Barcelona, a city committed to the environment Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Summary Energy and climate Resilience and climate Mobility and Urban green Sustainable Local change mitigation change adaptation urban transport and biodiversity land use air quality 5 9 13 17 21 25 Acoustic quality Waste production Water cycle Municipal greening Joint responsibility Smart City 29 and management 37 and the green 45 49 33 economy 41 Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Summary 2 Basic Data 2013 02º 07’ 31’’ E 10,216 hec t ares 29.10 km2 Region longitude municipality green areas 41º 25’ 10’’ N latitude 158 inhab/h a 412 m density 4,395 m beaches above sea level 15.8 ºC annual average 967.0 hPa average 580.0 mm total Climate 35.1 ºC maximum 987.2 hPa maximum 40.2 mm -1.6 ºC minimum 932.6 hPa maximum rainfall minimum 112 days of rain 2,776.4 hours 69 % relative humidity 9 days of storms o f sunshine per year 1,611,822 inhabitant s Population 4,788,422 inhabitants in the 83 years metropolitan region life expectancy (2012) 7,571,766 tourists 82.6 % population Spanish 8.2 birth rate 16,485,074 17.4 % population foreign 9.2 death rate overnight stays Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Basic Data 3 Social €18,700/year 18.3 % 89.40 % 78.1 % indicators disposable household at risk of secondary school households with income per capita poverty (2011) graduation rate internet access (2012-2013) Economic €38.500 17.2 % 78.0 % 65.4 % indicators average GDP at mark et unemployment partic ipation employment prices per inhabitant rate (4th quarter) Base year 2000 Environ- 18.1 m2/inha b 16,782 GWh 108.4 l/inhab pe r day mental green areas total energy consumption domestic water consumption indicators (2012) 2003 - 17.39 m2/inhab 1999 - 137.5 l/inhab. per day 1999 - 15,664.78 GWh 730,285 tonnes 36.2 % 7.7 million urban solid waste separated waste collection trips per day 2003 - 860,338 tonnes 2003 - 23.95 % internal connecting 40 micrograms/m3 24 micrograms/m3 Public transport average annual level of NO2 average annual particle Bicycle NO2 level (PM10) 2003 - 55 micrograms/m3 PM10 On foot 2008 - 36 micrograms/m3 Private transport Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Basic Data 4 Energy and climate change mitigation Barcelona, a city committed to combating climate change Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Energy and climate change mitigation 5 Energy and Current climate situation Final energy change consumption Self-sufficiency mitigation (2012) 16.782 10.35 1999 2012 GWh MWh per capita 0.33 % 2.08 % Vision of the future Becoming a 1999 2012 self-sufficient CO emissions 3.19 2.28 city with zero 2 (2012) tonnes de CO2 per capita tonnes de CO2 per capita emissions Lines of work Self-generation ‘Solar on new and Committed to Innovation renovated buildings‘ Efficiency Self-sufficiency and combating climate ‘Electrifying ‘Renewable energies ‘DH&C networks taking reducing emissions change ‘Signing of the vehicle fleets‘ in municipal advantage of residual ‘Energy Self-Sufficiency Covenant of Mayors‘ ‘Smart street lighting‘ buildings‘ cold and heat‘ Plan‘ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Energy and climate change mitigation 6 Barcelona, in the fight against climate change, aims to become a self-sufficient city with zero emissions. Energy and climate That’s why a change in the energy model is required, aimed at reducing demand and consumption (savings and efficiency), increasing the self-generation of energy with renewable and residual sources and optimising infrastructure change mitigation networks already in place. General context and current situation Over the last few years there has been an upward The energy consumed by Barcelona is quite Regarding greenhouse gas emissions, Barcelona trend in energy consumption with consumption evenly shared between households (with 29.3%) is among those cities in the western world with going from 15,664.78 GWh in 1999 to 18,036.88 GWh and commercial and service sectors (with 29.0%). the lowest per capita emissions. The efforts in 2010. This rise, however, has not been constant as The rest is consumed by industry (17.8%), transport made to combat climate change, with measures to the growth rate was in excess of 3% until 2005 whereas (22.8%) and other sectors (1.0%). improve energy efficiency and savings and to promote consumption gradually fell between 2005 and 2010, renewable energy sources, have resulted in low levels the year when it started to rise again. In 2012 total In 2012 the degree of self-sufficiency, i.e. the of emissions. In 2012 Barcelona emitted a total of consumption stood at 16,782 GWh and consumption energy generated by local resources (renewable 3,690,037 tonnes of CO2, representing 2.28 tonnes per capita at 10.35 MWh/year. and residual) as a percentage of the total energy CO2-eq per capita, notably lower that the emissions consumed by Barcelona was 2.08%. These rate in 1999 which was 3.19 tonnes CO2-eq. renewable energy sources are: 49% from solar thermal energy, 10% from photovoltaic solar energy, 32% from biogas, 2% from mini hydraulic power plants and 8% from biomass. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Energy and climate change mitigation 7 Measures taken Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality assess and overcome current technical barriers to hiring Encouraging localised energy generation. In Plan 2011-2020 (PECQ). This plan reinforces the link ESCOs by Barcelona City Council”. 2011 a new Environment By-Law was passed making it between climate change and air quality, prioritising the compulsory to install thermal and photovoltaic solar management of demand and promoting participation Promoting the regulation and control of systems on almost all new and renovated buildings in the among those involved right from the initial stages. The buildings as an energy-saving and efficiency city. The Council is also implementing other renewable main aim is, by 2020, to have reduced per capita emissions strategy. A “Basic guide on energy efficiency in municipal energy installations at municipal buildings and facilities. of GHG by 23% compared with the 2008 level. The Plan buildings” was published, describing specific efficiency includes two parallel programmes: a city programme measures for buildings. A communication protocol was DH&C networks that take advantage of and a municipal programme (the latter complementing also established to monitor energy consumption in residual cold and heat. Barcelona has Districlima, the the Covenant of Mayors), particularly the Plan for the buildings. first urban network that takes advantage of the heat Energy Self-Sufficiency of Municipal Buildings (PAEEM), left over from treating urban solid waste. This network which aims to save 2,355 tonnes CO2-eq/year in energy Installation of new smart street lighting in was first set up in 2002 and has been expanded since consumption by municipal facilities. Barcelona. In accordance with the new General Plan then, now totalling 13 km with 81 buildings connected. for Lighting , in 2013 work started on installing new Ecoenergies is another network that takes advantage Measures to overcome barriers to hiring street lighting that is brighter, more efficient and uses of cold energy from the gasification of liquefied natural ESCOs. In order to analyse in depth the contractual new technology. Up to 2015, 15 million euros will have gas at the Enagas plant at Barcelona port. This network situation of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), a study been invested to renew 100 street sections and 2,500 is currently 7 km in length. has been carried out entitled “Technical assistance to lighting points in the city. Future measures Barcelona Energy Self-sufficiency Plan. This Some of the Plan’s measures: promote the refurbishment Plan aims to maximise the generation of renewable of buildings in energy terms, encourage self-sufficient, energy within the city itself, as well as reduce the overall zero energy blocks, foster the electrification of vehicles, consumption of energy via energy efficiency measures. encourage new installations of renewable energy The Plan’s goal is to increase self-sufficiency, reducing sources, install self-sufficient urban elements (rented emissions by 20% in 2020 and by 80% in 2050. bicycle sites, beach bars, etc.). Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Energy and climate change mitigation 8 Resilience and climate change adaptation Barcelona is adapting to the risks and effects of climate change Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Resilience and climate change adaptation 9 - 40% Resilience Current and climate situation rainfall in summer Climate change: x 2 sea level frequency change Main + 0.5º of downpours + 20-60 cm adaptation impacts by 2020 and droughts by 2100 Main Vision of challenges the future Heatwaves Urban heat island effect Drought Floods Wildfires Becoming a city that tackles risks and Increase in Change in energy guaranteeing Coastal erosion Reduction in tourism demand for water consumption patterns citizens' Lines quality of life of work Governance tools Guaranteed Planning Protecting ‘Resilience resource supply Flood management ‘Resilience and the sea front boards (TISU)‘ ‘Desalination plant‘ ‘Rainwater climate change ‘Plan to stabilise ‘Situation room‘ ‘Energy self-generation‘ storage tanks‘ adaptation plan‘ beaches‘ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Resilience and climate change adaptation 10 Resilience and climate Barcelona wants to be a city able to proactively tackle its challenges, impacts and crises, overcoming them change adaptation while learning, getting stronger and guaranteeing its citizens’ quality of life. General context and current situation Barcelona, like a number of cities in the world, is changes in the rainfall pattern with more frequent and the coastline, due to erosion resulting from strong facing increasing risks from climate change. Cities severe downpours and droughts. easterly winds and sea storms; are highly vulnerable to risks due to the high density of both population and services. It’s difficult to quantify Climate change presents new challenges for the economic activities, due to changes in the the long-term risk but the economic and personal costs city. Some of these challenges are related to: distribution of tourists to the Mediterranean of the increase in risks associated with climate change throughout the year; could be very high. people’s health, due to the increase in heatwaves which can lead to heart, respiratory and allergic waste water infrastructures, due to the increase in Barcelona is vulnerable to impacts resulting from complaints; heavy rainfall, overloading the capacity of treatment climate change. The main risks predicted, some of plants. which have already started to be felt, are: rising sea natural assets and resources, due to the increase level, with the estimate that 1 metre of beach is lost in wildfires and changes in the patterns of demand for with each centimetre the Mediterranean rises; rising water and energy; temperatures, especially in summer, with heatwaves; Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Resilience and climate change adaptation 11 Measures taken Creation of tools to improve governance. Preventing the effects on people’s health. Guaranteeing the supply of water and energy. Barcelona City Council has set up a Resilience The Action Plan to Prevent the Effects of Heatwaves on With regard to water, some of the measures implemented Department to lead and coordinate projects. In 2009 it Health (POCS in Catalan) has been implemented every are: production of the Technical Plan to Maximise also created Urban Resilience Boards (TISU in Catalan) year since 2004, aiming to predict, as early as possible, Alternative Water Resources 2012-2015, the construction with the collaboration of all parties involved, organised any high-risk weather conditions and minimise any and start-up of the desalination plant and the Municipal into sector-based work groups in order to reduce any negative effects. Action Plan for the Risk of Drought. With regard to vulnerabilities identified. A Situation Room was also set energy: production of the Energy Self-Sufficiency Plan, up as an information management platform, made up of Increasing environmentally-friendly services a commitment to local energy sources via solar energy the different agents involved, to jointly analyse data which and conserving biodiversity. The Barcelona Green by-laws and waste treatment and improving energy had not been correlated previously, as well as to contribute Infraestructure and Biodiversity Plan 2020 was set up to efficiency with the New Energy Production Plant in Zona new knowledge to improve any decisions taken. manage the green infrastructure to define the municipal Franca. government’s challenges, targets and commitments Exchange of knowledge with other cities regarding the natural environment and biodiversity. On Flood management and coastal protection. through international projects and networks of cities the other hand, the shade and cooler temperatures There’s a network of water storage tanks to stop and organisations to share experiences, such as ICLEI provided by vegetation is used as a means of regulating rainwater from running directly into the sea as this is with projects such as Cities Adapt and Ramses, UNISDR microclimates and minimising the urban heat island effect. heavily contaminated after running through the city, as with the ‘Making Cities Resilient’ campaign and C40, a One particularly important aspect of the biodiversity well as to prevent flooding. Barcelona also has a Beach city network that’s working on resilience and climate conservation plan is the programme to protect amphibians, Stability Plan whose aim is to protect the sea front and change risk assessment. one of the most sensitive groups to climate change. prevent the loss of sand in sea storms. Future measures Planning for resilience and climate change identify and assess risks, define measures to improve adaptation. Barcelona City Council is currently drawing existing systems, define a resilience monitoring system, up this Plan with the aim of involving all agents and raise overall awareness of resilience and climate improving coordination, systemising a methodology to change, etc. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Resilience and climate change adaptation 12 Mobility and urban transport Barcelona, for safer, fairer, more sustainable and efficient mobility Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Mobility and urban transport 13 Mobility and Current situation Daily journeys 7,662,339urban transport Internal journeys Connecting journeys 64.6 % 35.9 % Vision of the future Public transport Becoming a Bicycle city where mobility is more On foot sustainable Private transport with a better quality of life in Lines the districts of work Street pacification Promoting cycling ‘Widening the area for Connectivity and ‘Increasing cycle lanes’ pedestrians’ efficiency ‘Orthogonal Goods management ‘Improvements for ‘Containment of bus network’ ‘Electric vehicles for the Safety Bicing’ private vehicles’ ‘Electrifying mobility’ last mile’ ‘Road safety plan’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Mobility and urban transport 14 Barcelona wants to become a city where mobility is more sustainable, where the quality of life is improved in the city’s districts, democratising the use of public space and promoting more sustainable forms of movement, Mobility and urban transport especially electric vehicles. General context and current situation Transport in Barcelona is currently the main cause Mobility has gradually decreased in Barcelona over Mobility using more sustainable modes has of air and noise pollution and also a significant the last few years, both for internal journeys, although increased over the last few years, without doubt source of energy consumption. The transport industry there was a slight upswing in 2010 and 2011, and also for because of the effects of the economic crisis. Specifically, in Barcelona is responsible for: 37% of the city’s GHG connecting journeys, probably related to the economic journeys on foot and by bicycle have increased, public emissions, over 50% of the emissions of NOx and recession which started in 2007. transport has remained relatively stable and the use of particles, over 80% of the city’s noise. private vehicles has decreased. Measures taken Encouraging journeys on foot and by bicycle New, more efficient orthogonal bus network. Making the public transport fleet more and public transport. Various actions have been In 2012, Barcelona Council and TMB started to redesign environmentally friendly. TMB has reconverted its carried out, such as widening the area for pedestrians, the current bus network based on an orthogonal network fleet of buses to reduce their environmental impact. traffic calming, consolidation of school paths, drawing of fewer but faster and more efficient lines, as well as Some of the technologies incorporated are low emission up the Bicycle Promotion Plan, extending the cycle lane making it easier to understand. This new network will diesel buses, those running on compressed natural gas, and underground networks and making public transport have 28 lines (17 vertical, 8 horizontal and 3 diagonal) hybrid and electric vehicles. more accessible. replacing the current ones, of which 10 have currently been implemented. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Mobility and urban transport 15 Pilot test for goods distribution via electric Containing private vehicles and reducing implementing “green” metered zones and diversifying tricycles. A micro-platform has been built in the district accidents. The aim of municipal policy is to limit the the types of parking available (free, free at night, blue of Ciutat Vella, creating a mini-quay for loading and space devoted to roads with measures to calm traffic and zones, for motorbikes, reserved, etc.). unloading where a fleet of electric tricycles completes the reduce accidents (“30 zones” and combining pedestrian delivery process, along the route known as “the last mile”. and vehicle areas), as well as regulating parking by Future measures Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) of the Urban Mobility Plan 2013-2018 (PMU). Strategic Strategy to implement electric vehicles Metropolitan Region of Barcelona 2011-2020. planning instrument that sets the goals and future in Barcelona. Barcelona wishes to encourage the Strategic instrument for actions regarding infrastructures, lines for mobility. Some of the targets set for 2018 are: implementation of electric vehicles to improve air quality, continuing the previous PDI 2001-2010. It consists reduce the number of serious injuries by more than reduce noise and energy dependence, help to develop of five programmes: extension of the train network, 20% and the number of deaths by more than 30%, renewable energies, etc. To this end, collaboration is deployment of the state railway network, increased comply with EU parameters regarding NO2 and PM10 at required between all administrations, institutions and connectivity between different modes of transport, road all stations, increase the average frequency of buses to companies in the sector to ensure the presence of public transport infrastructures, modernisation and 6’ and improve goods management with logistic micro- such vehicles, the possibility to recharge them (there improvement of existing railway networks. platforms and new technologies. are currently 263 charging points), provide financing, implement suitable mobility policies, etc. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Mobility and urban transport 16 Urban green and biodiversity Barcelona enjoys and benefits from green spaces Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Urban green and biodiversity 17 18.05 m2 35.3 % Urban green Current situation of green space per of Barcelona’s municipality is green spaceand Urban green inhabitant biodiversity Parks Collserola Private and Park green gardens 47 % 22.5 % 30.5 % Vision of the future Becoming a city where Biodiversity 1,172 299 nature and plant species indigenous animal species urban life interact and develop Lines of work Social and Preserving environmental green biodiversity services and ‘Amphibian connectivity ‘Network Protecting spaces programme’ of green corridors’ Well-being and Raising awareness and ‘Collserola NP’ ‘Control of invasive ‘Vertical gardens’ enjoyment ‘Network involvement of citizens ‘Montjuïc Cliff’ species’ ‘Living roofs’ of urban allotments’ ‘Bioblitz’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Urban green and biodiversity 18 Barcelona sees the city of the future as a city where nature and urban life interact and develop. That’s why it wants an ecological infrastructure that provides environmental and social services, conserves and improves Urban green and biodiversity biodiversity and takes advantage of all opportunities to provide a place for nature. General context and current situation Urban green spaces provide ecological values that urban while 20% corresponds to private green spaces apart from parks and gardens: squares, allotments, flower are essential for the city such as nature, biodiversity, (acting as a lung for the city and providing environmental beds, ornamental pools and ponds, walls and roofs, etc. complexity and connectivity and socio-cultural values benefits but without the public being able to use them) such as health, well-being, beauty, countryside, culture and the remaining 50% is the wooded green area of Barcelona has some particularly significant and helping social relations. the municipality of Barcelona that lies within Parc de indigenous fauna, All amphibians, reptiles, mammals Collserola. In total there is 18.05 m2 of green space per (except those considered to be pests) and some birds One of the city’s priorities is and has been to develop inhabitant. are considered to be important. The fish species in these environmental and social services for green freshwater have been introduced, however. spaces, protect existing free spaces and extend and The city’s predominant urban green is modest in size. connect them whenever possible. Apart from the two large wooded parks (Collserola and Barcelona has a wide diversity of tree species within Montjuïc), green spaces occupy between 1 and 5 hectares the city (200 species) although this is not spontaneous Barcelona has remarkable natural assets. and are located in the middle of the urban development, biodiversity but the result of the management model Barcelona has 3,615 hectares of green, accounting for within reach of citizens. 57% of the green spaces measure for green spaces. The trees lining the streets are also 35.3% of the municipality’s area (2013 data). Of the less than 1,500 m2 and, in general, they are not very important, totalling around 161,000 units with 150 overall amount of green, only 30% is strictly public and interconnected. There are other types of urban green different species and cultivars. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Urban green and biodiversity 19 Measures taken Conservation of areas in the city. On the one common birds, helping the non-captive fauna at Consolidation of the urban allotment network. hand, the Collserola range of hills was declared the Barcelona Zoo, protecting amphibians and a butterfly Barcelona currently has 329 plots distributed in 14 urban Collserola Nature Park in 2010. On the other, the final garden. Biodiversity conservation guides have also been allotments which, in total, represent almost 25,000 m2. approval of the amendment to the General Metropolitan produced for different natural habitats which include a More than 500 people benefit from these, including the Plan of Montjuïc Mountain, prioritising free areas of description of the habitat, its problems and proposed elderly, organisations and the disabled. natural interest and guaranteeing protection of the actions, among other elements. cliff. This cliff has assets that are highly significant when Awareness-raising campaigns. To make its considered as a whole: landscape, fauna, flora, history, Increase in green surface area. New parks citizens more aware of the city’s natural areas and science, social assets, etc. and gardens have been created, such as Parc de les biodiversity, the Council publishes guides and other Rieres d’Horta (4 hectares), the “rambla” or promenade materials, promotes natural areas, environmental Preserving biodiversity. Several conservation resulting from covering the railway line from Riera Blanca education in schools, activities at municipal facilities programmes have been implemented, such as: to Sants and the future renovation of Plaça de les Glòries. such as the Fàbrica del Sol and the environmental monitoring and managing urban biodiversity in buildings, Interior patios or “islands” have also been reclaimed in games centre at Parc de la Ciutadella, etc. the Swallows Project, monitoring the peregrine falcon, the Eixample district, as well as implementing a plan to preserving the jackdaw, monitoring the city’s most install new vertical gardens on walls in the city. Future measures Planning for nature and biodiversity. The project, the living roofs project, the promotion of green Barcelona Nature and Biodiversity Plan 2020 is a roofs, handling the problems caused by wild boar, the strategic instrument that defines challenges, goals and city beehive network to promote urban beekeeping and commitments regarding the conservation of nature. the Tree Master Plan (PDA). Some of the measures included are the green corridor Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Urban green and biodiversity 20 Sustainable land use Barcelona, a city that promotes and fosters urban quality Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Sustainable land use 21 Sustainable Current situation 102.3 km2 1,611,822 inhabitantsland use surface area 15,749 inhabitants per km2 + 50 % of Catalonia’s population resides in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Vision of the future Barcelona Metropolitan Barcelona Metropolitan Urban Development Master Planning General Plan (PGM) Spatial Plan (PTMB) Plan (PDU) -currently being drafted- Becoming a instruments 1976 2010 2013 metropolis of districts at a human Residential  Facilities Urban Industry Road network Wooded parks parks and infra- pace 25 % 11 % 23 % 16 %Land uses 12 % structures (2013) 13 % Lines of work Governance ‘Urban Habitat’ Regeneration ‘Micro Urban innovation ‘Advisory Board for urban developments’ Strategic projects Planning ‘Super-blocks’ Urban Habitat’ ‘Districts Plan’ ‘Plan to ‘Les Glòries’ ‘Urban Development ‘BUITS’ Plan ‘Public Space Board’ Improve Public Space’ ‘La Sagrera’ Master Plan’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Sustainable land use 22 Barcelona aims to become a metropolis of districts at a human pace, a city designed for people as its priority, a comfortable city seeking excellence in public space that takes into account the different elements comprising the Sustainable land use urban habitat - the human habitat. General context and current situation Barcelona has grown over the course of its history The urban planning of the city reflects the different the years. In 2010 the Catalan government approved and consolidated its position as a major zone in periods of its history, which have turned Barcelona into the Metropolitan