20 case studies of R&d&i collaboration university barcelona business 3 In Barcelona, we are convinced that innovation is the key strategy for the future, at a city scale as well as at a Catalan, European and International level. And we are also certain that one of the main motors driving forward innovation is the transfer of knowledge between universities, research centres and industry, since these partnerships enable this knowledge to be transformed into new business initiatives. However, a two-way relationship between the worlds of research and business is vital for this transfer to become a reality. We do not want the knowledge of this reality to be restricted to the usual clusters of experts in these fields; these people are precisely the ones who are already convinced of the importance of this partnership. This is the aim of the publication you are now reading: to disseminate the experiences of university-company partnerships, within the context of citizens, since it is people who ultimately make projects and initiatives prosper. And these people must find the conditions and opportunities they require in a city. For this reason the city of Barcelona is developing services and amenities (Barcelona Activa is the most emblematic and fruitful) and establishing and providing suitable spaces (of which 22@ is the most successful example to date). I am sure that by leafing through these pages, you will understand what we refer to when we say that the future of Barcelona lies in becoming a city where knowledge, creativity and innovation go hand in hand. This is just another example of the initiatives that the City Council is promoting to face the challenges posed by today’s society and to become more competitive in global markets. Together we are continuing to make Barcelona a great opportu- nity, a magnificent city in which to work and live. Jordi Hereu Mayor of Barcelona 5 In recent years, the need to promote collaboration between public and private spheres of research has become increasingly important. One such type of partnership is the transfer of knowledge with the aim of stimulating economic development and fostering inno- vation in industry. It is for this reason that the City Council is pleased to present this publication, which aims to show specific case studies of partnerships between private research and companies that have given rise to highly innovative initiatives and products. One of the characteristics present in all the research groups and companies that have made this collaboration possible is a quest for innovation. We therefore wish to help to further bring together universities and companies, to show how the research carried out in universities and educational centres, of increasingly higher quality, leads to the creation of a wide range of highly innovative products in diverse sectors. These examples aim to show how the transfer of technology and knowledge can be turned into corporate innovation, helping to boost entrepreneurial spirit and attract talent to our city, both in terms of researchers, professionals and future business leaders. This book is published within the framework of the Barcelona Research and Innovation Programme, which aims to foster the pro- motion and dissemination of the skills and results of research that is carried out in the universities and centres in Barcelona and its metropolitan area. We invite you to explore these pages. Jordi William Carnes Deputy Mayor of Treasury and Economic Promotion and President of Barcelona Activa 6 7 Research , Search in a reflexive, systematic and methodical approach in order to gain knowledge and solve scientific and philosophical problems…or empirical techniques. The scientific method indicates the path that must be followed in this investigation and the techniques specify the way of tackling it. Knowledge transfer , Encouraging the cooperation and collaboration of universities with the region’s social and economic agents. To help the sales performance in the market as a result of the R&D&I activities carried out by the universities and research centres. University , From Latin universitas- universitatis. Establishment or a network of educational units dedicated to higher education and research. Company , Institution or economic agent that takes decisions on the use of production factors to obtain the goods and services that are offered in the market. Universal instrument used to produce and to make the majority of existing goods and services in the economy available to the general public. 8 9 Scientific research, development and innovation in all areas of our society have become one of the key factors for the well-being of citizens and for medium and long-term economic growth. This book contains 20 real examples; it is not an in-depth examina- tion but a representative sample of our immediate environment, of our universities and our companies. Universities that work in photonics and nanoscience to come up with new cosmetics with gold nanoparticles that makes us feel and look younger. Intelligent materials that are used in trepanation surgery, which in turn have given rise to intelligent fabrics that we wear, i.e. fabrics that change shape, colour and if we are cold they provide us with heat. The longed for products with no added preservatives or colourings that do not lose their organoleptic properties – the consequence of the high hydrostatic pressure from the canning process –, are already on the market with the flavour and quality of homemade products. It may seem like science fiction but it is not. They are developed here and exported worldwide. In times when present and future production models are challenged, in which the word sustainability gradually mutates the contents and everyone is talking about renewable energies, Barcelona offers its grain of sand through recycling innovations and the revaluation of waste materials for new products. We can find the concept of cradle to cradle sustainability in practice, in Empúries Hotel, a benchmark in the service sector that links tradition and modernity. And the giant step forward to come when the 100% Off device, capable of realising when a device, such as a TV, is on standby and therefore switches itself off so as not to consume energy in vain, will be widespread in our homes. 10 11 UPC, UB, UAB, UPF, UOC, URL, CSIC, IRTA... are abbreviations and names with their own value that, linked to others such as Gallina Blanca, Ros Roca, Play, Zicla, Orange, “la Caixa” Foundation, Roca, Strands, etc. and many more, create value for themselves. The value of training people, the value of creating products, the value of sustainability as an aptitude and in the global world in which we live, the value of the location, along with the value of breaking through the barriers of mutual lack of knowledge between the university and the company, with the security that in the majority of cases, the result of the collaboration is positive and that in time this collaboration becomes something permanent. We cannot forget that these names and abbreviations are a lot more than merely this. Their assets are the people, effort and the talent that exist in all of them and as one expects, the territory that is home to them. An open city, open to everything and everyone that has been a catalyst for the talent of some people, of the effort of others and of the joy and well-being of all. First and foremost, we must realise that we are mistaken if the aim that we set from now on is to maintain the capacity and efficiency of this catalyst intact. The aim is and should be to increase these catalysts, as there is a long way to go. universit y business universit y business 14 cranial loop 62 EmpúriEs hotEl Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital + Neos Surgery Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) + Eco Intelligent Growth Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) University of Girona (UdG) 68 campus 3g 18 roBotic systEm for thE mEdiatic Building Open University of Catalonia (UOC) + Orange Technological Research Centre for Dependency Care and Cloud 9 Autonomous Living (CETpD) + 72 100% off 24 amazon showEr Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) + Good for You, Good for the Planet University of Barcelona (UB) + Roca Sanitario 76 gEnEric drugs 28 voicE kalEidoscopE Ramon Llull University (URL) + Ercros University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) + Obra Social Fundació “la Caixa” 80 gold cosmEtics 32 ElEctronic ink in tExtilEs ICFO – Institute of Photonic Sciences + Endor Nanotechnologies Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) + Sensing Fabrics 86 picoroco papasan cradlE 38 BovinE disEasE dEtEctor Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) + Play Agrifood Technology Research Institute (IRTA) + Aromics Lleters de Catalunya 90 immErsivE 3d vidEoconfErEncing 42 acquisition and synchronisation Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) + Telefónica I+D systEm for night filming 94 soups with grEatEr nutritional valuE Computer Vision Centre (CVC) + SEAT Technical Centre Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) + Gallina Blanca 46 ElEctronic sommEliEr 100 my strands, BusinEss solutions Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) + Catalan Institute of Vines and Wine (INCAVI) and monEy strands Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Strands 52 Bcn rEfusE Bin + Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) + Ros Roca 104 urBan vErmicomposting University of Barcelona (UB) Zicla 58 lin cooling + University of Barcelona (UB) + Air Products 108 dirEctory universit y 14 G Neurosurgery Unit 15 Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital www.santpau.cat Novelties in the G Department of Morphological Sciences Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) operating theatre www.autonoma.edu/medicina A surgical device for closing G Department of Medical Sciences after craniotomies University of Girona (UdG) in less than one minute www.udg.edu/depcm ( neurosurgery ) ( hospital ) ( diagnosys ) ( radio-transparency ) Cranial loop ( precision ) ( polymer ) ( biocompatibility ) ( holding ) business A Neos Surgery www.neosurgery.com 16 Cranial Loop does not block the view 17 in diagnostic tests such as X-rays, CAT and MRI scans and therefore does not interfere with results The company Neos Surgery is the result of collaboration between of two technological institutes: the ASCAMM Private Foundation and the Inasmet-Tecnalia Foundation SettiNG of tHe BoNe flAP fRoM tHe CoMPANy witHoUt iNStRUMeNtS iN leSS to tHe oPeRAtiNG tHeAtRe tHAN oNe MiNUte Neos Surgery is the result of Maximum precision robots, Cranial Loop is designed the inside and outside of the collaboration between of two complex operations with min- for closing after cranioto- skull and reduces the risk of technological institutes: the imum incision, and laser used mies – operations requiring damaging surrounding tissue ASCAMM Private Foundation and in place of a scalpel are just the bone of the skull to be to an absolute minimum. the Inasmet-Tecnalia Founda- some of the examples of the fractured in order to provide Cranial Loop has an advantage tion. The origins of this col- developments taking place access to brain and allow the over previous designs in the laboration date back to 2003. in the field of surgery. In surgical intervention to be field of neurosurgery in that Enjoying the participation of order to implant a new pro- carried out. The device is it does not require any in- specialists in neurosurgery cess in this field or offer used to anchor the bone once struments for use and is com- and private investors, the a really novel product, it the