Una nueva especie del género Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 de Baza, Granada (Península Ibérica) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae)



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Title: Una nueva especie del género Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 de Baza, Granada (Península Ibérica) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae)
Authors: Viñolas, Amador
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 15-Sep-2017
Keywords: Beetles
Spider beetles
Spatial coverage: Granada (Andalusia : Província)
Península Ibèrica
Access to document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/360788
Citation: Arquivos Entomolóxicos, 18, p. 51-56
Extent: 6 p.
Abstract: The Xyletininae Lasioderma cervelloi sp. n. (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), from Baza, Granada (Iberian Peninsula), is described. The specimen was collected in a study conducted with light traps on the biodiversity of Lepidoptera of the “Barranco del Espartal”. The description is complemented with the graphical representation of the habitus and morphological features of the new species and of the close L. haemorrhoidale (Illiger, 1807), as well as a map of its geographic location. It is also recorded the finding of the Dorcatominae Stagetus maciai Viñolas, 2011 in the same locality, so far known only from the area of the "Los Monegros" (Huesca and Zaragoza). Key words: Coleoptera, Ptinidae, Xyletininae, Lasioderma cervelloi n. sp., Baza, Granada, Iberian Peninsula.
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