2007 in the MtA Ten years after the creation of the MTA, this 2007 Report contains many elements of enormous importance and individuality that indicate the order of priorities of the Government of the Gene- ralitat and all associated administrative bodies. In the first place, a review of the 2001-2010 Infrastructure Management Plan (IMP), showed the urgent need for the already begun revision and update. The key financial data is that in 2007, there has been a considerable excess, in absolute terms, of the amount of money allo- cated for the whole period of duration of the IMP. More money, but nevertheless, not yet all the improvement work, and some of this pending work still under discussion or modification. This is the case of Metro line 12. The agreement has been to replace it by extensions to some lines and the construction of a new Cornellà-Castelldefels railway line. It is therefore urgent to have a revised IMP that adapts to this new reality. JoAqUIM NAdAL I FARReRAs The physical translation of the work included in the IMP is now more than evident in the Councillor for Territorial Policy follow-up map. The map is very spectacular and shows the immensity of the process of mo- and Public Works and President of the MTA dernisation, change and adaptation of accesses of the whole public transport network of the metropolitan region. The fact that this enormous volume of work still has few obvious repercus- sions is a problem that must be resolved. This means making the progress of the work and the inconveniences corresponding to its materialisation compatible with the successive enjoyment of the improvements as they are completed and put into practice. The detour in Balmes and the closure of Rosselló to traffic could be a perfect example of the distance between the visible inconveniences and still invisible improvements. The day will come when the map of work in progress becomes the map of work completed and so reflect an unprecedented effort in both planning and construction. In second place we must stress importance of the work involved in drafting the Mobility Ma- nagement Plan for the metropolitan region. The MTA, also constituted as a territorial mobility authority, has undertaken an ambitious and very consensuated task that must represent a qualitative step forward in the integrated evaluation of transport systems and improvements to services, making mobility a right fully exercised and enjoyed by citizens as a response to the challenges of congestion. There are more of us and we move more. Moving collectively and intelligently is a challenge for an advanced society. The progress of the fare integration system has become the guiding light for the integration of all transport networks in Catalonia. Continuing the successful MTA model for fare integration, Catalonia now focuses on achieving complete fare integration throughout the territory by 2012. Meanwhile, the creation of MTAs for Girona, Tarragona, Lleida and Central Catalonia has antici- pated the process of fare integration in these areas. The first attempts at integration are now far behind, and the horizon of 2012 is no longer a utopian dream, but an already plausible reality. In fourth place I would like to mention the increasingly solid process of integration between ATM and the municipalities of the second zone. As members of AMTU, they are all more and more committed to the same objectives of intelligent mobility that led to the creation of the MTA. Finally, the validity of the contract program for 2007-2008 sets the agenda for a new contract program which must contain all the ingredients to enable the step up in scale and size of the transport system represented by finalisation of the tramway network, the opening of all sections of Metro lines 3 and 5 still under construction, and the beginning of services on line 9, as a central point of an ambitious Plan that the Government de Catalonia is committed to completing as part of the service it provides to all citizens who expect efficient responses to the innovative challenges facing a new society. The MTA continues advancing, with unfaltering steps and careful management, through the complex maze of public transport, and overcomes the tempest that put some of the services in question. Going beyond this dark horizon of crisis to a clear one of hope is the task now facing the MTA, and one it is prepared to take on. Index C1 Presentation of the consortium 8 Administrative bodies making up the MtA 10 Administrative, advisory and consulting bodies 11 Organisational structure of the MtA 14 C2 Actions during 2007 16 infrastructure planning 18 Degree of execution of the actions 19 Current investments 27 Studies derived from iMP 2001-2010 32 BMA Mobility Management Plan 33 Management of the tramway system 36 Diagonal - Baix Llobregat tramway 36 Sant Martí - Besòs tramway 40 evolution of demand on the tramway system 44 integrated fare system 45 tickets and prices 47 Sales and use of the system 48 intermodality index 51 Financing system 53 Other actions 55 Rolling stock 55 Operation Aid System - OAS 56 Sermetra, SL 57 Projection abroad 59 C3 System statistics 62 transMet Figures 2007 64 Surveys 67 eMQ 2006 Results (Daily Mobility Survey) 67 eMeF 2007 (Working Day Mobility Survey) 76 C4 Auditor’s Report 80 C5 Budget 2008 124 C1 Presentation of the consortium C1 Presentation of the consortium the MtA COnSORtiUM The Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) is a inter-admi- nistrative consortium of voluntary nature created in 1997, whose members may be all administrative bodies providing public transport services, either individually or through or- ganisations that group and represent them, and who form part of the area comprised of Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Barcelonès, Garraf, Maresme, Vallès occidental and Vallès oriental. The consortium is comprised of the Autonomous Govern- ment of Catalonia (51%) and local administrative bodies (49%): Barcelona City Council, Metropolitan Transport Body (MTB) and the Association of Municipalities providing ur- ban transport services in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMTU). There is also the presence of representatives of the Central state Government as observers in the administrative bodies of the MTA. The purpose of the MTA is to promote cooperation between the public Administrative bodies providing the services and the infrastructures of the Public Transport system of the area of Barcelona of which they form part, as well as collaboration with bodies who, like the sate government, are financially involved or are operators of their own or as yet unceded ser- vices. MTA, ten years of history “ The outstanding effort of joint participation of all administrative bodies in decision-making related to the system, the public transport network, with a clear dedication to integration and solidarity and the growing incorporation of new local authorities and new transport lines.” Joaquim Nadal i Farreras Councillor of Territorial Policy and Public Works and President of the MTA 10 ADMiniStRAtiVe, ADViSORY AnD COnSULtinG BODieS The administrative, advisory and consulting bodies of the MTA are made up of representatives of the different organisations and administrative bodies associated with Public Transport. 1. Board of Directors The Board of directors is the body governing the MTA. The board is made up of eighteen members with full rights –nine representing the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia, seven representing local Administrative bodies (Barcelona City Council and TMB) and two representing the AMTU–, and two observers representing the Central Government. The Technical Manager of the MTA also attends the meetings. The composition of the Board of Management on december 31, 2007 was: President Joaquim Nadal i Farreras First Vice-president Ramon García-Bragado i Acín Second Vice-president Antoni Poveda i Zapata Members Antonio Balmón i Arévalo Martí Carnicer i Vidal Assumpta Escarp i Gibert Jordi Follia i Alsina Josep Mayoral i Antigas Lluïsa Melgares i Aguirre Manel Nadal i Farreras Oriol Nel·lo i Colom Eduard Pallejà i Sedó Jordi Portabella i Calvete Matilde Sala i Manuel Lluís Tejedor i Ballesteros Esteve Tomàs i Torrens Manel Villalante i Llauradó Member and Managing Director Ramon Seró i Esteve Observers José Luis Marbán García Ángel Rodríguez González Secretary Carme Sardà i Vilardaga 11 C1 Presentation of the consortium ADMiniStRAtiVe, ADViSORY AnD COnSULtinG BODieS 2. Executive Committee The executive Committee of the Board of directors is com- prised of six of its members, three in representation of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia, two in representation of local constituents and one in representation of AMTU. It has the general function of examining, and presenting to the Board of directors, proposals for planning instruments of the Metropolitan Public Transport system, financing agree- ments and service contracts with administrative bodies and operators, the fare system and annual budgets, among others. on december 31, 2007, the executive Committee was com- posed as follows: President Ramon Seró i Esteve Members Assumpta Escarp i Gibert Manel Nadal i Farreras Antoni Poveda i Zapata Antoni Prunés i Santamaria Manel Villalante i Llauradó Secretary Carme Sardà i Vilardaga 3. Legal Advisory Commission This commission provides assistance and legal advisory ser- vices to the Board of Management and the General direc- torate of the MTA. It is comprised of representatives of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Coun- cil, eMT, AMTU and the MTA itself. 4. Operators’ Technical Platform The operators’ Technical Platform of Metropolitan Transport is the organ of collaboration and consultation of the consor- tium in questions of a technical nature and is composed of representatives of the operators of public transport in the metropolitan area. 12 5. Mobility Council The approval of the Law for Mobility 9/2003, dated June 13, involved a modification of the by-laws of the MTA to convert it into the Authority for Mobility. This law also included the constitution of regional mobility councils. The new by-laws of the MTA, approved in June 2005, define the Mobility Council of the MTA as the body for consulting and civic and social participation in the operation of the pu- blic collective transport system and mobility. It is comprised of the following members: President: the second Vice-president of MTA. one member of the Board of Management of the MTA for each associated administration and member body. Representatives of the Federation of Municipalities of Ca- talonia and the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Regions. Representatives of the employer organisations with most implementation in Catalonia. Representatives of unions with most implementation in Catalonia. Representatives of the consumer and user associations most representatives of Catalonia. Representatives of associations or groups of special rele- vance in public transport and mobility. The General director of MTA. Acting as secretary of the Council, a member of the Ma- nagement of the Consortium, proposed to this effect by the General director. 13 C1 Presentation of the consortium ORGAniSAtiOnAL StRUCtURe OF the MtA on december 31, 2007 the composition of the MTA payroll was: Directors and managers Ramon Seró i Esteve General Director Marc A. Garcia i López Technical Director Lluís Alegre i Valls Mobility Service Manager Josep Caldú i Cebrián Administrative Manager Francesc Calvet i Borrull Planning Department Manager Mayte Capdet i Sorribes Manager of the Integrated Fare System and Communication Carme Fàbregas i Casas Systems Manager Xavier Roselló i Molinari Assistant Technical Manager Àngel Sangrós i Bondia Project Development Manager Maria Montaner i Maragall Manager of the Operator Liaison Unit Lluís Rams i Riera System Financing Manager 14 Technical and support staff Montserrat Alegrí i Garcia Xavier Andreu i Sedó Lluís Avellana i Pla Magda Baró i Callejas Elisabet Bassi i Riera Jordi Clària i Martínez Marta De Domingo i Peña Anna Farrero i Vallès Núria Fontova i Jordana Sonia Gómez i Gil Montserrat Hernández i Rovira Carolina Lages i Llopis Miquel Lamas i Sánchez Mònica Lladó i Garcia Agustí López i Marín Mireia Lora i Falip Alberto Miguel i Sans Josep Moya i Matas Alfred Pallardó i Beltran Sílvia Sanchón i Llausí Rosa Solans i Castells 15 C2 Actions during 2007 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning The Board of Management of the MTA approved the IMP 2001-2010, in its final version, on 25 April 2002. The IMP has been designed as a flexible, sliding plan, developed as five-year programs that are the base for the Financing Agree- ments signed between the Generalitat and the General State Government. Follow-up takes place over two time periods through: An annual report that indicates the degree of compliance with the actions planned in the IMP and comparison with the evolution of the population and the private vehicle/public transport mobility in different areas of the territory. A five-year review of compliance with the action program and the plans for residential location, activity and large centres of attraction/trip generation, and the mobility they create, to enable defining a new action program even in- cluding, if applicable, any new infrastructures considered necessary. The fifth annual follow-up report for IMP 2001-2010 has been issued, analysing the social and economic evolution of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA), comparing the current situation (2006-2007 data) of the main figures −population and motorisation index − with the data from previous years. 