Lepthyphantes younnesi sp. nov. y Lepthyphantes noeli sp. nov. (Araneae, Linyphiidae), dos especies nuevas de Marruecos



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Title: Lepthyphantes younnesi sp. nov. y Lepthyphantes noeli sp. nov. (Araneae, Linyphiidae), dos especies nuevas de Marruecos
Lepthyphantes younnesi sp. nov. and Lepthyphantes noeli sp. nov. (Araneae, Linyphiidae), two new species from Morocco.
Authors: Barrientos, José-A.
Brañas, Neus
Mederos López, Jorge
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2024
Keywords: Spiders
Cave animals
Spatial coverage: Marroc
Àfrica del Nord
Access to document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/537737
Extent: 9 p.
Abstract: Gluphisia rurea (Fabricius, 1787) occurs in the Iberian Peninsula in two discrete nuclei: one in the Basque–Cantabrian zone and the other centred on Catalonia. While the western population shows a preference for the colline zone, below 200 m in alti- tude, the eastern one exhibits a clear preference for the montane zone, at elevations ranging from 800 to 1,400 m. With respect to the phenology of G. rurea in the Iberian Peninsula, the data collected in this article confirm that it is a bivoltine species, with a first generation from mid-April to early July, and a second from early July to the middle of September.
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