Executive summery Yearbook of the Vocational Education Training in Barcelona 2012 – Executive summary This summary presents the main outcomes and conclusions of the Yearbook of the Vocational Education Training in Barcelona, 2012. This is the third edition of the publication and, therefore, a support tool for the strategy and planning of vocational education training is consolidated. Before presenting the data it is worth mentioning that in order to show trends and deduce relevant conclusions about the reality of the city of Barcelona, the key indicators provided in the previous editions have been also used in the current edition; however, given the willingness to continue innovating and working for a better understanding of the social and economic dynamics of the city, new indicators have been added in this edition.  Regarding the educational level and economic activity The population of the city of Barcelona shows better educational levels than the rest of the metropolitan region, Catalonia and Spain. Nevertheless, the data shows that the educational levels are not yet comparable to those in other territories of the European Union where two out of three people has achieved postgraduate studies (17 percentage units more than in Barcelona). Table 1. Levels of studies of total population aged from 16 to 64 years old by type and area. 2012 Area ESO or lewer High School (Batx.) CFGM CFGS University degree Postcompulsor y studies Barcelona* 43,90% 15,40% 8,80% 10,50% 21,40% 56,10% Catalunya 46,10% 15,10% 9,30% 9,60% 19,80% 53,90% Spain ** 48,00% 14,00% 8,00% 10,00% 20,00% 52,00% OCDE** 27,00% 44,00% 30,00% 73,00% Source: *own elaboration from EPA's data - 1st trimester 2012. ** OCDE, Education at a Glace, p. 38. The figures confirm the dualism of educational levels of the population of Barcelona: on the one hand, the population presents polarized levels of people with high percentages of compulsory education levels or less and, at the same time, with a high percentage of population with tertiary studies - both intermediate or higher technical studies and university degrees. The percentage of people with a university degree is higher than in the EU. This division has been observed along the different components that are part of the labour market: occupancy, unemployment and hiring - meaning that people with tertiary studies with a specialization behave differently in the labour market than those who only have compulsory studies (ESO). In terms of training, despite the economic downturn affects all educational levels, it is hardly surprising that the main indicators of the Yearbook are more favourable to those with tertiary levels of education: intermediate or higher technical studies and university degrees. Therefore, in terms of unemployment, the two groups show lower unemployment rates than people with other educational levels and they spend less time searching a job. In terms of hiring, both equally present lower levels of temporality. Perhaps due to these and others factors related to labour conditions (no less important), the VET graduated students are, in all educational levels, those with a higher level of satisfaction with regards to their tasks, surely because their job better adjust to the training received. Table 16. Employed population by education level. Province of Barcelona . 1T2012 Education level Number of people % Primary or lower 275.224 12,77% Secondary 788.904 36,60% CFGM 200.407 9,30% CFGS 275.405 12,78% University degree 615.528 28,56% Total 2.155.468 100,00% Source: own elaboration from EPA's data (INE). Chart 21. Unemployment rate by education level and gender 1st trimester 2012 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Primary or less Secondary CFGM CFGS University degree Men Women Source: own elaborations from EPA’s data (INE) Table 42. Distribution (%) of annual contracting by education levels. 2006-2011 Year Primary or lower ESO and High School VET University degree Total CFGM CFGS Total 2006 11,55% 60,62% 8,71% 5,29% 14,00% 13,82% 100,00% 2007 12,38% 58,95% 9,86% 4,49% 14,35% 14,31% 100,00% 2008 11,72% 57,70% 10,34% 4,08% 14,42% 16,17% 100,00% 2009 11,07% 57,67% 10,32% 4,13% 14,45% 16,82% 100,00% 2010 10,27% 57,68% 11,06% 3,98% 15,03% 17,02% 100,00% 2011 9,38% 59,16% 10,16% 3,90% 14,06% 17,07% 100,00% Source: own elaboration from data of Observatory of Employment of Generalitat de Catalunya. The current economic downturn is reflected in all dimensions of the labour market, even though this shows a structural change given by the switch of the industrial society of the twentieth century to the knowledge society of the twenty-one century. The indicators that show this change of paradigm are, on the one hand, the permanence of the people with both tertiary and specialized studies in the labour market and, on the other hand, the emerging economic sectors based in the added value and high technologic content. Probably the position of the city of Barcelona for the promotion of these strategic sectors will end up in lower unemployment rates than in the rest of the territories analysed. Table 47. Economic activities that created more work positions. Barcelona. 