International Association of Educating Cities 2015- 2018 Strategic Plan Aim: The present Strategic Plan aims to be an instrument that orders a series of priority initiatives and actions of the International Association of Educating Cities for the period 2015-2018, with the goal of being a road map that allows us to face the future with guarantees and to go further with the advances achieved. With this series of strategies the aim is to highlight the role of the local governments as educational agents; to increase the recognition of their work in front of the national and international organisations; to back up the work that the member cities are carrying out, by means of their institutional strengthening; to create spaces and materials of exchange and reflection, and to spread their best practices as educating cities. After a journey of more than 20 years, the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC) has grown, consolidating itself and diversifying its activities and services so as to strengthen the commitment of its members with the values of the Educating Cities Charter and to make it known to a greater number of cities. The IAEC is also a young organisation, open and dynamic and we would like to remain so. With the present plan we aim to search for a joint response to the new challenges and to make proposals for improvements that strengthen the education in the city for better coexistence and greater social cohesion and solidarity. Currently, 477 cities from 36 countries form part of the IAEC, which means that the improvements introduced in these cities have an impact on the life of a population of more than 100 million people. Continuing to increase the number of cities in those territories in which the Association has a low level of implantation, would allow the presence of the IAEC to be extended, providing a greater boost to the movement and gain impact at an international level in favour of the right to an Educating City and of the improvement of the quality of the life that this implies. The work of defining the objectives included in this plan have been carried out, taking into account various points of view and taking as a basis the accumulated experience and knowledge. The results of the previous Strategic Plan 2011-2014 highlight the fulfilment of a series of goals, which is at the same time are a source of stimulus to continue working in a rigorous, ordered, planned and agreed way, evaluating the actions undertaken. With the conviction that the collaboration of all is essential with regard to a document that will mark our actions over the next 4 years, the present plan has been elaborated in a participatory way. An important part of the work of the Association will be to maintain a fluent communication with its members and to foster dynamic exchanges between them. The difficulties faced by numerous cities to participate in the meetings and to physically attend encounters has led us to rethink and introduce changes in some aspects of the working methodology. We will have to be creative and to look for new ways of attending them, and to relating between us. Likewise, we believe that it is important to progress in terms of reaching agreements and alliances with other organisations and municipal networks, as well as with organisations from the civil society, given that we can confirm that where the best conditions have been created for the citizen participation and where educational experiences have been developed with organisations form the civil society, these cities maintain their commitment to the Charter even when institutional changes are produced. For this reason, we believe it is important to include the collaboration of the civil society. On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, given that the Association is mostly funded with public funds, as a manager of these resources it has the obligation to act with the required efficacy, efficiency, and transparency. The present Strategic Plan lays out the major lines which define the way to be followed, which will become more specific and adapted to the new challenges by means of the annual action plans. Having clear and achievable goals that will allow us to continue being what we want to be: a source of inspiration for the cities that already form part of the Association and a pole of attraction for those that are not yet members. So as to be able to carry out the present Strategic Plan the commitment of all the educating cities will be necessary. 1. To increase the political impact Overall aim: to boost the impact of the IAEC both inside and outside the network, between its members and in other organisations, as well as establishing synergies with other organisations that work in line with the Charter. Specific goals: To strengthen the institutional image of the IAEC. To promote and reach national and international organisations with the resolutions and statements (declarations) about questions that affect the local governments that comprise the Association and to give value to, and to highlight, the importance of citizen education. At the same time that we ourselves join declarations, resolutions and statements that other organisations with similar interests may make. To urge the United Nations and governments to recognise the role played by the local governments and to claim for the importance of education for tackling the challenges of the 21st century. To participate in the government organs and commissions of the UCLG with the aim of highlighting the key role that education plays in the achievement of the Millennium Goals, in questions such as literacy, sustainability, social justice, and gender equality, etc. To take advantage of the participation of the Association in activities of other organisations and networks so as to make known the IAEC, the principles of the Charter, the work of the member cities, etc. To promote the policies of the Educating Cities and the commitment to the Charter from among other local powers. To increase the relations with the media so as to provide visibility to the initiatives of the educating city, both from the association and from each of its members. To continue participating in events