Una museografía para la didáctica: la exposición "Planeta Vida"



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Title: Una museografía para la didáctica: la exposición "Planeta Vida"
Authors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Ferragut, Elvira
Galimany, Ester
Párraga, Mercedes
Feria, Alba
Issue Date: 2015
Keywords: Organització d'exposicions
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Access to document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/377721
Citation: Revista de museología, nº. 64 (2015), p. 82-97
Extent: 16 p.
Abstract: The flagship exhibition of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales of Barcelona, called « Planeta Vida», offers a modern take on natural sciences. I t presents a holistic vision and showsits intention to undergo constant transformations. Historical collections are displayedusing the most advanced museum resources. T he exhibition wants to attract a whole range of different audiences, and its visitors can enjoy the display, acquire new competences, deepen their knowledge and learn about values such as the defense of our heritage or the protection of the environment.
Appears in Collections:Direcció, Comunicació i Educació / Articles

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