Statistics: Paleontologia / Material gràfic

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More visited documents (total)

A new siderolitid from the late Maastrichian of Italy 59
The micropalaeontological collections of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB): a tool for learning from the past [pòster] 55
The larger foraminifera of the K-Pg transition in Jabal Ja’alan (Oman Mountains) 49
Cenomanian to Coniacian rudist bivalves of Southcentral Pyrenees [pòster] 48
Dating paleontological collections that contain poorly documented specimens 46
Rudists from the Moulin de la Roque section and other Santonian outcrops of the La Cadière-d’Azur Formation (Le Beausset basin, SE France) housed in the MCNB palaeontological collections [pòster] 43

More visited documents this year

Dating paleontological collections that contain poorly documented specimens 32
Cenomanian to Coniacian rudist bivalves of Southcentral Pyrenees [pòster] 15
A new siderolitid from the late Maastrichian of Italy 14
The micropalaeontological collections of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB): a tool for learning from the past [pòster] 13
Rudists from the Moulin de la Roque section and other Santonian outcrops of the La Cadière-d’Azur Formation (Le Beausset basin, SE France) housed in the MCNB palaeontological collections [pòster] 11
The larger foraminifera of the K-Pg transition in Jabal Ja’alan (Oman Mountains) 10

Top Country Views

United States 89
Spain 39
France 33
Germany 12
Sweden 9
Japan 7
China 6
Slovenia 6
Ireland 5
Netherlands 4
Romania 4
Finland 3
India 2
Iran 1
Poland 1
Russia 1
Turkey 1