Barcelona Societat In preparation Barcelona Societat 2 Barcelona Societat Barcelona Societat Barcelona Society Barcelona Society Barcelona Society . 2 Barcelona Societat Barcelona Society . 2 Barcelona Societat 2 1 Graham Tipple and Suzanne Speak, “Definitions of homelessness in developing countries” (2005) 29 Habitat International 337 at 342. 3 2 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 3 (1990) on the nature of States Parties’ obligations, para 10 3 Ibid 4 4 See for example, CCPR/C/79/Add.105 (1999), para 12. 5 See National Coalition for the Homeless, Share No More: The Criminalization of Efforts to Feed People in Need, 2014), online: <>. 5 See for illustration, response to the questionnaire from the Spanish Ombudsman ; Olga Theodorikakou et al “‘Neo- homelessness’ and the Greek Crisis” (2013) 7:2 European Homelessness 203 at 205; European Commission, “Homelessness during the crisis” Research Note 8/2011 online: <> at 4, 8, 15. 7 Response to questionnaire from the Danish Institute for Human Rights 8 A/HRC/19/35, para. 30 6 9 I.D.G. v Spain, Communication 2/2014. Arrels Fundacio Barcelona in its response to the Questionnaire estimates that for every 100,000 persons, 71 are homeless in Spain. 10 Corte Suprema de Justicia Nacional, Q.C., S.Y. c/GCBA s/amparo, 24 April 2012. See Ministerio Público de la Defensa de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the City of Buenos Aires”. October 2015, pages 64-67. 7 Barcelona Societat Housing First Housing First Housing First Housing First housing-led rapid re-housing, Pathways Housing First housing first light, 2 Pathways Housing First housing-led Housing-led housing-led Pathways Housing First, Housing First Communal Housing First Housing First Pathways Housing First supportive housing Pathways Housing First Housing First (Pathways) Housing First work Housing First 3 Housing First Housing First Housing First Housing First . Houselink Beyond Shelter Housing First Housing First Housing First Pathways to Housing (PHF) Pathways to Housing 4 Housing First Pathways to Housing (PHF) Housing First 5 Housing First 6 Housing First Intensive Case Management Assertive Community Treatment At Home/Chez Soi 7 Housing First Housing First Housing First Housing First Housing First 8 Housing First Housing First Housing First Rapid Rehousing Housing First Housing First A. Implementation challenges and organization Pathways to Housing Street to Homes 9 Housing First Housing First B. Design and intervention challenges Housing First 10 11 C. Challenges of combining social support and housing policies Housing-led (Housing First housing-led Housing-led Housing First Housing First Zerbitzuan Homelessness and health, Psychiatric Services Proximité et 12 citoyenneté en milieu urbain. Les leçons de la pratique au Québec, aux pays-Bas et en Espagne, Case Management Dimensions of Promising Practice for Case Managed Supports in Ending Homelessness, IX Conferenza ESPAnet Italia European Consensus Conference on Homelessness: Policy Recommendations of the Jury, Housing First in Canada: Supporting communities to end homelessness, American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Adm Policy Ment Health La societé du mépris, Qualitative Social Work Documentación social South European Society and Politics El sistema de garantía de ingresos mínimos en España y la respuesta urgente que requiere la crisis social, Projet Chez Soi-Rapport final du site de Montréal, Cuadernos de Trabajo Social Christian Science Monitor Housing Studies The international handbook on social innovation: collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research, 13 Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale : pourquoi et comment faire évoluer les pratiques? Le logement d'abord, El profesional reflexivo : cómo piensan los profesionales cuando actúan, The journal of primary prevention European Journal of Homelessness Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) American journal of public health American journal of community psychology Housing First: Where is the evidence? 14 Barcelona Societat ETHOS: initial of European Typology on Homelessness and Housing Exclusion that allows for the measurement of different types of inadequate housing. 2 desarrollismo 3 Graphic 1 modus vivendi. 4 Graphic 2 5 6 2 Described for the first time by the Doctor Joseba Atxotegi, Head of the Psychopathology and Psychosocial Attention Service for migrants and refugees at the Sant Pere Claver hospital in 2002. 7 3 It was first published as the third chapter of a more extensive report entitled “Home, housing and health. Action and housing prevention”. Apart from focusing on health, the report assessed the social and economic context, Càritas’ social base in Barcelona and the social action on housing affairs. 