Spatial Plan of Barcelona (PTMB) to the Mediterranean region. Over 50% of Catalonia’s a diverse, dense and compact city. In 1976 the Barcelona structure the Barcelona Metropolitan Region as an population resides in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Metropolitan General Plan (PGM) still effective today, environmentally sustainable, economically efficient and was passed to correct the deficiencies accumulated over socially equitable and fair reality. Measures taken Improvement of the city’s governance. On the the architectural quality of the major projects carried installation of vertical gardens on some of the city’s one hand, the Hàbitat Urbà , governance area has been out in the city. buildings, such as in 22@, improves the urban landscape set up to operate across the board, striving to fulfil the and makes an efficient use of natural energy. Lastly, the aim of turning Barcelona into a smart and self-sufficient Planning to maintain a compact city. First of ordinance on pavement cafés sets out to improve their city, designed for people and integrating urban planning, all, District Plans are intended for those urban districts quality and environmental sustainability. environmental and urban services, infrastructures, ITC and areas with a combination and overlapping of and housing within the same area. On the other hand, shortcomings in planning, building and well-being that Citizen participation. Hàbitat Urbà promotes the Advisory Board for Urban Habitat has been created require comprehensive actions. Secondly, the Plan spaces for the main social agents to become involved – a collegiate advisory body made up of experts and for the Comprehensive Improvement of Barcelona’s in conceptualising and implementing projects and plans professionals from the fields involved in work on the Public Space 2013-2015 covers actions for wide-ranging connected with urban planning, such as the Assessment urban habitat. Lastly, architecture commissions monitor renovation in 65 streets and 13 parks. Thirdly, the Commission for the BUITS Plan. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Sustainable land use 23 Improvement and revitalisation of the city’s Preservation of Montjuïc. For this purpose the Urban transformation. In the new Marina del public spaces and key symbolic elements. The Metropolitan General Plan has been modified related to Prat Vermell district the existing uses are being BUITS Plan covers projects for hitherto unused Montjuïc and a cooperation agreement has been signed turned into combined uses, making its residential role municipal sites, where there is no intention to build in to promote a large joint cultural area. more compatible with economic activity. the short term or the final use has not yet been decided. The new micro urban development projects propose Reduction of the environmental and social Sharing knowledge. Hàbitat Urbà promotes action on deteriorated or unused sites in the city. Lastly, impact of public space. The deployment of Barcelona the City Protocol Project   together with other cities, the projecte 22@ is turning 200 hectares of industrial Lighting Master Plan has started, municipal works have related to the anatomy of the city and its habitat. sites in Poblenou into an innovative, productive district been made more environmentally friendly and resilience providing modern spaces for the strategic concentration criteria have been incorporated when planning and of knowledge-intensive activities. managing urban services. Future measures Defining new instruments. The Metropolitan Introduction of five pilot “super-blocks”. Improving the range of children’s recreation Urban Development Master Plan will focus more These are urban units based on specific objectives areas. The Children’s Corner Plan establishes the on conversion than urban development, combining of sustainable mobility, the revitalisation of public creation of new children’s facilities, the renovation of regulatory efficiency with a certain degree of flexibility to space, fostering of biodiversity and urban green space, existing play areas and the introduction of innovative enable reasonable adaptations to changing situations. social cohesion, energy self-sufficiency and citizen items connected with new technologies as well as participation. themed actions. Carrying out urban development projects in strategic zones. Some of the most significant Remodelling emblematic aspects of the projects are the alterations to Les Glòries , the new city. Some of the more significant projects are the La Sagrera , central station and urban centre, the redevelopment of the Pere IV thoroughfare, the “smart” scaling of a new park in Tres Turons and the extension of alterations to Passeig de Gràcia, the remodelling of Passeig de les Aigües . Avinguda Paral·lel, the alterations to Avinguda Diagonal and the works planned for Balmes and Mitre. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Sustainable land use 24 Local air quality Cleaner air to guarantee citizens’ health in Barcelona Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Local air quality 25 Local air Current 76.0 % Traffic 2.4 % Port quality situation Main sources of air pollution generated 8.7 % Residential 0.2 % Cement mixers in Barcelona and tertiary and extraction (NO2 and PM10) 5.1 % Industry Vision of the future NO2 PM10 PM2,5 Improving (EU annual limit (EU annual limit (EU annual limit value: 40 μg/m3) value: 40 μg/m3) value: 25 μg/m3) the quality of the air we Urban backgroundstations breathe in Moderate traffic the city stations Heavy traffic compliance stations exceedance Lines of work Commitment and planning ‘Agreement of the Network of Cities and Towns towards Communication and Actions in key areas Sustainability for Cleaner Innovation ‘Resurfacing information 0-emissions mobility ‘Mobility’ ‘Energy’ ‘Port’ Air’ ‘Barcelona Air Quality with autoclaved aerated transparency ‘Website within the city ‘Construction’ Improvement Plan concrete or new for spreading air quality ‘Barcelona Urban ‘Awareness-raising’ 2011-2015’ photocatalytic materials’ information in the city’ Mobility Plan 2013-2018’ SPEED CONTROL Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Local air quality 26 Barcelona wants to improve the quality of the air we breathe in the city and to guarantee compliance with the levels permitted by the regulations. The city is moving towards energy self-sufficiency and aspires Local air quality to be as efficient as possible and to reach zero emissions to guarantee the health and quality of life of its citizens. General context and current situation Traffic emissions, those that come from large 2013 many of the measures it contains were implemented, The air in Barcelona complies with the majority mobility infrastructures (port and airport), mainly affecting the mobility of people and goods, as well of the pollution parameters regulated by state residential emissions, and construction emissions as citizens’ habits. and European standards on the assessment and dictate the level of air pollution in Barcelona. But air management of air quality. In 2013, a significant and pollution is also caused by emission sources located some Managing aspects related to air quality involves overall improvement was detected in the levels of the distance from the city, so-called regional background different agents: the Network for Monitoring two critical pollutants (PM10 and NO2) in air quality in pollution. The strategy to improve air quality requires and Forecasting Air Pollution , made up of a set of Barcelona. The annual limit value for NO2 is complied with cross-cutting and comprehensive action from all of the measurement stations distributed throughout Catalonia in all moderate traffic stations and urban background sectors involved. (Barcelona has 11 stations), the Barcelona Public Health stations in the city, being exceeded only in heavy traffic Agency and Hàbitat Urbà  . stations (districts of Eixample and Gràcia-Sant Gervasi). Formal approval of the Air Quality Improvement Plan Horizon 2015 is expected for mid-2014. Nevertheless, in Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Local air quality 27 Measures taken Signing the Agreement of Cities and Towns network, greening of municipal vehicles, the Energy Self- Promotion of studies on air quality as a basis towards Sustainability for Cleaner Air. The City Sufficiency Plan, gasification of Barcelona Port, greening for defining the measures to be implemented. Of Council has committed to promoting measures of a of construction, and the new website for spreading particular note is the emissions inventory of Barcelona structural nature, with a general geographic scope, and information on air quality in the city. (currently being updated) that allows for a diagnosis of coordinating in a responsible way with the different air quality in the city. There are also the studies “Public administrations and institutions. Programme for the inspection and cleaning health benefits from reducing air pollution in the of combustion facilities. Citizens and companies are metropolitan area of Barcelona ”, which shows that Implementation of the Barcelona Air Quality obliged to comply with the