18 1. Degree of execution of the actions Description of the status of each of the actions included in the IMP, by programs: extension of the network (AX), inter- changes (IN) and modernisation and improvement (MM), with a description of the investment made for each action. The program of the state network (XE), for which the General State Government is responsible, has been excluded from the additional economic analysis as sufficiently detailed in- formation is not available. The data used to draw up this report have been mainly pro- vided by the General Directorate of Land Transport and GISA, and complemented by information from public operators TMB (actions MM01 to MM08) and FGC (actions MM09 to MM16). The source of the information corresponding to the tramway network are the technical services of the MTA. The attached summary table indicates the progress status of the different actions of the IMP at 31.12.2007 with the following classification by degree of implementation: Finished work ( ) Works already adjudicated and/or in progress ( ) Actions that are already being preformed or the project is being drawn up (informative study or construction project) ( ) Actions pending project ( ) “ The 2001-2010 IMP approved by the administrative council of the MTA, is conceived as a flexible plan, structured on five-year programs which are the basis for financing agreements between the Generalitat (Government of Catalonia) and the State.” 19 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning Code Action IMP amount(ME, VAT excluded) Extension of the network AX01 L1 Feixa Llarga - El Prat 114.0 AX02 L1 Fondo - Badalona Centre 111.1 AX03 L2 Sant Antoni - Fira 2 126.6 AX04 L2 Pep Ventura - Can Ruti 103.6 AX05 L3 Canyelles - Trinitat Nova 74.8 AX06 L4 La Pau - Sagrera HST 69.1 AX07 L5 Horta - Vall d’Hebron 119.4 AX08 - AX11 Metro L9 1,938.3 Rolling stock L9 234.4 AX12a Tramway Diagonal - Baix Llobregat 241.2 AX12b Tramway Diagonal - Besòs 168.9 AX13 FGC Pl. Espanya - Gràcia/Provença 137.6 AX14 FGC Terrassa Rambla - Can Roca 123.3 AX15 FGC Sabadell Estació - Pl. Espanya 117.8 AX16 Cable car Olesa - Esparreguera 3.1 AX17 Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià Line 652.8 AX18 Light rail Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs 33.6 AX19 Caldes corridor reserved bus lane 62.1 AX20 Rolling stock L1 - Subtotal 4,431.9 Interchanges IN01 Pl. Catalunya 110.2 IN02 L’Hospitalet Centre 26.7 IN03 Sagrera Meridiana 19.1 IN04 Arc de Triomf 8.3 IN05 Interchanges related to the HST 25.9 IN06 Martorell Central 2.6 IN07 Interchanges Papiol - Mollet 9.8 IN08 Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià Interchanges 13.0 IN09 Quatre Camins Interchange 4.6 IN10 Dissuasion car parks 2.4 IN11 New bus stations 3.7 Subtotal 226.2 20 Code Action IMP amount (ME, VAT excluded) Modernisation and improvement MM01 Conversion L4 to L2 18.7 MM02 New stations 25.0 MM03 Improvements to stations 135.0 MM04 Adaptation for PRM 100.5 MM05 Renovation of the track 21.8 MM06 Improved operation and maintenance 34.7 MM07 Security on the network 15.5 MM08 Automatic train operation (ATO) on L4 15.5 MM09 Cutting at Pallejà 50.8 MM10 Laying of double track from Palau - Martorell 18.9 MM11 Laying of double track Martorell - Olesa 9.3 MM12 Suppression of level crossings 4.7 MM13 Adaptation to PRM 11.6 MM14 Lengthening of platforms 10.1 MM15 Signaling and traffic control 11.1 MM16 New station at Amadeu Torner 5.2 MM17 Metro rolling stock. TMB renovation 198.3 MM18 FGC rolling stock 78.1 Subtotal 764.8 Total 5,422.9 Note: In the Program for modernisation and improvement, actions MM01 to MM08 correspond to the TMB metro network and actions MM09 to MM16 to FGC 21 C2 Actions during 2007 AX19 AX14 1 AX15 1 3 1 AX16 IN07 MM11 XE05 8 2 8 XE12 7 XE01 3 1 8 IN06 XE06 IN07 IN07 XE13 AX04 MM10 AX18 AX05 AX02 AX11 MM02 MM01 AX07 MM09 IN03 AX06 2 AX12b AX10 XE15 10 MM02 IN09 XE08 IN04 AX13 AX12a IN08 IN01 XE11 9 XE14 IN08 MM02 IN02 AX09 IN08 AX03 11 11 MM16 AX01 AX08 AX17 XE10 IN05 12 IN05 IN08 1 22 PDI 2001-2010 Estado de ejecución – 31 diciembre 2007 4 Actuaciones XE04 Ampliaciones de red ferroviaria AX01 Metro L1 Prolongamiento Feixa Llarga - El Prat - Pl. Catalunya AX02 Metro L1 Prolongamiento Fondo - Badalona Centre AX03 Metro L2 Conexión Sant Antoni - Fira 2 AX04 Metro L2 Prolongamiento Pep Ventura - Badalona Centre - Casagemes - Morera - Can Ruti 1 AX05 Metro L3 Prolongamiento Canyelles - Roquetes - Trinitat Nova AX06 Metro L4 Prolongamiento La Pau - Sagrera TAV XE03 AX07 Metro L5 Prolongamiento Horta - Vall d’Hebron AX08 Metro L9 Tramo Aeroport - Parc Logístic AX09 Metro L9 Tramo Parc Logístic - Zona Universitària AX10 Metro L9 Zona Universitària - Sagrera Meridiana AX11 Metro L9 Tramo Sagrera Meridiana - Gorg/Can Zam AX12a Tranvía Diagonal (Pl. Francesc Macià) - Baix Llobregat AX12b Tranvía Diagonal (Pl. Glòries) - Besòs AX13 FGC Prolongamiento Pl. Espanya - Pl. Francesc Macià - Gràcia/Provença AX14 FGC Prolongamiento Terrassa Rambla - Can Roca AX15 FGC Prolongamiento Sabadell Estació - Pl. Espanya AX16 FGC Aéreo Olesa - Esparreguera AX17 Línia Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià AX18 Metro Lleuger Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs 1 AX19 Plataforma reservada para bus en el corredor Caldes - Mollet/Santa Perpètua Modernización y mejora de la red (Metro y FGC) 6 M M01 Metro Conversión de L4 a L2 MM02 Metro Nuevas Estaciones: Maresme - Fòrum, Virrei Amat y Cardenal Reig MM03 Metro Mejora de estaciones (no grafiada) M M04 Metro Adaptación a PMRs (no grafiada) MM05 Metro Renovación de vía (no grafiada) MM06 Metro Mejoras en explotación y mantenimiento (no grafiada) MM07 Metro Seguridad en la red (no grafiada) MM08 Metro Conducción automática de trenes (ATO) a L4 (no grafiada) M M09 FGC Semisoterramiento en Pallejà MM10 FGC Desdoblamiento El Palau - Martorell XE02 MM11 FGC Desdoblamiento Martorell - Olesa 6 MM12 FGC Supresión pasos a nivel (no grafiada) MM13 FGC Adaptación PMRs (no grafiada) MM14 FGC Alargamiento de andenes y nuevo acceso a Reina Elisenda (no grafiada) 5 MM15 FGC Señalización y control de la circulación (no grafiada) MM16 FGC Nueva estación en Amadeu Torner Intercambiadores IN01 Intercambiador Pl. Catalunya (Metro L1-L2-L3-L4, FGC y RENFE) IN02 Intercambiador L’Hospitalet Centre (Metro L1-L9 y RENFE) IN03 Nueva estación intermodal en Sagrera Meridiana (Metro L1-L5-L9 y RENFE) IN04 Intercambiador Arc de Triomf (Metro L1, RENFE, Estación Bus) IN05 Intercambiadores relacionados con el TAV IN06 Intercambiador Martorell Central (FGC, RENFE y Estación Bus) IN07 Intercambiadores línea El Papiol - Mollet (RENFE y FGC) IN08 Intercambiadores en la línea Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià IN09 FGC Intercambiador Quatre Camins (FGC y Estación Bus) IN10 FGC Aparcamiento de disuasión (no grafiada) IN11 Nuevas estaciones de autobús y aparcamiento en estaciones de metro (no grafiada) Ampliaciones, modernización y mejora de red ferroviaria estatal XE01 Reconversión en viajeros línea El Papiol - Mollet XE02 Ampliación de capacidad Tramo Badalona - Mataró XE03 Desdoblamiento de vía Arenys de Mar - Tordera XE04 Conexión de les líneas de Vic y Girona XE05 Desdoblamiento de vía Montcada - La Garriga XE06 Túnel de Montcada XE07 Nuevas estaciones en Sabadell, Terrassa, Sant Adrià y Granollers XE08 Soterramiento de vía en Sant Feliu de Llobregat XE09 Nuevo Túnel Sants - Sagrera (Actuaciones GIF) XE10 Remodelación nudo Aeropuerto XE11 Estación de Vilafranca del Penedès XE12 Soterramiento parcial en Mas Rampinyo XE13 Servicio ferroviario en el túnel de Meridiana XE14 Mejora del acceso sur a la estación de Sants XE15 Mejora de acceso norte de la estación en Sagrera TAV XE16 Nuevas instalaciones logísticas (no grafiada) XE17 Modernización y mejora de las instalaciones de seguridad (no grafiada) XE18 Aparcamiento de disuasión (no grafiada) XE19 Nuevo material móvil de Rodalies (no grafiada) Estudios de viabilidad y trazado de nuevas actuaciones 1 Estudio conjunto de nueva línea ferroviaria orbital Mataró - Granollers, Granollers - Sabadell, Terrassa - Martorell y Vilafranca - Vilanova 2 Nueva línea Tibidabo - UAB (FGC) 3 Nueva línea Montcada - Sabadell 4 Desdoblamiento La Garriga - Vic 5 Variant de Badalona (o permeabilización de la línea existente) 6 Estudio de desplazamiento de la línea del Maresme hacia el interior 7 Metro ligero Can Cuiàs - Ripollet 8 Tranvía Cerdanyola - Centre Direccional - Sant Cugat 9 Paso del tranvía Diagonal - Baix Llobregat por Laureà Miró (Esplugues de Llobregat) 10 Prolongamiento tranvía Sant Feliu - Quatre Camins 11 Prolongamiento tranvía Cornellà Centre - Almeda 12 Estudio de capacidad del corredor Castelldefels - El Prat (3ª y 4ª vías) 23 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning Program for extension of the network Action Current situation (31 December 2007) AX01 – Extension L1 Hospital de Bellvitge - Workshops and shunting siding: in progress El Prat (Pl. Catalunya) AX02 – Extension L1 Fondo - Badalona Centre Informative study being drafted (final version planned for: July 2008) AX03 – Connection L2 Sant Antoni - Fira Montjuïc 2 Construction project being drafted (approval expected: July 2008) AX04 – Extension L2 Pep Ventura - Badalona Centre* Work in progress (service planned for: September 2009) AX05 – Extension L3 Canyelles - Trinitat Nova* Work in progress (service planned for: September 2008) AX06 – Extension L4 La Pau - Sagrera HST Pending construction project for L4 Santander station and changeover L9 AX07 – Extension L5 Horta - Vall d'Hebron* Work in progress (service planned for: September 2010) AX13 – Extension FGC Pl. Espanya - F. Macià - Gràcia/Provença Release of the informative study and pending processing AX14 – Extension Terrassa Rambla - UPC/Vallparadís* Work in progress (service planned for: beginning 2011) AX15 – Extension FGC Sabadell Rambla - Pl. Espanya Work adjudicated (planned entry into service: end of 2012, to Ca n’Oriac) AX16 – Cable car Esparreguera - Olesa* Work opened (included in action MM11) AX17 – Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià Line Informative and environmental impact studies being drafted for the extension of FMB L3 Zona Universitària - Sant Feliu and extension of FGC L6 Reina Elisenda - Sant Joan de Déu (final expected: June 2008). The MIFO is drafting the informative study for the section Cornellà - Castelldefels of suburban line C3. AX18 – Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs Light rail* In service since 14 December 2003 AX19 – Platform reserved for buses Caldes de Montbui - Mollet/ Informative study drafted Santa Perpètua Line L9 (Actions AX08-11) L9 Section Sagrera Meridiana - Can Zam/Gorg Works in progress (planned entry into service section Can Zam - Fondo (September 2009) L9 Sections Airport - Parc Logístic - Zona Universitària - Sagrera Works in progress Meridiana L9 Tunnel Airport - Parc Logístic Works in progress L9 Sectorial projects Works in progress (lifts, escalators, fare system) Tramway AX12a – Diagonal - Baix Llobregat Tramway In service since 3 April 2004 AX12b – Glòries - Besòs Tramway In service since 8 May 2004 (Line T4). Pending entry into service of Rambla de la Mina section (June 2008) Rolling stock (L9, renovation L5 and others) Adjudicated * Action included in the Infrastructures Financing Agreements 24 Interchange Program Action Current situation (31 December 2007) IN01 – Pl. Catalunya Interchange (Metro L1-L2-L3-L4, FGC and Renfe) Informative study of the shunting siding Pl. Catalunya being drafted IN02 – L'Hospitalet Centre Interchange (metro L1-L9 and Renfe) Basic project drafted (in collaboration with the Ministry of Develop- ment and the Town Hall of l’Hospitalet) IN03 – Sagrera Meridiana Interchange Transfer connection between L1-L5 in service since 13 March 2007 IN04 – Arc de Triomf Interchange* Work in progress (planned work) IN05 – Interchanges related to the HST Action deprogrammed IN06 – Martorell Central Interchange (FGC, Renfe and Bus Station) FGC station in service since 21 May 2007 IN07 – Interchanges on the line Papiol - Mollet (Renfe and FGC) Construction project in progress for Vulpalleres station IN08 – Interchanges on line Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Cornellà Action associated with AX17 IN09 – Quatre Camins Interchange* In service, opened on July 4, 2003 IN10 – Dissuasion car parks (FGC) The study of alternatives and demand for Plaça Doctor Pearson to Rubí completed IN11 – New bus stations and car parks at metro stations Bus station at Cerdanyola del Vallès removed from program * Action included in the Infrastructures Financing Agreements 25 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning Modernisation and improvement program Action Current situation (31 December 2007) MM01 – Conversion of L4 into L2 La Pau - Pep Ventura* In service MM02 – New Metro stations Maresme (L4)* In service Metro Cardenal Reig (L5)* In progress detour of services and drafting of new construction project (planned entry into service: July 2010) Virrei Amat (L5)* Action not programmed MM03 – Improvements to stations + new vestibules (Vallcarca, Work in progress: Llacuna, Bogatell and Selva de Mar (L4). Poble Sants, Hospital de Bellvitge) Nou (L4): tenders called for. Ciutadella - Vila Olímpica (L4): project being drafted. Vallcarca (L3): re-study of the planned solution; a new project is required. MM04 – Adaptation of Metro stations to PRM (L1, L3, L4 and L5)* Projects to be drafted: Urquinaona Interchange (project drafted but must be re-written). Projects being drafted: Plaça de Sants Inter- change (L1). Projects under review: Virrei Amat (L5) and Clot, Ma- ragall, Verdaguer and Plaça Espanya interchanges. The remainder: works in progress. MM05 – Renovation of the metro track Sections completed on L3. In progress Bogatell - Selva de Mar sec- tion of L4 (final: March 2008) MM06 – Improved operation and maintenance Under the management of FMB MM07 – Security in the Metro system Under the management of FMB MM08 – ATP-ATO Line 4 Not initiated MM09 – Semi-underground to Pallejà (FGC)* Urban development works in progress. Railway work in service since October 2007 MM10 – Laying of double track El Palau - Martorell (FGC)* Double track in service since 21 May 2007 MM11 – Laying of double track Martorell - Olesa (FGC)* Work in progress (Phase I: Olesa siding, work completed), phases II and III in final stages MM12 – Suppression of level crossings (FGC)* Callús: four level crossings finalised. Masquefa: two level crossings finalised (56 and 57). Masquefa: improvement work completed on cross permeability. Vallbona: construction project being drafted MM13 – Adaptation to mobility handicapped people (FGC) Almeda: New vestibule and improved accessibility completed. First phase finalised (Valldoreix, Bellaterra and Sant Esteve Sesrovires). Second and third phase work in progress. Reina Elisenda: work fin- ished. Sarrià: The track remodelling project and adaptation to PRM being drafted (approval planned: October 2008); being planned, ac- cess from C. Cardenal Sentmenat (approval planned: May 2008). MM14 – Extensions to platforms in Bonanova and Tres Torres In service: Bonanova and Tres Torres. Sant Gervasi - plaça Molina: (FGC)* work in progress. Gràcia: construction project presented MM15 – Signaling and traffic control (FGC) Work undertaken by FGC MM16 – New station at Amadeu Torner Work completed (May 2007) * Action included in the Infrastructures Financing Agreements 26 2. Current investments The summary of the investment made as part of the IMP at 31.12.2007 is shown below (in M€, VAT excluded): Program IMP amount Estimate Amount of Amount Comple- Pending(ME) total cost tenders adjudication mentary tenders Extension of the network 4,431.9 9,394.7 4,673.8 4,479.4 1,959.4 2,955.8 Interchanges 226.2 341.3 144.1 119.4 18.6 203.2 Modernisation and improvement 764.8 1,570.6 988.8 866.8 96.7 607.2 Total (1) 5,423.0 11,306.6 5,806.7 5,465.7 2,074.8 3,766.2 (1) Not including the investments of the General State Government in the state network The following economic data are provided in this report for each action: IMP amount: the initially estimated investment in the IMP, in M€, VAT excluded. Best current estimate of the total cost of the work: an esti- mate of the total cost of the action, in M€, VAT excluded, obtained from the cost of the project, that of the bid or the adjudication and the additional cost for modifications, price reviews and additional projects. In the case of the completed works, this total cost is equivalent to the settle- ment amount. Cost of works under tender: amount of tenders, in M€, VAT excluded. Cost of works adjudicated: amount adjudicated, in M€, VAT excluded. Modifications, price reviews, additional costs: additional cost of the work adjudicated under these concepts, in M€, VAT excluded. Pending tenders and adjudication: best current estimate of the cost of the works still pending bidding and adjudica- tion, in M€, VAT excluded. 