La transversalité dans les musées d'histoire naturelle: de la collecte des spécimens aux expositions



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Title: La transversalité dans les musées d'histoire naturelle: de la collecte des spécimens aux expositions
Authors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Uribe, Francesc
Garcia-Franquesa, Eulàlia
Piqué i Vilar, Josep
Omedes, Anna
Issue Date: 1999
Keywords: Museus
Museus de ciències naturals
Conservació d'espècimens zoològics
Organització d'exposicions
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Citation: Cahiers d'Etude ICOM 7: 24-25
Extent: 2 p.
Abstract: The activity of natural history museums is based on the principle of nature sharing. Although no single museum has exclusive rights over a particular fraction of nature, specialised museums and reference centres do exist. When several museums have specimens in common for purposes of collecction, study or dissemination of information, it seems logical to envisage possibilities of collabortion, particularly in these museums are close to one other. The authors give several examples of specimen collection and museographical activities, relying on criteria of transversal cooperation between museums. They also put forward the theory of the notion of transversality being applied to the internal management of museums, with NatHist making a valuable contributon in the propagation and implementation of these methods.
Appears in Collections:Direcció, Comunicació i Educació / Articles

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