Noves aportacions sobre els endemismes balears Aplocera vivesi Expósito, 1998 i Coscinia mariarosae Expósito, 1991...



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Title: Noves aportacions sobre els endemismes balears Aplocera vivesi Expósito, 1998 i Coscinia mariarosae Expósito, 1991 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae i Erebidae)
Authors: Planes, Josep
Macià, Ramon
Ylla, Josep
Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 31-Dec-2021
Keywords: Lepidòpters
Spatial coverage: Mallorca (Illes Balears)
Illes Balears
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Publisher: Societat Catalana de Lepidoterologia
Extent: 11 p.
Abstract: New and unpublished data that expand the knowledge on the biology of Balearic endemisms Aplocera vivesi Expósito, 1998 and Coscinia mariarosae Expósito, 1991, are presented. New information is given about phenology, chorology, abundance and trophic substrate for both species
Appears in Collections:Artròpodes / Articles

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