27 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning Actions completed (in M€, VAT excluded) The main action of IMP that is already in service is the tram During 2007 the double track was finalised for the Llobre- network (Trambaix and Trambesòs); during 2007 it reached gat-Anoia Metro in the section El Palau - Martorell (MM10), Sant Feliu and Gorg, and by 2008 arrival is expected at the covering of Pallejà cutting (MM09) and the Martorell Rambla de la Mina. The Can Cuiàs light rail (L11), conver- Central interchange (IN06). sion of line L4 to L2 and the Olesa - Esparreguera cable car On the other hand, the main activity of the Interchange are also actions that are in full service. Program to the date is the entry into service of Quatre Camins. Best Estimate Amount of Amount of Modified, Pending IMP amount Code Action of the total work work price review tenders and (ME) cost for work under tender adjudicated and additional adjudication AX12a Diagonal - Baix Llobregat Tramway 241.2 279.3 217.3 217.3 62.0 0.0 AX12b Diagonal - Besòs Tramway 168.9 233.0 205.2 205.2 27.8 0.0 AX16 Olesa - Esparreguera Cable car 3.1 4.5 4.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 AX18 Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs Light rail (1) 33.6 49.0 42.2 42.2 6.8 0.0 AX20 Rolling stock L1 - 77.9 77.9 77.9 0.0 0.0 IN06 Martorell Central 2.6 8.0 8.1 8.0 0.0 0.0 IN09 Quatre Camins Interchange 4.6 4.4 3.7 2.3 2.1 0.0 MM01 Conversion L2 to L4 18.7 21.7 21.7 20.8 0.9 0.0 MM09 Cutting at Pallejà 50.8 71.4 72.2 63.3 8.1 0.0 MM10 Laying of double track from Palau - Martorell 18.9 79.9 58.9 57.5 22.2 0.0 MM16 New station at Amadeu Torner 5.2 17.0 16.6 16.6 0.4 0.0 MM17 Metro rolling stock. TMB renovation 198.3 214.5 214.5 214.5 0.0 0.0 746.0 1,060.5 943.1 930.1 130.4 0.0 (1) Includes investment under the 2nd Infrastructures Agreement 28 Actions in progress (in M€, VAT excluded) One highlight of the Program for extension of the network is The construction of Metro line L9 continues its course, once the work on the extension of line L2 Pep Ventura - Badalona the construction method for the central section has been Centre, that are in progress. analysed and confirmed (Barcelona). Opening of the section The extension work on line L3 to Trinitat Nova is in an ad- Can Zam - Fondo is planned for September 2009. vanced state of progress and will finish in 2008. The ex- As part of the Program for modernisation and improvement, tension work on line L5 was begun again in 2007 and is progress continues on the works relative to the section advancing at a good rate. Martorell - Olesa; and is expected to be completed by mid On the FGC network work is in progress on the extension 2008. from Terrassa Rambla - UPC/Vallparadís - Can Roca, and At the same time, the adaptation of FGC stations to people work has begun on the extension from Sabadell Station - with reduced mobility (PRM) is being finalised as is the sup- Ca n’Oriac. pression of the level crossings on the Llobregat - Anoia line. The FMB network is finalising adaptation of stations without transfers between lines and work has begun on the adapta- tion of stations with transfers. Within the Interchange Program, a special highlight is the re- modelling of the Sagrera Meridiana interchange, which came into service in the first quarter of 2007. Remodelling has begun on the Arc de Triomf Interchange. As for all other actions included in the Program for moderni- sation and improvement of IMP 2001-2010, all of them are in progress (or already completed). 29 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning Best Estimate Modified, Pending Amount of Amount of IMP amount of the total price review tenders Code Action work work (ME) cost and and under tender adjudicated of the work additional adjudication AX01 L1 Feixa Llarga - El Prat (1) 114.0 192.4 66.2 48.9 0.4 143.2 AX04 L2 Pep Ventura - Can Ruti 103.6 153.3 52.2 32.9 2.1 118.3 AX05 L3 Canyelles - Trinitat Nova 74.8 180.6 134.8 85.0 7.3 88.3 AX07 L5 Horta - Vall d’Hebron 119.4 261.1 221.4 186.4 15.4 59.3 AX08 - AX11 Metro L9 (2) 1,938.3 4,857.8 3,074.7 3,074.7 1,783.1 0.0 AX08 - AX11 Rolling stock (3) 234.4 304.9 304.9 304.9 0.0 0.0 AX14 FGC Terrassa Rambla - Can Roca 123.3 324.9 254.8 199.6 54.6 70.7 AX15 FGC Sabadell Estació - Pl. Espanya 117.8 396.6 17.4 0.0 0.0 396.6 IN03 Sagrera Meridiana (4) 19.1 93.1 93.1 78.6 14.5 0.0 IN04 Arc de Triomf 8.3 37.2 37.2 28.7 2.0 6.6 IN07 Papiol - Mollet Interchanges (5) 9.8 16.7 1.9 1.9 0.0 14.8 MM02 New stations 25.0 147.0 111.9 71.5 14.9 60.5 MM03 Improvements to stations 135.0 135.0 40.4 40.4 0.0 94.6 MM04 Adaptation for PRM 100.5 163.2 89.1 76.6 10.6 76.0 MM05 Renovation of the track 21.8 21.8 10.2 10.2 0.0 11.6 MM06 Improved operation and maintenance (6) 34.7 169.2 25.6 23.6 0.0 145.6 MM07 Security on the network 15.5 15.5 12.4 12.4 0.0 3.1 MM08 Automatic train operation (ATO) on L4 15.5 15.5 7.4 7.4 0.0 8.1 MM11 Laying of double track Martorell - Olesa 9.3 73.6 61.4 51.5 0.3 21.8 MM12 Suppression of level crossings 4.7 11.2 9.7 7.0 1.3 2.9 MM13 Adaptation to PRM 11.6 42.0 25.6 19.5 0.5 22.0 MM14 Lengthening of platforms and new accesses 10.1 70.0 33.6 17.8 1.7 50.5 MM18 Rolling stock. Renovation FGC 78.1 127.7 127.7 127.7 0.0 0.0 Other actions on FGC stations (7) 0.0 133.4 50.1 28.5 35.8 69.1 3,324.8 7,943.6 4,863.6 4,535.6 1,944.4 1,463.7 (1) Workshops and shunting siding under construction (2) The amount of the adjudication includes the modifications. Source of information: GISA (3) Financial costs not included (4) Source: GISA (5) Includes remodelling of Sants-Station and four vestibules on L4 (6) Includes the integrated fare system, electric drive and actions in the Railway Triangle (7) Includes actions at Diagonal-Provença and Pl. Espanya 30 Planned actions (in M€, VAT excluded) The main actions planned correspond to the extensions to The Castelldefels - St. Boi - Sarrià line has been subjected to line L8 from the centre of Barcelona (pending publication reconsideration, and during 2007 informative studies were be- of the informative study) and line L2 between St. Antoni gun for the extension of line L3 to Sant Feliu de Llobregat and and Fira 2 (construction project prepared and pending ap- L6 to Finestrelles; both studies are now in the draft stage. proval). In relation to the Plaça Catalunya interchange and the connec- Other outstanding actions planned are the extension of line tion of FGC Barcelona - Vallès, work has begun on the draft of L4 between La Pau and Sagrera HST and the extension of an informative study for a new shunting siding. line L1 to El Prat. In the last quarter of 2007 work was begun on drafting the informative study corresponding to the extension of line L1 to Badalona Centre. Best Estimate Modified, Pending Amount of Amount of IMP amount of the total price review tenders Code Action work work (ME) cost and and under tender adjudicated for work additional adjudication AX02 L1 Fondo - Badalona Centre 111.1 111.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 111.1 AX03 L2 Sant Antoni - Fira 2 126.6 518.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 518.7 AX06 L4 La Pau - Sagrera HST 69.1 69.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.1 AX13 FGC Pl. Espanya - Gràcia/Provença (1) 137.6 560.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 560.3 AX17 L12 Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià 652.8 758.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 758.1 AX19 Caldes corridor reserved bus lane 62.1 62.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.1 IN01 Pl. Catalunya 110.2 110.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 110.2 IN08 Interchanges at Castelldefels - St. Boi - Cornellà 13.0 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 IN10 Dissuasion car parks 2.4 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 Regional metro sidings 0.0 30.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2 IN02 Hospitalet Centre 26.7 26.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.7 IN05 Interchanges related to the HST 25.9 25.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.9 1,337.4 2,287.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,287.6 (1) Investment of 650 M€ to Glòries according to the Informative Study 31 C2 Actions during 2007 Infrastructure planning Actions pending project (in M€, VAT excluded) In the Program for extension of the network there is no action pending an informative study or project. Best Estimate Pending Amount of Amount of Modified, IMP amount of the total tenders Code Action work work price review (ME) cost and under tender adjudicated and additional for work adjudication IN11 New bus stations 3.7 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 MM15 Signalling and traffic control 11.1 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 14.8 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.8 Program of activities on the state railway network The main action to be mentioned is that the Ministry of De- velopment has begun drafting the informative study for the new section Castelldefels - St. Boi - St. Joan Despí - Cornellà of the Iberian gauge Rodalies (suburban) network. 3. Studies derived from IMP 2001-2010 Of the viability studies that the Board of Management of the MTA agreed to carryout when it approved the IMP on 31.12.2007, the following still remain pending: New Montcada - Sabadell line Badalona detour Study of transfer of the Maresme line more inland Laying double track La Garriga - Vic Study of the capacity of the Castelldefels - El Prat corridor (3rd and 4th track) Other studies in progress The IMP 2001-2010 is undergoing an update, as planned, through the development of five-year programs with a slid- ing character. Apart of the process of drafting the new IMP 2008-2015 document, the following work has been con- tracted: Size and location of the modal interchange car parks on the railway networks Planning for the future implementation of a railway system to platforms reserved for buses Formalisation of the IMP infrastructure program for road public transport Report on the environmental sustainability of the IMP 32 BMA Mobility Management Plan Legal context and content The purpose of the Law of mobility is to “establish the princi- The MMP has been conceived as a single text structured as ples and objectives to be met by the management of mobility five documents and five annexes (documents that can be of people and the transport of goods to ensure sustainabi- consulted at www.atm.cat): lity and safety, and determine the instruments necessary for D1 – Framework and methodological aspects Catalan society to assume these objectives and guarantee all D2 – Diagnosis citizens accessibility with sustainable means” (Art. 1.1). D3 – The proposal of the plan The drafting of the Mobility Management Plan for the Bar- D4 – The measures of the Plan celona Metropolitan Area is the result of National Mobility D5 – Environmental report Directives, which constitute the guidelines for application of Annex 1. Projections for inter-city traffic the Mobility Law. Annex 2. Evaluation of exhaust emissions In September 2005 the technical services of the MTA were Annex 3. Program for citizen participation given a commission by the Consortium Executive Committee Annex 4. Report on the environmental sustainability of the Plan to draft the Mobility Management Plan (MMP) for the Barce- Annex 5. Program for new BMA regular public passenger road lona Metropolitan Area. The plan was initially approved by transport services the Councillor of Territorial Policy and Public Works in July The general objectives of the MMP are formulated from the 2007 and is expected to be given final approval by the Law of Mobility and the National Mobility Directives, bear- Government of the Generalitat in the first half of 2008. ing in mind that the Barcelona Metropolitan Area presents The law of Mobility establishes that the MMP must be re- specific characteristics compared to the rest of Catalonia. In vised every 6 years, and consequently the horizon of the particular, the high density of population and services favour plan is 2012. a context to assume higher levels of sustainable transport. It was decided to evaluate the proposals of the MMP using a quantitative measure of sustainability. Apart from the conven- tional physical variables (tons of CO2 and others gases and particles released into the atmosphere, energy consumption, levels of emission and immission of noise, accident victims, etc.), it proposes using the total cost of metropolitan mobility as an aggregate indicator of sustainability as it included both internal and external costs. Furthermore, the MMP has been subjected to a strategic en- vironmental evaluation under the legislation established by the environmental authority. “ The purpose of the Mobility Management Plan is to organise mobility within the region, taking all modes of transport into consideration, whether for people or goods.” 