Quality issues in georeferencing: from physical collections to digital data repositories for ecological research



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dc.contributor.authorMarcer, Arnaldca
dc.contributor.authorHaston, Elspethca
dc.contributor.authorGroom, Quentinca
dc.contributor.authorAriño, Arturo H.ca
dc.contributor.authorChapman, Arthur D.ca
dc.contributor.authorBakken, Torklidca
dc.contributor.authorBraun, Paulca
dc.contributor.authorDillen, Mathiasca
dc.contributor.authorErnst, Markusca
dc.contributor.authorEscobar, Agustíca
dc.contributor.authorFichtmüller, Davidca
dc.contributor.authorLivermore, Laurca
dc.contributor.otherConsorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelonaca
dc.description.abstractNatural history collections constitute an enormous wealth of information of Life on Earth. It is estimated that over 2 billion specimens are preserved at institutions worldwide, of which less than 10% are accessible via biodiversity data aggregators such as GBIF. Moreover, they are a very important resource for eco‐evolutionary research, which greatly depends on knowing the precise location where the specimens were collected in order to characterize the environment in which they lived. Yet, only about 55% of the accessible records are georeferenced and only 31% have coordinate uncertainty information, which is critical for conducting rigorous studies. The awareness of this gap of knowledge which hinders the enormous potential of such data in research led to the organization of a workshop which brought together key players in georeferencing of natural history collections. The discussion and outcomes of this workshop are here presented.ca
dc.format.extent4 p.ca
dc.publisherWiley Online Libraryca
dc.subjectDades geoespacialsca
dc.subjectGestió de la col·lecció (Museus)ca
dc.subjectMuseus de ciències naturalsca
dc.subjectDades de recercaca
dc.subjectCol·leccions de ciències naturalsca
dc.subjectResearch dataen
dc.subjectDatos de investigaciónes
dc.titleQuality issues in georeferencing: from physical collections to digital data repositories for ecological researchca
dc.provenanceRecercat (Dipòsit de la Recerca de Catalunya)ca
dc.subject.categoryCiència i tecnologiaca
dc.rights.notes© 2020 The Authors. Diversity and Distributions published by John Wileyca
Appears in Collections:Invertebrats no-Artròpodes / Articles

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