La interoperativitat de les eines de descripció de museus, arxius i biblioteques.



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Title: La interoperativitat de les eines de descripció de museus, arxius i biblioteques.
Authors: Uribe, Francesc
Garcia-Franquesa, Eulàlia
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 2005
Keywords: Museus
Interoperabilitat en xarxes d'ordinadors
Museums automation
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Citation: Lligall, núm. 24 (2005), p. 223-240
Extent: 18 p.
Abstract: The patrimony of museums (collections, archives, libraries) and scientific activity (research projects, publication of magazines and monographs) constitute a platform of diverse and mutually complementary documentary sources. Terminological coherence and the consolidation of documentary standards facilitate the exchange of consultations between the various sources of information. Interoperativity can be optimised in two spheres: 1) internal, in the museum itself, if the centre’s various documentary sources share search instruments; 2) external integration of databases from different centres. The solutions provided by archive and library science have also proven to be useful for museology.
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