Natural materials: an inclusive scientific view: an educational approach from the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona



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Title: Natural materials: an inclusive scientific view: an educational approach from the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Authors: Batlles Fossas, Albert
Boix Garcia-Cairó, Greta
Olmeda, Montse
Ballester Rovira, Montserrat
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: Apr-2024
Keywords: Museu de Natural history de Barcelona
Museus en l'ensenyament
Spatial coverage: Catalunya
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Extent: 20 p.
Abstract: Exploring natural materials offers countless opportunities for inclusive science. At the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (Natural Science Museum of Barcelona), we know that looking closely at real materials creates a very valuable context for promoting an understanding of the world and nature, and, therefore, learning sciences. However, getting natural materials to stimulate scientific learning invariably means mobilising teaching strategies that reach all children. These approaches need to spark pertinent questions, generate interest in developing and checking hypotheses, encourage comparing and searching for explanations. They should also enrich relationships between children and the materials and also between peers. Based on exploring natural materials of animal, plant and geological origin, we raise concerns and questions, stimulate hypotheses, look for evidence and compare ideas about aspects that captivate our interest.
Terms of use details: © The author(s) 2024
Appears in Collections:Direcció, Comunicació i Educació / Capítols

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