Typification of names of plants described by Carlos Pau from Morocco (1908–1922)



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Title: Typification of names of plants described by Carlos Pau from Morocco (1908–1922)
Authors: Nualart, Neus
Ibáñez Cortina, Neus
Susanna de la Serna, Alfonso
Soriano, Ignasi
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2018
Keywords: Pau Espanyol, Carles
Plants nomenclature
Spatial coverage: Marroc
Àfrica del Nord
Access to document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/367429
Citation: Taxon 67(3): 614-620 (2018)
Extent: 17 p.
Abstract: The vascular plant names proposed by Carlos Pau from Morocco between 1908 and 1922 were studied and, when necessary and possible, typified. Nine lectotypes for Pau names plus one for a synonym have been designated; most of them preserved in MA and BC herbaria (isolectotypes at BCN, G, LD, and P). Carlos Pau; Morocco flora; N-Africa; nomenclature.
Appears in Collections:Institut Botànic de Barcelona / Articles

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