Nothoscordum Kunth (Amaryllidaceae, formerly Liliaceae or Alliaceae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula a confusing denizen of parks...



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Title: Nothoscordum Kunth (Amaryllidaceae, formerly Liliaceae or Alliaceae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula a confusing denizen of parks and gardens
Authors: Pyke, Samuel
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 2019
Keywords: Amaril·lidàcies
Invasive plants
Males herbes
Alien plants
Spatial coverage: Catalunya
Península Ibèrica
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Citation: Bouteloua, Nº. 28, 2019, p. 12-18
Extent: 7 p.
Abstract: Two morphologically distinct plants of the genus Nothoscordum are examined, following long-term observation of populations in Catalonia and neighbouring Spanish territories. Morphological characters are contrasted, and the relevant literature consulted. The author’s conclusions support the recognition of two distinct species, postulated as N. × borbonicum and N. nudicaule. Key words: alien, Catalonia, false garlic, hybrid, Iberian Peninsula, invasive, Nothoscordum gr. gracile, nudicaule, × borbonicum, weed.
Appears in Collections:Jardí Botànic / Articles

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