33 C2 Actions during 2007 BMA Mobility Management Plan Work done during 2007 In 2005 the guidelines for the contents and working me- During 2006 various studies were commissioned to com- thods for the MMP were defined, and 13 instrumental studies plete the plan. They were aimed at establishing strategies in contracted to support the development of various aspects of certain aspects of the plan and the following were concluded the plan. These studies enabled presenting the diagnosis of the during the first quarter of 2007: plan in mid 2006. Title Description Analysis of goods transport in the BMA Study of proposals for specific actions in the area of goods transport Calculation of the fuel consumption and emission of CO2 and Evaluation of the energy consumption and exhaust emissions of contaminants into the air in 2004, and under the different pro- the Barcelona Metropolitan Area mobility system posals of the MMP. Incidence of the action measures proposed for the reduction of emissions Analysis of the evolution of transport in the Barcelona Metropoli- Study of the impact on the road network of the different action tan Area once the different mobility policies of the MMP have measures proposed to reduce traffic. Construction of maps for been applied light and heavy vehicles and service levels Study of European experiences in the reduction of mobility in Collection of European experiences, where policies have been esta- private vehicles blished to reduce mobility by private car and analysis of the viability in a metropolitan environment like the Barcelona Metropolitan Area During 2007 various studies were commissioned to de- termine the evolution of mobility and external variables 2004-2006. Studies were also commissioned to better understand some of the proposals of the MMP. The studies carried out were: Title Description Calculation of the emissions of green-house gases and contami- Calculation and evolution of the mobility variables, fuel con- nants by transport in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. 2006 sumption combustibles and emissions of CO2 and air contami-nants in 2006 Calculation of the social and environmental costs of transport. Calculation and evolution of the social and environmental costs 2006 of transport, by modes and totals. Forecast evolution for 2015 Measures supporting nocturnal logistics Study of proposals for specific actions in the area of goods transport aimed at encouraging nocturnal logistics Good practices for urban logistics Collection of good practices for more efficient the urban goods distribution 34 Mobility Service The MTA, as a territorial mobility authority, reports urban mo- At the same time, the MTA, commissioned by the Secretariat bility plans, designs services and performs mobility generated for Mobility of the Generalitat of Catalonia, coordinates the studies. drafting of specific mobility plans relative to the following Under Decree 344/2006, dated 19 September for regulation mobility generating centres: of studies for the evaluation of generated mobility (EAMG), a Ciutat de la Justícia (Court house), in Barcelona and Hos- total of 67 studies took place in 2007: pitalet de Llobregat Autonomous University of Barcelona, in Cerdanyola del Individual implementation 5 Vallès General planning 27 The Prat de Llobregat airport Derived planning 35 Almeda, Est, Famades and Solanes Industrial Estates in Total 67 Cornellà de Llobregat Camí del Mig Industrial Estate in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat The MTA has simplified the drafting of EAMG by creating and Can Sant Joan Industrial Estate in Sant Cugat del Vallès providing a computer application on an interactive CD which and Rubí provides a guide for the application of Decree 344/2006. Can Mitjans, Can Mir and Can Trias Industrial Estates in The application was presented during a conference with a Viladecavalls large representation of municipalities, specialised consul- tants and other administrative bodies. These mobility generating centres produce a total of more then 550,000 trips/day, many of them in private vehicles. The plans propose the creation of new bus lines as well as reinforcing current ones, creating well connected networks for bicycle and foot traffic and incorporating the figure of the mobility manager, among other measures. The purpose be- hind all of them is a change in modal distribution towards more sustainable types of public and non-motorised trans- port, and guarantee everybody the possibility of access to a place of employment or of enjoying the service provided, while preventing the social exclusion generated by deficient accessibility or the lack of means of transport. 35 C2 Actions during 2007 Management of the tramway system 1. Diagonal - Baix Llobregat Tramway Projects Works Last 21 February 2007, the Executive Committee of the MTA Last 21 April 2007 the section of Line T3 between Torre- approved the proposal for the collaboration protocol with the blanca (P31) and Sant Feliu / Regional Council (P32) came Sant Feliu de Llobregat Town Hall to jointly draft a prelimi- into service, thus heralding the arrival of the tramway into the nary project specifying the actions required for more suitable municipal area of Sant Feliu de Llobregat. materialisation of the tramway along the new avenue re- The volume of tramway work during 2007 has been con- sulting from covering the cutting for the Iberian gauge railway centrated on the execution of Modified Project No. 5, which infrastructure in the town. includes the work for arrival of the tramway in Sant Feliu de Also on 21 February 2007 the Executive Committee agreed Llobregat, as well as a whole series of actions in the area to incorporate into Modified Project No. 5 the installation of where the N-340 and Riera Pahissa intersect. These actions a canopy, a transport ticket selling machine and interphone, were completed in April 2007. public address and communication systems at Sant Martí Also executed is the addition to Modified Project No. 5 refer- de l’Erm tram stop (Line T2), to a total value of 300,444.41 ring to the installation of facilities at Sant Martí de l’Erm tram Euros, VAT excluded. stop. Furthermore, execution has been completed of the finish to com - plementary project No. 4 in Sant Just Desvern referring to ele- ments of urban furniture and pavements in the urban develop- ment of Carretera Reial which was still pending completion. “ During 2007 the Trambaix consolidated its condi-tion as a means of connection between the City of Barcelona and the Baix Llobregat.” 36 Summary of certifications at origin Chapters Cost certified at origin (E) Construction Project (Modification 5) Civil work 131,118,962.06 Systems 39,866,176.67 Rolling stock 47,139,428.80 A2 underpass 3,367,740.24 Addendum improved access to Sant Just Industrial Estate 297,587.77 Addendum facilities P28 300,444.42 Complementary Urbanisation Project No. 1 Civil work 10,234,468.59 Systems 238,674.24 Complementary Urbanisation Project No. 2 Civil work 2,352,048.96 Project for Signalling and Road Safety Civil work 1,246,345.35 Traffic lights 515,461.83 Complementary Urbanisation Project No. 4 Civil work 1,936,479.58 Systems 122,264.67 TOTAL CERTIFIED 238,435,638.76 Technical data on the Diagonal - Baix Llobregat tramway system on 31.12.2007 Length T1 9,893 m P32 Length T2 11,667 m P22 Stop P28 Length T3 10,060 m Length of common section (P01 - P16) 6,697 m Workshops Number of stops in service 29 P01 19 (16 in service, two Vehicle pool undergoing maintenance P16 and one in reserve) 6’, 4’, 6’ 15 min/line on Frequency common section from 7:00 22:00 on working days Common section T2 Operating speed 18.15 km/h T1 T3 37 C2 Actions during 2007 Management of the tramway system Operation During 2007 the Trambaix consolidated its condition as a The maximum number of ticket cancellations a month was means of connection between the City of Barcelona and the reached in October with a total of 1,413,545. Baix Llobregat, incorporating a new municipality to the tram- The graph below shows the evolution the mean monthly way network with the extension of Line T3 to Sant Feliu de load per trip during 2007. This shows the mean occupation Llobregat. of trams month by month. The upward trend of these last few years has been maintained, and in 2007 showed an increase of 1,431,959 passengers a year compared to the previous year (11%). This meant a equivalent monthly increase of 119,330 passengers. Evolution of the mean load per trip (No. of passengers). Trambaix 90 80 70 60 50 40 Overall 30 Line T1 20 Line T2 10 Line T3 0 38 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec The next graph shows the differences between the number of ticket cancellations month by month for the type of day: Ticket cancellations by type of day. Trambaix 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 Weekdays 10,000 Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays 0 The operating speed has improved considerably during 2007, trams during peak periods, by putting the reserve tram into especially on Line T3 since the coming into service of the sec- operation. tion Sant Feliu/Consell Comarcal - Torreblanca. The following graph shows the evolution of the operating On the other hand, in July 2007 operating tests were carried speed of each line, month by month, as well as the resulting out to analyse the possibility of increasing the frequency of mean speed for the three lines. Mean real operating speed for each month. Trambaix 18.8 18.6 18.4 18.2 18.0 17.8 Average Line T1 17.6 Line T2 17.4 Line T3 17.2 39 Feb Jan Mar Feb Mar Apr Apr May May June June July July Aug Aug Sept Sept Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec Dec C2 Actions during 2007 Management of the tramway system 2. Sant Martí - Besòs Tramway Works During 2007 the whole of line T5 has come into service in Later, in September 2007, the last section of line T5 was two different phases. The section between Glòries and Be- opened, completing the route from Sant Joan Baptista to sòs came into operation on 14 October 2006. Gorg, incorporating Badalona into the tramway network. In April 2007, the section Besòs - Sant Joan Baptista of line Therefore, during 2007 all the works in progress related to T5 was opened incorporating 4 new stations into the route. the route of this line were completed. This meant that the municipality of Sant Adrià del Besòs was On the other hand work has begun on the Rambla de la connected to the tramway system. Mina as part of Modified Project No. 4 for the construction and entry into service of the third line of the Sant Martí - Besòs tramway system, T6. Summary of certifications at origin Chapters Certificate cost at origin (€) Construction Project (Modified 3.2 and 4) Civil work 123,171,748.44 Systems 44,364,961.75 Rolling stock 45,184,934.21 Addenda Glòries enclave Civil work 115,497.05 Systems 384,501.95 Complementary Project Renfe - Sant Adrià Interchange Civil work 569,037.65 Complementary Project No. 3 Replacement of associated services Cristòfol de Moura parking area Civil work 1,721,609.18 Complementary Project No. 4 Limit accessibility to Gran Via Civil work 2,383,186.88 Systems 1,657,213.70 Complementary Project for Signalling and Track Safety Civil work 283,325.21 Addenda TERSA Action Civil work 13,483.66 Systems 19,320.92 Operators (M3.2 Bus Service) Civil work 437,017.95 Total certified 218,148,625.85 40 Technical data on the Sant Martí - Besòs tramway system on 31.12.2007 P26 Length T4 6,458 m P18 Length T5 7,028 m P03 Length T6 4,609 m P14 (646 m under construction) P11 Number of stops in service Phase 2B - 2, 26 stops (of a total of 27) P30 18 (15 in service, two under- Vehicle pool going maintenance and one P20 in reserve) Frequency 8 min at peak periods T4 T5 Operating speed 19.27 km/h T6 (planned) Operation The increase in the number of users was notable in 2007. There has been an annual increase of close to 2.5 million passengers compared to the previous year (60%), a figure that is the equivalent of 207,000 passengers a month more than in the last period. “ 2007 saw the completion of all the work in progress related to the layout of line T5, Sant Martí - Besòs.” In spite of the entry into service of the whole of line T5, the weight of the demand for Trambesòs is on line T4. Neverthe- less, consideration must be given to the progressive increase of passengers on the new line after the opening of the new sections: since the opening of the Sant Joan Baptista - Gorg section the number of passengers on T5 has more than doubled the figure at the beginning of the year when only the Glòries - Besòs section was in operation. The graph below shows the evolution the mean monthly load per trip during 2007. This shows the mean occupation of trams month by month. 