that can make the work of the IAEC known. To increase the connection with other networks, such as, for example, UNESCO, ICLEI, etc. to work with the aim of generating new synergies. To establish priority issues to be worked on (including the theme for the International Congresses and other meetings, of publications, etc.). To promote the Seal of the Educating Cities in different member cities, so as to highlight those initiatives which are in accordance with the Charter. To promote a Pact for the Educating City in the different members cities, with the aim of joining forces and generating synergies with the civil society. To establish the bases of the Educating Cities Award with the aim of encouraging, recognising, publicising and holding innovative initiatives and activities carried out by local governments that have been demonstrated to have a significant and positive impact. This will stimulate other cities to adopt this initiative. To secure the financial bases. To carry out initiatives for raising funds in addition to the fees of the member cities. To make requests to organisations that grant funds, and to promote initiatives that can generate revenues, etc. 2. To improve the capacities of the local governments. Overall aim: to strengthen the capacities of the local government members and their organisations from the civil society in the defining, implementation and follow up of transversal public policies with the aim of advancing in the fulfilment of the Educating Cities Charter. Specific goals: To offer assessment, advice and training for the new municipal teams that result from the electoral processes, as well as to other cities that require it, so as to promote the application of the principles of the Educating Cities Charter in their municipal policies. To foster the interest and political will with regard to the incorporation of education as a transversal axis for the political action. To encourage the member cities to incorporate the principles of the Educating City in their policies, strategic plans and programmes. To promote the commitment as an Educating City as a differential factor. The foster the exchange of experiences and mutual learning between the cities, by means of the creation of physical and virtual spaces that allow the exchange of information, knowledge and methodologies. To promote the development of joint projects among various member cities. To identify and create a model of best practices. To enable the transferability of model Educating City experiences and to evaluate their impact, with the aim of showing results. To promote onsite and online seminars, so as to reach the greatest number of possible members. To raise the awareness of diverse councillor's offices/departments/secretariats of the local governments, beyond those of education, of their educating potential based on programmes and initiatives that they are already carrying out; as well as various agents from the civil society. Designing indicators so as to assess the degree of commitment and progress in relation to the Educating Cities Charter (self-assessment). 3. To make an in-depth reflection. Overall aim: to promote the reflection around the concept of the Educating City and to develop its application in various fields. Specific goals: To produce documents that contribute to the development of the concept of the Educating City by means of the reflection, the analysis of the new situations faced by the cities as a result of globalisation, and of the best practices of various cities, and to spread them inside and outside the network. To request articles, documents and collaborations from experts so as to spread the concept of Educating City and their position regarding specific topics, incorporating territorial sensibilities. To encourage faculties and universities from the member cities to promote spaces of reflection and training about the city as an educational agent. To continue with the current publications for promoting debate and reflection. To organise international, regional and national congresses and meetings of cities, with the participation of experts from different fields so as to debate and exchange new points of view and to learn, based on specific experiences carried out by the cities. To provide greater diffusion of the learning generated from the International Congresses. 4. To consolidate the IAEC as a global network. Overall aim: to consolidate the IAEC as a global network with the capacity for strengthening and providing support for the work carried out by its member cities. Specific goals: To spread the proposals of educating cities to new territories through the Secretariat of the IAEC, the territorial networks, the members of the Executive Committee and associations of local governments, with the aim of promoting the incorporation of new cities in the Association. To promote the translation of publications, articles, declarations and other documents and support materials generated by the IAEC, in as many languages as possible so as to achieve greater outreach. To boost the existing territorial networks and to promote the creation of new networks in those territories with a significant number of members. To consolidate the governance, the participation of the members and the shared responsibility. To promote the collective intelligence and the networking between the member cities, by means of the use of information and communication technologies. To gain visibility and enable access to the information and documentation of the IAEC and its members through the permanent updating of the website and opportune technological improvements. To provide support to the initiatives carried out by the member cities. To facilitate access to information about initiatives of member cities that promote the fulfilment of the principles of the Charter, included in the databank. To produce and publish a world calendar with the aim of giving visibility to the educating city activities carried out by the various local governments of the Association, highlighting their commitment to the Charter and encouraging other cities to join. To evaluate in a continual way the services provided by the Association, by its members.