presentation of an annual the improvement of air quality carries clear benefits Improvement Plan 2011-2015. In order to improve certificate of inspection and cleaning of combustion for health, and “Ecological services provided by urban air quality and to reach the levels permitted in the facilities (heating, boilers, etc.) that do not operate with nature in Barcelona ”, which estimates the amount of regulations, some of the measures implemented include: natural gas. air pollutants absorbed by green spaces in the city. promotion of electric vehicles, new orthogonal bus Future measures Implementation of innovative measures main or auxiliary engine will benefit from a reduction in New website for spreading air quality to improve air quality. One measure of note is the port charges. information in the city. This website will show data study on the efficiency and application of CMA (calcium in real time and on the basis of the weather forecasts magnesium acetate) on the roads to reduce the re- Development of the Barcelona Urban Mobility it will make its own forecast of pollution levels for the suspension of particulates, resurfacing with autoclaved Plan (PMU) 2013-2018. This is structured in 5 blocks, following 24 to 48 hours. It will also inform on other aerated concrete, and the use of new photocatalytic each with its own objectives and the respective actions relevant aspects related to air quality and will include a materials to reduce the concentration of NOx in the air. to achieve them: mobility on foot, mobility by bicycle, warnings system for the population. public transport, urban freight distribution, and private Construction of a gas supply plant in vehicles (cars and motorbikes). Barcelona Port. The boats that use this fuel for their Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Local air quality 28 Acoustic quality Barcelona, controlling and preventing noise for a more comfortable city Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Acoustic quality 29 Current Traffic,Acoustic 85.45 % 96 % is the main situation By day Population exposed compliance of quality source of noise the noise capacity in > 55 sections of dB (A) streets Vision of the future Improving By night Nightlife, 87.79 % 86 %is the main Barcelona’s Population exposed compliance of source of noise the noise acoustic capacity in quality sections of > 45 dB (A) streets Lines of work Assessment and planning ‘Plan to Reduce Control and monitoring Minimising noise Noise Pollution in ‘Outdoor sound level Raising citizen Education at schools ‘Electric vehicle’ Barcelona 2010-2020’ meters, noise limiters for awareness ‘Summer ‘2015-2016 Education ‘Noise-reducing asphalt’ ‘Barcelona Strategic night-time venues and campaigns and pilot tests Programme to deal with ‘Covering railway lines’ Noise Map’ concerts’ in nightlife zones’ noise at schools’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Acoustic quality 30 Barcelona Council is committed to improving the city’s noise quality by fostering and implementing priority measures and programmes, cooperation, coordination and information structures enabling the city’s general noise pollution to be cut down, above all in the zones where noise limits are exceeded, and protecting quieter zones from Acoustic quality any increase in noise levels. General context and current situation Barcelona City Council is striving to improve the The main sources of noise in the city are traffic Compared with the 2009 map, the number of people acoustic quality of the city by carrying out measures during the day and nightlife-associated activities exposed to the highest noise levels by day and night structured in the Strategic Noise Map and Plan to Reduce at night. Other sources of noise are industry, shopping has dropped. Most of the city’s districts have remained Noise Pollution of the City of Barcelona 2010-2020. hubs and railway infrastructures. From the point of view at noise levels similar to the previous edition of the map Updating Barcelona’s Strategic Noise Map enables us of people’s perception of noise, the trend seen over the or have improved their exposure to noise in the last five to make a regular diagnosis of the city and appraise the last few years has continued with the main cause for years. 96% of street sections comply with their noise measures implemented. complaint being noise made by people in public spaces. capacity during the day and 86% comply with this at night. Measures taken Assessment and multidisciplinary planning overall appraisal of people’s exposure to noise produced city: outdoor sound level meters to carry out studies in of measures. The Plan to Reduce Noise Pollution of by different sources in a particular zone and acts as a particular areas, sensors in public space and limiters or the City of Barcelona 2010-2020   is the reference basis for preparing or updating action plans. sound recorders which have to be installed in popular framework for all measures taken by the Council as public venues with an indoor music noise level above 70 regards controlling and reducing noise. Barcelona’s Noise control and monitoring network. dB(A). Limiters are also installed at municipal open-air Strategic Noise Map is an instrument that provides an Barcelona has different means to control noise in the concerts and at privately-organised concerts. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Acoustic quality 31 Programme to supervise and control noise Citizen information and awareness. The emissions during building work. Barcelona requires Council is furthering different measures intended to all the companies working in the city to carry out a reduce noise levels, such as its summer campaigns in noise impact study and draw up a noise level plan, with parts of the city where most nightlife is focused and pilot ongoing supervision of the noise emitted. trials to reduce the noise of nightlife in public spaces. Future measures Update and implementation of the Plan to such as the ‘super-blocks’, the incorporation of new them act on and participate in improving the sustainable Reduce Noise Pollution in the City of Barcelona technologies and the monitoring network by means of management of their environment by identifying 2010-2020. Updating the Strategic Noise Map acts as a sensors, the commitment to greater citizen involvement problematic locations with high noise levels at school. basis for adjusting and defining new measures to improve (for example the Govern Obert platform), and the Other endeavours furthered by the City Council are the noise comfort in addition to the ones already applied and promotion of electric vehicles, amongst others. programme for environmental education entitled How included in the Plan. Many of the areas of work contained does Barcelona work? and the educational resource in the Plan are already underway, although some still Noise education in Barcelona. The 2015-2016 known as the Sound and noise suitcase . have to be consolidated and others implemented, noise programme seeks to make pupils aware, and have Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Acoustic quality 32 Waste production and management Barcelona, a city progressing with less waste Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Waste production a nd management 33 2009 Waste Current 1.46 kg/inhab./day production situation Waste 2009 2013 2013 and generation 864,758 t 730,285 t 1.23 kg/inhab./day management Selective 2009 2013 collection 32 % 36 % green points 2009 2013 Vision of 478,322 741,086visits visits the future Becoming a Waste city that takes treatment 55.5 % 35.5 % 5 % 4 % advantage of Mechanical- Material Energy Controlled 100% of biological Recovery recovery dump treatment the waste generated Lines of work Rethinking ‘E + S (Embolcalls + Sostenibles / Planning ‘Plan to improve Esmorzars + Saludables)’ Reduction ‘Taking street cleaning’ (More Sustainable advantage of food’ Recycling ‘New cleaning ‘Waste Prevention Plan for Wrapping / Healthier ‘Census of shops Reuse ‘Renew your contract’ ‘Collection of Barcelona 2012-2020’ Meals) selling loose goods’ clothing’ toys at green points’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Waste production a nd management 34 Waste production Barcelona wants to become a city that takes advantage of 100% of the waste generated. Beyond preventing waste generation, Barcelona wants to build a model of consumption and development with the lowest possible and management ecological footprint and to move towards a circular economy. General context and current situation Barcelona City Council is responsible for cleaning and efficient: household, commercial, markets and other In the last five years the waste collected in the public space and managing the different types collections. As a complement to this the Council provides city has dropped by 16% to 730,285 tonnes in 2013. of municipal waste produced by the city . The citizens with Green points , a service to collect bulky The rate of waste generation per person has also fallen, Council can handle the collection and transport of items (furniture and junk) and clothing. reaching 1.23 kg/person/day partly due to the impact of different waste fractions and even the