Assessing the impact of post-fire forest management using beetles and ants as bioindicators



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Title: Assessing the impact of post-fire forest management using beetles and ants as bioindicators
Authors: Bas, Josep M.
Tobella, Carles
Viñolas, Amador
Lucha, Esther
Miarons, Carla
Pons, Pere
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 2017
Keywords: Escarabeids
Indicadors biològics
Ecologia del foc
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Citation: Bas, Josep M. ; Tobella, Carles ; Viñolas, Amador ; Lucha, Esther ; Miarons, Carla ; Pons, Pere. "Assessing the impact of post-fire forest management using beetles and ants as bioindicators [poster]". 2017
Extent: 1 pòster
Appears in Collections:Artròpodes / Material gràfic

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