41 C2 Actions during 2007 Management of the tramway system Evolution of the mean load per trip (No. of passengers). Trambesòs 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Overall 20 Line T4 10 Line T5 0 The next graph shows the differences between the number of ticket cancellations month by month for the type of day: Ticket cancellations by type of day. Trambesòs 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 Weekdays 5,000 Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays 0 42 Feb Jan Mar Feb Apr Mar May Apr May June June July July Aug Aug Sept Sept Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec Dec The maximum monthly figure for ticket cancellations was achieved last July and is associated with the cuts due to works on L4 of the Barcelona Metro between the stations of Ciutadella/Vila Olímpica and La Pau. In regard to the operating speed, mention musty be made of its reduction on line T5 during May. This reduction co- incides with the coming into service of the second section of line: Besòs - Sant Joan Baptista, and is logical as in the tunnel section the trams reach a speed of up to 70 km/h but the Besòs - Sant Joan Baptista section begins with a winding curve with speed limited to 10 km/h and an area where the maximum speed of the tramway is only 30 km/h. On the other hand, various actions have enabled a certain recuperation of the operating speed during the second half of the year. The following graph shows the evolution of the operating speed of each line, month by month, as well as the resulting mean speed for the two lines: Mean real operating speed for each month. Trambesòs 22.5 22 21.5 21 20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 18 Average 17.5 17 Line T4 16.5 Line T5 16 43 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec C2 Actions during 2007 Management of the tramway system 3. Evolution of demand on the tramway system Trambaix 2006 2007 TAM (*) January 1,026,685 1,203,528 13,012,678 February 1,015,960 1,133,740 13,130,458 March 1,193,901 1,281,796 13,218,353 April 1,010,725 1,077,257 13,284,885 May 1,187,612 1,306,340 13,403,613 June 1,092,627 1,204,983 13,515,969 July 1,038,163 1,167,786 13,645,592 August 646,254 751,381 13,750,719 September 1,061,873 1,148,617 13,837,463 October 1,224,611 1,414,854 14,027,706 November 1,238,792 1,351,477 14,140,391 December 1,098,632 1,226,035 14,267,794 Total 12,835,835 14,267,794 (*) TAM: Mean annual mobility last 12 months Trambesòs 2006 2007 TAM (*) January 264,016 444,251 4,283,812 February 258,414 414,190 4,439,588 March 295,261 473,355 4,617,682 April 312,292 460,095 4,765,485 May 372,524 587,470 4,980,431 June 339,003 591,927 5,233,355 July 359,437 746,525 5,620,443 August 286,589 436,108 5,769,962 September 332,496 604,787 6,042,253 October 426,109 644,973 6,261,117 November 443,358 605,920 6,423,679 December 414,078 578,335 6,587,936 Total 4,103,577 6,587,936 (*) TAM: Mean annual mobility last 12 months 44 Integrated Fare System The project of the integrated fare system for the Barcelona metropolitan area, promoted by the associated administra- tive bodies, was approved by the Board of Directors of the MTA on November 15, 2000, its objectives were: Create an easy-to-understand fare system based on user accepted principles Favour the perception of the metropolitan public transport system as an integrated network Contribute to positioning public transport as a system that is more attractive to users The zoning system adopted was 6 fare rings divided into zones. Zoning system of the STI “ The system covers 202 municipalities with a population of 5.2 million inhabitants.” 45 C2 Actions during 2007 Integrated Fare System The schedule for incorporation of different operators into the project was: 2001 Barcelona Bus (previously Asser), Authosa, Autocars R. Font, Autocorb, Autos Castellbisbal, Cingles Bus, Cintoi Bus, Empresa Casas, Empresa Plana, Empresa Sagalés, FGC, Fytsa, Hispano Igualadina, La Vallesana, Martí Co- lomer, Mohn, Oliveras, Rodalies Renfe (first ring), Rosan- bus, Sarbus, Soler i Sauret, TMB, Transports Generals 2004 d’Olesa, Transports Lydia, Transports Públics, Tusgsal and Trambaix and Trambesòs. Integration of the interurban the urban services of Sabadell (TUS) and Sant Cugat del services of CRA La Hispania, SA Autocars Vendrell, SL Vallès (Sarbus and Saiz Tour). and La Hispano Hilarienca, SA. 2002 2005 All Renfe suburban services, Bus Castellví, 25 Osona Bus The intercity services of Autocars Julià, SL and the urban (previously E. Pous), Hispano Llacunense, Marès-Trans, services of Cervelló, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Sant Esteve Montferri Hnos. and the urban services of Castellbisbal Sesrovires and the shuttle bus of Rubí, between the FGC (A. Castellbisbal), Mataró (Mataró Bus) and Rubí (Trans- and Renfe Rodalies (suburban) stations of the city. ports Públics), and the Port bus service (TCC). 2006 2003 The urban services of Castellar del Vallès (Martí i Renom) The urban services of Terrassa (TMESA), El Papiol (Autos and Vilanova i la Geltrú (TCC, SA) and line PR4 of El Prat de Castellbisbal), Granollers (Autobusos de Granollers), Val- Llobregat to the ZAL or Logistics Activities Zone (TCC, SL). lirana (Soler i Sauret), Molins de Rei (Molins Bus UTE), Cerdanyola del Vallès (Sarbus), Vilassar-Cabrera de Mar 2007 (Empresa Casas), Igualada (TUISA); it also integrated the - Urban service of Manresa (Manresa Bus) on 1 January. intercity service promoted by the town of Mollet del Va- llès and the interurban services of the companies Hispano - Urban service of Hostalets de Pierola (Montferri Her- Llacunense and SA Masats Transports General. manos) on 5 March. - Agreements for adhesion to the integrated fare system have been signed by the urban services of El Masnou, Sitges and Vilafranca del Penedès. 46 1. Tickets and prices Range of tickets and travel passes Single ticket Personal, not integrated. T-10 10 integrated trips on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Multiple person and all time periods. T-50/30 50 integrated trips on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 30 days as of the first use. Single-person and time limit. T-Familiar (70/30) 70 integrated trips on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 30 days as of the first use. Multiple-person and time limit. T-Mes Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 30 days as of the first use. Ticket personalised by Identity Card or special operator cards. T-Trimestre Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 90 days as of the first use. Ticket personalised by Identity Card or special operator cards. T-Dia Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 1 day from first use until the end of services. Single person ticket. T-Jove Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 90 days as of the first use. Ticket personalised by Identity Card or special operator cards, only for people under 21. The age limit may be extended to 25 for students attending Universities or other educational centres. This requires obtaining a card authorising the extended age limit. 47 C2 Actions during 2007 Integrated Fare System 2007 prices (in Euros) 1 Zone 2 Zones 3 Zones 4 Zones 5 Zones 6 Zones T-10 6.90 13.80 19.00 24.40 27.95 29.90 T-50/30 28.60 47.95 67.30 83.75 99.25 110.00 T-Familiar 42.00 59.25 81.20 100.00 115.00 124.00 T-Mes 44.35 63.95 86.40 103.00 118.00 126.00 T-Trimestre 122.00 176.00 239.00 284.00 324.00 335.00 T-Jove 104.00 150.00 202.00 242.00 275.00 285.00 T-Dia 5.25 8.30 10.50 11.85 13.50 15.00 Tickets purchased in 2006 will be valid until 28 February 2007, except the T-Trimestre (3 month pass) and T-Jove (youth pass) which can be used until 31 March 2007 2. Sales and use of the integrated fare system (IFS) In 2007 the income for the sale of integrated tickets was 366,548,059.49 € (without VAT). This income represents a growth of 5.77% compared to the figure at closure of the year 2006, which was 346,537,987.99 € (without VAT). The accumulated monthly turnover for 2007 compared to 2006 is shown in the following graph. Accumulated MTA sales DEC 366,548,059.47346,537,987.99 NOV 338,061,960.73319,724,618.97 OCT 307,272,525.87288,911,451.07 SEPT 272,568,059.56257,093,984.02 AUG 241,651,189.94226,567,859.44 JULY 221,118,918.82207,163,012.62 JUNE 191,738,887.27180,049,044.35 MAY 161,240,913.14151,296,879.53 APR 127,450,861.06119,173,537.29 MAR 97,091,344.6591,299,360.09 63,378,442.67 Accumulated sales 2007 FEB 58,758,657.15 JAN 32,722,015.18Accumulated sales 2006 29,987,730.42 48 0 30,000,000 60,000,000 90,000,000 120,000,000 150,000,000 180,000,000 210,000,000 240,000,000 270,000,000 300,000,000 330,000,000 360,000,000 The table below shows the farebox for 2007 by type of MTA ticket and number of zones. Sale of integrated tickets per type of ticket and number of zones Farebox per ticket and zone 2007 Code Ticket 1 Zone 2 Zones 3 Zones 4 Zones 5 Zones 6 Zones Total 401 T-Dia 1,333,897.43 54,361.12 25,602.34 18,339.81 7,128.50 9,448.60 1,448,777.80 0.40% 402 T-10 219,752,876.64 30,643,467.48 14,839,728.04 4,685,962.99 1,555,352.20 3,209,359.81 274,686,747.15 74.94% 403 T-50/30 41,286,585.79 6,952,346.68 3,810,500.84 1,144,557.24 209,723.60 244,364.49 53,648,078.64 14.64% 404 T-Mes 22,795,692.76 2,946,361.78 926,175.70 348,756.07 107,743.93 141,897.20 27,266,627.43 7.44% 406 T-3GSM/ECC 270,921.87 270,921.87 0.07% 407 T-Trimestre 1,422,269.16 442,138.32 82,868.22 51,757.01 11,809.35 65,537.38 2,076,379.44 0.57% 408 T-Jove 1,796,672.90 1,491,308.41 631,485.98 368,201.87 92,780.37 209,887.85 4,590,337.38 1.25% 409 T-Familiar 1,864,957.01 381,248.83 149,802.62 89,906.54 29,878.50 34,302.80 2,550,096.31 0.70% 419 T-2 Comerç 10,093.46 10,093.46 0.00% Total 290,533,967.01 42,911,232.62 20,466,163.74 6,707,481.54 2,014,416.45 3,914,798.13 366,548,059.49 100.00% 79.26% 11.71% 5.58% 1.83% 0.55% 1.07% 100.00% A total of 662,926,964 ticket cancellations were made with The monthly validations for the year 2007 compared to MTA integrated tickets during 2007. This represents an in- 2006 are shown in the graph below: crease of 2.81% compared to the 644,809,959 validations in the 2006 financial year. Accumulated MTA ticket cancellations DEC 662,926,964644,809,959 NOV 612,798,472594,187,549 OCT 554,462,758534,661,226 SEPT 491,597,733475,054,850 AUG 440,212,808423,134,351 JULY 403,812,259388,660,193 JUNE 348,361,830336,163,373 MAY 291,179,904280,526,083 APR 228,410,074219,869,488 MAR 175,128,820169,122,693 FEB 112,618,854Accumulated cancellations 2007 107,768,705 57,259,826 Accumulated cancellations 2006 JAN 54,043,626 49 0 50,000,000 100,000,000 150,000,000 200,000,000 250,000,000 300,000,000 350,000,000 400,000,000 450,000,000 500,000,000 550,000,000 600,000,000 650,000,000 700,000,000 C2 Actions during 2007 Integrated Fare System Of the total of validations of MTA tickets for 2007, the T-10 By zones, the tickets of one zone represent 86.84% of the ticket represented 71.05% of the trips with integrated tickets, validations followed by 2 zones with 8.6%. followed by the T-50/30 which represented 16.56% and the T-Mes with 9.64% of the trips as shown in the table below. Cancellations of MTA tickets in 2007 by type of ticket and number of zones Cancellations per ticket and zone 2007 Code Ticket 1 Zone 2 Zones 3 Zones 4 Zones 5 Zones 6 Zones Total 401 T -Dia 1,187,610 31,989 12,587 7,775 2,851 4,856 1,247,668 0.19% 402 T-10 413,605,906 37,073,124 13,798,890 3,478,955 1,046,043 1,989,777 470,992,695 71.05% 403 T-50/30 92,723,715 11,028,337 4,555,383 1,111,466 193,795 171,178 109,783,874 16.56% 404 T-Mes 56,828,751 5,256,512 1,225,310 344,142 105,741 116,237 63,876,693 9.64% 406 T-3GSM/ECC 233,306 233,306 0.04% 407 T-Trimestre 3,141,550 653,055 115,121 60,549 21,562 97,106 4,088,943 0.62% 408 T-Jove 4,062,182 2,330,087 753,944 321,181 69,732 162,781 7,699,907 1.16% 409 T-Familiar 3,893,676 661,435 205,946 93,659 30,653 114,176 4,999,545 0.75% 419 T-2 Comerç 4,333 4,333 0.00% Total 575,681,029 57,034,539 20,667,181 5,417,727 1,470,377 2,656,111 662,926,964 100.00% 86.84% 8.60% 3.12% 0.82% 0.22% 0.40% 100.00% This distribution in the use of integrated tickets shows a clear The most often used ticket is the T-10 card with 71.05% of stability when comparing the distribution over the last few ticket cancellations made with integrated tickets, followed by years, even though the use of other tickets with more loyalty the T-50/30 and the T-Mes (month). value is on the increase. Growth of validations of integrated tickets 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 T-10 71.80% 72.34% 72.18% 71.80% 71.58% 71.39% 71.05% T-50/30 11.70% 13.33% 13.32% 13.70% 14.73% 15.73% 15.56% T-Mes 16.32% 12.30% 11.90% 11.69% 10.94% 10.06% 9.64% Other integrated tickets 0.18% 2.03% 2.60% 2.81% 2.75% 2.82% 3.75% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% As for the incidence of integrated tickets on the total number tickets which represent a quota of almost 70.92% of the of trips there is clear consolidation of the use of integrated cancellations in the system. Incidence of integrated tickets on the system 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Use of integrated tickets 61.1% 69.0% 69.7% 70.5% 70.8% 71.0% 71.2% 50 The graph below shows the evolution of the demand for 3. Intermodality index the collective public transport system since the coming into The intermodality of integrated tickets steadily increased until service of the integrated fare system. This has grown by reaching the current stabilisation. In 2007, out of every 100 179.3 million passengers since its inception, an accumu- trips made with integrated tickets, 24 included modal linking. lated increase of 23.75%. The intermodality index varies according to the number of Evolution of system demand zones of the ticket: a ticket for one area has an index of about 20% whereas more than 50% of the tickets for more than 755.5 800.0 837.1 868.2 886.7 910.7 934.8 one transport area form modal chains. 