Estudi comparatiu : models de provisió de cures a les persones i de suport a la llar



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Title: Estudi comparatiu : models de provisió de cures a les persones i de suport a la llar
Authors: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques
Gallego, Raquel
Creation date: May-2019
Issue Date: May-2019
Keywords: Care of the sick
Work-life balance
Feminist economics
Spatial coverage: Barcelona
Extent: 119 p.
Description: Forma part de la col·lecció: Col·lecció Estudis Temps i Cures
Abstract: The report carries out an analysis of different intervention models in the economy of cures and the home with the aim of generating new intervention models and approaches that promote the universality, dignity and sustainability of these services. Six cases are analysed that represent different legal and corporate forms, as well as a great diversity in their trajectory and in the territorial environment in which they are located.
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Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous reports and studies

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