Noves aportacions al conèixement de la fauna coleopterològica de la península Ibèrica i illes Balears. Nota 2a (Coleoptera)



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Title: Noves aportacions al conèixement de la fauna coleopterològica de la península Ibèrica i illes Balears. Nota 2a (Coleoptera)
Authors: Viñolas, Amador
Muñoz-Batet, Josep
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 28-Dec-2017
Keywords: Beetles
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Spatial coverage: Península Ibèrica
Illes Balears
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Citation: Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, (2017), Núm. 81, p. 177-184.
Publisher: Institució Catalana d’Història Natural
Extent: 8 p.
Abstract: With the study of the material collected in several campaigns carried out in the Catalan and Balearic areas, a number of interesting species have been found, some of which are alien species, because they were scarcely recorded or it was necessary to confirm their presence in the peninsular area. The distribution area of six species belonging to Ptinidae, Nitidulidae, Laemoploeidae and Cerambycidae families is extended and their biology is commented. A morphological and distributional review of the Tenebrionidae beetle Dendarus schusteri Español, 1937 is carried out, with the designation of its lectotype. Graphical representation of the habitus of six species is given and aedeagus of Ptinidae and Tenebrionidae representatives are also figured. Coleoptera, news records, Dendarus schusteri lectotype designation, Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.
Terms of use: CC-BY-NC-ND
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