950 900 Year 2007 Percentage % 850 Total intermodality 23.73% 800 T-10 for 1 zone 18.78% T-10 for all other zones 50.13% 750 T-50/30 for 1 zone 23.59% 700 T-50/30 for all other zones 53.55% 650 600 550 500 51 Millions of passengers 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 C2 Actions during 2007 Integrated Fare System The evolution of the intermodality index of each type of in- tegrated ticket over the last 5 years is shown in the table below. Evolution of the intermodality index Index 2003 (%) Index 2004 (%) Index 2005 (%) Index 2006 (%) Index 2007 (%) T-Dia 6.66 9.55 10.59 10.79 10.74 T-10 19.85 20.14 21.38 21.92 21.82 T-50/30 26.19 26.22 27.72 28.76 28.22 T-Mes 14.00 20.27 23.74 24.56 24.53 T-Trimestre 12.64 18.99 22.91 23.40 23.28 T-Jove 19.52 21.56 23.72 24.04 24.27 T-Familiar 17.36 20.11 22.36 23.63 23.62 52 Financing system Balance of the 2005-2006 contract program General State Government-MTA 2007-2008 Contract program The control commission of the General State Government- It should be mentioned that at the time of drafting this report MTA contract program in a meeting held on 18 June 2007, the 2007-2008 contract program has already been signed approved the final balance for 2005 and 2006. This balance between the General State Government and the Metropoli- shows an excess contribution of 21.095 million Euros by the tan Transport Authority. This new contract program includes associated administrative bodies and a deficit contribution allocations of 1,206 million Euros for metropolitan public from the General State Government of 10.185 million Euros, transport and this is an increase of 24% over the last agree- which the administration has already assigned to the general ment. budget from the State for 2008. It is important to note that The subsidies to be provided by different administrative bo- 21 million Euros of lesser necessity are directly due to the dies in this period, as well as their application to all the trans- effect of the sentence of the Court of Justice of the European port companies in the system, are summarised in the table Communities of October 2005 on the determination of the below: prorated rule for VAT. Origin Application TMB 654 FGC 158 299 State Government MTB indirect expenses 150 Generalitat 554 (Government) of Catalonia MTA Bus DGTT 51 183 Barcelona City Council Tramways (technical tariff) 87 170 MTB Other 26 Investment in tramway infrastructure 80 1,206 1,206 Figures in Millions of Euros 53 C2 Actions during 2007 Financing system All the annual subsidies provided by different adminis- The cost of the public transport system in the BMA has two trative bodies mean an increase of 23.7% compared to the financing systems, the income derived from the sale of tickets 2005-2006 contract program and of 137.4% compared to and the subsidies granted by public administrative bodies. the 1998-2001 contract program. Over the last 10 years the relative weight of the prices has This contract program must be approved by the Council of gone from 50% to 44% of the financing for public transport, Ministers before its formal signature by the General State Go- whereas the subsidies from Public Administrative bodies vernment and the Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA). have increased their participation from 50% to 56%. The table below shows, in absolute values, the growth of the Evolution of the cost and financing of public transport in the subsidies from administrative bodies as well as the income, BMA in millions of Euros. A comparison between the four contract programs (CP) agreed to by the MTA shows that the cost of the public trans- port system in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, financed by prices and subsidies from administrative bodies, has 1,200 gone from 506 million Euros a year in the 1998-2001 CP 1,100 1,076 to 1,076 million Euros a year in the 2007-2008 CP, more 1,000 473 than doubling the figure in 10 years, as shown in the table 900 864 below. 800 376 710 700 324 600 506 710 864 1,076 507 603 1,200 500 253 488 1,100 400 386 1,000 300 900 200 254 Subsidies 800 100 700 Farebox 0 600 500 400 300 200 100 Cost of the system 0 These figures show how the enormous effort made by all ad- ministrative bodies in financing metropolitan public transport has enabled taking actions as important as the implementa- tion of the integrated fare system, the entry into service of the new tram network, the program for renovation of rolling stock for the Barcelona Metro and Railways of the Generalitat of Catalonia and a whole series of programs for improvement of “ different bus networks. 54 Mean annual CP 1998-2001 Mean annual CP 2002-2004 Mean annual CP 2005-2006 Mean annual CP 2007-2008 Mean annual CP 1998-2001 Mean annual CP 2002-2004 Mean annual CP 2005-2006 Mean annual CP 2007-2008 Other actions 1. Rolling stock Over the last few years the MTA has formalised the following On the other hand, on 27 September 2007 and agreement operations for the operative lease of rolling stock with the was signed between MTA and Alstom which included the purpose of extending and renewing the Metro system train following aspects: fleet: 1) Modification of the schedule for delivery of the last Lease of 39 trains for lines L5, L2 and L3 formalised with 16 trains: delaying it for one year later than agreed in the CAF and the Lease Company “Alquiler de Trenes AIE” on Addenda of 5 September 2006, to adapt to the schedule of 8 August 2003. availability of infrastructures on line L9. Lease of 50 trains for line L9 formalised with the specific 2) Cost of deferment of delivery of the last 16 trains: The company “Arrendadora Ferroviaria, SA” and Alstom Trans- MTA agreed to compensate Alstom for the fixed and vari- porte, SA on 23 July 2004. able costs incurred for deferment of the delivery of the last Lease of 10 trains for line L1 formalised with CAF and 16 trains. the Lease Company “Trenes en Arrendamiento, AIE” on 3) Modification of the price review system: it was agreed to 18 April 2005. limit the total impact of the price review for the 50 trains to The type of contract is operational leasing and is established a maximum amount of 94,503,000 Euros. This amount is for a period of 18 years; once this period has elapsed MTA derived from what would have been the impact of the price may opt to either extend the lease or acquire the trains at a review, using the formula stipulated in the contract, but as- price of about 50% their initial price. suming that the contract had been signed one year earlier. On 5 September 2006 an addendum was signed to the 4) Spare parts: it was agreed that the object of the Frame- Framework and Lease Contract for the 50 trains destined for work and Lease Contract be extended to the spare parts line L9, to technically adapt these trains so that they could required for the maintenance of the 50 trains without any be temporarily used on other lines of the Metro system, un- applicable price review. til the infrastructure work on line L9 could be completed. This meant an additional investment of 8.325 million Euros compared to the initial investment for the 50 trains already agreed in the Framework Contract to a total of 296.605 mil- lion Euros. “ On 31 December 2007 contracts had already been signed for the delivery of 39 trains of the 5000 series, 10 trains of the 6000 series and 27 of the total of 50 trains to be delivered of the 9000 series.” 55 C2 Actions during 2007 Other actions 2. Operation Aid System - OAS In 2007 the project of migration of the system of communi- cations of the OAS was completed. The result was the adap- tation of all buses and information panels to a system based on high performance GPRS/GSM. The operation of this new system has shown its enormous reliability in the elimination of shadows as well as the capa- city of this network to be used as a communications platform for new systems in the future. This new system has advantages in all aspects: transport operators, administrative bodies holding concessions and the MTA. From the point of view of system operation, it not only main- tains the previous advantages, but also provides new ones such as the possibility of direct communication to and from vehicles from any point, eliminating the physical territorial restrictions imposed by the earlier radio-based system. This has brought about a high degree of satisfaction in the sector which from the outset has resulted in an exhaustive increase in the use of the OAS system, and this, in the short or mid term must necessarily have an effect on the improve- ment in company management of offer/demand. One good example of these aspects is the recent growth that has taken place through the integration or adhesion of com- panies providing urban services, all of which have benefited from the flexibility of the OAS multi-fleet platform implement- ed on inter-city lines with the integrated fare system. 56 From the administrative point of view, the advantages offered by this new system are mainly in the capacity of the system to provide greater reliability in the management of service quality indicators, a direct result of greater use of the system by companies. All this apart from mentioning the economic improvement of the new system which implies, in this case for the MTA, savings in operating costs for communications of more than 50%. This situation and the MTA responsibility of guaranteeing the operation of the OAS platform 24x7 every day of the year, has brought about out-sourcing of hosting and operational maintenance of the communications and data servers in a specialised environment, an aspect administratively managed during the last three months of the year through the corres- ponding call for public tenders which is expected to take place next year. 3. Sermetra, SL During 2007 Sermetra, SL has insisted on constant improve- ment of the standards of quality in relation to maintenance services for the systems on board buses, ticket Sale and Validation Systems (SVS), and Operation Aid System (OAS), which also include the efficient management of purchasing of consumable goods or equipment. “ 2007 saw completion of the project for the migration of the OAS communications system. The result is the adaptation of all buses and information panels to a system based on high performance GPRS/GSM.” 57 C2 Actions during 2007 Other actions In regard to operators, after the “boom” of 2006 with the inclusion of 12 companies in addition to the 18 initial ones, during 2007 another company joined the group, bringing the total number of Sermetra customers to 31. At the same time it has continued providing technical support to opera- tors outside Sermetra whenever they so required, mainly on occasions related to the creation of new tickets (T2-Comerç) or problems when transmitting information to the MTA. This has consolidated Sermetra as company providing preventive, corrective and evolutionary maintenance services for the technical systems of the modern transport in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Specifically in regard to Ticket Sale and Validation Systems, the positive evolution begun in 2006 in relation to the drop in the number of units requiring corrective maintenance as a result of preventive maintenance has consolidated itself during 2007. One of the aspects with the most positive in- fluence is the updated inventory of the whole pool of SVS units which was achieved during the year. In regard to the OAS, during 2007 and coinciding with the completion by MTA of the process of migration of the com- munications system to GSM/GPRS, a very active stage be- gan in the use of the OAS by operators, thus verifying the consolidation of the incident management model implement- ed by Sermetra. This model, with documented procedures, also covers the management of new installations which are subjected to detailed follow-up. The number of incidents has dropped in comparison with the total number of buses, as an objective indicator of the efficiency of the services provided by the company. Finally, the Sermetra quarterly information newsletter has been published since the beginning of 2007 and has conso- lidated itself as an important tool for communicating all that related to Sermetra operations, accompanied by indicators, statistics, and articles of interest related to transport which occurred during the period of analysis in question. 58 4. Projection abroad Avatars Project This is a European project within the 6th Framework Pro- gram with the participation of the MTA, together with FGC, as Catalan members. The purpose of the Avatars project is to model movements of human groups in closed spaces, such as Metro or train stations or interchanges. The leading member is the University of Greenwich, responsible for the development of the simulation motor. The objective of the MTA in this project is to analyse the suit- ability of the physical design of the future Central Interchange in Pl. Catalunya and Pg. de Gràcia, included in the IMP and which will enable the interconnection of 4 Metro lines, the new FGC terminal and two Renfe stations. The project began in May 2005 and concluded in Novem- ber 2007. During the last year, the software was tested with the expected load of the Central Interchange for 2015. The events of this project during the year have been: 3 and 4 May: follow-up meeting in Barcelona, in the head offices of the MTA. 8 and 9 October: project closure meeting in Greenwich, at the University campus. European Metropolitan Transport Authorities - EMTA The EMTA is the European Association of Transport Authori- ties of which MTA forms part. During 2007 we participated in the general meetings held in Bilbao and Stockholm. Apart from plenary sessions, the MTA participates in two Working Groups. The first, on accessibility, held a meeting at the head offices in Paris. The other working group on E-ticketing began its activity during the inaugural meeting on 10 October, also in Paris. In addition, EMTA as such, participated in the EUROForum working group, which held a meeting in Brussels, with the participation of MTA. 59 C2 Actions during 2007 Other actions Mobility Observatory of the Ministry of the Environment The Mobility Observatory is a working group promoted by Ministries of the Environment and of Development and in- cludes the different Spanish transport authorities. It is a group in constant growth, and now unites fifteen metropoli- tan regions. Apart from being a discussion group that orga- nises seminars on subjects of interest to participants, each year it publishes Mobility Observatory and presents it in one of the member cities as part of a working session. This year the IV Conference was held, with presentation of the 2005 edition, and MTA had the honour of being the host as well as of collaborating in the preparation of the event. The meeting was held on 27 March at the headquarters of the Institute of Catalan Studies in Barcelona. Presence abroad During the 2007 MTA participated in the following events abroad either as guest speakers making presentations or or- ganising the whole event: Conference on the Galileo system. San Lorenzo de El Esco- rial Technical Working Session in the Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Granada VII National Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. Va- lència ITS Congress in Santiago de Chile. Presentation of the MTA, the OAS and the process of the integrated fare system BCN Rail Fair Conference on IT in the Tarraco Foundation (Tarragona) Conference on Integrated Systems. Lleida MTA Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos in Ma- drid. Conference entitled “Nodal Infrastructures associated with intermodality” 60 Visits to the MTA Numerous visits took place to the MTA, many of them with the purpose of being advised on matters where our consor- tium has expert knowledge. In other cases it has been to welcome visitors to other organisations in Barcelona such as Barcelona City Council or TMB. A visit was received from the Minister of Mobility of Flan- ders and the management team of the operator company in this nation, De Lijn, who were interested in the concession contracts for tramway systems. Along the same lines, other outstanding visits were from the Romanian Secretary of State for Transport and the management team of Metrorex in Bu- charest. Visits were also received of representatives from Israeli Transport Minister, elected representatives of the East Nor- way region, the General Manager of Transport of the Xunta de Galicia, Trenno Transportes, Engenharia, Modelação from Portugal, representatives of the Amsterdam City Council, representatives from the Rogaland region in Norway, ma- nagers of transport companies from Lithuania, Montevideo City Council, Uruguay, the Mayor of Tours (France), Urban Transport & Planning Consultant, the Councillor of Mobility and Territory of the Balearic Islands, represen tatives of the Metropolitan region of Amsterdam, the Minister of Mobility for the region of Brussels, the European working group Ci- ties Emissions Zero, the Insular Council of Minorca and managers of transport companies from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, among others. 