installation of the economic crisis. Selective collection as compared treatment on its own account or delegate this to private There are different treatments for different with the total amount of waste dropped to 36.2% in 2013, companies or social organisations. fractions of selectively collected waste (organic 3.3% lower than in 2010, when organic material started material, paper-cardboard, glass, bulky items and to be collected from the city as a whole and the number In view of Barcelona’s diverse uses and urban residual waste): elimination, recycling and processing of green points was extended. The selective collection of structure, different types of collection are (mechanical-biological processing or energy recovery). waste has become an established habit for citizens. implemented with the aim of ensuring this is effective Measures taken Implementation of the Municipal Waste kg/inhab./day. Some of the measures taken to improve promoting the reuse of books and encouraging the Prevention Plan 2012-2020 . The target for 2018 is the prevention of each fraction involve reducing food selective collection of clothing and footwear and their to reduce the generation of waste per capita by 10% and wastage, fostering the reuse of cava bottles, lengthening reuse. to keep to this amount until 2020, reaching a rate of 1,386 the useful life of items, reducing drinks packaging, Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Waste production a nd management 35 Encouraging selective collection. The cleaning the city’s cleaning and to convey to citizens the message Awareness-raising campaigns. Some of the contract has achieved its aim of improving the collection that cleaning the city is everyone’s responsibility. The educational measures promoted intended for schools service, increasing the number of collection points by second phase of the Plan, begun in 2013, places the are the E + S Project (More Sustainable Wrapping/ 37%. Selective collection has been extended to shops emphasis on four aspects related to the cleaning service: Healthier Meals), “Eating it all up” and “Let’s make and large generators and the selective collection of promoting the initiative entitled “Giving the district compost and learn”. Some of the measures aimed at organic material has been consolidated. a thorough clean on Saturdays ”, cleaning up stains citizens in general are the “Civic conduct has its reward” and chewing gum, with incentives for the collection of scheme and the creation of the Network of Metropolitan Starting up the Plan to Improve Street excrement and cleaning the shutters of shops. Composting Units . Cleaning . The first phase of the Plan aimed to improve Future measures Continued efforts to minimise waste Making municipal markets aware to recycle is to reduce noise pollution and minimise the emission generation. To this end activities, programmes and more and better. The aim of the campaign is to of local contaminants. It will seek the maximum projects will be carried out including the promotion improve the collection of organic waste at municipal electrification of the fleet, new cleaning processes for of virtual exchange networks, the consolidation of markets through awareness-raising and education. street cleaning and collection to move towards a circular toy collection at green points and the preparation of economic model and foster the protection of people’s a database of Barcelona shops that sell household Preparing the new cleaning contract with health and the environment, as well as aspects related consumer goods in a loose format. greater environmental commitment. The intention to the treatment of data and information transparency. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Waste production a nd management 36 Water cycle Barcelona, well on the way to comprehensive water management Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Water cycle 37 1999 2013 Water Current 67.37 % Household situation 114.46 94.67 cycle Water million m3 million m3 27.27 % Shops consumption total drinking water total drinking water and industry 5.34 % Municipal services Vision of the future 2013 Sustainability 1999 2013 index Protecting 108.42 3.43 %(groundwater 19.95 % water as a l/inhab. x day consumption/household total water basic vital water consumption) resource Treatment 100 % beaches treated 4.78 km water 3,755,000 users Lines of work Savings and efficiency ‘Taking advantage of alternative Quality ‘Checks on resources’ ‘Savings in Flood drinking water’ management of green Awareness-raising New management management ‘Management of areas, cleaning and ‘Fostering water models ‘Barcelona Cicle ‘Remote control and bathing water’ sewers’ savings’ ‘Fonts Bcn’ app de l’Aigua, SA (BCASA)’ urban drainage’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Water cycle 38 Barcelona protects its water as a basic vital resource. That’s why it’s a priority issue for the city to ensure comprehensive water cycle management, taking into account the resources, demand, inhabitants and impact of Water cycle human infrastructures. General context and current situation Barcelona City Council makes a great effort The consumption of mains drinking water in Barcelona treats 100% of its waste water. The Besòs to protect and improve the environment, and Barcelona in 2013 was 94.67 million m3, 19.79 million treatment plant has a treatment capacity of 525,000 specifically water, as an essential factor. That’s why m3 less than in 1999, representing a consumption per m3/day and the Prat de Llobregat treatment plant has the Council has set up the Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, SA inhabitant of 108.42 litres a day. The household sector a treatment capacity of 315,000 m3/day. Both plants (BCASA)   , company, to manage and take measures made up 67.37% of the consumption, shopping and generate energy using the heat from the resulting sludge involving the water cycle, beaches, coastline and industry 27.27% and municipal services 5.34%. through a cogeneration plant. environment. Today’s sewer system is the result of different plans Barcelona’s beaches, extending over 4.78 Water supply sources come mainly from the that have gradually been developed. Now this is a unitary kilometres, are visited all year round thanks to the surface. The water comes from the rivers Ter and or combined network which carries waste water and city’s characteristically good weather although the most Llobregat. Underground resources are increasingly being rainwater through the same channels. Roughly 145 hm3 intensive use is in spring and summer. In 2013 they used, currently 1.3 million m3 per year. Reused water of water a year flows through the network, which covers received 3,755,000 visitors from May to September. comes from treatment plants with a potential volume 1,833 kilometres, serving the 1,611,822 inhabitants of the of 3.25 m3/s, and the El Llobregat desalination plant can city (2013) and its shopping and industrial establishments. provide 60 hm3/year. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Water cycle 39 Measures taken Technical Plan to Take Advantage of also have recirculation systems and physical-chemical or material, exhibitions, the Camins d’aigua scheme and Barcelona’s Alternative Resources (2013). This biological treatment systems, and the 1,645 public drinking the free mobile application Fonts BCN . identifies the existing water resources, analyses what fountains providing water for passers-by are fitted with uses and needs can be met, estimates the potential time-controlled taps and flow regulation devices. Improving drainage management. On the one demand and determines which infrastructures are hand, through a network of 13 underground rainfall water required to take advantage of such resources. The Plan Quality control of drinking water. Since 2003 retention tanks to prevent flooding with a storage capacity of sets the total potentially exploitable volume at 16.6 hm3/ the Public Health Agency (ASPB) has taken on the 454,180 m3; on the other, with a remote control system that year, including groundwater, regenerated water from responsibility for public health in Barcelona. It is in gathers, stores and supplies data in real time and controls treatment plants and underground water. charge of the supervision of the Barcelona Metropolitan the network mechanisms (sluice gates, valves, pumps). Area and Aigües de Barcelona, as the body that manages Water savings in municipal uses with measures to supply, supervises and disinfects public fountains, Increasing the permeability of urban space gradually reduce consumption at municipal buildings, such oversees the conditions of the water supplied, carries through sustainable urban drainage techniques (TEDUS) as the installation of water-saving mechanisms, dry urinals, out controls at the consumer’s tap, etc. implemented in newly developed zones and by promoting etc. It also manages green space efficiently with control permeable paving and creating water reservoirs and of leaks, the use of groundwater, automation of watering, Raising awareness to encourage water semi-natural wetlands and drainage areas. etc. Non-drinking water is used to clean streets and drains