Com trobar elements rars de la taula periòdica a Catalunya?



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Title: Com trobar elements rars de la taula periòdica a Catalunya?
How to find rare elements from the periodic table in Catalonia?
Authors: Melgarejo, Joan Carles
Campeny, Marc
Pujol-Solà, Núria
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 2020
Keywords: Periodic law
Terres rares
Spatial coverage: Catalunya
Península Ibèrica
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Extent: 21 p.
Abstract: There are many mechanisms for the concentration of chemical elements from their geochemical dispersion to the formation of mineral deposits of economic value. The diversity of geological processes that were active during the geological history of Catalonia led to the creation of a wide range of mineral resources, many of which have been exploited for centuries. This paper discusses the possibility that some rare element resources that have never been thoroughly investigated could be found in Catalonia, and concludes that potential resources of these elements have been formed by magmatic, hydrothermal, and supergene fractionation processes.
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Appears in Collections:Mineralogia / Articles

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