Browsing by Author Collboni, Jaume

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Showing results by Author Collboni, Jaume

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Showing results 41 to 56 of 56 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Comissioner for Urban Innovation : Mr Michael DonaldsonAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Commissioner for Childre, Adolescents, Youth and LGBTI Policies : Mr Javier RodríguezAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Commissioner for Citizen Relations and Cultural and Religious Diversity : Ms Sara BelbeidaAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Commissioner for Housing : Mr Joan Ramon RieraAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Commissioner for International Relations and City Promotion : Mr Pau SolanillaAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Commissioner for Social Action : Ms Sònia FuertesAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Commissioner for the Ciutat Vella Agreement : Mr Ivan PeraAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Councillor for Culture and Creative Industries : Mr Xavier MarcéAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Councillor for Economic Promotion and Employment, Feminism and Democratic Memory : Ms Raquel GilAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Councillor for Health, People with Disabilities and the Strategy against Loneliness : Ms Marta VillanuevaAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Councillor for Sport : Mr David EscudéAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Councillor for the Neighbourhood Plan, Education and Senior Citizens : Mr Lluís RabellAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the First Deputy Major of Urban Planning, Ecological Transition, Urban Services and Housing : Ms Laia BonetAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Fourth Deputy Major of Economy, Tax, Economic Promotion and Tourism : Mr Jordi VallsAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Second Deputy Major of Social Rights, Culture, Education and Life Cycles : Ms Maria Eugènia GayAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume
Oct-2023Mission letter to the Third Deputy Mayor of Safety, Prevention and Coexistence : Mr Albert BatlleAlcaldia; Collboni, Jaume