Espai per a la futura plaça Salvador Allende



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Title: Espai per a la futura plaça Salvador Allende
Authors: Cunill, Julio
Unitat Operativa de Projectes Urbans
Àrea d'Urbanisme
Creation date: 1982
Issue Date: 2020
Keywords: Regional planning
Urban renewal
Farrando Sicilia, Jordi
Martí Badenes, Marcel
Spatial coverage: Barcelona. District 7. Horta-Guinardó
Carmel (Barcelona : Neighborhood)
Fastenrath, Street (Barcelona)
Salvador Allende, Square (Barcelona)
Extent: 1 fotografia
Terms of use: CC-BY-ND
More information about use rights:
Location: NPUD07SA2267_09
Appears in Collections:Urban plans and projects (Photographs)

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