Plano General de la Exposición Universal de Barcelona 1888 Y Edificios Principales de la Misma.



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Title: Plano General de la Exposición Universal de Barcelona 1888 Y Edificios Principales de la Misma.
Authors: Autor desconegut
Creation date: 1888
Issue Date: 1888
Keywords: Exposición Universal de Barcelona (1888)
Spatial coverage: Barcelona. District 1. Ciutat Vella
Ciutadella, Park (Barcelona)
Extent: 1 fotografia
Description: Unknown author
Original file at: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona (reference: AHCB 25022).
Issued date based on created date
Abstract: Plan of the 1888 Universal Exhibition and elevations of the different palaces of the exhibition: Palace of Industry, Arc de Triomphe, Greenhouse, Bridge, Café-Restaurant, Palau de la Agricultura, Palace of Sciences, Palace of Fine Arts , Naval Construction, Machine Gallery.
Terms of use: Public Domain
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Appears in Collections:Havana - Barcelona

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