operation is finished. It pletely radio-transparent. project has the aim of develop- is essential to consider the can be used manually without This means it will not ob- ing new products for the field improvements made in bio- the need for any other in- scure the view in diagnostic of neurosurgery. compatible materials and how struments, enabling the sur- tests such as x-rays, CAT and In order to do this, it is not they are used. This spirit geon to feel when it has been MRI scans. This is achieved only necessary to carry out was behind the creation of secured correctly. by the fact that the device is technological validations Cranial Loop, a device for Amazingly simple to use, the first cranial anchoring but also those of a clinical holding the cranium in place Cranial Loop is inserted in system made from 100% PEEK- nature. Thus, in the Cranial developed by the company Neos each opening in the skull and OPTIMA ® polymer, a high- Loop instance, while Neos Sur- Surgery with the collabora- the bone flap is completely performance thermoplastic gery has taken responsibility tion and monitoring of the anchored in place following material enabling mechanical for creating, developing and Neurosurgery Unit at the San- a craniotomy in less than one properties to be obtained certifying it, UAB and UdG have ta Creu i Sant Pau Hospital, minute. comparable to those achieved validated its operation in which has become an end-user, The design, developed as the with metal implants. testing with patients and hu-the Department of Morpho- result of monitoring con- man cadavers. logical Sciences of UAB, and the Department of Medical ducted by the Santa Creu i Neos Surgery is currently Sicences of UdG. Sant Pau Hospital, and the working on the development of material used allow the de- products for spinal surgery vice adapts to the curve, and on devising complementary shape and thickness on both and more sophisticated ele- ments for brain surgery. universit y 18 G technological Research Centre for 19 Dependency Care and Autonomous living (CetpD) Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) foundation of Sant Antoni Abat County Hospital (fHCSAA) www.upc.edu/cetpd ( control ) ( data ) ( thermal ) ( processing ) robotiC SyStem for The office that reads minds Robots to control comfort the mediatiC building ( optimization ) ( device ) ( interaction ) ( space ) business A Cloud 9 www.e-cloud9.com 20 21 Getting up to adjust the ther- sors to detect temperature, having to express anything mostat whenever it feels cold humidity and pressure, gath- verbally, for instance, or going over to draw the cur- ering data from outside the through the use of facial ex- tain to shut out an annoying building in order to modify pression. reflection on the computer to the conditions present in The system is designed to go screen are daily occurrences its interior. on increasing the parameters in offices everywhere. How- it is capable of capturing ever, the latest developments in robotics and construction oNe RoBot iNSiDe ANotHeR and modifying. One of the fu- ture services currently un- are making it possible to However, none of this would der development is the abil- create smart spaces adapted be possible without a central ity to control the wellbeing to conditions that offer the system designed to process of people with special medi- highest level of comfort to data, gauge the needs of us- cal needs. Medical equipment workers without any need for ers and act accordingly. It fitted with constant moni- them to intervene. is like a huge robot - the toring devices run by a sys- This is the philosophy un- building itself – housing an- tem of sensors carried by the derpinning the construction other robot inside, which is patient, which are becoming of the MediaTIC, an office mobile, smart...and has the increasingly common (pulse block designed by Cloud 9, an ability to take decisions. meter, watches capable of architect studio run by Enric This nanorobot has been de- measuring heart rate), will Ruiz Geli, with the aid of veloped with the collabora- interact with the sensors Technological Studies Centre tion of CETpD, a technologi- in the building to enable it for Dependency Care and Au- cal centre devoted to social to send the information au- tonomous Living (CETpD). robotics. This discipline tomatically to the nearest places particular importance medical centre. on the interaction of people iN SeARCH of MAxiMUM Even though it might seem and robots, and features the effiCieNCy like something out of the services of psychologists, distant future, the engi- Unlike most other buildings, doctors or multimedia ex- neers involved in the project which consume vast amounts perts engaged in studying the stated that this technology of energy, MediaTIC has been potential of bidirectional really does exist today and designed as a huge genera- communication using voice that often the only thing tor while optimising energy recognition or sensors. needed for it to be out into use at the same time. For This robot also has the ca- place and running is to imag- instance, one of the façades pacity to work out what the ine specific new applica- of the building is made of most comfortable conditions tions. ETFE, a material reminiscent are for users without them of plastic bubble wrap that has some amazing properties: it can be inflated and de- flated depending on thermal conditions; it can cover the building to protect it from the sun or absorb the light so as to keep it lit up all night. Both the façade and the office space have been equipped with multiple sen- The central system for the MediaTIC building The latest developments in robotics and construction is a nanorobot designed to process data such are making it possible to create smart spaces as humidity and temperature and to modify that offer the highest level of comfort to workers internal conditions accordingly without any need for them to intervene 22 23 MediaTIC building under construction. 22@ District universit y 24 G Department of Cultural Anthropology 25 and History of America and Africa Showering in University of Barcelona (UB) www.ub.edu/antropo the Amazon Jungle without leaving home A team of designers and ( senses ) ( experience ) anthropologists take us ( ritual ) into the heart of the rainforest ( knowledge ) amazon Shower ( nature ) ( water ) ( colour ) ( inspiration ) business A Roca Sanitario Roca innovation lab www.roca.com 26 27 HyGieNe AND RitUAl New looKS, New wAyS The feeling of intense tropi- Establishing contact and How is water used by these Thus, just as we return from cal rain on your skin, im- trust and reaching a level of communities? What are their a trip bursting to tell ev- mersed in the colours, smells intimacy required for gain- myths and legends? What is eryone about our experiences and sounds of the heart of the ing an understanding of the their natural habitat like? and sensations, the knowl- Amazon rainforest, is a plea- inhabitants of the Amazon These are some of the ques- edge acquired on the expe- sure that, in theory, is not jungle is not a swift or easy tions raised at the begin- dition was shared with the available to people that live task. Nevertheless, in this ning of this anthropological other members of the team in in the city. Combining these respect a profound knowledge and ethnographical study a number of brainstorming two extremes offers a differ- of the surroundings and the focusing on examining the sessions. ent perspective that enables local communities on the part historic relationship of Roca to study new concepts, of the UB research team made these peoples with water. One of the basic lessons such as the Amazon shower. it a lot easier. learnt on the trip revolved We do not only have showers around communication hab- As inspiration to arrive to The entire design for the when we are not really clean its. They discovered that this and other concepts, Roca Amazon shower, created by enough, nor do we only have it is possible to relate to conducted some real field- Roca Innovation Lab, aims to a bath to relax. There is a other people at a slower and work in collaboration with reflect this experience dur- ritual, therapeutic and even less aggressive pace in an the Department of Cultural ing the time spent in the Am- recreational dimension to urban society like our own, Anthropology and History of azon jungle – from its shape, water, which goes beyond the where the lack of time and America and Africa at the UB. inspired by young shoots concept of hygiene per se. constant rushing around are They organised an expedition and plants, to the colours In the study conducted by Ro- problems that take on sig- of members of staff from both representing a sky that is ca and the UB, the public and nificant importance as we go the company itself and also intense and at the same time private dimension of water about our daily lives. the university in the heart constantly changing. and its practical uses, such of the Amazon rainforest as washing or cooking, were Over and above the proposi- and rural areas of tropical taken into consideration. tion of a simple change of Brazil. The aesthetic and moral colour or shape, the way in rituals relating to the way which we relate to water and contamination or hazards connect with nature as human are dissipated were also beings were decisive factors observed. In our environ- that serve as inspiration ment, these are equivalent for the creation of new ideas to taking a hot shower at the by Roca. end of a really exhausting, stressful day. RoCA iNNovAtioN lAB One of the tasks of the Roca Innovation Lab, where con- ceptual designers work, is to develop new designs deal- ing with the problems in existing solutions viewed from other perspectives, and also analysing the needs of The way in which we the user that have not been relate to water and addressed so as to offer the most appropriate resources. connect with nature as human beings are the key factors that were taken from the study universit y 28 G Music technology Group (MtG) 29 Pompeu fabra University (UPf) www.mtg.upf.edu ( invisible ) ( change ) ( wavelength ) ( voice ) voiCe kaleidoSCope Can you see the voice (that is invisible)? Understanding ( representation ) physics better by drawing the invisible ( discover ) ( experiment ) ( didactic ) business A obra Social fundació ”la Caixa” Department of environment and Science www.laCaixa.es/ObraSocial 30 31 tHe GRAPHiC voiCe Teachers of schoolchildren The way this kaleidoscope of all ages know this only works is very simple: the too well – explaining Physics voice enters the system phenomena, and their appli- through a microphone and the cations in real life, is not waves are shown in graphic at all easy. With the aim of format on the screen. When making this task less compli- one of the distorters is se- cated and helping to discover lected, the screen shows the how our voice waves work, the two comparative graphs while Music Technology Group at the a speaker emits the real UPF and “la Caixa” Foundation voice and the distorted ver- have created the KaleiVoice- sion at the same time. Cope. With this experiment, adults The project, developed in the and children alike are made context of the exhibition aware of the effect generated Original voice / Woman voice Nombres de bona família in by their voice in the form of the CosmoCaixa display area, waves and the physical phe- is based on the KaleiVoice- nomena that take place, even Cope software, through which though they are invisible, visitors can see a graphic every time we speak. representation of the waves of their own voice and even PlAyiNG witH oUR voiCe modify them. Thus, a twenty- year-old can find out how his In the exhibition Nombres