Plano de los Alrededores de la Ciudad de Barcelona Y Proyecto de Su Reforma Y Ensanche



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Title: Plano de los Alrededores de la Ciudad de Barcelona Y Proyecto de Su Reforma Y Ensanche
Authors: Cerdà, Ildefons
Creation date: 1859
Issue Date: 1859
Keywords: Plans
City planning
Spatial coverage: Barcelona
Extent: 1 fotografia
Description: Original file at: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona (reference: AHCB 029939 ).
Issued date based on created date
Abstract: The project places the center of the new city in a place away from the old one, where they converge: Gran Vía, Diagonal and Meridiana. The Ensanche incorporates the existing city and other nuclei. The reform of the old city is just an extension of three roads of expansion.
Terms of use: Public Domain
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Appears in Collections:Havana - Barcelona

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