Statistics: Petrologia / Articles

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La “Enciclopedia Pulga” (1953-1958): su contribución al conocimiento de las Ciencias Naturales 111
Machine learning algorithms applied to Raman spectra for the identification of variscite originating from the mining complex of Gavà 84
Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits as a possible source for critical elements: the Eureka mine case, Castell-Estaó, Catalonia 71
Critical elements in supergene phosphates: the example of the weathering profile at the Gavà Neolithic Mines, Catalonia, Spain 67
Colours of gemmy phosphates from the Gavà neolithic mines (Catalonia, Spain): origin and archaeological significance 48
Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits as a possible source for critical elements: the Eureka Mine case, Castell-Estaó, Catalonia 33
La catalogación de una colección petrológica moderna: el caso del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona 10

More visited documents this year

Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits as a possible source for critical elements: the Eureka mine case, Castell-Estaó, Catalonia 8
Colours of gemmy phosphates from the Gavà neolithic mines (Catalonia, Spain): origin and archaeological significance 7
Machine learning algorithms applied to Raman spectra for the identification of variscite originating from the mining complex of Gavà 6
La “Enciclopedia Pulga” (1953-1958): su contribución al conocimiento de las Ciencias Naturales 5
La catalogación de una colección petrológica moderna: el caso del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona 4
Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits as a possible source for critical elements: the Eureka Mine case, Castell-Estaó, Catalonia 4
Critical elements in supergene phosphates: the example of the weathering profile at the Gavà Neolithic Mines, Catalonia, Spain 4

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