Frequently asked questions about the validity and extension of residence and stay permits in Spain affected by the COVID-19...



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Título : Frequently asked questions about the validity and extension of residence and stay permits in Spain affected by the COVID-19 State of Alarm period*
Otros títulos: Frequent questions about applications for International Protection during the State of Emergency period for COVID-19.
Frequent questions about Foreigner’s Office procedures during the period of State of Emergency for COVID-19 in relation to The Third Additional decree related to cancelling of administrative.
Frequent questions about requests for reports from Foreigner’s Office of Generalitat of Catalonia during the period of the State of Emergency for COVID-19.
Autor: Servei d’Orientació i Acompanyament per a Persones Immigrades (SOAPI)
Direcció de Serveis d’Immigració i Refugi
Gerència d'Àrea de Drets Socials, Justícia Global, Feminismes i LGTBI
Àrea de Drets Socials, Justícia Global, Feminismes i LGTBI
Fecha de aprobación/creación: jun-2020
Fecha de publicación : jun-2020
Materia : Emigrantes
Derechos civiles y políticos
Cobertura geográfica: Barcelona
Publicado por : Ajuntament de Barcelona
Extensión: 19 p.
Resumen : Documento elaborado en el contexto de confinamiento ante la emergencia provocada por la COVID-19.
Condiciones de uso: CC-BY
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Documento relacionado: Versió en català
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Aparece en las colecciones: Monografías municipales

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