8 Graphic 4 9 10 Changes in housing and health of vulnerable people. Monitoring of a group of people attended by Càritas Diocesana Barcelona. Life conditions, housing and health. Results of a group of people attended by Càritas Diocesana Barcelona Not having home means a lot more than being roofless Diagnosis 2015. The homelessness situation in Barcelona. Evolution and intervention policies Barcelona Societat subprime 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Revista CESCO de Derecho de Consumo 6/2013 Emergencia habitacional en el estado español Canvis en l’habitatge i salut en població vulnerable Social Science & Medicine (1982) 54 Nota informativa sobre los procesos de ejecución hipotecaria sobre viviendas Urban Affairs Review (Thousand Oaks California) 51 Gaceta sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S 30 International Journal of Environment and Pollution 30 Nursing Outlook 60 Social Science & Medicine 58 Vidas Hipotecadas Datos sobre el efecto de la crisis en los organos judiciales. Desde 2007 hasta tercer trimestre de 2015 Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 42 Gaceta Sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S In Press 10 Maternal and Child Health Journal European Journal of Public Health 23 American Journal of Public Health 104 Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38 International Journal for Equity in Health 5 Journal of Urban Affairs 37 European Journal of Public Health 22 Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research 38 Journal of Urban Health 91 Housing Studies 15 Gaceta Sanitaria 28 International Journal for Equity in Health 14 Espaço Juridico Journal of Law 14 11 Social Justice 40 Social Science Quarterly 92 Med Care 23 PloS One 10 Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 74 Barcelona Societat Cases de . 1 Professor of the Research and Education Section (UFR)/ Social Work School. University of Barcelona ( 2 Head of Management and Projects Social Services. PROGESS ( 3 Technical Director of Housing Solutions. SORES ( 2 4 At this Station, from 500 to 1,000 passers-by were picked up monthly. 5 According to data from the Station Files, 80% of beggars in public spaces used to beg as a job. The majority came from other regions of Spain (Murcia, Andalucía, Extremadura and others). One of the measures was to deport them to their places of origin. 6 The religious Community Filles de la Caritat has devoted for 35 years to attend the most vulnerable people in the city. In 1980 Sister Genoveva Masip created a convalescence service in the Barceloneta area for men in a situation of severe exclusion, which became the seed of the current institution. 3 7 Academic research refers to the three types of disaffiliation phases: initial (up to 3 years without a stable home); advanced (3 to 5 years without a stable home) and entrenched (more than 5 years without a stable home). 8 This device opened in 1995, offering more places than the First Aid Centre (75 places) to cover the winter months attending homeless people and protecting them from the cold. This device is the seed of the future First Attention Centre. 4 9 Currently SISFA Roma (Social Inclusion Service for Roma families with children) 5 6 7 8 Housing First 9 Housing First10 European Comission 10 Housing First approach is based on the housing-led strategies and was born from a programme launched in the United States by the organization Beyond the Shelter in 1988. 10 11 return problem, Housing First expelling mechanisms geographical roots criteria. 12 geographical unbalance 13 Argumentari sobre el Model Municipal d’intervenció en Persones Sense Sostre Programa Municipal d’atenció a Persones Sense sostre. Programa d’atenció a Persones Vulnerables de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona Programa d’atenció a Persones Vulnerables de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona. Memòria de Xarxa d’atenció a Persones Sense Llar. Revista Debats, 60. European Journal of Homelessness Mujeres sin hogar en España. Informe Nacional para FEANTSA 1999. Revista Barcelona Societat, nº 8 14 Amparo de los pobres. Mujeres sin hogar en Granada. Un estudio etnográfico. Confronting Homelessness in the European Union. On the Way Home Monitoring reporto n Homelessness and Homeless Policies in Europe. Documento marco de la Federación de entidades de apoyo a las personas sin hogar. Revista de Psicología.22 (2 Revista Barcelona Societat, nº 10. The Homeless Revista de Trabajo Social (RTS),num Procesos de inclusión social de las personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Barcelona: Relatos de vida y acompañamiento social. The Economics of Homelessness Diagnosi 2013. Diagnosis 2015. La situación del sensellarisme a Barcelona. Evolució i politiques d’intevenció De la calle al hogar. Housing First como modelo de intervención y su aplicación en Barcelona. Un mundo insospechado en Barcelona. 