2008-2012 Activity Increment of members Type of activity 2008-2012 85 –Education 6.486 Knowledge- driven services 82 -Administrative activities and other support activities in company 6.052 Knowledge- driven services 87 -Social services and accommodation activites 4.156 Knowledge- driven services 56 -Food and drink services 2.323 Not knowledge-driven services 72 -Research and development 2.264 High-tech services 74 -Other professional activities (science & technology) 2.133 Knowledge- driven services 62 -ICT services 2.002 High-tech services 63 -Information services 1.352 High-tech services 91 -Library activities, registry, museums and other cultural activities 350 Not knowledge-driven services 37 -Swage water collection and processing 338 Low-tech industry Source: own elaboration from data of Observatory of Employment of Generalitat de Catalunya. However, the restructuring of the labour market still faces some important challenges such as to improve the match between the offer made by the business fabric and the employers’ training. It is necessary to stress the importance of lifelong learning and of having a specialization in order to adapt to a changing world more and more competitive, as well as to create new work placements that require a professional qualification which, in turn, contribute to add value to the city of Barcelona. Table 53. Job offers linked to VET by job position. Province of Barcelona. 2012 Job positon Job offers Weight Manager 149 0,61% Intermediate 994 4,08% Especialist 3.268 13,40% Worker 14.520 59,55% Intern 552 2,26% No specification 4.900 20,10% Total 24.383 100,00% Source: own elaboration from Infojobs' data  Regarding the Initial Vocational Educational Training (VET) system and occupancy Before presenting the data of the evolution of VET in Barcelona, it is worth mention the analysis carried out on the Youth Survey of Catalonia, 2012, which confirms the importance of the cultural and social capital of families that enable the youngsters to get trained and attain a specialisation, either through VET or university studies. It is also worth highlighting that, bearing in mind the age effect of youth, parents of one out of two youngsters, who have a maximum of VET studies, have a specialization: they are parents with post-compulsory studies (35.88%) and with university studies (16.03%). Gràfic 6. Relationship between higher education levels of students and parents. Population aged from 15 to 34 years old. RMB. 2012 7% 2% 2% 2% 0% 1% 0% 2% 44% 35% 23% 47% 48% 47% 22% 34% 26% 40% 30% 41% 32% 36% 35% 33% 23% 24% 45% 10% 21% 16% 44% 31% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Not finished compulsory education Compulsory education (ESO or EGB) BUP, COU or High School CFGM (interm cycles) CFGS (higher cycles) Total VET University studies Total Lower to compulsory studies Compulsory studies Post-compulsory secondary studies University studies Y: Higher education level of parents (%) X: Higher education level of students Source: own elaboration from the Youth Survey of Catalonia, 2012 The city of Barcelona presents a total of 92 VET centres. During the course 2011-2012, the last year for which there is official data at the moment of the elaboration of the Yearbook’s current edition, the figure of students enrolled in VET studies within the city of Barcelona is 30.28%. Depending on the type of courses done, the number of pupils in intermediate VET studies (CFGM) is 11,804, whereas the number of pupils in higher VET studies (CFGS) is 19,481. With regards to the offer of employment, during the same year, there were a total of 141 types of VET studies that corresponded to 22 different fields of studies. Most of the students in the city prefer to attend private or mid-private (concertado) centres (36.73% and 16.29%, respectively), compared to public/state centres (46.98%). This is a different trend compared to the total of Catalonia, where the 73.63% of students study in public schools. The figures on the evolution of students show an upward trend, as in the last course have increased 0.97%. At the same time, VET illustrates more advantageous figures than any other education levels, because, for example, high-school shows a slight decrease in the number of students, not only with regards to the last course (-1,16%), but also with regards to five years ago (-4.12%). In this sense, therefore, it seems that the promotion of VET is a clear option that is rising among people that chooses post-compulsory studies, likely due to the more specific and professional profile, which turns into a more attractive option not only for the youngest population that comes from high school but also for older people that prefer to study what they consider it gives them more recognition and professional ‘recycling’ to access, this way, to the labor market in better conditions. Table 67. Evolution of postcompulsory education students. Course 2004-2005 to 2011-2012 Level 2004- 05 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 Ev. 2007- 12 CFGM 8.586 8.860 9.064 9.320 9.988 10.780 11.894 11.804 26,65% CFGS 13.520 13.502 13.700 14.357 14.876 16.039 18.100 18.481 28,72% Total VET 22.106 22.362 22.764 23.677 24.864 26.819 29.994 30.285 27,91% High School 24.248 23.599 22.900 22.552 22.412 22.161 21.876 21.622 -4,12% University 188.170 190.141 187.689 185.055 187.179 188.748 188.882 - 2,07% Source: own elaboration from Department of Teaching of Generalitat de Catalunya. The number of places is very different by field of studies and needs to be better adjusted to the real number of pre-enrolment demand. Thus, the course 2011-2012 has achieved a better relationship between pre-enrolment and final enrolment, showing 87.08%, whereas the previous year was 79.01%. Going into detail about the field of studies, we can observe a sort of relation between the number of pre-enrolment applications and the final gap of enrolments: Healthcare, Socio- cultural & Community Services and Image & Sound (three of the studies with more demand) are also the ones that show a higher difference with regards to the final number of enrolments. In this case, without