The children have their say: the children's agenda for improving their well-being [infografia]



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The children have their say: the children's agenda for improving their well-being

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Title: The children have their say: the children's agenda for improving their well-being [infografia]
Other Titles: Agenda dels Infants
Authors: Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona
Gerència de Drets Socials
Àrea de Drets Socials
Creation date: Oct-2018
Issue Date: Oct-2018
Keywords: Children
Human comfort
Public opinion
Programme: Programa Parlen els nens i nenes : el benestar subjectiu de la infància a Barcelona 2016-
Spatial coverage: Barcelona
Extent: 1 infografia
Terms of use: CC-BY-NC-SA
More information about use rights:
Relation: Versió en català
Versió en castellà
Appears in Collections:Computer graphics

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