15 Barcelona Societat Pathways to Housing, 1 Data update after 12 months, according to the original article which will appear in the 10th edition, nº1, of the European Journal of Homelessness of FEANTSA. 2 2 More information at 3 National Statistics Institute. Encuesta sobre centros de atención a personas sin hogar, 2014 (Attention Centres for homeless people Survey) 4 3 Housing First Europe 5 ETHOS is FEANTSA European Typology on Homelessness and Housing exclusion (2005) 6 Research conducted by RAIS Foundation in 2013 revealed that, despite 12% of homeless people in Spain having a recognised disability, at least 23% of homeless people suffered a disability according to users and professionals’ perception (Panadero and Pérez-Lozao, 2014). 4 Housing First Europe– 7 Further information at Amnistía internacional Spain, “Derechos desalojados” (Eviction of rights), Madrid, 2015. 5 Pathways to Housing Pathways HF Fidelity Self-Assessment Scale 6 Pathways HF Fidelity Self-assessment survey. 8 8 The fidelity test preliminary results, made in this transnational context, specifically in the Madrid programme between February and June 2016, confirm the evaluation test results (made from July to August 2015) collected in this article. 7 At home / Chez soi Housing First Europe Housing First Europe General Health Questionnaire Social Experimentation. A methodological guide for policy makers questions from existing surveys which have already been carried out on large populations as opposed to designing new questions National Health Survey 8 9 10 Pathways to Housing 11 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry European Journal of Homelessness, 8 (1) , 13-28. Psychiatric Services National At Home/Chez Soi Final Report. Goldberg General Health Questionnaire Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, Homeless people survey National Health Questionnaire in Spain (2011/12 Homeless people survey Policy shift or programme drift? Implementing Housing First in Australia Social experimentation. A methodological guide for policy makers. European Addiction Research Evaluation and Programme Planning 12 American Journal of Community Psychology The limits of exclusion: Research on economical, psychological, social y and health factors affecting homeless people in Madrid. Psychiatric Services Evaluation of psychosocial programmes for homeless people in Madrid Revista Española de Discapacidad (REDIS) Psicología, Sociedad y Equidad. Revista de Psicología American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Housing First: the Pathways Model to End Homelessness for People with Mental Illness and Addiction Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly New Directions for Mental Health Services American Journal of Public Health American Journal of Community Psychology GENCAT. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy Barcelona Societat cit 2 1 From the perspective of Gypsy studies, Roma population are only one of the five great groups that, along with sinti, kalé, m nuš and romani els, conform the European Romanian population. 3 The new geopolitical order that has re-drawn the map of Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall have been accompanied by the assertion and consolidation throughout the continent, but more clearly in the European Union and its new satellites, of the neoliberal economic doctrine. In countries that have followed this inspiration, an increasing number of people that, for various reasons, have not found any adequate and socially acceptable position in the new order have been pushed to the margins and impoverished: among these, there are millions of Roma people, for whom chronic unemployment and social exclusion have become the norm. (Sigona and Palidda, 2009: 54) travellers gent de voyage campi nomadi campi case popolari campi nomadi, . 