Latest Campanian and Maastrichtian Siderolitidae (larger benthic foraminifera) from the Pyrenees (S France and NE Spain)



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Title: Latest Campanian and Maastrichtian Siderolitidae (larger benthic foraminifera) from the Pyrenees (S France and NE Spain)
Authors: Robles-Salcedo, Raquel
Vicedo, Vicent
Caus, E.
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2017
Keywords: Fossil foraminifera
Paleontologia, Stratigraphic
Spatial coverage: Pirineus
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Extent: 22 p.
Abstract: The siderolitids from the uppermost Campanian and Maastrichtian deposits of the Pyrenees have been re-studied. This has revealed a high diversity and rapid replacement of taxa, confirming the group as a good tool for high resolution biostratigraphy. Two genera have been found in the uppermost Campanian–Maastrichtian interval in the Pyrenean deposits: Siderolites Lamarck, and Wannierina Robles-Salcedo. Siderolites, with canaliferous spines or denticulate periphery, is represented by four species replacing each other from the latest Campanian to Maastrichtian: Siderolites praecalcitrapoides (latest Campanian), S. pyrenaicus sp. nov. (early Maastrichtian), Siderolites calcitrapoides (late Maastrichtian) and Siderolites denticulatus (late Maastrichtian). Wannierina is characterised by well-developed keels and ramified marginal canals. Two species of Wannierina have been identified and they succeeded one another from latest Campanian to early Maastrichtian: Wannierina vilavellensis sp. nov. (latest Campanian) and Wannierina cataluniensis (early Maastrichtian). The species of the genus Siderolites inhabited shallow waters of tropical to subtropical platforms with moderate-to-high water-energy conditions and those of the genus Wannierina are typical of deep–water low-energy environments but still in the eutrophic zone.
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Appears in Collections:Paleontologia / Articles

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