Hidden in the sand: phylogenomics unravel an unexpected evolutionary history for the desert-adapted vipers of the genus...



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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11703/134661
Title: Hidden in the sand: phylogenomics unravel an unexpected evolutionary history for the desert-adapted vipers of the genus Cerastes
Authors: Mochales-Riaño, Gabriel
Burriel-Carranza, Bernat
Martínez- Freiría, Fernando
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 29-Nov-2023
Keywords: Snakes
Evolution (Biology)
Access to document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/537126
Extent: 13 p.
Abstract: The desert vipers of the genus Cerastes are a small clade of medically important venomous snakes within the family Viperidae. According to published morphological and molecular studies, the group is comprised by four species: two morphologically similar and phylogenetically sister taxa, the African horned viper (Cerastes cerastes) and the Arabian horned viper (Cerastes gasperettii); a more distantly related species, the Saharan sand viper (Cerastes vipera), and the enigmatic B¨ohme’s sand viper (Cerastes boehmei), only known from a single specimen in captivity allegedly captured in Central Tunisia. In this study, we sequenced one mitochondrial marker (COI) as well as genome-wide data (ddRAD sequencing) from 28 and 41 samples, respectively, covering the entire distribution range of the genus to explore the population genomics, phylogenomic relationships and introgression patterns within the genus Cerastes. Additionally, and to provide insights into the mode of diversification of the group, we carried out niche overlap analyses considering climatic and habitat variables. Both nuclear phylogenomic reconstructions and population structure analyses have unveiled an unexpected evolutionary history for the genus Cerastes, which sharply contradicts the morphological similarities and previously published mitochondrial approaches. Cerastes cerastes and C. vipera are recovered as sister taxa whilst C. gasperettii is a sister taxon to the clade formed by these two species. We found a relatively high niche overlap (OI > 0.7) in both climatic and habitat variables between C. cerastes and C. vipera, contradicting a potential scenario of sympatric speciation. These results are in line with the introgression found between the northwestern African populations of C. cerastes and C. vipera. Finally, our genomic data confirms the existence of a lineage of C. cerastes in Arabia. All these results highlight the importance of genome-wide data over few genetic markers to study the evolutionary history of species.
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Appears in Collections:Ecologia Evolutiva i de la Conducta / Articles

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