de voice would sound if he were a bona família , visitors can baby or an old man, or if, in- also find out what complex stead of being a man, he were numbers are for by playing a woman. He can even change it with their own voice. into the voice of a clown or Through the use of the so- an extraterrestrial being. called Fourier series, which use complex calculations, researchers are able to study and use waves to generate liSteNiNG to oUR ANCeStoRS new emissions. Taking this The mouth, pharynx, vocal as their starting point, a chords and respiratory or- program was developed to gans in our body determine show the waves diffused into the way our voice sounds. the air by the voice using Based on a study of the dif- Original voice / Robot voice a graphic format, and suc- ferences between current ceeding in modifying them by human morphology and that of changing their frequency or prehistoric man, “la Caixa” wavelength. In this way, the Foundation and the UPF hope user can see the real waves to launch a new application The Voice Kaleidoscope enables us to see produced by the voice compare that will allow us to hear how with the modified version on our voice would sound if pro- the graphic representation of the waves of the screen. duced by a Neanderthal man. our own voice and to even modify them universit y 32 G Department of electronic engineering 33 Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) www.eel.upc.edu ( elastic ) ( conductive wires ) ( printing ) ( microelectronics ) eleCtroniC ink in textileS ( data ) ( electroluminiscent ) Smart textiles ( tactile ) for an easier ( fabric ) world Textiles, microelectronics and communications come together to create business amazing products A Sensing fabrics www.sensingfabrics.com 34 eveRytHiNG eleCtRoNiC iNK PRiNtiNG 35 iS CAPABle of DoiNG iN CollABoRAtioN Those who once imagined the The research carried out by The printing process can be most fantastic machines in experts in the field of tex- carried out on any fabric, science fiction, certainly tiles, microelectronics and including elastic, which is never expected that one day wireless communications has then treated to give it a more there would be fabrics en- culminated in the creation even surface so that the ink abling music players to be of a new technology that en- can adhere properly and be controlled, mobiles to be ables the difficulties to be spread more evenly. answered without taking your surmounted with regard to In spite of this treatment, hands out of your pocket, the production of fabrics the company Sensing Fabrics portable keyboards for the with conductor wire: elec- and the Electronics Depart- computer or PDA, or the inte- tronic ink. ment of the UPC had to join gration of the car controls The conductor wire used up forces to develop a system to in the upholstery. Today, until now in textronics has encapsulate the ink, so as to thanks to the initiatives been replaced by printed prevent it from deteriorat- such as the collaboration textile circuits with elec- ing and to protect the ink it- between the company Sensing tronic ink capable of sens- self from cracking. Thanks to Fabrics and the Electronics ing, transmitting and acting the research work done by the Department at the UPC, the (that is to say, performing university, it was possible future has become a little a smart process) on any type to monitor parameters such closer. of fabric, from an item of as humidity or temperature clothing to the upholstery for maximum optimisation of of a car. results. The range of possibilities for electronic ink in fabrics iN SeARCH of GReAt iDeAS is very broad, starting with providing the fabric with Apart from this product, sensory properties: pres- Sensing Fabrics also has sure, tension, torsion, tem- versatile and robust elec- perature, heart beat; trans- troluminiscent and heatable mission properties, supply, fabrics suitable for many ap- and performance data: emis- plications just waiting to be sion of light, heat, sound, proposed. Who is game enough etc. It is even possible to to imagine one? combine several functions in the same item of clothing. These fabrics enable music players to be controlled, mobiles to be answered, a portable keyboard to be available Conductive wires used until now in for the computer and textronics have been replaced by printed PDA, and to integrate textile circuits with electronic inks the car controls in the capable of feeling, transmitting and upholstery acting on any type of fabric 36 37 Model of a dress with electronic ink universit y 38 G Agrifood technology Research institute 39 (iRtA) Regional Government of Catalonia www.irta.cat Take care of the hand that ( biotechnology ) ( organic ) feeds you A new device enables ( feeeding ) ( micro-organism ) infections to be detected that affect the wellbeing of the animals providing us with milk bovine diSeaSe deteCtor ( pathology ) ( analysis ) ( preservation ) ( control ) business A Aromics www.aromics.es A lleters de Catalunya www.lleters.cat and other companies 40 The bovine disease 41 detector allows dairy farmers to perform tests on animals fASt, SiMPle AND low-CoSt in a quick and Whether sold in a carton, This new device is used to a bottle, or in a plastic detect diseases such as non-invasive way pouch, milk is a major food infections of the mammary product that has to reach glands, intestinal infec- consumers in perfect condi- tions such as paratuber- tion. This does not only mean culosis, or diseases that AN iNteRNAtioNAl PRojeCt ensuring maximum quality for cause reproductive problems The way it works is re- Different parts of the device Apart from CRIC, IRTA, Arom- the consumer, but also guar- in animals, such as brucel- ally simple: milk is poured have been developed at tech- ics and Lleters de Catalunya anteeing that the cows pro- losis. Unlike blood tests, into the detector, where the nological centres in a num- (producers of the milk brand ducing the milk enjoy optimum which are more traumatic and nucleic acids and infection- ber of European countries, Llet Nostra), also working health and wellbeing. invasive, or the long drawn- causing micro-organisms are coordinated from Barcelona on the project there is an It was with this in mind that out biotechnological tests isolated. The device will by CRIC (Catalan Research important representation collaboration evolved be- performed on the animal’s then proceed to alert the and Investigation Centre). of Catalan industry includ- tween various technological milk, this system has the ad- user to the existence of any Participating in this proj- ing Industrias del Cadí, SAT centres and European compa- vantage of producing the re- disease. The next challenge ect, known as Pathomilk, Solius 1342 Cat and Vitaltech nies in this sector, includ- sult in just a few hours and currently being tackled is are technology companies, Ibérica. ing IRTA (Agrifood Technology at very low cost. the miniaturisation of the dairy farms, producers and Research Institute) run by When the dairy farmers sus- nucleic acid-extraction pro- distributors from the dairy the Regional Government of pect the presence of one of cess so as to fully automate sector and research centres Catalonia, the biotechnol- these diseases, which have the entire process on the ac- in countries such as the UK, ogy firm Aromics, located no effect on consumers but do tual dairy farms. the Czech Republic, Greece, in the Barcelona Science affect the productive capac- Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Park, and the Catalan dairy ity and wellbeing of the ani- Hungary. cooperative. This team was mals, they can perform on the responsible for developing a spot tests using a device the device that can detect bovine size of a shoe box. diseases in a way that is fast and non-invasive for the ani- mals and, it is hoped, which can be installed on dairy farms. universit y 42 G Computer vision Centre (CvC) 43 Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Being in two places CiRit (inter-Ministerial Council for Research and technological innovation) at the same time is no longer ACC1Ó (CiDeM/CoPCA) www.cvc.uab.cat just up to the gods Ingenuity and technology to enhance the quality of vehicles ( reliability ) ( data ) ( test ) ( lighting ) aCquiSition and SynChroniSation SyStem for night filming ( objectivity ) ( legal regulation ) ( simultaneity ) ( driving ) business A SeAt technical Centre www.seat.es 44 45 SUBjeCtive iMPReSSioNS let’S SyNCHRoNiSe oUR AND DAtA wAtCHeS! tHe ADDeD vAlUe of ReSeARCH In a business world that is This new tool combines in- The tests for evaluating the What would happen if instead SEAT has also other projects becoming more and more glo- genuity and technology to lighting systems serve to of successively evaluating in collaboration with the balised and complex, the achieve what would otherwise guarantee compliance with vehicles we could compare university, such as the SEAT need for companies to im- seem like a magic trick: mak- the legal regulations and the and contrast them at the same Chair of Sustainable Manage- prove their products through ing two cars pass through performance of the lights. time? The new system enables ment and Design in the Car research is clear. SEAT car the same place, at the same Since the emergence of the two cars to be evaluated at Industry at the Polytechnic company is one such example. speed... and see it at the AFS system, which adapts the the same point and with iden- University of Catalonia (UPC) Thanks to the collaboration same time. light to various parameters tical driving characteris- set up in 2007, where rela- with the Computer Vision Cen- such as speed, traffic or the tics. tions are cultivated between tre (CVC), SEAT has developed state of the road, dynamic With the new method, the cars the company and university to the Acquisition and Synchro- tests are of paramount im- are tested one after the set up work teams capable of nisation System for Night portance. other and filmed on video to generating, disseminating Filming, used to assess the The classic method for con- obtain a graphic record of and applying new know-how in vehicle’s head light system. ducting this test used to be how they work so that this can the car sector. based on dynamic tests, dur- be compared with unequivo- ing which an expert checked cal data. The camera is posi- the behaviour of the vehi- tioned at strategic places on cle’s headlights while mov- the vehicle to achieve a film ing on a test track. recording, which is as simi- Once the test had been com- lar as possible in all cases. SeAt ibiza — Single Reflector Headlamp pleted, the driver would fill The Acquisition and Synchro- in a form recording his/her nisation System for Night impressions on a number of Filming, which has already aspects such as the homoge- been implemented at SEAT, neity of the light, its flow makes use of new technolo- and intensity, and how it lit gies to convert the dynamic up the immediate field of vi- tests of the vehicle into an sion. Despite the huge amount objective work tool that is of data collected, most of it useful and easily accessed. was qualitative data based on This system makes it possible subjective impressions that to compare and contrast not could be affected by external only the way two cars of the circumstances such as the same model work, but also to driver’s state of mind. establish comparisons with SeAt toledo — AfS-Headlamp The need to improve the ob- older models, or even with jectivity of the results vehicles manufactured by obtained, based on numeric other car companies. The Acquisition and evaluation, is precisely the Synchronisation System basis of the new Acquisition and Synchronisation System for Night Filming