any doubt, it would be necessary to think about the interest of the students and the criteria used to plan the training offer. Public school Mid public/private (concertada) school Private Total CFGM CFGS I keep studying I am looking for a job I am studying and working I am working Total working Rural activities 275 0 0 275 164 111 25,00% 33,33% 33,33% 8,33% 41,67% Sport activities 528 65 713 1.306 308 998 49,39% 4,05% 23,89% 22,67% 46,56% Administration 1.212 1.639 26 2.877 1.078 1.799 42,00% 15,25% 27,75% 15,00% 42,75% Graphic arts 221 147 0 368 204 164 46,30% 12,96% 29,63% 11,11% 40,74% Trade and marketing 647 729 79 1.455 318 1.137 53,78% 11,76% 21,57% 12,89% 34,45% Communications, image & sound 1.059 691 722 2.472 265 2.207 41,18% 21,79% 22,00% 15,03% 37,04% Construction 290 39 18 347 0 347 61,70% 8,51% 19,15% 10,64% 29,79% Electricity and electronics 1.073 716 0 1.789 826 963 48,59% 16,88% 26,34% 8,18% 34,53% Energy and water 34 111 0 145 0 145 n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. Mechanic workings 642 154 47 843 390 453 43,23% 12,90% 30,97% 12,90% 43,87% Wood and furniture 122 59 0 181 181 0 5,88% 41,18% 52,94% 0,00% 52,94% Hotelry and tourism 914 359 985 2.258 877 1.381 27,97% 18,22% 45,34% 8,47% 53,81% Personal Image 767 39 669 1.475 973 502 32,91% 22,68% 29,07% 15,34% 44,41% Agro-food industry 256 0 30 286 207 79 44,44% 22,22% 22,22% 11,11% 33,33% IT 1.093 1.442 46 2.581 1.201 1.380 61,22% 9,98% 19,27% 9,52% 28,80% Installation and maintenance 60 104 0 164 0 164 35,25% 22,95% 30,33% 11,48% 41,80% Maintenance of self-propelled vehicles 96 384 7 487 485 2 n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. Maintenance and production services 370 99 50 519 421 98 n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. Chemistry 571 51 0 622 170 452 35,25% 19,67% 35,25% 9,84% 45,08% Healtchare 1.913 1.567 1.428 4.908 2.228 2.680 34,92% 17,11% 33,53% 14,44% 47,97% Sociocultural services 1.457 1.808 93 3.358 667 2.691 43,32% 10,52% 22,03% 24,13% 46,16% Clothing, dressmaking and leather 176 0 0 176 71 105 50,00% 25,00% 0,00% 25,00% 25,00% Transports and maintenance of vehicles 451 922 20 1.393 770 623 39,53% 15,60% 36,54% 8,33% 44,87% Total 14.227 11.125 4.933 30.285 11.804 18.481 41,80% 15,20% 28,55% 14,46% 42,24% Field of studies Total students Type of course Insertion The training ‘paths’ are a good resource for many people that want to keep studying. In the academic course under analysis, the access to university studies’ path has been used by the 14% of VET graduates, same percentage as last year. Gràfic 54. Pre-enrollment to university degrees from VET studies. Catalunya.2007-2012. Source: own elaboration from Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise’ s data of Generalitat de Catalunya. Regarding VET students’ profile, most of them are male (55.23%), with a major presence within the intermediate courses (CFGM) (59.28%). Regarding the age, we can observe an increase of the population of 20 years old and more. Regarding their origin, the percentage of foreigners remains similar (12.44%), being Latin Americans the main group (67.82%) followed by European (8.36%) and Asian (7.22%). Finally, vocational education training for occupancy shows two different dynamics: the continuous vocational training increases significantly, and training for unemployed experiences an outstanding decrease. At last, Initial Professional Qualification Programs (PQPI in Spanish, for undergraduate secondary students) show almost the same number of participants. Table 95. Attendance in continuous training courses by type of plan. 2004-2011 Year Participants FC Evoluction N Evolution (%) 2004 28.504 n.d 2005 23.859 -4.645 -16,30% 2006 39.090 15.231 63,84% 2007 37.922 -1.168 -2,99% 2008 37.997 75 0,20% 2009 33.811 -4.186 -11,02% 2010 36.916 3.105 9,18% 2011 55.768* 18.852 51,07% Source: own elaboration from ConForCat' s data *Provisional figure before final review by ConForCat. To sum up, we expound the main challenges in order to improve the adaptation between the labour market and the initial and permanent vocational educational training in the future.  To optimize the VET aimed at reducing school failure and early school leaving, as well as to fight against youth unemployment and to re-qualify both the employed and the unemployed population.  To improve the orientation in order to add value in VET studies, to make its professional profile known in front to other training options and to inform about the training ‘paths’ offered by the education system.  To improve the information related to VET within the business sector, so that to make them know about this type of studies and all that can be provided in terms of human resources.  To take advantage of the current situation regarding the reformulation of work placements aimed at promoting the professional training through the ‘dual’ training.  To continue working through a collaborative and coordinated way between different areas of the administration, as well as between the centres and companies, in order to optimize the existing network of agents.  To adjust and specify the demand of reference companies to the professional profiles of VET.  To convert the European frame of reference, both of qualification (EQE) and of quality (EQARF), into effective shared references, both from the education system and the labour market.  To reflect about the offer of intermediate VET studies (CFGM) in terms of gender and professional profiles. The CFGM should be a good option to get a specialization for many youngsters who do not continue studying after completing the compulsory secondary education (ESO).