Los Ernobiinae de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. 1a nota. El género Episernus C. G. Thomson, 1863 (Coleoptera:...



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Title: Los Ernobiinae de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. 1a nota. El género Episernus C. G. Thomson, 1863 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae)
Authors: Viñolas, Amador
Recalde Irurzun, José Ignacio
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2018
Keywords: Spider beetles
Spatial coverage: Península Ibèrica
Illes Balears
Access to document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/360765
Citation: Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, 82 (2018), p. 97-107
Extent: 11 p.
Abstract: Whit the study of the genus Episernus C. G. Thomson, 1863 we begin the review of the species present in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands of the subfamily Ernobiinae Pic, 1912. In the Iberian Peninsula There are four species of Episernus recorded in the Iberian Peninsula, but one of them is based on dubious records. A relation of the consulted material and a redesription of the four species is given. A relation of the consulted material and a redesription of the four species is given and complemented with the habitus of all species, drawings of the antennae, maxillary and labial palps and aedeagus with detail of its pieces. Distribution and biology of species are also commented. Finally, to place genus Episernus within the subfamily Ernobiinae, a key to tribes of the subfamily and a key to genus of the tribe Ernobiini Pic, 1912 of the studied area is given. Key words: Coleoptera, Ptinidae, Ernobiinae, Ernobiini, Episernus, review, Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.
Terms of use: CC-BY-NC-ND
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