61 C3 System statistics C3 System statistics TransMet Figures 2007 Lines Network (km) Veh-km h offer Trips h demand Farebox (millions) 07 / 06 (%) (millions) 07 / 06 (%) (M e) Metro FMB 6 86.6 73.2 7.0% 366.4 3.7% 188.74 FGC 2 143.9 30.1 2.6% 79.1 1.4% 56.61 Renfe Rodalies (suburban) 6 447.7 78.6 15.6% 117.1 -4.1% 113.19 Metropolitan Tramway 5 28.4 2.2 12.7% 20.9 23.1% 9.14 Subtotal railways 19 706.6 184.1 9.8% 583.5 2.3% 367.68 Bus TB (Barcelona) 109 921.5 44.1 4.8% 210.5 1.3% 116.60 Other buses 1st zone 101 1,166.7 31.4 19.2% 71.6 8.4% 40.85 Inter-city Bus 306 6,866.5 30.2 6.6% 29.2 2.9% 30.19 Other urban buses 108 967.5 13.1 14.9% 40.0 5.4% 21.57 Subtotal bus 624 9,922.2 118.8 9.8% 351.3 3.3% 209.21 TOTAL 643 10,628.8 302.9 9.8% 934.8 2.7% 576.89 64 Railway mode Lines Network (km) Stations Trains / h peak Veh-km Trips Farebox and direction (millions) (millions) (M e) Zone one IFS Metro L1 20.7 30 17 18.0 112.3 L2* 13.2 19 23 12.2 41.1 L3 16.6 24 19 14.3 84.3 L4 17.2 22 15 12.5 46.1 L5 16.6 23 22 15.9 81.6 L11 2.3 5 9 0.4 0.9 Subtotal 6 86.6 123 105 73.2 366.4 188.74 FGC Barcelona - Vallès 12.0 18 30 7.3 31.2 Llobregat - Anoia 12.0 11 11 4.7 12.0 Subtotal 2 24.0 29 41 12.0 43.2 17.96 Renfe Rodalies (suburban) R1 29.1 7 10 nd 5.4 R2 35.1 10 8 nd 6.0 R3 3.3 6 3 nd 1.3 R4 26.5 4 8 nd 5.8 R7 - - 3 nd 0.6 R10 3.9 2 2 1.9 3.2 Subtotal 6 97.9 29 34 1.9 22.4 nd Metropolitan Tramway Trambaix 3 15.1 29 12 1.3 14.3 Trambesòs 2 13.3 26 8 0.9 6.6 Subtotal 5 28.4 55 20 2.2 20.9 9.14 Total first zone IFS 19 236.8 236 200 89.3 452.8 215.84 Rest of the IFS FGC Barcelona-Vallès Line 32.0 14 20 9.3 27.6 Llobregat-Anoia Line 87.0 31 7 8.8 8.1 Gelida Funicular railway 0.9 3 2 0.0 0.1 Subtotal 2 119.9 48 29 18.1 35.8 38.65 Renfe Rodalies (suburban)** R1 61.8 16 10 22.4 26.5 R2 94.8 20 8 23.5 29.5 R3 56.4 12 3 3.1 6.6 R4 119.0 27 8 24.4 28.6 R7 17.8 3 3 3.4 3.5 Subtotal 5 349.8 78 32 78.6 94.8 113.19 Total other IFS 7 469.7 126 61 94.8 130.6 151.84 TOTAL RAILWAY SYSTEM 19 706.5 362 202 184.1 583.4 367.68 * L2 including Montjuïc funicular ** The farebox data and vehicles-km for Renfe Rodalies (suburban) are the total for the IFS 65 C3 System statistics TransMet Figures 2007 Vehicles Bus Mode Lines Network (km) Veh-km Trips h demand Farebox in service (millions) (millions) 07 / 06 (%) (M e) Zone one IFS: Bus operated by MTB Transports de Barcelona, SA 109 921.5 901 44.1 210.5 1.3% 116.60 Authosa 2 8.1 8 0.4 2.4 8.4% 0.82 Mohn, SL 22 379.7 125 8.6 15.0 12.7% 7.41 Oliveras, SL 12 112.7 41 2.9 6.4 6.4% 2.65 Rosanbus, SL 9 89.5 47 2.8 9.1 8.7% 3.89 TCC (SA, SL) 3 33.4 28 2.8 4.0 13.0% 11.17 Tusgsal 41 483.2 259 12.9 32.9 6.5% 14.27 Soler i Sauret, SA 8 39.5 12 0.7 1.4 8.6% 0.50 Transports Lydia, SL 4 20.5 4 0.3 0.4 -1.3% 0.14 Total first zone IFS 210 2,088.2 1,425 75.5 73.2 3.1% 157.45 Rest of the IFS: Bus operated by DGTT - Inter-city transport Autocars R. Font, SA 8 116.0 10 0.8 0.9 5.3% 0.76 Barcelona Bus, SL 7 191.0 26 0.9 0.2 30.3% 0.37 Cingles Bus, SA 24 385.0 18 1.6 1.2 9.8% 1.21 CRA La Hispania, SA 18 294.0 16 1.5 1.7 10.7% 1.41 Empresa Casas, SA 17 316.0 33 3.4 3.0 6.7% 3.31 Empresa Sagalés, SA 53 884.0 37 3.2 2.9 7.4% 3.00 Empresa Plana, SL 4 85.9 11 0.6 1.4 -1.8% 1.06 FYTSA 28 623.5 30 2.6 2.9 2.8% 3.22 La Hispano Igualadina, SA 41 1,688.0 61 2.9 1.7 3.3% 3.00 La Vallesana, SA 8 293.0 10 1.1 1.2 4.5% 0.95 Sarbus (Marfina Bus, SA) 16 303.0 34 3.4 4.7 -3.3% 4.02 Soler i Sauret, SA 21 386.0 35 2.1 3.0 -5.7% 2.47 Other (16) 61 1,301.1 114 6.1 4.3 5.8% 5.41 Total Inter-city rest of the IFS 306 6,866.5 435 30.2 29.2 2.9% 30.19 Rest of the IFS: Municipal operated bus - urban transport Autobusos de Granollers 5 56.3 8 0.3 1.3 15.8% 0.91 CTSA - Mataró Bus 6 34.9 22 1.2 5.3 2.6% 2.92 CTSA - Rubí Bus 3 30.5 10 0.5 1.2 -4.5% 0.63 Manresa Bus, SA 4 67.6 12 0.6 2.1 11.9% 0.93 Sarbus + Saiz (Sant Cugat) 9 72.1 15 1.0 1.1 5.0% 0.35 TCC (Vilanova i la Geltrú) 4 19.7 10 0.5 0.8 5.3% 0.53 TMESA (Terrassa) 12 96.5 45 2.5 11.0 3.2% 6.12 TUS, S. Coop. CL (Sabadell) 13 114.5 65 3.1 14.0 4.5% 7.10 Other (24) 52 475.5 53 3.5 3.3 19.4% 2.07 Total urban rest of the IFS 108 967.5 240 13.1 40.0 5.4% 21.57 TOTAL BUS SYSTEM 624 9,922.2 2,100 118.8 351.4 3.3% 209.21 66 Surveys 1. EMQ 2006 Results (Daily Mobility Survey) The Daily Mobility Survey in Catalonia for 2006 is an official statistic which, based on the data collected by telephone from a sample of more than 100,000 people resident in Catalonia, provides information on various aspects of their daily mobility. The action was promoted by the MTA and the Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the EMQ 2006 survey was presented to the public in July 2007. Summarising the main results of the survey throughout Catalonia shows: I Daily trips in Catalonia The 6.8 million people living in Catalonia make 147.9 million trips a week, 21.64 trips per person a week. On a working day the average is 3.38 trips per person and on a public holiday this is 2.37 trips / person. 147.9 million trips a week 21.64 trips per person a week 23.1 million trips 16.2 million trips on weekends on a working day and public holidays 3.38 trips per person 2.37 trips / person on weekends on a working day and public holidays The trip data on working days refers to the average daily trips made from Mon- day to Friday, whereas the trip data for weekends and public holidays refers to the daily average for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. “ More than 100,000 Catalans report on the reality of everyday mobility.” 67 C3 System statistics Surveys II Trips according to territorial area Trips Trips / person Territorial area Work day Weekend and public holidays Total per week Work day Weekend and public holidays Total per week BCN Metropolitan Area 15,801,351 11,095,768 101,198,291 3.41 2.39 21.83 Region of Girona 2,049,407 1,447,875 13,142,785 3.18 2.25 20.41 Camp de Tarragona 1,849,355 1,310,330 11,867,435 3.51 2.48 22.49 Terres de l’Ebre 581,128 411,687 3,729,014 3.39 2.40 21.77 Central region 1,475,502 1,031,365 9,440,240 3.21 2.24 20.53 Ponent 1,076,164 724,629 6,830,078 3.33 2.24 21.13 Alt Pirineu and Aran 251,383 192,912 1,642,739 3.63 2.78 23.70 TOTAL CATALONIA 23,084,291 16,214,568 147,850,591 3.38 2.37 21.64 III Trips connecting territorial areas and within a municipal area Main trips connecting territorial areas Working days Weekends and public holidays 01 02 01 02 9.2 3.5 2.9 18.8 03 25.8 03 132.8 7.2 3.0 37.7 7.4 10.0 12.4 2.6 252.2 04 173.3 04 18.5 248.4 20.0 39.9 05 8.4 3.1 21.7 2.9 058.0 100.2 3.3 228.0 18.8 06 06 14.0 26.2 15.3 07 07 * Only values of > 2,500 trips are reflected 01. Alt Pirineu & Aran * Results expressed in thousands of trips * Not including trips by residents in Catalonia with origin or destination outside Catalonia 02. Centrals 03. Girona 04. Ponent 05. RMB Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday 06. Tarragona Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 07. Ebre 68 Trips within a municipal area according to area of residence The trips within a municipal area are the percentage of trips within the same On a work day 71.2% of trips for all Catalonia are within the same municipal municipality compared to the total number of trips in each area of Catalonia. area, whereas on weekends and public holidays this drops to 64.2%. Working day Weekend and public holiday 01 01 73.5% 70.4% 184* 135* 03 03 02 02 67.0% 57.3% 04 65.5% 1,373* 04 54.9% 828* 965* 565* 75.4% 64.4% 811* 466* 05 05 71.7% 65.8% 11,310* 7,271* 06 06 72.5% 62.6% 07 1,339* 07 810* 77.3% 69.4% 449* 284* * Results shown in thousands 01. Alt Pirineu & Aran 02. Centrals 03. Girona 04. Ponent 05. RMB Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday 06. Tarragona Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 07. Ebre IV Daily trips to the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (RMB) The 4.6 million residents of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area make 101.2 million 101.2 million trips a week trips a week, 21.83 trips per person per week. On a work day, the average num- ber of trips per person is 3.41 and 2.39 on public holidays The trip data on work days refer to the average daily trips from Monday to Friday, 21.83 trips per person per week whereas the data for weekends and public holidays refer to Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 11.1 million trips on weekends 15.8 million trips on a work day and public holidays 3.41 trips per person 2.39 trips per person on public on a work day holidays 69 C3 System statistics Surveys V Trips connecting between regions and within a municipal area. RMB Main trips between regions The Barcelona region is the origin or destination of 83.2% of trips between re- The largest ratio is between Barcelona and two neighbouring regions: Baix Llo- gions on a work day and 78.4% on weekends and public holidays. bregat and Vallès Occidental. Working day Weekend and public holiday 02 02 01 110 01 31 85 50 20 23 03 163 03 87 42104 154 58 281 216 04 201 22 23 481 720 05 05 46 4428 06 06 07 07 Trips expressed in thousands 01. Vallès Occidental Only values of > 20,000 trips are reflected, except connections with Barcelona which show all 02. Vallès Oriental 03. Maresme 04. Alt Penedès 05. Barcelonès Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday 06. Baix Llobregat Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 07. Garraf Trips within the same municipal area by area of residence The region with the highest number of trips within the same municipal area is Barce- lona and that with the fewest is Vallès Oriental. Working day Weekend and public holiday 02 02 01 58.0% 01 48.6% 68.0% 694.7* 64.6% 411.0* 1,862.3* 1,139.1* 03 03 67.1% 58.5% 890.1* 579.5* 04 05 04 05 60.5% 76.4% 48.9% 73.6% 196.2* 5,676.4* 110.2* 3,551.9*06 06 07 61.3% 07 57.7% 1,422.8* 907.2* 68.2% 58.4% 283.3* 199.3* Thousands of trips by residents with origin and destination in the same region 01. Vallès Occidental 02. Vallès Oriental 03. Maresme 04. Alt Penedès 05. Barcelonès Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday 06. Baix Llobregat Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 07. Garraf 70 VI Reasons for the trips. RMB The reasons for the trip show significant differences depending on the day being The large number of homeward bound trips (45.5%) confirms the oscillating analysed. Whereas on a weekend almost 50% of trips are for personal reasons tendency of mobility. and only 3.7% for employment, on a working day, one out of four trips are for work (17.0%) or education (7.8%) Reason Work day Weekend and public holiday Weekly total Work day Weekend and public holiday Weekly total Work 2,680,682 386,993 14,177,398 17.0% 3.5% 14.0% Studies 1,228,705 23,360 6,190,245 7.8% 0.2% 6.1% Occupational mobility 3,909,388 410,352 20,367,643 24.7% 3.7% 20.1% Daily shopping 943,992 772,533 6,265,023 6.0% 7.0% 6.2% Non-daily shopping 212,695 259,279 1,582,034 1.3% 2.3% 1.6% Accompany another person 767,466 186,387 4,210,105 4.9% 1.7% 4.2% Leisure / entertainment 721,978 1,514,235 6,638,359 4.6% 13.6% 6.6% Wolking 598,544 1,125,767 5,244,256 3.8% 10.1% 5.2% Visit a friend / relative 522,279 995,622 4,602,640 3.3% 9.0% 4.5% Personal business 431,205 232,277 2,620,580 2.7% 2.1% 2.6% Doctor / Hospital 297,399 32,381 1,551,755 1.9% 0.3% 1.5% Non-official training 167,887 53,504 946,442 1.1% 0.5% 0.9% Dining out not entertainment 73,149 96,641 559,026 0.5% 0.9% 0.6% Others 33,852 182,187 533,633 0.2% 1.6% 0.5% Personal mobility 4,770,445 5,450,814 34,753,852 30.2% 49.1% 34.3% Return home occupational reason 3,161,695 349,739 16,507,953 20.0% 3.2% 16.3% Return home personal reason 3,959,824 4,884,863 29,568,846 25.1% 44.0% 29.2% Return home 7,121,519 5,234,602 46,076,799 45.1% 47.2% 45.5% TOTAL TRIPS 15,801,351 11,095,768 101,198,291 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% VII Use of means of transport: general, by sex and age groups. RMB Of the 15.8 million trips made by residents of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area On weekends and public holidays the proportion of trips by private car is even higher on a working day, the most common form of transport is non-motorised (45.5%), (44.7%) whereas the number of trips by public transport is lower (11.1%). 35.8% of trips are by private car and 18.6% by public transport. Working day Weekend and public holiday Public transport 18.6% Public transport 11.1% Private car 35.8% Private car 44.7% Non-motorised transport 45.5% Non-motorised transport 44.2% Vehicle occupation: 1.29 Vehicle occupation: 1.74 Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 71 C3 System statistics Surveys Mobility by sexes. RMB Working day 3.39 trips / day Men 3.42 trips / day Women Means of transport Reason for the trip Sex Non-moto- Public Private Total Sex Occupatio- Personal Return rised transport vehicle nal mobility mobility home Total Men 39.8% 16.0% 44.2% 100.0% Men 28.9% 26.0% 45.1% 100.0% Women 51.0% 21.1% 27.9% 100.0% Women 20.8% 34.1% 45.1% 100.0% Total 45.5% 18.6% 35.8% 100.0% Total 24.7% 30.2% 45.1% 100.0% Weekend and public holiday 2.53 trips / day Men 2.26 trips / day Women Means of transport Reason for the trip Sex Non-moto- Public Private Total Sex Occupatio- Personal Return rised transport vehicle nal mobility mobility home Total Men 42.8% 9.7% 47.5% 100.0% Men 4.0% 48.6% 47.4% 100.0% Women 45.8% 12.5% 41.6% 100.0% Women 3.4% 49.7% 46.9% 100.0% Total 44.2% 11.1% 44.7% 100.0% Total 3.7% 49.1% 47.2% 100.0% Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 72 Mobility by age groups. RMB Working day 3.57 trips / day 4 to 15 years of age 3.60 trips / day 16 to 29 years of age 3.55 trips / day 30 to 64 years of age 2.63 trips / day Over 65 Means of transport Reason for the trip Age Non-moto- Public Private rised transport vehicle Total Age Occupatio- Personal Return nal reason reason home Total 4 to 15 years 65.7% 9.0% 25.4% 100.0% 4 to 15 years 38.5% 15.2% 46.2% 100.0% 16 to 29 years 33.7% 27.7% 38.6% 100.0% 16 to 29 years 30.0% 24.8% 45.2% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 39.9% 17.6% 45.2% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 25.3% 30.5% 44.2% 100.0% Over 65 69.8% 17.3% 12.9% 100.0% Over 65 1.3% 51.4% 47.2% 100.0% Total 45.5% 18.6% 35.8% 100.0% Total 24.7% 30.2% 45.1% 100.0% Weekend and public holiday 2.37 trips / day 4 to 15 years 2.73 trips / day 16 to 29 years 2.46 trips / day 30 to 64 years 1.82 trips / day Over 65 Means of transport Reason for the trip Age Non-moto- Public Private rised transport vehicle Total Age Occupatio- Personal Return nal reason reason home Total 4 to 15 years 46.3% 6.3% 47.5% 100.0% 4 to 15 years 0.5% 51.5% 48.1% 100.0% 16 to 29 years 34.1% 16.2% 49.7% 100.0% 16 to 29 years 5.1% 49.8% 45.1% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 43.4% 8.9% 47.7% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 4.6% 47.9% 47.5% 100.0% Over 65 64.0% 15.2% 20.8% 100.0% Over 65 0.3% 51.0% 48.7% 100.0% Total 44.2% 11.1% 44.7% 100.0% Total 3.7% 49.1% 47.2% 100.0% Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 73 C3 System statistics Surveys VIII Hourly distribution of the mobility. RMB Working day 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 TOTAL 600 Occupational mobility 500 400 Personal mobility 300 Return home after work 200 100 Return home after 0 personal business Weekend and public holiday 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 TOTAL 600 Occupational mobility 500 400 Personal mobility 300 Return home after work 200 100 Return home after 0 personal business Results expressed in thousands of trips Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 74 0-1 h 146 0-1 h 79 1-2 h 83 1-2 h 46 2-3 h 60 2-3 h 23 3-4 h 46 3-4 h 21 4-5 h 35 4-5 h 31 5-6 h 52 5-6 h 139 6-7 h 99 6-7 h 275 7-8 h 143 7-8 h 844 8-9 h 238 8-9 h 1,390 9-10 h 488 9-10 h 789 10-11 h 795 10-11 h 735 11-12 h 1,031 11-12 h 786 12-13 h 988 12-13 h 875 13-14 h 913 13-14 h 1,096 14-15 h 642 14-15 h 1,097 15-16 h 346 15-16 h 851 16-17 h 506 16-17 h 869 17-18 h 793 17-18 h 1,448 18-19 h 928 18-19 h 1,276 19-20 h 832 19-20 h 1,215 20-21 h 838 20-21 h 943 21-22 h 581 21-22 h 534 22-23 h 305 22-23 h 296 23-24 h 203 23-24 h 136 IX Opinion of the means of transport. RMB The interviewees evaluated the modes of transport they used on a scale from 0 given to each means of transport according to the level of use made. (completely dissatisfied) to 10 (fully satisfied). The graph below shows the score 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 TOTAL 3 Sporadic user “sometimes” 2 1 Regular user “often” 0 X Perceived monthly cost. RMB Monthly expenditure on public and private transport The monthly transport expenditure declared by users of different means and resi- on public transport (27.1%) and 238.4 million on private transport (72.9%). dents in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area was 327.2 million Euros; 88.8 million User population Mean monthly cost Overall monthly cost per user (thousands) Collective public transport 3,235,223 19.81 E 64,090 E Taxi 1,122,852 21.98 E 24,680 E Total public transport 3,359,236 26.43 E 88,770 E Petrol 2,254,798 73.61 E 165,976 E Parking 2,158,586 19.80 E 42,740 E Tolls 2,025,979 14.66 E 29,701 E Total private transport 2,254,798 105.74 E 238,416 E Working day: daily average from Monday to Friday Weekend and public holiday: average for Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 75 7.91 Motorbike 8.71 7.34 On foot 8.41 7.57 Bicycle 8.49 6.89 Car driver 7.67 7.48 Tram 7.99 7.39 FGC 7.78 6.88 Metro 6.88 6.72 Taxi 7.20 6.87 Regional train 6.34 6.61 Urban bus 6.68 6.50 Intercity bus 6.48 6.56 RENFE suburban 5.81 C3 System statistics Surveys 2. EMEF 2007 (Working Day Mobility Survey) Level of use depending on the area of residence Since 2003 and in conjunction with Barcelona City Council, a Working Day Mobility Survey (EMEF) is made of residents in As can be seen in the attached table, depending on the area of residence of the interviewees there are differences in the level of use of different modes. the Barcelona Metropolitan Area over 16 years of age. Residents in the City of Barcelona are those with the highest degree of use of public transport. The quantitative figures of the EMEF 2007 (Working Day Mo- bility Survey) show no significant differences compared to pre- Ring vious years. On a typical day there are a total of 15.7 million Means of Rest Rest trips, an average of 3.8 trips per person. Of these trips, almost transport BCN of 1st zone of RMB Total RMB 1 million are by carriers, couriers and other, and therefore the mobility of the general population without including transport On foot 7.3 7.1 6.8 7.1 and logistics professionals, is 14.7 million trips a day. Public transport 6.3 5.2 3.6 4.9 The EMEF 2007 (Working Day Mobility Survey) has made Car 4.8 6.1 7.0 6.0 a considerable effort to analyse the subjective dimension of Motorbike 1.6 1.1 1.3 1.3 mobility, asking for self-positioning of the population regarding means of transport, the reasons for using the different means of transport and their opinion about them. Level of use depending on urban context and architectural context Living in the centre of the city encourages trips on foot and by public trans- port. On the other hand, going on foot and by public transport is more usual for people living in a block of flats than those living in row houses. In isolated homes the preferred means of transport is by car. Evolution about the level of the means of transport Urban context The interviewees were asked to make an evaluation about their level of use. Means On a scale from 0 a 10, the interviewees considered that walking is the mode of transport Housing estate Outer suburb Central suburb most often used, followed by public transport. On foot 5.8 6.9 7.4 7.1 4.9 4.1 3.8 0.9 0.6 10 Public transport 3.1 5.1 5.1 9 Car 7.8 6.0 5.8 8 Motorbike 1.5 1.2 1.4 7 6 Architectural context 5 Means Free-standing 4 of transport Block of flats Row house house 3 On foot 7.3 6.8 5.6 2 Public transport 5.3 3.7 2.7 1 0 Car 5.7 6.8 7.9 Motorbike 1.3 1.3 1.4 76 On foot Public transport Car as a driver Car as a passenger Motorcycle as a driver Motorcycle as a passenger Use of private transport The main reasons stated by the interviewees for using private instead of public transport were greater comfort (86.2%), followed by the freedom of movement it entails (79.6%) and speed (75.9%). Territorial area Reasons for using private transport Barcelona Other 1st ring Other RMB Total RMB Because it is more comfortable 83.2% 85.9% 88.4% 86.2% Because it provides more freedom 76.4% 79.4% 81.9% 79.6% Because it is faster than public transport 68.9% 74.9% 81.3% 75.9% Because it is easy to park where I go 45.9% 44.8% 51.3% 48.1% Because there is no other choice 36.4% 42.2% 49.7% 43.7% Because I have a lot of things to do 24.3% 26.3% 35.0% 29.5% Because it is cheaper than public transport 20.9% 20.7% 23.8% 22.1% Because I don’t know how to use public transport 6.8% 11.4% 16.2% 12.1% Because it is badly parked and I may be fined 8.1% 8.1% 5.3% 6.9% Use of public transport The reason most often given for not using public transport is the short distance of the trip to be made (57.8%), followed by the inability to find a suitable route to the destination (47%) and the infrequency of the service (40.4%). Territorial area Reasons for not using public transport Barcelona Other 1st ring Other RMB Total RMB Because I go close to home and prefer walking 53.0% 55.1% 59.8% 57.8% Because it doesn’t go where I usually go 34.8% 46.8% 49.9% 47.0% Because it doesn’t run frequently enough 31.1% 42.0% 42.3% 40.6% Because it is slow 41.9% 46.9% 37.1% 40.0% Because it is not close to home 30.7% 33.5% 37.2% 35.4% Because I have to make too many transfers 31.7% 43.7% 32.9% 35.1% Because it is not on time 34.8% 41.1% 28.6% 32.3% Because it is uncomfortable 30.3% 28.4% 22.3% 24.9% 77 C3 System statistics Surveys Means of transport depending on frequency of use The average evaluation of means of transport is quite different depending on transport more frequently give a better general opinion compared to those use the frequency of use but the main highlight is that citizens approve all means it more occasionally. of public transport. The general tendency is that people who use one means of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 TOTAL 3 Low 2 Medium 1 High 0 Quality level of the means of transport As for the specific opinion regarding the quality of different means of trans- port, the only aspects that are not approved by citizens are safety for people using the bicycle or motorcycle and the environmental impact of cars. Private transport Item On foot Bicycle Public transport Car Motorbike Speed 6.22 5.93 6.68 7.30 8.65 Comfort 6.70 5.73 6.82 8.55 7.78 Safety* 6.99 4.32 6.82 7.10 4.41 Environmental impact - 8.54 6.27 4.51 5.14 * In the case of public transport this refers to personal safety whereas for the other forms it refers to accidents 78 5.8 Motorcycle 7.2 8.6 5.7 Car 7.1 8.1 5.7 Bicycle 7.0 8.7 6.4 Tram 7.0 7.7 5.9 FGC 6.6 7.7 5.6 Taxi 6.1 7.7 5.3 TMB bus 6.2 7.2 5.3 Metro 5.9 6.8 5.2 Other urban bus 5.8 7.0 4.8 Intercity bus 5.4 6.6 5.1 RENFE suburban 5.4 5.8 Evaluation of the different means of transport A comparison between different aspects of the various forms of public transport (7.79). All means of public transport were given a score of more than 5 points for shows the comfort of the tramway (8.01 points) and the rapidity of the Metro all the aspects analysed, resulting in an average score of 6.6 points. Item Tram FGC Metro TMB bus Other urban bus Intercity bus RENFE Public suburban transport Frequency 6.56 7.17 7.15 5.50 5.55 5.23 6.04 6.26 Speed 7.18 7.43 7.79 6.09 5.92 5.69 6.25 6.68 Reliability 7.57 7.54 7.21 5.79 5.88 5.70 5.23 6.58 Comfort 8.01 7.39 6.26 6.33 6.44 6.31 6.30 6.82 Personal safety 7.59 7.31 5.81 6.40 6.78 6.64 6.28 6.82 Environmental impact 7.48 6.78 6.50 5.41 5.74 5.43 6.18 6.27 Overall score 7.04 6.82 6.22 6.18 5.85 5.58 5.46 6.61 79 C4 Auditor’s Report C4 Auditor’s Report 82 83 C4 Auditor’s Report 84 85 C4 Auditor’s Report 86 87 C4 Auditor’s Report 88 89 C4 Auditor’s Report 90 91 C4 Auditor’s Report 92 93 C4 Auditor’s Report 94 95 C4 Auditor’s Report 96 97 C4 Auditor’s Report 98 99 C4 Auditor’s Report 100 101 C4 Auditor’s Report 102 103 C4 Auditor’s Report 104 105 C4 Auditor’s Report 106 107 C4 Auditor’s Report 108 109 C4 Auditor’s Report 110 111 C4 Auditor’s Report 112 113 C4 Auditor’s Report 114 115 C4 Auditor’s Report 116 117 C4 Auditor’s Report 118 119 C4 Auditor’s Report 120 121 C4 Auditor’s Report 122 123 C5 Budget 2008 C5 Budget 2008 MTA Budget 2008 Statement of expenses Art. Denomination Amount 2008 (E) Chapter 1 - Payroll expenses 13 General staff 1,530,925.00 16 Insurance and Social Security payments 323,950.00 17 Other social benefits 12,540.00 Total chapter 1 1,867,415.00 Chapter 2 - Expenses for currents assets and services 20 Leases 59,059,000.00 21 Conservation and repairs 1,178,162.84 22 Material, supplies and other 397,564,405.75 23 Compensation for service 135,510.00 24 Printing costs 130,000.00 Total chapter 2 458,067,078.59 Chapter 3 - Financial costs 31 Internal loans 448,000.00 34 Deposits, guarantees and others 1,200.00 Total chapter 3 449,200.00 Chapter 4 - Current transfers 40 From the State public sector 7,300,000.00 44 To public companies and other public bodies of the Generalitat 48,500,000.00 46 To local bodies 382,533,000.00 47 To private companies 81,959,000.00 48 To non-profit organisations 50,250.00 49 To the outside 12,000.00 Total chapter 4 520,354,250.00 Chapter 6 - Real investments 62 Investment in machinery, installations and tooling 36,300.00 64 Expenses for immaterial investments 6,300.00 65 Investments in data processing and telecommunications equipment 1,258,097.41 Total chapter 6 1,300,697.41 Chapter 7 - Capital transfers 77 To private companies 38,861,222.82 Total chapter 7 38,861,222.82 Chapter 9 - Variation of financial liabilities 91 Amortisation of loans in Euros 7,396,000.00 Total chapter 9 7,396,000.00 TOTAL STATemenT Of expenSeS 1,028,295,863.82 126 Income statement Art. Denomination Amount 2008 (E) Chapter 3 - Rates, goods and other income 31 Provision of services 59,144,000.00 39 Other income 401,315,141.00 Total chapter 3 460,459,141.00 Chapter 4 - Current transfers 40 From the State public sector 173,284,000.00 41 From the Administration of the Generalitat 193,744,000.00 46 From local bodies and corporations 160,964,000.00 Total chapter 4 527,992,000.00 Chapter 5 - Equity income 52 Interests on deposits 70,000.00 Total chapter 5 70,000.00 Chapter 7 - Capital transfers 71 From the Administration of the Generaliat 39,774,722.82 Total chapter 7 39,774,722.82 TOTAL IncOme sTATemenT 1,028,295,863.82 127 Edited by Autoritat del Transport Metropolità c/Muntaner, 315-321 08021 Barcelona Phone +34 93 362 00 20 Fax +34 93 362 00 22 E-mail: atm@atm.cat Web: www.atm.cat B-32867-08 Printed by Agpograf Production by Angle Editorial, SL Designed by Gruyere-bcn Photography by Txema Salvans Barcelona, june 2008