for Night Filming. The classic method allows two vehicles for evaluating to be evaluated at lighting systems was the same point and based on subjective with identical driving impressions that might characteristics so as to be affected by external obtain objective data circumstances universit y 46 G institute of Microelectronics 47 of Barcelona (iMB-CNM) Spanish National Research Council (CSiC) www.cnm.es Microchips ( microchip ) ( identification ) also have a ( stimulus ) sense of taste ( composition ) An electronic tongue that tastes wines eleCtroniC Sommelier ( hint ) ( texture ) ( flavor ) ( taste buds ) business A Catalan institute of vines and wine (iNCAvi) Regional Government of Catalonia www.incavi.cat 48 The electronic tongue is a piece of 49 fAR-ReACHiNG PeRSPeCtiveS equipment that is capable of identifying Both wine connoisseurs and To do this, a sample is placed The electronic tongue has Because of its characteris- those of use that only have on chipboard made with mi- also demonstrated that it has tics, the electronic tongue the chemical components of liquids a glass from time to time croelectronic technology a taste memory and is capable opens up a path for applica- know that tasting the wine that will detect the chemi- of learning, since the re- tion in other fields such as Applied to the wine sector, the electronic is a pleasure that entails cal components and generate searchers working on the de- water tasting and purifica- a great many different per- an electric response that vice are able to train it. By tion or the analysis of new sommelier can be used for quality control, ceptions – texture, taste, can be measured, quantified offering it various differ- soft drinks. particularly in companies with high rates aroma, colour, perfume and a and contrasted with models ent samples, it is possible of productivity number of subtle differences contained in the equipment’s to generate a database that that only experts can hope measuring systems. In the will enable new inputs to be to define completely. These wine sector, this means that classified later on. differences depend on the the electronic tongue recog- Example of an image that shows the response chemical composition of the nises the type of grape and of sensors to different single varietal No iMitAtioNS ACCePteD white wines, and their classification grape, and therefore, on as- the vintage of the wine being The device has also proved according to the type of grape. pects such as the soil where analysed. has been grown, the type of to be efficient in determin-The device can work with both grape, the climate, the year, ing other qualities, with a grape juice and wine and is etc. very small margin of error, governed by the classifica- such as acidity and the con- Without remotely wishing to tion criteria supplied by tent of alcohol and sugar in replace the profession of INCAVI. In the test conducted the wine. Furthermore, its wine taster, but with the aim with grape juice from the recognition capability also of being able to identify and 2005 harvest and the wine enables false wines to be control some of the more sig- produced a few months later, identified. nificant characteristics of the new measuring system was the wine, the Institute of Mi- capable of determining the The electronic tongue can croelectronics of Barcelona type of wine used in each case be used for quality control, (IMB-CNM), belonging to the with success. particularly in those com- Spanish National Research panies that, on account of Council (CSIC), with the sup- their large productivity, port of the Catalan Institute require technical aid to op- of Vines and Wine (INCAVI), timise these processes. has developed an electronic tongue, which, in its appli- cation to the wine sector, acts like a real sommelier. tAStiNG witH MiCRoCHiPS The human perception of taste is related to the stimuli we receive on our taste buds and which enable us to dif- ferentiate between differ- ent tastes. The electronic tongue is a device capable of identifying the chemical components of liquids and of discriminating between the types of taste – sweet, salty, bitter and sour. The support where the multisensors are fabricated is made of silicon and contains many multisensors. 50 51 Clean Room. Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) universit y 52 G Specific Research Centre for Business 53 improvement and innovation (CeRpie) Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) http://cerpie.upc.edu ( ergonomics ) ( efficiency ) ( manipulation ) ( accessibility ) bCn refuSe bin ( polyethylene / polypropylene ) ( mould ) ( urban ) ( recycling ) Taking out the rubbish, business A Ros Roca now it's even easierImplemented by: Barcelona City Council www.rosroca.com Urban Services and Environment The new bins are more accessible, silent and efficient www.bcn.cat/neta 54 ReSPeCtfUl MANUfACtURiNG A PRojeCt witH A 55 A BiN foR eveRyoNe PRoCeSS GReAt MANy voiCeS Rubbish bins are such an The first 100% accessible- Accessibility for various The Barcelona Model is the Various organisations and integral part of the urban bin, called the Barcelona types of user is achieved product of a detailed study companies have joined forces landscape that it is hard Model, is a product manufac- through a design that dis- to improve efficiency in to develop the new Barcelona to imagine them looking any tured by Ros Roca taking into tinguishes between the areas the manufacturing process. Model Refuse Bin. Apart from different. Nevertheless, account the study on ergo- reserved for users and ve- Whereas with previous models the company and the UPC, also Barcelona has taken a giant nomics and force conducted by hicles, by means of a change the techniques used required participating in the proj- step forward with its plan the Specific Research Centre in height and two asymmetric greater energy consumption, ect is the studio Angelini to introduce some contain- for Business Improvement and lids – a smaller, lighter one such as rotomoulded or ther- Design, responsible for pro- ers that are more convenient Innovation at the UPC. for pedestrians, and another moformed polyethylene con- viding a shape for the model. and silent, more efficient to It concerns a side-loading larger one for the refuse tainers, this bin is made by For its part, the technologi- make, and accessible to ev- bin appropriate for a typi- vehicle (RCV). The pedal mov- injecting high-density poly- cal centre ASCAMM (Catalan eryone. The city is pioneer- cal Mediterranean city with a ing the mechanism is smaller ethylene and glass-fibre- Association of Mould and Die ing the development of refuse high population density, re- and rounder than the current reinforced polypropylene. Industries) has given advice containers adapted to fulfil quiring so little effort that one so as not to hinder its These materials enable the on the design and validation all these requirements. it can be used by 99% of the passage along the curb and to use of metal in the structure of the mould and injection population. avoid any damage from hitting to be reduced to a minimum, process, an important re- against cars. Furthermore, i.e. to the side closing sponsibility since it con- these receptacles also have mechanism and the pedal, thus cerns one of the largest six guides anchored to the pave- facilitating the recycling European moulds capable of ment to stop them from being process and lowering costs. manufacturing bins weighing moved by hand and ensuring up to 72 kg. their perfect alignment. The lid can be opened in three different ways: manually by means of a handle, pushing of a pedal or with a lever, which makes it easier for people in a wheelchair to manipulate. Furthermore, the new bin also has signs that can be under- stood by the blind. The new side-loading bin is appropriate for cities This model is the product of a detailed study with high population density and requires so little effort to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs that it can be used by 99% of the inhabitants during the manufacturing process 56 Set of Barcelona Model refuse bins 57 universit y 58 G Thermal Spray Centre (CPT) 59 University of Barcelona (UB) www.cptub.com ( temperature ) ( liquid nitrogen ) ( coating ) ( surface ) Lin CooLing ( cooling ) ( aeronautics ) ( overheating ) ( process ) An armoured skin to guard against extremes business A Air Products A new technique in aeronautical coatings www.airproducts.com www.carburos.com 60 Thermal spray is a technology that Lin Cooling is a technique that is applicable 61 enables coatings to be created in order to to all types of thermal spraying processes to provide good protection against extreme prevent base materials from exceeding the temperatures, wear and corrosion temperature established by regulatory standards A nEw TEChniqUE Bringing PrECiSion To ThE vEry lAST ExTrEmE SiTUATionS Cooling ThingS down... wiTh n dEgrEE2 The passengers on a plane Thermal spray is a technology The multinational company Availing itself of CPT’s re- never cease to be amazed when that allows coatings of dif- Carburos Metálicos, now search findings, Air Prod- the pilot informs them in ferent thicknesses to be cre- owned by Air Products, and ucts developed the Lin Cool- mid-flight that the outside ated from materials offering CPT have been working to- ing System. This technique temperature is a few dozen good protection against ex- gether since the nineties on can be applied to all types of degrees below zero. If we treme temperatures, wear and thermal spray-related proj- thermal spraying processes consider that the materials corrosion, chosen for their ects in various sectors, in- to prevent the base materials comprising the aircraft are specific properties for ap- cluding aeronautics. exceeding the temperature subject to extremely high plication over functional When the problems arising established by regulatory temperatures during land- elements. from the substrate overheat- standards. ing, it is not difficult to However, base materials, ing were detected, research The process works in the fol- conclude that aeronautical known as substrates, often was begun to find an alterna- lowing way: before starting, equipment should be protect- do not withstand the changes tive to cooling processes a nitrogen atmosphere is ed against drastic changes in in temperature that occur involving air and carbon di- created around the part. The temperature, in addition to during the coating process oxide (CO2): the solution was studies found that since this the wear and corrosion that (processes where it is pos- liquid nitrogen. gas is inert, it prevents the such changes in temperature sible to reach temperatures contribute to. The main challenge to over- material from oxidising and of 15,000ºC, whereas the sub- come was that the ambient enhances the properties of This is why CPT (Thermal strate cannot exceed 180ºC). temperature limited the ef- the coating. Thermal spray- Spray Centre), together with For example, in the case of fectiveness of air-cooling. ing commences once the tem- Air Products has studied the nickel-based superalloys Despite solid carbon dioxide perature is low enough. The situation and conducted re- or light alloys (titanium, being able to reach the cool- cooling power of the nitrogen search about a new thermal aluminium, magnesium), their ing temperature, it still makes enables the thermal spray process known as Lin properties vary or cracks showed certain drawbacks spray to be applied continu- Cooling (Liquid Nitrogen - N2 appear in the coating be- during a coating process that ously over the entire part. –Devices), which allows the ing applied to their surface had to be done in segments, The improvements made to the surface properties of the as they undergo structural owing to the fact that it was original device are due to components to be enhanced transformations that weaken not possible to cool the sub- the continuous assessment without any modifications to the materials. strate adequately enough, made by CPT. They have led to their internal structure or and this led to the coating the comprehensive develop- intrinsic characteristics. being weakened. That's how ment of this technology, the solution was found in which is now being marketed liquid nitrogen. with great success. When manufacturing landing gear components, the aeronautical industry uses cooling system during thermal spraying, such as that provided by the Lin Cooling technique. universit y 62 G Environmental Science and Technology 63 institute (iCTA) Sustainable holidays Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) A guest house achieves symbiosis between tourism and ecology http://icta.uab.cat ( ecologic ) ( comprehensive ) ( recycling ) ( sustainability ) EmpúriEs hotEL ( tourism ) ( cultivation ) ( environment ) ( composter ) business A Eco intelligent growth www.ecointelligentgrowth.net 64 rECyCling ConSErvATion, 65 iS noT EvEryThing rESTorATion And good dESign In recent years, the public We often forget that ecol- between consumption and the In reforming the build- debate on whether it is pos- ogy is not based only on re- generation of waste and their ing, priority was given to sible to combine tourism and cycling waste, but that it penetration in the environ- the re-use of materials and sustainability has gradually is also important to study ment. conservation of structures grown in importance. The re- other aspects such as energy that were in good condition, form project for the Empúries consumption, the life of the along with the restoration of Hotel, located in the region materials and their impact on ThE BEST of EACh hoUSEhold all types of objects that had of Alt Empordà, indicates the environment. The essence Construction is not the only been converted into furni- that it is possible thanks of sustainability is based on thing that has been taken ture. Inside the guest house, to extensive research, large the idea that the best waste into account. Another point interior design was given doses of ingenuity, and a product is the one not gener- in the study examines the mo- maximum care, with the aim comprehensive concept of ated, since it can be re-in- bility, accessibility for the being to guarantee the qual- sustainability. troduced into the productive guests of the facilities and ity of the air by avoiding process with a similar or products and services on of- paints with chemical addi- better quality than the one fer, which must be consistent tives, and non-environmen- it had the first time around. with the philosophy of the tally-friendly varnishes and This process is known as “up- Recycled plastic cup, guest house. glues. cycling”. made from corn In this respect, a market A nice careful design makes Taking into account every- garden has been planned to it possible for the whole thing that contributes to- use the rubbish generated by guest house to breathe a wards making the ecological the guest house, converted pleasant atmosphere and footprint more efficient, into fertiliser by means of leaves it really clear that the company Eco Intelligent a composter, which provides the organic produce can also Growth, in collaboration the restaurant with a range be beautiful and complex. with the UAB and the team from of fresh produce to add to its the guest house itself, has menu. In those cases in which turned Empúries Hotel into a it is not possible to be self- real laboratory for sustain- sufficient living off the ability to become a reference produce of the kitchen gar- for the sector. den, as is the case with meat, The Environmental Science purchases are made locally to and Technology Institute keep energy consumption un- at the UAB, on the one hand, der control. Empúries Hotel was in charge of studying has even begun to produce a Recycled bin liner, the ecological impact of the special type of bread with a made from potato starch materials used at Empúries traditional cereal from the Hotel, carrying out an analy- area. sis of the life cycle in a The kitchen garden, together pilot building and an analy- with the vegetable-fibre sis of materials and energy, roofs and permeable pave- through the MEFA (Material A market garden has ments, helps water infil- and Energy Flow Analysis) been planned to use the tration, an aspect that has Eco Intelligent Growth, system. On the other hand, rubbish generated by the received a great deal of care in collaboration with the research carried out to prevent the drains from by engineers from Eco In- guest house, converted becoming saturated. the UAB, has turned telligent Growth included into fertiliser by means Empúries Hotel into erecting and also using the of a composter, which a real laboratory building plus dismantling provides the restaurant of sustainability it in the future, the balance with a range of fresh becoming a reference produce for the sector 66 Empúries Hotel. L’Escala 67 universit y 68 G office of learning Technologies 69 open University of Catalonia (UoC) http://learningtechnologies.uoc.edu ( reading ) ( students ) ( exercises ) A university ( device ) in your pocket Internet-linked electronic ink devices Campus 3g ( virtual ) ( connectivity ) ( updating ) ( flexible ) business A orange www.orange.es 70 71 flExiBlE, oPEn And onlinE CollABorATion wiTh A grEAT fUTUrE AhEAd Advances in e-books and their The Open University of Cata- With the e-Book, content is implementation in education lonia (UOC) began to work flexible and can always be and universities may mean with the Orange telecom- updated at any time. It does that in a few years’ time stu- munications company within not require a bookmark, be- dents will no longer leave the framework of the My Way cause it remembers the last class with their schoolbag learning project. The pur- page that was read – you do full of books, but with a dis- pose of this collaborative not need to remember where creet electronic ink device effort is to develop a system you saw that really interest- instead. that enables students at UOC ing quotation, because there The e-book can still not be to make the most of the elec- are search engines embedded said to have entirely ousted tronic ink devices and their in the documents and it is the traditional printed capabilities, such as the also possible to incorpo- book. In fact, all the signs possibility of either having rate videos, which greatly point to the inevitable co- a large quantity of informa- enhances its teaching value. existence of both formats tion available in a small and And with an Internet connec- without one completely su- manageable device or perma- tion, the possibilities are perseding the other. nent connectivity. endless. Nevertheless, the advan- Research on the e-Book was In spite of everything, there tages and versatility of already a priority at both is still a certain amount of the digital format are key Orange and UOC, when the reluctance to use these de- to explaining the long road company proposed to the uni- vices, which is why current stretching out before it. versity the idea of taking it research work in this field one stage further: aside from is centred on achieving soft preparing books and manuals or flexible screens that can for downloading, by provid- make the experience even more ing the devices with a con- similar to reading paper nection capability, students books. would always have access to Today, with the future chal- updated content including lenge of offering more and notices, exercises, the syl- more open content, e-Books labus and countless other equipped with 3G technology applications in real time. seem set to vie for space with By staying constantly on- printed versions from the line, UOC students will have best stocked libraries. the virtual campus at their disposal at all times. An e-Book does not require a book mark; instead it comes with search engines embedded Enabling the electronic devices with in the documents and 3G technology allows UOC students can incorporate images to update all content in real time universit y 72 G Technological innovation Centre for Static 73 Converters and Activators(CiTCEA) Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) www.citcea.upc.edu The red light that never goes out Smart switch for appliances ( standby ) on standby ( enertronics ) ( electricity ) ( device ) 100% off ( environment ) ( household ) ( disconnection ) ( consumption ) business A good for you, good for the Planet www.gfy-gfp.com 74 SmArT SwiTCh invEnTion ProCESS The switch is based on an algorithm 75 You turn off the TV with the Most televisions, ovens, Awareness by the general developed by CITCEA and patented by remote control but the little printers, sound systems and public of the need to reduce red light still stays on. Is countless other electrical electricity consumption and Good for You, Good for the Planet. it still using electricity? appliances continue to con- of energy efficiency was one It can be used with the latest generation The answer is yes: Barely sume energy even when they of the reasons behind the of appliances and also with those we visible, the standby lights are not working and increase company’s decision to de- already have in our homes in hundreds of household ap- domestic electricity bills velop a system to help users pliances not only consume by 12%. The Good for You, Good see how much power they were electricity but also con- for the Planet system is like consuming and learn to make tribute to increasing CO2 a conventional plug incorpo- more rational use of it. The emissions on a global scale. rating a smart disconnect- original project was pre- The 100% Off device developed ing switch controlled by a sented in CITCEA-UPC, part of by the company Good for You, processor. The processor can the Electrical Engineering Good for the Planet together measure electricity consump- Department at UPC offering with CITCEA (the Technologi- tion to determine whether services for innovating, cal Innovation Centre for an appliance is active or on researching and developing Static Converters and Acti- standby and, in the latter prototypes in the field of vators) at UPC, is designed case, will cut the power sup- mechatronics and enertron- to put an end to this unneces- ply so that the appliance is ics, i.e. using electronics sary waste of energy. completely switched off. to control mechanisms and In keeping with its own ob- electrical power supplies to jective, the processor also enhance efficiency and per- switches itself off to avoid formance. any residual consumption. During the initial conceptu- To turn the appliance back al design stage, it was clear on, you just press what the that the original project – a company terms the “green but- switchboard to register the ton” to re-connect the power individual consumption of supply. The circuit is then various appliances – would closed, doing away with the not be feasible since it was need for a remote control not possible to create a that continues to consume product the general public power when on standby. This could afford. However, advan- makes 100% Off the only smart tage was taken of the knowl- system that eliminates all edge generated to develop standby electricity consump- 100% Off. tion...including its own. The company continues work- 100% Off is based on an algo- ing to develop products that rithm developed by CITCEA-UPC can help protect the environ- and patented by Good for You, ment and make our lives more Good for the Planet, and can sustainable. be used with both the latest generation of appliances and also those we already have in our homes, by means of a device that is similar to the 100% Off can measure electricity consumption electrical adaptor we are all to determine whether an appliance is active familiar with. or on standby and, in the latter case, will cut the power supply so that the device is completely switched off universit y 76 G molecular Engineering group of the 77 Chemical institute of Sarrià (iqS) ramon llull University (Url) http://gem.iqs.url.edu From antibiotics ( formula ) to cholesterol- lowering drugs ( organic synthesis ) ( laboratory ) Drugs produced through ( molecules ) collaboration gEnEriC drugs ( market ) ( know-how ) ( fabrication ) ( patent ) business A Ercros www.ercros.es 78 79 PATEnTS wiTh An ExPiry dATE ThE frUiTS of EmPAThy In recent years, a number of When the patent runs out on In 2000, Ercros, a company Any collaborative effort be- drugs have started to ap- a product, other manufac- manufacturing active phar- tween various organisations pear on the market without turers have the opportunity maceutical ingredients, needs time to adapt and find a the backing of a commercial to produce it. The costs initiated relations with IQS common language, particularly brand. Consequently, today involved in creating the (the Chemical Institute of when they belong to the academ- we can find branded and un- brand disappear with generic Sarrià) to acquire knowl- ic and industrial fields. For branded medicines sitting drugs, which can lead to a edge. On the one hand, Ercros this reason, a group was set up side by side on chemists’ reduction in price. However, provides the manufacturing with offices at IQS, formed by shelves, increasing the given that the consumers are capability and industrial two doctors from the company range of products that were familiar with brands, com- know-how, while IQS contrib- and another from the insti- available so far. panies making and selling utes with the knowledge of tute. This group has the aim of generic versions need to de- organic synthesis, a pro- working together to achieve velop other ways of lowering cess used to create organic new common goals. costs in the process so as to chemical molecules in a The project has come up with become truly competitive. programmed way so as to im- twelve products that have all This is therefore a complex prove the formula and offer now on the market, ranging from situation, where the em- the necessary value added to antibiotics to cholesterol- phasis is on cost, product obtain products of the same lowering drugs, which are sold safety, and the impact on the quality as those marketed in 80 countries, such as Spain, environment. under a brand name, at more the United States, Japan or Ercros provides the manufacturing affordable prices for the Saudi Arabia. Additionally, capability and industrial know-how, consumer and with good re- six patents for procedures turns for the company. while IQS contributes with the knowledge have been obtained. The project has resulted in twelve of organic synthesis to enhance the products that are now on the market production of generic drugs universit y 80 G iCfo – institute of Photonic Sciences 81 Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) regional government of Catalonia www.icfo.cat ( light ) ( plasmonics ) ( laser ) Science fiction ( fotochemical ) cosmetics for real life The use of photonic nanoparticles revolutionises the beauty products sector goLd CosmEtiCs ( skin ) ( nanoparticles ) ( cosmetics ) ( gold ) business A Endor nanotechnologies www.endornanotech.com 82 83 rESUlTS ThAT ShinE AT homE And of ThEir own ACCord AT ThE CliniC joining forCES Halfway between grand- Rejuvenating the skin using The cosmetic, with the gold na- A key factor in the develop- mother’s old tricks, such as plastic surgery arouses a noparticles, is applied to the ment of this product is the bathing in olive oil to have great deal of reluctance and skin like a normal cream. How- ability to control the pho- a radiant skin, and plastic is not within reach of every- ever, the skin is then submit- tothermal properties of the surgery, it is clear that the body. On the other hand, the ted to a source of laser light nanoparticles. This sphere cosmetic industry is con- alternative using the cos- that activates the rejuvena- of knowledge, which is one of stantly being asked to devel- metics known to us does not tion processes in the skin. ICFO’s strong points, has al- op beauty solutions that are usually give us results that One of the strengths of this lowed Endor Nanotechnologies effective and as non-invasive are sufficiently noticeable. technology is that it can be to improve the properties of as possible. Thanks to plasmonics, the used both in medical environ- the particles. The company Endor Nanotech- science that studies the pho- ments, where a more powerful The product broadens the nologies, specialising in tonic properties of the na- laser will be used, and also range of possibilities in the medical and cosmetic ap- nostructures of noble metals in the home, where a very low- the field of plastic surgery plications of nanoparticles, such as gold and silver, it powered source can be used, and, for this reason, Endor is developing a proposal, has been possible to develop which will thus remove any Nanotechnologies continues with the aid of ICFO (Insti- a cosmetic application that risk of accident. The results working on the development tute of Photonic Sciences), shines of its own accord. will also be more rapid or pro- of new variants derived from a specialist in laser and gressive depending on the type this technology. its photomedical and photo- of application used. chemical effects, that will But, how does this cosmetic combine light and metal na- work? In the technology devel- noparticles in an effort to oped by Endor Nanotechnolo- Cosmetics using gold nanoparticles revitalise the skin. gies together with ICFO, the are applied to the skin, which is then gold nanoparticles absorb light and, owing to their submitted to a laser light to activate properties and shape, they the rejuvenation processes become nanosources of heat thereby propitiating biochem- One of the strengths ical processes that stimulate the revitalisation of the of this technology is that it can skin. be used in the home 84 85 Thermal nanoscopy, ICFO – Institute of Photonic Sciencies universit y 86 G EliSAvA School of design 87 Pompeu fabra University (UPf) www.elisava.net ( form ) ( versatile ) ( foldable ) ( function ) Lending a hand to urban parents Team work for a warm, practical product piCoroCo papasan CradLE ( family ) ( comfort ) ( intuition ) ( robustious ) business A Play www.casualplay.com It is often said that the city no SoonEr SAid ThAn donE The concept of the papasan cradle arose 89 is an asphalt jungle, which, The product development as a result of observing how urban instead of animals, has cars, stage, guided by a tutor from motorbikes and pedestrians mothers and fathers integrate their the university and a repre- in a hurry to reach their des- sentative from Play, evaluat- children in their daily movement tinations. Probably one of ed the aspects that had been the groups that suffer the improved in the project and most in this jungle is that of the standards that apply to the parents that have to cart children’s products. Regard- pushchairs, nappies and dum- ing this point, the company mies about every time they take submitted some prototypes to their children to playschool, the CIM Foundation, the cen- to the beach or merely out for tre for production technolo- a walk. gies, to define how the form In an attempt to make these dai- the product should take. ly odysseys more enjoyable, the Once the process had taken company Play, in collaboration its course, Play designed the with ELISAVA, has developed an final product, a procedure innovative papasan cradle, in involving the time and ef- the context of its Masters in fort of the designers, who Product Design, that is easy to put some final touches to the fold up. formal and structural as- pects to ensure that it com- loAdS of ProBlEmS plied with the regulations. And only Two hAndS The final result, the papasan cradle, remained faithful The concept of the papasan to the idea of a device that cradle arose as a result of ob- was easy to open. It is also a serving how urban mothers and product that is intuitive and fathers integrate their chil- practical – it opens in just dren in their daily movement. two movements, and is robust The initial idea was a small, and stable. lightweight papasan cradle that would work with a similar design to self-erecting pop- involving ThE ComPAny up tents. The device is made At ELISAVA, collaboration up of two parts: a foldable agreements are created, like structure and a versatile baby the one signed with Play, with carrier allowing the parent to companies that are interest- carry the child both on their ed in the design process and back and also in front. In ad- in obtaining results. dition, it also includes a hood made of thermochromic materi- This is the root of success in al, which tells the parent how this case, which arose out of long the child has been exposed a good idea and has managed to the sun. to reach the production and marketing stage. The self-erecting papasan cradle is designed not only to be practical, but also to be a warm, enjoyable product which, thanks to its shape, is reminiscent of a flower that is about to open. universit y 90 G Audiovisual Technologies group (gTAv) 91 http://gps-tsc.upc.es/GTAV/ visual image Processing group (gPi) http://gps-tsc.upc.es/imatge A window open optical Communications group (gCo) www.tsc.upc.es/gco to the world Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) Research on 3600 ( processing ) telecommunications ( television ) ( image ) ( real time ) immErsivE 3d vidEoConfErEnCing ( user ) ( telepresence ) ( communication ) ( 360º ) business A Telefónica i+d www.tid.es 92 93 Telefónica I+D has been collaborating with UPC on improving the visual quality of 3D images in real time lighTS, CAmErA... SPEEd limiTS on informATion ACTion! SUPErhighwAyS Sitting down on the sofa and This videoconferencing tech- But, can such a large volume turning on the TV or working nology process begins with of images and data be trans- in front of the computer is the creation of the user’s mitted with the current state often a solitary action that image in 3D. A three-dimen- of communications infra- could very soon become a way sional figure is gradually structure? The development of spending the afternoon built up in real time by means of new telepresence systems surrounded by distant family of cameras set up around the and services faces a number and friends, even those on person. The front-facing cam- of significant technological other continents...just like eras obtain high-quality re- challenges such as delays in opening a window and finding lief images to reproduce the the net, access networks and yourself on the other side of user’s face, while the other multipoint communications. the world. cameras offer a complete 360º The Vision project also car- Within the framework of the view that allows the person ries out research activities CENIT Vision project, fi- and the surrounding space to at different points in the nanced by the Ministry of In- be seen from various angles. telecommunications system dustry, Tourism and Trade and For the work in capturing and to resolve these limitations CDTI (the Spanish Ministry processing the video, among stemming from 3D videocon- 3d TEChnology of Science and Innovation’s others, Telefónica I+D was ferencing. Telefónica I+D and in yoUr living room Centre for Industrial and aided by GTAV (Audiovisual other partners and research The creation of new three- Technical Development) and Technology Group) and GPI centres, including GCO (Op- dimensional multimedia con- managed by Telefónica I+D, (Image and Video Processing tical Communications Group) tent is making the most of immersive videoconferencing Group), both from UPC. More at UPC, are working on this innovative 3D visualisation technology has been devel- specifically, Telefónica I+D point so as to bring about the systems. In this respect, oped in conjunction with UPC and the groups from UPC have network of the future. Telefónica proceeded to to reproduce the physical been working together on the screen a 3D video clip of the sensation of presence and the research and development of music group Pastora, which perception of reality. new algorithms that go be- was shown in several cinemas yond the state of the art to in the city of Barcelona. achieve their aim of improv- This is just another test A three-dimensional ing the visual quality of 3D that goes to show that 3D TV images in real time. figure is gradually may soon be a reality. built up in real time by means of cameras set up around the person universit y 94 G Special research Centre 95 food Technology Plant (CErPTA) Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) www.cerpta.com For the love of a good soup Innovation in preservation processes for soups and broths ( food ) ( preservation ) ( UHT ) ( facilities ) soups with grEatEr nutritionaL vaLuE ( taste ) ( properties ) ( formula ) ( product ) business A gallina Blanca www.gallinablanca.com 96 Gallina Blanca is 97 providing the formula for making the products and CERPTA is contributing with the technical know- how and facilities for testing preservation treatments without the need to stop factory production in good TASTE AlwAyS on TrACk Many foodstuffs for wide- Process a soup or broth Conventional sterilisation The research carried out by spread consumption reach involves ultra-high tem- treatments subject products Gallina Blanca is focused on the public with a promise: no perature (UHT), also known to temperatures of around short and medium-term appli- artificial colouring or pre- as ultrapasteurisation, 120ºC for 30 minutes, with cations, either concerning servatives. However, not even sterilisation treatments a noticeable effect on the the creation of new products the highest quality products enabling them to retain properties of the product. or the improvement of those can keep their good condition their hygienic and nutri- UHT treatment, instead, is a already in existence. For without being submitted to tional properties for sev- procedure that applies 140ºC this reason, relations with certain processes to ensure eral months without the need for a few seconds, which pro- CERPTA and other universities that they will not go off or for refrigeration. The col- duces better results without have turned out to be a way of lose their properties on the laboration between Gallina affecting the nutritional obtaining a direct line to long journey from the produc- Blanca and CERPTA has allowed properties and stability of the cutting-edge innovations tion facility to the kitchen. the study of the variables of the product in such a nega- being developed in the sci- Constantly improving these time, temperature and type tive way. entific world with a view to processes is key to the rela- of machinery to which the These tests are conducted by selecting those that can be tionship that began six years product should be submitted CERPTA personnel at the Food applied in this sector. ago between Gallina Blanca so as to achieve optimum con- Technology Plant facilities. and the Autonomous Universi- ditions for conservation and Thus, while Gallina Blanca ty of Barcelona (UAB) CERPTA, to prevent the soup or broth provides the formula for the Special Research Centre from losing its consistency the products, CERPTA has the at the Food Technology Plant, before consumption. However, technical know-how required which has already given rise the joint effort is not re- and the facilities where to products that are being stricted to ultrapasteuri- treatments can be tested distributed in Spain and Por- sation; has also enabled without having to stop pro- tugal. preservation techniques to duction. be taken one stage further and create a product with the As a result of the collaboration between same freshly-made taste and with enhanced nutritional Gallina Blanca and the CERPTA, products value. have now been placed on the market and are being distributed in Spain and Portugal 98 99 Sterilisation Plant. Special Research Centre Food Technology Plant (CERPTA) universit y 100 G Artificial intelligence research 101 institute (iiiA-CSiC) Spanish national research Council (CSiC) www.iiia.csic.es ( on-line ) ( statistics ) ( applications ) ( algorithm ) I am what my strands, I do, hear, BusinEss soLutions see…A software and monEy strands with customised recommendations ( habits ) ( content ) ( customizing ) ( software ) business A Strands www.strands.com 102 My Strands, Business Solutions 103 and Money Strands are based on It is often said that we are for a specific product, but project and Strands created what we do, not what we say. based on real actual use. a grant for PhD students at comparing users and standards of Taking this as their starting Another software applica- the IIIA. It was at that time behaviour, with the aim of making point, the company Strands, tion is Strand Business that members of the company, personalised recommendations in in collaboration with the Solutions, a business-to- together with the Artifi- Artificial Intelligence business tool designed for cial Intelligence Research music, finance and product sales Research Institute of the companies that are not big Institute (UDT-IA) created Spanish National Research enough or do not have the the base code for developing Council (CSIC), has developed necessary infrastructure to the technology that has led a software program that al- make individual or specific to successful cases such as lows recommendations to be recommendations for each the three products referred offered that are tailor-made customer. This application to above. Strands now acts for each user. offers these companies a independently, although the The software analyses the personalised solution for company still collaborates events generated by the users reaching their customers and on a continual basis with the online concerning a product, advising them on which prod- IIIA. content or piece of informa- ucts are more in keeping with tion using statistical anal- their habits. ysis, artificial intelli- One of the latest applica- gence and complex filtering tions to be developed is algorithms. As a result of Money Strands, a software this technology three appli- program that allows personal cations have been created: My finance to be managed over Strands, Business Solutions the Internet in a simple way. and Money Strands. Money Strands, always with the consent of the customer, hABiTS ThAT SPEAk has access to and registers loUdEr ThAn wordS their economic information so as to be able to make rec- My Strands is a social net- ommendations of a financial work in which the user re- nature, group expenses to- ceives personalised recom- gether in categories, and to mendations for music and compare their specific case video, and can find out the with segments corresponding actions taken online by their to other Internet users. own contacts. The novelty lies in the type AUTonomy And CollABorATion of data used as a baseline for the process. Instead of As a company, Strands was asking the user to create a created, at the same time profile with their own pref- in the USA and in Barcelona, erences, the system asks them Spain, as a spin off, i.e. as for access to their music li- an extension of the Artifi- braries, where information is cial Intelligence Research picked up intact from their Institute (IIIA-CSIC). individual models of con- Thanks to the agreement sumption. My Strands analyses signed between the various Strands was created as a spin off, this date very effectively, organisations, the CSIC pro- since it does not do so solely vided infrastructure during that is to say, as an extension of on the sales data obtained the initial stages of the the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) universit y 104 G Process and material design and 105 optimisation Centre (dioPmA) Long life University of Barcelona (UB) www.diopma.org to ‘big bags’ New methods for recycling what seemed ( polymer ) to be beyond recovery ( elasticity ) ( household ) ( recycling ) urBan vErmiComposting ( plastic ) ( composter ) ( robustious ) ( mix ) business A Zicla www.zicla.com 106 The main problem with 107 ‘big bags’ is that the product is a mix of a number of materials that are difficult to The tiles made with this new crush. They break and material have been directed mAny ChAllEngES AhEAd get caught up in the towards decorative items and The collaborative effort The materials that appar-waste-disposal units urban furniture and other between the consultancy ornamental substances are ently cannot be recycled form firm Zicla and Diopma at the being added such as scraps of the focus of the research University of Barcelona (UB) methacrylate or nutshell to conducted by companies, uni- has blossomed into a mate- make them more suitable for versities and industries. winning ComBinATionS rial made from the waste from use and with more interesting In this respect, using both For years now the recycling ‘big bags’ with which it is The joint research of Zi- finishes. innovative and traditional of household waste has been possible to make an urban can cla together with Diopma technologies, Zicla cre- growing more and more fash- o’worms, or vermicomposting revealed that this mate- ates new materials from the ionable and, to a greater or bin. rial could be improved by A ComPoSTEr on EACh BAlCony remains that cannot be re- lesser degree, each home now For this reason a new type of reformulating it with the The company Zicla, together trieved for conventional re- has a place for different machinery was used to chop addition of a softer thermo- with the Terra Foundation, cycling plants using commer- types of rubbish. But what nEw livES for old mATEriAlS up the bags and enable the plastic like the one used in has designed a can o’worms cially viable processes. do we do with that waste that The main problem with ‘big fragments to pass through a greenhouse plastics or wood (vermicomposting bin) from Zicla has harvested one of is so difficult to recycle bags’ is that the product is fusion, extrusion and press sawdust. tiles made with materials its greatest triumphs on be- that it seems completely ir- a mix of a number of materi- system using a mould. The The result of mixing the from rubbish bags and green- ing able to alter the molecu- retrievable? This is the case als that are difficult to first product to result from remains of ‘big bags’ with house plastics. This type of lar structure of some heavy of the ‘big bags’ (rubbish crush. They break up and the using this process was some softer plastics is a material composting bin offers city metals to form stable new ma- bags) made of a mixture of ma- elements they are made of, plastic tiles, which, apart that not only looks better dwellers the possibility of terials that can produce ce- terials that were impossible such as rims and handles, get from the aesthetic draw- but is also more manageable, recycling organic waste by ments and concretes for con- to separate using known in- caught up in