4 case popolari case popolari campo nomadi 2 5 Black flight 6 relatively Certainly, the legal situation in Spain for marginalized EU citizens such as Roma has been more favorable than the one encountered in France, where a systematic policy of exclusion has been driven from the center. Thus, in many ways, a comparison of these two contexts serves to illustrate the ways in which EU citizenship is interpreted and can consequently be experienced, in quite different ways in different EU spaces. […] We might suppose that the different legal conditions would make for very different lived experiences for Romanian Roma residing in France and Spain, this is not necessarily the case due to a range of local laws and practices which interact with national and EU law. […] [Considering] the “everyday” lived experiences of Romanian Roma in a local Spanish context, we argue that there may be more subtle mechanisms at play through which migrant Roma are excluded. (cit.: 388) 7 3 Aricó (2016) points at the settlements at peripheral roads in Barcelona during the Porciolist period –allocated at the outskirts or in rural areas of cheap land– as a hidden benefit for the speculative property market, since the settlements of shacks were after eradicated, along with the increasing social and space inequalities which constituted a main trend in all the country. The rate of population of these settlements, the lack of good transports and communication, with scarce or no services, the poor quality of construction and the small capacity of the housing units were the consequence of an absolute lack of interest from the Regime to truly commit with the social and economic problems of that time. 8 ubprime cit. cit cit 9 one-company town . cit. 10 Régulation et crises du capitalisme Revue Project et al Housing and Welfare in Southern Europe Post Fordism: a Reader The Deportation Regime La pacificación de la periferia. Conflictividad social y regeneracion urbana en el barrio de La Mina, Sant Adrià de Besòs (Barcelona) We, the people of Europe? Reflections on transnational citizenship. Accumulation by Dispossession: Transformative Cities in the New Global Order 11 Wasted lives. Modernity and its outcasts International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Théorie de la régulation. Les fondamentaux Antipode L'urbanistica del Disprezzo: Campi Rom e Società Italiana Les métamorphoses de la question sociale. Une chronique du salariat Classes laborieuses et classes dangereuses pendant la première motié du XIX siècle Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Planet of Slums The culture of exception: Sociology facing the camp Housing and social change: East-West perspectives Internados. Ensayos sobre la situación de los enfermos mentales. Oxford Refugee Study Center Working Paper Series New Left Review Le droit a la ville Remaking italian economy Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencas Sociales Chapman Law Review, Purity and exile In The Contested Politics of Citizenship: Borderzones and Irregularity. 12 Revue Project Razzismo democratico. La persecuzione degli stranieri in Europa. International Political Sociology City Comparative Studies in Society and History Hovels to high rise: state housing in Europe since 1850 Political Studies Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Citizenship Studies, Espaços residuais – Análise dos dejetos como elementos culturais Citizenship Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Citizenship Studies Geography Compass International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages Expulsions. Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy Essays. Dominations and the art of resistance. 13 Figli del ghetto. Gli italiani, i campi nomadi e l invenzione degli zingari. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Citizenship Studies, Romani politics in contemporary Europe. Poverty, ethnic mobilization and the neoliberal order Seeking Spatial Justice New Politics, La vita nuda Environment and Planning D Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies We Roma: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art. When Stereotype Meets Prejudice Environment & Planning D Urban Outcasts: A comparative sociology of advanced marginality The Ghetto: Contemporary Global Issues and Controversies Places of their own. African American suburbanization in the twentieth century In Search of the True Gypsy. From Enlightenment to Final Solution The Ghetto 14 Barcelona Societat 1 2 3 2 4 3 5 6 4 7 effects_of_Housing_First_Case_Harrmala_Tampere.pdf 5 6 8 7 9 10 8 9 10 11 Barcelona Societat 1 It’s currently the name of the Section. 2 When the project was designed in 2012, other existing models were considered and the project was adapted to the particularities of our area. Some models are the Best Practices Database from the local governments of the Federation of Municipalities in Catalonia and Pi i Sunyer Foundation, as well as the Centre of Local Studies and International Cooperation. 2 3 4 5 Barcelona Societat peer 2 3 4 5 6 peers