savings and enhancing the value of Barcelona’s and for ornamental fountains and ponds. These fountains fountains through the water cycle website, informative Future measures New model of management for efficient New model of management for public and (with a maximum of 4.02 hm3/year) and non-municipal drainage cleaning, for assigning resources, improving ornamental fountains to help improve environmental demand (which could reach 2.49 hm3/year). maintenance tasks and increasing data on the network quality. Naturalised fountains will be managed in such to improve planning and repair work. Sensors will be a way as to reduce the consumption of chemicals, also Barcelona Integrated Coastal Zone incorporated, as well as taking part in an international increasing the sustainability of ponds. Management Programme, whose main priorities are project for the use of robots for inspection work, to protect bathers’ health, identify potential sources of monitoring and taking samples from sewers. Implementation of the Technical Plan for contamination, increase and improve user information Alternative Water Resources, extending the network of and provide emergency plans. groundwater resources to meet municipal requirements Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Water cycle 40 Municipal greening and the green economy Barcelona City Council, an environmental benchmark for the city Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Municipal greening and the green economy 41 Current ‘Biosphere World Class Greening of the fleet of vehicles used in the Municipal Destination’ Certification cleaning and waste collection contract greening and situation Tourism and the green mobility economy Procurement 100 % of 100 % of municipal nursery municipal contracts schools provide organically farmed Vision of contain compulsory food the future environmental criteria Leading the change Environmental 70 % of the 78 % of the wood consumed towards products and paper consumed has some sustainable ERTIFIEDC a more services is recycled management certification sustainable Lines model by its of work own example Greening of contracts Efficient management Sectoral planning Training and and procurement ‘New of resources and ‘The Prevention, Security Networking and awareness-raising of Government Measure’ facilities ‘Energy and Mobility exchanging practices workers ‘Do things at ‘New Mayor’s Office monitoring and savings Management’s Strategic ‘Smart-spp’ the Council as you would Ordinance’ in municipal buildings’ Sustainability Plan’ ‘Procura plus’ at home’ campaign Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Municipal greening and the green economy 42 Municipal greening and the Barcelona City Council aims to lead the way towards a more sustainable model by its own example. There’s a firm municipal commitment to sustainability and local and global self-sufficiency in order to reduce the green economy environmental and social impact caused by the municipal organisation. General context and current situation The City Council, as a signatory of the Citizens’ everyday operations of municipal services and facilities. environmental certification. Four municipal bodies with Commitment to Sustainability, has undertaken the + As part of the commitment to sustainability, municipal over 10,000 workers involved are certified to ISO 14001 Sustainable Council programme (A+S programme ) procurement has been environmentally enhanced. environmental management standard. which is led by Hàbitat Urbà and works across sectors with For example, 100% municipal contracts incorporate the other municipal areas, districts and institutions to compulsory environmental criteria and all the paper improve the environmental and social sustainability of used at the Council’s municipal facilities has an Measures taken Greening of public contracts and the municipal premises and service (nursery schools and generated more environmentally friendly, through procurement of products and services. In 2013 a catering), furthering the responsible procurement of two approaches: greening of the council’s own fleet of new Government Measure on responsible procurement work clothing and wood products and greening municipal vehicles and those of service contracts and encouraging was passed, as well as the Mayor’s Office Ordinance on works, the maintenance of parks and gardens and public sustainable internal mobility. responsible procurement with social and environmental events held. criteria. Over the last few years the Council has also made Drafting the Strategic Sustainability Plan its offices more environmentally friendly, incorporating Advancement of efficient management in the 2013-2022 by the Management for Prevention, greening in the schedule of conditions for cleaning and use of resources for municipal purposes. Measures Security and Mobility with the aim of moving towards waste collection from municipal premises, introducing have been taken for energy savings and efficiency, sustainable development in the different areas of its more sustainable, supportive and healthy products at savings in reuse of water and to make the mobility work on a gradual, cross-sector and participative basis. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Municipal greening and the green economy 43 Making the Council ‘smart’. The City Council vital for the success of the A+S Programme. Training is a pioneer in developing innovation at the service of has been fostered to accomplish the cultural change technology and is heading towards becoming a smart city. towards sustainability along with collaboration in the publishing of environmental education guides and Participation, joint responsibility and other publications and materials for raising people’s training for all agents involveds. The involvement awareness. of all the agents involved in the greening strategy is Future measures Review of the A+S Programme’s strategic Implementation of the Responsible Implementation of the Environmental objectives to align this with the new Commitment. Procurement Ordinance. This will define specific Quality Label for cultural facilities. Five culture The new objectives will be implemented via actions in the criteria for different groups of products and services, in facilities, the City’s Historic Archive, the Frederic Marès following strategic fields: communication, training and coordination with the different areas in charge. Museum, the Arús Public Library, the Born Cultural awareness-raising, support tools, observatory, working Centre and the HUB Design Centre, are in the process as a network, continuous improvement and consultancy, Definition of the Strategic Plan entitled of obtaining the environmental quality guarantee label and differentiation of three levels depending on the ‘More Sustainable Urban Habitat 2014-2022’. This in the category of cultural facilities. degree of involvement. seeks to guarantee sustainability in the body’s internal management, in order to head towards sustainable development in the different areas of its activity on a gradual, cross-sector and participative basis. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Municipal greening and the green economy 44 Joint responsibility In Barcelona, everyone’s involved in sustainability Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Joint responsibility 45 Citizen Commitment Current 298 organisations, 332 educational centres Joint to Sustainability situation businesses and institutions from the Escoles + Sostenibles responsibility Reference 2012-2022 (More Sustainable Schools) framework programme Actors City Council Organisations Schools Citizens Vision of 30 lines of and Businesses Dubai Services and the future International action for internal 160 organisations resources greening (2020) Award through Becoming a and Businesses have made their supported by fairer, more 6 facilitiessustainability the United sustainable, actions public Nations (2010) more prosperous and more New tool Barcelona + Sostenible (More Sustainable Barcelona) map A collaborative tool with interesting sustainability resources, experiences self-sufficient and information for citizens city through a Lines shared project of work Promoting participation Joint initiatives and Monitoring and Citizen education ‘Conventions for Involving schools networking ‘‘Let’s evaluation ‘Definition and action ‘La Fàbrica Commitment ‘Let’s make compost Network!’ of new sustainable del Sol’ (The Sun signatories’ and learn’ ‘Come to the ‘Sector-based development Factory) ‘How ‘New Citizen Council Parks’ networking’ indicators in the city’ Barcelona works’ for Sustainability’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Joint responsibility 46 Barcelona wants to become a fairer, more sustainable, more prosperous and more self-sufficient city through a project shared by different entities (organisations, businesses, educational centres and institutions) and Joint responsibility citizens that want to contribute to the city’s improvement. General context and current situation Barcelona’s contribution to sustainability can be seen Barcelona + Sostenible, Barcelona’s Local Agenda organised citizens through different facilities: La Fàbrica in the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012- 21 programme. Barcelona’s Local Agenda 21 del Sol , The Beach Centre , Sea space , 2022 , renewed in 2012 after an extensive participative programmes: Escoles + Sostenibles to facilitate the Environmental leisure area in the Ciutadella Park , The process (previous Citizen Commitment to Sustainability involvement of educational centres, Entitats i Empreses Laberint Training Centre , Environmental Education 2002-2012 – Barcelona’s Agenda 21). In December 2012, + Sostenibles (More Sustainable Organisations Documentation Service . the Commitment was renewed by 298 organisations, and Businesses), Ajuntament + Sostenible (More businesses and institutions, which together with the Sustainable City Council) to drive internal municipal 332 educational centres from the Escoles + Sostenibles action and Ciutadania + Sostenible (More Sustainable programme added up to 619 network members. Citizens), offering services and resources to non- Measures taken Renewal of the Citizen Commitment to Boosting the network of signatories and joint programme, the Participative Energy Plan (PEP) or the Sustainability 2012-2022 to incorporate new types initiatives through different activities coordinated by the group in charge of the Barcelona + Sostenible Map. of awareness and to update it with pending issues and Barcelona + Sostenible Technical Secretariat (customised challenges emerging in accordance with the spirit of advice, training days, working sessions, etc.) and Promoting real projects for transformation Rio+20. The image and discourse of the Agenda 21 brand through the promotion of networking between different of the school community’s environment through was also updated; it is now ‘Barcelona + Sostenible’. Commitment signatories, materialised in projects like the Escoles + Sostenibles programme, where students the Make the Most of Food Platform , the Renova and teachers can analyse the conflicts in their closest Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Joint responsibility 47 surroundings, consider alternative perspectives, Development of activities for citizens to Continuity of the participative process with contribute to solving the problems identified and strengthen sustainability culture and to contribute to the celebration of the second and third conventions for transform this process of analysis and action into an the creation of new values, attitudes and behaviour: Commitment signatories, the beginning of sector-based educational resource. In the programme activities are Urban allotments , How Barcelona works , Music in networking projects and collaborative initiatives between carried out to improve sustainability education in schools the Parks , and Renew your clothing , among others. the City Council and other organisations like, for example, and their environment, like: Come to the Parks or Eating the Barcelona Sustainable Tourism programme. it all up . Future measures Deployment of new programmes. The Barcelona Creation of the new Citizen Council for Launch of the Barcelona + Sostenible Map, a + Sostenible programme for trade will offer practical Sustainability in which most members will be collaborative tool that will gather sustainability initiatives, resources and promotion through specifically designed Commitment signatories, chosen by the organisations of resources, experiences and information of interest to channels. The city’s environmental education programme their sector. citizens. The map will be the city’s contribution to the will seek out joint responsibility and motivation among international initiative Open Green Maps , in which citizens to live with sustainability values. Definition of new monitoring indicators, which more than 850 cities from 65 countries participate. should respond to the emerging challenges considered Consolidation of networking with offers in the new Commitment. and demands, exchanges, collaborations and joint projects, like the working session Let’s Network! or participation in the Barcelona super-blocks programme. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Joint responsibility 48 Smart city Barcelona, a smart city designed for its citizens Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Smart city 49 Smart Current city situation Internacional 1st 4th 10th ranking Smart city in Spain Smart city in Europe Smart city in the world Vision of The state 28,500 90 % 78 % the future of ICTs workers fibre optic of homes with Using the employed in ICTs coberage internet access best solutions to improve Water: the quality of Mobility: Waste:Some of the life of milestones 262 Energy: 40 % of 62 240 parks with electric Barcelona’s reached pneumatic remote charge self-powered waste irrigation citizens points public buildings collection points management Lines of work Governance and Collaborative work transparency Transformation of for digital ‘Barcelona GO’ the city fabrication ‘e-Administration’ Mobile solutions Sensors platform ‘Self-sufficient blocks’ ‘Fab Lab’ ‘OpendataBCN’ ‘BCN in your pocket’ ‘Sentilo’ ‘Electric vehicles’ Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Smart city 50 A city that uses the best solutions to provide a better quality of life for its citizens. To achieve this it uses the most efficient systems, optimises services management, applies innovative solutions and makes the most of its citizens’ talent. Advancing towards the smart city concept can significantly improve the city’s habitability. Smart city General context and current situation Barcelona, on the road to becoming a smart city Barcelona is transforming itself to become a smart years. In 2013, there are 721 Wi-Fi access points and to improve the quality of life of its citizens, must city. It is building its own solid structure, for citizens and FTTH coverage for 90% of the city. The number of establish links between systems, infrastructure through networks, where the former can collaborate with sensors is at 100 and the plan for 2014 is to increase this and technology, which provide us with businesses and institutions. It has already managed to number to 2,500. information and people, who are the engine and place itself among the top 10 in international rankings . the soul of the city. This is a basic element for the Currently (2013), it is considered to be the 1st smart city in The take-up of ICTs in homes in Barcelona is very success of Barcelona’s consolidation as a smart city. Spain, the 4th in Europe and the 10th in the world. advanced. In 2013, 97% of Barcelona’s citizens use Technology, on its own, would give rise to a digital city, a mobile phone, 86% use a computer and 85% use but not a smart city. Technology deployment has improved. Wi-Fi and internet (and 78% of homes have internet access). fibre optic coverage in the city have increased in recent Measures taken Applying a new governance model. The Innovating with new technologies. Projects the city, or MobileID, an authentication method that City Council has implemented e-Administration to have been developed for mobile communications use allows access to the virtual citizen folder. Also worth make processes more accessible, efficient, effective like Barcelona Contactless, for carrying out simple highlighting is Barcelona’s free programming sensors and transparent. It has also launched Barcelona actions merely by bringing a mobile phone device into platform, ‘Sentilo’, to which any city or business can Go to improve transparency and participation and close proximity with another device, Apps4Bcn, a portal contribute new code to connect a new type of sensor or OpenDataBCN, making data available to everyone. that gathers more than 653 recommended apps for to incorporate new functionalities. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Smart city 51 Future measures Deploying the smart city strategy. The city of remote irrigation management, boosting the use of initiatives in the city, from environmental infrastructure Barcelona aims to advance towards the smart concept electric vehicles, promoting smart citizens, etc. and facilities to havens for flora and fauna, stores and to work in accordance with the principles of a with local products and businesses with added smart city. The strategy includes various programmes: Collaboration between the City Council environmental value. The map is constantly enhanced integrating the city’s different fibre optic networks, and other organisations through the Barcelona with contributions from organisations and citizens from extracting smart data, implementing the Lighting Master + Sostenible Map. This is an interactive virtual map different districts. The map currently contains 6,400 Plan (smart lighting), creating self-sufficient blocks, using that brings together important socio-environmental geo-located points. Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary Smart city 52 ©Barcelona City Council Barcelona, February 2015 Technical direction and coordination Irma Ventayol and Teresa Franquesa Knowledge Management. Hàbitat Urbà Barcelona City Council Produced by Lavola Barcelona, a city committed to the environment - Environmental report 2013 - Executive summary 53 For more information: