 12.6 MW of the cold produced by the regasification process. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 16 TANGER POWER PLANT CFORUMPOWER PLANT FORUM POWER PLANT WASTE TREATMENT PLANT HOTELS OFFICES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL CENTRES OTHER COLD POWER: 74 MW || HEAT POWER: 52 MW || No. BUILDINGS: 81 || NETWORK: 15 KM The Districlima network has been expanded, reaching 13 km The Ecoenergies network, which re-uses cold produced by the with 81 buildings connected in 2013. regasification process, is currently 7 km in length. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 17 1.4 Future goals and measures In addition to the goals established by the PECQ to re- 1.4.1 Planning the medium and sions, as well as the emission of other contaminants duce GHG emissions at a general level, Barcelona also with a local effect. wants to move towards self-sufficiency, thereby redu- long-term energy strategy cing its dependence on external energy sources, to this The Plan aims to increase self-sufficiency, currently at a end promoting the presence of local, renewable and Barcelona Energy Self-sufficiency level of 1.9%, and fulfil the city’s commitments regarding networked energy production. Among the many social Plan the targets set by the European Union to reduce emis- and economic benefits, a reduction in the energy im- sions by 20% in 2020 and by 80% in 2050. ported lowers dependence on fossil fuels, boosts the This instrument is the channel towards self-sufficiency. local economy by creating jobs associated with renewa- The Plan aims to maximise the generation of renewa- ble energy sources and energy efficiency and positions ble energy within the city itself, as well as reduce the The Barcelona Self-Sufficiency Plan contains Barcelona as a pioneering city in the installation and use overall consumption of energy via efficiency measures. measures for the domestic sector, for transport, of renewable systems in the urban environment, a task These two lines of action are the main strategic tool to public spaces and the municipal area. that is not always easy. improve efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emis- Monitoring installations is the first step to determining the energy consumption patterns of buildings and identifying energy-saving measures. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 18 MAIN MEASURES FOR EACH OF THE AREAS OF ACTION Transport sector Promote energy storage (heat and electricity) Encourage the implementation of electric and hybrid Encourage new installations of renewable energy Domestic and tertiary sector vehicles in the city’s fleet of buses sources (thermal solar, mini-wind, photovoltaic, offs- hore wind) Promote the refurbishment of buildings and their Promote the electrification of taxis, vans, commercial installations in energy terms vehicles and motorbikes Encourage self-sufficient buildings and blocks  , with Redesign the distribution of goods, especially over a zero energy balance “the last mile” Municipal Install renewable or residual energy sources into Develop the Energy Self-sufficiency Plan for Municipal existing buildings Buildings Promote energy-saving and efficiency measures Public spaces and infrastructures Electrify the municipal fleets of vehicles Encourage DH&C micro-networks plus new connec- Roll out the General Lighting Plan for Barcelona   tions for existing networks Install self-sufficient urban elements (bicycle rental Incorporate thermal solar energy within the existing sites, garden tool sheds, beach bars, etc) DH&C network Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Energy and climate change mitigation 19 21 Summary diagram 22 2.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 23 2.2 General context and current situation 23 2.2.1 Barcelona, vulnerable to the impacts of climate change 24 2.2.2 Climate change presents new challenges for the city 26 2.3 Measures taken to boost resilience and climate change adaptation 26 2.3.1 Creating new tools to improve governance Resilience and 28 2.3.2 Prevention and support for people’s health climate change 28 2.3.3 Fomenting environmental services for green areas 29 2.3.4 Preserving biodiversity as an asset for the city adaptation 30 2.3.5 Planning and major works to guarantee water supply 30 2.3.6 Flood management and coastline protection 32 2.3.7 Energy savings, efficiency and renewable sources, the keys to guaranteeing energy supply 33 2.4 Future goals and measures 33 2.4.1 A commitment to an adaptation strategy 33 2.4.2 Planning to become a more resilient city Barcelona is adapting to the risks and effects of climate change Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 20 - 40% Resilience Current situation rainfall in summerand climate Climate change: x 2 sea level change Main frequency + 0.5º of downpours + 20-60 cm adaptation impacts by 2020 and droughts by 2100 Main Vision of challenges the future Heatwaves Urban heat island effect Drought Floods Wildfires Becoming a city that tackles risks and Increase in Change in energy guaranteeing Coastal erosion Reduction in tourism demand for water consumption patterns citizens' Lines quality of life of work Governance tools Guaranteed Planning Protecting ‘Resilience resource supply Flood management ‘Resilience and the sea front boards (TISU)‘ ‘Desalination plant‘ ‘Rainwater climate change ‘Plan to stabilise ‘Situation room‘ ‘Energy self-generation‘ storage tanks‘ adaptation plan‘ beaches‘ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 21 2.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Located on the Mediterranean coast, Barcelona is a historical city with a dense, compact urban structure that’s facing the challenges Vision of the future typical of a productive, dynamic city of the 21st century. Although a relatively small municipality, it’s an important economic engine and the hub for one of the metropolitan areas with the largest population in Europe. Resilience management and climate change Barcelona wants to be a city adaptation in this complex urban system involves overcoming challenges and maximising opportunities. able to proactively tackle its challenges, impacts and Resilience and adaptation require a paradigmatic change in governance, that entails the incorporation of risk management crises, overcoming them while and cost-benefit analysis in planning, being flexible when defining adaptive solutions given the uncertainty of future projections, a learning, getting stronger, perspective on many different levels and work that crosses both disciplines and sectors. Barcelona has already embarked on this path adding value to the city and and started to incorporate this vision in its policies in all areas. guaranteeing the quality of life of its citizens. New operational tools are required to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. The right mechanisms need to be provided to detect and assess risk early; preventing and/or reducing the impact of stress so that the city can continue to withstand and recover while maintaining its essential functions; improving response capacity and recovery time; providing information and tools to help in decision-making. Barcelona has a significantly high level of risk due to its location on the Mediterranean coast. According to the ESPON Climate project, Barcelona is heavily exposed to extreme climate effects (droughts, heatwaves, flooding). Some important economic activities such as tourism may be affected by the city becoming less appealing. At a metropolitan level, the large green area of Collserola will be affected by an increase in drought and the number of forest fires. Barcelona is vulnerable to the effects of climate change. It has a large concentrations of population and activities of great added value as well as highly dense infrastructures and facilities. Consequently, the material and personal costs resulting from climatological phenomena could be very high. Its infrastructure networks (transport, communications, water and energy) are also highly interdependent, so that any failures in the city’s system could have a knock-on effect. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 22 2.2 General context and current situation Urban resilience is seen as the ability of an urban 2.2.1. Barcelona, vulnerable to the the last few years and the current situation is critical. system to prevent, withstand and recover from any impacts of climate change It’s estimated that 1 metre of beach is lost for every plausible hazard or risk. In 2007 Barcelona suffered a centimetre rise in the Mediterranean’s level. series of incidents that highlighted its vulnerabilities: problems with the high-speed train line, a severe threat Like a number of cities in the world, Barcelona is facing Rising temperatures. The temperature in Catalonia of drought and particularly a cut in the electricity supply increasing risks from climate change. Cities are highly is expected to rise until 2020 and might become 0.5 °C that lasted more than 3 days. The desire to reduce such vulnerable to risks because they have high densities higher than the average for the end of the 20th century. vulnerabilities and their impact resulted in a new line of of population and services. It’s difficult to quantify the The number of tropical nights has been growing at an action aimed at improving urban resilience. long-term risk but the economic and personal costs of ever-increasing rate since the 1980s, with an average the increase in risk associated with climate change could trend for the whole of Catalonia of 1.7 days/decade, Although resilience concerns natural, technological be very high. although this could reach 5 days/decade on the coast. and social aspects, this chapter will mainly deal with A seasonal analysis shows that the most marked rise risks resulting from the climate and specifically aspects According to Catalonia’s Meteorological Office (Servei in temperature occurs in summer, with considerable related to climate change adaptation. Meteorològic de Catalunya), the Mediterranean zone heatwaves. where Barcelona and Catalonia are located will probably be one of the zones on earth that will undergo the most Change in the rainfall pattern. The annual average significant changes. The main risks forecast for Catalonia reduction in rainfall, in general, will be from 5% to and Barcelona, and which have actually started to be felt 15%, with possibly a slight increase in winter. This in the last few years, are as follows: average reduction could reach 40% on the coast and in the summer. Downpours may become twice Rising sea level. The IPCC concludes that the as frequent and their associated peak rainfall rates sea level will increase by between 20 and 60 cm by could increase by approximately 20%. Droughts may 2100. This increase might be slightly lower in the also double in frequency and maintain their intensity A possible increase in sea level would lead to a loss Mediterranean as it’s an enclosed sea. The stability of for longer periods. of sand and beach area. the beaches depends largely on land and sea deposits of sediment, which have decreased significantly over Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 23 Regional area Air temperature at 2m (ºC) Rainfall Average windspeed at 10m Scenario A2 Scenario B1 Scenario A2 Scenario B1 Scenario A2 Scenario B1 Coast and pre-littoral +4.4 +2.3 - - -3% -2.3% Seasonal scale on the coast and pre-littoral Summer The average air temperature might increase by +4ºC and average rainfall could decrease by 50% (Scenario A2) Spring Average rainfall might decrease between -11% and -18% Autumn Higher temperature but great uncertainty as to rainfall Extreme phenomena on the coast and pre-littoral More dry months and longer periods of drought Significant reduction in very cold months Big increase in frequency of very hot months Climate change is expected to lead to significant Greater likelihood of months with little wind changes in air temperature, rainfall and windspeed. Scenario A2 (more unfavourable) and Scenario B1 (average) 2.2.2. Climate change presents new air quality and might intensify heart, respiratory and Challenges to the coast: the coast is already being challenges for the city allergic complaints. The most vulnerable are the substantially eroded as a result of stronger easterly elderly and children. winds and sea storms. Climate change will intensify this situation. Between 1988 and 2007, 3 million m3 The effects of climate change on the pattern of Challenges to natural resources: forest fires are of sand was deposited on Barcelona’s beaches to temperatures, rainfall and changes in biodiversity will expected to get worse and might significantly affect restore them. Groynes have also been built as part of impact the population, economy, resources, governance, the Collserola Nature Park. An overall reduction the Beach Stability Plan. infrastructures, coastline and civil protection services. in biodiversity is also expected with even more opportunities for new invasive species and a larger Challenges to economic activities: tourism is Challenges to people’s health: due to the increase reduction in endemic species, as well as changes one of the city’s main economic activities, providing in frequency and intensity of heatwaves, made even for flora and fauna dependent on wetlands as their 10% of its GDP. A higher average temperature could worse by the urban heat island effect. This will affect habitat is more likely to dry out. affect this tourism. According to the PESETA Project, Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 24 fewer tourists are expected to arrive in the summer, Challenges to resources such as water and Regarding energy consumption, the number of days preferring spring and autumn. Climate conditions energy: current studies point to the demand for of heating is expected to fall while the days that air will improve in northern Europe, which could reduce water rising by 5-12% due to a reduction in comfort, conditioning is used will rise. The net change in the number of tourists to the Mediterranean coast. increase in evapotranspiration of vegetation, tourism, energy demand is difficult to predict but there will be In spite of the negative effect this would have on the etc. Added to lower rainfall and smaller rivers, this will considerable changes in the patterns. The challenges economy, it would reduce tourism-related stress at put a lot of pressure on available resources. involve guaranteeing energy supply and the ability certain times of the year. of infrastructures to adapt to these changes in consumption patterns. Challenges to waste water infrastructures: the increase in intensity and frequency of torrential rainfall could outstrip the capacity of treatment plants and lead to floods. The waste water system needs to be expanded to be able to handle runoff, prevent floods and preserve water quality along Barcelona’s coast. Challenges to governance: the challenges resulting from climate change entail a paradigmatic change in terms of governance. Challenges to civil protection: in its planning and the Municipal Action Plan, Barcelona has included recommendations and obligations from Catalonia’s emergency plans, as well as having its own municipal emergency plans (PAEM), particularly those concerning heatwaves, lack of drainage (floods), forest fires, etc., and Climate change poses a threat to urban infrastructures, such as treatment plants where the increase in torrential its Specific Municipal Emergency Plans (PEEM)   when rainfall could outstrip their capacity. supplies fail in electricity, gas, etc. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 25 2.3 Measures taken to boost resilience and climate change adaptation Most impacts resulting from climate change in Barcelona It manages incidents affecting the city’s services via the are phenomena that are already happening (droughts, Creation of a Resilience Department Operations Centre, analyses the city’s problems via the floods, heatwaves, etc.) and what we expect are changes Situation Room (information management platform) and in frequency and intensity. In this respect, although The Council now has the organisational structure implements projects to reduce vulnerability and risk via Barcelona has yet to define its strategy of resilience and required to lead and coordinate urban resilience projects. Resilience Boards (TISU). climate change adaptation, for some years now it has The Resilience Department reports to the Adjunct Office already been working to minimise such impacts. for Infrastructures and Urban Coordination and its Creation of Resilience Boards (Urban Service objective is to reduce the vulnerability of Barcelona city, Infrastructure Boards - TISU) to improve work improve its ability to respond and recover as quickly as across the board 2.3.1. Creating new tools to improve possible and reduce the impact of critical situations. In 2009 TISU were set up, organised into work groups governance The department is based on the three areas that make up by sector and carrying out specific projects in order to the cycle of continued improvement to create resilience. reduce any vulnerabilities identified. This methodology Preliminary assessment of weak points in the for working on resilience entails the cooperation of all supply of services agents involved and is based on four fundamental steps: The 3S Project (Guaranteed Service Supply) 1) risk detection; 2) risk assessment; 3) assessment of Barcelona City Council, via the different departments relates to the supply networks (water, energy and resilience; and 4) building up resilience. involved and with the collaboration of network telecommunications), health (sewerage, food, waste, owners and operators, carried out the 3S Project environmental monitoring, social and health services Apart from determining certain goals and an action (Guaranteed Service Supply) to ensure that supply and public health) and communications (public plan to set about achieving them, each improvement and interconnections between these and the different transport, mobility, infrastructures). project generated by this process must establish infrastructures in the urban systems all work properly. a monitoring and improvement system in order to evaluate its degree of success, thereby completing the Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 26 loca l administration cycle going from defining the project to communicating TISU are organised into and updating it, with its subsequent redefinition, where different work groups applicable. by sector We should stress the value of these boards in terms of the change in working culture at the Council, thanks t so re ls to the involvement of interest groups and the multi-wn ctu e p tru n un sector and multidisciplinary work carried out.lan as n tnin rg d i nf arb n d u Situation Room, the platform for analysing and ou an rgr managing information de un Managing the city is a complex matter due to the large number of operators and agents involved, because of TISU telecommunications COORDINATION energy the obvious interdependencies to be found between the TEAM different urban systems and the way information is often managed in isolation. The Situation Room is a tool that provides new ways of managing and sharing information with all the agents involved. It enables the joint analysis of data which were previously not correlated and s ice w provides new knowledge for making decisions, in both se rv a l ter the strategic and operative areas. It has vast potential, oc ia cy s cle one currently operational example being that it can be consulted online. This is a lengthy process to which other services will gradually be added. Sharing knowledge with other cities Experiences and information can be shared by taking part in international projects and networks of cities and multilateral bodies. For example: Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 27 atio ns r ist n i m d a r he mobility and public transport municipal services vic es er o s t p riva t e ICLEI, with projects such as Cities Adapt, Ramses, 2.3.2. Prevention and support for 2.3.3. Fomenting environmental Open European Day and Resilient Cities. people’s health services for green areas The “City Resilience Profiling Programme” (CRPP)  , is now being implement via the UN-HABITAT offices Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Creating a management and planning tool: the in Barcelona. With the cooperation of ten cities, Heatwaves on Health (POCS)   Barcelona Infraestructure and Biodiversity Plan this programme seeks to identify a conceptual 2020 and practical framework for urban resilience, with Catalonia launched this Plan in 2004 and implements it software applications and an improvement in the annually with the aim of forecasting weather-related risk This strategic instrument defines the municipal authority’s implementation and monitoring of results. situations as early as possible, minimising the adverse challenges, objectives and commitments as regards the effects on people’s health and coordinating existing preservation of green areas and biodiversity and how well UNISDR, with the ‘Making Cities Resilient’ campaign, measures and resources. When the Plan is activated, the city people know, enjoy and take care of such resources. which calls Barcelona a “role model city” in its main measures which are carried out are: infrastructures and urban services for the work Improving knowledge of urban green spaces carried out with TISUS, and has given it a place on the Preventive operations for the vulnerable: this by establishing cooperation schemes with Steering Committee. provides information on the risk status and monitors research centres the situation through services that care for those at C40, a network of cities on Resilience and Risk risk (Remote Assistance, Home-Based Care Service, The Plan establishes lines of action intended to gain Assessment of Risks stemming from climate change. social service centres, etc.). A number of measures in-depth knowledge on the effect of climate change are activated in order to prevent the most vulnerable on natural vegetation, the selection of species in Barcelona has also prepared a benchmarking system on people from going outside at times of greatest heat accordance with their water requirements and their other cities’ plans for adaptation to climate change  . (‘meals on wheels’ arranged, extending activities at ecological functions and the use of alternative water day centres for the elderly, etc.). resources for watering the city’s vegetation. Specific operations on the street: a service made up Microclimatic regulation and minimisation of of 21 professionals and 6 vehicles coordinated by the heat island effect On a global scale, apparently different cities share Barcelona Social Emergency Centre (CUESB) goes comparable problems that increase the fragility of out to provide, in the field, anyone at risk with care Plentiful vegetation provides shade, humidity and the systems and the impact on people. That’s why and advice. They distribute water to the homeless, fresh temperatures, thereby improving the comfort of it’s important to encourage cities to share their inform them of the possibility of using the available public space. That’s why different green corridors are experiences. air-conditioned reception centres, etc. being designed (see Chapter 4, urban green spaces and biodiversity  ) and opportunities are being sought to Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 28 provide a larger area of vegetation (green roofs and walls). Holding back rainwater, cutting down the amount of water 2.3.4. Preserving biodiversity as an Barcelona has 65 hectares of roofing to be occupied, collected by the sewerage system and therefore also the asset for the city counting only buildings for public use, and 95.7 hectares pollutant content reaching treatment works, etc. if we add private amenities such as hotels, museums, clinics and schools. These green roofs and walls make a Preserving the biodiversity of species contribution to microclimate regulation by: vulnerable to climate change Improving the heat insulation of buildings. The Programme to protect amphibians is an example of this. According to the IUCN, 52% of amphibians are Cooling down the atmosphere, thus improving the Preservation of biodiversity is a priority for the city. sensitive to climate change. In cooperation with the efficiency of solar panels. Galanthus association, Barcelona Zoo and Barcelona The roof of the Northern Zone Library (or other municipal initiatives such as the Fàbrica del Sol) is a good example of how important this kind of roof garden can be. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 29 University (UB), a programme has been adopted since capacity of over 60 hm3 of drinking water a year (25% of 2.3.6. Flood management and 2008 establishing protocols for action and management the water supplied to Barcelona and its metropolitan coastline protection for personnel carrying out maintenance work in parks and area) even though it’s only running at 10% of its capacity gardens with ponds. This involves carrying out censuses, at present, in order to carry out maintenance work on reintroducing individual specimens, enhancing habitats, the installations. Improving the planning and management of removing exotic fauna from the ponds and disseminating the sewerage system the project to raise people’s awareness and involve them. 158 toads, 146 tree frogs and 85 Perez’s frogs have been Improvement of the system’s redundancy Progress has been made by implementing the system released and 450 tadpoles have been rescued. for remote controlled management and another was to Carrying out building work to connect the header create a specific TISU (see 2.3.1 Creating new tools to improve tanks for the 2 Llobregat – Besòs basins and drafting governance ) to study the critical points of the network 2.3.5. Planning and major works to contingency plans for the different pressure coordinates and, depending on the results obtained, to prioritise and in order to guarantee supply. plan investments to improve the drainage network. guarantee water supply Flood management with a network of Technical Plan for Making Use of Alternative Municipal Action Plan for Drought Risk underground tanks to collect rainwater or anti- Water Resources 2012-2015 USD (Unitary System Discharges) This Plan helps to anticipate a drought and apply specific This Plan points out the many existing resources that drastic measures to save water, as well as informing the In order to prevent rainwater from running directly into can potentially be taken advantage of, both in terms of public and making them duly aware of this. The measures the sea, since this water is highly contaminated from city groundwater resources and also water regenerated at El taken by the Council (in a Level I Emergency Situation) runoff, and also to prevent flooding, there is a network Prat Wastewater Treatment Plant. It also states that there generate savings of about 83,000 m3/a month. Some of of tanks which retain this water. After the rainy period are demands which can be met with these alternative these involve reducing the hours that fountains are on, is over, the water is taken in a laminar flow to the water resources and provides an analysis of the different types increasing the use of groundwater to 67% for cleaning treatment plant, increasing the share of rainwater that’s of non-drinking water and the quality requirements the streets and for irrigation, etc. treated before being dumped in the sea. The water for different uses (see Chapter 9. Water cycle  ). retained also has a lower contamination level thanks to Actions to raise awareness of reducing water the sedimentation caused during collection. consumption Building the desalination plant Annual rainfall in 2011 was 758 l/m2, spread over 58 days of (see Section 9.3.4 Awareness-raising campaigns  ) significant rain. The level of rainfall classed as an alert was On 20th July 2009 Barcelona’s desalination plant in El reached on five occasions and the emergency level was Prat de Llobregat became operative. It has a production triggered three times. In all this rain, the retention tanks Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 30 stopped the drainage network from being overloaded at the most critical flood points. They also meant that 1,784 tonnes of solid material suspended in the water did not have to be dumped into the sea, by treating 7.15 million m3 of water. Another step in flood management, which helps the rain falling in the city to permeate the subsoil and increase underground water reserves in higher, newly-developed zones, are Sustainable Urban Drainage Techniques (TEDUS), which make the peak flows laminar and reduce the volume of runoff. Ten green spaces have been designed with sustainable drainage techniques. Managing the coastline via Barcelona’s Beach Stability Plan This Plan sets out to protect the city shoreline and prevent the loss of sand that takes place every year through the effect of storms at sea. The project consists of reinforcing the sea front in order to make sure the sand stays on the beaches, as well as guaranteeing the environmental quality of the water. With a cost of 33,000,000 euros (financed by the Ministry of the Environment), the project covers a length of almost Barcelona has a network of 5000 m of Barcelona’s coastline. The project will be 12 anti-USD tanks, with a total tanks in operation 3 carried out in different phases and the first measures will capacity of 600,000 m . tanks in the design stage be extensions and construction of groynes to counteract tanks planned the sea currents that remove sand from the beaches, as well as supplying over 700,000 m3 of additional sand. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 31 2.3.7. Energy savings, efficiency legislation which makes it compulsory to include and renewable sources, the keys to thermal solar panels on renovated buildings and new Improvement of incident management builds. In 2012 the Photovoltaic Solar By-Law also came guaranteeing energy supply into force. Action protocols have been set up so that, in certain cases, any incidents which might be critical can be The waste generated in Barcelona is also processed identified, notifying the services responsible in time for Creating planning and management tools at different facilities in order to obtain energy. For them to be able to determine the impact level, deal with example, at Sant Adrià del Besòs waste recycling plant the interdependence with other systems and thereby The Plan for Energy Self-Sufficiency defines the strategies they produce 16,900 kWh of heat and 108,000 kWh reduce any knock-on effect. required to ensure increasing energy efficiency, the of cold a year. The ecoparks which serve the city also presence of renewable energies and the reduction of have installations to produce and make use of biogas to local emissions of pollutants. generate electricity and heat thanks to a cogeneration plant. These ecoparks generate 196,135,203 kWh a year As regards the Plan for the Energy Self-Sufficiency of by processing organic waste. Municipal Buildings, this considers measures to be taken at municipal facilities to reduce their energy Improving energy efficiency with DH&C consumption, accounting for 10% of the consumption of networks all municipal activity and public transport. As far as efficiency is concerned, we should note the Barcelona’s Lighting Improvement Plan has led to production of electricity and the supply of cooling and improvements in the management of the city’s lights. heating by means of the new Ecoenergies power station Over the last few years the number of bulbs has in Zona Franca. This combines different systems, increased while energy consumption has been cut by making it particularly efficient: taking advantage of over 3.7 million KWh per year. The traffic lights system the cold left over from the Port regasification system has also been renewed, now using LED technology. and building a biomass and a tri-generation plant. The DH&C network at the Forum and 22@ zone (Districlima), Commitment to local energies through solar which makes use of the heat produced by the Sant The Districlima network produces and distributes by-laws and reusing waste Adrià waste recycling plant, provides DH&C to a surface hot and cold water by making use of the incineration area of 360,000m2, containing 49 service buildings and of urban waste and energy from seawater. Since 1999 Barcelona has had its own Thermal Solar 4 residential blocks. By-Law, an internationally groundbreaking piece of Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 32 2.4 Future goals and measures In recent years resilience and climate change adaptation 2.4.2. Planning to become a more Defining measures to take into account the protection, have been a priority for the city, as can be seen in the resilient city improvement and reinforcement of existing systems. large number of measures that have been carried out. After a crisis, rebuilding and updating methodologies However, there is still a long way to go, with measures de- in accordance with past experience. signed to go on improving knowledge, improve planning Plan for Resilience and Climate Change and management and fulfil international commitments. Adaptation, a basic planning and Defining key actions to tackle the city’s vulnerabilities, management tool establishing the relevant responsibilities, resources and timelines. 2.4.1. A commitment to an Barcelona is drawing up its Plan with the following objectives: Defining criteria and methodologies to prioritise the adaptation strategy measures described, considering the uncertainties of Involving all agents and improving interdepartmental risks and their consequences. International commitment by joining the and institutional liaison to tackle risks and build a more Covenant of Mayors for adaptation resilient and less vulnerable city. Defining a system to monitor resilience, improving the availability of data and producing information tools for This was assumed by Barcelona City Council, which sig- Extending training, professional skills and personnel better analysis (mapping, visualisation and communi- ned this voluntarily. In accordance with the European development in order to guarantee the availability of cation systems). Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (EC, 2013) the professionals qualified in critical recovery and resilien- Council will undertake to implement a strategy of local ce-building. Raising general awareness of resilience and clima- adaptation (with a deadline of 2 years from when the te change and getting the city’s inhabitants involved covenant was signed). Incorporating the variables of resilience and climate through participatory projects. change in planning, programmes and legislation and establishing criteria for making decisions. Consolidating Barcelona as a forerunner in resilience The Covenant of Mayors on adaptation (Mayors in the Mediterranean region. Adapt) is a European initiative to get local authorities Systemising and defining a methodology to identify involved in adapting to climate change. and assess risks, as well as their impact on the eco- nomy, the environment and citizens. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Resilience and climate change adaptation 33 35 Summary diagram 36 3.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 37 3.2 General context and current situation 38 3.2.1 Different modes of transport for internal and connecting journeys 38 3.2.2 Cars are losing relative importance in the city 40 3.3 Measures taken for more sustainable mobility 40 3.3.1 From the Mobility Pact to the Urban Mobility Plan 40 3.3.2 Around Barcelona, on foot or by bicycle 42 3.3.3 The city’s public transport, more and better quality Mobility and 44 3.3.4 Goods management: from trucks to tricycles urban transport 45 3.3.5 Private vehicles, regulated and contained 46 3.4 Future goals and measures 46 3.4.1 More efficiency and safety through mobility planning 49 3.4.2 Electric vehicles, an opportunity to improve the city’s quality Barcelona, for safer, fairer, more sustainable and efficient mobility Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 34 Mobility and Current 7,662,339 urban situation Daily journeys transport Internal journeys Connecting journeys 64.6 % 35.9 % Vision of the future Public transport Becoming a Bicycle city where mobility is more On foot sustainable Private transport with a better quality of life in Lines the districts of work Street pacification Promoting cycling ‘Widening the area for Connectivity and ‘Increasing cycle lanes’ pedestrians’ efficiency ‘Orthogonal Goods management ‘Improvements for ‘Containment of bus network’ ‘Electric vehicles for the Safety Bicing’ private vehicles’ ‘Electrifying mobility’ last mile’ ‘Road safety plan’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 35 3.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Barcelona’s mobility is partly affected by the city’s geographical location as this has considerable physical limits as well as a distinctly central posi- Vision of the future tion, making it a hub and driving force for Catalonia, attracting a large amount of activity and consequently a lot of journeys to and from the city. Barcelona wants to become Barcelona is surrounded by hills, rivers and the sea. For this reason there are only four access corridors (along the Llobregat and Besòs a city where mobility is rivers and towards the north and south). These corridors are full of infrastructures and their narrowness makes it difficult to construct new ones. more sustainable and where the quality of life is improved It’s the central point for a large metropolitan area. It’s the centre of a complex territorial structure that is highly dense and made up of in the districts, democratising a series of medium-sized towns. Over the years, activity (especially industrial) has moved to these towns, leading to fast growth in mobility the use of public space and requirements between Barcelona and its surrounding area. promoting more sustainable A lot of journeys pass through the city. Barcelona’s strategic location in the middle of the Mediterranean corridor and with one of the forms of movement. It also aims Mediterranean’s most important ports, as well as it being an important economic centre for Catalonia, means that a large amount of traffic to internalise the environmental passes through the city. costs of its mobility, tackling the impacts generated. In this Large thoroughfares divide the city. The presence of large capacity road infrastructures in the city centre such as the Meridiana and respect, it’s essential to replace Gran Via does not only have direct environmental impact (pollution, noise) but also physically splits the city. conventional, fossil-fuel driven Barcelona is a dense, compact, complex city. These features mean that there are relatively short distances between locations which, vehicles with electric vehicles. together with the city’s mixture of uses and services, encourages walking. It’s one of the world’s most popular tourist cities. Most tourists travel by public transport and their needs must therefore be included in the city’s mobility planning. The bus network is very complex. Inherited from the 1950s, its aim was to connect the historical centre with the city’s different districts. As a result, the current network is not isotropic, making it difficult to fit with the city’s transformation in urban planning terms. Barcelona’s hilly terrain affects mobility. A large part of the city is on a slope, making walking and cycling more difficult, as well as ac- cess by public transport (that’s why district buses have been introduced in many areas of Barcelona). There’s no tradition of bicycle use. Bicycles have yet to become widespread in the city of Barcelona. However, since the “Bicing” bicycle hire service was introduced and the cycle lanes were widened, cycling has become more popular. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 36 3.2 General context and current situation Transport in Barcelona is currently the main cause of terms with petroleum products accounting for 95% of all de la Generalitat de Catalunya or FGC), Railway (local, air and noise pollution and also a significant source the sector’s energy requirements. regional and state - Renfe), Tram, Bus (including district of energy consumption. The transport of people and and tourist buses) and intercity bus. goods has become the main consumer of energy in The progressive motorisation of society, the increase the world, with more than 40% of primary energy and in forced mobility, dependence on private vehicles, Regarding road infrastructures, the Spanish government 24% of the consumption of final energy. Moreover, the accidents, congestion, environmental repercussions, is responsible for the basic state and European network, transport industry is still not very diversified in energy etc., require the current mobility model to be redesigned the Catalan government for the basic Catalan network towards more sustainable mobility. and the government of Barcelona province for the local network. The County Council of Barcelonès is In the area of mobility, authority in Barcelona is shared responsible for the complete maintenance of the ring The transport industry in Barcelona is responsible for: between different bodies and cooperation between roads in Barcelona and the City Council is responsible for them is therefore vital to achieve the strategic goals. managing the traffic and the safety of roads, pedestrians 37% of the city’s GHG emissions There’s a wide range of public transport networks, and bicycles, as well as goods distribution. namely: Underground, Metropolitan Train (Ferrocarrils Over 50% of the emissions of NOx and particles Administration responsible Owner of the infrastructure Owner of the service Over 80% of the city’s noise Catalan government Railway: Underground, FGC, Tram FGC (including 7 Renfe local train lines*), intercity bus Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) Underground, Barcelona bus, AMB bus. Taxi Spanish government RENFE state railway network RENFE (state, regional and 6 local Barcelona’s public transport networks are lines) managed by 4 different administrations Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) Tram Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 37 3.2.1 Different modes of transport For internal journeys, the predominant modes are 3.2.2 Cars are losing relative for internal and connecting journeys cycling and walking with 49.14%, while public transport importance in the city predominates for connecting journeys with 50.20%. Regarding private vehicles, these are used much more A total of 7,662,339 stages of journeys are made in in connecting journeys, accounting for 42.15%, than in Mobility on foot is increasing. New zones have been Barcelona every day, of which 64.06% correspond to internal journeys, where they represent 17.67%. created with priority for pedestrians, with journeys internal journeys and 35.94% to connecting journeys on foot reaching 32.7% at present for internal and (between Barcelona and the exterior). connecting journeys as a whole. Mobility has decreased over the last few years, both for Mobility using more sustainable modes has increased Journeys by bicycle are increasing. The number of stages internal journeys, although there was a slight upswing in over the last few years, probably because of the increased by 1.7% last year, with a total of 118,151, 2010 and 2011, and also for connecting journeys, probably effects of the economic crisis. of which 109,282 were internal. In 2013, 7.9 km of related to the economic recession which started in 2007. cycle lanes were built, the current figure now totalling 5000 5000 By bicycle 4000 4000 On foot 3000 3000 2000 Private 2000 transport 1000 1000 Public Private transport has decreased progressively transport since 2008, both for internal and connecting 0 0 journeys. 2009 2013 2009 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 38 Internal journeys Connecting journeys to 2,028,000 in 2013. The total number of vehicles also 64% of the population lives < 3 minutes from a decreased from 2009 to 2012 by 1.4%, representing Bicing point (200 m). 13,571 fewer vehicles on the road, while the car occupation rate continues to be very low (1.21 people/ car). Of note is the case of vans and trucks, falling by 104.9 km, representing 0.06m/per capita. Regarding the 15.1% in the same period (2009-2012). The carriageway use of bicycles as public transport or “Bicing”, in 2013 the currently accounts for 57% of all the area occupied by number of bicycles in service remained stable and the roads but mobility via private vehicle only accounts for number of users returned to the level of 2011, namely 26.7% of mobility 14.2 million travellers per year. Mobility by motorbike represents 17.4% of all private Mobility via public transport remains quite stable. vehicle mobility and the total number of motorbikes and The area prioritised for pedestrians Compared with 2010, the number of public transport motorcycles accounts for 30.6% of all private vehicles. has gradually increased over the ticket validations has fallen by 2.4%. The economic crisis last few years has possibly led to public transport being replaced by In 2013 there were 436.4 km of “30 zones” in the city, journeys on foot or by bicycle in the last two years. where the speed limit is 30 km/h, calming the traffic and reducing accidents. 25 98.9% of the population lives 300 metres from some form of public transport. 20 Last year the number of traffic accident deaths was Mobility via private vehicle is falling. The number of the lowest of the century, totalling 22 victims. 15 journeys by private vehicle went from 2,227,000 in 2008 10 5 Services 1999 2004 2008 2012 Natural areas at 300 metres 99.4 99.5 99.4 99.3 In general terms, 0 Urban transport at 300 metres 98.7 98.7 99.9 98.9 Barcelona is 2006 2012 a city where Recycling points at 300 metres 99.9 99.2 99.2 58.4 different services Pedestrians Vehicles Educational centres at 300 metres 62.7 68.5 67.3 89.3 are close to people. Educational centres at 300 metres 28.8 28.1 34.2 32.5 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 39 Area - km2 3.3 Measures taken for more sustainable mobility The measures implemented over the last few years have establishes the strategic lines to be followed for the been aimed at transforming Barcelona into a city for city’s mobility and has recently been updated. people, improving and extending public transport and promoting more sustainable and safer mobility. 3.3.2 Around Barcelona, on foot or by bicycle 3.3.1 From the Mobility Pact to the Urban Mobility Plan Encouraging journeys on foot Mobility Pact Implementation of several measures to encourage and improve mobility on foot, such as: This covers the participation between the Council and civil society via more than thirty organisations, Widening the area for pedestrians on pavements or associations and experts in mobility, working together to zones exclusively for pedestrians, with restrictions to define a mobility model based on sustainability criteria. motor vehicle access. It is essentially an advisory body with citizen involvement for issues affecting the city’s mobility. Traffic calming in zones that combine pedestrians and vehicles, where pedestrians always have priority and the speed of any vehicle is limited. Urban Mobility Plan 2008-2012 The cycle lane network is increasing, routes are Signage of pedestrian routes. being diversified and journeys between the sea As part of the Mobility Pact, Barcelona Council drew and the hills and also along the Besòs-Llobregat corridor are improving. up the previous Urban Mobility Plan 2008-2012 which Installation of lifts on steep inclines. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 40 Reduction in obstacles on public highways and improved accessibility. Consolidation of School Paths so that children can go to school on their own, improving social cohesion and local relations in the districts. Improvements for bicycle journeys The measures carried out to increase the use of bicycles are: Drawing up the Bicycle Promotion Plan 2012. Extending the cycle lane network. More parking spaces for bicycles: there were 22,350 places in 2013. Extending the public transport use of bicycles (Bicing) and their parking points. Communication campaigns such as “Bicivism” and Bicing rental points and the cycle lane network spread throughout a large part of the city. “Bike Week”. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 41 3.3.3 The city’s public transport, There’s also continuous service throughout the night at of the measures are: voice-guidance systems, route more and better quality the weekend. markers for the blind, door closure lights, easy access platforms, etc. Commitment to transport networks being accessible to everyone Bus. Since 2007, all buses can be used by people with Extension of the underground network functional disabilities: inside the vehicles, with adapted through the Universal Access Master Plan drawn up by areas and visual and acoustic warnings for stops; More kilometres of tunnels and new stations, reaching Barcelona’s Metropolitan Transport Authority (TMB) in outside the vehicles, with access to information for the current figure of 102.6 km in length. The first section 2010. Access to public transport networks is currently the blind. 1,400 stops have vehicle access platforms. of line 9/10 is now in operation, as well as the extensions as follows: of lines 2 and 3 (Canyelles-Trinitat Nova) and a new Montjuïc cable car. This facility has been completely section of line 5, between Horta and Vall d’Hebron. The Underground. At December 2013, 86% of the stations adapted since 2007. In 2008 it was awarded the number of stations has also increased, now totalling 141. had been adapted for people of limited mobility. Some Universal Access Certificate. To encourage journeys by public transport, TMB has prioritised the accessibility of the different transport networks (bus, underground, cable car). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 42 New, more efficient orthogonal bus network In 2012, Barcelona Council and TMB started to redesign the current bus network based on an orthogonal network of fewer but more efficient lines. This new network will have 28 lines (17 vertical, 8 horizontal and 3 diagonal) replacing the current ones, of which 10 have currently been implemented. The new network also includes strategically located changeover areas between lines and other modes of transport. The new network is: Faster, at intervals of 5-8 minutes thanks to the new, more direct routes and the improvements made to traffic light management. Almost half the population will be able to travel to any point in the city in less than 40 minutes. More efficient, thanks to better connection points. 95% of citizens will be able to travel to any point in the city with just one changeover. Easier for citizens to understand thanks to the system’s simplicity and the new image and signage. The new orthogonal bus network includes more direct routes to shorten journey times. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 43 considered to be among the cleanest in Europe. One of 3.3.4 Goods management: from Greening the public transport fleet the technologies being most widely implemented as a trucks to tricycles stage prior to electrification (another goal being worked TMB has reconverted its fleet of buses to reduce on) is that of hybrid vehicles, combining electric with their environmental impact and they can now be combustion engines. These vehicles help to reduce fuel Pilot test for goods distribution via electric consumption and emissions by between 22% and 35% tricycles  and they also provide net savings of 28,000 euros per bus at the end of its useful life (14 years). A pilot scheme has been implemented for 6 months in TMB’s fleet of buses totals 1,065 vehicles, of which 132 are hybrid. the Ciutat Vella district, co-financed by the European Regarding the underground, of note is the effort made programme Smile. A micro-platform has been built, over the last few years to acquire more efficient trains, creating a mini-quay for loading and unloading where taking part in European projects (SEAM4US) and trucks and vans can leave the goods and from which a Vehicles Environmental evaluating and optimising the energy consumption of fleet of electric tricycles completes the delivery process, characteristics various stations, acting on the lighting, power supply, along the route known as “the last mile”. The main aims Low-emission 534 Euro 4 o Euro 5 vertical transport equipment, etc. New optimum speed of this project are to make the logistic process more diesel or with anti- signs have also been implemented, producing savings efficient, modern and sustainable, as well as achieve pollution filters of up to 15%. savings in time and kilometres travelled, save on fuel, Compressed 398 Environmentally reduce emissions and calm traffic. natural gas enhanced vehicles (EEV), comparable with Euro 6 Diesel converted 70 Comparable to Euro The micro-distribution of goods helps to prevent trucks and vans entering the old quarter. into hybrid 5 Natural gas 13 Environmentally converted into enhanced vehicles hybrid (EEV) with lower consumption New hybrids 49 Euro 5, Euro 6 or EEV distributors distribution platform tricycles recipients Pure electric 1 Zero emissions traffic calming zone Total 1.065 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 44 3.3.5 Private vehicles, regulated and contained Barcelona Road Safety Plan 2013-2018  Some of these are as follows: Educational and awareness-raising measures have been Sustainable Mobility Week. Containing private vehicles and reducing planned to reduce the number of deaths by 30% (in line accidents with the European Union’s target to reduce deaths by 50% Day Without Cars. by 2020 compared with 2010) and the number of serious The aim of municipal policy is to encourage a more injuries by 20%, as well as actions related to prevention and “MOTOCIVISME”, a preventative campaign for the rational use of private vehicles via two major actions: control and also corrective measures to improve traffic in- responsible use of motorbikes. frastructures. The priority has been to take action with tho- Limiting the area devoted to traffic, with calming se groups in society that are most vulnerable to such acci- “New Barcelona Traffic Lights”, campaign to raise measures such as “30 zones” and combined pedestrian dents, namely pedestrians, cyclists and motorbike riders. awareness of the new traffic lights as part of the and vehicle zones, which also help to reduce the number Basic Centralised Network Renovation Plan. of accidents. Promoting sustainable, safe mobility Specialist seminars on urban signage. Regulating parking, such as implementing “green” metered zones and diversifying the types of Various campaigns have been run to contain private 17th Barcelona Road Safety Forum. parking spaces (free, free at night, blue zones, for vehicles and encourage more sustainable mobility. motorbikes, reserved, etc.). Between 2007 and 2011 these measures led to free parking for cars decreasing by 45% while the Preferential Green Area increased by 59.8% and pavement motorbike parking increased. Private vehicle management Traffic management measures have been implemented to optimise private vehicles, increasing vehicle occupation and encouraging car-sharing (a platform where members share vehicles) and car-pooling (a Park(ing) Day is an annual event held in more than 170 cities around the world where organisations and citizens place temporary stands in car parking places to demand a more sustainable model of cities. system to share journeys using the same vehicle). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 45 3.4 Future goals and measures Barcelona has two key planning instruments that will establish the main strategic lines for the coming years. The Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) contains all the actions related to infrastructures for public transport for one decade in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, irrespective of the authority responsible 3.4.1 More efficiency and safety and the operator. through mobility planning Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) of the The implementation of these actions will include 103 km Metropolitan Region of Barcelona 2011-2020  of new railway network and 92 new stations, an 8.4% increase in public transport in journeys within the This is the strategic instrument for actions regarding Metropolitan Region of Barcelona and at least a 12% infrastructures, continuing the previous PDI 2001-2010. reduction in energy consumption and emissions into It consists of five programmes of action: the atmosphere. Extension of the train (underground and FGC) and The total investment required to implement the PDI tram network. 2011-2020 is €12,379.5 million (excluding VAT), 25.2% less than the proposals included in the PDI 2001-2010. Deployment of the state railway network. Increased connectivity between different modes of Urban Mobility Plan 2013-2018 (PMU)   transport. This is a strategic planning instrument that sets the goals Road public transport infrastructures. and future lines for mobility. It’s made up of a diagnosis, a proposal and an evaluation of the environment. Modernisation and improvement of existing railway The target of the Urban Mobility Plan is for public transport to reach 41.3% by 2018. networks. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 46 The Urban Mobility Plan establishes quantitative targets for 2018. 2012 2018 Safe Application of the Local 249 serious injuries -20% serious injuries Mobility Road Safety Plan 30 deaths -30% deaths Sustainable Compliance of EU parame- NO2: 4 stations do not comply (out of Compliance of EU parameters Mobility ters* regarding NO2 and PM10 7) with the annual average figure by all stations Fair The new bus network reduces 99% of the population has a bus stop 99% of the population has a bus stop Mobility wait time by half at <250 metres, average frequency 12’ at <250 metres, average frequency 6’ Efficient Improving the logistical Conventional urban distribution system Logistic micro-platforms and new technologies. Efficiency Mobility management of mobility 2013 Pilot Scheme Ciutat Vella district occupation public space and environmental improvements 2012 PMU Scenario (2018) * The average annual figure for NO2 PV 26.7% Private Vehicle -21 % PV 21.1% and PM10 must not exceed 40 µg/m3 at any of the city’s measuring stations. Neither must the daily limit of PM PT 39.9% Public Transport +3.5% PT 41.3%10 (50 µg/m3) be exceeded more than 35 times a year, nor the hourly limit of Bicycle 1.5% Bicycle +67% Bicycle 2.5% NO2 (200 µg/m3) exceeded more than 18 times a year. On foot 31.9% On foot +10% On foot 35.1% Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 47 MAIN MEASURES FOR EACH MODE OF Improve the adaptation of public transport for bicycle TRANSPORT access. Private vehicles Increase people’s appreciation of cycling via Adapt urban design to improve safety. On foot information, communication and promotion. Act on critical points for traffic accidents. Increase the safety of pedestrians. Promote efficient vehicles that reduce noise, Develop more efficient traffic calmed zones. pollution or accidents. Public transport Extend the area for pedestrians and improve accessibility. Consolidate the new orthogonal bus network. Implement 5 pilot “super-blocks” as new urban Encourage T-Mobility: single public transport ticket. organisations whose aim is, among others, sustainable mobility (See chapter 5. Sustainable land Reduce the kilometres of empty taxi traffic. use  ). Urban goods delivery (DUM) By bicycle Promote DUM using low impact modes of transport. Extend and improve the network of routes and parking places for bicycles. Study the implementation of Local Areas and Distribution Centres. Revive the registration and marking of bicycles to prevent theft. Incorporate new technologies to improve management. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 48 3.4.2 Electric vehicles, an opportunity to improve the city’s quality Strategy to implement electric vehicles in Barcelona Being aware of the potential benefits of implementing electric vehicles in the city (improved air quality, less noise, less energy dependence, help to develop renewable energy sources, etc.), Barcelona wishes to encourage their use. To this end, collaboration is required between all administrations, institutions and companies in the sector to ensure the presence of such vehicles, the possibility to recharge them (there are currently 263 charging points), provide financing, implement suitable mobility policies, etc. Other lines of public action are a commitment to introduce EVs in municipal fleets, thereby demonstrating their viability to the market, as well as improve the recharging network in public areas, extend charging points in underground car parks and encourage and provide regulations that govern their incorporation in the private car parks of existing and new buildings. In 2013, Barcelona One of Barcelona City Council’s aims to make electric vehicles a benchmark for private and/or public transport in had more than 300 electric vehicles in its municipal fleet, the city, both individual and collective. used mostly by the cleaning service. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Mobility and urban transport 49 51 Summary diagram 52 4.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 53 4.2 General context and current situation 53 4.2.1 Barcelona, sensitive towards urban green and biodiversity 53 4.2.2 The amount of green area is increasing 55 4.2.3 The biodiversity of cities must also be preserved 57 4.3 Measures taken to enhance green environmental services 57 4.3.1 Protection and conservation, commitments to the future 59 4.3.2 Green spaces, a key element in transforming the city Urban green 61 4.3.3 Communication and involvement to raise citizens’ awareness and biodiversity 62 4.4 Future goals and measures 62 4.4.1 Increasing green spaces and their services, goals in the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan Barcelona enjoys and benefits from green spaces Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 50 18.05 m2 35.3 % Urban green Current situation of green space per of Barcelona’s municipality is green spaceand Urban green inhabitant biodiversity Parks Collserola Private and Park green gardens 47 % 22.5 % 30.5 % Vision of the future Becoming a city where Biodiversity 1,172 299 nature and plant species indigenous animal species urban life interact and develop Lines of work Social and Preserving environmental green biodiversity services and ‘Amphibian connectivity ‘Network Protecting spaces programme’ of green corridors’ Well-being and Raising awareness and ‘Collserola NP’ ‘Control of invasive ‘Vertical gardens’ enjoyment ‘Network involvement of citizens ‘Montjuïc Cliff’ species’ ‘Living roofs’ of urban allotments’ ‘Bioblitz’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 51 4.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities The compact nature and complexity of the city of Barcelona impose some limitations on urban green and biodiversity but also Vision of the future provide diversity. The main conditioning factors that should be considered are: Barcelona sees the city of the Barcelona is a compact city, geographically limited between the sea, hills and rivers and also densely populated. One future as a city where nature and of the most densely populated cities in Europe, Barcelona has little land available to develop new green spaces. urban life interact and develop; its goals are therefore: It comprises a wide range of environments and ecosystems. The two estuaries, with their deltas; the coastline with sandy beaches, the hill of Montjuïc; the Collserola range of hills inland and the plain, which is the area most occupied by the urban fabric mean Establish an ecological infra- that the city has a particularly varied range of habitats. structure that provides environ- It’s a hot city with little, irregular rainfall. The months of June and July are critical, with minimum rain and maximum temperature. mental and social services and In general the lack of rain and its irregular distribution throughout the year limit the vegetation’s ability to retain water, being further that reconnects the city and the amplified in the urban green by the land’s inability to absorb water. This situation is likely to get worse due to climate change. territory. Some fauna and flora could be invasive. This has created problems for public and natural spaces on the outskirts of the city Appreciate, preserve and and could lead to indigenous species being displaced. strengthen the city’s biodiversity Green planning is relatively recent. Until 1976 the city of Barcelona did not have an urban development plan including provisions and prevent the loss of species for green spaces. On the other hand, the Collserola Special Plan dates from 1987. and habitats as a natural asset of the Earth and as a benefit for Barcelona, sensitive towards urban green and biodiversity. Barcelona has been working to protect urban green areas. present and future generations. Biodiversity has been included in municipal policy commitments and both human and financial resources are allocated to it, working in coordination with other institutions and bodies, both local and international. Take advantage of all oppor- tunities to provide a place for nature and encourage people’s contact with natural elements. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 52 4.2 General context and current situation Nature is present throughout the city but often in Ordinance of the Urban Green of Barcelona), whose 4.2.2 The amount of green area is isolated areas, without continuity. Urban green spaces Title 7, on green spaces and biodiversity, governs the increasing provide ecological values that are essential for the city implementation, maintenance, use and enjoyment of such as nature, biodiversity, complexity and connectivity green spaces and biodiversity, as well as their different and socio-cultural values, such as health, well-being, components. Barcelona has remarkable natural assets thanks to the size beauty, countryside, culture and helping social relations. of the Collserola range of hills, covering more than 8,000 Participation in the Local Action for Biodiversity hectares in total. Collserola Park is a wooded park that One of the city’s priorities is and has been to develop project. This project by cities involves: assessment forms part of 9 municipalities; 22.5% of its area is within the these environmental and social services for green of urban biodiversity, institutional commitment, municipality of Barcelona. It’s the largest and most diverse spaces, protect existing free spaces and extend and preparation of a 10-year biodiversity plan and wooded area in the city and the only one benefitting from connect them whenever possible. implementation of 5 actions in the city. As part of this specific protective measures. The park has a mosaic of project, Barcelona signed the Durban Commitment. habitats providing a considerable range of species. It One of Barcelona’s good practices to encourage should be noted that the EU’s 1992 Habitats Directive 4.2.1 Barcelona, sensitive towards biodiversity on a global scale is to apply criteria of designates three of these (Quercus ilex forests, pine forests sustainability to its purchases of wood. and dry grasslands) as habitats to be conserved. urban green and biodiversity Approval of the Green Infrastructure and From Barcelona’s ecological map (in an analysis of trends Barcelona has been working to protect free areas Biodiversity Plan. (see section 4.4.1 Increasing green since 1977), it can be concluded that forests and urban and biodiversity for many years now. Some of the key spaces and their services, goals in the Green Infrastructure green zones have increased and that crops now have a milestones are as follows: and Biodiversity Plan  ). nominal presence. Barcelona’s Agenda 21. In 2001 the Citizen Rivers and the sea complete what can be considered Commitment to Sustainability was passed, renewed Barcelona’s natural assets are extremely varied, as Barcelona’s natural environment, most of which has in 2012, dedicating 10 lines of action to protect and ranging from the large wooded park of Collserola to been modified in some way. improve green spaces and biodiversity. the coast with sandy beaches, including river zones in the final sections of the Besòs and Llobregat rivers. Also of note are the 4.5 km of Barcelona’s beaches, a New OMA (2011). Approval of the new OMA (General result of the process to recover the coastal environment Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 53 started in 1980, from the most westerly beach of Sant Sebastià to the beach of Llevant, created in 2006. Regarding the extent of these areas, Barcelona has 3,615 hectares of green accounting for 35.3% of the municipality’s area (2013 data). Of these hectares, 1,102 are strictly urban green (made up of parks and gardens), 1,698 correspond to the municipality within the Collserola Nature Park and it’s estimated that 740 are private green spaces, located mostly in the higher part of the city. Looking only at public green spaces, this area is equivalent to 18.05 m2 green space/inhabitant (6.84 m2 in the urban section, without counting Collserola). The overall amount of green space is therefore quite good but only 30% is strictly public and urban. 20% of the remaining hectares correspond to private green spaces (acting as a lung for the city and providing environmental benefits but without the public being able to use them) and the remaining 50% is the wooded green area of the municipality of Barcelona that lies within Collserola. The area per inhabitant is tending to stabilise although it increased slightly in 2013. Nevertheless, the distribution of public green zones in the city’s different districts is quite uneven. Public green is concentrated mainly in the districts of Sants-Montjuïc, Sant Martí and Horta- Green corridors connect periphery Guinardó. If we include Collserola, then Sarrià-Sant natural areas with the urban area and create the city’s ecological infrastructure Gervasi is the district with the largest public green area. urban green corridors by incorporating green spaces and spaces with natural vegetation or gardens enhancing biodiversity. Apart from Collserola, Montjuïc is the city’s other urban fabric with significant amount of privately used green spaces wooded park. With 450 hectares it’s the space in the city with the greatest biodiversity. It includes 16 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 54 parks with a considerable presence of flora and fauna citizens. 57% of the green spaces measure less than flower beds, ornamental pools and ponds, walls and and Montjuïc cliff has been included in the Catalan 1,500 m2 and, in general, are not very interconnected. roofs, etc. These form a network of spaces of varying government’s Inventory of geological spaces. There sizes. 115 green or living roofs have been counted in are more than 60 species of vertebrates as well as a The trees lining the streets are also important, totalling the city, totalling 4.3 hectares. considerable assortment of ornamental plants from around 161,000 units with 150 different species and different bio-geographical regions. The parks of Tres cultivars. There are still 54 areas of natural interest Turons and Ciutadella are also particularly important within the city that have been inventoried but do not 4.2.3 The biodiversity of cities must thanks to their size, with very different characteristics. benefit from any protection, although there are some conservation measures. also be preserved In spite of the size of the two large wooded parks, the city’s predominant urban green space is modest in size Within the urban part of the city there are other types Barcelona has some particularly significant indigenous (between 1 and 5 hectares) and tends to be located in of urban green in addition to parks and gardens that fauna, such as all its amphibians, reptiles and mammals the middle of the urban development, within reach of provide a range of biodiversity: squares, allotments, (except those that constitute pests). The fish species in 30 20 Although Barcelona’s trees are highly diverse, 4 species represent 40% of the 29 19 street tree population (plane, nettle tree, pagoda tree and black poplar). 28 18 Celtis Tipuana tipu 4.86% 27 17 australis 9.23% Styphonolobium japonicum 4.52% Ligustrum lucidum 3.36% 26 16 Platanus x Pinus pinea 3.33% hispanica Brachychiton populneum 3.02% 25 15 20.79% Melia azederach 2.64% 1997 2013 Robinia pseudoacacia 2.53% Rest of Ulmus pumila 2.50% The city’s green surface area has increased year after year while the area the species Pinus halepensesis 2.32% per inhabitant has tended to stabilise. 36.69% Prunus cerasifera ‘Pisardii’ 2.18% Populus nigra ‘Italica’ 2.03% Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 55 Total area - km2 Area per inhabitant - m2/ inhabitant freshwater have been introduced, however. In terms of Group Species birds (the most numerous and with the most diversity), the most relevant species are jackdaw (the UICN Flora 1,172 ornamental species or varieties of broadleaf trees, bushes, conifers, palms, climbers, classifies it as a vulnerable species which has found a agavaceae, succulent and aquatic plants. 77.4% of the species or varieties are exotic and 22.6% haven in Barcelona), the peregrine falcon (extinct in the are indigenous. city but now recovered), Alpine swift and grey heron Fauna Order Indigenous Introduced Indigenous Indigenous Protected (with very important colonies within the Catalan context) species species species in species species and swallows (great migrants and requiring protection). urban section urban section Collserola Barcelona urban section Total Barcelona has a wide diversity of tree species within the Mammals 17 0 28 28 7 city although this is not spontaneous biodiversity but the result of the management model for green spaces. Birds 75 7 176 184 55 There are about 200 species of tree in Barcelona, of Reptiles 8 3 16 16 8 which 150 line the streets. Amphibians 3 0 10 10 2 Fish 0 3 4 4 0 Butterflies - - 57 57 - Exotic plant species (77.4%) outnumber indigenous species (22.6%) while, in fauna, indigenous species outnumber the introduced species. All inventories of flora and fauna have been carried out in the city’s parks and gardens except for common birds, which are counted throughout the city. The park of Ciutadella is a good example of the city’s wide variety of trees with more than a hundred species, some of which are over 100 years old. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 56 4.3 Measures taken to enhance green environmental services Barcelona is committed to conserving and improving its Definite demarcation of the protected area. natural assets so that everyone can enjoy and benefit Programmes to preserve biodiversity from them. The aim is to work to ensure nature and Incorporation of the Catalan government in the the city interact and develop and that green assets are Collserola Park Consortium. Regarding specific initiatives to control, protect and interconnected, as well as ensuring continuity with the conserve protected, threatened and/or indigenous natural territory surrounding the city. Priority given to conservation above merely urban species of flora and fauna, there are various programmes: planning protection. Along these lines, over the last few years Barcelona Control and management of urban biodiversity City Council has worked on implementing measures to Improved management, such as protection against in buildings. Since 2004, Barcelona City Council conserve and manage green spaces and biodiversity, illegal behaviour, in situations of expropiation and has promoted the Swallows Project which consists as well as to plan, design and transform the city and to granting licences to carry out building work. of controlling and supporting the population of provide information and encourage involvement. common swallows (Hirundo rustica) and house martins (Delichon urbicum). This programme has now become Protecting the Montjuïc cliff a Programme of urban biodiversity management in 4.3.1 Protection and conservation, buildings to conserve birdlife in walls undergoing The Montjuïc cliff has a wide range of assets that are restoration (kestrels, swallows, common and Alpine commitments to the future highly significant when considered as a whole: landscape, swifts, crows). Since the campaigns started (2006), fauna, flora, history, science, social assets, etc. It’s the 210 artificial external nests have been installed green space of Barcelona with the widest range of in the city, 74 of these for common swifts, 62 for Declaration of the Collserola Nature Park vertebrate species, over 60 including mammals, birds house martins, 36 for swallows, 23 for bats, 14 for (such as falcons and kestrels), reptiles and amphibians. jackdaws and 1 for kestrels. 29 colonies of Alpine In 2010 the Collserola range of hills was declared a The final approval of the amendment to the General swifts were located in 2013, now totalling 320. Nests nature park  . The declaration involved the following Metropolitan Plan of Montjuïc Mountain identified integrated within walls have also been placed or improvements: Montjuïc as an equipped park, prioritising free areas of adapted, taking advantage of refurbishment work, natural interest and guaranteeing protection of the cliff. specifically 42 integrated nests from 2010 to 2013. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 57 The World Nature Foundation promotes the project Programme to help the Zoo’s   non-captive “WN refuges for fauna and flora”  . Invite nature into fauna (herons and hedgehogs). Actions have your home!” with the aim of creating a network of been carried out to monitor hedgehogs using radio havens for flora and fauna in Catalonia as well as the waves which have identified a minimum population necessary connections to conserve species. of 38 animals, as well as measures to protect them. Regarding herons, since 1974 the Zoo has had the Programme in the urban section to monitor largest colony of grey heron (Ardea cinerea) in the peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus). 1999 saw the whole of Catalonia. Other species are now increasing start of the project to reintroduce the peregrine their presence, such as the little egret (Egretta falcon, which has been successful. 71 chicks have garzetta) and cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis). A species Since 2011, the number of reproduc- been released under this programme since 2004, monitoring programme was started in 2006. There tion points for amphibians (European using the “hacking” technique. The city currently has are around 150 nests. frog, toad and tree frog) at the Tres three stable pairs of falcons. Pins nursery has increased. Programme to protect amphibians. Since 2008 Programme to conserve the jackdaw (Corvus Barcelona City Council, in collaboration with the monedula), classified by the IUCN as vulnerable. Gaanthus association, the Zoo and Barcelona 10 This covers various actions aimed at improving our University (UB), has been running a programme to knowledge and conservation of this species, such manage the ponds and fountains in parks and gardens as placing nesting boxes (14 in 2013) and feeding and to protect amphibians. The project consists of: 8 stations, as well as window stickers at the zoo to carrying out censuses, reintroducing amphibians, prevent birds from hitting the glass and population rescuing tadpoles, improving habitats, extracting fish 6 control (censuses, etc). and other exotic animals, providing protocols for the work carried out by park and garden maintenance 4 Annual monitoring of the city’s most common staff and promoting the project to raise people’s birds. Since 2001, samplings have been taken of birds awareness. The ornamental pond naturalisation 2 in collaboration with Barcelona University and the programme is currently being applied to 79 ponds, 9 Catalan Institute of Ornithology (ICO). The “Monitoring pools and one lake. 36 salamander larvae have also 0 Common Birds in Catalonia” or SOCC method is been released at the Laberint d’Horta park. 2007 2013 applied in Barcelona, counting the number of birds on European frog both sides of an approximately straight route over a Introduction of selective mowing. 2013 saw Toad distance of 3 km, carried out four times a year, twice in the start of an experiment in selective mowing and Tree frog spring and twice in winter. pruning at the Parc de la Trinitat in the district of Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 58 No. of annual reproduction points Sant Andreu. Portions of the grass are mowed less to introduce species in Barcelona and to prevent Comprehensive management to treat pests frequently, forming geometric shapes and patterns invasive species from being planted. and diseases that, in addition to saving work and being attractive, also increase the associated biodiversity, especially Production of guidelines to conserve The comprehensive management of pests and diseases for invertebrate fauna. biodiversity in Barcelona’s gardens prioritises those practices and products that pose less risk to human health and the Creation of a butterfly garden at Parc de Joan Conservation guidelines, currently being produced, environment. Barcelona City Council’s commitment Miró. Introducing flowering species is an effective way refer to the different natural habitats in general and to to sustainability, as well as increasingly restrictive to attract butterflies within the urban part of the city, three parks of particular interest: Parc de la Ciutadella, legislation, have resulted in the progressive use of which is why this technique is also being applied to Parc del Laberint d’Horta and Parc dels Tres Turons. integrated actions to combat pests and disease. This other zones in Barcelona. Having identified the habitats, files have been produced involves a range of controls, especially biological with guidelines for each one. These files include: a resources employing “useful fauna”. The aim is to Programme to control invasive species  . description of the habitat and its potential, its surface combat pests by introducing other species of insect that Gardening is one of the main sources of new invasive area within the city, problems and specific features and are their indigenous natural enemies, thereby reducing plants in the environment and this can endanger proposals to improve conservation and biodiversity. the pest population. The Council coordinates such the natural environment. That’s why Barcelona City prevention, treatment and protection in collaboration Council has promoted two significant areas of action. with other organisations and in line with the regulations The first consists of identifying invasive species and Prevention with allergenic species established by the relevant authorities. making proposals to use alternative species to prevent this. The second is aimed at managing and possibly The diversity and quantity of pollen in the city has been eradicating invasive species. As a continuation of this studied since 1994. These aerobiological reports have 4.3.2 Green spaces, a key element programme, Barcelona City Council has reached an helped to identify the species producing pollen and agreement with the Centre of Ecological Research and what time of the year they are present. The most notable in transforming the city Forestry Applications (CREAF) to verify any proposals species are: Platanus, Cupressus, Pinus, Quercus, Urticaceae (Parietaria), Olea, Gramineae, Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae/ Amaranthaceae and Plantago. The epidemiological data Barcelona is increasing its green area available show a correlation between pollen in the air Barcelona, as part of its aim to conserve biodiversity, and respiratory allergies; acting on the urban flora can The Parc de les Rieres d’Horta, measuring 4 carries out various programmes to preserve therefore help to improve the quality of life of those hectares, is located on Avinguda de l’Estatut where protected, threatened and/or indigenous species of suffering from allergies and prevent new cases. water used to flow from the streams coming down flora and fauna. off the Collserola hills and where, further up, there was the old water course or “riera” of Horta, the most Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 59 important in the hydrographic system of the Barcelona covered by building a large concrete box on which Eixample district was reclaimed in 1985, namely the plain. This park has been created as a public place for there a “rambla” or promenade will be placed, 700 Torre de les Aigües, there are now 45 green spaces various leisure pursuits and all kinds of users. It covers metres in length. open to the public, in total measuring 94,000 m2. 4 hectares and has been built on top of a rainwater Although of modest size (between 500 and 3,500 tank (with a storage capacity of 75,000 cubic metres Plaça de les Glòries. Work has begun to transform m2), reclaiming interior patios has been a key process of water) and an important “cleaning centre” (for the Plaça de les Glòries, making this square a central in revitalising the Eixample and has improved the city’s street cleaning services). location in the district. The aim is to rearrange the quality of life of its residents given that this district urban mobility, equipment and residences planned suffered from a significant lack of green spaces. Covering the railway line that enters Barcelona and maximise green space, as well as its role as an from l’Hospitalet along the section from Riera Blanca urban development that provides services which are Vertical gardens. Barcelona has implemented a to the surrounding area of Plaça de Sants. Historically environmental rather than merely decorative. plan to install vertical gardens in the middle of the this line has impaired the urban development of the city in order to improve the urban landscape and city, dividing the districts of Sants and La Bordeta. Reclaiming interior patios and other appropriate use natural energy efficiently. One of these actions To correct this situation, this section of line has been areas. Since the first interior patio or “island” in the includes the small garden of Pedró, in the heart of the Jardí Tarradellas, located at Carrer Berlín, 109, is an example of a vertical garden acting as a green lung within the city. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 60 Raval district, where up to eight different species have la Ciutadella offer activities aimed at a wide range of period of 24 hours, carried out by experts and amateur been planted, chosen from the most popular species people related to urban green. naturalists. Every year the chosen zone is analysed and for the district’s balconies. Another wall has been an inventory drawn up. Scientists are involved, studying transformed at the Trinitat Vella Library, with solar Environmental education at schools. Approxima- specific groups of flora and fauna and families are invited panels to supply electricity and a flower bed in the tely 65% of the schools carrying out Agenda 21 School to take part in nature rambles and learn about the city’s lower section, as well as two more in the 22@ zone. projects (244) do so on biodiversity. The “Get close biodiversity. At the same time, complementary activities to parks” programme encourages schools to adopt are also offered such as talks, workshops, etc. public areas. 4.3.3 Communication and involve- Continued training in gardening and landscaping Urban Allotment Network ment to raise citizens’ awareness given at the Training Centre of the Parc del Laberint. Barcelona currently has 329 plots distributed in 14 urban Campaigns and events, such as the Spring Festival, the allotments which, in total, represent almost 25,000 m2, Awareness-raising campaigns Rose Contest, Music in Parks, Christmas campaign, etc. making up the Urban Allotment Network, benefitting over 500 people, including the elderly, organisations Barcelona City Council aims to make its citizens more Activities at Barcelona Natural Science and the disabled. aware of its green spaces and biodiversity. To do so, it Museum  , bringing together zoological and uses the following: geological collections at the Museu Blau and botanical collections at the Botanical Gardens of Publications. Such as park guides and educational Montjuïc. The main aim is to improve our knowledge environmental guides, informative leaflets, specialist and conservation of diversity, as well as promote manuals, posters, books and story books. Various learning and the discovery of the natural world. aspects are covered, of an informative, technical and scientific nature. ”Rutes BCNVerda” app. Montjuïc invites people to discover the botanical delights of its themed gardens Promoting green spaces and biodiversity. Work and other green spaces on the hill. is carried out through the programme of educational and social activities with “Make your home into a garden” workshops. Participation in the BIOBLITZ programme The city’s environmental facilities. The Fàbrica del These seminars have been held since 2010, where all The Urban Allotment Network is a programme involving people aged over 65, starting in 1997. Sol and the Environmental Games Centre at Parc de the organisms in a specific location are identified over a Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 61 4.4 Future goals and measures The main aim is for urban green to be a true ecological infrastructure created by the city whose many different environmental and social advantages can be enjoyed. That’s why Barcelona City Council wants to make the most of its opportune spaces, from unoccupied plots of land to roofs and balconies in all the city’s districts which can be renaturalised, as well as establishing urban green corridors to connect green spaces and create a robust, efficient network. 4.4.1 Increasing green spaces and their services, goals in the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan The Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan establishes that nature in the city represents a true green network which must be seen as an ecological infrastructure serving an environmental and social purpose. Nature Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan 2020 This plan, approved in January 2013, is the strategic 68 actions grouped into 10 strategic lines to achieve Obtain as many environmental and social services as instrument that defines the municipal government’s the following goals: possible related to nature and biodiversity. challenges, goals and commitments regarding the conservation of nature and biological diversity, Conserve and improve the city’s natural assets, Increase society’s appreciation of nature and encouraging the population to get to know its natural preventing the loss of species and habitats. biodiversity. assets, enjoy them and look after them. Achieve the largest area possible of green spaces and Make the city more resilient to emerging challenges, The Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan contains their maximum interconnection. such as climate change. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 62 MAIN MEASURES OF THE BARCELONA GREEN of systems to collect rainwater and capture energy, to INFRASTRUCTURE AND BIODIVERSITY PLAN 2020 locate solariums, cultivate crops, etc. This is promoted by Conservation of species offering financial incentives and by using public buildings as an example, as well as carrying out communication Beehive network in the city. Barcelona aims Connectivity and informative activities. to promote urban beekeeping in response to its commitment to conserve a species protected by Decree Green Corridors project. Barcelona’s network of urban Promoting green roofs. Barcelona currently has 4.3 110/2003. This network will consist of municipal apiaries green corridors will ensure the city’s green spaces are hectares of green roofs. To promote them, Barcelona with bees collected from incidents (in 2013 more than connected with neighbouring green spaces and the City Council has planned to provide financial incentives, 100 swarms were collected) and other apiaries which will outskirts of the city. The project has a long timescale guidance for projects, the creation of regulations and require a permit from the Council for their installation in (2050) and covers a wide geographical area as it involves actions to provide examples and publicise the concept. private areas. the transformation of the urban fabric. Barcelona City Council has been working on this project since 2006, based on a study determining the route to be taken and the publication of a guide containing the corridors’ design criteria, published in 2010. Since 2013 work has Controlling invasive and excessive populations Management tools been carried out on defining the strategies and actions required to create the first Ciutadella/Collserola green Managing the problems caused by wild boar. The wild Tree Master Pan (PDA). Some of the Council’s corridor, planning a series of actions to be implemented boar population is getting larger (in the 2012-13 season documents have become tools to design plantations, over the next 4 years. there were 896 individuals on the Serra of Collserola), select tree species, manage and maintain urban trees resulting in an increasing number of incidents (659 (“Management of roadside trees”  , “Diversification of incidents in 2013). In response to this growing problem, roadside tree species”) but a complete management work is being carried out on a joint strategy between strategy is required. For this reason the Tree Master Barcelona City Council, the surrounding municipalities Plan is being drawn up, which will generate the Opportune spaces and the park of Collserola. The following is planned: to guidelines to be followed when planting, conserving avoid the proliferation of wild boar by capturing them, and managing Barcelona’s trees in the long term (25- Promoting the Living Roofs project, green roofs. adapting public space and improving knowledge of the 50 years). The goals have yet to be fully developed into This consists of reclaiming roofs for different activities: procedures to report incidents, as well as passing by- specific actions and budgeted. This document will also an area for play and relaxation, for strolls, the installation laws that prohibit the feeding of boars, etc. become a contract to be taken into account in urban development projects. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Urban green and biodiversity 63 65 Summary diagram 66 5.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 67 5.2 General context and current situation 69 5.3 Measures taken to improve urban quality 69 5.3.1 Barcelona, a city improving its governance 69 5.3.2 Action taken to maintain a compact city with quality and appeal 71 5.3.3 Encouraging citizen involvement in implementing projects 71 5.3.4 Improvement and revitalisation of the city’s public spaces and key s ymbolic elements Sustainable 72 5.3.5 Montjuïc, an asset to be preserved land use 73 5.3.6 Striving towards a quality model of urban planning 73 5.3.7 Sharing knowledge leads to learning and improving 74 5.4 Sharing knowledge leads to learning and improving 74 5.4.1 The process underway for defining new urban planning instruments 74 5.4.2 Urban conversion to make a city for people 76 5.4.3 ‘Super-blocks’, new districts at a human pace 76 5.4.4 Remodelling emblematic aspects of the city Barcelona, a city that promotes 77 5.4.5 Renaturalising the city and fosters urban quality 77 5.4.6 Children’s recreation areas: increasing quality Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 64 Sustainable Current situation 102.3 km2 1,611,822 inhabitantsland use surface area 15,749 inhabitants per km2 + 50 % of Catalonia’s population resides in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Vision of the future Barcelona Metropolitan Barcelona Metropolitan Urban Development Master Planning General Plan (PGM) Spatial Plan (PTMB) Plan (PDU) -currently being drafted- Becoming a instruments 1976 2010 2013 metropolis of districts at a human Residential  Facilities Urban Industry Road network Wooded parks 25 % 11 % parks and infra-pace 23 % 16 %Land uses 12 % structures (2013) 13 % Lines of work Governance ‘Urban Habitat’ Regeneration ‘Micro Urban innovation ‘Advisory Board for urban developments’ Strategic projects Planning ‘Super-blocks’ Urban Habitat’ ‘Districts Plan’ ‘Plan to ‘Les Glòries’ ‘Urban Development ‘BUITS’ Plan ‘Public Space Board’ Improve Public Space’ ‘La Sagrera’ Master Plan’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 65 5.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Throughout history Barcelona has adapted to people’s way of life. Today the city’s facing new challenges due to the new needs of its Vision of the future citizens and to the change entailed in integrating new infrastructures, technologies and communication. Barcelona aims to become a Barcelona is a compact city where green areas often form isolated spots, scattered here and there with no continuity. One metropolis of districts at a of the city’s priorities is nevertheless to protect open spaces and always connect them as far as possible, in order to take advantage human pace, a city designed for of the ecological value and environmental benefits of green belts (microclimatic regulation and reduction of the heat island effect). people as its priority, a comfortable city seeking excellence in public There’s little permeable land. The urban development process has made the land impermeable, through the construction of space that takes into account the buildings and public thoroughfares and the limitation of space for urban green, leading to the need to find alternative solutions different elements comprising the to retain rainwater. urban habitat - the human habitat. Some districts are eminently residential in nature and some streets form major thoroughfares. There must be a process of urban regeneration of these thoroughfares in order to ensure more mixed uses and make mobility compatible with the more urban roles of walking, shopping and social and economic activity. Barcelona is reinventing itself as a productive city with new economic foundations. The crisis in traditional production sectors went along with the inrush of new information and telecommunication technologies. In 22@ industrial sites are turned into a productive and innovative area. The challenge is to reindustrialise so as to create new jobs. The use of information and communication technologies will add new values to present structures. Barcelona is moving ahead in the creation of distribution networks for local interchange with metropolitan and global connections. Barcelona represents a strategic point along trading and logistics routes for goods, thanks to its geographical position in the north-west Mediterranean and the combination of the airport, the port and industrial estates connected with logistics. Barcelona continuously attracts many newcomers. Barcelona took in the first immigrants in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Since then, different migratory waves have led to considerable urban development pressure. Tourism also places a great strain on the city’s services. The right to housing is materialised in building affordable housing for all the city’s people. The construction of sufficient rented housing for Barcelona’s social needs is vital for the cohesion and balance of the city’s different districts. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 66 5.2 General context and current situation Barcelona has grown and developed exponentially over The Plan developed the criteria of the 1975 Land Act, its sea and beaches (currently 4.5 km in length) with the the course of its history. In the last two centuries the setting minimum standards to preserve public land, neighbouring districts, and integrating this within the city has extended its frontiers and has consolidated its thoroughfares, green spaces, amenities etc. which city as further space for public use, in the most rational position as a great zone in the Mediterranean region have helped to develop a balanced city with several and sustainable way possible. with over 50% of Catalonia’s population residing in modifications. The city was swept up in a further large- Barcelona Metropolitan Area. scale transformation process during the 80s, taking All these events have marked Barcelona’s history, advantage of Barcelona’s candidacy for the 1992 Games. turning it into a diverse, dense and compact city with a The urban planning of the city reflects the different A good deal of the industrial zone was then reclassified structure made up of districts endowed with the same periods of its history (Roman, medieval, modern) and for residential and commercial uses and amenities. services and quality of urban space. Public space is one most particularly the work carried out in the mid-19th of the key factors in its urban cohesion policy, as well as century by Ildefons Cerdà as a result of the need to One of the most significant measures involved in this its network of facilities and civic structures connecting extend the city after the demolition of its town walls transformation was the process of reclaiming the city’s the districts through public transport, cycle lanes and in 1854. The Cerdà Plan took sustainability criteria seafront. From the construction of the Olympic Village, pedestrian areas. on an urban development scale into account, such the first emblematic building project for Barcelona as octagonal blocks with rounded street corners to 92, to the later work carried out for the Forum, a new In 2010 the Government of Catalonia passed facilitate circulation, leaving a green zone for public seafront has been designed made up of different Barcelona’s Metropolitan Spatial Plan (PTMB) . use inside. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the sections with very different characteristics as regards This is an instrument introduced with the aim of Universal Exhibition (1888) and International Exhibition surface area, programmes and uses envisaged. All these providing spatial planning for the area made up of the (1929) led to intense urban planning remodelling. The were nevertheless planned applying the same criterion: counties of Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Barcelonès, great migratory waves of the 50s and 60s led to the city’s ensuring a close connection between the eastern coast, Garraf, El Maresme, El Vallès Occidental and El Vallès fast growth without any kind of urban development Oriental, comprising a surface area of 3,236 km2 and 164 planning. municipalities. Its purpose is to structure the Barcelona The Barcelona Metropolitan Spatial Plan (PTMB) Metropolitan Region as an environmentally sustainable, The Barcelona Metropolitan General Plan (PGM) , covers an area representing only 10% of Catalonia economically efficient and socially equitable and fair still effective today was passed in 1976. This corrected as a whole but where 70% of its population live (4.8 reality, as laid down by Law 31/2010, of 3 August on the the deficiencies accumulated over the years by means million inhabitants). Barcelona Metropolitan Area. of a determined and protracted improvement strategy. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 67 Industrial land Wooded green space Green space Facilities Port Eixample area Other types of eixample In the city of Barcelona, the land used for industrial activities is mainly located on the seaboard close to the Port 25% of the surface area of Barcelona is residential land 100 % Wooded parks 80 % Roadway network 60 % Industry and infrastructures 40 % Urban parks Facilities 20 % Residential 0 % 2010 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 68 5.3 Measures taken to improve urban quality As a priority, the policies of Barcelona City Council turn Barcelona into a smart and self-sufficient city, propose a city designed for its people, containing designed for people. Architecture commissions measures in different fields of action. Quality public space means a space for people to live harmoniously together. Creation of the Advisory Board for Architecture commissions monitor the architectural In recent years Barcelona has made an enormous effort Urban Habitat quality of the major projects carried out in the city. They to turn its different districts into quality public spaces, a are made up of the head architect, a secretary and five process that still continues today. It has also sought to This collegiate advisory body was set up by means external architects. protect trade and the urban landscape as the latter is of a Mayor’s Office Decree in 2011, and consists of part of the urban environment which helps to guarantee around thirty experts in professional, academic and the appropriate quality of life for all the city’s inhabitants. scientific areas. The Board was set up in 2012 and has 5.3.2 Action taken to maintain a The Council has created the Public Space Board (Taula the role of advising municipal authorities on the major de l’espai public), a multidisciplinary body to monitor and issues concerning architecture, design, sustainability, compact city with quality and appeal control using indicators for guaranteeing its quality. the environment, landscape, infrastructures and information and communication technologies related to work on the urban habitat. It can also propose measures District Plans for the city of Barcelona 5.3.1 Barcelona, a city improving related to promotion, education and research into the urban habitat, as well as giving opinions and drafting This is a scheme intended for those urban districts its governance reports on subjects covered by the aforementioned and areas with a combination and overlapping of fields. It must draw up an annual report on the urban shortcomings in planning, building and well-being habitat and the most significant actions that have been that require comprehensive actions to improve their Creation of the Urban Habitat area taken in this field in the city of Barcelona. Based on the inhabitants’ living conditions. Act 2/2004, of 4 June, on experience gained in its first year, changes were brought improving districts, urban areas and towns requiring The large-scale governance area of Hàbitat Urbà , into its operation in 2013: extending the number of special attention was passed by Catalonia’s Parliament covering urban planning, infrastructures, housing, the members of the executive committee and increasing the in late May 2004 and in September that same year environment and information and telecommunications frequency of its meetings. its government passed the Regulation implementing systems, is an area that operates across the board to the law, enabling it to be implemented immediately. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 69 The impact of applying a district plan goes beyond the surface, affecting the social fabric and collective Green and more sustainable walls psychology of districts and providing a firm basis for cohesion. The Plans for Districts implemented in the city Barcelona has started up a plan to install vertical gardens that are still in force are: Torre de Baró-Ciutat Meridiana on some of the city’s buildings with the aim of improving the (Nou Barris), 93% completed and intended to be finished urban landscape and taking advantage of environmental in 2016; El Coll (Gràcia) at a point of 96% completion and services such as the efficient use of natural energy. Some expected to be finished in 2015; La Barceloneta (Ciutat prominent examples of the measures taken can be seen Vella) at 81% and Maresme-Besòs (Sant Martí) at 89%, in the Raval district, where up to eight different species scheduled to be completed in 2018; Bon Pastor-Baró chosen from the ones found on many of the districts’ de Viver (Sant Andreu), at 50% and expected to be balconies have been planted; the work carried out on the completed in 2015; Raval Sud (Ciutat Vella), at 13% and wall of Trinitat Vella Library, with solar panels which supply La Vinya, Can Clos, Plus Ultra (Sants-Montjuïc) at 46%, it with electricity and a flower bed at the bottom, and the intended to be finished in 2016. vertical garden projects in 22@. These are examples of how a smart city adapts urban action to the needs of each Plan for the Comprehensive Improvement of building, improving the appearance of some of its walls. Barcelona’s Public Space 2013-2015 In mid-2013 Barcelona City Council passed the Plan New Ordinance for pavement cafés for Comprehensive Improvement of the City’s Public Space, which covers wide-ranging renovation actions in The purpose of this new Ordinance, published on 31 65 streets and 13 parks until 2015. The first measures December 2013, is to improve public space for people’s implemented in the plan were: improvements in coexistence in the city; promoting, supporting and accessibility to Horta-Guinardó squares, creation of boosting economic activity; creating an accessible and a single platform in Prat d’en Rull in Les Corts, a new inclusive city for everyone; preserving the quality of park inside the block in Sant Martí, renewal of the steps the city’s urban landscape; safety; respect for public in Llerona street in Nou Barris, improvement of the and private property and the rights affected; and the Pavement cafés are one of the city’s great drainage and rainwater collection system and renewal environmental sustainability and quality of pavement attractions. The rising demand for new licences of the paving of pavements and road surfacing in Osona cafés. It establishes criteria to decide on the location has led to a new ordinance which seeks to improve and Putget streets in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi. of these areas (distance from the building and from public space for civic coexistence whilst also street furniture, type of street involved), the items which promoting business. these can include and rules governing their operation. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 70 It also defines spaces for special planning and provides 5.3.4 Improvement and revitalisation children’s games, action on sites where the previous information on how to adapt to these regulations. of the city’s public spaces and key buildings have been demolished, recreation and picnic areas, renaturalised areas and also preparing sites to symbolic elements improve connections between two zones. These measures 5.3.3 Encouraging citizen are carried out on deteriorated or unused sites in the city BUITS Plan for taking advantage of with no definite use in the short term, to enhance them involvement in implementing unused spaces and turn them into spaces for intensive use by the local projects residents. The aim of the projects is to discover such sites, The BUITS Plan (Vacant Urban Sites with Spatial and give them a dynamic quality and add these areas to other Social Implications) is a ground-breaking endeavour in areas frequented by the public on a local scale. Citizens’ participation in urban planning Barcelona implemented by the Council to encourage the involvement of civil society in defining, implementing The Urban Habitat area promotes spaces for the main and managing different projects on unused municipal social agents to become involved in conceptualising sites, either because there is no intention to build in the and implementing projects and plans connected with short term or because the final use has not yet been urban planning. These spaces take many different forms: decided. The Plan, given the City to City award by the sector-related advisory boards, follow-up commissions, FAD, assigns a provisional use to these areas, helping to conferences and workshops, among others. Their aim reclaim, adapt and promote them as areas to enhance is to incorporate practical and contextual knowledge of the district’s cohesion. Most of the winning projects, institutions and citizens in order to enhance projects and 12 of which are carried out by social organisations, are plans and to improve the way public decisions are made, both urban market gardens and some of these are intended politically and technically. Some significant examples are: the to help people at risk of social marginalisation. Supervisory Commission for the project for remodelling Les Glòries square and its surroundings, made up of Barcelona Micro urban developments: localised City Council and representatives of residents’ and citizens’ urban planning associations in the zone; the Assessment Commission for the BUITS Plan, in charge of appraising proposals Barcelona Council has commissioned 18 new micro and assessing the projects put forward and made up of urban development plans, 13 of which were carried out in The Micro Urban Development scheme and BUITS members from the Catalan government, the districts, all 2013 and the other 5 planned for 2014. The micro urban Plan stem from a common challenge: the need to municipal political groups and representatives of residents’ developments already set up and the future measures act promptly on public spaces or sites in disuse and bodies and associations; and citizen participation in the planned include a wide range of schemes such as sports turn these into areas worthy of intensive use by the local residents. projects of the five pilot super-blocks. areas, shaded areas for relaxing, areas to promote Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 71 22@, a project for urban, economic and social ambitious in Europe of such characteristics, with high real 5.3.5 Montjuïc, an asset to be renewal estate potential and a public investment of 180 million preserved Euros through the infrastructures plan. The 22@ district is The 22@ project is turning 200 hectares of industrial also a test bench for smart technology and sensors have sites in the Poblenou district into an innovative, productive been fitted on lights and containers. Of note is the creation Modification of the Metropolitan General Plan district providing modern spaces for the strategic of the Smart City Campus, an urban innovation area which (PGM) in the Montjuïc area concentration of knowledge-intensive activities. This combines any companies, institutions, universities and initiative is also an urban renewal project and a new city technology centres that want to set up their own centres for Passed by the Council in late 2013, the aim of the model which seeks to respond to the challenges of the innovation in the city. This initiative is intended to contribute modification is to preserve the area of Montjuïc, knowledge society. Its specific features mean that this is to Barcelona’s economic growth and consolidate the city safeguarding the use of the amenities and public spaces the most important urban conversion project in the city as an international benchmark for new models of urban there based on criteria of sustainability, quality of life for of Barcelona in the last few years and one of the most services and smart cities that serve people. local residents and civic use for leisure, sport and culture. Promotion of a major museum complex on Montjuïc In 2013 the Catalan government, Barcelona City Council, the Catalonia National Art Museum, CaixaForum and Barcelona Trade Fair signed a cooperation agreement to jointly promote a major cultural area on Montjuïc, taking advantage of the concentration of museum and cultural facilities of great international importance: the National Museum, CaixaForum and Mies van der Rohe Foundation. This project intends to take advantage of the palaces of Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia, managed by Barcelona Trade Fair, and use them as museum venues. The aim is to make Montjuïc a “mountain of culture” promoting the future “Museum Esplanade” which will 22@Barcelona represents a new model of a compact city where the most innovative companies coexist with also involve programming, marketing and international research centres, institutions for training and technology transfer, as well as including housing, facilities and projection on a coordinated basis. green zones. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 72 5.3.6 Striving towards a quality include a report and an environmental management to improve mobility and accessibility, almost all the model of urban planning plan as contractual documents. interior streets will have a speed limit of 30 kph (30 Zones), allowing the use of bicycles in the whole area with no need for separate cycle lanes. Incorporation of resilience criteria in planning Barcelona Lighting Master Plan Urban resilience is gaining ground as a new strategy for 5.3.7 Sharing knowledge leads to The implementation of the plan, begun in late 2013, the planning and management of urban services -such as has meant selecting the appropriate lighting criteria for the electricity network and public transport-, especially learning and improving a series of streets according to social criteria, thereby for preventing problems and malfunctions caused both facilitating the city’s new lighting system. The plan gives by technical incidents and by natural catastrophes. The priority to the lighting of zones for pedestrians and Council has created a specific Urban Resilience Board to City Protocol improves the levels, uniformity and energy efficiency of handle the introduction of resilience criteria in planning. lighting, adapting this to specific uses and also focusing The Urban Habitat promotes City Protocol  , which on vertical lighting (buildings, monuments, etc.). This La Marina del Prat Vermell, Barcelona’s new analyses the anatomy of the city and its habitat providing work involves an investment of over 22 million euros, district a common global language, helping to define standard 160 stretches of streets with improved lighting and solutions for all the world’s cities. This analysis is carried 3360 renewed lighting points. The Plan also intends to The transformation in urban development that is taking out together with other cities through the City Protocol use lighting to create special urban spaces, giving these place in this area covering 80 hectares of land located Society. their own personality, such as in Passeig de Gràcia and between Montjuïc and the industrial part of Zona Franca Paral·lel, among others. will help to change the existing uses into combined usages, as well as making residence more compatible with economic activity. This new district is being designed Greening the municipal building work according to ecological efficiency criteria. Of particular importance is the implementation of a centralised hot The Decree to ensure the greening of municipal building and cold water system, which will reduce emissions by work sets out to reduce the environmental and social roughly 13,400 tons of CO2 a year; taking advantage of impact of public works with a budget of 450,000 the groundwater in the subsoil to clean urban items euros or more. Building projects must also include an and infrastructures; lighting with LED technology and environmental report stating the measures taken to functional optimisation and management features; the In the district of La Marina del Prat Vermell, a large cen- 2 reduce any environmental impact caused. The City centralised management of traffic lights and zones to tral park is to be built with 1,184,657 m of floor area, catering for a potential number of 30,000 residents. Council’s model specifications have been modified to recharge electric car batteries, among others. In order Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 73 5.4 Future goals and measures One of the current challenges faced by cities is to municipal technical and legal fields connected with urban 5.4.2 Urban conversion to make resolve the contradiction arising between citizens’ planning, building projects, information technologies, a city for people wishes (greater convenience, a higher quality of life services and the environment, from Hàbitat Urbà and and economic progress) and the need to reduce the organisations reporting to this, and also representatives ecological footprint on an urban scale. Progress towards of other municipal spheres of mobility, trade and quality a more sustainable city necessarily involves finding of life services. Alterations to Les Glòries innovative solutions for everyday problems, whether this is from a social standpoint or that of material resources. In February 2013 an international tender was held Barcelona City Council’s approach is to implement Urban Development Master Plan (PDU) to select a team of architects with the aim of turning projects to make the city work in a more combined and the current road system into a city space for people, compact, efficient and diverse way, as established by the In late 2013 the Barcelona Metropolitan Area started through the in-depth improvement of a highly valuable Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022. the process of drawing up the Metropolitan Urban and strategic metropolitan setting as an axis for social- Development Master Plan (PDU) which is intended to economic revitalisation and a space for renaturalisation be completed in May 2015. Its text is based on three with the major presence of urban green and civic 5.4.1 The process underway to define fundamental factors: debate and technical reflection meeting places. furthered through themed workshops with groups new urban planning instruments of experts; setting up a team to draft the Plan itself, This is a restricted tender involving a jury (made up of 12 and communication and participation as key aspects members). In a first phase the Jury selected a maximum Meeting to review the current General that enhance the plan with the concerns and wishes of number of 10 teams. There were also public meetings Metropolitan Plan 1976 institutions, associations and city people themselves. for local residents and teams of architects to evaluate Unlike the PGM-76, this new plan will focus more on the criteria, challenges and opportunities. The decision As part of the new urban planning stipulated in Act 31/2010, conversion than urban development due to the small on the tender is due to be made in February 2014. of 3 August, on the Metropolitan Area (Metropolitan area of land still to be developed and occupied. It will have Urban Planning Master Plan), a municipal meeting was to combine regulatory efficiency with a certain degree of In late 2013 phase 0 of the project was started with held in late 2013 to reflect on criteria to review the current flexibility to enable reasonable adaptations to changing the building work to adapt the streets around Les General Metropolitan Plan 1976 (PGM-76) . This session situations. Glòries, as well as the access ramp for the ring road. was attended by around seventy people from different Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 74 The deconstruction of the ring road will enable the the city with more green infrastructure. The park’s social provisional development of the square over 2014 and aspects will be improved by linking the districts lying on 2015, providing the area with temporary spaces to be either side with a number of paths through the park, as used by local residents and citizens until the final project well as creating collective settings and uses and involving has been completed, as they themselves requested. The local residents in managing the project and its uses. implementation of the final design for the square, in order to make Les Glòries a large, peaceful green park, will be carried out from 2016, as space in the square Els Tres Turons, scaling a new park affected by the building work for the future tunnel is gradually made available. The aim of this project is to combine the urban life of the nearby districts with the creation of a new benchmark La Sagrera, a new central station and leisure area for the city. This is a project covered by urban centre the General Modification of the Metropolitan Plan (MPGM) which intends to give a more human and The Sant Andreu - La Sagrera operation forms part of a realistic dimension to the park and to improve the living series of urban renewal measures to extend the centre of conditions of the people using it. the city towards its north-eastern side. The construction of the high-speed line and the new La Sagrera station are Extension of the Passeig de les Aigües, an a chance to renew and reclaim obsolete industrial zones, emblematic path large areas used for the railway and infrastructures for power and drainage that had been left isolated. The This superb natural path, with its outstanding views, project intends to cover 38 hectares of railway land, crosses the Collserola range of hills that looms over the to build 1.7 million square metres of floor area and to city from end to end. With over two thousand visitors a create a large green park nearly 4 km long to provide day, the path is very frequently used for walking, sport or just enjoying the hills. At present a project for extending the Passeig de les Aigües is underway, which will link up with the section that goes to Torre Baró in the Nou Barris The La Sagrera project provides for the creation of district. This means that the future path will stretch a large park almost 4 km long and covering over 40 for a total of 21 kilometres and have a new 157–metre Passeig de les Aigües is an emblematic path that’s hectares on top of the huge platform which will cover footbridge over l’Arrabassada road, bridging the gap very popular with the people of Barcelona for walking, the railway and transport infrastructures. between the hills. sport or just to enjoy the wonderful views. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 75 5.4.3 ‘Super-blocks’, new districts at larger than the usual demographic and spatial planning 5.4.4 Remodelling emblematic a human pace concepts based on specific objectives of sustainable aspects of the city mobility, the revitalisation of public space, fostering biodiversity and urban green, social cohesion, energy self-sufficiency and citizen participation. These areas Five pilot ‘super-blocks’ in Barcelona are defined through citizen participation in order to Redevelopment of Pere IV reinforce the structure of social relations and cohesion Over the next four years, it is intended to set up five and for residents to be able to adapt this new urban The aim of this project is to turn Pere IV into a civic and pilot “super-blocks” in the areas of La Maternitat and organisation. The plans have a budget of 10 million heritage axis linking up the area’s major public spaces and Sant Ramon, in Poblenou district, in Les Glòries square, euros and have been developed by Hàbitat Urbà with different urban elements. For historical reasons, the path in L’Antiga and Nova Esquerra of the Eixample and in the the collaboration of the Urban Ecology Agency. taken by this street was separate from the layout of the district of Hostafrancs. Super-blocks are urban units Eixample and its urban development was not in keeping with its importance. The alterations, which will incorporate energy efficiency and sustainability criteria, will improve the structure of public spaces and the existing facilities and heritage items in an urban development compatible with the 21st century. It will also include the restoration or improvement of conservation, by private initiative, of 17 buildings classified as industrial heritage located near the street and will promote public initiative projects such as the new premises of the MUHBA. “Smart” alterations to the Passeig de Gràcia The first phase in the comprehensive Plan to improve Passeig de Gràcia promoted by the City Council was begun in 2013. This plan aims to achieve a quality avenue for its residents while preserving its role as a structuring and connecting element in the city, establishing Passeig Reclaiming the function of Carrer Pere IV as an axis for the city connects the major public spaces and different urban developments in Poblenou and 22@ de Gràcia as one of the key areas for mobility and leisure in Barcelona. These measures aim to regenerate public Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 76 space by rearranging areas and uses, improving the 5.4.6 Children’s recreation areas: quality of paving, street furniture, signage and signposting The alterations to the Diagonal between Francesc Macià increasing quality and the general arrangement of services, taking citizens, square and Passeig de Gràcia represent a chance to architecture, trade and tourism into account. As part of consolidate the Avenue as a strategic thoroughfare for the Master Plan for ICT, a new lighting model will also be the city in social, economic and also mobility terms. Children’s Recreation Area Plan to extend and introduced prioritising the areas used by pedestrians, improve recreation areas promoting energy efficiency and enabling the development of smart management networks. Passeig de Gràcia will extending pavements up to seven metres in width, a This Plan proposes 10 newly created children’s corners and become the first smart major avenue in the city. separate lane for cyclists, motorcycle parking areas, the renewal of 44 existing play areas from 2014 to 2015. It the reduction of traffic more in keeping with residential also covers the introduction of innovative items connected areas and the incorporation of specific loading and with new technologies and theme-based actions such Remodelling the Paral·lel avenue unloading zones. as the ‘Ona the Giraffe’s House’ play area in Sant Miquel square. For coming years the plan intends to renew 220 This project seeks to make Avinguda Paral·lel into a Barcelona is also carrying out other remodelling more children’s recreation areas and to redefine these benchmark thoroughfare for people, performing arts measures to transform and revitalise representative areas to boost intergenerational contact between children and food, reinforcing its uniqueness. The action sets areas in the city as leading thoroughfares for people, and adults. The plan will be implemented over the next out to improve the public space by giving more area such as the development planned for Balmes and Mitre. five years with the intention of improving the city’s range of to pedestrians, moving bicycles into the centre of the children’s play facilities in the open air, bringing play areas roadway and creating six new small squares where the closer to residents and ensuring a fair distribution. road crosses streets in the Eixample district. It also 5.4.5 Renaturalising the city includes improvements to lighting, signposting and accessibility of the L3 underground station in Poble Sec. Green Space and the Biodiversity Plan Alterations to Avinguda Diagonal In keeping with the approach of the plan (see chapter 4. This project rearranges the different purposes for which Urban green and biodiversity ), it is intended to develop the same space was used until now (pedestrians, cyclists, urban green corridors enabling a real network to be set up. As part of the alterations to the Diagonal, the paving loading and unloading areas, motorbike parking, etc.), This will provide a solid, functional ecological infrastructure, of this avenue has been replaced, incorporating new turning one of Barcelona’s main thoroughfares into a taking advantage of opportune areas of different types paving that improves the environmental aspects and friendlier, safer, more appealing and accessible area and and sizes, ranging from unoccupied land to roofs, walls and performance of this public thoroughfare; namely the special “Diagonal” tile. improving well-being and quality of life. Work involves balconies, in order to renaturalise and revitalise them. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Sustainable land use 77 79 Summary diagram 80 6.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 81 6.2 General context and current situation 83 6.2.2 The city’s air quality improves 85 6.3 Measures taken to improve air quality 85 6.3.1 Barcelona formalises its commitment to cleaner air 85 6.3.2 Mobility, energy, and awareness-raising: key aspects for cleaner air 87 6.3.3 Regulation and control of combustion facilities to reduce pollution 87 6.3.4 Studying air quality: a basis for defining the measures to be implemented Local air quality 88 6.4 Future goals and measures 88 6.4.1 Innovative measures with a commitment to the future 89 6.4.2 Improvement of infrastructure to offer natural gas in Barcelona Port 89 6.4.3 Zero-emissions mobility within the city of Barcelona 89 6.4.4 Real-time information and pollution forecasts Cleaner air to guarantee citizens’ health in Barcelona Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 78 Local air Current 76.0 % Traffic 2.4 % Port quality situation Main sources of air pollution generated 8.7 % Residential 0.2 % Cement mixers in Barcelona and tertiary and extraction (NO2 and PM10) 5.1 % Industry Vision of the future NO2 PM10 PM2,5 Improving (EU annual limit (EU annual limit (EU annual limit value: 40 μg/m3) value: 40 μg/m3) value: 25 μg/m3) the quality of the air we Urban backgroundstations breathe in Moderate traffic the city stations Heavy traffic compliance stations exceedance Lines of work Commitment and planning ‘Agreement of the Network of Cities and Towns towards Communication and Actions in key areas Sustainability for Cleaner Innovation ‘Resurfacing information 0-emissions mobility ‘Mobility’ ‘Energy’ ‘Port’ Air’ ‘Barcelona Air Quality with autoclaved aerated transparency ‘Website within the city ‘Construction’ Improvement Plan concrete or new for spreading air quality ‘Barcelona Urban ‘Awareness-raising’ 2011-2015’ photocatalytic materials’ information in the city’ Mobility Plan 2013-2018’ SPEED CONTROL Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 79 6.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Vision of the future Like other European cities (Paris, London, Berlin, or Rotterdam), Barcelona has on occasion exceeded the limits established by the EU on annual average concentrations. Nevertheless, in recent years there have been improvements which have resulted in the reduction of concentration levels as well as compliance, in 2013, with PM10 and NO2 limits; the latter pollutant was only exceeded in heavy traffic zones. This Barcelona wants to improve involves the adoption of new action strategies at all levels to improve air quality in the city and its metropolitan area. The main challenges are: the quality of the air we breathe in the city and to Barcelona is the centre of a large conurbation with more than 7.6 million daily commutes. Mobility is a necessity and the resulting guarantee compliance with motorised transit has a high environmental impact. Traffic in the city is the factor that emits most air pollution. the levels permitted by regulations. The city is located within the area of influence of two large mobility infrastructures: the Port, managed separately and thereby limiting the city’s powers in relation to its management; and the Airport, which lies beyond the municipal reach of the city, meaning To achieve this the city is moving that Barcelona does not have powers in this case either. towards energy self-sufficiency, Barcelona is the centre of a large urban system with a high degree of integration and interdependence between the city, the changing current energy Barcelonès county, the Metropolitan Area, and the Metropolitan Region, and where functional dependencies and exchanges are constant. consumption, minimising energy consumption and demand, and Barcelona has some peculiarities that condition the dispersion of its pollutants. Firstly, physical aspects: as a coastal city, with producing sufficient local energy the Collserola range of hills acting as a barrier, a peripheral distribution of industrial activity, and 55% of winds below 3m/s, the dispersion to cover this demand, leading to of pollutants is not very effective. Secondly, climatic peculiarities: climatological conditions can affect the concentration of pollutants and more sustainable and efficient these can in turn affect the weather. Thirdly, the “heat island” effect which, in Barcelona, is generally concentric and focused mainly on the mobility. It aspires to be as Eixample district, which is therefore a more sensitive area. Lastly, air currents coming from other places, such as the Sahara, bring large efficient as possible and to reach quantities of particulates and are difficult to control. zero emissions to guarantee the The emissions generated by traffic act as a kind of screen, due to the density and height of the buildings, which also inhibits the health and quality of life of its dispersion of pollutants. citizens. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 80 6.2 General context and current situation Traffic emissions, those that come from large mobility The Metropolitan Region of Barcelona Air Quality infrastructures (port and airport), residential emissions, Improvement Plan (2007-2009)   affected 40 It is estimated that the decrease in pollutant emissions and construction emissions dictate the level of air municipalities in the region that were declared zones of will mean numerous benefits for the health of the pollution in Barcelona. But air pollution is also caused by special protection due to the high levels of pollutants inhabitants of the metropolitan area of Barcelona and emission sources located some distance from the city, (NO and PM ) detected in the air. The Plan’s main will increase quality of life and life expectancy.2 10 so-called regional background pollution. As well as the objective was to establish the necessary actions to diversity of emission sources, the conditioning elements prevent and reduce emissions of NO2 and PM10 and and peculiarities of the city must also be taken into to adjust the emissions to the limits established in Origin of emissions NO2 PM10 account. Currently, Barcelona is updating its emissions European Union legislation for the year 2010. (% of total) Data from 2008 (average) (average) inventory. The official approval of the Barcelona Air Quality Background 18.7% 88.1% One of the main changes experienced by the city in Improvement Plan, horizon 2015, is expected in mid-2014.   Regional 8.6% 47.9% the last 30 years which has influenced air quality is the Pending approval, during 2013 many of the Plan’s measures   Local 10.1% 40.2% increase in the total number of privately-owned vehicles, were implemented, mainly affecting the mobility of people Generated in Barcelona 81.3% 11.9% a fact which has caused an increase in concentrations and goods, as well as citizens’ habits. These measures aim of nitrogen oxides and of particulate matter. The to reduce pollutant emissions and to achieve the air quality   Traffic 65.6% 11% strategy to improve air quality requires cross-cutting levels of PM10 and NO2 established in European legislation.   Residential and tertiary 8.6% 0.1% and comprehensive action from all the sectors involved, Some of the measures implemented by the Catalan   Industry 4.8% 0.3% such as mobility, energy, waste, urban nature, etc. government include the possibility of access to HOV lanes for low-emissions vehicles, the ‘greening’ of heavy-   Port 2.1% 0.3% In accordance with state and European regulations on duty vehicles that form part of Barcelona Metropolitan   Cement mixers and - 0.2% the assessment and management of air quality, Catalonia Transport (TMB) and the Metropolitan Transport Authority   extraction is divided into 15 air quality zones with no cross-overs (EMT), and the environmental quality guarantee label between them. The zones are defined by joining areas for clean transport that has become the first ecological with similar characteristics in terms of climate, terrain, labelling initiative recognised at a European level to include Traffic is the main source of emissions within types of emissions, etc. transport fleets. One of the future measures envisaged is the city charging at tollbooths on the basis of urban pollution. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 81 6.2.1 Exhaustive air quality control In the city, managing all the aspects related to air quality involves different agents: zone 1 zone 2 Network for Monitoring and Forecasting Air Pollution (XVPCA)  . This is the system Barcelona is included within zone 1 for special for detecting the emission levels of the main protection from pollutants NOx and PM10 (Area of Barcelona), which includes 19 municipalities. pollutants affecting air quality in Catalonia. It is made up of a set of measuring stations distributed throughout Catalonia, in which the air pollutant sampling and analysis equipment is located. The city of Barcelona has 11 air quality measurement stations that form part of the XVPCA, of which 10 are urban (4 urban background stations, 3 moderate traffic stations, 3 heavy traffic stations) and 3 are industrial (located in the port area). These stations are distributed on the basis of the levels of the population’s exposure, physical aspects, and dispersion characteristics, and they measure emission levels of NO, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, CO, O3, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and C6H6. The types of pollutants measured, the regularity with Barcelona has 11 of the stations which they are measured, and the start-up operations from the Network vary depending on the station. urban background stations for Monitoring and moderate traffic stations Forecasting Air Barcelona Public Health Agency  . Its functions in heavy traffic stations Pollution. this field are: assessment of the impact on air quality of traffic and fixed emission sources, participation in action plans to reduce the levels of nitrogen dioxide Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 82 and suspended particulates (PM10), regulated control Organization (WHO) also establishes limits on levels of NO2 of combustion boilers (from 2014 this will be the air pollution. responsibility of Hàbitat Urbà), management of the In 2013, the annual limit value for NO2 is complied with in all city’s information system on air quality, and the annual The air in Barcelona complies with the majority of the moderate traffic stations and urban background stations publication of an evaluation report on air quality in the pollution parameters  regulated by state and European in the city, being exceeded only in those stations oriented city of Barcelona. standards on the assessment and management of air toward heavy traffic (Eixample and Gràcia-Sant Gervasi). quality, displaying a slight tendency toward a decrease in The annual levels in 2013 are the lowest since 2000 in 5 Hàbitat Urbà  . This is the municipal department pollutants. In 2013, a significant and overall improvement of the 7 stations in the city. However, the annual limit that has taken on the challenge to lead Barcelona was detected in the levels of the two critical pollutants in value is still exceeded in heavy traffic stations. Following towards sustainability, working on the definition and air quality in Barcelona (PM10 and NO2). this tendency, a decrease has also been produced in the achievement of a mode of urban living for the city today number of hourly exceedances of the limit value. The 5 and for the next 50 years. exceedances that occurred in 2013 are concentrated in the heavy traffic stations and on the same day of the year. 6.2.2 The city’s air quality improves The European Union establishes the legal limits of concentrations of NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 and the World Health Organization establishes recommended levels for health which in some cases are more restrictive than the Air quality levels are defined with the aim of avoiding, legal ones. preventing and reducing adverse effects on human health. This principle is reflected in autonomous, state and European legislation in the area of air pollution. European Union World Health Organization The relevant state legislation for the assessment of air (emission limits established by the EU since 2010) quality is Law 34/2007, of 15 November, on air quality NO2 Hourly average: 200 μg/m3 Hourly average: 200 μg/m3 and protection, and Royal Decree 102/2011, of 28 Annual average: 40 μg/m3 Annual average: 40 μg/m3 January, on air quality improvement. PM10 24h average: 50 μg/m3 24h average: 50 μg/m3 European legislation also regulates and establishes legal Annual average: 40 μg/m3 Annual average: 20 μg/m3 limits on the concentration values of carbon dioxide, PM2.5 Annual average: Annual average: 10 μg/m3 nitrogen dioxide (NO2), suspended particulates (PM10 2010: 25 μg/m3 24h average: 25 μg/m3 and PM2.5), tropospheric ozone (O3), and sulphur dioxide 2015: 25 μg/m3 (SO2). As well as legal regulations, the World Health 2020: 20 μg/m3 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 83 PM10 PM2,5 O3 and other pollutants In 2013 the city complies, for the first time, with the During 2013 a significant decrease was detected in the In 2013, the city continued to comply with the respective maximum number of exceedances of the daily limit value city’s levels of PM2,5 , placing the annual average between limit and target values for gasses (CO, SO2 i O3), volatile for PM10 particulates in all urban stations in the control 18 µg/m3 in heavy traffic stations and 12 µg/m3 in urban organic compounds (benzene), metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, and network, placing the annual concentration averages background stations. As), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzo[a] between 27 µg/m3 in heavy traffic stations and 19 µg/m3 pyrene). in urban background stations. 33% reduction in overall PM10 levels in the In 2013 the maximum hourly levels of O3 experienced a Following the tendency of the yearly levels, a significant city in 2012 in comparison to the previous slight increase in comparison to the previous year, not decrease is detected in the daily exceedances of PM10, year, 50% reduction in PM10 levels in traffic- exceeding, however, the threshold for informing the halving the 90.4 percentile during the period 2006- oriented stations in the period 2006-2013 population. This increase is also detected in the number 2013. of days that the maximum 8-hour target value was exceeded. In 2013 the annual average of NO2 was at 39.6 in µg/m3, thus complying with the permitted limit of 40 µg/m3. In all the stations the annual limit value of PM2.5 was complied 2013 saw an increase in the number of days that the with for the year 2015 and even the annual limit value envisaged for the year 2020. 8-hour maximum target value was exceeded. 60 60 50 50 40 40 City average NO2 Eixample 30 City average PM10 Gràcia - Sant Gervasi 30 City average PM2,5 Ciutadella 20 Target límit value NO2 Vall d’Hebron 20 10 and PM10 (EU) Palau Reial 10 2001 2013 Target límit value PM2,5 (EU) Poblenou 2004 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 84 Levels in the air - µg/m3 Levels in the air - µg/m3 6.3 Measures taken to improve air quality With the aim of improving air quality in Barcelona a set of 6.3.2 Mobility, energy, and measures has been implemented in recent years, some awareness-raising: key aspects for framed within the action plans. cleaner air 6.3.1 Barcelona formalises its Barcelona Air Quality Improvement Plan 2011-2015 commitment to cleaner air This brings together other plans in the city: Municipal Signing the Agreement of Cities and Towns action plans, sector-based planning instruments like towards Sustainability for Cleaner Air the Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality Plan 2011- 2020, and the Urban Mobility Plan 2006-2012, as well The City Council of Barcelona’s plenary session on 26 as other additional measures. Its objective is to gather April 2013 approved an Institutional Declaration of Sup- the actions underway and already implemented in the port for the Agreement of Cities and Towns towards Sus- city during the period 2011-2015 to improve air quality in tainability for Cleaner Air. With this support, it shows its Barcelona and to achieve the levels permitted by the re- interest in the improvement of air quality and it commits gulations. The actions are characterised by their efforts to the need for the measures taken to be of a structural to favour and stimulate behaviour and relationships bet- nature, with a general geographic scope, and coordina- ween citizens and the urban space that could boost the ting in a responsible way with the different administra- improvement of air quality and quality of life in the city. tions and institutions. Below are details of the most significant measures im- The Barcelona Air Quality Improvement Plan 2011- plemented in each of the five areas of action. 2015 includes 5 areas of action: mobility, energy, The pamphlet ‘Respira’ (Breathe) forms part of an informative campaign on the actions that the City port, urban services, construction and urban nature Council of Barcelona carries out to improve air and communication and information transparency. quality in the city. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 85 MOST SIGNIFICANT MEASURES IMPLEMENTED IN systematic plan for preventive maintenance of vehicles. the mains supply. From an energy point of view, the EACH OF THE FIVE AREAS OF ACTION plan assesses the commercial sector and the services Urban services, construction, and urban sector in Barcelona and contains measures to reduce nature consumption by 20% in the year 2020, in comparison to Mobility 2008, and consequently to reduce the emission of air Greening of construction. 2009 saw the entry into force pollutants. Promotion of electric vehicles in the Metropolitan of the Decree of Mayors for the ‘greening’ of construction Area through the public-private platform Live Barcelona with the aim of reducing this sector’s environmental and (Logistics for the Implementation of Electric Vehicles). At social impact. It affects public works being undertaken Barcelona Port the end of 2013, the city has 136 charge points and the with a budget equal to or greater than €450,000, promoted City Council has a fleet of more than 300 electric vehicles by municipal operators, autonomous-level bodies, or Gasification of Barcelona Port. Thanks to an for cleaning and street-lighting maintenance. municipal companies. For example, of note is the creation agreement signed by the Barcelona port authority and in 2013 of the Monitoring Commission (Comissió de Gas Natural Fenosa, the sea and land users of the port New orthogonal bus network. This involves a Seguiment) for the project to remodel the Plaça de les area can access liquefied natural gas for their engines. reorganisation of the urban bus service in Barcelona to Glòries and its surroundings, formed by the City Council of This is a cross-cutting initiative to reduce emissions from create a fast network formed by routes that cross the city Barcelona and representatives from neighbourhood and boats and service vessels and also from the trucks and horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, taking advantage citizens’ associations in the area. machinery that operate on dry land. of the structure of the roads in the Eixample district. In 2012, the service was launched with 5 such routes and the network was expanded in 2013 with 5 more. Energy Communication and information transparency Greening of municipal fleets. In 2013, a high level of Energy Self-Sufficiency Plan. The Plan involves Environmental awareness-raising and educational greening was carried out on heavy-duty vehicles that different actions both at the level of the city and at the programmes. These include informative campaigns form part of Barcelona Metropolitan Transport (TMB) level of the City Council, all aimed at reducing energy (e.g., control of emissions from the most polluting and on vehicles for street-cleaning in the city thanks to consumption through the improvement of energy vehicles), courses in efficient and economical driving, the incorporation of hybrid vehicles and vehicles fuelled efficiency in buildings, facilities, amenities, and vehicles, exhibitions, conferences, and debates. The pamphlet by compressed natural gas, the reconversion of diesel as well as the use of facilities that take advantage of the RESPIRA  (Breathe) has also been published for this cars into hybrids, the application of anti-pollutant filters local renewable or waste resources available to cover purpose. in the remaining diesel cars, and the introduction of a this consumption, with the aim of consuming less from Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 86 6.3.3 Regulation and control of study shows that the improvement of air quality carries Ecological services provided by urban nature in clear health benefits. The study shows that decreasing Barcelona combustion facilities to reduce air pollution to the levels recommended by the WHO pollution would contribute significant benefits to the population Developed by the Centre for Ecological Research and of the metropolitan area of Barcelona in terms of morbi- Forestry Applications (CREAF) in the Autonomous Uni- Programme for the inspection and cleaning dity, mortality and life expectancy. Specifically, the study versity of Barcelona and commissioned by the City Cou- of combustion facilities estimates that the annual benefits of reducing average ncil of Barcelona’s Strategy Department, the study esti- exposure to PM10 in the area of study (57 municipalities) mates the quantity of air pollutants absorbed by green In order to improve air quality in the city and in accordan- to the average annual values recommended by the WHO spaces in the city (including the Collserola Park) using a ce with Article 29-1 and 29-2 of the Environmental Ordi- (20µg/m3) are: 3,500 fewer deaths per year and repre- North American model called i-Tree Eco. From the re- nance, citizens and companies are obliged to present an senting an increase in average life expectancy of 14 sults it can be deduced that urban green in Barcelona annual certificate of inspection and cleaning of combus- months, 1,800 fewer hospital admissions for cardiores- absorbs up to 306 tonnes of air pollutants annually: 5.6 tion facilities (heating, boilers, etc.) that do not operate piratory reasons, 5,100 fewer cases of chronic bronchitis t of CO, 54.6 t of NO2, 72.6 t of O3, 166 t of PM10, and with natural gas. The programme is addressed to facilities in adults, 31,100 fewer cases of acute bronchitis among 6.8 t of SO2. The economic value of this service would used for heating, sanitary hot water, or steam generation, children, and 54,000 fewer asthma attacks for all ages. be slightly greater than one million euros per year. The both in companies and in homeowners’ associations. Ins- study concludes that the contribution of urban green to pection helps to reduce pollution and to optimise con- Emissions inventory of the city of Barcelona air quality in Barcelona is modest but not to be disregar- sumption. (currently being updated) ded, especially in the case of PM10. The implementation of strategies based on strengthening the city’s green The tool for modelling pollutant dispersion allows for a infrastructure should allow for this contribution to be 6.3.4 Studying air quality: a basis diagnosis of air quality in the city, bearing in mind diffe- more and more significant, at the same time as other rent variables like mountainous terrain, types of emission ecosystem services (recreational uses, microclimatic re- for defining the measures to be sources and their spatial distribution, and the area’s me- gulation, etc.) are also provided. implemented teorology. Currently, air quality is monitored every hour, including emissions of NOx, PM10, and other significant po- Public health benefits from reducing air llutants, and the estimated emissions are linked through Barcelona has a network of stations for measuring pollution in the metropolitan area of Barcelona a predictive model to the real emissions measured by the different pollutants that facilitates accurate stations located in the city. The data obtained allow for information on their levels in different parts of the city. Directed by Dr. Nino Künzli, from the Environmental Epi- short-term air quality forecasts. demiology Research Centre (CREAL), commissioned by the Department of Health and the Department of Envi- ronment and Housing of the Catalan government, this Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 87 6.4 Future goals and measures Improving the quality of the air we breathe in Barcelona small study was carried out showing the positive effects and reaching the levels permitted in the regulations are Improvement of air in schools of this nanopolymer. the main goals of Barcelona’s Air Quality Improvement Plan 2011-2015. The City Council is currently working on Pilot test that consists of assessing the effectiveness of Use of new photocatalytic materials to reduce updating the plan for 2018. different corrective measures to improve air quality in the concentration of NOx in the air sand yards in two schools in Barcelona: the CEIP Pau Vila and the CEIP Vila Olímpica. For this, the sand in the Photocatalytic paving is capable of reducing polluting 6.4.1 Innovative measures with a yards will be analysed to determine what the best ty- substances present in the air, such as NOx, SOx, or ben- pes are, the effectiveness of irrigation for avoiding the zenes, transforming them in the presence of sunlight commitment to the future re-suspension of particulates will be assessed, and air (or of another kind, with a wavelength of less than 400 purification systems will be installed in the gyms. nm) into non-toxic substances at a speed 30 times fas- Study on the efficiency and application of CMA ter than that produced naturally. Through an agreement (calcium magnesium acetate) on roads to reduce with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), pilot the re-suspension of particulates Resurfacing with autoclaved aerated concrete tests will be carried out demonstrating the effect that certain materials with photocatalytic capacity may have The incorporation of this additive to cleaning water The results obtained from pilot tests using this material on certain pollutants like NOx and the organic part of allows the particulates to remain deposited for more were used to take decisions regarding its application in suspended particulates. time on the ground thus making it easier to remove other parts of the city. In some public places in Barcelo- them with rain and cleaning water. The study, carried out na, like squares, gardens, or playgrounds, you can find via an agreement with the Spanish National Research sand. In specific cases these spaces are located in areas Special-purpose vacuum Council (CSIC), concluded that this was not an effective exposed to high levels of traffic or to particular climatic measure for Barcelona. conditions that lift the sand on windy days, with a co- With the aim of greening construction to reduce the rrelation existing between wind and levels of PM10. As emission of pollutants, the City Council will incorporate well as resurfacing with autoclaved aerated concrete, in the enforceability of using special-purpose vacuum ma- Resurfacing with autoclaved aerated concrete helps the Can Mantega park a nanopolymer was applied which chines to collect dusts and other residues. to avoid the suspension of particulates in the air. also prevents the re-suspension of particulates. With the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the measure, a Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 88 6.4.2 Improvement of infrastructure In its diagnosis, the Plan analyses the externalities of the Air Quality Improvement Plan. During the summer period, to offer natural gas in Barcelona mobility system and refers to two factors that require when there are more air pollution problems, it will promo- priority action: firstly, the type of vehicles circulating, te citizen-targeted campaigns. Among other functions, it Port because air quality is influenced by how old the vehicle will include a warning system for the population that will is (the newer, the more efficient), the fuel used (diesel inform on air quality in general and not only in emergency emits 3 times more NOx and up to 8 times more sus- situations as was previously the case. The warning system Construction of a gas supply plant pended particles than petrol) and the type of vehicle. includes a series of action protocols. Secondly, the speed of circulation, which is a key varia- In order for users to be able to access natural gas, a gas ble. The average optimum speed in terms of energy, bet- supply plant will be built for vessels and a liquefied gas ween 40km/h and 70 km/h, is hard to reach in an urban service station for trucks and machinery. Moreover, the area but an average speed of 30 km/h would mean a boats that use this fuel for their main or auxiliary engine significant reduction in consumption by cars. Current will benefit from a reduction in port charges. congestion problems are a critical issue when it comes to fuel consumption. 6.4.3 Zero-emissions mobility within the city of Barcelona 6.4.4 Real-time information and pollution forecasts Barcelona Urban Mobility Plan (PMU) 2013-2018 New website for spreading air quality information in the city The development of this new Plan consists of three work phases: diagnosis, proposals and environmental Promoted by the City Council of Barcelona, the website  . assessment to determine the effects that the measu- will show data in real time and on the basis of the weather res planned will have on the environment. The Plan is forecasts it will make its own forecast of pollution levels structured into 5 blocks, each with its own objectives for the following 24 to 48 hours. It will also provide infor- and the respective actions to achieve them: mobility on mation on the regulations in force, with the permitted The air quality website contains a map with the air quality index forecast for NO2 and PM10 over the foot, mobility by bicycle, public transport, urban freight threshold for each type of air pollutant, as well as informa- next 2 days. distribution and private vehicles (cars and motorbikes). tion on what an air pollution episode is and on Barcelona’s Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Local air quality 89 91 Summary diagram 92 7.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 93 7.2 General context and current situation 94 7.2.1 Update of the Strategic Noise Map 95 7.2.2 Traffic and nightlife, the main sources of noise in the city 96 7.2.3 Drop in the number of people exposed to the highest noise levels 97 7.2.4 Zoning of the city according to its noise-sensitivity 98 7.3 Measures taken to improve noise quality 98 7.3.1 Assessment and planning instruments for defining action plans 99 7.3.2 Improving the noise control and monitoring network Acoustic quality 100 7.3.3 Citizen information and awareness-raising to reduce noise levels 101 7.4 Future goals and measures 101 7.4.1 Barcelona updates the Plan to Reduce Noise Pollution 103 7.4.2 Noise as a subject for work at schools Barcelona, controlling and preventing noise for a more comfortable city Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 90 Traffic, Acoustic Current 85.45 % 96 % is the main quality situation Population exposed compliance of By day source of noise the noise capacity in > 55 sections of dB (A) streets Vision of the future Improving By night Nightlife, 87.79 % 86 %is the main Barcelona’s Population exposed compliance of source of noise the noise acoustic capacity in quality sections of > 45 dB (A) streets Lines of work Assessment and planning ‘Plan to Reduce Control and monitoring Minimising noise Noise Pollution in ‘Outdoor sound level Raising citizen Education at schools ‘Electric vehicle’ Barcelona 2010-2020’ meters, noise limiters for awareness ‘Summer ‘2015-2016 Education ‘Noise-reducing asphalt’ ‘Barcelona Strategic night-time venues and campaigns and pilot tests Programme to deal with ‘Covering railway lines’ Noise Map’ concerts’ in nightlife zones’ noise at schools’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 91 7.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Certain historical and geographical conditioning factors should be taken into account in this process of improving the noise quality Vision of the future of the city. Some of them represent challenges that have to be overcome while others are opportunities which should be taken advantage of. Barcelona Council is committed to improving the city’s noise quality City people are increasingly sensitive to noise, for objective reasons and through changing and dynamic sociological by fostering and implementing perceptions. A certain culture of noise comfort has also increased, making city people more demanding and valuing peacefulness priority measures and programmes, as a key element in the quality of life. cooperation, coordination and infor- mation structures enabling the city’s There has been a change in the activities which generate noise over the last few years. The noise produced inside general noise pollution to be cut commercial and industrial premises is easier to regulate nowadays but there has nevertheless been an increase in noise in the down, above all in zones where limits street produced by leisure activities, and this is harder to control. are exceeded, and protecting quieter The complexity and compactness of the city generate sound and noise of different kinds. Its high density and the zones from any increase in noise levels. extremely dynamic city-wide mobility should also be included in these factors.. Barcelona has to integrate noise Barcelona attracts tourism through its wide range of commercial and cultural attractions and services, including leisure activities. control within the city’s management, This is a tourist destination with over 7.5 million tourists in 2013 and with prospects for growth. Ciutat Vella is the district with the not as something exceptional but as most tourism in Barcelona and is the only one in the city where noise pollution has grown by day and also by night since 2009. another environmental variable for The good weather and Mediterranean nature of the city create a favourable setting for life in the open air, entailing a Barcelona. Sound and noise form part greater volume of noise in the street until later in the day, all year round since the seasonal aspect has now disappeared. The Anti- of a lively, dynamic city and everyone Smoking law has led to greater activity in the street and at pavement cafés (popular public venues) but nevertheless the increased generates noise at some time, in control and citizen awareness have resulted in more compliance of regulations, highlighting the fact that all the agents involved in different ways, as well as being on generating noise in the street now feel jointly responsible. the receiving end. That’s why global action is required, taking all the agents The perception of noise is a subjective phenomenon, meaning that not all people perceive this or are affected by it in the involved into consideration, even the same way. Its effect on each person depends on a large number of factors, so reactions can differ. The response to noise is a Council itself. complex reaction which depends on both acoustic factors and psychosocial, contextual, symbolic and emotional aspects. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 92 7.2 General context and current situation As in other cities, the main sources of noise in Barcelona 2002/49/EC of 25 June 2002 defines the standards to At a municipal level there is a section on noise in the are traffic, major transport infrastructures, leisure pursuits, assess and manage environmental noise and create Environmental Ordinance   (OMA) adapted to the shopping areas and industrial activities. Traffic is its main strategic noise maps, as well as action plans as basic requirements of the regulatory framework that regulates source although this has become general environmental tools to manage noise in cities. At a state level there and rectifies certain shortcomings detected over the noise which does not cause as many complaints as other is Act 37/2003 on Noise, of 17 November 2003, Royal last few years. Its appendices will be modified over 2014, more specific and localised sources. For example, nightlife Decree 1513/2005, of 16 December, and Royal Decree which shows how work is constantly being carried out represents the second biggest cause of noise but, unlike 1367/2007, of 19 October. Catalonia has Act 16/2002 traffic, this is found in highly localised zones of the city. and its Regulation D176/2009, on protection from noise pollution, making it compulsory to draw up strategic The noise limits established by the WHO and the Barcelona City Council is striving to improve the noise maps and to implement these. EU coincide. Barcelona City Council establishes 3 quality of the city by carrying out a wide range of measures. levels of noise sensitivity. These endeavours are structured in the Strategic Noise Map and Plan to Reduce Noise Pollution of the City of Barcelona 2010-2020, covering the most appropriate formulas to minimise noise pollution by combining the different uses Limits recommended by the World Directive 2002/49/EC on assessment and of the city, taking into account the interests of the different Health Organisation management of environmental noise sectors and promoting respectful coexistence. The Outdoors by day 65 dB (A) 65 dB (A) different municipal areas are involved in these measures Outdoors by night 40 dB (A) 40 dB (A) and especially the districts, these being the areas that have to carry out the most direct actions to progress towards Emission limit values established by the Environmental Ordinance (OMA) of Barcelona City Council a less noisy city, making citizens also responsible for this. High noise Moderate noise Low noise Over the last few years a regulatory framework has sensitive zone sensitive zone sensitive zone been developed at a European, state and autonomous Outdoors by day 60 dB (A) 65 dB (A) 70 dB (A) community level, which has determined the strategies Outdoors in the evening 60 dB (A) 65 dB (A) 70 dB (A) to be implemented as regards controlling and reducing noise pollution. On the European scale, Directive Outdoors by night 50 dB (A) 55 dB (A) 60 dB (A) Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 93 to adapt to the new situations arising in the city. This ordinance establishes a classification of the outdoor levels that is practically identical to the one defined by the Catalan government and by the Ministry of the Environment, equivalent to that of the other Spanish cities. The limits to outdoor noise recommended by the World As main sources of Health Organisation are stricter but do not take into noise in the city, traffic consideration the reality of Mediterranean cities, with an continues to be significant extensive range of leisure possibilities and more life in (in the daytime)... the street, making compliance with these more difficult. With regard to the maximum noise levels allowed in homes, the ones set by the WHO agree with the levels defined by the OMA. 7.2.1 Update of the strategic noise map Updating Barcelona’s strategic noise map, made up of the noise map, the acoustic capacity map and the excessive noise map, enables us to make a regular diagnosis of the > 80 dB(A) from 75 to 80 dB(A) city and appraise the measures implemented. Based on from 70 to 75 dB(A) data for 2012, the map reflects the city’s noise situation from 65 to 70 dB(A) and allows us to ascertain developments compared from 60 to 65 dB(A) from 55 to 60 dB(A) well as the noise with the previous version. To draw up the map, real from 50 to 55 dB(A) generated by nightlife. measurements were taken in different stretches of from 45 to 50 dB(A) city streets by day, in the evening and at night, and < 45 dB(A) these were contrasted with the acoustic capacity of each section, according to their configuration and Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 94 Pavement cafés 7% Works on public thoroughfares 6% People gathering in public space is the main People coming out of night-time venues 5% reason for complaints about noise in calls made Air conditioning 5% to Barcelona City Police Force (GUB) during 2013. Commercial and Street musicians 3% industrial activities 11% Loading/unloading 2% Entertainment and sports activities 12% Electricity generators 2% Helicopters and planes 2% Cleaning and Delivery vans 1% collection services 14% Alarms 2% Noise made by people Public transport 1% in public space 44% Crowds of people Vehicles with sirens 1% making noise 22% Noise from establishments 13% Noise from entertainment in public space 1% In 2013, 22% of the complaints made to the Council Household noises 42% were due to crowds of people making noise. classification into zones of high, moderate or low noise 7.2.2 Traffic and nightlife, the main exits), which is known as major infrastructure noise. sensitivity. The new map incorporates new sound level sources of noise in the city Other sources of noise are industry, shopping hubs and meter measurements of the sections with changes in railway infrastructures. their urban development and particularly lively zones, as well as sections where there is any variation in sources The main sources of noise in the city are traffic during the From the point of view of people’s perception of noise, of noise. It includes the action areas marked in the day and nightlife-associated activities at night. As regards the trend seen in the last few years has continued, with Plan to Reduce Noise Pollution of the City of Barcelona traffic, a technical differentiation is made between lower the main cause for complaint being noise made by 2010-2020. The map can be consulted on this website intensity internal traffic and the noise generated by people in public space. traffic in the city’s major thoroughfares (entrances and aspx?lang=en   . Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 95 2009 7.2.3 Drop in the number of people 2013 By day, the number of people exposed to over 55 dB(A) dropped in 2012 (85.45%) compared with the figure for 2009 (86.78%). exposed to the highest noise levels 30% Compared with the previous edition of the map (with 20% data for 2009), the population exposed to noise levels of over 70 decibels by day has fallen and most citizens come 10% within the intermediate sections. 0% <45 dBA 45-50 dBA 50-55 dBA 55-60 dBA 60-65 dBA 65-70 dBA 70-75 dBA 75-80 dBA >80 dBA 53.87% of the population exposed to levels By night, the number of people exposed to over 45 dB(A) dropped in from 60 to 70 dBA during the day. 2012 (87.79%) compared with the figure for 2009 (88.26%). 72.38% of the population exposed to levels from 50 to 65 dBA at night. 30% 20% 21% of the population is under 50 dBA in the night-time band. 10% 0% <45 dBA 45-50 dBA 50-55 dBA 55-60 dBA 60-65 dBA 65-70 dBA 70-75 dBA 75-80 dBA >80 dBA Most of the city’s districts keep noise levels similar to the previous edition of the map or have improved their By night, the number of people exposed to over 45 dB(A) dropped in exposure to noise in the last five years. 2012 (87.79%) compared with the figure for 2009 (88.26%). As regards time bands, the noise level starts to drop 30% significantly around 23.00 hours and in general noise 20% has improved over the last few years by some zones being developed as interiors of blocks, by improving 10% the infrastructures of main road and rail routes in the 0% city, reducing industrial zones and a 12% decrease in <45 dBA 45-50 dBA 50-55 dBA 55-60 dBA 60-65 dBA 65-70 dBA 70-75 dBA 75-80 dBA >80 dBA interurban traffic and 6.7% in urban traffic. During the night, the main problem involves nightlife, stemming from Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 96 the behaviour of people who use public venues and mainly 7.2.4 Zoning the city according to its Barcelona has two special regime noise zones (ZARE) of crowds of people gathering in public spaces. This has noise sensitivity which are particular cases due to the presence of a ceased to be a seasonal problem and now occurs all year large number of activities, in Gràcia (Plaça Virreina, Sol, round. The situation has only worsened in the Ciutat Vella Revolució and Vila de Gràcia) and Ciutat Vella (La Rambla, in the night-time band. The noise map marks the noise level required due to the Rambla del Raval and Plaça Reial). It also has a number configuration, activities or infrastructures in each section of zones with special noise quality (ZEPQA) where very of the city. 83% of Barcelona is in zones of high noise low noise levels are recorded: Horta–Guinardó districts sensitivity (with limit values from 45 to 65 dB(A)) and (Laberint park and Les Heures park), Sarrià – Sant moderate noise sensitivity (with values from 55 to 70 dB(A)). Gervasi (Can Caralleu) and Nou Barris (Torre Baró), the 17% of the sections of the city are of low noise These classifications apply to most of the city: beach zones, surroundings of the Collserola Park and Sants - Montjuïc, sensitivity due to the concentration of leisure and show zones, industrial estates or major those of residential, cultural and healthcare use (48%) and on Montjuïc mountain. infrastructures. residential use with roadway infrastructures, tertiary and industrial activities (35%). 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 4% of A4 sections have been 30% re-zoned as B1 sections to 20% adapt to their uses; this is the 20% case of nightlife 10% 10% 0% 2009 2012 2009 2012 2009 2012 0% High noise sensitive zones (A) Moderate noise sensitive zones (B) Limit from 45 to 65 dBA Limit from 55 to 70 dBA Sections of the beach, parks, healthcare, Sections of residential use with roadway cultural and residential use infrastructures and tertiary and industrial activities More sensible use Restrictive limit Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 97 As regards other quiet zones of the city with a noise The excessive noise map identifies those sections of 96% of street sections comply with their emission level under 50 dB(A) during the day and 45 the city where noise levels exceed the limits set by noise capacity during the day. dB(A) at night, Barcelona differentiates between three noise quality targets. In Barcelona, only 4% of the city types: parks and gardens, specific blocks or ‘islands’ exceeds its capacity by day, with levels above 3 dB(A), 86% comply with this at night. and interior patios, and 2.3% of some street sections in and these are considered as targets for priority action. the city’s residential areas. They are located in Ciutat Vella, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi and Gràcia. At night, this exceedance rises to 14% of the city’s area, concentrated in the same districts. 7.3 Measures taken to improve noise quality The Council’s objective is to improve the city’s noise space for pedestrians in all development operations, Engaging citizens and raising awareness on matters of quality through comprehensive action being taken by promoting electric vehicles and cycling and monitoring noise pollution. all the municipal areas, with comprehensive actions noise emissions at building sites, a pilot trial to reduce including mobility, building and roadworks, nightlife and the noise of nightlife in Ciutat Vella, Eixample and Introducing and furthering mechanisms for control tools for information and awareness-raising. Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, and starting up a website that can and knowledge of the city’s noise quality. be consulted by all citizens. 7.3.1 Assessment and planning The Plan has a ten-year timeframe (2010 - 2020) and includes specific actions for each of the following Drawing up Barcelona’s Strategic Noise Map instruments to define action plans strategic areas: This instrument provides an overall appraisal of city Plan to Reduce Noise Pollution of the City of Improving the noise quality of urban space. people’s exposure to noise produced by different Barcelona 2010-2020 sources in a particular zone and acts as a basis for Furthering the incorporation of noise criteria in the preparing or updating action plans. Regulations require This is the reference framework for all measures taken design and management of the city. strategic maps to be drawn up by local bodies forming by the Council as regards controlling and reducing a group of over 100,000 inhabitants, in the municipal noise. It acts on different fronts such as by increasing Adapting the Council building for noise enhancement. or supra-municipal spheres, and the authorities Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 98 responsible for transport infrastructures. These maps have to be drawn up every five years and be placed at Installation of sensors in the city the public’s disposal. Work has started on installing sensors in public spaces using equipment with a lower cost and lower accuracy 7.3.2 Improving the noise control but which can detect the city’s performance in order to improve the quality of life. The Department for the and monitoring network Control and Reduction of Noise Pollution has defined the measurements which must be complied with by this kind of device. Work is also being done on integrating Network of outdoor sound level meters sensors into the computer platform of class I outdoor stations. The aim is to create a platform for integrated Installation of these meters, which started in 2005, management of the whole noise-monitoring network. means studies can be carried out in specific zones: ZARE, Taking advantage of the implementation of the new ZEPQA, conflictive activities, etc. The aim is to maintain Lighting Master Plan, some sensors have been fitted and update information on the noise situation of the city. into the new smart lamppost model installed in the city. This network, made up of 25 noise-monitoring terminals, currently has a fixed part, mainly for monitoring the noise in nightlife zones, and a mobile part available to district Installation of noise-limiting devices bodies, other departments or as internal needs require. In order to speed up the downloading and processing Considering that noise stemming from nightlife is one of the data, a data processing application has been of the main causes for complaints, the Environmental created which means that data can be downloaded Ordinance lays down that popular public venues with and processed in the same way whatever the model or an indoor music noise level over 70 dB(A) must install a A network of outdoor sound level meters, made up manufacturer of the equipment. noise limiter or recorder. A noise limiter is a device which of fixed and mobile sensors, enables the sound le- vels of the city to be monitored. is installed between the output of the mixer desk and the power amplifier to ensure that all amplified music on Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 99 the premises is limited and enables the noise emission Programme to supervise and control noise regarding the need to reduce noise level in zones with a level of the activities to be controlled, restricting the emissions by building work high concentration of nightlife, among others. volume of the amplified music and recording the noise levels inside the premises. Limiters are therefore not Barcelona is one of the few cities that require all Pilot trials to reduce night-time noise in public only tools for controlling the noise emission levels of companies working in the city to carry out a noise spaces premises but also a highly important prevention tool impact study and make a noise level plan, with ongoing which means action can be taken when high levels supervision of the noise emitted. It also limits the These measures are intended to measure the current are detected before complaints are received for this noisiest work to the morning and restricts this during situation and appraise proposals to reduce the problem reason. Since they don’t only limit levels but also record evening hours and at night. of noise stemming from nightlife in public space. Its them, other noise not controlled by the limiter can also scope of action covers the districts of Ciutat Vella be controlled, such as the noise made by people and (Montserrat zone), Eixample (Enric Granados zone) and other sources (parallel music equipment). 7.3.3 Citizen information and Sarrià - Sant Gervasi (Tuset and Lincoln zones). Popular public venues in the zones covered by the study assisted Limiters are also installed at municipal open air concerts awareness-raising to reduce noise in these trials by sharing criteria and their areas of work. and especially large-scale ones such as the festivals of levels The zones were also monitored by installing equipment Gràcia, Sants, La Mercè, among others. In 2013 over 500 on lampposts and facades to enable recording noise concerts made use of noise limiters. Apart from limiters, Summer campaigns in parts of the city where levels before, during and after the implementation of at each concert an acoustic assessment is carried out of most nightlife occurs the measures. Among these measures are awareness- the concert venue in order to plan the best position of raising campaigns involving the presence of 10 promoters the stage or the location of the speakers, among others The Council is seeking to further measures intended to with intensive action in the pilot zones, communication aspects, with the aim of minimising inconvenience improve sound comfort and reduce noise levels, with elements and media support for one campaign. for people in nearby buildings. As regards privately particular emphasis on zones with higher levels due to arranged concerts such as those of Primavera Sound, the presence of bars, pavement cafés and large crowds As well as general actions, specific measures were also Sonar, etc., the installation of noise limiters is also of people in the street. As part of these campaigns, carried out such as the one intended for tourists occupying required, in this case depending on the results of the measures have been implemented for information and apartments in the district of Ciutat Vella, where a sign has noise impact study carried out. to encourage civic behaviour regarding the problems been produced to be hung up and an item to be placed associated with nightlife and residents’ difficulty in on the door of tourist apartments as a reminder of the sleeping, as well as awareness-raising measures importance of ensuring neighbours are not disturbed. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 100 7.4 Future goals and measures Reducing noise levels continues to be one of the 7.4.1 Barcelona updates its Plan for Implementation of the Plan for Reduction of environmental objectives of Barcelona City Council which Reduction of Noise Pollution Noise Pollution in the City of Barcelona is why it has set up a road map for improving the noise 2010-2020 quality of the city. One of the main sources of noise is nightlife, especially in the Ciutat Vella, Gràcia and Sarrià- Update of the Plan for Reduction of Noise Over the last few years many of the fields of work Sant Gervasi districts, where the established limits are Pollution of the City of Barcelona materialised in the Plan have been got underway. Some exceeded. For this reason management of the use of nevertheless still have to be consolidated and others public space at night is an aspect of particular concern Updating the strategic noise map acts as a basis for implemented. The Plan is just at the halfway stage of its and interest for the Council. The aim is to improve adjusting and defining new measures to improve noise effective period. Some of the measures in the Plan that noise comfort in zones with the highest concentration comfort in addition to the ones already applied and will gain momentum in the coming years are described in of nightlife: pavement cafés, nightlife entertainment included in the Plan. In view of the dynamic nature of the the following table, detailed by their strategic approach. venues, squares and other areas. city, the Plan is currently being reviewed and its updated version is expected to be published in late 2014. The streets of Barcelona renewed over 160,000 m2 of their surfacing, being covered with noise–reducing asphalt that helps to improve road safety and reduce noise contamination. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 101 MAIN MEASURES IN THE PLAN TO REDUCE NOISE and doors in private residences (double glazing) and Government’ platform), fostering campaigns to reduce POLLUTION IN THE CITY OF BARCELONA the Scheme for soundproofing activities that produce noise stemming from night-time venues and pavement 2010-2020 disturbing noise. cafés and setting up channels to access environmental information on noise pollution. Improving the noise quality of urban space Adapting the Council building for noise Promoting electric vehicles, increasing the area enhancement Introducing and furthering mechanisms for allocated to pedestrians in thoroughfares (47% new control and knowledge of the city’s noise quality space is gained for pedestrians in all the conversion Optimisation of the Intranet for noise management, projects underway in the city, as a whole), encouraging improving the system to manage noise incidents, Introducing new technologies in the sensor- the use of public transport and incorporating noise providing training schemes for technical staff in the monitoring network, defining a new noise index for criteria in the planning of works in public thoroughfares. districts and for the City Police Force and incorporating the city, maintaining and furthering technical support noise criteria in municipal service fleets. and advice for districts and the City Police Force and for monitoring noise levels in streets paved with noise- reducing surfacing. Furthering the incorporation of noise criteria in the design and management of the city Citizen engagement and awareness-raising in terms of noise pollution Promoting the “Super-blocks” programme in Barcelona, incorporating the concept of “acoustic Signing Commitment Programmes with the capacity” in the planning of mobility, implementation of agents involved in generating noise, greater citizen the Scheme for heat and noise insulation of windows participation (for example, the Govern Obert or ‘Open Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 102 on the degree of noise pollution at different locations in published as part of the collection of guides of Implementation of the Urban Mobility Plan the school and report on the actions taken to improve Barcelona’s Agenda 21 Escolar, and a set of materials noise quality carried out at schools and in the city. (stories, guides, CD, DVD, musical instruments, etc.) to The Urban Mobility Plan aims to increase travel on foot deal with and foster noise education and improve the by 10% by 2018 and to reduce use of private vehicles noise quality of our environment. from 26% to 21%, encouraging public transport and Educational initiatives cycling, surfacing almost all the roadway network with Sound and Noise. A selection of educational noise-reducing asphalt, eliminating viaducts (such as Barcelona City Council will continue the different resources   to handle the issue of noise pollution in in Plaça de les Glòries) and covering railway tracks in schemes and educational resources promoted in the the classroom, make pupils more aware and find ways inhabited parts of the city (such as the Sants tracks). last few years intended to make pupils more aware of to reduce noise. The resources are available on loan Work will continue on the Escoles + Sostenibles or the problem of noise. from the Environmental Education Documentation ‘More Sustainable Schools’ schemes, with measures to Service. raise awareness and provide information on noise for How does Barcelona work? This is an schools, organising specific activities and workshops. environmental education scheme promoted by the Environment and Urban Services areas of Barcelona City Council with the aim of educating 7.4.2 Noise as a subject to work on in sustainability based on a knowledge of what we might call the “city’s metabolism”. The wide range of at schools education activities includes visits to facilities related to Barcelona’s environmental management, helping Education programme 2015-2016 for dealing to reflect on the impact of everyday activities such with noise at schools as noise levels. It also includes a workshop on noise prevention entitled “Mec-mec, plam, brmm, ssst!” The programme seeks to make pupils aware, and have intended for the later years of primary school and them act on and participate in improving the sustainable the early years of secondary education. Work is management of their environment by identifying carried out at the workshop on the concepts of noise problematic spaces with high noise levels, at school in and silence and noise measurements are taken and this case: dining rooms, playgrounds, multi-purpose their results interpreted, with a hands-on approach rooms, gymnasiums, etc. where measures and action to the measuring equipment. need to be taken. The aims of the scheme are to improve Children work on the concept of noise at school to make them more aware of the importance of noise the quality and quantity of noise, create a network for Sound and noise suitcase  . An educational quality. swapping education experiences on noise, provide data resource made up of the Sound and noise   guide, Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Acoustic quality 103 105 Summary diagram 106 8.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 107 8.2 General context and current situation 107 8.2.1 The total volume of waste is dropping 109 8.2.2 Different types of waste collection for greater effectiveness and efficiency 110 8.2.3 Consolidation of waste separation habits 111 8.2.4 The best treatment for each type of waste 113 8.3 Measures taken to reduce waste generation and improve selective collection Waste production 113 8.3.1 Planning based on prevention, reuse, recycling and awareness-raising and management 115 8.3.2 Encouraging selective waste collection 115 8.3.3 Raising awareness for prevention 116 8.3.4 Starting up the plan to improve street cleaning 116 8.4 Future goals and measures 116 8.4.1 Making progress in minimising waste generation 117 8.4.2 Barcelona will continue to make citizens aware of this issue 117 8.4.3 Application of environmental and social criteria in new cleaning contracts Barcelona, a city progressing with less waste Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 104 2009 Waste Current 1.46 kg/inhab./day production situation Waste 2009 2013 2013 and generation 864,758 t 730,285 t 1.23 kg/inhab./day management Selective 2009 2013 collection 32 % 36 % green points 2009 2013 Vision of 478,322 741,086visits visits the future Becoming a Waste city that takes treatment 55.5 % 35.5 % 5 % 4 % advantage of Mechanical- Material Energy Controlled 100% of biological Recovery recovery dump treatment the waste generated Lines of work Rethinking ‘E + S (Embolcalls + Sostenibles / Planning ‘Plan to improve Esmorzars + Saludables)’ Reduction ‘Taking street cleaning’ (More Sustainable advantage of food’ Recycling ‘New cleaning ‘Waste Prevention Plan for Wrapping / Healthier ‘Census of shops Reuse ‘Renew your contract’ ‘Collection of Barcelona 2012-2020’ Meals) selling loose goods’ clothing’ toys at green points’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 105 8.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Vision of the future Prevention of waste is a necessity, an opportunity and a priority: a necessity because we cannot keep up waste management with such high long-term costs and an opportunity because consumption habits have changed over the last few years and the selective collection of waste has become more fully established; also a priority because prevention is the way to disconnect growth in the economy from rising Barcelona wants to become a waste generation. The main challenges and opportunities that have to be tackled are: city that takes advantage of 100% of the waste generated. The compact urban structure makes it easier to manage waste by reducing distances between people and collection points, making it unnecessary to take waste very far. The diversity of urban areas nevertheless requires an adaptation of collection systems Beyond preventing waste to offer a service available to everyone and consistent with the setting in which this is found. generation, Barcelona wants to build a model of consumption The number of inhabitants and their diversity is an aspect directly affecting the quantity of waste generated and the and development with the quality of the waste collected. The city now has over 1.6 million inhabitants as well as a considerable number of tourists. Their lowest possible ecological seasonal presence and lack of knowledge as to how the city works makes waste management harder. The city’s foreign residents also footprint and to move towards a have lower levels of environmental awareness. circular economy. The milestone There are general limitations which make it hard to influence citizens’ consumption habits such as market limitations is to prevent waste as far as in options for sorting products or the fact that certain products have a limited lifetime. Over-packaging and the disappearance of possible and for any refuse products sold in a loose format are also significant factors. generated to be turned into quality raw material. This can There are limitations connected with management instruments, such as regulatory development and planning which favour local only be done by ensuring the and super-municipal endeavours that are still in their early stages or the lack of prevention consolidation in certain areas of management. co-responsibility of citizens and Ensuring optimised selective waste collection that functions correctly enables its impact on city people to be minimised and social and economic agents as reduces noise pollution and the emission of local contaminants. a whole. We therefore need to continue explaining the global Obtaining quality materials in waste recovery processes, such as urban mining, is of key importance in finding a market for and local benefits of good waste them, thus contributing to the circular economy. In spite of this the present economic situation encourages the breaking of material management. circuits (theft of copper, metal, etc.), making it necessary to create parallel circuits in order to integrate them. The incorporation of smart and innovative technologies helps to improve the operation of the waste management model, making this more efficient and sustainable. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 106 8.2 General context and current situation Barcelona City Council is responsible for cleaning other types of recovery (for example, energy recovery) 8.2.1 The total volume of waste is public space and managing the different types of and elimination (or disposal). On a European scale, dropping municipal waste produced by the city  . The Council this hierarchy is covered in Directive 2008/98/EC, of can nevertheless handle the collection and transport 19 November 2008. At a state level, Act 22/2011, of In the last five years the waste collected in the city has of different waste fractions and even the installation of 28 July, on contaminating soils and waste, states that dropped by 16% to 730,285 tonnes in 2013. At the same treatment on its own account or delegate this to private public administrations should pass programmes for time the rate of waste generation per person has also companies or social organisations by means of contracts waste prevention, setting the prevention targets and fallen, reaching 1.23 kg/person/day. or agreements of a particular timescale depending on describing the existing prevention measures. Apart from each fraction and/or generator. this, there is also a National Integrated Waste Plan (PNIR) The actions carried out since November 2012 reveal the 2008-2015, Urban Waste of Household Origin, a text potential of waste reduction provided by the measures Decree 1/2009, of 21 July, defines the powers and approved by an agreement of the Council of Ministers of contained in the Waste Prevention Plan for Barcelona functions of local bodies as regards prevention and December 2008. Finally, at the Autonomous Community 2012-2020. The generation of waste in the second taking action intended to accomplish the aims defined in level, there is also the Catalonia Municipal Waste half of 2013 indicated a change in trend and incipient the Catalonia Municipal Waste Management Programme Management Programme 2007-2012 (PROGREMIC) ) stabilisation to some degree. 2007-2012 (PROGREMIC)  . According to this Decree, and the Metropolitan Plan for Management of Municipal the management of waste is the responsibility of the Waste 2009-2016 (PMGRM)  . In 2013 the amount of waste avoided thanks to the municipality. As regards planning for prevention, the Law implementation of the measures described in the Waste on waste and contaminating soils, Act 22/2011, of 28 July, At the municipal level, cleaning public space and managing Prevention Plan   was 1,846,209 kg. These data provide lays down that local bodies can, within the framework waste is regulated by means of different ordinances some initial measurements regarding the viability of the of their authority, draw up programmes for waste passed by the City Council. This establishes the criteria different measures and the sectoral and global potential management in accordance with the National Framework for classifying waste within municipal competence, either in the medium and long term. Plan and the Autonomous Community waste plans. special or not special, as well as any waste whose nature or origin means it must be handled by carriers and European, state and Catalan regulations determine a managers authorised by the Catalan Waste Agency. Waste collection incorporates quality and sustainability hierarchy which establishes the order of priorities to criteria and also has the necessary instruments to be applied in waste management policies: prevention, ensure respect for the environment. preparation for reuse, recycling (even composting) Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 107 1.000.000 1,5 800.000 1,4 600.000 1,3 Collection of commercial waste (t) Collection of household waste (t) 400.000 1,2 200.000 1,1 2013 was the sixth consecutive year in which a drop was recorded in the total volume of waste collected in the city. 89.8% of the waste generated 0 A21 0 was from household sources. 2001 2013 It is clear that prevention is the way to disconnect economic growth from an associated rise in waste generation and break a consumption circle which does not provide any added value for the well-being of society. Most of the waste avoided involves textiles (89.63%). 1.000.000 70.000 Others 0,2% 90.000 65.000 Paper and cardboard 6,40% Bulky items and electric electronic apparatus 0,01% 80.000 60.000 Organic matter 2,13% Light packaging 0,11% 70.000 55.000 Glass 1,70% Textiles 89,63% 60.000 50.000 2001 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 108 Municipal waste - t Collection of waste - t City GDP - million € Municipal waste - kg/inhab and dya 8.2.2 Different types of waste the separate collection of fractions of organic material, Green points  . These facilitate the collection and collection for greater effectiveness packaging, glass, paper-cardboard and residual waste. provisional storage of waste that will not fit in the The owners of businesses generating waste can opt selective containers to be taken later to the processing and efficiency for the municipal waste system which is assigned to plants. The city has 7 zone green points, 23 district them by quantity and/or zone or manage this by means green points, 96 stops for the mobile green point and In view of Barcelona’s diverse uses and urban structure, of a carrier authorised by Catalan Waste Agency, with 2 mobile green points which can be requested by different types of collection are implemented with the aim documents to certify the management system. schools and institutions, as well as by civic bodies or of ensuring an effective and efficient collection of municipal associations. waste, promoting selective collection and furthering Markets. This is the waste generated by the 40 reintroduction into the production and consumer cycle for municipal food markets and the different markets and Collection of clothing. The City Council and the all those resources whose useful life is not yet over. street markets, except for Mercabarna, Barcelona’s Training and Work Foundation have signed an wholesale market. Organic material, paper-cardboard agreement to implement a new service for the door- Household. This is the waste originating from the and residual waste are separated for collection. to-door collection of used clothing in 2012. This service city’s housing and from shops and services that allows citizens to ask to have used clothing collected don’t have any specific commercial collection. This Collection of bulky items (furniture and junk). from their homes – minimum 2 bags, free of charge, by is mainly done by means of community bins, where There is a free collection system in which each street calling one of the citizen service phone lines. citizens can separate waste by fraction (organic has a set day assigned to it and another system where material, glass, packaging, paper-cardboard and residents can pay for items to be collected from their Over the last few years Barcelona has introduced residual waste). Apart from promoting the selective home within 36 hours. improvements into municipal processes and services collection of recoverable waste, this system also for collection and management as regards changing reduces the volume and diversity of waste coming into Other collections. Collection of organic material, habits and patterns of behaviour of citizens and of the processing installations. The collection is handled apart from residual waste, in the parks and gardens of different social and economic agents with regard to the by several companies contracted by the City Council, Barcelona City Council. At Mercabarna, the collection selective collection and recovery of resources which each of which is responsible for one of the zones into of residual waste, organic material and paper- have not ended their life cycle. Particularly of note is which the city is divided, in line with technical and cardboard; also dead animals, which is mainly done by the introduction of the selective collection of organic efficient management criteria. social organisations. material. The active involvement of citizens in selective collection is largely the result of the communication Commercial. This is the waste generated by shops Apart from these types of refuse collection, the Council campaigns carried out, creating a favourable social with a specific collection system, such as big stores, provides different services for citizens which enable all context, and the cooperation with hundreds of economic activity centres and industries with waste that the waste that should not be included in the residual organisations, organisations, companies and institutions can be assimilated in this category. The system involves waste fraction to be separated: connected with waste generation in the city. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 109 8.2.3 Consolidation of waste reached its peak (39.5%) coinciding with the time when The relative increase of glass and packaging fractions collection habits organic material started to be collected from the city as and the increase in the use of green points also indicate a whole and the number of green points was extended. that the people of Barcelona have consolidated their waste separation habits. The people of Barcelona have consolidated their In spite of this the percentage for 2013 was still almost recycling habits. In absolute terms, 264,044 tonnes were 4 points higher than in 2009. The reduction in the The drop in tonnes of paper and cardboard collected in 2013, 5.6% less than in 2012. This reduction percentage of selective collection for 2013 can be largely collected is mainly due to the decrease in commercial is explained by the decrease in the total generation explained by the decrease in the amount of paper and activity and to unofficial collection. of waste in the city. In 2013 selective collection also cardboard collected, partly caused by thefts from bins dropped 3.3 per cent as compared with the total amount and partly by the economic crisis. The amount of packaging and glass collected has of waste in comparison with 2010, the year in which it remained fairly stable over the last few years. 264,044 t of waste was handled by selective collection in 2013, 5.5% The increase in users of green points is due to a more widespread less than the previous year. use of the network and indicates a higher degree of awareness. 1.000.000 250 1.000.000 800.000 200 800.000 600.000 150 600.000 Other collections 400.000 Bulky items 100 400.000 Packaging Glass 200.000 Paper-cardboard 50 200.000 Organic material Textiles and shoes 0 Residual waste 0 0 2001 2013 2001 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 110 Collection of waste - t kg/visit Visits The collection of packaging waste remained stable in life. Reducing this is therefore the main way to prevent 2013. The relative increase in the collection of glass such an impact, as well as optimising the transport routes indicates that citizens are increasingly aware of this. for its collection and ensuring this is given the best treatment in line with the hierarchy laid down by current In 2010 there was a considerable increase in the legislation: tonnes of organic material collected compared with previous years. Since then the collection of Organic material, both coming from specific this fraction has remained stable in relative terms. generators (e.g. Mercabarna) and from selective Inappropriate waste – refuse thrown out by mistake collection, can be treated by either composting or amongst the organic part as well as nappies, which anaerobic digestion. should go into general waste, has remained at around 20% since 2010. Packaging is separated at sorting plants and, as part of the Comprehensive System for Waste Management The number of citizen visits to Barcelona’s network of of light packaging, the sorted material is taken to green points increases year by year and this has become authorised recovery organisations. consolidated as a reference facility. In 2013 these green points were visited by 741,086 users, the highest figure of Paper-cardboard from shops is collected separately the last few years. The rise in green point visits indicates via a special system and assigned to authorised the increasing awareness of citizens. recovery organisations. In 2008 Barcelona City Council was given “Tu Papel 21” certification from ASPAPEL (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Pulp, Paper 8.2.4 The best treatment for each and Cardboard) for its good management of the selective collection of paper and cardboard. kind of waste Glass is taken to authorised recovery organisations. The network of green points in the city is made up The generation of waste entails a number of environmental of the zone green points, which are large-scale and impacts at differing scales (local, regional or global) Bulky items from municipal collection or dumps located on the outskirts, the district points, which related to its collection, transport and processing such (small amounts) are taken to the bulk waste sorting are smaller and located inside the city area, mobile as energy consumption, emissions into the atmosphere plant in Gavà-Viladecans. points made up of trucks to be closer to hand for ci- and the contamination of water and soil. Other impacts tizens and the school mobile unit, as an educational such as noise, smell, occupation of public space or the Residual waste: in accordance with the PMGRM, resource for pupils and their families. landscape or visual impact may also affect the quality of which aims to process such waste before using it Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 111 Mechanical-biological treatment 55.5% Controlled dumping 4% Energy production 5% Material recovery 35.5% In 2013 55.5% of waste was given mechanical- biological treatment for energy recovery or disposing of it, this is sent to collection systems; the composting of organic waste mechanical-biological processing plants (Ecoparks) from parks and gardens and the organic fractions where an attempt is made to reclaim and recover selectively collected. It also includes organic waste the maximum possible amount of materials before sent for mechanical-biological treatment. carrying out its final processing. Mechanical-biological treatment: treatment of the Composting is a biological process that transforms The residue from this processing cannot be recovered residual waste fraction, where recyclable materials degradable organic waste under controlled any further and can only be used to produce energy or are separated (the resulting residue is later used to conditions into a stable, sterilised product known as disposed of via controlled methods. produce energy). compost, which can be used as organic fertilizer. The different treatments given to waste are therefore. Energy recovery: waste sent directly to produce energy. Material recovery: this includes the recycling of glass, paper and cardboard, light packaging items, bulky Controlled dumping: waste that is sent directly to a items, waste from green points and other specific controlled dump. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 112 8.3 Measures taken to reduce waste generation and improve selective collection Barcelona is striving to reduce the amount of waste amount until 2020, reaching a rate of 1.386 kg/inhab./ generated and raise the quality and quantity of selective day. The figures for per capita generation for 2011 (1.33 collection by implementing measures to improve kg/inhab./day) and 2012 (1.27 kg/ inhab./day) are already management and increasing people’s awareness. within the Plan’s targets but are nevertheless affected by the economic crisis and the drop in consumption and not yet influenced by the implementation of a prevention 8.3.1 Planning based on prevention, plan integrated within the everyday operation of production and consumption cycles. reuse, recycling and awareness- raising As quality targets, the Plan seeks to promote and reactivate the possibilities for reuse and recycling and in particular to increase the degree of awareness- Municipal Waste Prevention Plan 2012-2020 raising and participation of citizens and agents involved. It also aims to convey the message of prevention and In keeping with established Catalan and Metropolitan responsible consumption to the people of Barcelona objectives, the plan sets the target of reducing the waste and to consolidate prevention measures as part of the generated per capita by 10% for 2018 and keeping to this management of municipal refuse. The plan stresses prevention, reuse and recycling and its The Municipal Waste Prevention Plan 2012-2020 application framework includes all municipal waste flows aims to encourage the reduction of waste in the plus those that can be assimilated to municipal flows city by involving all the agents involved (citizens, generated within the city’s administrative boundaries. The bins placed all over the city encourage the se- companies, shops, organisations, associations and Below are details on some of the measures already administrations). implemented to improve the prevention potential for lective collection of waste in an easy, accessible way for everyone. each fraction. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 113 MAIN MEASURES TO IMPROVE THE PREVENTION POTENTIAL FOR EACH FRACTION Organic material Paper and cardboard Bulky items and “RAEEs” (waste from electrical Reduction of food wastage. The following measures Reuse of text and reading books. The schools in Agenda and electronic equipment) were carried out in 2013 in order to cut down food 21 have carried out different experiments in reusing text wastage   and encourage responsible consumption and reading books. Initiatives to lengthen the useful life of objects. habits: cooking workshops to make the most of food and Of note is the work carried out by the Environmental theatrical performances in municipal markets to teach “Book corner”. Zone and district green points have a Department of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area with recipes for keeping and making the most of food, attended facility for reusing reading books. its “Better than new, 100% old”   scheme to encourage by over 7,000 people; publication of the guide entitled people not to throw things away until their useful life “Let’s make the most of our food”   intended for hotels, “+ Sustainable Council” Scheme. with the aim of is over. This is done by disseminating the different restaurants and catering firms; a website designed for making the Council more environmentally friendly, since possibilities for reusing items at repair workshops, citizens to share strategies and recipes to make the most paper makes up 60% of the waste generated. Trays are second hand shops and markets and websites for of food; publication of the study entitled “Food waste distributed to promote the reuse of paper as well as exchanging and buying and selling goods. It also gives at school dining facilities. Conclusions of a study and eco-paper bins for recycling. advice on different techniques for repairing things proposals for action”  ; publishing the “Guide to prevent oneself in the “Repaired, better than new”   project. food waste”   and short educational videos for children. Other fractions Light packaging Glass “Renew your clothing”  . This is an initiative to encourage the selective collection of clothing and Reduction of drinks packaging. Different measures Encouraging the reuse of cava bottles. Their specific footwear and its reuse, promoted by organisations, are carried out to achieve this aim: the pilot trial on characteristics mean that cava bottles are ideal for associations and municipal facilities of the city with the the implementation and proper use of deposit, refund reincorporating in the reuse circuit. Barcelona City City Council’s support. As part of the 5th European Week and return (SDDR) systems, the introduction of vending Council encourages people to take cava bottles to Green for Preventing Waste, the initiative gave workshops, machines with waste prevention criteria especially at Points, especially over the Christmas period. talks, short films and the action entitled “The evidence facilities, and fostering the consumption of tap water by of waste”  , promoting the Waste Prevention Plan . citizens. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 114 8.3.2 Encouraging selective waste measures, in late 2009 the deployment of 27,000 new “Eating it all up”  , which starts off with the Think, buy, collection bins designed to be accessible for everyone was begun. cook, eat” guide to avoid food waste  , to raise awareness These containers have a foot-operated manual opening on food wastage at the dinner services of Barcelona system (the pedal design means they can be opened schools as well as calculating the ecological footprint of more conveniently and less strength is required to open certain foods commonly used in school meals, with the Main results of the new cleaning contract them) and they also have a delayed closing system and cooperation of school catering service companies. touch-sensitive marks for the visually impaired. Since late 2009 Barcelona has had a cleaning contract “Let’s make compost and learn”  , given by the with the aim of improving the collection service by +Sustainable Schools scheme, sets out to bring increasing the number of collection points by 37%, a “Where can I get rid of my waste?” website household composting into the everyday lives of the target which has already been attained. The framework city’s educational centres. To this end it provides them of the contract involved extending selective collection to This website provides information on the most with different materials and services for composting to shops and large generators and the selective collection appropriate place to dispose of each type of waste, as help introduce waste management and prevention as of organic material has been introduced. Among other well as helping to locate the closest green point. both a theoretical and practical part of the curriculum. Civic conduct has its reward. An agreement 8.3.3 Raising awareness for prevention between Barcelona City Council and the CiviClub . means that civic attitudes, solidarity or sustainability, such as taking items to be recycled at a green point, giving blood or making use of the Bicing cycle hire Implementation of education measures service are rewarded with discounts and promotions for leisure activities. In the Framework of + Sustainable Schools, the following projects are worthy of mention: Network of Metropolitan Composting Units  . With the aim of fostering the campaign for household + Sustainable Wrappers is a project carried out by E+ S Project (Embolcalls + Sostenibles/Esmorzars composting, Barcelona Metropolitan Area has promoted the Cleaning and Waste Management Department + Saludables)   (More Sustainable Wrapping / the creation of a Network of Metropolitan Composting of Barcelona Council, the + Sustainable Schools Healthier Meals) for encouraging educational centres Units (XCM), open to both composters and technical Scheme and the Catalan Society for Environmental to reduce the packaging used for lunches based on staff of the public administration, as well as companies Education, to encourage a reduction in wrappings, a wrapping prevention plan, at the same time as from the sector and the academic world. This network the introduction of reusable packaging and to proposing an analysis of types of lunch and taking encourages household composting in the city, both in make pupils more aware of waste prevention. more steps to promote healthier eating habits. gardens and on terraces, as well as vermicomposting. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 115 8.3.4 Starting up the Plan to in order to improve the city’s cleaning, with particular The second phase of the Plan, begun in 2013, emphasises Improve Street Cleaning emphasis on the places used most intensively by people four different aspects with regard to the cleaning service: in all districts. The Plan also contained a communication it promotes the initiative entitled “Giving the district plan to convey to citizens the message that cleaning the a thorough clean on Saturdays”  , cleaning up stains city is everyone’s responsibility, also including backup and chewing gum, with incentives for the collection of Plan to Improve Street Cleaning work by the authorities with the City Police Force paying excrement and cleaning the shutters of shops, at no special attention to anti-civic behaviour connected with extra cost to the city’s municipal cleaning system. The In 2009 the first phase of the plan was implemented, cleanliness. Plan also intends to update and reorganise the cleaning modernising and reorganising the cleaning services service to ensure better results in city cleaning. 8.4 Future goals and measures Barcelona has already achieved the target of cutting 8.4.1 Making progress in minimising follow-up reports on actions and the drafting and down waste generation per capita by 10% by 2018. To waste generation calculation of a series of prevention indicators. consolidate this figure and improve on the quality of the fractions collected, the Council will continue to improve and establish new strategies to encourage a more Follow-up and review of the Waste Prevention Creating virtual exchange networks efficient and rational use of resources and to encourage Plan for Barcelona 2012-2020   the prevention of waste generation, reusing and recycling. Through these networks, people do not have to be As envisaged in this Plan itself, work has been and physically present to make a swap. It acts as a series of continues to be carried out to exhaustively assess the windows to allow people to show their reusable items The Municipal Waste Prevention Plan 2012-2020 application of the measures in the Plan on an ongoing and to manage supply and demand by users. It includes establishes new strategies to encourage a more basis and to ensure flexibility in order to incorporate any bulky items and electric and electronic items recovered efficient and rational use of resources and to further changes considered to be appropriate. These follow-up by the Council or by non-profit organisations from repair prevention, reuse and recycling. tools are specifically: annual reports on the evolution centres or dumps, or from donations of property by and state of planning, reviews in each period - phase, private people or organisations, etc. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 116 Consolidation of the collection of toys at green efforts and resources on identifying waste and its stall by stall to inform people of the basic concepts and points proper separation but also of finding those things that answer any doubts on the separation of waste. can stop becoming waste, as well as promoting this new After the pilot trial to reuse used toys left at district model of consumption. green points or the city’s mobile points, the current 8.4.3 Application of environmental objective is to consolidate this channel. The idea behind this service is to extend the useful life of toys which are and social criteria in new cleaning 8.4.2 Barcelona will continue to still useable and to ensure those that cannot be reused contracts are disposed of properly. make citizens aware of this issue Making municipal markets aware to recycle Drawing up the new cleaning contract Census of shops selling loose goods more and better The present contract has a major environmental As part of the structure to prevent light packaging, the The aim of the campaign promoted by the City Council will commitment and stresses the minimisation of the prevention plan includes the preparation of a database be to improve the collection of organic waste at municipal carbon footprint. The intention of the new contract of the shops in Barcelona which sell loose goods in markets through awareness-raising and education. This is also to reduce noise pollution and to minimise the the area of household consumer products. This action task is being carried out by 7 environmental information emission of local contaminants. It will seek the maximum seeks to prove that it is not only a matter of focussing agents who will visit the city’s 29 markets. They will go electrification of the fleet, new cleaning processes for street cleaning and collection to move towards a circular economic model and foster the protection of people’s health and the environment, as well as aspects on the treatment of data and information transparency. As regards management, the system of dividing the city into zones of action to keep up competitiveness between companies will continue. The principle of the licensee’s overall responsibility in each zone will be kept, grouping cleaning services and waste collection in one zone under the same concession. Greater involvement and responsibility on the part of licensees will be required, related to financial compensation There are a lot of shops in Barcelona which sell loose products nowadays, going back to more traditional forms systems with a view to achieving measurable results. of consumption. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Waste production a nd management 117 119 Summary diagram 120 9.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 121 9.2 General context and current situation 122 9.2.1 Water shortages require diverse resources 122 9.2.2 Water consumption goes down year after year 124 9.2.3 The sewer system and its historical planning 125 9.2.4 Barcelona treats 100% of its waste water 126 9.2.5 Maximum quality beaches in spite of their intensive use 127 9.3 Measures taken to reduce water consumption 127 9.3.1 Efficient use of resources and the distribution network Water cycle 127 9.3.2 The City Council saves water in municipal uses 128 9.3.3 Drinking water quality: a priority for the city 128 9.3.4 Awareness-raising campaigns 129 9.3.5 Underground tanks and remote control for better drainage management 129 9.3.6 Increasing the permeability of urban space 130 9.4 Future goals and measures 130 9.4.1 New models to improve management Barcelona, well on the way to 130 9.4.2 Taking advantage of alternative water resources comprehensive water management 131 9.4.3 Managing the coastline: a priority for the city Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 118 1999 2013 Water Current 67.37 % Household situation 114.46 94.67 cycle Water million m3 million m3 27.27 % Shops consumption total drinking water total drinking water and industry 5.34 % Municipal services Vision of the future 2013 Sustainability 1999 2013 108.42 index Protecting 3.43 %(groundwater 19.95 % water as a l/inhab. x day consumption/household total water basic vital water consumption) resource Treatment 100 % beaches treated 4.78 km water 3,755,000 users Lines of work Savings and efficiency ‘Taking advantage of alternative Quality ‘Checks on resources’ ‘Savings in Flood drinking water’ management of green Awareness-raising New management management ‘Management of areas, cleaning and ‘Fostering water models ‘Barcelona Cicle ‘Remote control and bathing water’ sewers’ savings’ ‘Fonts Bcn’ app de l’Aigua, SA (BCASA)’ urban drainage’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 119 9.