Exposicion Universal de Barcelona: Plano General Y Vistas de las Principales Construcciones.



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Title: Exposicion Universal de Barcelona: Plano General Y Vistas de las Principales Construcciones.
Authors: Autor desconegut
Creation date: 1888
Issue Date: 1888
Keywords: Exposición Universal de Barcelona (1888)
Spatial coverage: Barcelona. District 1. Ciutat Vella
Ciutadella, Park (Barcelona)
Extent: 1 fotografia
Description: Unknown author
Original file at: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona (reference: AHCB 25025).
Issued date based on created date
Abstract: Plane of the precinct of the Universal Exhibition of 1888. Around, pavilions of the sample: Palace of the Industry, Café-restaurant, Gallery of machines, Viaduct on the train tracks, Palau de Ciencias, Hotel Internacional, Gallery of Maritime Installations, Palau of Agriculture, Greenhouse, Palace of Fine Arts. In the lower part, explanation of the general plan of the exhibition and of the different buildings.
Terms of use: Public Domain
More information about use rights: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.en
Appears in Collections:Havana - Barcelona

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