Conyza (Asteraceae): una valoración crítica basada en las poblaciones de Cataluña, España



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Title: Conyza (Asteraceae): una valoración crítica basada en las poblaciones de Cataluña, España
Authors: Pyke, Samuel
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2020
Keywords: Compositae
Spatial coverage: Catalunya
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Citation: Collectanea Botanica 39: e005 enero-diciembre 2020
Publisher: CSIC
Extent: 22 p.
Abstract: Conyza (AsterAceAe): A criticAl evAluAtion bAsed on populAtions in cAtAloniA, spAin.— The genus Conyza is examined with a view to providing a fresh look at its diversity and classification in NE Spanish territory, Catalonia in particular. Each taxon is briefly described and commented on, and a new key including both past and extant species has been elaborated. Two infraspecific taxa: C. canadensis var. glabrata and C. bonariensis var. angustifolia, formerly largely ignored, have been recognised, and the identity and status of other taxa occasionally recorded from the region is also discussed. Key words: Catalonia; Compositae; Conyza; Erigeron; Iberian Peninsula; keys; synonyms; taxonomy.
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Terms of use details: © CSIC
Appears in Collections:Jardí Botànic / Articles

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