Noves aportacions al conèixement de la fauna coleopterològica de la península Ibèrica (Coleoptera)



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Title: Noves aportacions al conèixement de la fauna coleopterològica de la península Ibèrica (Coleoptera)
Authors: Viñolas, Amador
Trócoli Gracia, Sergi
Muñoz-Batet, Josep
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 30-Sep-2017
Keywords: Beetles
Round fungus beetles
Spatial coverage: Península Ibèrica
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Citation: Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, 81 (2017), p. 75-78
Extent: 4 p.
Abstract: With the study of the material collected in several campaigns carried out in the Catalan area, a number of interesting species have been located due the scarce number of citations and it is necessary to confirm their presence or because they have not been yet located in the peninsular area. The Iberian distribution area of five species of Leiodidae and Corylophidae is enlarged, and the Nitidulidae Cybocephalinae, Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrödy-Younga, 1971, are mentioned for the first time to the Iberian peninsula. The graphic representation of the habitus of C. nipponicus and Liocyrtusa vittata (Curtis, 1840) is also given. Key words: Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Nitidulidae, Corylophidae, news records, Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula.
Terms of use: CC-BY-NC-ND
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