waste-disposal backs, cracked and were ini- with competitive production converting it into plant fer- struction work, when mixed dustrial methods…until now. units. tially too brittle. costs. tiliser. with other products. The vermicomposting bin has been designed using the material taken from rubbish bags and greenhouse plastics for the domestic recycling of organic waste dirECtory Universities and research institutions Centres and research departments in the publication 109 AUTonomoUS UnivErSiTy of SPAniSh nATionAl rESEArCh Agrifood TEChnology rESEArCh dEPArTmEnT of CUlTUrAl EnvironmEnTAl SCiEnCE And BArCElonA (UAB) CoUnCil (CSiC) inSTiTUTE (irTA) AnThroPology And hiSTory of TEChnology inSTiTUTE (iCTA) ADVAR-UAB Research Park Deputy Vicepresidency of Regional Government of AmEriCA And AfriCA Autonomous University of Edifici A. Campus de la UAB / knowledge Transfer (VATC) Catalonia University of Barcelona (UB) Barcelona (UAB) 08193 Barcelona Catalunya branch office Sector: Agrifood, Bio Sector: Anthropology Sector: Environment T: (+34) 93 581 20 83 / c. Egipcíaques, 15 / Passeig de Gràcia, 44 / c. Montalegre, 6-8. Facultat de Edifici C. Campus de la UAB / (+34) 93 581 28 10 08001 Barcelona 08007 Barcelona Geografia i Història / 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès www.uab.cat T: (+34) 93 442 65 76 T: (+34) 93 467 40 40 08001 Barcelona T: (+34) 93 581 29 74 http://parc.uab.cat www.dicat.csic.es/ucttesp.html www.irta.cat T: (+34) 93 403 77 73 http://icta.uab.cat www.ott.csic.es www.ub.edu/antropo oPEn UnivErSiTy of CATAloniA ArTifiCiAl inTElligEnCE iCfo – inSTiTUTE of PhoToniC (UoC) UnivErSiTy of BArCElonA (UB) rESEArCh inSTiTUTE (iiiA-CSiC) dEPArTmEnT of ElECTroniC SCiEnCES UOC Office for the Support to Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Spanish National Research EnginEEring Polytechnic University of Research and Transfer (OSRT) Barcelona Science Park Council (CSIC) Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) Mediterranean Technology Park. c. Baldiri Reixac, 4-8, Torre D. Sector: iCT Catalonia (UPC) Regional Government of Av. Canal Olímpic s/n, / 08028 Barcelona Edifici B3 / T: (+34) 93 403 99 00 Campus de la UAB / Sector: iCT, Production Catalonia 08860 Castelldefels www.fbg.ub.es 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès Technologies Sector: iCT T: (+34) 93 673 50 00 T: (+34) 93 580 95 70 Av. Diagonal, 647. Planta 9a. / Mediterranean Technology Park. www.uoc.edu www.iiia.csic.es 08028 Barcelona Av. del Canal Olímpic, s/n. / T: (+34) 93 401 66 51 08860 Castelldefels www.eel.upc.edu T: (+34) 93 553 40 90 PolyTEChniC UnivErSiTy of AUdioviSUAl TEChnologiES groUP www.icfo.cat CATAloniA (UPC) (gTAv) Centre for Technology Transfer Polytechnic University of dEPArTmEnT of mEdiCAl SCiEnCES (CTT) Catalonia (UPC) University of Girona (UdG) inSTiTUTE of miCroElECTroniCS Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6. S1. Edifici Sector: iCT Sector: Bio, medicine of BArCElonA (imB-Cnm) Vèrtex / 08034 Barcelona c. Jordi Girona, 1-3 / Facultat de Medicina. Campus de Spanish National Research T: (+34) 93 401 71 26 08034 Barcelona Montilivi / 17071 Girona Council (CSIC) www.ctt.upc.edu T: (+34) 93 401 64 40 T: (+34) 972 41 96 18 Sector: iCT, Production http://gps-tsc.upc.es/GTAV/ www.udg.edu/depcm Technologies Campus de la UAB / PomPEU fABrA UnivErSiTy (UPf) 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès Innovation unit ComPUTEr viSion CEnTrE (CvC) dEPArTmEnT of morPhologiCAl T: (+34) 93 594 77 00 c. Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 / Autonomous University of SCiEnCES www.cnm.es 08005 Barcelona Barcelona (UAB) Autonomous University of T: (+34) 93 542 15 67 CIRIT (Inter-Ministerial Barcelona (UAB) www.upf.edu/rdi Council for Research and Sector: Bio, medicine molECUlAr EnginEEring groUP Technological Innovation) Facultat de Medicina. of ThE ChEmiCAl inSTiTUTE of ACC1Ó (CIDEM/COPCA) Campus de la UAB / SArrià (iqS) rAmon llUll UnivErSiTy (Url) Sector: iCT, Production 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès Ramon Llull University (URL) Office of Research and Technologies T: (+34) 93 581 18 74 Sector: Bio Innovation Edifici 0. Campus de la UAB / www.autonoma.edu/medicina Via Augusta, 390 / c. Claravall, 1-3 / 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès 08017 Barcelona 08022 Barcelona T: (+34) 93 581 18 28 T: (+34) 93 267 20 00 T: (+34) 93 602 22 00 www.cvc.uab.cat EliSAvA SChool of dESign http://gem.iqs.url.edu www.url.es/cont/rdi/otriurl.php Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) Sector: design c. Ample, 11-13 / 08002 Barcelona T: (+34) 93 317 47 15 www.elisava.net 110 Companies and entities in the publication 111 mUSiC TEChnology groUP (mTg) ProCESS And mATEriAl dESign And TEChnologiCAl rESEArCh CEnTrE Air ProdUCTS gAllinA BlAnCA roCA SAniTArio University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) oPTimiSATion CEnTrE (dioPmA) for dEPEndEnCy CArE And c. Còrsega, 381-387. Planta 4a. Av. Josep Tarradellas, 38 / roca innovation lab Sector: iCT University of Barcelona (UB) AUTonomoUS living (CETpd) / 08037 Barcelona 08029 Barcelona c. Numància, 187 / c. Roc Boronat, 138 / Sector: materials, Production Polytechnic University of T: (+34) 93 290 26 90 T: (+34) 93 410 15 09 08029 Barcelona 08018 Barcelona Technologies Catalonia (UPC) www.airproducts.com www.gallinablanca.com T: (+34) 93 366 12 20 T: (+34) 93 542 21 64 c. Martí i Franquès, 1. Planta Foundation of Sant Antoni Abat www.carburos.com www.roca.com www.mtg.upf.edu 7a. / 08028 Barcelona County Hospital (FHCSAA) T: (+34) 93 402 13 16 Sector: iCT, Production good for yoU, good for ThE www.diopma.org Technologies AromiCS PlAnET roS roCA nEUroSUrgEry UniT Rambla de l’Exposició, 59-69. Barcelona Science Park. c. Capitán Haya, 1. Edifici Av. Cervera, s/n. / Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital Edifici Neàpolis / c. Baldiri i Reixac, 15-18. Eurocentro. Planta 15a. / 25300 Tàrrega Edifici Hèlix / 08018 Barcelona 28020 Madrid Sector: iCT, medicine SPECiAl rESEArCh CEnTrE 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú T: (+34) 97 350 81 00 food TEChnology PlAnT (CErPTA) T: (+34) 93 896 72 70 T: (+34) 93 440 73 02 T: (+34) 91 418 43 58c. Mas Casanovas, 90 / www.rosroca.com 08025 Barcelona Autonomous University of www.upc.edu/cetpd www.aromics.es www.gfy-gfp.com T: (+34) 93 291 92 16 Barcelona (UAB) www.santpau.cat Sector: Agrifood, Bio SEAT TEChniCAl CEnTrECATAlAn inSTiTUTE of vinES And llETErS dE CATAlUnyA Edifici V. Campus de la UAB / TEChnologiCAl innovATion Autovia A-2, Km. 586 / 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès CEnTrE for STATiC ConvErTErS winE (inCAvi) Science and Technology Park 08760 Martorell offiCE of lEArning T: (+34) 93 581 14 47 And ACTivATorS(CiTCEA) regional government of of UdG. T: (+34) 93 708 50 00 Polytechnic University of Catalonia c. Pic de la Peguera, 11 / TEChnologiES www.cerpta.com www.seat.es Open University of Catalonia Catalonia (UPC) Pl. Àgora, 2-3. 17003 Girona (UOC) Sector: Energy, iCT, Production Polígon Domenys II / T: (+34) 972 42 73 05 SPECifiC rESEArCh CEnTrE for Technologies 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès www.lleters.cat SEnSing fABriCS Sector: Education Sciences, BUSinESS imProvEmEnT And Av. Diagonal, 647. Planta 2a. / T: (+34) 93 890 02 11 Pg. Fabra i Puig, 474 / iCT Av. Tibidabo, 39-43 / innovATion (CErpiE) 08028 Barcelona www.incavi.cat 08042 Barcelona nEoS SUrgEry 08035 Barcelona Polytechnic University of T: (+34) 93 401 67 27 T: (+34) 93 428 18 56 Vallès Technology Park. T: (+34) 93 253 23 00 Catalonia (UPC) www.citcea.upc.edu www.sensingfabrics.com CloUd 9 c. Ceramistes, 2 / http://learningtechnologies. Sector: iCT, Production Passatge Mercader, 10. Local 3 / 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès uoc.edu Technologies T: (+34) 93 594 47 26 ThErmAl SPrAy CEnTrE (CPT) 08008 Barcelona STrAndSAv. Diagonal, 647. Planta 10a. / University of Barcelona (UB) T: (+34) 93 215 05 53 www.neosurgery.com c. Marina, 16-18. Torre Mapfre, 08028 Barcelona www.e-cloud9.com Planta 11a. A / oPTiCAl CommUniCATionS groUP T: (+34) 93 401 07 09 Sector: materials 08005 Barcelona (gCo) http://cerpie.upc.edu c. Martí i Franquès, 1. Edifici oBrA SoCiAl fUndACió T: (+34) 93 224 16 94 Polytechnic University of Facultat de Química / ECo inTElligEnT growTh “lA CAixA” www.strands.com Catalonia (UPC) 08028 Barcelona Av. Diagonal, 523 5è. 1a. / department of Environment and Sector: iCT T: (+34) 93 402 13 02 08029 Barcelona Science c. Jordi Girona, 1-3 / www.cptub.com T: (+34) 93 419 90 80 Av. Diagonal, 621 / TElEfóniCA i+d 08034 Barcelona www.ecointelligentgrowth.net 08028 Barcelona Via Augusta, 177 / T: (+34) 93 401 64 40 T: (+34) 93 495 93 45 08021 Barcelona www.tsc.upc.es/gco viSUAl imAgE ProCESSing groUP www.lacaixa.es/obrasocial T: (+34) 93 365 30 00 (gPi) Endor nAnoTEChnologiES www.tid.es Polytechnic University of Barcelona Science Park. Catalonia (UPC) c. Baldiri Reixac, 15. Edifici orAngE Sector: iCT Hèlix / 08028 Barcelona c. Àvila, 45 / 08005 Barcelona ZiClA c. Jordi Girona, 1-3 / T: (+34) 93 402 04 68 T: (+34) 91 252 12 00 c. Ramon Turró, 100-104. 4rt. 08034 Barcelona www.endornanotech.com www.orange.es 1a. / 08005 Barcelona To find other T: (+34) 93 401 64 47 T: (+34) 93 221 86 87 http://gps-tsc.upc.es/imatge www.zicla.com research centres ErCroS PlAy in the Barcelona Av. Diagonal, 595 / Ronda Boada Vell, 6 / metropolitan area, 08014 Barcelona 08184 Palau-Solità i Plegamans take a look at the T: (+34) 93 439 30 09 T: (+34) 93 864 80 27 Barcelona research and www.ercros.es www.casualplay.com innovation map, www.bcn.cat/innova university barcelona business Publications and editions A publication of Photographs board of the Barcelona City Barcelona City Council – oriol rigat, except: Council Barcelona Activa Carles martí c. Llacuna, 162-164 Cadí SCCL, 41 Enric Casas 08018 Barcelona SEAT Technical Centre, 43, 44 Eduard vicente www.barcelonactiva.cat CERPTA, 96-97 jordi martí Cloud9, 19-21 jordi Campillo With the collaboration of Cranial Loop, 15-17 glòria figuerola fAd mater material Centre Toti Ferrer, 64(1) víctor gimeno Gallina Blanca, 95 màrius rubert Coordination ICFO, 81, 82(1,3) joan A. dalmau ICFO, Luis Montesdeoca, 6Barcelona Activa Carme gibert IMB-CNM, 48, 50-51rosa Suriñach josé Pérez freijo IQS, 78-79 Actar Pro David Lorente, 39 Published by dolors Soriano PATHOMILK Project, 40 Barcelona City Council – Play, 87, 88 Barcelona Activa Research and documentation Roca Innovation Lab, 25, 26, 27 for the cases Sensing Fabrics, 34(1), 35 Editorial Council fAd mater material Centre Strands, 101-103 javier Peña Telefónica I+D, 82, 83 Deputy Mayor of Treasury georgina Curto Zicla, 107 and Economic Promotion and Paola Calvet President of Barcelona Activa jordi william Carnes Writing Distribution Managing Director of Barcelona Ane Elizalde ACTAr d Activa Translation Roca i Batlle, 2-4 Anna molero Cillero&demotta E-08023 Barcelona Director of Barcelona City Tel. +34 93 4174993 Council’s “Barcelona, Research Graphic design Fax +34 93 4186707 and Innovation” Programme david lorente @ ActarPro office@actar-d.com xavier Testar Production www.actar-d.com Director of Creativity and Actar Pro ACTAr d USA Innovation of Barcelona Activa Digital production 158 Lafayette Street, maria vilà oriol rigat 5th floor@ ActarPro New York, NY 10013 www.bcn.cat/publicacions Printing Tel. +1 212 9662207 www.bcn.cat/innova ingoprint SA Fax +1 212 9662214 officeusa@actar-d.com All rights reserved © of the edition, Barcelona City Council – Barcelona Activa © of the text, Barcelona City Council – Barcelona Activa © of the images, their authors ISBN: 978-84-9850-181-0 D.L.: B-31.366-2009 Printed and bound in the UE