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Vision of the future Like any other city in the world, Barcelona interferes in the natural water cycle, both through its demand for drinking water and the disposal of its waste water. The concentration of the population and a large number of human activities within a limited area therefore generate a demand which would in many cases exceed the resources available. That’s why policies are required to preserve drinking Barcelona protects its water water and promote alternative water resources for uses such as the irrigation of green spaces, street and drainage cleaning, ornamental as a basic vital resource. fountains, fire hydrants, etc. The city must specifically consider the following challenges and opportunities: That’s why it’s a priority issue for the city to ensure comprehensive Barcelona, a Mediterranean city with high temperatures and irregular, seasonal rainfall. Periods of drought and torrential water cycle management, taking rain have historically been one of the most serious problems the city has to handle. Climate change, rising temperatures and the into account the resources, seasonal variation in rainfall may worsen this problem even further. demand, inhabitants and impact of human infrastructures. It’s Barcelona, a city between two Mediterranean rivers. Barcelona lies between the river Besòs and the river Llobregat. Both also essential to ensure bodies of these have all the typical features of Mediterranean rivers: fluctuations in flow over the year with minimum levels reached in of water are in a thoroughly good summer and much lower overall flows than most European rivers. The authorities have made great efforts over the last few years condition, to promote savings to compensate the deterioration suffered by both the Llobregat delta, currently turned into a very valuable nature reserve, and the and efficiency, take advantage mouth of the Besòs, which is now a park called the Parc Fluvial del Besòs. of alternative water resources in Barcelona, a somewhat seasonal tourist city. 2013 was another year in which Barcelona reached a record for tourism, with over the public and private spheres, 7.5 million visitors, 1.8% more than in 2012. The city’s weather, its cultural appeal, its ability to hold large trade fairs and congresses and implement technological and low prices have all enabled Barcelona to compete with major European cities in attracting international visitors. Under such advances in infrastructures to conditions, the peaks of floating population brought by tourism could increase the city’s impact on the surrounding environment improve their management and, more specifically, on everything to do with the water cycle. Barcelona, a city becoming aware of water efficiency and savings. In the last decade Catalonia experienced several droughts, some of which were extremely serious such as the ones in 2007 and 2008. These experiences have enabled us to learn and inform citizens, who considerably reduced their household consumption at the time, and also public administrations, with medium and long- term policies guaranteeing the universal availability of this resource. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 120 9.2 General context and current situation Barcelona City Council makes a great effort to protect Responsibility for managing water in the city of Barcelona and improve the Environment and Urban Habitat is divided among different organisations. In general The strategic focuses of Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, and believes that water is an essential factor in any terms, the autonomous community administration is SA (BCASA) are to further rational policies for water decision for the city. That’s why the Council has set up responsible for supplying water at high pressure while consumption, promote the use of alternative water the Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, SA (BCASA) a company to its distribution to users is the responsibility of a group of resources and advance policies to improve urban manage the city’s entire water cycle, carry out activities municipalities or concession. drainage and the comprehensive management of the and provide services directly or indirectly involving the coastline and city fountains. water cycle, beaches, coastline and environment. The The City Council can take part in the better management company was approved at the Council’s Plenary Session of water on a general basis or, in the case of droughts, of 28 October 2013, reports to the Assistant Management by reducing superfluous municipal consumption and The Council also manages groundwater, as well as of the Environment and Urban Services, part of the carrying out awareness-raising campaigns. With the working to reduce leakages from the distribution Urban Habitat Management Division, and carries out its Catalan government it also acts as the health authority network, in which it has the cooperation of the water functions under the leadership, supervision and control to control mains water quality, through the Barcelona distribution company responsible for the system’s of the Directorate for Water Cycle Services (DSCA). Public Health Agency (ASPB). maintenance. Catalan Metropolitan Barcelona government Area City Council Water planning High pressure supply Low pressure supply Barcelona City Council shares responsibility for the low pressure water supply, for supervision Supervision and inspection and inspection and for actions when there is a Approval of rates risk of drought. Action in drought risk situations *Barcelona City Council delegates this responsibility to AMB. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 121 9.2.1 Water shortages require train network. This large volume of water has become a diverse resources source of water resources for municipal uses. At present the usage of groundwater resources is over 1.3 million m3 a year while technical and economic criteria mean Water supply sources come mainly from the surface, that its usage ceiling is 4.02 hm3/any. although in the last few years there has been a significant increase in the presence of underground resources As regards the potential for reusing the water from from the subsoil and in the near future regenerated treatment plants, the Waste Water Treatment Plant water and desalinated seawater will be used. (EDAR) in El Prat de Llobregat is currently being prepared to regenerate a flow of 3.25 m3/s. The uses The surface resources used come from the rivers Ter envisaged are: as a barrier against the intrusion of salt and Llobregat. The water from the Llobregat is regulated water, environmental use in the river, farming irrigation, in La Baells, La Llosa del Cavall and Sant Ponç reservoirs maintenance of wetlands and industrial use. and is made drinkable at the Sant Joan Despí and Abrera plants before being put into the network. The water El Llobregat desalination plant is ready to guarantee and in the Ter is obtained from the system of reservoirs in meet drinking water demands where necessary. It can Sau-Susqueda-El Pasteral and is processed at the El Ter handle up to 60 hm3/year of desalinated sea water, with treatment plant. These two networks are interconnected a maximum volume capacity of 200,000 m3/day. to form the Ter-Llobregat System in order to guarantee the distribution and final quality of the water. The water is stored in two large tanks at La Trinitat and La 9.2.2 Water consumption goes down Fontsanta. The supply of these resources is managed by different companies in the metropolitan area. year after year As regards underground resources –used for non- drinking water– these are drawn from the aquifers of The consumption of mains drinking water in Barcelona the Llobregat and Besòs deltas and from the Barcelona in 2013 was 94.67 million m3, 19.79 million m3 less than Plain. The gradual closing of the wells once used by in 1999. The water from the River Llobregat is not only of great industry has made the groundwater level gradually rise, environmental importance but also economically returning to its natural equilibrium at certain points. Households made up 67.37% of the consumption (63.78 vital, since this is one of the main sources of water to This has led to problems in basements, underground million m3 a year), shopping and industry 27.27% (25.82 supply the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. car parks and public services such as the underground million m3) and municipal services 5.34% (5.07 million m3). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 122 The reduction in the consumption of mains drinking in 1999, a reduction of almost 40.28%. From 2007 to The consumption of groundwater has multiplied by 4.17 water since 1999 was 12.55% for homes and 21.85% for 2008 the reduction was over 35%, the drought situation since 1999 (from 301,730 to 1,263,150 m3) exceeding a shops and industry. undoubtedly having an influence on this. This is the million m3 a year. sector that underwent the greatest reduction, due both The domestic consumption of drinking water per to improved efficiency in water use and to the use of As regards the sustainability index, namely the inhabitant followed the same trend as overall alternative water resources, mainly groundwater. proportion of water consumed from groundwater consumption. Consumption per inhabitant and day was compared with total water consumption (groundwater + 108.42 litres in 2013; 24.48 litres less than in 1999. The total consumption of municipal services in 2013 drinking water), in Barcelona this went from 3.43% in 1999 (drinking water plus groundwater) was 6.33 million m3, to 19.95% in 2013, which means that the consumption of Mains drinking water consumption by municipal 2.46 million m3 less than in 1999; a reduction of 28.00%. groundwater has risen, saving mains water. services was 5.07 million m3, 3.42 million m3 less than The consumption of mains drinking water by municipal services has The consumption of mains water dropped in all sectors with tended to decrease through the use of groundwater from the subsoil and households consuming the most. through improved efficiency. 120 11 100 9 80 7 60 5 Household Shops and industry 40 Council services 3 1999 2013 1995 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 123 mains water consumption million m3 mains drinking water consumption million m3 20 % 15 % 10 % The sustainability index [100 x groundwater consumption / total water 5 % consumption (groundwater+mains water)] of the municipal services has considerably improved. 0 % 1999 2013 9.2.3 The sewer system and its 1954. General Sewer System Plan (Fernando Josa, 1997. Barcelona Special Sewer Plan (PECLAB ‘97). historical planning Luis Jara). This plan revealed the most significant This plan introduced the concept of regulators to avoid shortcomings of Barcelona’s subsoil. large collectors, as well as real-time control of the Barcelona has had sewer systems since its very early network. The hydrological-hydraulic modelling of the days and these have evolved at the same pace as the 1969. Drainage Plan (Albert Vilalta). This set out network started to be generally applied, involving a large city itself. The earliest systems date back to Roman to solve the problems of impermeability arising as number of works to extend and modify the network. times but the present system is the result of different a result of the major urban growth. The Besòs and plans developed over the last century, right up to the Bogatell treatment plants were built (the latter now 2006. Barcelona Integrated Sewer Plan (PICBA ‘06). present day: demolished). This involved further development of the computer simulation of an increasingly extensive network which 1891. Project for Draining the Subsoil (García 1988. Barcelona Special Sewer Plan (Pre-Olympic was measured in great detail, increasing the protection Faria). Even though this project was not fully applied, PECB ’88). Computer methods were used for the first against flooding and DSU (discharges from the unitary it marks a watershed in the history of Barcelona’s time, simulating how the network would work under system). This plan was adapted to European directives sewers and thus in the quality of its inhabitants’ lives. different intensities of rainfall. This formed the basis [Framework Water Directive (2000/60/EC) and Bathing for the major Pre-Olympic sewer works. Water Directive (2006/7/EC)]. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 124 Today Barcelona has a unitary sewer network, which Both treatment plants generate energy by heating means it carries waste water and rainwater through the the resulting sludge through a cogeneration plant. At same channels. The network covers 1,833 kilometres, present, the Llobregat plant generates roughly 40% of 1,000 of which can be visited. Roughly 145 hm3 of water the power required to operate the plant itself. pass through this network each year and it serves 1,611,822 inhabitants of the city (2013) and shopping and There is also a small treatment plant in the Vallvidrera industrial establishments located in more than 81,500 channel, to the north-east of the city of Barcelona, properties located within the 98 km2 of the municipal with a treatment capacity of 1,100 m3/day which serves area. the housing estates in the area. It biologically treats waste water and treats sewer sludge by thickening and dehydration. 9.2.4 Barcelona treats 100% of its The sludge resulting from treatment at the plants waste water can be used in agriculture, for composting, as fuel at cement factories, etc. In 2013 a total amount of 56,536 The Besòs treatment plant is located under the Fòrum tonnes of dry material was generated in the Barcelona square in Barcelona. This is considered to be the largest Metropolitan Area. covered treatment plant in the world integrated within the urban structure and has a highly sophisticated system to chemically cleanse odours. It has a treatment capacity of 525,000 m3/day and treats 65% of the city’s waste water. It has a biological treatment system as well as sludge treatment by dehydration. The Prat de Llobregat treatment plant, located on the Llobregat delta and running since 2006, has a treatment capacity of 315,000 m3/day and treats 35% of the waste water. It has a biological treatment system to eliminate nutrients and tertiary treatment with ultra-filtration Barcelona’s sewer system is 1,693 km long and and osmosis to regenerate water. It treats sludge via serves all the city’s homes as well as its commercial anaerobic digestion combined with cogeneration, and industrial establishments. dehydration and drying. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 125 9.2.5 Maximum quality beaches in supply the beaches with services so that they can be different means, including environmental information spite of their intensive use used as sunbathing and swimming areas complying with staff, information panels on the beaches and real-time all possible guarantees in terms of safety, lifesavers, monitoring the state of the beaches on the Internet  and healthcare and environmental guarantees. with the iBeach app for smartphones. Barcelona’s beaches, extending over 4.78 kilometres, are visited all year round thanks to the city’s characteristically Barcelona Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan The monitoring and maintenance of these quality standards good weather although the most intensive use is in places particular emphasis on environmental aspects. for the management of Barcelona’s coastline has ISO 14001 spring and summer, by both residents and tourists, Environmental control includes meteorology, the quality certification, an environmental policy with a commitment nearly 3,755,000 of them from May to September in of the sand, of the water and the management of waste to continued improvement, to prevent pollution and 2013. During this period the Council has to equip and and noise. The information is given to visitors by several ensure compliance with current environmental legislation. In recent years Barcelona’s beaches have become one of our city’s main public spaces, with special features that make them particularly appealing. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 126 9.3 Measures taken to reduce water consumption Over the last few years the Council has drawn up several year), the water regenerated at the El Prat de Llobregat the use of groundwater, automation of watering and use technical plans to improve the management of water in treatment plant (reaching a maximum of 2.6 hm3/ year) or of plants that need less water. 12% of all green spaces the city related to the sewers, to the use of alternative the water drained off from underground infrastructures (3 and all recently planted street trees are watered with resources and the integrated management of the hm3/year), the total volume standing at 16.6 hm3/year. groundwater, and 10 green spaces have been designed coastline. A large number of water-saving and efficiency with sustainable drainage techniques (TEDUS). measures have been promoted as part of these plans, resulting from a commitment to sustainability, with Minimising losses in distribution Of particular note is the smart water project for the particularly significant work being carried out related to remote management of irrigation, which started in 2013 municipal facilities and services. Some of the measures for minimising losses in the and is planned to cover 79 hectares, 27% of the city’s distribution of drinking water and improving its control, total area. Remote management of irrigation means to succeed in reaching the present theoretical technical the volume of water consumed can be cut down by 9.3.1 Efficient use of resources and limit, are splitting the distribution network into sectors, around 25% compared with the current consumption, its renewal and repair, the installation of high-precision by adapting the irrigation to the type of plant and the the distribution network electronic meters in order to detect any leaks, informing theoretical needs of each green space, by quantifying the users of these and correcting them more quickly, etc. amount of useful rain, monitoring the real water reaching Technical Plan to Take Advantage of plants and detecting leaks in the network more promptly. Barcelona’s Alternative Resources (2013) 9.3.2 The City Council saves water in The Council uses groundwater for cleaning This identifies the existing water resources, analyses and the sewer network what uses and needs can be met in accordance with their municipal uses chemical and biological characteristics, estimates the The municipal street and drainage cleaning services potential demand and determines which infrastructures have reduced the consumption of mains water over are required to take advantage of such resources. Efficiency in managing urban green the last few years by increasingly taking advantage of groundwater. At present the manual hosing down The plan highlights the importance of potentially exploitable Over the last few years, even though the total area of green carried out by the sweeping services and cleaning of existing resources, both as regards groundwater (which it spaces in Barcelona has increased, the consumption of rubbish and paper bins uses this water (by means of sets at a maximum exploitation limit of around 11 hm3/ drinking water has dropped thanks to the control of leaks, tanker trucks). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 127 Supervision of the health standards of water supplied. Reducing consumption in municipal buildings Saving water at public drinking fountains ASPB carries out regular campaigns to take samples and analyse them. The Council has implemented different initiatives to In Barcelona there are 1,645 public drinking fountains gradually reduce consumption at its buildings, such as providing water for passers-by, which represents just Health inspections on installations of water for human the replacement of inefficient systems with water-saving over one drinking fountain for each 1000 habitants. All consumption in the city (tanks and distribution network). mechanisms, the installation of dry urinals at work of these are fitted with time-controlled taps and flow centres, carrying out campaigns to give tips and spread regulation devices. Control at the consumer’s tap. ASPB is responsible good practices among municipal workers, etc. Specific for carrying out routine inspections and sampling at savings measures have been applied at some amenities, establishments and homes as well as in response to as is the case of some city markets that use mechanical 9.3.3 Drinking water quality: a citizens’ requests. cleaning instead of manual techniques, the control of leaks and of demand at specific consumption points, etc. priority for the city Control of the health standards of the city’s natural fountains regularly used by people. Saving water at schools Quality control of drinking water The results from controls at the consumer’s tap are published annually in the annual health report published Schools are encouraged to implement measures for The household supply of water for human consumption in on the ASPB website . The results from the other savings and the efficient use of water as part of the More the city of Barcelona forms part of the overall water supply activities are published in a specific report on the health Sustainable Schools scheme. Schools are also provided of all metropolitan municipalities. Since 2003 Barcelona’s standards and quality of water for human consumption with didactic material related to water saving and efficiency. Public Health Agency (ASPB) has taken over the authority in Barcelona, also available on the ASPB website. for public health previously held by the Catalan government Alternative water resources for ornamental and the Council and is the sole public health authority in ponds and fountains Barcelona. The system for supervision and control carried 9.3.4 Awareness-raising campaigns out by the Agency includes the following activities: The Font Màgica, Gran Llac and the Gran Casada de la Ciutadella, the Llac de l’Espanya Industrial, the Llac de Diagonal Supervision of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and Raising citizens’ awareness to encourage Mar and other water features make use of underground the operator, Aigües de Barcelona, in terms of supply water savings water and do not consume any drinking water. Ornamental management. fountains are also fitted with recirculation systems and have The Council has carried out different actions with the physical-chemical or biological treatment systems to ensure Supervision of disinfection. The ASPB analyses and aim of making citizens more aware of how to save water. the water has the required hygienic-sanitary conditions. monitors the levels of disinfectant in public fountains. Some of these measures are: Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 128 Website on the water cycle, with educational materials features, encouraging people to drink water at the intensity of rainfall, level and flow of water in the collectors, as well as eco-advice, many of these on water. fountains to save and reduce the production of waste. amount of water, position of sluice gates, operation of pumping stations, state of the tanks, operational capacity World Water Day, which the Council takes part in Camins d’aigua . “Water routes” with itineraries and of treatment plants, etc. The remote control system through different measures. guided routes to discover the wide range of public and provides a centralised system that activates mechanisms ornamental fountains and water features and their installed in the network (sluice gates, valves, pumps). Informative material such as ‘L’Espai de Mar’, ‘L’aigua i cultural, social, historic and natural value. la ciutat’ and exhibitions. 9.3.6 Increasing the permeability of 9.3.5 Underground tanks and Enhancing the value of Barcelona’s fountains urban space remote control for better drainage A large number of ornamental fountains can be found in management Sustainable urban drainage techniques Barcelona (301) for both historical and traditional reasons (TEDUS) and also due to the aim to provide the public with a free, Flood management with the network of high quality service. The Council has undertaken different underground tanks to retain rainwater Implemented in newly developed zones, the TEDUS schemes concerning water in order to promote their value: scheme has been promoted to improve drainage In the last 20 years the city has set up protection in the problems associated with the decreased permeability of Fonts BCN . A free mobile application to help locate form of 13 tanks preventing torrential rain from flooding urban space (See Chapter 2. Resilience and adaptation to the city’s 1,600 drinking water fountains. This is intended the city, so that the water is gradually sent to the treatment climate change   ). for citizens in general but above all has been designed plant after a rainy spell. The tanks have a storage capacity for people carrying out sports as well as tourists who of 454,180m3, 65,225m3 of which came into service in 2013 wish to obtain information about their special or historical with the rainwater retention tank of Les Rieres d’Horta. Improving permeable paving Advanced management of the urban drainage Of particular note is the use of permeable paving and and sewer system the creation of water reservoirs or semi-natural wetlands and drainage areas which help water to enter the aquifers The Remote Control System of Barcelona’s sewer system is more effectively, increase surface evaporation and relative made up of the remote supervision of the network sensors humidity, decrease the degree of urban soil compaction and remote control of the different mechanisms. Remote and improve its structure, resulting in savings in irrigation The app “Fonts BCN” places city fountains’ and also supervision means that all the data on the sewer system water and optimising the management of resources. provides information. can be gathered, stored and supplied in real time: the Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 129 9.4 Future goals and measures Cities play a vital role in the natural water cycle. Managing New model of management for public and water sources by ensuring overall responsible action on the ornamental fountains whole water cycle is essential and involves all the bodies of water to be found, including the supply of available water This new model of management for public and ornamental sources, the urban drainage and sewer network, public fountains will help us to improve the environmental quality fountains and ornamental ponds and beaches. of these features, affecting the environmental health of the urban environment. Naturalised fountains will be managed in such a way as to increase biodiversity and 9.4.1 New models to improve indigenous flora and fauna in our city, reducing the use of chemicals and increasing the sustainability of ponds, management adding beauty, coolness and health to the urban habitat. New model of sewer management 9.4.2 Taking advantage of alternative This new model prioritises the management of cleaning water resources work as a result of inspections carried out on the network. It will enable more efficient resource allocation Implementation and development of the for cleaning and maintenance of the sewer network, Technical Plan for Alternative Water Resources carrying out maintenance work more efficiently as well as providing in-depth knowledge on the network to There is a significant amount of existing resources improve planning and repair work. Sensors are fitted that can potentially be used, both from groundwater in the installations which will provide data in real time. resources (from 2 to 3 hm3/year in Barcelona Plain, Another alternative implemented by Barcelona City from 5 to 8 hm3/year in Besòs alluvial area, plus 1 hm3/ Council and BCASA is participation in an international year of the 3.8 potentially usable extracted from the Barcelona has over 300 ornamental fountains, ponds project for the use of robots for inspection work, underground railway system) as well as regenerated and drinking fountains in avenues, streets and parks. monitoring and taking samples from sewers. water from Prat del Llobregat treatment plant. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 130 The Plan makes it clear that current municipal demands 9.4.3 Managing the coastline: a Prioritising the protection of bathers’ health with the can be met with alternative resources quantified at a priority for the city obligation to take management measures to reduce maximum of 4.02 hm3/year (2.85 at present plus 1.17 hazards associated with contamination. stemming from the city’s urban development). The non- municipal demand for alternative resources to drinking Barcelona Integrated Coastal Zone Producing a profile for each bathing zone where all the water could reach 2.49 hm3/year and the combined total Management Programme potential sources of contamination are identified, as would therefore be 6.51 hm3/year. well as their severity. As well as determining the needs for facilities and services and appraising the management of beaches, the Increasing and improving user information so that annually-reviewed Barcelona Integrated Coastal Zone people can decide where and when to bathe, by means Management Programme places particular emphasis on of signs at bathing zones and information on the internet. monitoring environmental indicators. The main aims of the programme are as follows: Providing emergency plans for exceptional circumstance. The quality of beaches is monitored by implementing certified systems for managing beaches, analysing the water and sand, checking noise pollution and the blue flag system, among others. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Water cycle 131 133 Summary diagram 134 10.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 135 10.2 General context and current situation 136 10.2.1 Barcelona City Council, a benchmark in responsible public procurement 136 10.2.2 Coordination with the main Catalan public administrations 136 10.2.3 Furthering the greening of public contracts 136 10.2.4 The City Council consumes environmentally friendly products and services 138 10.2.5 Creation of jobs with high added value Municipal greening 139 10.3 Measures carried out to environmentally enhance the Council and the green 139 10.3.1 Environmental criteria in the procurement of products and services economy 140 10.3.2 Efficient management of water and energy for municipal use 142 10.3.3 Integration of sustainability in the city’s events, parks and gardens 142 10.3.4 The Council seeks to become ‘smart’ 143 10.3.5 Participation, joint responsibility and training for all agents involved 143 10.3.6 The Prevention, Security and Mobility Management’s Strategic Sustainability Plan for the transition to the green economy. 143 10.3.7 Biosphere certification accredits Barcelona as a sustainable tourist destination Barcelona City Council, an 144 10.4 Future goals and measures environmental benchmark for the city 144 10.4.1 Barcelona will continue to forge ahead in the greening of its work Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 132 Current ‘Biosphere World Class Greening of the fleet of vehicles used in the Municipal Destination’ Certification cleaning and waste collection contract greening and situation Tourism and the green mobility economy Procurement 100 % of 100 % of municipal nursery municipal contracts schools provide organically farmed Vision of contain compulsory food the future environmental criteria Leading the change Environmental 70 % of the 78 % of the wood consumed towards products and paper consumed has some sustainable DCERTIFIE a more services is recycled management certification sustainable Lines model by its of work own example Greening of contracts Efficient management Sectoral planning Training and and procurement ‘New of resources and ‘The Prevention, Security Networking and awareness-raising of Government Measure’ facilities ‘Energy and Mobility exchanging practices workers ‘Do things at ‘New Mayor’s Office monitoring and savings Management’s Strategic ‘Smart-spp’ the Council as you would Ordinance’ in municipal buildings’ Sustainability Plan’ ‘Procura plus’ at home’ campaign Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 133 10.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Vision of the future For some time Barcelona City Council has assumed the firm commitment to foster social action and respect for the environment in its work and management. One priority field of action is the greening of its own organisation. Barcelona City Council aims to Barcelona City Council is a compartmentalised and delocalised organisation, with about 12,000 workers and a council lead the way towards a more structure with a large number of departments and divisions to manage the city, which makes its coordination a complex matter. sustainable model by its own What’s more, the location of these employees in over a thousand buildings and/or facilities makes communication between them example, acting consistently more difficult and relations more distant. with the message that it conveys to city people. Barcelona City Council is advancing towards a new organisational culture which provides greater across-the-board management. The coordination and extension of its sustainability strategy to the entire organisation is one of the greatest There’s a firm municipal challenges of the + Sustainable Council programme. commitment to sustainability and Barcelona has an increasingly aware population. Barcelona’s population in general, and the municipal workers more specifically, local and global self-sufficiency in are increasingly mindful of environmental aspects. The City Council has made an effort with internal communication (also addressing order to reduce the environmental city people in general) and its awareness-raising message which has enabled better results in environmental management in the and social impact caused by different fields of action. the municipal organisation. To achieve this aim the City Council Barcelona City Council has a big enough scale to make its actions, apart from being an example for the other sectors of the seeks to foster a sustainable population, also have a real effect on the greening of the city in such domains as the quality of air, noise or mobility, among others. economy and production, using Barcelona City Council has a wide range of its own communication and information media (captive transport fleets, the Administration’s potential as information channels in buildings and the underground, etc.) which make it easier to put across messages and consequently boost a responsible consumer, and to the exemplifying nature of internal measures. extend the Council’s environmental and social consistency. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 134 10.2 General context and current situation In the process of transition towards sustainability, an endeavour to simplify, harmonise and modernise act as guides for the internal greening programme in the Barcelona City Council has the main responsibility to this area. The use of environmental and sustainability medium and long term (2020). The programme envisages further policies and schemes incorporating social and criteria is authorised through this update. everything from procurement of products and services environmental criteria. This is a key strategy for reducing to works for urban development, building or refurbishing the impact of public activity and for giving incentives In 1995, the Council agreed to sign the Aalborg Charter, buildings and the greening of events. for sustainable production using the administration’s a first step towards creating the Local Agenda 21 plan. potential as a responsible consumer and also through After an intense participatory procedure, Barcelona The change towards a more sustainable Council is its exemplifying role. drew up its Agenda 21 in the Citizens’ Commitment to bolstered by the following internal rules that have already Sustainability , a document with widespread consensus been passed: the Government Measure on the greening The European Union fosters and regulates a type of which defined the objectives and fields of action for of municipal services (2001), the Government Measure public procurement known as “socially responsible the 2002-2012 period. In late 2012 the content of the on the greening of municipal contracts (2006) to ensure procurement”. Public expense on products and services Commitment was updated with the participation of the the overall incorporation of environmental criteria in makes up 19% of Europe’s GDP, which reflects the signatories for the 2012-2022 period ( See Chapter 11. Joint contracts and two Government Measures on responsible enormous potential of the public administration in responsibility  ). The City Council, as a signatory of the procurement (2008 and 2013) to include environmental restructuring supply chains and fostering a change in Commitment, has undertaken the + Sustainable Council and social aspects and detail their incorporation in the markets. With the Publication of Directive 2004/18/ programme (A+S Programme), based on the positive public contracts, and the Government Measure for EC of the European Parliament and the Council1, of 31 experience of the Green Office programme. energy savings and efficiency for municipal installations, March 2004, on the coordination of the procedures for which led to the approval of the Energy Self-Sufficiency awarding public works, supply and service contracts, the The A+S Programme is led by Hàbitat Urbà and works of Municipal Buildings plan (PAEEM) (2009). In 2013 the European Union is going to update the norms regulating across sectors with the other municipal areas, districts Mayor’s Office Ordinance for responsible procurement public contracts based on the principles in force on and institutions. It sets out to improve the environmental with social and environmental criteria was also approved. the internal market while bringing in innovations in and social sustainability of everyday operations of municipal services and facilities. Its strategic objectives The participation of the A+S (More Sustainable Council) 1 In March 2014 the Official Journal of the European Union intends to publish a new were defined in 2010 in the A+S (More Sustainable Council) Programme in regional and international projects and directive on public procurement that the member States will have to incorporate. The directive will require public contracts to comply with the obligations applicable Convention, an internal participatory process lasting one networks represents an opportunity to swap best in environmental, social or employment fields established by EU Law and in the year which involved over 300 council staff. The social and experiences: Network of Cities and Peoples towards ILO Agreements on trade union freedom, forced labour, minimum age for child workers, discrimination and pay, among other agreements. environmental objectives, specified in 30 fields of action, Sustainability , Procura + Campaign , SMART SPP . , Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 135 Sustainable Timber Action , Projecte LandMark , 10.2.2 Coordination with the main expense and to 71% of the schedules of conditions for Electronics Watch , Clean Clothes Campaign , Catalan public administrations these groups of products. Eurocities , amongst others. The city also works in close cooperation with other key city agents such as universities, manufacturers’ associations, suppliers, Work group for integrating responsible public 10.2.4 The City Council consumes NGOs etc. procurement. In 2012 a working group was created made up of representatives of Barcelona City Council, environmentally friendly products the Diputació de Barcelona regional administration and and services 10.2.1 Barcelona City Council, a the Catalan government, in order to integrate socially responsible public procurement as a feature across the benchmark in responsible public board in the Catalan administration’s purchasing and Fostering green public procurement. In line with the procurement contracts, through the demand for social criteria made products and services identified by the European on suppliers in their contract conditions, and also to Commission as priorities for implementing green public raise their awareness on respect for social rights (mainly procurement (COM/2008/400), the main contracts Recognition received. In recognition of its role in this employment) in their production chain. for paper, cleaning services, computer equipment, sphere, the Council has received the following distinctions: transport, furniture, electricity, food, textiles and prize for the best example of good practice in green gardening now include environmental clauses. public procurement in the Seminar for Green Public 10.2.3 Furthering the greening of Procurement in Avilés (2006); case chosen as good For years now the Council has been giving priority to practice by the European EPSA Awards 2011; Diamante public contracts purchasing environmentally friendly products and services. prize for procurement awarded by the Spanish Association of Professionals in Purchasing, Contracting and Supplies Furthering green contracts. 100% of municipal contracts Wood. In the 2004-2012 period, 78% of the 8,437.73 (2012) in the Sustainability Category and a second prize in incorporate compulsory environmental criteria, such m3 of wood purchased, for which information is the Public Sector category. as the contractor’s obligation to ensure the proper available, has some kind of certification of sustainable environmental management of the service or including management or documents accrediting that this is in risks on the environment as serious infringements. 37% the certification process and a fifth of the wood has include at least one optional environmental criterion, origin certificates. EPSA is a prize open to all levels of European for example the possibility of requiring technical public administration with the aim of publicising capability in the environmental field or giving marks for Cleaning products and waste collection. The experiences, making these transparent, accessible environmental improvements. In 2010 environmentally contract for cleaning municipal buildings includes the and useable. focused contracts represented 43 million euros in use of less toxic products, selective collection and economic terms, equivalent to 96% of municipal reduction of the waste generated. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 136 Food. The catering services at municipal nursery benchmark. The working clothes of the staff for Parks Consumption of recycled paper represents schools incorporate food produced by organic and Gardens and BSM incorporate environmental over 75% of total paper consumption. farming. criteria for their fabrics, minimising the use of toxic substances during the manufacture of the cloth and Paper. Actions are carried out in two areas: minimising fostering the use of fibres from organic farming. 100% the total consumption of paper (this has been reduced 80% by 35% as compared with 2009) and for any waste In the sphere of sustainability in public thoroughfares paper to be recycled. we should note the acquisition of bins adapted for 60% the handicapped and the greening of the fleet by Electronic equipment. The equipment purchased incorporating hybrid and electric vehicles. As regards 40% by the Council complies with energy efficiency criteria the greening of building work, noise and contaminating 20% and is Energy Star and/or TCO-certified, as well as emissions have been reduced, amongst other aspects. meeting other environmental standards. 0% Implementation of environmental management 2004 2013 Textile. Including environmental and social criteria in systems. Four municipal organisations involving over the schedules of conditions for clothing represents a 12,000 workers are currently certified in accordance Body Fields of action with ISO 14001 certification Hàbitat Urbà Management and maintenance of public green zones and street trees in the city of Barcelona, urban cleaning, maintenance of paving and road and street structures, furnishings and signposts, maintenance of public lighting, control of ventilation in tunnels, maintenance of escalators and lifts, maintenance and control of the urban drainage system, purity of bathing water on the coast, maintenance of public, artistic and illuminated fountains, making use of groundwater, noise control work, environmental promotion activities, administrative work proper to the area, maintenance of the building where its headquarters are located. Transports Metropolitans de Management of buses in public thoroughfares. Barcelona (TMB) Clavegueram de Barcelona Management of the sewer system by means of an integrated system of environmental quality. (CLABSA) Barcelona de Serveis Municipals Olympic Ring Divisions (Palau Sant Jordi and the Olympic Stadium) and Montjuïc-Fòrum (management work for Montjuïc Park and the Fòrum (BSM) Park). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 137 Consumption of A4 recycled paper with ISO 14001 environmental management system. 120.000 800.000 In 2013 the expenditure of Barcelona City Council in 100.000 780.000 urban maintenance and environment was 445.2 M€, 760.000 which represents 24.21% in respect of the budget for 80.000 the year (current expenses). 740.000 60.000 720.000 10.2.5 Creation of jobs with high 40.000 700.0002008 2013 2009 2013 added value Creative sectors, includes the following activities: clothing manufacture, the leather and footwear industry; Barcelona is a venue for high knowledge activity sectors. graphic arts and printing; publishing; cinema, video and music; radio and television; software, videogames The business sectors connected with new information and electronic publication, architecture and engineering; research and development; advertising, design and and knowledge technologies, the green economy, photography, writers, performing arts, visual arts and crafts; and activities connected with public heritage. the social economy, biotechnology or sustainability, amongst others, are niches for job creation which show Ground-breaking technology sectors, which includes the following activities: cinema, video and music; how far the city’s development and innovation have radio and television, telecommunications, information technology services; information services and research gone. 22@Barcelona takes in part of these professional and development. profiles. The creation of jobs of work is one of the main priorities for Barcelona City Council, which opts for the social economy and technology as generators of well-being to The creation of jobs of work with high added value has remained relatively stable in spite of the impact of the achieve this. economic crisis on employment. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 138 Number of employees Employment contracts 10.3 Measures carried out to environmentally enhance the Council The Council’s commitment to greening has gradually Environmental improvement of the schedule consolidated over recent years, with successive internal of conditions for cleaning and waste collection rules promoting responsible procurement, as well from municipal premises as improvement actions promoted as part of the + Sustainable Council scheme. The new contract includes the use of less toxic products and the encouragement of use of cleaning products with eco-labels, improvement of internal selective collection 10.3.1 Environmental criteria in (paper/cardboard, glass, light packaging and organic fractions, as well as toners and ink cartridges) the use the procurement of products and of memory sticks, using one’s own glasses or cups and services choosing products with the least packaging. New Government Measure and new Mayor’s The advancement of large-scale responsible procurement Office Ordinance ensures consistency between the government’s social and environmental policy and procurement and purchasing In 2013 a new Government Measure on responsible services and products. procurement was passed, as well as the Mayor’s Office Ordinance on responsible procurement with social and environmental criteria. The ordinance is applicable to public sector contracts signed by Barcelona City Council Greening of offices and the organisations reporting to this which have Selective collection is encouraged at the offices of powers to award contracts. In accordance with the instruction given to services for Barcelona City Council through the installation of use of recycled paper (2002) and the Mayor’s Office bins for separating waste into its different fractions. Ordinance on responsible wood purchasing policy Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 139 (2004), the A+S (+Sustainable Council) Programme also being introduced in contracts for assigning the use of strives to have recycled paper used and to minimise different public amenities with a bar service, such as civic Greening of building works total consumption of paper. This is done by means of centres or bars on the beach. measures such as the distribution of bins for reusing The Decree for the Greening of municipal building paper, establishing printing on both sides of paper works has the aim of reducing the environmental and as default setting, the use of new technologies or The Catalan Network for Ethical Public Purchasing is social impact of public works with a budget of 450,000 minimising paper consumption in the dissemination of made up of administrations wishing to fight against euros or more. Along with works designs, a compulsory information. As regards office material, the Council’s work exploitation in poorer countries through their environmental report also has to be submitted, in which endorsement includes items with positive environmental consumption and purchases. the measures intended to reduce the environmental characteristics. Lastly, the council fosters the “Do things impact possibly caused by the work are detailed. at the Council as you would at home” awareness-raising campaign, focussing on workers’ active cooperation in the selective collection and saving of water, energy and Responsible procurement of clothes 10.3.2 Efficient management of other resources. Environmental and ethical criteria are included in water and energy for municipal use Introduction of more sustainable, supportive competitive tenders for supply of working clothing. The and healthy products at municipal premises use of toxic substances during the manufacture of the and services fabric in the garments worn is minimised, fostering the Measures for energy saving and efficiency use of fibres from organic agriculture. The City Council also Since 2008, the municipal nursery school meals service takes part in national and international initiatives such as In keeping with the aims defined in Barcelona Energy Self- has been fostering the incorporation of food from organic the Landmark Project, the Clean Clothing Campaign and Sufficiency Plan, work is being carried out on rationalising farming (seasonable fruit and vegetables, cereals, dairy the Catalan Network for Ethical Public Procurement. the use of energy in new and existing facilities. Other products and juices). Some catering contracts are awarded objectives are to reduce the impact of municipal mobility to social integration companies with triple - environmental, and lower the proportion of primary fossil fuel energy social and ethical - added value. Work is also being done Responsible purchasing of wood with an extension of the current network of municipal for the Council’s automatic food and beverage machines photovoltaic and solar-thermal power stations, the to consider environmental criteria (such as organic farming The incorporation of sustainability criteria in the heating and cooling network or the increased use of or energy efficiency of these machines), social aspects procurement of wood products for public space, works, energy produced by renewable sources. (products from fair trade or integration companies) and furniture, etc. is also promoted to guarantee that wood health criteria (drinks with low sugar content, natural from illegal sources is excluded and give priority to products Barcelona’s generation map currently has 44 photovoltaic juices, cereals, wholemeal biscuits, fresh fruit or dried accredited with the most demanding certifications. installations, 167 solar-thermal plants, 1 biomass fruit and nuts). Food from organic farming and fair trade is installation, 1 hybrid photovoltaic and mini-wind power Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 140 plant, 2 solar cooling units and different installations with a geothermal heat pump. The production of photovoltaic energy of municipal facilities as a whole is 2,203,978 kWh/ Services 8,8% year and thermal solar production is 9,573,560 kWh/year. 52% of municipal energy is consumed by buildings. The consumption of the City Council’s own buildings and facilities makes up nearly 52% of the total energy Lighting 20,1% consumption associated with municipal services. The Buildings 52,0% Plan for Energy Self-Sufficiency of Municipal Buildings (PAEEM) includes measures for improving energy efficiency and savings and carrying out work for energy improvement and renewable energy installations, with the aim of improving its energy self-sufficiency. To this end, Barcelona Energy Agency is implementing a project Mains water consumption of municipal services has these run on biodiesel, 35% with natural gas and 30% for monitoring energy consumption of 37 municipal dropped from 8,158,331 m3 in 2001 to 5,067,482 m3 are electric or hybrid. Apart from this we should also buildings, for 46 services. With this measure and the in 2013, through the increase in use of groundwater note TMB’s commitment to natural gas and hybrid information on production of photovoltaic installations and improvements in management (the installation of buses or that of BSM to electrical mobility. TMB has located in municipal buildings, also being monitored, economisation mechanisms in washbasins and taps, use incorporated a 100% electric bus made by Chinese it will be possible to ensure ongoing evaluation of the of dry urinals, campaigns for disseminating advice, etc.). firm BYD and two units of the Irizar model i2e. Two energy self-sufficiency of these facilities. units of the Solaris Urbino 18e articulated model are Measures to environmental enhance the intended to be brought into service in 2015. Lastly, mobility generated the Live   platform was created in Barcelona in 2012 Measures for saving and reusing water to encourage electric vehicles and turn the city into a In keeping with the Urban Mobility Plan 2013-2018, the worldwide source of innovation in electric mobility. In accordance with the Government Measure for environmental improvement of mobility generated by promoting the rational use and saving of water (2007) municipal activity is advancing in two fields of action: Fostering sustainable internal mobility. The use measures are being promoted to increase the reuse of of the bicycle for municipal staff is promoted through groundwater and treated waste water for watering parks Greening of the council’s own fleet of vehicles the ”BICIA’t” (Get Biking!) project. and gardens, cleaning streets and drains or ornamental and those of service contracts. Bringing fountains, for improving the efficiency of the irrigation environmental criteria into the contract for city network in parks and gardens and for fostering water cleaning and waste collection has enabled reducing savings in municipal facilities and services. the environmental impact of the vehicles, since 35% of Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 141 10.3.3 Integration of sustainability in Management and sustainable maintenance of 10.3.4 The Council seeks to become the city’s events, parks and gardens parks and gardens ‘smart’ The improvements in the management and maintenance of the city’s parks and gardens include: More sustainable acts and events application of good practice in sustainable gardening Innovation and smartoffice (selection of species or use of products of organic A large number of public acts and events are held every origin); increased efficiency and savings of water in The aim is to make the Council more efficient and year, such as district festivals. The incorporation of irrigation, composting, etc.; introduction of criteria in productive through innovation, creativity and talent. The environmental criteria enables more sustainable habits purchasing clothing, urban mobility and vehicles; hiring City Council is a pioneer in developing innovation at the to be promoted. Some of the actions carried out are the services from employment integration companies or service of technology and in building a city of people for prevention and selective collection of waste, the use of special work centres and incorporating environmental people, what is known as the smart city (See section 12.3.2 organic and fair trade products and the encouragement requirements in permits for the assignment of spaces The commitment to a new model of governance ). Innovative of sustainable mobility. for filming, festivals and other events. solutions have been introduced in procurement through the following initiatives: Prior contact activities with the market to foster the introduction of innovative and energy-efficient technologies in municipal services, for example, participation in the international SMART-SPP project. Introduction of new tools for intelligent management of the city’s resources, such as the smart irrigation system and the New Lighting Master Plan to illuminate the city more efficiently. To empower the use of the city as an urban laboratory in 22@. Introduction of new projects such as the OpenData  and One of the actions carried out by Barcelona City Council to ensure the events it organises are more sustainable the eContracte  to facilitate the consultation and use of is to hire sustainable catering services. public data and to make procedures more efficient. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 142 10.3.5 Participation, joint responsibility Training to accomplish the cultural change at all levels of management. and training for all agents involved towards sustainability Its content is being implemented via more than 100 Training sessions are given, as well as collaboration measures grouped into action programmes and strategic Communication and awareness-raising to in the publishing of environmental education tools (infrastructures, logistics, telecommunications, foster more sustainable habits and conduct in guides  (Sustainable selection of wood in urban mobility, communication and training). daily work items   , Guide to the Green Office , More Sustainable Congresses   , More Sustainable Hotels   o More 10.3.7 Biosphere certification The involvement of all the agents involved in the Sustainable Festivals   ) and other publications and internal and external greening strategy is vital for the materials for awareness- raising with the aim of spreading accredits Barcelona as a sustainable success of the A+S Programme. The main channels of examples of greening to other production sectors. tourist destination communication and awareness-raising used are: regular electronic newsletter INFO A+S (1101 subscribers in 2013), “Biosphere World Class Destination” website for the A+S programme , email for consultancy 10.3.6 The Prevention, Security and Certification, distribution of material resources (eco-paper bins, brochures on reuse of paper, Mobility Management’s Strategic In 2011 Barcelona was given this certification by the reusable cups, etc.) and dissemination of communication Sustainability Plan for the transition Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR), a body associated with materials (posters, brochures, etc.). to the green economy the UNESCO and the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) and a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), sponsored by the United Nations Foundation. Strategic Sustainability Plan 2013-2022 Barcelona has therefore become the first city in the world to obtain the Biosphere certificate, a byword for responsible The Management Unit, Security and Mobility (PSM) tourism management and a sustainable tourist destination has drawn up the Strategic Sustainability Plan 2013- in economic, socio-cultural and environmental terms. This 2022, the PES, in order to move towards sustainable certificate, along with the introduction of the Responsible development in the different areas of its work on a Tourism System, marks the creation of a quality tourism gradual, cross-sector and participative basis. model in Barcelona, furthering the balance between residents and visitors to guarantee the sustainability and The ‘Do things at the Council as you would at home’ Its purpose is to foster the transition towards a green continuity of this phenomenon’s success in the future. The campaign attempts to raise the staff’s awareness economy and a smart, environment-friendly city while tourist tax levied for staying in the city will also be used to so that they only use the materials required and thereby reduce their volume. respecting social rights. A good deal of its content resolve environmental challenges. consists of applying a responsible procurement policy Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 143 10.4 Future goals and measures The greening of the Council is a challenge in the medium Furthering a smart, efficient organisation with zero and long term (2020), which is why work will continue to emissions. Responsible Procurement Ordinance be carried out in different fields of action to accomplish this in coming years. Making a rational use of resources and promoting With regard to this new regulation, which came into responsible procurement. force on 15 December 2013, Barcelona City Council will, in coordination with the different areas in charge, define 10.4.1 Barcelona will continue to Exercising good governance and social responsibility. specific criteria for different groups of priority products and services such as food, electricity, vehicles, wood, forge ahead in the greening of Guaranteeing the well-being of workers and social clothes, etc. These criteria will be formalised by means its work cohesion. of circulars, guides or instructions of compulsory compliance by all contracting bodies. Review of the A+S Programme’s strategic Fostering the green economy. objectives to align this with the new Definition of an action Plan to improve Commitment Extending a new internal organisational culture of sustainability in Managing the Urban Habitat sustainability. As part of the Citizens’ Commitment to Sustainability The Strategic Plan entitled ‘More Sustainable Urban 2012-2022, the Strategic Plan of the A+S (+ Sustainable Increasing the organisation’s resilience and minimising Habitat 2014-2022’ will include actions to guarantee Council) plan is being reviewed with the definition of new its ecological footprint on the planet. sustainability in the internal management of Hàbitat objectives: Urbà’s administration, in order to progress towards These objectives will be materialised in actions in the sustainable development in different areas on a gradual, Extending and reinforcing green space and biodiversity following strategic fields: communication, training and cross-sector and participative basis. Its objectives are: in municipal areas and buildings. awareness-raising, support tools, observatory, working as a network, continuous improvement and consultancy, To be a good model in the management of internal Promoting sustainable internal mobility. differentiation of three levels depending on the degree organisation, establish best practices and make of involvement (leadership, cooperation and influence). environmental quality an element in change Improving the environmental quality and health of The main strategic tools are responsible procurement management. municipal workers. (2014-2018) and the strategic sectoral plans (2015-2022). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 144 To carry out actions at an internal level to accomplish greening of procurement (Smart Tendering), prevention of this process are to promote eco-efficiency and the city’s strategic objectives and foster an economy of waste at offices (Circular Procurement) and internal environmental sustainability in the planning, projection based on innovation, clean energies and the efficient mobility, teleconferences and teleworking. and management of these services, to minimise use of natural resources. environmental impact and to promote sustainable Implementation of the Environmental Quality development, beyond the requisites stemming from To compile existing good practices, consolidate Label for cultural facilities compliance with current legislations. The environmental continuous improvement processes and generate criteria for granting this label involve energy savings and a suitable framework for improvement of the Five culture facilities, The City’s Historic Archive, the efficiency, waste management, procurement, mobility, environment and the staff’s well-being. Frederic Marès Museum, the Arús Public Library, the Born the efficient use of spaces, environmental qualifications, Cultural Centre and the HUB Design Centre, are in the noise and vibration and environmental training. The following measures are worthy of mention: eco- process of obtaining the environmental quality guarantee audits in buildings, demand management, monitoring, label in the category of cultural facilities. The objectives The HUB Design Centre is currently in the process of obtaining an Environment Quality seal for the category of cultural facilities. Some of the environmental criteria applied are: sewerage (separate system to take advantage of rain water), heating (using heat from refrigeration plants, natural gas boilers, etc.), centralised management of the facilities, etc. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Municipal greening and the green economy 145 147 Summary diagram 148 11.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 149 11.2 General context and current situation 149 11.2.1 From Agenda 21 to the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022 151 11.2.2 Barcelona + Sostenible (More Sustainable Barcelona), the city’s action plan 153 11.3 Measures taken to improve citizen action 153 11.3.1 Commitment and work to foster joint responsibility among citizens 154 11.3.2 Schools: agents of transformation in the city 155 11.3.3 Promoting sustainability action and education among citizens 156 11.3.4 A participative process that keeps on going Joint responsibility 158 11.4 Future goals and measures 158 11.4.1 The city wants to make its trade more sustainable 158 11.4.2 Barcelona continues to support environmental education 159 11.4.3 Improved indicators for monitoring sustainable development 159 11.4.4 Participation continues to form the basis of the Barcelona + Sostenible programme 160 11.4.5 More environmental and sustainability information in the city In Barcelona, everyone’s involved in sustainability Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 146 Citizen Commitment Current 298 organisations, 332 educational centres Joint to Sustainability situation businesses and institutions from the Escoles + Sostenibles responsibility Reference 2012-2022 (More Sustainable Schools) framework programme Actors City Council Organisations Schools Citizens Vision of 30 lines of and Businesses Dubai Services and the future International action for internal 160 organisations resources greening (2020) and Businesses Award through Becoming a have made their supported by fairer, more 6 facilitiessustainability the United sustainable, actions public Nations (2010) more prosperous and more New tool Barcelona + Sostenible (More Sustainable Barcelona) map A collaborative tool with interesting sustainability resources, experiences self-sufficient and information for citizens city through a Lines shared project of work Promoting participation Joint initiatives and Monitoring and Citizen education ‘Conventions for Involving schools networking ‘‘Let’s evaluation ‘Definition and action ‘La Fàbrica Commitment ‘Let’s make compost Network!’ of new sustainable del Sol’ (The Sun signatories’ and learn’ ‘Come to the ‘Sector-based development Factory) ‘How ‘New Citizen Council Parks’ networking’ indicators in the city’ Barcelona works’ for Sustainability’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 147 11.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2020 (which emerged from the global Agenda 21) shows the strong interest that citizen Vision of the future organisations in Barcelona have in assuming responsibilities and, through participation, contributing their opinion, their creativity and their strength to move together towards a shared vision of the future in 2022. Despite the progress achieved so far, with the Barcelona wants to become a global and economic crises new challenges and new types of awareness have emerged and must be tackled. The main challenges and fairer, more sustainable, more opportunities we are faced with are: prosperous and more self- sufficient city through a project The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022 is not only a framework for the city but also a space for reflection and shared by different entities debate on the city, strengthening democracy and joint responsibility. (organisations, businesses, educational centres and There is continuous commitment to working in networks in order to progress collectively. A network with more than 600 institutions) and citizens that signatories, including the City Council of Barcelona, has strong creative potential and the transformative capacity to jointly lead the want to contribute to the city’s process of building the city’s future. improvement. The Commitment signatories not only take on its principles and goals but also commit to undertaking concrete actions in their specific fields to contribute to reaching them. The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2020 is The City Council of Barcelona has communication and information channels that help to establish a permanent a reference framework with and participative dialogue with the actors involved. As well as providing information, these channels facilitate collaborative strategic value and an inspirational development, consultation, deliberation and participation in planning, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the actions goodwill that strengthens joint promoted. responsibility among all those The City Council is just another member of the network but it also acts as facilitator through a support team that boosts the involved so that the ideas for activity of the different signatory sectors and of the network in general. achieving a new city may evolve collectively. The main challenge is to involve and empower all of the citizens and organisations so that they may be truly jointly responsible for the shared goals. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 148 11.2 General context and current situation One of the best examples of Barcelona’s contribution to towards Sustainability. After four years of participative to contribute to the collective goals and put them into sustainability is the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability, work diagnosing, making proposals and building practice. Since its creation, the Commitment has shared which was renewed in 2012. It is a commitment that emerged consensus around the main goals, in 2002 the Citizen its fruits through a range of environmental and social from an extensive participative process that serves as an Commitment for Sustainability 2002-2012 – Agenda actions in areas as diverse as energy, education, water inspirational and educational point of reference. 21 was approved in Barcelona, to advance towards a management, social welfare, or public health. more sustainable city. Different actors in the city were 11.2.1 From Agenda 21 to the Citizen invited to sign the Commitment, including organisations, After 10 years in force and with a network of 800 Commitment to Sustainability 2012- businesses, institutions and educational centres. The signatories, a participative process was carried out signatories take on joint responsibility in the creation of a during 2012 with the organisations that form the network 2022 more sustainable Barcelona and they commit to working in order to renew the Commitment, tackling pending actively and to making the concrete actions of their issues and gauging the new challenges for the city. At In 1995, the City Council of Barcelona signed the Aalborg contribution public. Each signatory organisation laid out the end of 2012, the citizen network and the City Council Charter, the Charter of European Cities and Towns the concrete measures it would undertake voluntarily signed the new Citizen Commitment to Sustainability Educational centres 53% Chartered institutes, professional associations and guilds 3% Businesses and business organisations 18% Public companies 1% Public institutions and consortiums 5% Environmental organisations 5% Political organisations 1% Trade Unions 0% 39% of the signatory organisations are businesses Universities and research centres 2% and business organisations. Other civil and citizen organisations 12% Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 149 2012-2022  for a fairer, more prosperous and more together with the 332 educational centres from the It is an advisory council formed by 101 members, all self-sufficient Barcelona. Escoles + Sostenibles programme make a total of 619 Commitment signatories and 13 experts from different network members. fields. In the Barcelona + Sostenible Secretariat work is On 31 December 2013, the Citizen Commitment carried out in support of the Council Secretary. During for Sustainability 2012-2022 was renewed by 298 In 1998 the Municipal Environment and Sustainability 2013 different activities were undertaken, especially organisations, businesses and institutions, which Council was created to promote Agenda 21 in Barcelona. aimed at tackling the reform of the Council at that time AGENDA 21 6.000 city councils in 113 countries have adopted A21 The renewed Commitment incorporates new LOCAL ACTION PLANS, 10 AALBORG COMMITMENTS, tool to types of awareness and updates the contents strategic planning for sustainable help with the application of the principles in accordance with Rio+20. development Renew political commitment AALBORG CHARTER, Assess progress (ICLEI) principles of action New challenges ? 1972 1974 1987 1992 1994 2002 2004 2009 2012 The Limits to United ‘Sustainable Earth Aalborg RÍO + 10 4th ICLEI 3 key UN RÍO + 20 Growth (MIT) is Nations’ development’ Summit (Denmark) 1st network challenges published environmental concept European conference and programme (Brundtland conference of approaches UN meeting on Report) sustainable environmental cities and and towns development 1995 - 1998 - issues, Signing of Municipal Stockholm 2002 - 2010 - 2nd 2012 - the Aalborg Environment signing of convention signing of Charter and Sustaina- the CCS the new CCS bility Council 2002 - 2012 2012 - 2020 1980 1990 2000 2010 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 150 to adapt it to the challenges of the new Commitment. Escoles + Sostenibles  (until now known as Agenda Entitats i Empreses + Sostenibles (More Among the activities we can highlight the interviews 21 Escolar – Agenda 21 for Schools): a programme Sustainable Organisations and Businesses)  (up carried out with a significant sample of organisations created to facilitate the involvement of educational until now known as Acció 21 – Action 21): a programme from the different sectors of the Council and the creation centres in the project to imagine and to build a better aimed at organisations and businesses that, on signing of specific working groups. and more sustainable city, starting with intervention the Commitment, assume their joint responsibility in the in their most immediate surroundings. In recent years creation of a more sustainable Barcelona and commit to the programme has grown continuously and currently contributing to this goal, each from within their own field. 11.2.2 Barcelona + Sostenible, the boasts the participation of 332 centres. Ajuntament + Sostenible (More Sustainable City city’s action plan In 2010 Barcelona’s Agenda 21 Escolar Programme was Council)  : internal municipal action programme granted the Dubai International Award supported by the (See chapter 10. Municipal greening and the green The Local Agenda 21 in Barcelona is United Nation’s HABITAT Programme that recognises economy  ) implemented through the Barcelona + good practices in improving living conditions. The Sostenible programme award’s purpose is to promote progress towards the Ciutadania + Sostenible (More Sustainable sustainable development of human settlements on the Citizens): offering services and resources and In order to advance towards the Commitment’s goals, basis of mutual international cooperation. fostering activities targeting individuals and groups to the network is organised into different programmes: 500 In 2012, the 800 800Commitment 2002- Participation in the Escoles + Sostenibles 400 2012 had a total of programme has increased each year. 600 826 signatories. 600 300 A21E Total number of signatory centres 400 In 2013, the 400 200 Total number of centres with projects (annual or triennial plan) signatories of the Number of centres continuing with the projec t 200 new Commitment 100 200 Number of public centres with project added up to a total Number of private/semi-private centres with projec t A21 of 712. 0 Number of centres joining 0 0 2001 2014 2001 2012 2012 2013 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 151 La Fàbrica del Sol is a space that is open to anyone – organisations, students, businesses, etc. – that wants to learn about resources and good practices to be applied when facing the challenges of sustainability make the Commitment reach non-organised citizens. and promotes the improvement of people’s health families. The Laberint Centre Library has a rich Barcelona has different facilities for this purpose: through sport and physical activity. In the second collection of documentary material on gardening, quarter of 2013, the facility’s management was horticulture, landscaping and other related subjects. • La Fàbrica del Sol (The Sun Factory)  . handed over to the Barcelona Sports Institute. Sustainability education and action facility for • Environmental Education Documentation citizens. It forms part of buildings that are a • Environmental leisure area in the Ciutadella Service  . Documentation services and resources benchmark in rehabilitation and sustainable Park  . Families with infants aged 0-3 years open to all citizens and specialised in environmental management with the integration of environmental can enjoy this open-air space where educational education issues. The facility is affiliated with the measures and solutions. facilities and instructors allow for the development Barcelona + Sostenible Technical Secretariat. of social relations and environmental activities • The Beach Centre  . Benchmark facility in through games involved in and involving nature. • Renova Programme. This is an initiative to promote environmental education and information on awareness on consumption and the prevention of Barcelona’s beaches. • The Laberint Training Centre   . Municipal facility waste, with collaboration between organisations, specialised in training and outreach in gardening and associations and facilities in the city and with the • Sea Space   . A facility for everyone that favours landscaping, which offers training to those interested support of the City Council. knowledge and enjoyment of Barcelona’s coast in gardening, professionals and technicians and Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 152 11.3 Measures taken to improve citizen action Citizen joint responsibility has been and is one of the Biodiversity: from urban green spaces to the re- Adaptability and responsibility towards the planet: key concepts in the process of development, consensus naturalisation of the city. from isolated responses to comprehensive action. building and deployment of the Barcelona + Sostenible programme. In 2002, when the Citizen Commitment Public space and mobility: from the street for getting to Sustainability was approved, it was proclaimed that around to the street for living. New image and discourse ‘sustainability means joint responsibility’. This means the participation and joint responsibility of all citizens, Environmental quality and health: from standards to The Agenda 21 brand has been updated; it is now called as well as the public authorities. excellence. Barcelona + Sostenible. The new ‘Barcelona + Sostenible’ collectively owned seal can be adapted individually, on the An efficient, productive and zero-emissions city: from one hand for the different groups (schools, organisations, 11.3.1 Commitment and work to foster technological Barcelona to smart Barcelona. City Council, map group, etc.) and, on the other hand, for the signatory types (member or promoter). joint responsibility among citizens Rational use of resources: from the consumer society to responsible consumption. Renewal of the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022 Good governance and social responsibility: from sector-based intervention to effective coordination. With the goal of incorporating new types of awareness and updating the contents with pending issues and People’s wellbeing: from the welcoming city to the challenges emerging in accordance with the spirit of cohesive city. Rio+20, the Commitment was updated in 2012. Progress and development: from a concern for The 800 organisations, professional associations, sustainability to an economy that fosters sustainability. guilds, trade unions, universities, educational centres and businesses that have signed were called on to Education and citizen action: from awareness-raising Agenda 21 has been transformed into Barcelona + Sustainable and launched a new and more participate in its renewal. With 100 lines of action, the to informed joint responsibility. attractive image. new Commitment pursues the following 10 objectives: Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 153 from these participative processes include actions to The educational centres’ activity as agents of sustainability Boosting the signatories’ network be undertaken by the City Council and others to be forms part of the citizen movement and is not independent undertaken through networking and collaboration from it. Each centre carries out its action, which forms The Barcelona + Sostenible Technical Secretariat is the between organisations and all those interested. part of the Escoles + Sostenibles programme, which authority promoted by the City Council of Barcelona forms part of the Barcelona + Sostenible citizen network. to serve the signatories’ network, offering advice and Everyone shares goals and achievements. resources to all of the signatory organisations and to 11.3.2 Schools, agents of those who wish to join. The Secretariat launches different The educational centres develop projects to improve types of training and informative activities and experience transformation in the city sustainability education in schools and their surroundings exchanges for signatories and manages the different and they work with other actors in the city. There are many resources on offer. The activities   traditionally carried Half the signatories are educational centres examples of collaboration and networking, some of which out in businesses and organisations include information (early-learning, primary, secondary, adult and constitute sub-programmes and concrete campaigns: days adapted to the signatories’ needs, working special education) sessions to present innovative actions by the signatory Come to the Parks  . The schools study and adopt organisations, visits to get to know the signatories’ actions They have a specific programme and a specialised support a green space, with the basic idea that to make and facilities, conferences on international strategies for team, aimed at making the Commitment a reality in school responsible use of a space you must understand it, a sustainable world, support workshops for developing communities and promoting education for sustainability. live it, enjoy it and, if possible, undertake actions to action plans and other activities in different formats to improve it. present tools and resources. Schools are of great importance for civic life, not only because of their function in terms of students’ More Sustainable Packaging/Healthier Breakfasts  . education, but also in their role as examples for other This involves action to reduce breakfast packaging on Promoting joint initiatives and networking groups in the community like families, non-teaching the basis of a packaging prevention plan in educational staff and neighbours. Through the Escoles + Sostenibles centres and the analysis of breakfast types to move The Barcelona + Sostenible programme facilitates programme, students and teachers can analyse the towards healthier food habits. collaborative initiatives between Commitment conflicts in their closest surroundings, consider alternative signatories. Some examples include the Make the perspectives, contribute to solving the problems identified Let’s make compost and learn  . In collaboration Most of Food Platform  .formed by people and and transform this process of analysis and action into with the Barcelona Metropolitan Area’s home organisations linked to the prevention of food waste, an educational resource. The key is to involve the school composting programme, material and services for the Renova programme, the Participative Energy Plan community in projects for real change in their environment. school composting are made available to educational (PEP)   which emerged from the second convention This creates opportunities for the formation of action centres with the goal of introducing the concept of DIY for Commitment signatories, or the group in charge of criteria and already constitutes a successful experience composting into daily life in schools and in families. the Barcelona + Sostenible Map. The proposals resulting since the process itself is the main lesson. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 154 Let’s look after the planet  . An international project to learn about the ecological footprint of certain foods 11.3.3 Promoting sustainability inviting young people aged between 13 and 16 to that are used daily in school meals. Work is carried out action and education among citizens reflect and to act to try to improve the planet, seeking through networking with the food companies. their commitment and responsibility in a process of discussion and exchange involving young people from Renew your clothing  . This is an initiative to boost Environmental education programmes and all around the world. the selective collection of clothes and footwear and activities their reuse, promoted by municipal organisations, Eating it all up  . Participant schools dedicate one associations and facilities in the city and with the The City Council of Barcelona offers different week a month, from January to May, to analysing and support of the City Council. environmental education activities and programmes studying the degree of waste of a particular food item: aimed at strengthening sustainability culture and bread, yogurt, meat, fish and potato. The objectives contributing to the acquisition of new values, attitudes are: to be aware of food waste in school canteens and and behaviour on the part of the citizens, through reflection and action. Programmes Urban allotments  . Programme targeting people over 65 years of age in the city, with the goal of incorporating them into environmental improvement activities by growing different vegetables following the principles of organic agriculture (13 allotments, 343 plots). Bioblitz Barcelona  . Citizen science activity celebrated in Barcelona since 2010 through open conferences on scientific research. Schools, kids and adults interested in nature participate and are accompanied by scientific experts in the observation As part of the ‘Renew your clothing’ programme, activities (workshops, talks, displays, shows...) related to and knowledge of urban biodiversity, promoting responsible consumption, creativity and reuse of clothes are organised. knowledge of biodiversity, its values and the need to preserve them. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 155 How Barcelona works  . An educational programme basic gardening techniques to bring domestic gardening On 18 October 2012, more than 200 organisations that offers resources to schools because through and knowledge of parks closer to citizens. It is promoted attended the third signatories’ convention to reach an knowledge of the city’s environmental management by the City Council in collaboration with the Catalan agreement on the contents of the new Commitment. facilities we can generate habits and values that may Confederation of Ornamental Horticulture (CHOC). There were 14 intense and highly productive working lead towards a more sustainable Barcelona. sessions for debate and consensus and two sessions Renew your clothing  . An initiative to boost the where secondary students also made proposals. Ecology classroom. Promoted by the City Council selective collection of clothes and footwear for of Barcelona together with the UAB (Autonomous their reuse, promoted by municipal organisations, Sector-based networking for tailored University of Barcelona) and CREAF (Centre for associations and facilities in the city and with the responses Ecological Research and Forestry Applications), a support of the City Council. conference series was carried out which provided In order to begin sector-based work within the network a space for reflection and debate to contribute to of organisations and businesses, three training and sustainability culture and energy self-sufficiency in the 11.3.4 A participative process that experience exchange sessions were held during 2013 city. Each conference was presented by a professional on sustainability as a strategic factor for businesses, expert in a subject linked to sustainable practices. keeps on going associations and the tourism sector. Other activities Second and third conventions for Barcelona + Sostenible collaboration initiatives Commitment signatories with the City Council and other organisations Music in the parks . Programme of summer concerts that began in 1997 and that brings quality music to The goals of the second convention (2010-2011) were With regard to sector-based networking, there are some all types of audiences and promotes the presence of to collectively evaluate Agenda 21, give visibility to the particularly noteworthy collaborative projects and lines young performers, at the same time as it aims to boost work carried out by the network of signatories, detect of work between different departments of the City the possibilities and benefits of parks as urban green emerging needs and new trends and plan the work for Council of Barcelona and other organisations: spaces for shared living and leisure. the following year. As a result of the convention, working groups were created in different thematic fields on key Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Project in the hotel International new roses competition  . An priority issues that were tackled in working sessions and sector promoted by the City Council in collaboration international competition created in 2001 to promote virtual forums to form action proposals to be developed with the Responsible Tourism Observatory of Sant knowledge of the Barcelona rose garden. Aimed at during the following two years. Some examples of the Ignasi’s Tourism Board, the Tourism and Event breeders and cultivators of new rose species, it also resulting projects include the Participative Energy Management Office, the Hotels Trade Association and includes rose-related activities for all the public. Plan for Sant Martí de Provençals and La Verneda i La Barcelona Activa (local development agency). Pau  , the map of Barcelona’s urban allotments   and Turn your house into a garden  . Thematic workshops on participative seminars. The Barcelona social economy network  to boost Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 156 Municipal Institute of Markets in Barcelona  . An World Environment Day, a collaborative Different departments in the City Council of independent organisation for the direct management and project Barcelona collaborate with various organisations to administration of municipal markets, under the authority of boost sustainability in the city. the City Council of Barcelona. The IMMB’s action is focused Organising and promoting the activities of World on three areas: improve infrastructure and services, Environment Day is more and more a joint effort update what is on offer and incorporate trade promotion between the City Council and different organisations social entrepreneurship and innovation, favouring social policies. It also carries out programmes on healthy eating and institutions in the city that promote more and labour-market insertion for people at risk of exclusion or the programme entitled ‘For a balanced diet I shop at environmentally responsible behaviour. and for the most vulnerable groups, as well as making the market!’, which invites primary and secondary students businesses’ good CSR practices visible. The network is to visit markets and to discover their form of trade. Initiatives and resources shared among coordinated by Barcelona Activa and is also promoted by signatories the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities and the Barcelona Sustainable Tourism  . Barcelona’s tourism Quality of Life, Equality and Sports Department. board has promoted sustainable tourism in the city by There are some initiatives and resources that signato- creating the programme Barcelona Sustainable Tourism ries provide for other signatories and that promote acti- Jussana Tower – Services Centre for Associations . in 2012, open to participation from businesses that work ve participation. Some examples include the Green BIZ A municipal facility managed jointly by the City Council towards environmental, cultural, social and economic Barcelona . workshops from the EMAS Club Social Ba- and the Barcelona Council of Associations (CAB). It sustainability. The programme facilitates access to lance   designed by the Solidarity Economy Network, as offers services and resources to the city’s associations establishments and services that allow people to enjoy well as talks and events. The network strengthens these and works to promote, bolster and strengthen them the city in a sustainable way. initiatives and promotes them among the signatories. with the aim of broadening their impact among citizens. The City Council of Barcelona’s Trade and Consumption Office . An office that promotes quality and sustainable trade in Barcelona to generate wealth in the city and to facilitate social integration. Among the initiatives it carries out we can highlight the Barcelona, best store in the world   award that recognises the collective effort of people from the business sector that contribute to making Barcelona a modern and dynamic city with a wide, competitive and quality offer. In the 16th year of The City Council of Barcelona organises different activities to promote networking between people and organi- the award two new strategies were included in the areas sations signing the Commitment. of sustainable trade and locally-based cultural trade. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 157 11.4 Future goals and measures Thanks to Barcelona’s willingness to become a more 11.4.1 The city wants to make its targeting larger organisations is unlikely; they need sustainable and self-sufficient city where all actors trade more sustainable practical resources and promotion of their action via are involved and with the Citizen Commitment to specific channels. Sustainability 2012-2022 as a framework, the City Council will continue to work to bring different institutions and With the alignment of the Barcelona Trade Promotion organisations together through various programmes, to New Barcelona + Sostenible programme for trade and Support Plan and the Citizen Commitment to monitor progress with the use of indicators and to foster Sustainability, the motivation of organisations in the environmental education and citizen participation. Currently, a programme aimed specifically at businesses trade sector and the great potential for improvement, in is being developed. 2014 a process will begin to define a programme for trade sustainability. It is expected to be launched in 2015. Many businesses in Barcelona have been working in favour of sustainability for some time, with initiatives in different areas: sale of local or “0 km” products, 11.4.2 Barcelona continues to ecological or low-impact products, waste prevention, excellence in water and energy management, consumer support environmental education information, employment of people at risk of social exclusion, commitment to the community, etc. It is Barcelona city’s new environmental education worth highlighting the markets model in Barcelona, programme which is recognised internationally. For their part, the business associations and guilds act as opinion leaders Currently, Barcelona city’s new environmental education among their associates, especially in the area of waste programme is in its development phase, with all the management. agents involved working together. The new programme aims to promote joint responsibility and motivation Barcelona Council promotes environmental education The general Entitats i Empreses + Sostenibles programme among citizens to live with sustainable values. For each as a tool to encourage changes in attitude. does not adapt enough to the needs and possibilities of of the programme’s strategies described below there traders for whom availability to participate in activities are specific actions defined: Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 158 Raise awareness of good environmental practices and enjoy the involvement of neighbours, representatives as well as the active participation of representatives management services carried out by the City Council of organisations and facilities in the area, City Council from institutions, organisations and groups in the experts, as well as members of the network of city that signed the Commitment, through different Strengthen the offer of environmental education Commitment signatories. working sessions. Once the process is completed and services and activities the indicators are agreed upon, the next step will be their approval at the municipal level. The process began Advance towards joint programmes with other 11.4.3 Improved indicators for at the end of 2012, when a specific working group was organisations created to work on the proposal of new sustainability monitoring sustainable development indicators for the city and to rethink the format of the report being developed. New joint initiatives Definition of new monitoring and control indicators The Park(ing) Day  , promoted in 2014 by the 11.4.4 Participation continues to Environmental Space Association, will invite people The indictors applied in the last 10 years have been an to transform public parking lots into parks, gardens instrument of knowledge on progress in the city from form the basis of the Barcelona + and other forms of public space to defend a more the point of view of sustainable development, since they Sostenible programme sustainable city model. Another initiative planned is have allowed for comprehensive information gathering the celebration of the 1st Catalan Meeting on Urban on the different areas of activity as well as the analysis Creation of the new Citizen Council for Agriculture, promoted by the Tarpuna cooperative. of their evolution. Sustainability The changes experienced in recent years in the local and The Citizen Council for Sustainability will represent New networking initiatives global socio-economic and environmental context, which the Municipal Environment and Sustainability Council, are reflected in the development of the new Commitment, created in 1998 to promote Agenda 21 in Barcelona. With the aim of strengthening and consolidating show the need to develop a set of indicators better Most of the members of the council will be Commitment collaborative work, different networks will be promoted adjusted to the new goals and lines of action that are signatories, chosen by organisations in their sector to evolve towards a real large-scale network of offers being considered. While we want to maintain some of the (associations and civic organisations, businesses, and demands, exchanges, collaborations and joint indicators used up until now, we also want to incorporate educational centres, universities, professional projects. One example is the working session Let’s new ones to help analyse the evolution of other variables associations, trade unions and public administrations). Network   which will include different spaces to and parameters that were not considered in previous years. favour contact and collaboration between participants. The functions of the new Council include contributing to Another example is participation in the framework of The new proposal for indicators will emerge from the spread of sustainability culture in Barcelona through the Barcelona super-block programme, which will dialogue between experts in the different fields analysed, the new Commitment, promoting studies and releasing Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 159 The Citizen Council for Sustainability is a sector-based advisory and participative body in the city, which represents the different groups and sectors involved in the achievement of the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability’s goals and it also promotes new strategies for the involvement, joint responsibility and participation of citizen organisations. reports on municipal actions in matters of sustainability, 11.4.5 More environmental and infrastructure and, in general, all the green economy boosting participative processes between organisations sustainability information in the city initiatives that are contributing to the improvement of in the network of Commitment signatories, giving the urban environment, to the creation of a fairer and account of their activity in the network and choosing more inclusive social structure and to the enrichment of priority action proposals for the future. As well as the communities and neighbourhoods. plenary sessions, the Council will have a Permanent Map of sustainable Barcelona Commission of an executive nature, working groups As well as providing practical information on points of open to all signatories and a technical support office. Barcelona will launch a Barcelona + Sostenible Map, a interest and routes, it will allow citizens to contribute collaborative tool that will gather initiatives, resources, additional information like stories, photographs and experiences and information on sustainability that are activities. The map will be the city’s contribution to the The participation of citizens, associations, business of interest to citizens (See chapter 12. Smart City  ). In the international initiative Open Green Maps   , in which organisations, education centres, public administrations, map you will be able to find the location of environmental more than 850 cities from 65 countries around the etc. is essential to promote sustainability. facilities and amenities, routes and havens for flora and world participate. fauna in the city, ecological stores, accommodation, Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Joint responsibility 160 162 Summary diagram 163 12.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities 164 12.2 General context and current situation 164 12.2.1 Advancing towards new technologies 165 12.2.2 A smart city for smart citizens 166 12.2.3 The smart concept in different environmental vectors 167 12.3 Measures taken to advance towards the smart city concept 167 12.3.1 Barcelona positions itself internationally 168 12.3.2 Supporting a new governance model 169 12.3.3 Innovating with new technologies Smart city 170 12.3.4 Promoting citizen participation 171 12.4 Future goals and measures 171 12.4.1 Planning technological infrastructure 171 12.4.2 A comprehensive view of the smart city strategy 173 12.4.3 Collaboration between the City Council and other organisations to promote sustainability in the city Barcelona, a smart city designed for its citizens Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 161 Smart Current city situation Internacional 1st 4th 10th ranking Smart city in Spain Smart city in Europe Smart city in the world Vision of The state 28,500 90 % 78 % the future of ICTs workers fibre optic of homes with Using the employed in ICTs coberage internet access best solutions to improve Water: the quality of Mobility: Waste:Some of the Energy: 40 % of life of milestones 262 240 parks with electric 62 reached pneumatic remote Barcelona’s charge self-powered waste irrigation citizens points public buildings collection points management Lines of work Governance and Collaborative work transparency Transformation of for digital ‘Barcelona GO’ the city fabrication ‘e-Administration’ Mobile solutions Sensors platform ‘Self-sufficient blocks’ ‘Fab Lab’ ‘OpendataBCN’ ‘BCN in your pocket’ ‘Sentilo’ ‘Electric vehicles’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 162 12.1 Vision, challenges and opportunities Advancing towards the smart concept can significantly improve the habitability of the city in three key areas: enhancing the citizen’s Vision of the future and the visitor’s experience, improving the city’s operating and management procedures and introducing new ways of living in and understanding the city. A city that uses the best solutions to provide a better Barcelona has a tradition of using technology and design. Throughout history, Barcelona has taken advantage of the most quality of life for its citizens. innovative solutions of the hour to be a modern city adapted to the times (in the construction of sewers, street lighting, etc.). Its transformation into a smart city is a new opportunity to show its adaptability and modernity, combining technology and design to make To achieve this it uses the the city more sustainable. most efficient resource-saving systems, optimises services The ICT sector is well-established. Catalonia generates 20% of national turnover in the ICT sector and practically 70% of Spain’s management and applies ICT companies are located in the province of Barcelona. The ICT sector has more than 10,000 companies, generates a turnover of €17 innovative solutions that facilitate million and directly employs more than 73,000 people. Barcelona has an extensive fibre optic network, as well as a network of sensors economic progress, making that provide continuous information on the state of the city: noise, air pollution, traffic, etc. the most of its citizens’ talent A city of contrasts, between modernity and tradition. Barcelona is a city of contrasts where the innovative and the modern live and knowledge. In this new city side-by-side with the strength of its history, which is made evident in its traditions and culture, giving it a unique and distinctive identity. model, technology plays a key Barcelona’s diversity and plurality make it an open and lively city, full of opportunities, always experimenting and growing. It is the first role in the comprehensive and time that citizens are ahead of the public administration in the adoption of new tools and solutions. holistic management of services (mobility, energy, green spaces, The crisis is seen as an opportunity. The effects of the global crisis and of climate change have revealed the need to reformulate water, etc.) and in providing society’s operation. Structures that are now shown to be out-dated are being reconsidered and new mechanisms that are more in line responses to citizens’ needs. with the economic, social and environmental present are being taken up. The smart concept is viewed in a holistic way. While most cities work on the smart concept through projects in different fields, focusing on a single area of the city (obtaining information, mobility, energy...), Barcelona has a holistic view, working in a cross-cutting way in all sectors and taking into account each and every one of the city’s and the citizens’ needs. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 163 12.2 General context and current situation The City Council of Barcelona decided to integrate the companies, talent and investment in order to be able to 12.2.1 Advancing towards new different areas of Hàbitat Urbà (Urban Planning, Housing, create employment for, above all, young people and to technologies Environment, Infrastructure and Information Technologies) make the most of the city’s entrepreneurial spirit and its into a single functional unit. This has translated into citizens’ creativity. the materialisation of cross-cutting projects capable of In order to advance towards the smart city concept, combining excellence in urban design with the integration Thus, Barcelona is transforming itself in order to become technology must be deployed throughout the urban of environmental technologies, as well as producing a a smart city. It has already managed to place itself network. The city’s Wi-Fi coverage has increased in positive social impact that can improve people’s lives. among the top 10 in international rankings  . Currently, recent years. Currently, there are 721 Wi-Fi access points it is considered to be the 1st smart city in Spain, the 4th for citizens in the city. The installation of fibre optic cable Thus, the idea is that each time infrastructure or large-scale in Europe and the 10th in the world. is also evolving favourably and has increased its span projects are developed in the city, resources are made the most of, technologies are incorporated to allow for more efficient and sustainable management (sensors for detecting noise, levels of pollution, fibre optic coverage, Barcelona Wi-Fi, etc.) and respect is shown towards the surroundings. Barcelona must also be capable of producing resources locally in order to become more self-sufficient, resilient and sustainable. This way it is possible to progress from a centralised industrial model to a new informational, distributed model in which citizens evolve from the worker- consumer to the entrepreneur-producer. And in which citizen collaboration is essential to the new city concept, not only as individuals, but also as companies or entrepreneurs. Barcelona Wi-Fi is a service offered by the City Council of Barcelona that allows internet connection via different For this reason, the City Council of Barcelona strengthens Wi-Fi access points (721 points) located in different municipal facilities and public areas. public-private collaboration with the aim of attracting new Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 164 in the last 5 years. Barcelona has more than 500 km of In this respect, Barcelona counts on the cooperation 580 municipal fibre optic cable, a fact which means FTTH of its citizens who, in general, welcome innovations 560 coverage for 90% of the city. The New Municipal Network, provided by new technologies, new systems and new 540 which is formed by the different fibre optic networks applications into their day-to-day lives. 520 in the city, means economic savings and, thanks to its 500 scope, allows for the development of different projects With regard to the take-up of ICTs in homes in Barcelona, 480 in quite different areas, growing progressively and mobile phone, computer and internet use have tended sustainably without leaving aside any element in the city to increase in recent years. In 2013, 97% of citizens in and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. Barcelona used a mobile phone, 86% used a computer and 85% used internet (and 78% of homes had internet In the last five years, the length of fibre optic In December 2013, Barcelona had around 100 physical access). cables has increased in the city, reaching data sensors that could be grouped into 40 different 556,080 km in the year 2013. measurement components or facilities. These sensors were installed in the Urban Lab in the 22@ zone and in The total number of apps downloaded in 2013 was the Born district in rubbish bins, parking spaces, sound 435,999. sensors, flow of people... However, the plan for 2014 is to The take-up of ICTs in homes in Barcelona is considerably increase the number of sensors, aiming to very high, which can be seen in the upward exceed 2500 with their installation in municipal buildings With regard to the state of the ICT sector in Barcelona, trend in mobile, computer and internet use. and urban parks, among other places. in 2012 there were 28,500 workers employed in ICT activities, which represents 3.5% of employees in the city and 54% of people employed in ICT in Catalonia. In 100 12.2.2 A smart city for smart citizens 2008, there were 25% more ICT companies and 6.9% 80 more employees in the sector. 40.9% of companies in the ICT sector carry out innovative activity and more 60 Barcelona, on the road to becoming a smart city to than 3000 people are employed in R&D activities in 40 improve the quality of life of its citizens, must establish Catalonia. 20 links between systems, infrastructure and technology, 0 which provide us with information, and people, who In order to promote technological development, the 2009 2013 are the engine and the soul of the city. This is a basic City Council of Barcelona has carried out different element for the success of Barcelona’s consolidation as awareness-raising and training programmes aimed Mobile phone Computer a smart city. Technology, on its own, would give rise to a at real demand. On the one hand, the Get Updated Internet digital city, but not a smart city. programme was created for the professional redirection Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 165% use Length - km of 502 people through 40 courses in the areas of design, 2 cold generators activated thermally. ICT and business and international marketing. On the other is the programme to boost employment in the Efficiency in energy distribution: 14 km-long urban mobile sector, which provided assistance to 473 people, cooling and heating network connecting 56 buildings with 104 being trained in occupations linked to this (561,000 m2 of climate-controlled floor area). emerging sector. 10,508 professionals or employees in small and medium-sized companies in the city have Mobility been trained in advanced technological skills, with the aim of increasing the competiveness of workers and Mobility optimisation: 50 sensors in different parts companies. of the Eixample district that allow for measuring the estimated time of urban routes. 12.2.3 The smart concept in The electrification of mobility is key to reducing air pollution and noise: more than 500 hybrid taxis, 294 different environmental aspects public electric vehicles, 347 private vehicles (estimated), 20 plug-in hybrids, 130 electric motorbikes, 262 public Barcelona has carried out different actions that have charge points and 409 registered users. allowed the city advance towards the smart concept. Some city projects linked to mobility, energy, waste and Waste water (see the corresponding chapters for measures related to each environmental aspect) have reached the 240 pneumatic waste collection points in 22@. following milestones: Water Energy Improving management to reduce water consumption: Improvement of knowledge on buildings’ energy use remote management of 301 public drinking fountains in order to reduce consumption: energy monitoring and 77 ornamental fountains. in 23 public buildings and the implementation of monitoring in another 31 buildings. Currently 40% of parks have an automated irrigation system. Pneumatic waste collection is a smart system Self-generating electric power in public buildings: 58 because rubbish is collected according to the containers’ capacity and not merely a timetable. photovoltaic installations, 1 mini wind generator and Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 166 12.3 Measures taken to advance towards the smart city concept In order to advance towards the smart city concept, the and Smart Solutions for Sustainable Cities. Moreover, it measures implemented in recent years have mainly been participates in international lobbies and multinational Participation in the Green IT network oriented towards positioning Barcelona internationally as corporate events have been held in Barcelona. Different a smart city, applying a new, more open and transparent prizes and awards reaffirm the role of Barcelona in the This network has the double goal of making information governance model, innovating with new technologies – international arena, such as the Areté Award for Urban and communication technologies (ICTs) more sustainable with the creation of different applications and uses – and Innovation 2012. and, at the same time, promoting their use to improve promoting citizen participation. energy efficiency in companies. Barcelona is one of the Participation in international cooperative 10 partners in the project that collaborate to share the projects best experiences and policies to improve knowledge 12.3.1 Barcelona positions itself of initiatives and solutions already undertaken and Barcelona participates in different international to transfer and adapt those that present the most internationally projects that aim to make the most of all the members’ opportunities. Barcelona is a benchmark in innovative knowledge and experiences related to smart strategies companies in the knowledge industries sector and is in order to speed up the habitable, viable and sustainable in the vanguard of information and communication Participation in international events transformation of cities. In this regard, Barcelona has technologies in Europe. The city has many different participated in European projects like Fireball, OpenCities, examples of public-private collaboration to tackle the Barcelona has managed to place itself at the forefront iCity, CitySDK, Arrowhead, etc. challenges that emerge from the creation of a more of the smart city strategy on the international level. sustainable society and economy. It has developed different actions to become a Moreover, Barcelona promotes the City Protocol knowledge and development hub and a technological Society  , a non-profit organisation formed by and smart city. For this it hosts different fairs, events cities, businesses, academic institutions and other The Green IT network promotes the spread of good and congresses like the Mobile World Congress, City organisations that make the most of the knowledge and practices such as methodologies, projects and Next, SC Expo, SC Tour, etc. It has also participated in experience of cities from around the world to speed techniques that have been successfully tested and can different international events like the Latin American up this transformation, offering a specialist guide and be applied in other places. Digital Cities Meeting, Smart Grids, Smart Cities Forum collaborative action options for cities. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 167 12.3.2 Supporting a new governance payment certificates, duplicating receipts and reporting model complaints, incidents, suggestions, etc. It is a closed space to enjoy maximum privacy and allows for comfortable interaction between staff and users. The procedure is completed there and then, so that the citizen receives the e-Administration corresponding document immediately. e-Administration is the application of ICTs in the Procedures Portal. This is a virtual office through transformation of business processes both within and which citizens can carry out procedures like outside of the administration, in order to make them more change of address in the census, pre-enrolment in accessible, efficient, effective and transparent. The main schools, requesting a library card and many others. ideas in the e-Administration Plan are: Businesspersons and organisations can also carry The virtual citizen information service (OVAC) allows out procedures via this portal: payment of municipal citizens carry out various procedures in maximum 1. Personalisation: specific services and personalised taxes, change of fiscal address, etc. privacy and comfort. folders, bringing information together and providing differentiated treatment for each group. Other related products within the e-Administration framework include: 2. Ubiquity: facilitating access to the administration at Barcelona GO (open government), a new any time, from any place and with any device. • Bicing (Barcelona’s public bicycle rental service) governance model app for smartphones: a tool that lets you know the 3. Processes: improving organisation effectiveness and location and availability of the different stations in This is based on three main pillars: transparency, efficiency, redesigning ways of working and updating real time, as well as the fastest and safest route. participation and open data. With regard to transparency, systems. relevant information is published for people in subjects • apparkB: service for paying and parking in the blue and as broad as budgets, contracting, tenders, urban Creation of the virtual citizen information service green metered zones using mobile phones without having planning, etc. With regard to participation, access to the (OVAC). In line with the new governance model, the City to go to the parking metre. participation channels is guaranteed for all people, with Council of Barcelona has created this new facility with a the commitment to take on board and respond to their video-conferencing screen, printer and scanner, where • Smartquesina: bus stop with new technologies that contributions. In terms of open data, the information is the citizen can interact, in real time, with municipal citizen offer interactive services like consulting nearby points made available to everyone in digital, standardised and information staff to carry out basic official procedures of interest and tourist options, planning routes, finding open formats to facilitate access and to promote reuse. like registering in a particular district, accessing tax out the availability of Bicing bicycles, etc. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 168 strengthening the industrial structure to create alliances contents that allow for an increase in the knowledge Data for everyone through OpenDataBCN for the development and application of products. base and to strengthen CSR in businesses. The City Council of Barcelona has put public sector Contactless Barcelona. To facilitate the day-to- information within everyone’s reach in digital, day relations of citizens and visitors in Barcelona, Open Source urban platform, open architecture standardised and open formats that allow for their this initiative promotes the adoption of contactless reuse. In this way society – citizens, businesses and technology (QR codes and NFC technology) in the Barcelona has created an urban platform for handling institutions – can access it easily to inform themselves city, allowing people carry out simple actions merely and managing data coming from all the different parts or to create new services, thus increasing social value by bringing one mobile device into close proximity of the city. This is a clear example of innovation and and generating business opportunities. with another device. It already has 581 points (Bicing, excellence in the application of information technologies Mobile World Congress, Mercè Festival...). to the whole urban ecosystem. With 510 datasets, some of the environmental information available includes: vehicle census, Bicing MobileID, digital identity on your mobile. This is Having a system of sensors and its own operating stations, list of environmental facilities and related a simple and safe authentication method to facilitate system (CityOs) allows for opening data and analysing services, list of transport facilities and related services, virtual relations with the City Council. It is an app them in a cross-cutting way to detect everything that location of taxi ranks, etc. that serves to access the virtual citizen folder (with happens in the city and to speak the same language as services such as access to the municipal census, tow providers. Everything is standardised and the data can truck services, or services related to taxes and fines) be analysed to make improvements to the city and to 12.3.3 Innovating with new both from a smartphone and via the Internet. Soon create new applications and systems to make life easier more services will be included from the City Council, for people, through simpler and more solidarity-based technologies other administrations and private services. applications or tools. Within this platform we find: Barcelona sensors platform, “Sentilo”  . The City BCN in your pocket Accessibility via Mobile 4 all Council of Barcelona has opened up the source code of its sensor interconnection and actuator platform A mobile solutions project materialised in 3 important Barcelona participates in this programme to guarantee to free programming through the Sentilo community. initiatives: Apps4Bcn, Barcelona Contactless and MobileID. access for everyone to mobile solutions, whether these This isolates the applications that use the data from are people at risk of exclusion, elderly people, or people the sensors that supply them, such that any city or Apps4Bcn. This gathers all the mobile applications with disabilities. It promotes initiatives to improve company can contribute with new code to connect a focused on the improvement of services in Barcelona accessibility, to facilitate the evaluation of public policies new type of sensor or actuator and incorporate new in one single portal. Currently, there are more than 653 and projects developed by the third sector, to facilitate functionalities to build interoperable applications recommended apps. Moreover, it also has the goal of managing and raising funds, to promote access to based on the data published with Sentilo. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 169 Barcelona Cloud. Open Data multi-councils. 12.3.4 Promoting citizen for people and organisations with different career paths This is an initiative led by Catalan municipalities that participation and training to experiment and debate about the use of want to offer their citizens and companies open data technologies for digital fabrication, with latest generation in formats that are shared and standardised across machinery (milling machines, cutters and 3D printers), ideal different administrations, thus favouring territorial for developing prototypes, models and new products and data continuity and the creation of services with Fab Lab and fabrication centres materials. It is planned that each district of Barcelona will greater added value. It also intends to share the have at least one fabrication centre in order to progress knowledge generated and the milestones reached Fab Lab Barcelona forms part of the international network towards a future where digital fabrication forms part of with other cities. of fabrication centres promoted by MIT and present in our day-to-day life. The essential purposes of this project 51 countries. These are spaces and equipment for digital are training, social cohesion, boosting employment design and fabrication. They constitute a meeting point creation and bringing production closer to the city. Fab Lab Bcn is a space for research and production that uses latest generation digital fabrication machinery for the creation of objects with digital technologies. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 170 12.4 Future goals and measures Barcelona City Council aims to consolidate the smart transfer a development methodology to public spaces adapting to state regulations in telecommunications city strategy and to continue being a benchmark in in the city, both to increase the level of ICT infrastructure matters, Barcelona promotes a new ordinance to the international arena. Efficient management of the in public spaces and to boost the progressive regulate aerials. With this new regulation, the City different systems in the city and the correct integration implementation of the smart city platform. Thus, the Council will reinforce the inspection and control of of its infrastructure offer good growth and economic government measure is materialised in 3 lines of work: aerials guaranteeing environmental protection and development opportunities as well as improving the public health. Currently, there are around 800 mobile quality of life of its citizens. For this reason, Barcelona Introducing ICT infrastructure in public spaces. communications infrastructures in the city, but many will continue to progress in the establishment of new more are likely with the implementation of the new urban services models and different smart programmes Implementing Barcelona’s smart city platform. regulations, albeit with less visual impact since the new placing the city at the service of people. aerials are smaller and more discrete and can also be Streamlining electric power supplies in public spaces; installed inside buildings. design of street furniture intended for municipal 12.4.1 Planning technological services. infrastructure 12.4.2 A comprehensive view of the Promoting a new ordinance to regulate aerials smart city strategy Master Plan for ICTs in Barcelona’s public spaces (PDTIC) With the aim of tackling the growing demand for radio-communication technologies, generated by the Creation of the Smart City Campus The plan incorporates standards on the development of multiplication of mobile devices and at the same time smart infrastructure in public spaces. It showcases the This is an urban innovation space in which companies, experiences accumulated in the pilot initiatives carried institutions, universities and technology centres will be out and sets the criteria for the installation of this type In order to be able to create information brought together in order to create innovation hubs in of infrastructure in the city. infrastructure and solutions, we need a reference the city. This initiative intends to contribute to economic scenario to ensure that all the different actions result growth and to consolidate Barcelona as an international The plan includes the government measure of in an ordered, structured ICT architecture. benchmark in new urban services models and smart implementing the smart city value chain and aims to cities at the service of people. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 171 The first piece of the Smart City Campus will be Ca l’Alier, Designing public spaces with the necessary electrical the distribution of goods, e-taxi services and e-bus an old factory that will be turned into an Innovation supply points irrespective of the service they provide. routes. Centre linked to smart cities, thanks to the collaboration established with the multinationals Cisco and Schneider The strategy includes various local programmes, some Establishment of smart parking spaces, Electric, which will locate their technological research already underway, among which the following stand out: incorporating light signals for free spots, systems for the and development centres there. The rehabilitation of Ca public use of free places in private hotel car parks, etc. L’Alier will begin in January 2015 and will be completed Integration of the city’s different fibre optic in the summer of 2016. Its launch is expected to create networks to achieve maximum coverage, allowing for Promoting smart citizens , a platform to generate 160 jobs. the widespread use of sensors in the city. participative processes for people, connecting data, citizens and knowledge. Consolidation of the urban platform, making Deploying the smart city strategy technology independent from its providers and Implementing the Lighting Master Plan (smart making data and municipal applications available to lighting) with the aim of fulfilling lighting criteria Barcelona wants to advance towards the smart concept third parties. (colour temperature, levels, contrasts, etc.) in the and to work in accordance with the principles of a smart most energy efficient way. city: define the city model and its systems, develop the Gathering smart data, which when integrated services economy and define action plans to make the and shared allow for measuring the city’s level of Increasing smart street furniture, incorporating city more resilient and habitable. New technologies development and the improvement of its governance. smart city criteria and strategies (habitability, viability, are being naturally incorporated into public spaces for sustainability). citizens, integrating smart projects in a cross-cutting Creation of self-sufficient blocks in order to and progressive way. This deployment is materialised in improve efficiency in consumption and the generation 3 lines of work: of energy, with the incorporation of solar roofs, mixed uses, joint heating systems for districts, water Using all of the actions that take place on the streets to recycling and use of electric vehicles. deploy telecommunications and sensor infrastructure like wiring, routers, access points, etc. Remote irrigation management for the installation of a centralised system that would allow for control of Guaranteeing the correct supply of data to the automated irrigation infrastructure. system so that they can be transformed into essential With the implementation of the Lighting Master Plan information for taking decisions more efficiently. Promoting electric vehicles through systems that the most appropriate lighting criteria are selected according to sets of streets and social realities. LED are attractive to citizens and companies such as technology serves to improve the lighting experience. e-sharing (bicycles, motorbikes and cars), e-trucks for Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 172 12.4.3 Collaboration between the City Council and other organisations to promote sustainability in the city The Barcelona + Sostenible , as eco-social innovation This a collaborative project between the City Council and the organisations of the Environmental Space, the Catalan Environmental Education Society, Casa Orlandai, the Consumption Research and Information Centre, Barnamil, Science in Society and the Foundation for the Prevention of Waste and Consumption. It’s an interactive virtual map that brings together relevant socio-environmental initiatives in the city, such as environmental infrastructure and facilities, havens for flora and fauna, stores with local and organic products, accommodation, businesses with added environmental value and initiatives in favour of more sustainable sustainable trade, services and tourism mobility, etc. The map is also a social network that sustainable businesses and organisations The Barcelona + Sostenible Map is based on the environmental information and education helps citizens to share their experiences (stories, principles of sustainability, joint responsibility, environmental facilities and eco-innovation photographs and activities) of the city. The map will grow equality, inclusion, innovation, transparency mobility and accessibility continuously with contributions from organisations and and proximity participation and community innovation citizens through collaborative mapping workshops and natural and cultural heritage individual contributions. In 2014 the website is expected to be operating and in 2015 the mobile application for iOS and ANDROID will be launched. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 Smart city 173 ©Barcelona City Council Barcelona, February 2015 Technical direction and coordination Irma Ventayol and Teresa Franquesa Knowledge Management. Hàbitat Urbà Barcelona City Council Produced by Lavola Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 174 For more information:   Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013