The showcase of salt rocks from Cardona in the Barcelona Natural Sciences Museum: conservation and adaptation for passive...



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Title: The showcase of salt rocks from Cardona in the Barcelona Natural Sciences Museum: conservation and adaptation for passive climate control
La vitrina de rocas salinas de Cardona del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona: conservación y adaptación para el control climático pasivo
A vitrina de rochas salinas de Cardona no Museu de Ciências Naturais de Barcelona: conservação e adaptação para controlo climático passivo
Authors: Pérez-Azcárate, Marta
Garcia-Franquesa, Eulàlia
Fernández-Lluch, David
Duque-Valero, Susana
Aromí Folch, Joan Ramon
Casalod, Assumpció
Rodríguez-Ferrer, Andrea
Campeny, Marc
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 3-Nov-2023
Keywords: Evaporites
Sedimentary rocks
Museu de Natural history de Barcelona
Conservació i restauració
Mètodes de conservació en museus
Col·leccions de Natural history
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Extent: 12 p.
Abstract: The results of the conservation work carried out on an exhibition set-up dating from the early twentieth century are presented. The exhibition set-up consists of a wooden showcase containing about twenty evaporite rocks from the collection of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (Spain). The work involved the remedial conservation of the rock specimens and showcase, and the improvement of the original environmental control system using sustainability criteria. An interdisciplinary team worked on the different phases of the project, which included prior historical and environmental studies. The remedial conservation of all elements in the collection has improved its accessibility and the monitoring of the environmental conditions of the new installation has confirmed the efficiency of the proposed passive environmental control system.
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Appears in Collections:Conservació Preventiva i Restauració / Articles

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