Avantprojecte d'Enllaços de la Ciutat de Barcelona. Nº 9. Plano de los Tranvias Y Ferrocarriles



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Title: Avantprojecte d'Enllaços de la Ciutat de Barcelona. Nº 9. Plano de los Tranvias Y Ferrocarriles
Authors: Jaussely, Léon
Creation date: 1903
Issue Date: 1903
Keywords: Plans
Urban transportation
Spatial coverage: Barcelona
Extent: 1 fotografia
Description: Original file at: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona (reference: AHCB 17653).
Issued date based on created date
Abstract: Map of the transport network. Mark two levels of roads. The routes of general interest and those linked to the building. Draw the projected routes highlighting a general communications system. Jaussely devised an underground railway, the stations of which appear in railroad plots forming a ring.
Terms of use: CC-BY-NC-ND
More information about use rights: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.en
Appears in Collections:Havana - Barcelona

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