Contribució al coneixement dels coleòpters de les Planes de Son i la mata de València



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Title: Contribució al coneixement dels coleòpters de les Planes de Son i la mata de València
Authors: Agulló, Jordi
Masó, Glòria
Muñoz-Batet, Josep
Prieto-Manzanares, Miguel
Vives, Eduard
Contributors: Consorci del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Issue Date: 2010
Keywords: Beetles
Spatial coverage: Catalunya
Península Ibèrica
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Extent: 49 p.
Abstract: As a result of the surveys carried out over the course of 2007 and from other various contributions, in particular the collaboration of other participating groups, it has been possible to identify 451 species belonging to 48 beetle families from Les Planes de Son and the Mata de València (Pallars Sobirà). The study has enabled the classification of the area’s fauna, which is dominated by a paleartic component, in addition to a significant number of European elements; other minor categories make up the chorological spectrum. The composition of the specimens of the Cryobius infimus (Chaudoir) and Trechus latebricola Kiesenwetter species justifies the consideration of two new subspecies. Another four species, Calitys scabra (Thunberg), Hylis cariniceps Reitter, Plateumaris consimilis (Schrank) and Tetrops starkii Chevrolat, have been discovered for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula, and the presence of Coccinella magnifica Redtenbacheri has been confirmed. Other interesting findings include some new features to the Catalonian fauna; a total of 38 species natural to Iberia and the Pyrenees. The apparent richness of each of the areas into which the territory was divided has been evaluated, the distribution trends of the species analysed and faunal observations made in respect of the most significant species. The study concludes by putting forward proposals for the management of the territory with the aim of preserving the diversity of the beetle fauna.
Appears in Collections:Artròpodes / Articles

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